1 r rglnlzatlon in this mob-fhtjr Irsd leaders faff ?-!. ,.t nrliai rihev moved in a body, in i wncre ht'ti'etha't, in their com fe, they recruited ; a number ot WMK. tUl WCU meantpff iui- : : . '. , . :- lowers. ' .,- .. - It it only .changing the word guillotine to ' . 'gabies, aid the fy flem of leiror'isjrfi'Wganf for tnc' found or' the lat.cir word dukes the' --V m(i voluble Frenchman dumb'. The arrefi of two or Hhree incendiary cha'after; in this ' ' country, w' remember, was loud iy declaimed V, sgairijir as an inRTrigeiiient on ihe riht of ' InL-l:lhinsn. What wciild or lovers.pt free- tcm fay to fee four ot five hundred in a week expofed arid ignomisiioi'fly punifhsd.? Yet this iiliie cafe in the .Great and Frte Re public. .- ;. ,r',y ,. It is a fafl, that a-refpeflalle Eng'tt. gon (taan in Paris, counted eight carty ciiiuin., IniT Crnra in In TO nftfotIS CXil.' W - k VfrC tn lh. rt irs. lntMS 1 rroi.l going to (h-T guar, -aiiiii po". revolution ot eitfter ttisprtnctpies cms pu..- tics of Fiance hasbeen for the wot c J tur .v . more real or imun:,d Ctimes tinder the excelivci new regimen,, than' the proicriBjyd and tyrannical o.tl one. fTiraV A iheNratfS rf Bank Stock tSj) tperq.-Rfd67 j 3do.coriI.ti)j 07 3.4 S.'cds tlft Day. 4 per C. Conf. S3 1 4 mji.i p r C. Ann. 6 Omnium 9 3 4 iodiic. November 4. - Our -Dover JtMie.rs.flate, that fcveral of General1 Andreofli'sA'iendanis arrived there wclletdny. ' 1 h? general -had not reached Ca lais., when they' left it, bat hevwas hourly ex. Effted.M. Portali, Secretary jo the Fm. ally, arrived at Calais on 'Turfday--evening. Lord Wfiitwortb ha'd not left tow irtnu morning. . 1 v 4Jy We this mgrtiiog received the MonPeur cf "the 31ft ult, U is eniiieTyvfillcd with a detail cf 1 ue proceedings at Rat iiV in the 16 ii fiititg of the D'jMiiaiiiin. . y "there is Hn'ariftcla in the Moitrur, .which I' fird !c3CfTme from the fiffl atirhorry fiaupg , that the diHerencej brlwr'cn Grei.Urii n and France, reflecting M(,a. ha'e been am cah v jit'jiifl'.d, Aulliu and-P.-u(Iii having uiiilttuk- en to guarantee thit Ulitul. In Vu fmillcr cr iemnt r:tic Cantons, ths 'whale-'pttrjle fiired In political ptivilegf , the ardour of pa'nonfm, the hatred of a foreign yoke, are univerfil.th"ihe aris tocratic Caotoni, the paoplr, feelingjels tn. ttjrtft in their Country and iheir inrlepend.-nce, have with .1ers rcludlance fubminec1. They willied independence, but theyv had rot the fjme energy of character and f.iotive of intereu" todefend i'. In ihe'tcTib'a day ofinvafion, let- ii be remembered, that a country cin only be pfclcffed by m?n wiio fhue i'rfMll pror teAiov, and a cou(U.uipp upheld by tfiole who arc admitted to its political privileg?'