' to llie Secretary, wTHnraTcottlrarynhilse, tjiat, w Lea read.05 of p4 - the practice-of the-hoaa; J v - . I per M caueu ior, n ibw oc ixu, unicss Mr. Morris, aftcrwarSs, roof ed tbV:- dispensed with by gencr&lcptlsenU ference of the report of the cojanjittee of I Mr.. Randolph aid, he wished only to( 'elainU on the petitioner McJ Lfofaajobserre, that ther,was.but one.principle to a cdmrpittee olthe whole on :Wdaf.,(and tbathud been stated by the Speaker): weekcarried 1 ,.- ' , 'f V fOn winch theseSpapcrsouht td.be read. -MorrU tkpn moved that the sec-1 Any-member had a'riht'to call for the r' . j:m.aA tn. ftttmi4i lT,? Vt'A'ncr nf iWlfrt1 T'rtljii'Y,' Jirvii" it retaryoi sisue uc mrcwx ......-,- . ."--- r-t . "" ' Knfafit for mit the city of Wa'sbrriton under, the decent, .unworthy of any man who n ad direction of the President of, the Ujai-:;hc!l, or ought to hold an office under go St atfs Aereed to. ' jlvernment, and derogatory from- the 'dip-. ' Mr. Rutlecl?re presented the petition oftlnity of the house. Members were cited Tknmw Jttiiibr'ickr of South-Carolma," by name ; insults were ottered to mdm iM-iVmcr ta'be released from a connect j.dual Members ; a'cornmUtee was divided 'Jnaebvhimin tTi)? fon supplying timber,- into different sects'; on one class illebe- Vfor building of 74's. . ,'," 1 ral calumnies were thrown, while the ft. Mri:Rutlsdge-stated at conViderablerther class was shielded from reflection, lentththe civcumstances attendiug .the!VTas this decent or indecent? He con- , moved a reference of the peti-r eratulatecl himself that he differed as tidn 'to the secretary of the navy. . - widely rvi t his'subject, as he did on others ' Agreeclto. . . ' VMtk-men. r;"'"Mr. liowndes presented ine petition of j . Mr. Morris said however widely he " Ar-m' Tumw and others, assignees' of imight differ on .this as well as other sub. ; M'Farl.meyXo. praying to be r!asl..;fcct$ From the gentleman from -Virginia,' . fiiqpi th2 payment of duties on goods d,lc believed his, own ideas of-what was' '' stroyed by fire. ' ' ; ' .JMcein-or ind'epent airrorrect as.those.of. .Referred to the committee bf'-Cort- that -gentleman. Theletter -states that a' merce and manufactures,,. .. . T., ' bad ..bvtia auri--ih j.r; Monday, Djfi 27. . ;. ii't--''lp;sssion implicating..M)e ciiawtey of the 1 Mr.' Davii observed that he-was- .of;-jUrifer. It further 'States.. thait. certain' . ini i-Va.mpnilipf'nf the house re-HR'-ntllmefl on the committee did not llllV'll fc.v fc ....-- t i " ApHl'goik. 1 hivt to Mortm yoa, ttirt w , i " -J - "W B iod iwivtU DT.nnrd wuhfrnrn t mo men, e. n tosmiadcj by Hnf, tod ih ihcr br Ktit Ofna CaadiSoi irt r4Qjr to fail o eraxtu" - i -' . Extract if letter fnm ' Mr. "! Ar. Caibcartt duUdatTrifiUi Ah? to; 1802 ' .: Un tha evii o5i lft inflinf the confo the pre.'cnce of ihc Iwa .v-wedi(h I'ftcer ftted the trtmrni h.A t. j-ni tr.