r. . . .. ' - . vvv .xr. - ii--?; ?CJ2i? w--5jr , --.v : --- - -----T PUBLISHED, WEEKLY BY ALL.MAND HALL. I THUR5DA Y jA.NUA-RY.fi, . . . ....... .- ..... - ( ; . Vol. VII. No. fVrel $ , ' td 4t WrfJV. ft. f t u t i ". it I.- few wart V If ttmM r-kri V4 y V fid powrri for lh fulnl- contridiflinni hav clifTtnatri aU preiud cej in hi Mtrm i ike imH'ic ktett i urirlv cvpired. &k Vtadrmairr, 8ih Oil. , . iH)' LaFORET.. T VlnwUf U ctoid of (He nUimiti pi in (r hf mw wo4iftratHi mm the plia ol t'tc indem l.iit atMuVc, lor Tufnavjod ilk dfpeorfrh twt, ckn-toprtc el Unturt, the bilhprlct t i4 fttiir, the Fravullfv nf D-Mcttolfj- , M tat pl tf (he kinr'ie ot PalTiU which it fi Uvor, nd ftiewn how dreadful ire our evtii-'T-jtmn. ofihefutore, Evei v one it unJe cirfd : euervwifh fi or the lefilimaie fathori y lor that fmi!y which 111 in c courte ot cijut ccolunca tut not produced 1 tyrant. . ., '.. Tlui change of opinion heei long "marked by pfifona accullomed to obierve, and fometi nfi to exciiti'. It hti been patticutarly attendod to fv M. ' Seyeii, lt fermt ileflrout of raufinj; torn hil insii. .it v -n-)t to eonlpire aiinlt the givernmen.-! but -to I avoid brine enveloped in the fate that attends it. In r ttMtt4 Wm4tii IU ami - a Inn. on the Audiiao 1 to1 fh'te three montht ati, Scvei hit become j rnS in- (stio( Iik-er. of InflaJt aad I t. t 'B're "H,01" "d mcdintive j he haa been oKervcd to i t, w t.atmi l j-o la hmri. (eom neticii.t '. ,,"llr tnt,le of eollea-ui-a wham he aup'fei to linl tl alio h iiu inucuca inn jiirii.cuiariy a;r- ; i "wn r 1 iiw kUBtrini iii-iB.ai au,uui -- .m4 . , ...1. 11 k.. ! charged teneiali. . . rH4V.. .,ti .. enjate .ent 1 and rela. Tbe conful petfifti in bit plan of, deflating Swit. " . ' 1 . 1 i 11 I aome lena- . - It iNecirc'eef Btri, and incorpomted in tfc .itU A 1m. Thru rcclffialiutl iurildldioni '-. irttm ilk iioroiit tit th fnH.ii fc . , , 9i'idr4 neflit; Iretnet 1'iefe i to be i -- , . , ."I wnotHimantnd niotclan. ha.l alio be lepara- ..1.f iw mm .., a .1.- .a. ... ' . 1 wm m m m inai aaaairai mmm mmm w aasam aranariaPB nrnrr m rat I :V U U .he... :.bic have been hitherto detach- rui"8 1 1!! ' - f -," f-t.t co..rf Ncbe.(hicb Uti the leltj 'he r,wri I.(S.!I be ..ited to ill. Dachy of B.m , j A colonel '. ' t- .d t,l - w 4 1 int. Mmim ! '. -i- ,4 I 11 M ( b ' . t at tWr. fjul : t'i iit.i-il luMiioiitv. The equivaleut uf i f ct j.,liitT, and thai il te teiriioriil w.arjll tt! Jh,i3ill be taken Iroiri ihofs of I'" '. fch.tb Let foiieuniUd by the Aufliitu tcrian.)t. ' - r "v" "7 ( T A Kl), -OvUbtr 4. 