. The Senate, or French government ai lienir, has iifud a decree abnut fending D-pmies to Parit. It requires all the Cantons to jod deputies ; and it is liberal fo far as it atnhonft s the .communes,'' or fuullir d;Jlrif!s, to f;nd depm 'e," a' .their own expence, to fpeak lieir pariirn!ar fentiments. Ai hoMffH 'ihe French troops h?ye en'crcd toe open co intry, tliey have not aiiemijicd to enter tfie ino'intaiiious uillris where thiv rray t)5 oppqfed. We are' extremely anxiou to know what are, the real iVtuimcmt .r.f ih'i pa iiiots cf bchwiiz, Uri, and Dnderwald. Tt.ty mght fcU their country 'very dearly', but e tremble to think what might be' the conf. qiicncl to themfflves of (o uneoual a ft rug. gp, it mne of ilie great powers, lbew. a dil pilitian lo'tcnder them rtlctlual aid. . A murnir.g paper, The True iiri'sin, after gSTing-iha-'-ttaicBWiit allucicd toy cf the dif. fircntcs betwren Franca and.,Ergiand refpetl ing S-.vii2ftl;nd being adjilled, lavs' I he at'lurdity of the circ'imllaw:ts futnciently e"x. poles the fjlfchowl tT the wkole tlttcrnrni.; bm ic'.t any. credulous perfons'tnould fufTer them (elves tohe In i fiJ -I v it, wc leg leave, -fiuns ih lirH auihoriiy to affjre thorn,' that it is wholly unutic . The rl'jetf of the article is too ob vious to ncc,d much expufii t. It i wholly a Stock johSirg u.irk, in whicj, probably," foriu defperaie ng ilh advenlurer are deeply, cod- r Kepubllcair, cut ii-dayj.isJifit.to corn;-out wihtster to tltls ptuitm which afPred himAjhat the Htavintr. been ariDobted in ihr.t CiPucuv. t jdtlii;feceeded ' in riakir Tori the court of Li-iboiir ; ; ; - By' flufin. and had put -tl" the ; , ' ... . . !!men,wornt and childrec,. Tii ihe place,; Extract r a,iUerjrm S; PiirTh, tl a the sWprd'. r Thsinjrica'? vjlEel r in the J .( : ispcrta5:'m'reianfin London, dattd Ai: thexrap' N'-iroi Rpu?)l:ca wh to hiroor. Vaitco in Cpifrpany und -r convvof F renc .wiih. tie, Fame, finite," Irn'i! St. If olt'.rts onits us in a tlav or tu'hr aif- J t, as o, r PV. going toe-$N rtceiv.a Jia ving far happ-lv settled many tl P. 0 Lydu, -irudwrl'. The tflain olpc'iie , ;lc,"ceS. ' ; - ' . -V' - ; , ; . ; co-iitv'tlv aiiucu. g a more wwlik .aptaincr.'l '. A nave the satisfaction to inform V vou jEw:rycrfi et 1 - tnshnd, on 4eave-t-Ureocc, : thatTttiel negociation on the subject (T the bcUngiBg o the ciria i: ti -Bd- is E, rcstitutioiulue to llntisti nierclihnts'ljy the I .. n . - . .V . ' court ot missia, iiave ot late been very ticen o.dcrcd t lain his Cirps without delay; A ihe pxlcei. it.. Falmouth were under (it 'n& ordf-r j and the. gretttt buttie and adivtly privii.eJ in the d.ifcieu. porii '. ' ' " JisiraH ;i.lcttrrj-t'n Pins, '(;,7. 70. " !' is lepofrd here, (hit Aullris id WILMINGTON, -pwuARr6, 1303. ,C7 The raycttey'ii;- Mail had not arrived when our Jtaper was put tpIp.iSs., -. Cr IMPORTANT. ' &2;o v.iraily renewed. " Thetatement delivered many months by LordxSt. Helens, the Uritish An- bassador, having Ieen objected to by a com mittee of the Russiari ministry, appointed toexamine with them, chiefly for the indem nification demanded for the sihipping, it lva been proposed that those reciafnations not liable to objection hhould be paklaml the Captain Anthony of' the" schooner Fair ; other become subjects of future disaission, 1-r.iy, who amved on Sunday, 13 clays from ' ncl speedy termination.' ' xx Gattda'loupe, informs that the Insurgent in 1 " I -understand the emperor has ordered that" Island -am ent vrv su'vflnp.d : that several -sums, amQuntmjt-isretlier to si:c tfanrpiiritv'ordci, and regular overnrnent ; hifndred. thousand rubhs, to TaWl lo'Mr. had taken nlace of Insurrection.' & all those! Shairp, the consul general, v. ho has mana- (Ireadful furebodinrr which have been, re-! detail of the business: it is hoped DOVKR, N.ur.,. Y.