-m Srdrn (lice ihr onc'ufnn V TorntfailiV tiei-y, c trtped hit Ueiimtnt to ihm ft -Cf thit pn'od, od e Hed ;hii obfcrvitiojil. by (kig if h nd oo JafTUien: TO Ion InHrrlirr iv.r jBlinft ih't niLijB. inj tll'tl ,foltn9n!jf dtciitd tbi be never intended la enter iinto iaothrrr trety with SwecVeni Wir wlo b drcWed die next Aty, ncveiiheleli it ooftjxiiwd to the 5th inftint, a JhtP.pet. tbit by' contiivjin (b Dtgocnuon an ' iecommoaiion ould,take p ace, bu' tne aamir wouia iun lifleo (0 any term! bat lliafs H propofad, which w folli-wk f The Swedifh prifooeT to be liberated without raotam ; pcaco to be e'ilkl'i(h.-d wiem Dvtar anv eonhdewtion wbatcvtr ror it at jreffnii or other wifj, upon the f4me lerrtw it waa before Th: admi Swrtiifh property taa confiderabV tin- not could lo wiTreatnl lira ub oteiktt taaa wui ik. a( ftk rmtHrd In lit H . . I h id toiet gautota are bow ii i aorr, may r? to tail -immedutely, it ir lti Mnd ix, alia Lrtta, 1) t3 go m one ot tfceto oc ut hattl iMuiti Polacre l it giiau Extras tf.a Utter from VPZltifn Esnn, Efq. ctiful of the UnittJ SjjUJ ot ' America at Tnii. tiHhe Tscrelery ff II ate .dated tt lunisl Dxcmber ltb 1801, " 4)0 the 'twao!y,,eijrhth 'niVel the Dinilh comtrodo-e Koefid and a conful Hatch, fivedaya from Lrg'rakii. The evenin of tne td oh. th?y pitL-d u the Amriicio liopfe. At.the commodore lately been at Tripoli oo ntgntiilion, it W?i eiy caturai to eofuire of him wfiit fscmed to him 10 be the ge if ral feaument of the Tripo Itt'tant rrfpedirig the Amertcaa war. He tht it wai vei v tWBooulir. and that the luhircti of pitntw, cinctiy on in is accoq.it, were rrpe the for a rcvo'l ; they wiitcd f.or jithiog but fuccouf. ' "'Thu. f l.mnr In it iA U tt if .!( A An. a Daiaf reeerf'd. waiZ&jcaaoai of war, that t teorfairl coo4 do tbe fiat ky Tiipati whek tootOany of tkctr -eacla. I told hi the Ut -endited ty Triooh to Alf tn hid ao:hio to tih heir fnerantee of the treaty or the U Staiei. Tbat I dtmandel whu w'io the uo 9l the regency to perform. and would noi for 4y lertici he would reader me oa thta oc: ;( " On the moraiot of the tyth-l ine I wen in to the.mtailer of the mariae, -who iafor nam, that be had, Qaild to the Dey the chit) hat 1 laid to bun the day before, that the r t'aid fiipo'i and the United tStatei were at vti ;htthil 6 .ifhsd hit ((aaraatee t that the Dey mi l link u w ot ngni 10 taK pruaaeia nt p a iroio the lripoiiuea t tive to the Ame.i 'h'l were blockaiVog Tripoli, that - thii waj Dey'a anfwer, that I night (hie it to my (crnmcni. in; lame time ton me aer o. jdmit of American corfairi to the feme laui ua puti M aid lo.the Tnpoliuct. 1 obf& 'o thit defini'ive aafvxr of the dry, I had moch mare to fay at prefent thai what I hi; p:ated!y flaied. that I would fully commu.i the fame to the goverameai of the United S,. and w u foiry to ob eiee that our treaty war adhered to in fuch fatti 11 wai farorable to rrg.ncy, ana to no r I petti maay mean 1 ih. idan;age of the United S'titea; hecaa'ir tie to be p-odeot, that it wat wll koowu to that tittle tt'irtf woaid inuale the dey, and preffijnqf their chief, fay he rfce war on hi iricnda to the del aaion of their -.u!a commerce, takea all the plunder to hiir.fclf, and ia the ilTue reduce tho,n to. Starvation and tho lofi of their ,U. Jl. ti,in of war in lBofl." "lenaa, wunout mowing mem me wretctiM cca ral alledgrd the bl(hw hav ng capluredi 'on to mourn for thofe frienJi when fla n confeqnense would be fen out that I well k J roortv laaconfiderable am not couldi h ? frhade the lawving relatiani to mourn for fhe tei .n( the dry had lately obliged, th SJ not potUly have env claim egtinft S-xt- '$ li' oe4a- , V?0,11, "l,,nWnuHi' effurt to concede e'trer i'h "the U-.itcd State, j mild man of peaceable difpontiona." ; suxiract 9 a letttr Tram KichardrO Brten, hfq. Lonful, of the Untied States of Jme.fi c a at Jfe'trrs, fo tfe Secretary ,4 ta'.nccl'-trisrreat coiitravy to tbe sp-.ru and truth of the constitutio:i. It, there- "fort:, became his duty to oiler 0 reso.u- tion for instituting an ...enquiry into the) subject, in doing which hedisclwimsd all personal vicvy. He then made, the fol-lowing-motion.. ltc,,i,r, rl thsit the committee ot cler- .ab K ond tKrv ar hftrphi' instructed jeonenr m-rtne report. 1 tus the-writer iknew from the debates upon the report. lie therefore, thought it his duty, in icuting himself, to exonerate thnse members from censure. Was tlite in- ilece.nt ? lie conceived not. ' - - Mi1. Morris said that when he had jbserved that there was not an indecent expression in the letter, he meant that of America hron t:,e rordi'im i rtg ers. and 1 am veiy rnucb nnflakjn, it there ate not inn moment rthe'- pi- UPorrcoimurni.on, acvcfai ii:Vi. i... (K.i'a ,icfherenfs erider vor WaT'ii '. lii tonliiietiCKjufurgeft ng ilienri."' ,t. v.n me nnttit ot iue tgtn tnitant, departed t. e 'i. iota (juarTr ea'lieiy to cruize alon !iort, a it fei.tl tuey are hi q jefl of (ome American vrll. la Mai are at Sola " Extr tfl of a i.'ittr Irani James lerde Cat heart, Efq Cor Jul the Untie to enawire wb-iiher John P. Van N'es,!,tnere was no. such expression applied to . ia nf 1 rrtprnhcr ol this hotis-e tromiine nonsa conecin-ciy. tie aia noimcan 0 State i dated Ol AhitrfJ the 1i Feb. 1802 '-I , '. , u The Algrine rainiftry on the litb Jinotry, propnfid to m, that now the Tripoline jam UalTidor wai here',- to fettle ot arreftgt5 with Tri poli, ihefame time alluded that e Iktle monipy wuu d be tequi.eil 1 antwercd I had no ord State! ol Am:rica.-(it Alters, ti the ? J th,t 1 V "i0 lh,t",e f . , . J a. l'Arii?n fif,i um.iln n awr eriu tit. if u r H Secretary ol State, dated at Leghorn,- (jfli;irnt 6t the bad faith oi Ir oolt.. -ii codider. th Ji'ly, 1 8o.2. j'ed thii hipt. --r propofnin in oider-to.feel' my You will pl- afc to obfwee. that the cruiz;n p to teei.u.i n a oraeri or rautuaei jf Trip- Ii have beco fr oucritlv at fe fmce the I war commenced,, and lltietice eoixrive the tl-n?er : r Y .ay Mf a lp,,,r trnm Il:li:,n, p,,ta- f .MiMitt fl.ip. have been epof,d to- F.a'j - nr . r,fll . , LM.fT;,.j J " the stats of New-York, returned by sua state to serve as one of its members in the seventh Congress of the U. Status.! . l ' . 1 , . . ..A n m A v. VIP ti l naa net sines m cictno aa a m. nww. 