9m f "'- .u.. , mm p "... .4 ' IU- ; Paivati litTtat. Fnntii i ciaUim! rnapiateJ in digefliig ttf (itni tB'tftties il I may ma the fx ptvlK t a btat 11 Ib.Tvcirnt to fa him I work, ef e cit.t it m ewom! ta it 'xxiud la die glory of the tru tin. U nil t itiritet hind of this ta t kuh a kiad of in.ltrieirMf 1 if he Hndt any of frftcttttilc, kr tt it lure to aieti -itb all , i'M, in bit parft. He haa one (jrcat plai to .? at r''ct, n , ii haa bn in contemplation Ion tn tal, l 4 tt ittjawluiUd with the ereattU ft, a f?.n..t l aancara la have 1 -1 t m , Zetland, if it doct not obey his or d era. tors have pretended that hia mtnifedo waj a decla ration ot y,aj, on whi jt it wai at leaft neceiriry jo coufult j but it appea they will 001 extend the pre- loauva 100 out wm content themielvea with K- impoitatt circumllance to tholef boundt political .piclue of Fiance which will be prc- name o' the cooljia. of hqlfits and a caoniit of li5lit trtillerv have been oideied befare the enmoaandant of ar na at Parttfor haying.public1y faid at the houfe of a reAurateur, " that (he exprdilion a ;ainfl bv ijr.eilan.l wit a buuhcrv anc ihti where there was melt a g cVt fupetiority of force to obtain fa trifling a 'fucceli, the conquerera wert eecutioneri." At the fame time that the conful ordered from Ly out a deputation 0' the clergy of.the dncrlf, he deli led M. Poitilia to fend for the biftiop of Angera, t. whom' he propofel to prove there were hnefiet in" a commandment vhich he had pu jlied. I: is by fuch puerile onduit he pie ' to elUblifh tne evi. deuce 1 hii divine " nailiion, Arreda hvc been (re. quent within thefe ft d-ayl. . ThrUdiai are men. tinned, who were conduced to toe Madaleua, and p.-ince Pinatelli, w ho wa arreflcd the moment he wai entering 'ii caniae t quit France. It ii not l!i."ii(t1u hit impririii,nent will Jail lon. . Tie Airl-rie-Cainp ol thefirll fonful LamiJsn, it icl'imeu h-om the dirt of RkjaYn reinfe ti. The (.efTrd f iV-.il hit Ictn, vthaT in adiUion 10 tlij lining toi. e lent la the Swifa frontier, 10 ,oo men ' - Ijaa-r, a Hiuiimm tf whiUi t !" ' ,H.i iuL, p... ..r .1.. r n. ' " m . ' ' . . . . . . . Haw rttil ImM Akrt-,nt A.,i,t.n I a ... I. il.. I.... j a, am luk'tr nar uttht article ol Jinance; " " ; .v.,.lu,ui5 wuiutia k : taaw4 the sun.! ...deal the new , ' th . . U,k t mi,r at to lull alii . . ' -l.U 3. a . 4 ' ttu ) I. it) Mil HMf.nl !l.iKwaa ... i:.,i --....:- . t. i I A I't'.er hn n P1. of the aa'.h ml, flatei. lliat A. , fc"t4 2, ttav .vH W ibr nanlmj ?V K h ft th-if-r'.ioingUcomfl.nlwcrio 4- ,,I.W U i ucrnlM al.it, i..hef at (""I.IUpfi d ftcne. : r mu,?., ... wucr,h, , :;. : ihe rrA t Uliion imimnrdi. "v'ne ,h nj 'f "e pu'p of notitying to it IH JtT m . . f - . . r v : . - - ... a a w t, " - at viii m aAL id ta nnun . i ......... . . . , . , , , ba Wb Atne.u., with-wt pall n thro' TUi" ,-n",nl" "no " ,nr "1n" ' great 'nil.... ..... ., r , . . i linif v to tut n'f. ! tiult Till I w fj f kLn -J t . r . ....., ..N7 im.iiiScui .aniaiu . ' - ' ' ' . i , , V r , r?iw ,0, p, , ,litw,i B 1(J the '"V i r I t a n.e.iHir, wIikm It in faiJ to 1 1 1 . at? l laaitatdMlt, ibt in all pio'otbiliiy aiitti td fU ta, a (Untt lime." 1 r ttpf U l w t.i. ! twtbrcn ij( adnrtrd of tlifTe. tW fw.,fd detHjiitaieou, vitei.oi. '.a .m b , .s, k f 4' -3 tl t i l T . an - .4 : a ''J a .