-n?rday cver.iii'. about iw?rtv rn'notr.v pil five oc.o( k, 1 tie 1" pt.cli J n.h,.(udir, Gr, Jr.a U i.IUco's ii tfl Olll III fa 1 u 1 I .ei j-i sn.iico Ca'is -1 he XHn, arnvrora ni 'S ? Vi n y wc. 10 n'ei li.m. hj pro. wu PrJin h-.vc ..;v?p::d ihsuatAn'te of -Mai a, "i c-:ed d.lvbai-s of ci-nou Ins crttva: wiiih To Jo' g h is beet: a (one t X TiJrce "1 on- at ( alji, t!i nrua y wax rjinrdrivr, rd e. t; tiimn, ,t ih: reuirll of Grea'-ll. i-'n ?d V'ry l.onoi paid h in. J ' Iiancr, and-wi h tlie r.itcurtrnc' ul !. p.r ti. t. ' The " G'arid M tiler' P:intc P' fj "'y, tiav; -r ff 1 . I . ! t .i.l. rruccr.it nr.ui:;ii:e:y to tKe iif.-n 1;.. 1l.1t ; " th command of die 'ct Jer. Grtxtii Andir. vSt leu o.i! to. narrow for. England, " In t: ld, 1 infa. m'-.d yo;i of rh rlif lrre of M. iionrger, liuonif ar;cj pii7iTeff". Cff'ary, in r(i4rgicTTcfhTH:jviri( eng4 inSioikj Ibug. To the inicH'grn.c lihtt! fen1, I luve io adJ, tint his pane i to he e. ulTcd from th?. I ill. "f Couiif:!lon of l!.:e, by. which he experience! n adai'ionil I I, cf ToCol.'pcT lnnim. This is a wicilute h tfi'y c.edihle t .lir Vitft Ccnf'j', t:inmctit ou!f a Gr iil j '. " ) t ' A' ir.'i and V.I I l.l 1... (wriV'.ll Mj.ll.l'l IOVT Prr?'iad, irinfi.'Hi : d ; itif uioi mi FD!X:V..'RG, Ki,.esn.rr 6. this will satisfy the merchants' demands. " Comtnissioners it is. said; are to be named to arrange with Mr. Shairp.the other dem-vUtds on the original equitable footing ' of restoring for real losses.- I hope all may soon be ended, and remain truly." Extract of a letter Horn a respectable mer cantile house in Greenock, to a merchant, in New-York, dated Nov. ".Cotton is again on the start,' and will be mors-so. should the present appearances of vt.r continue." Good coiTec is also on tlic rise, and will stand in the same situa tion as trotton, should hostilities conimence. I it. v.;:, ceni i.'v ih i'.j'ii lr;Tr 11,0 ' f,i r. n if'.' c , af (r ihyfinj the Vi O...J ca: Ot Fhuiflay, il.e s8.h inl. a number of Pol lh Gentlemen, r fideni i'i Pari', gsve n dinner to K.ifciulfi'), in eel bri'.Un of his Linh.dv, to which la c piny of ;hc fticirdi tf that gneral wtic Miviicd. I hi rntrrtain niei.t was C ven at the Hameau Cianti'.ly, and atter.dtd ly upwards tf tea p-rfotu, an-ong the fttol Cnfpicnous ufvh.Mit, we no:iced Mr. L I v 1 MGtTOK, tkc AniMtn MiniUrr, ar.d Mr, RirvtTii, ins Araerican Cun. f.i', Gfiicral La Faye Senator Mone, Mr. J el Biflow, Mr, Fulion, and Mijjr J hnlt m, ii t-rgUIh ollicrr. Hy a laie dett -e l die '"onfib, ft rrlrjo. ers iit) iirf the rig'n'of Ciiizenlli j b; a live yran tefidcictf i" Fiance. Novrmbei f. Trice if Stacks this Jny, ii 1 tJiA. T h 1 c e pfjrjJ'o2if,6 3 J -1 . ""Tini0, l"r litie, C3 1.2. , Oinniuro, 9 i-idifr. General AnlrrofTi, UIs ftcrfary, Mr. rr u'n, "rl fnitf, landed ' I)vf ycUtidiy af err.ooti, tbojt. 