'this house, and since he occupied a seat -a a mimber, accepted of,'and exercised the bfRre of a mnor xl militia, under tne . - authority- of the United States, within the Territory of Cohinrihin, and therehy fuf- feite'd his right to a seat as a .meniber of j this house; " . . ! 7 Mr. Davis aprecct to let the resolution lie till to-morrow. " ' ' Tuesday, Dec. 23. "A messacre-vas received from the Pre sident of the United States, intlosinj; plans and estimate for a' Dry Dock on the eastern branch of - the Potonv-tCr-ca-, pable ofconuUiini; 12 frigates of44 ' JJU!Jl5. " . a . -I he proposed pun, in an acctmpany-j ing report to the Secretary ol the Navy. Is exhibited at considerable U-ntrth, by siii Lutiuuc, vtiitt KMiiiiuiiMt tor two' pUns 5 one for supply iiff the Dock with tfw returna of our confula von will be inlormed ilie extent of our commeice in thit Tea, whiwU; iev:r waa fo valuable, ai it waa at the peiiod1 and fincetlie h.fhiw of Tri oli corr rn:;icrd h I-.' ilttici. I have lee:i f 4 fail of Ameiican vrll.l-ij n this port t fincn lata yar, two-th'rdi cf wtioin- ere tmainied. Can the wifdom tif ei'e nmentl Irv'fe no inrani filler to prrveni the .c.".t'?er; hl.TtifVt I cm p:t'i j to fsa, or our mi chant-' Ihipj Ii j',11 pirn i up th'-.M'Jiti.tf trane iiiarm!5i ut! ivHii'ut r.oiivuy ? Ii it not polliu e t- lonth vtthe reading was imperative, tin- r""J?'; "'.:,r - ct w.i l-hr.) fro.n co.mng .. .... .' . Iil'l I. lUr. t 1 llillf ( It.rrl li.ltli-l nil V 111 ctrlrllJ to say there were no charges against in dividual members. But if there were charges against individual members, that was 110. reason for the house refusing to hear it. That could only he done when clnirges were made against the house In its collective character. The speaker again declared his opini- Y less dispensed with 1y, unanimous con sent, j J Mfi' Mitchell was proceeding to make sonn remarks ; when Mr. Griswold cal led liim to order, a-s the decision of the speaker had settled the point, unl.-ss an lappeal was made the re Iron), itm.'c'.vei wj.rn ihiec 01 fi.ur ate toKeiheT, or lindcr convey o; f. me o ' oui ihipi ol war " I ' The b. (hi "w"'-"of 1 lij. j'.i f-'cmi 'difpofed' in ite into .1 nea;y 'vi'li ua, but upon "n-hat te'm; la hn. no; vrt d;c':iifd C: r. E ton inform' iie.Mii;, pr pofi:ioia of ,eace 011 the part of lh?; I.!h.w of Ifitli, c:r.it;,ihrou,li ihe bey ut l'uni, trouoicd Itut ire latter IhJUid If America at Tviis ... tt tlii Secretary tj State, duteu ut Leghorn, tto. ' It may not be imp'oper to mention here, that rhurldjy, ijlh December, lat. 39, -45, fpoke tnow tox, .ct iSoton, from Niulcj, uouud to Meiiiiia, wi h eery' (ew men,' and no gent. TheT Me-tlen tuc.ti 11 c vctrd wnii thu kind nl advea taieri. It iiidivllu 1 will nei'.htr havcirvard to icii own uli.Vj nor the Kfner il intercfl -of tU.- Ur S. fho ild not the tovcrnmer.t iiueiditt thia i.mle m inner of haia'Cing hoth by legal piohibi I tiooa 10 c. nc ce heir without convoy f O.ial iile mcicn.ntmau'i ce chiimd at I'ripoti,;; jvouiJ b.