-4t ! .-4 a wb . i 4 t . ta . i ' .- iM a-r ail 1 wt aii,.aa w i)awM vi uwii Ktenftn, and in a con. j nm ia anartt, it a ennte piu-n of M. Damti. tin arc bamfatnal OndH Wnimf.tal and equivalent . . . . . . i . ... . r" a ww iif minincr mi arai't letter, tt tl !,-(, tn ni-l well coanbinrd. ioldicit, -t tekfia. ..BJ.1.. tell . . - - , ! ff . w - . -.- vv . ' w .1 y , will ICLVIIC T ' . i l . . prniiaii auna n n to me gewetnmeffi, a.i . Ibc f nunc tdantavnt anaiiiagri. AJvin.ai ! ibofc Itini.iei, tnti in that part 1 1 i awaani taania ib taatred ftf the French and !) ta IrftatA fweral, ttary will tkftnd ii i para brtarnac (pica opoa) the tjifcwnunt. cam m tr.a mA the lawi bt ihcir tnflacncc () Mf. In a wotd tny will tirncb.ly th jtl ! IK f bM. - ia f 1 1. T (XjCditntl , t ,a i. a ... t art lit liii tnnfnl anantlaJa iifcll," iawv-a. ' i,J "rwi n tor lomr wtrci writ r . .. -iit4.taAta'ed an attack wliiiH to A av.c ta. I 1 :mT T . . 9 .... ,. . A ma tt aV - f - I . f , t . k i I i . at Am M Ma Wa t " "- wfnci, t.ioia- , mt thm pmmt 171, M wkn b Rcedfrei, fetal .v- '-riMin Mta, and ana ww tie bui titbnrei. , U ..., i leWMM t eiif tbeir poatkt! 1 t tj- . !... !l 1ba lkaatbdtaivtd Itllia. ii l.";"w - m-g tM a,.4uin ptpeit, m mi oi tjiicnnient wmcn a . . 1 - t aj Va- ..t " d I W lupptrflin. of 'l0tt rrd (a--"? ' - T k Mtiwt , ...w a.4 .v ,m,.lmm4 -r'-t-f b fart.. Had, ba tnnikiltttd it, g MtMt ti a not et I t n t Tal I tj4 immm wontd be fin wt up if Lc ill a ft", difc'L. Wt ot amt tbc gnvcian.i ... i. t i. w f u 1 1 t - a a. ' t . ttif w i , i i taa V . - t" ' a tt f t - . '- t 4 . .4. . a f -. . ! ' . . , ' a ., i , f , Pi a t - ., g, ta Ma tt t - -mm tm aH - i . t r m i K ' n,a r l"-ifl'tll atatrvt , ' ''- - .. n4..i.ip. , . ail au I' a : . a t ) m I Va t t) .,,, f aW ., o a t --) a g M.tw, iai,4 a ,t et I n n 11 ralwe. a I ajr4. m taonid be font up if Lc illwn. a '', dikv'bai IWf ot amt ibc gcvciaar.tnt. Ika .a4 iivh walWe Int.iiaidm, tU book. wawtf nan tU jatnbiM attiiculailf lr U the ekid en-l-al l in'caitaitrl with hf il. ,m m an tjbMl4 fna, tfitionteat Ifiamct liai tUctf a at IrnfiDlc that nothing aUMi m N tfnd hm a in wboknnwi nit ,w b n to ft wkn-alsnt kavng Mjngtttd Fiance, wifl.ct uWc i! tapMa.wb pitttndt ! naietfl it. they are tit jafticc of oif caufe, the voice oflhe peo ple and pifteiity, .