4 iclock, ail will reach I iwn this evening. Yefleiday fvenirg wf received Pari J ur. rials .f th 1 'I November, The pr.f'cl' of the r irH Conljl occupies much of ihf aifn ten of she r?'' lie has fiuied ihe pi io. ciph tniiiiifartortel on the May to Rouen, tre he wis rxjrl'd or. the 30 h, Al houjh the accounts fom bi xflnrl 'C ery raj?, it fppcjri thai Frenth troops hive entered a I lhe accr fiible iin' cf Sit. 'Und 1 doub's remain ho ft' ita l).et of S'mwi I hi d'll !cJ i'felf, Wc are inclin ed o ihu.L, ilut tn te'a'inn to the ol .! for whuh if was fofniid, pttvtoiii n ihc avo-weJ 2j'rflif.n and a.!! invadon Vt. the lir ifi.cp', he Diet it d iiolvrJ, Itsnnilti te in m i touiinue alfsiti ltl for the pir.' f fe of peace ab y fi,l.g 1 gTvi-rr.me n, hrn tar co'inuy i (cil ly f.ici;i enemy. -Le 'Hi'iuii u f ir the nvro?nt abandarrd ) bui h-ie it reif tn 10 iSi.k !ut f..e !--i i.i.ia'.c Cmiont Ire.m'dil trg if(i.finfr, 'lh--y ter linly he PiH fubmictd, m iHt tlnion of Herne J hT mtinn f i'Uix ! ni f and ff'rn toyirlj to file ta h:r il'm r.uli btfiatf iyiint." Upfn thil ouUin we catieoi b 11 tmih4 lt.g.vrrtrnrptiof ihc i.npritant IrfTfn inch ih: nirtaai sttuftmcd u Sxi i.ilar.J aiii. irt'eanng iti .iil u 'life's, pot e l ; ! jt a. a cncu'At l.-tirr htifl. peake t'. 1:1, ti.li I li u! j ly iil Tie V.urr'i -c r-ti was on i w 1- I'om Ml req u Tiiii,' t.i!l nt. cl the trlli.f, it is mppoftd tiuVdi.T i'i it a.'li.i'ly liroce-d to th- jrebodingn alized to the - unfortunate inhabitants oi St. DonVmgo ; tbat business was beginning 1 to assume a lively attitude, and American produce iu considerable demand, l or these blessings, however, sacrifices shock ing to humanity, have been' made. All the coloured people of whatever agt or sex luve been burnt, l.ung, shot, and transpor ted, except' ".b out 100 who were in the woods ; but in consequence of a proclama tion, w hich was issued by. tne government, oficiurrg pardon with transportation, :to those who would surrender, a consitierable portion of that number had cr.mc in before captain A. sailed; and.it ivar. ty.pected, in a fe.w days there would not rem tin on the , Is huid, one of those wretched .beings, who but lately constituted ttlargc majority of it'a pupulalion.-The most respectable of them, nnl those who luul been disiinguished for IhliT hMmanitytti the -whites ilutir.g ihc Rc.t)1if'i')ii, were trr.nsptited. They were forced on board f the Amevi(.an andl'.r.r- liSli yvssejs lyiit't llitrc, at the poirit of the biiyonet the latter v ere 1 ompeikd "to tt.1 ?.'.: board from 10 to 12 'and the former 5 tn Cfix'.u ThrceTrenTtvowomcn:ulaov,,'L'1C"ro'',ll 11 ?I. were sent on bo.u d ti c Fair PI tv ; and when Tar, American, 20s, a 2 1 5. rr.Vs.tiii Ar.thor.y expostulated' with the of- Stayed pipe. C01a2j'I. .'"icruof iroveniri:ent against receivingthem, ;tio, Kitd. 151 u 7l I. ni w., t .Id tn lli'-K-'ihrm i-V'rhnnril ivI.hu ! ! Dicto, bbl. 71 tv 101. ot to sea, r.nd that if lie.attcinpted to reland thvn'.on the island, his -rvesrc! should be lUuft-a.llituaonlraiict! ws in " - PRICES CU ail ANT ' T?.ken from Philips' new London Current of ihe ?6th October.' Ashos Amtrican, Tot. IBs; a 11 12. Di'io do. Pearl, 11 is. a 21 Cr-five, F.,..r,""T05sT-TU'5s; Ditto, gooil.'Jjs.' a 105s. Ditto, middling, h.s. a 95s. f'bair, Amtiiicn, fine, 1 1 s. a 11 ls. Ditto, - c!o. superiine, 1 1 10s. a 1 1 Fricci 5 1. 