- ol incalculable pieinJue .0 the afftut oflhe United Statei in thai rcg-ucj." fo 11 w ifrojiOitd thit the I1p. Dnvis- n.H ht wi in iirt'A with : I'tnoiafir" nc? iMu'tnte'-. Mr. Eston anfwerfii '.t,- ,UU U.. ,..1.! in le fP MtC'.H war, when we r.iu .LI1L. ll.VlfV.1 3, .UUV1 . LULU...IJ4. IUV. WlLLUtllV I . -- ' , - ft u.-i'i a'ut, tiiai. ii'. u. Mtan. u nuiii 111c !wif bul not ot.ici- Fyn No.'g, iAe.i at Leghorn, July 15, ,dc;son of the. cliair. Mr, Dana called for the yeas and tuys.J I ri . .1 : w - - ! 1 tie question was tnncn, itccorahig 10. j ,. 0n tVt ttfih in lit aniie, witnotji ueiato, on toe ou'-stiort, :cndnjtei to-dd.wd' is tha n jcisioi) oltr.o chair in omU;v i Carried in the oiTuniative : Yeas 62, niardi to a'cqtiiefca in, and that both the B: lnd Fre-cli would foonfhete the ft me fata . itlutit d him for hu advice, and obferved ih. imade n diffnence to the United States in Spain accjuielced, 01 yet what the day woullJ 'gaiiilt the Brit fh or French that I uatronv .j .I . r . 1 1 ta KiTriuairoi i mc u auea dtatei wouiq vl icgict learn from facta, that Algierl wai aoi tri.nd ot ihe united St tet,-bot an eeidet In otTnpoli be obferved that ha did hot bell that we or any chti In n nation would .keep i.eac wnn Aigteri, trwa louna it mora our terett to beat wat. I told him tht we k 1 i. n J ... e I out tmvicii aria at me lame time would no; I crtlice the honor of oar nation ander aa,' con ration Whatever that the ptelent limeadtu r iaorbieopportuAity of htm I'd the flee, to do me the juft faor I rra jired .'! ,The prime ni nilter and balmch. the Al Jew.hroker, and in fayi hit principal tfirtfj went to tne flev at two r . M. on tbe dar 01 ti h ot Jjne, and fi lled all my arcumenu to tley '.ha fame time I fant my droennaa tel eey to reqaett ibe lavor to befriend me on preient pccalun, that nine of any ih trymao v in chained captivity in hu port, on board a poline, with a priee an Anieruan briir, end the corlair of Tripoli had the American flu eerfed at the prow of faid corfair, that ihe ( I (time the dy wai the guarantee oF the treaty c! U'litca otatta wuu I riueli that il ilie-dey nut occupieJ J Ihooli ba happy to fee bianwn occauon. - " The dey aafwered that I need nnt ccta. he hid the whole bufinefa in bii min. .nd would (hortly hear. the refuit 1 ; On th'i ihedeyfendaa mrfTcrtger dowrl r.a marina, tne TlCKeinaiice o ieo ral .,r marina, for him to call the Trinolli.n -.!. that ihe d.y will purchafo the nine Araerc l .brij and cargothat the dey w rive (or iJ ihe fu-n of h titoTa -d dollara, and, tha 'woaid wtita to Ike b (haw of Trinoli. ihai E 'xirafl of ahttcr from Richard 0' 'Br i en, Eh Cswjul of the Vailed States d!d "A wo'4 ' ""y. r a j , j' i..,. .le dey feot thiamrffige tothe marire, th; - of Amend at Aignrs, U tie Sec.re wint lo- hi, g.ea-irle mia rter of t . ,a t ity-V $itie, dicd M AIjjerSt declareJ thu m-.UaSe io the Tripoieap wno 111a mat ne touia only s.art with the A ncao prifonen by forca, having the bafcUV of poli'i nrdari, above ell tbtnga if he fhdj'd any Americana ta tak care and I .nd them w iter from the Tvfosr. fhi pyi.i ivc ,r;.Uf.vs 1 whicis estimated at 27,0."0 dolVu-s On which the feat!hg w-s continued the oth&r from s