- -r lt I ' (''fffje) Col . PEYFFER; Memhrof the Council of Stile . . . BXRNE, Oftoter t. ' . YefleHiy "evening a battalion of the 104th FrencTt 1 demi-brigade, coming front Bieiincj entered this i-ifv. J , . The army of the confederates hue nit been difban, ded,tlioujh imehigence to lhateflect li'aa beeociicu. Uted for I'cveral cfayi. Tle diet haa confi-med the authoritieieftablifhed in tfie different camona iioce the infnrreftioo. " - "The fiench troops entered the Grifons' Tome day a . Olobcr a5, Since the arriv) Qf Gen, Ney, order have been given ta a battalion of French troops 10 proceed to Ifcrne. This battalion aaually arrived heretic 83!, in the evening r two daya bclore, 16 jo tntn had arri ved tit take naUelfioii of the town of Hafle. Tha r rival of the French troops ftricgely difconcerts the gmnya, wno a icw moments befoie, laid ta a Jtigb, tone, they would sever enter Switzerland. - , , The eoveramcnt iacertlin infjrmitijn. thu i the cantons ot Arzovia'and Sali-nrr. ' umn'.r lull aftive in counter revolutionary ftheaies ; and however burthenlometo 'our couutry the pretence of the, French troops may be, it cannot be concealed, that without iheti, we Ihoull yet fee a number of" infurreiliona break forth, and the mod complete an. archy organtie itfelf anew. Gen. Rapp- attended thia morning at the rmiag of the Senate, He tlil -played the mofl favourable f'entimenta towards the ' Helvetic Republic, and declared to the G&v.mment. that he would give it every fuppprt reqnilHe for the re-eftabhllnment of order miji tranquility. The te. nate palTeai a decree, ordering the national prefects to convoke the cantonal Diets, to elect D:pu:iet wh re to repair jo Pii by Xxit igth November,- in or-1. derto pniut out the m:ant ol retiring union and tianqjility, and conciliating all parties. 1 .The appointtneiitof the Depuiiea of the Senate alfa took place this morning. F,he choi f;ii on citU eeor.Rut'.imin, P.dau, and M illy Fiiedberg. Every moderate perlou mH applaud thia choice. The Det ol Schwiii it not yet di;Ti.ed ; it con. tinuetto r4tJ itf.lf at the ccnrl atitltoiity of H:lvetia. SuMerjneiu 16 its declaiVion of fubmlfliott it addrcled circular letters ti the greater part ol the Cr4t3HaTtiovMeHh-a--ufHrrtir-tomin(-jentt to let out ansar far Eallern Switt:ilau'l, and to lup port in their emplnymrnta the Confedarate Func tionaries, ft haa nllo addrelTed t-i the FHnaiomrtca" ol every canton, a pmtelt which they are ta prelent. in the name ofiheir refpeatvs can.om, to the F.ea.li eomrua:i!eu wha fhall entrr them. This it Without daubtsHths oofiusn whtcli tbeI"ltoos will meet with, - 1 lit LONDON, Nov. 1 The la "titers fiom Cibialt.r, flatt that the com " mantcation btween the Sp.iarda and the prriloa bad been fhalup by orders Irom the Satntlh Cunrt t "d thee mmandant at Su.Roque bid Men duneed, inconfequenceofa fnfp.cionthat he was t lutttuttn with certain ofhceje of the gstrifon, November 3. Dover tetters