17$. a.'li.a'lv liroce-d bjiu.efs wi h a J ptitciic-tl t r.i-iicf Tu-.fliy peel ie h'ltins dift a ch ot driin. The f illowti g is a copy cf the tiicular let ter above.ini riiii.neil." SIR, D-Avvng Jrre 'iv., J. ;AS wnoit ihe ir.tc.ir.g of J'atlirnici.t, wliltfi tj fix. d f;r th 1 6 h iff ihis n,-ii:li. il( llou'e of ( otnm.Hii Wi.l immediately jcmfl to ihc ihjife c.1 a 5pr:ker, tird to u.c ct .itidr ratto'i of rl:fr m-iitcis i f in poiiinc, 1 i?lr ihc lilerty to srrj;aint yen, that a fill !. i dtnccis hig'ily u fiiublj i .hi opettit r of dt itiliun. I h. ihe I ot or io he, c, 1 i ?N H V AUDI.NG I UN. Th.deflliatiiH rf the JnKg'nr wlrch ha fa''td ftm Flyin-i-b wi Ii ihs fca ed OMlcri liken f.'om on boatd iji? Childen, ohliijtd to put buk by flrtf.t.f ei htr, n laid tw U f t;.c Cat'c ot Oocd Hc(.e. Tirls piper' ire rrccir -iSf'jiH u!t. The iall iccoiii.' from bwiiietji..J line, hai ihe Fiench irwops aie actually Biitthmt in all OiirMnM.i imo tS.t di(racl"d-tointry ; while ihc D:et fon'inues its roTiit.gs, andtx. horn die paifio i not to liy down il.cir amn until vitiof) f!,all have imwi.ed iheir ifijrit. The dc;u tioii at Rs. Ibun have not yei itluf Ob Die plai uf 94, were I'gif i a "freed to a cm luJemninei, 'I he Fietich .funds 53 6f. A Duch mill aitlve.1 yellrrdiy, D.itih c -vetnm' ot hive pir poi'cd ( j ih: laiuie to g'ani a paid in to ill ful .','ern o'lutrt an J ptvaei, at well of ihe fc at m ih: Ian I fervtce, wins have bten gu l y .f drfrnion, atid viHofe trim? ii not a icnJid with any ig. grviifd circutnllaftcri. 'Ih! g"emmeni have alfj propnfeJ, I. A rrg i 4:1011, f.n difidit g ihe dc' inmcnts into arioiid.fTe i enl ; and, , Ano'ber, f.ir the nuiimr in which ih: wtri In ail be gvco ; arJ alf'iai 10 the fullicitncy of ihe rtfcf.trr. The two tt'f,ides of FfrniS irooti in lhe pay f lbi ar.l jf 10 he t;nlj.i!'d lit Loot fura die btM.nm 0: i'.hi m ui b. Cip MKW.'iORK, Ore 15. u a.'.biif v. l ilit brii il in bra infliri tie f.b i. fiuke cu the iOllrt W. Tn!y tdtcrnatives were to desl'ry them, britr th.-tn h.-re, and nunumty lorbadj t!;c- f'triutr .'"-.. T'.i' re were 30 Sdil r.f American vessels it f lu .'i.ilonpe w hen rapt. A. left (here, Jo i:ul in a few days to i.ii'erent parts of the 1. T, ion ; which, on Timber, American, oak, fl a Gl ICs DiUo, do. in pLnk, 61 los. a 71. Ditto, do. in boards, II 7t,. a 11 8s. Tot5act?!rYoik river, i-h-rd. Ditto, James rhcr, 3 1-4 a 6 I-?. -Di'to, Happuluiimot k, ' 1 Z-i u 4 l-2d. Ditto, rolomac'.M 2 3-! a 4 l-'Jd'. Ditto, iStr'pt leaf, 4 1-2 a C .2,.' Ditto, C-eo:-g!a;2 1-2 a 4 l-'Jd. iTeTV?:t in ottr co their nrriv. l will t.rolva-! D,Uo .