upplying it from'the Po-j.tiU miarter past two o'cloc'k. tomac at the Little I- alls th-: e:;x-nse of A letter was recjved-tlirotih tht Speaker, and read, from, .Timer, MMlcii-1! to DOC U M E N T dcecvpjinif fle- JF TIK which is estimated ut J dollars. Referred tothe committee-towVun wa-, referred soniur.h of the president's1 Com music a T i n s' Message as i'elutr: o Dry Dot.Ls. . s 1 d k.n; t crVi vi-il -4-1. i.,i,tI, !,.. I fit rj.t.'i.J -! Ti nTtr u (iiU'Ct n r'i.f?rci .. .... W' V.VI. VI. 7 'u nr. 1H02. " On the eve, ing ofhf. 10 h iiiA. arrived l eie t j-o Tniu.i e c'iliia. and' thu .'in qui ilicv Ap.n'eton ad t"fr'! jhiled lor the of.i(in, in tarei of Amr- n:i a- - 1 v t itra r;a.v :.r,r:i,ii and on met. Ttitfe to loil'i.ra aie two ur h'i'ti iiy,.,a ,lii-, with ihire lateen full, aJl haeng ir.dr o i."-, ir run O.-c .a ctev vl Ijrtv raei. ihe ninei in i rt, from l,irj uu"i I -i.i; .l thoft of f wi a-n an ie to take i Men mat wiiihu: iii-ct, i-cy .e in .ai p tic;i, " y ol tlit.ty it c. t t'cv aie well Caiul-lcd .or lO'-v. :veihvs fey:i-d, intent u ; ji y, 'i oaiy, Willi iul.t c and bia.li.i vtlfsla in carina, ir',i.hi windi. ;jiuicily apflct.iing ih ri.q I. ," I 'I ,e-y fay they are Uout twenty flai Iroaa Tr1- poli, lailed wuh ilircc i-t et : and tliol to have io -fled i' down the Uii bary Cojfi :o Allien. t') Jun-. Thia'inoioiiig at (i A. M. entered the puit ul Aliea a '1 iipolme vorUit, enH with h-r in: Auction Lii; Ftanklin, captain Marria o' rnlde plna, with hia ctcw, nine pertona ir ciiaii.a. o i board ( Tup dine' eoriair. The T'lpOfi.ie cuifair h d b-r colour t flying at each Tne anietine ry containing certain anitivtlverjjonj on .fade the ieA dtv f Dex!t.'er. i8or. th.2 report of tho comniittecV mvestiu- tion, m ulc du;T,m the last BiMnn. Considerable progress iiu.-iti) beoj made hy the Clerk in the reiJi'i ftf'he above h'lrer, Air. Alston sail, thst H rvtp"r w iich the ckrk wis n-.V.iii i; s carjd to him to b- a very ua it cne, an l that he ('id not thii,'; ihe hoi,x . jre hunsid (o !ivi-n U the iwdir.qr rf M ' He coiu' iivs ! la-cm only bonid to aiunt '-Ii sotr.-.ch docuinentsasmiglit be rcc r'-v. ed from jfuMlc o.Ticers.orto p- 'it't ris a rcdi si .r ii v:mre. I Ir did not 1 fil'St' , ft,-, & if l letter ,- tfYit L Cttli- a',: Cfif-il tf l ie United S nt,s ef d Ulrica al .4!z4-rst ttl f Srrretar) tj State, dated at Leghv n, 'y 2d, '''' ( Sil"i ptnirfled the Uiht ii-X n"',ill to tlif am .ftnt nl l.u 'c ry.) A'l r J J 6 . ..'ih ue, 1 8-a 2. . Thii ni.icni. r ;,iivrd a fnou'ine coifa-r .e w -b h-r a pnae, me P iila!epbi 'nl.'in, fa-im Milit, whs fii.td from Mft-h ea ill- I li infl.iit. ami w,a Catia rd the uii ii.il mi .i.a.ce,.! I.. Car.ha na. ii aooJierlmall Head, and kf pi fli log guni ' .. " .1. . ... i... u -iij . L . : n. , ii'iucr nti film wa cuiuca ini nmciii-an rug .ft- tl'da 1 thi J luve leen wuh my own eyra ro;; i .!.C. ti.; licw r!i; n.p- r ir.r ! 