Hate, that frveul cf Ceo. An Jreo.T'a tudan.s i,,ved at Calais 00 Monday, and that th General bmfelf was tgft&ti tkert ye'leiday, but thn wind unfavorable lor hi. coming over. He wtlt probably i,yt .1 Dovjr this 4,y, i4 may there, loie betaptard in town lo-morruw. Lord Wbiiworth arrived ytfleiday tvening at hia t J1 H,!!,,tbl, fequto:c ol a diWJ, f,t to bialorddi.p at Know I. v ja lhe me(oi(l., ,, . will sos le.v. London until tBtel'iitncc of General AndreoITi s arrival at Dover be Iranlmmej t hinC A mtaeogtr t 10 conkaut autndauce tbtit it that porpole. , DifiSichrscontlnn to be ftt wt h lit treiff eipcdilioo frnna Urn dirleient pnrts. The loiege. iheCaie 'rm P,,,0yll, 00 ndtti lM ua Tb, BcAlaMt riigtit failtl from rurtfmoath ttf. ttrdif for in. Mediieritman. The Donltl. ol ,t gnnt, 3n R. aW,!. .111 iu aon ai (be it man. Mil. ft pieHuit IntitatiAua ron.Uua la t.. 1 ' .it - - . -at -4 '- j -.a ,aM).a tt i !. tta in U fUal ' nfOlbtiii a.1 cam.. I: ml.mm .7. .7, ' 'ZI ' ' iV.m LTZT '" W'Kla th, g,nfc, that w " .am . w --icta in aj 9 w-m Piir ii - .11 a l...a k . a. . B a tr was cam.Ttuniealed in 1 vrrf (hcrt time to cititm Rapp, and the tir-i which it ptodn ccd.wisto bring Geiatial Ney t Bcrns jellerdij tnwtniug. " Corviared of tlie perfidy of the Diet whida In. lead oldiib-nuingiiit army and dilfoiviiig it(e;f, was argiuttiiig anoturr mumer revolution in Irvertl can. tuna 1 l.at appeaitd well dsfpofed to letoin 10 their luty, be immcdiai!y difptichrd mrllriigen inths nencli t ouimant'ert polled on the frontiers, with tideis 10 tnticb thatr lioopt 'without ilelav into !wiinJnd. ' flic ui.npetlrd atrival of gm, Kry at Berne, hub wta announced by a difcharge ol hlteen pieces d ord nan. e, excited much momentary khrm, as il v4 thought that another appeal was making to aims 1 b.nh Lindam nan Holder, by ordtr of the Gea rtl, protltimrd tbiojgri thetowo thtttbere as n ciuie lor apptfhenfina. " Tba (upttior tuthor. iet of Zurich, Staflboufe, Sclenr, Bafle, Ac have tn4 as yet lubmitted to Sno nipsfte'a proclauiaiion thry have protctlcd againA tUllelvrtiffgairifos wl.ith baa Wtn ht.t tnihem.-. At l-dt the iuhbiiia:i delated aloud they will op. poft with arms intbe ir band, fucb Helvetic troops at fhtll b f.nt among )fn, . "The l)etolSl.i a haifummotid thccton 10 fend tbeif toniingamt oik tnnrc to Zurich, Si. Gall, Tmgovia, c. w bete the Helvetic troons have been lot lomedus, viclonouit the (ummons wtt tofettneo'io tntn Irrfh bills kava been eo3d mm cty wheie coidi1ly nceiaed 10 the tiiieslHe I throu.h l-aiifmuutl, ! .k. .i.... .aT t.,k .t..., .... ' ... . . .. I . ... -7 . . . ;" .w-m., ..a a. , . ... r- i . .hi mnnmj ! may ( noi,er itigt nunic til lendeivout (sst lirttt ob toed n tnanhif g into Sita:. ( in f.ery diirction. 