--i7lina, 2 1-4 a 4 l-:d. fiutrsMunvardsof 100 1 urpcnftiic, Americar, 11 2s. a 11 3s. r the l ite chiefs of thc'insurj?ei.ts of t!iat!Va,' ,0'Jl ,0s' l.in,l. Nesvp. paper rcnuiks'on a subject l'"-'"'""-rn of Insurance fn Of is oufich magnitude wmdl avail noliutig. Vc trust Congress will bentow rn tt that a'.tcn ti m which its importance demands. Capt.. Anthony has entered a protest,; and the innabitants ol thi town ami it vi cinity, arc pbont to stnd a Mtmorinl to Congress, soliciting tln ir initiudbte inter ference with rcHpcct la this extrt'oni'tiary conduct of the Government of (iuubloupe, which if not p?ctnly -interdicted,- may lead to the most fatal const ipic nces. It w;tj reported r.t (it'adidoupeby Ihc oHi cersof a frigate which I;-.1 just arrived ll.erc fro'111 France, that a Yv'nr wan esijK-ctid be tween that nation and the Ui.i'.'.-d Statc-a,' Information was received r.t Guadalr.npc a few day previcui to the drptrtnrc of tlie Fair Play, that tn insitfrcction j-.id Virtually tahen pi ire at Marti;ii(;Mc, Initio wl.-tt-A-lend our 'mfonnanl did oot Uam. a I'JI. front London to tl.i United States, 21 10s. Trices at Iond y.V, N v. 5. Hngh?' v. liuat 50 to 5"'s. pr. qr. Duiitzic f 6ts. Since Monday wheat hr.5 detlir.ci 2s. pr. fir. Flour is coii'-.eqtitntly tety ?'; t.t the iioted prices, viz. 43 to 52s. pc; sack. li.trley 2rf Io 0. CostsuU 6 1-2 On.nium 0 1-2. , Vi"nii:iton pi!c current, t!,c a j lafl week. fat: F.NTf KfcU . Dee. 13 'h'.. Vi:i.i., VB:,irj,-., . "t(...S . IN; py, .!.(!. I 'nf n C.if rry frt;, r,t f! o Ihim,, J Jt j 11 e. a f, ti di - d. to I 4.i .. Uiu.m A C, S. ;r 1 Wti, Cjii.i', , . . I M . . a -a. I I - f . . 1 M l:c. io, 111 iaiu;:cc . ju, jotig. , r.ipt. t 3- a""r v.M'to, i . . t. a . .... A.s,:K.l.el!'eHnir l.f.oi. 7J cb.vs fn.;n I u" r4T ".i.ony, B iTri.tr., c. 1 , j ........ F.nuk-r in llusiia, bound to C1.-I !caton. CfCARFO j J !. I, ''p lir rilrti. C:.K d,. . rhcbiT.? lion;, rapt. rocr, nrrivcUn. -. " y. S.mav, 23d..y from Dcniarnras ecrgoi-J- ..,'". K '" . Salt, Vvinc and Coffee, to C. k I'. iVIIiin..! v,(.w ' C.npt, linger informs iV-st U ) day bc-i 5 ji), li.C. fore he nailed, Dcinarara atitl Surin.nn' were given uptotne Iiutrii ; i,ui cocn m.t mention any thilig of the tmviI of the fleet, which il sppcar by lhe fuiJ'inc pu ratraph 11 destined to tAe j6e'ioii t.f thce place. . . Tliccap,.ainorll!e trhooncr Iktsc y frotn I)cmar.na, arr'ued l NcrYrk, pr,ktr'i the Unh November, a Dutch filiate ootnid Io Si. Mining w'oich had j ut aw'parated from a Dutch fleet of ti'J iil, dctiiud for SiuiniM an. I Dcmarnra, l take pi-Kt 4ton of thce phircs." On the 23th ult. a Hule In ihc ViMward of Cli.irlctti liar, cupt. Jiote r p ii a hip and' britj from Ii-lon, nud 4 bri,; frum llrernen, In.jnd lo ChiikMon. . I.V-.YiV I', ti ni J .If. ft den t 'titJ 1 Ctrnidi ft 1? , a .... , If JO R S ALU. by -'JostJitq Potts,, Vv If. M ISC TOW, Tobacco, Ftcu, Saviij f.fMIEr ('tTtoy,t I Co h n a r. r, A Cctton .N!.ic!!nc,.' . :r f 17 .vi, ' Of pi:t!ciJir t'in'trini'on, well , rrccnpne n!cJ, Tn rft Mvf;i Uwiti. Jin. n, 103. l.'orm,.. I'i t :i Hi ASDV, Ariit IIkamjv I. a Mr Klack. I.A0, Ta LLo.r, A New. York print ayi, " Ily the lAt ln Ion p.pf r it app:ir, that citii -n Ou 1 1

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