'imr il c be on nf that d---t -rip'.ion. lin Hi'.o'i h' t i t.il.cuny r.nti a, i .., . .. Vl, Ii'' !1 ' "l ' prj'imi IO l.lkC Ui'liCi vrv- v n -n- r- inrHrThTrl Till 1inH: d. propct' to f. i i'2 x address to llit!rj'er i cry lit'le tiui; mi.;':t hi- . p. , t'o' ri ) either br.Miicss. llr ronli,.f!i dl'yi4v;ri he thntt-ht thrv mijdu to i.,k: no rr.M t , i rot.ee .f it Ih n t!. ) hhoul i thr-y t ar--1 frnph in at f-vts-iiper which inn:!lhf in rhM-tl tihe ypil.cr. He ihi-n f.irr tt.uv- , . etl. th:'t th; pt'i-r s: io I no' he rv: d. Mr. Mtr,i:v vWPid r.?.l 1 -i t rV perfMtc li e diherence tttril by l.-ei ? Ifi:;ic; nor did h krov low the ! ' tlrm.n tiij 1 P.t'fipj ; Cc a n'fi.f .f mmuutnU Htion before ruU-Vc thill , lie corii'ltd toju Ijc.bcttcr of it we 1 h:uit. IJy wli.it .insp',r,.tiA!t rrMtl i'e n'l'inf, form a j.utnent i-,m I 1 ,f -4.or.-tt;.Vi;ati.t aprxand to l.im r tic ; iitmo ' imnortar.ct;. lie hopel lire, tfo.'c , it muM ,r? rad. ?.T:-. Morr'ucov !'! nrfom't r.rkir a rcmnrk , tf-n. I'mm ilc ttiiuiiuica- noiur. iir 4 rcnu. it .I'liM-.m-u iJmi it iwv, tl.if .fd, ,e clirail-rrnf a f r- n l,'!,t li.i rcl.irf in t !r lo rc.lthe rnmiriM.trathm.l tit i!o t n- cpi.rc iiifoilif r(Tr1.,.r. Tlifte m mtn-Ct i t rfirii rn in it .!,, t i, lytiy th'in'ni dull r, the fum f 'j m : ti- btlhaw nf Ti pi'i at ihr i. ui l?'. aiM ih.t h: l.ilf lej lo rep-I rt 'ti n ij, pn anrairy i.l ei.o. dillari hy ' "iimi, mn.vn iriill (j .afn Drtnir oil at 1'iiai' he Lit f-u.'fd hit uTaiia w'nh Hii'vn. ' Mir if HI .n'l.-li.r-i tni cap'aini difu'r fl- r,.i.snra ai. il , K i.ejain fifif IC u Ji.,. .. potw I hl'rn trf. t'.aial'nnal Cnin t'nf ,'.t 'l.tli ,) ill Iff - 1,,'ly ra.Ul.tral to ibam 4 . l;ri-o-e ai:uire tht Miau.int mii:a l- " nil ilite dii' ni'.Ka-i n a.f r mrai, ar.d lh (fieinAri( ., r u,' i in b ivf n fl ail coif Ti i . i e ?.iLiifiiniein, in n-i tlit ihry n r n,.w w"'ii, r i' e -,, pnwri in fiiinil f vr'.l i' iMrn.ii.in in port, ti l.a imf cl all oil c r.M-fi". ii, m wnl ir tin. a t pennn il.. n L li.lil'ti"in nl 'in'iliil arfrinf dictated l;aiitilai by ai tl i'.-t Uaibaiy llaica. AirCnl .1 tirw. wh'ili w I i i Min3lu 2lctt " tn th" mun.i.g .f Oic i l mft m I fw t'lite e fuei-eail it Altt!"r ;,'n Tnp.ltn Ciil'a.-i iii a f n i-i hrr oolfrili ,1 (I J no ill); to .Neeilwiid, fc'i'.a) take to be n Auiniran 'vtlTei- t a.n iryin;, -in what leimalcan obtain !ihe r.iif'"n .if au-ui M-tifil and trt w, i.i a'ii t.r, and if p'j.Tij'.f i:.-i w;:la fhi'l fe on hat 'r.onclt'.nni I Ltu a(rl ill b i( and clrj i. . j I. ia fa 'Itliat ih.vc ;a it. ( at piffnl fix .fail o' Tni ol nr c-uiren. and it ia alfntt J, thai the 'r K'ea ! tlir U 'ed ktt-a e..U tuota ol Sweden lie bl ikirti . 1 npjt " if. I '), .. , (''godl R'ftURD O'BRlr.K, " Bf coniiaiint Hut wiih Mr. Noidetirn let'rr it would li r, that mnu tiuueii than ihetw.a ;;!i.-i ait rut t hut 1 ran haid'y be'itva it pcCiel.', that iliey cauld evade r dilierisc of. I wo fajdr.i., orih.l thry have en.erpnee to! uiiiim it without aay mine but UW bua.a le.r m it-a-ataiiiea. ..-. . ' Mr. CailiClftir ! tfpifird, l''d (hot f t uitntttaed hy rfli i.l ua hci ty) I a: lienienint terrct, inihe tnrri,iue ln -cploted l ynui'l fi'm Mvi ' if Ah. (..itUart, ditti at Trireli fr;m tb' tlth 'March tt the 304 tf fM.V'l02. , illtill, fcfatel, it iCra. 1" Piflio'iirtii tSe 'tig' loiener e I'MM I I Jir.?f p'l'.', fV. .. 