1 he foufmowh. Wi art laity to flatethe deatW of lieal. Slingfby, ol tie Hon, Company' in'nuy, at Molnccst. lit Ulonicj u the Mtdtt tablfWrnenl, and wit lcs. chet.r.y fiiut and killed, b a nest Ike pn t hich U tomansndtd. , ,yr. Z. -; Wt ait-j iy to hisr of (be dtttn ol Mr. Rttwtt, a tmlemsn will known In the dietary world, and pariituiaiiy didieg u.Ditd (or bit Uinaaitan it. (ai lies. Wt i bapay la lilt that Let! Iu Vincent l.a in conimp';on plan lor pacing alt il. finfiowrt ol ihttbcS at Chaihans at tbrii nltlitt bomfi. witnni,! nqu-iirg mem 10 tnakc ibeu apyeaaawao ooct in tbitt Vfail tt Ctmh an, tl, (.ih a rrjula l'"t tW lHNnwc rniila4ed feanira avilr ta Itfcutl llurn I lac darpiri who blrc MihtilO planl d ibent ol Marly ".all t'.e gitmt.ct and prnfuns gitea iwibana be a t,nfinii tcry. i Ot. Andmlti will tt i!ly em,e this day or lomortow, Wc bpt iktt ptmi will be takta bp the poliu, I pteti hired nob d (iing ikia tin'Miy in tkmg ihf ttotfts liom Ihf lrta) Ai. txtladvi't tamage, I Wat donf Wl) LCtiBat UHt yrMe. Wc bt era danbl ibat butd mob wta a rtipl)ad ta ir I bout and hvi.a Lsan(tt.n. 1 htm aamcajiai tcf'I'gtaK t( In anMSHMMt, U le ni imiAf ht writ. ty,tl.ey wit. a ibrda IU It aj'cltHkkucth the titni el Ml drptrm C tt aakatat l Ibt publtr. Out tlay tiaaditwinging biM bw( wt I now U f-ni Cnwa if giieic ibt snob, . mi ttepn ed twfc d.Uit 1 1 tteeivt il. It tk.i ihc (saiwll til mmm i Urn Tke.t wti cV(hJi4 Mtt 16th demi.bngidc wl.itb bat Wen for jctr ia the rnciinai, it oa tit mitt ta Si. Gill. There it rnuch talk ol larmiag a congrtft ,at Xtakbattl, lot the put poft ol adjuNingtbc ailatrsol Swilirltd. The ItrAConlul, the taspcior, and il. Kig,ol FruHit, u iiaddtd.attiaUnd Envoys l tbst anecting." , OdHWui. Iht aewt from S it inland fates, tbst lhe Oil of Schwiubal wiit.en tl.tttr daitd thctiih la G tttpp, la tapitft lo hint their lhanhi for Waving li8ct4 1 the piefeataiiont ol tbcir Depotita, fcfi lcfa a Ifenlaf, wk gt,( him a letter taibt fir! C'o-fial. Tk ItiUewing it t caiiacl tl irt aarc which eoiovel Pt yf.tr wrme, on the dt.nand . . 4 tanr tiac n CDiorri m w 1: arar aaatitnaa . a . aA a. !, a4 akaiall alatp Ikt lilts a IrrinSlor 1 ,. . ' J . ' V ' . 7 Z r: m,Jj mmm Kn-Uaait ...ai bi tHitc,, 1 "V!'!'1. l lk D ff wm ..,, !. tlxitcal kinrl t kit lenti.v nub. I,! 'Fn-.ii t l l a . .. . a . ra...- .a. .! .t-i "... .I I The wi(t Diet ItSchwilt Wlttb.tff.f4 mt 10 Wit'tf .... V-fJ,.. ii..i.i.,-k..k .lCo.M will abtndnn, aher be mtivet ikcittur t. I I'":", .7.7" I I" ImpuO. wbKh k.t Un liiVir, r. 1. ;! ' : op" bis mM, wild reipct Z7:yr;::' It t IM tmdial U a.ifXaw 4 UUx It tM BwCli ) ...J., ...1.1. . I. ..A J.I . ' rr-:?::r rTy' " ' n in ,. 0,1.1 f,n, ,y:.,ri,..' ik, ..) t (Kail dtcg Ifinliai it ' ;fi. ! 1 ' i. i.1 r X .1 I ( " J 4.

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