1 v. 1 i i-i jiit-t.r-'n in it. 1 tic - ri. rcmpl.,;n4 th a l i i c'nr. tier ka'T!.!?! uen jturiH , jc ,,,,. . !otk. yr.,:,:: id. It wnl ds thr lu ;ht .( 'u.itiitlre lo And 13 ! I. v Mi'i.i -and blockaded t,: !. I'n-tef S'vm a1. G bi-ltir, lion I'.r w'.i-. e ea fo f fen nlaM e- niuiMHilc lavor lioft Ihe e r.peio i rif ,!.," ' a lb, waitmnthrd Xf'of'k ef . ii.h i ra' f r"'M riil at a cie -ti. " ll.r k iHaw ri4 lk'n ihe ri.nioa cf ini((;ni m wiinf j ttltive li t' I Ameiiri tr 1 iVire w,e .-p-r', 4 i Vil. tf, sfjt Oiand Kaa, etij eneihn ifttn 1 di H ' l ow. On.tht an . I .f ,hf Aamira fr.'i b'forv fniVi, !' b1iaw btf an 14 11 C en ihe advire 1 a 'ff t d j n 4l,. (ciai it chafed, M 11 -d vi t, e tn'i i"flMa i.e wtri it in ifiie, ilaw tfi.tnt'irft j' hit fnnia.ama Ra l ify baa I l.a" .' 14 uni tint I "tut la the mtrioe, io tht jeneiat L t inillct ot foreitn ifj.iri 10 d him, thai at thr treaty of the .United Sia'ei with Tripoli waa on drr the iaartm.ee ol Ihil reteecj. that if Ibe De ill d not power over the (vernment ot Uafhiw v' 1 1 upon 1 1 me ucr naa 11 now in na power, a id to nia pon, a., a uiKier tne eyn 01 me ci y, to da tne iheiailice intt he had p ei'aed ht lai.b andnon .r of the ie6anc; to do ; thai 1 demanded 10 tbe name ol ihe United Stain, tht Ametictn b-i and cargo, tnd ciew, oLlhii I'leermpcut tht, all wat in their port wiih tne l'lipulint cm. f.!r, that h'd been fupp.ied here iiopi the loih to the 14th ef J i ie, with all her wa. tt, wlmh enabled bet tef piiHCcd to fca, ind cap'ute Ame nCani. .. : To i' U he tnfveied tkit ihe rij-ncyi aarn l:t wat iaieeded to be t 1 mrdn.ar, but not to we f otce ; that now the euaiaa ec Ovid iiut moch lit talked ut ; that ih: 11. dud Ma it tad fea.1 f. i. rai'tlj bloiaiJe Itipuli 1 Uad tarei laH yer t 1 tiui ine cot lair aad new, and Ut ihean go, II we had brnaht them io Algien, tnd vto them up to tht D.-y 1 tint he wuu d apie f.-ttaa u ut 111 wi n TtlfO'i wuh a luilttno.cy or t. ptnc. To iiut I mlar'cicd ibtt Ui Ue n.d htn irpctiedlf loliened to off heli ii flaeace be lute that l.ulki.i i'i hid lO nmrnitd j that wi re Allien had tn buhaelt 1 1 t atac n it Wat tel. e-clrd by Tripoli! but when any ari:it ot ihe Uoiird ; laiei, I waa told that Aieier' hid at powento ctfMimand, 'be 'jeiani(ai kl T ieoli lo U ..... ... ... ... ..... . .1 . - . A 1 . . 1 iiu lunmiy in iBiticua 1 taai iimiia m I tike .bit ttrly oeponuni'y U infirm yn,i,'uil tbe Uaittd .ie. lae, keowm laf enm of my eie-a-e. ! failed w ih the bri riinklml mnmht belare it happened, thai Ti'VU I t.- c war v, ar.ifnH, wi. v . wHim.ffcv; ,n w edc. C ) fmd ft mi; be trie." Extract ol a I't'tr Vff-f AlireUi A!o rJtt tU'ttn'-H ti lie Iraiklin, tt Jsm'S t Ltanl'r Cnthnitf, Iff Ctfui of th Untt-.d Sta'et, Cc.difednt Tnfli, July aj,i02 of ihe cutforui that it w,i by havi 1 olj.rirtn ih.t h a miner tha btfc.ia woaild iiiciiu; rawm 10 Dlinr tne Amtiica I to r-l ud a rip-j me 1 imi.' A m -m IJ . . . 1 A . ... . , mm m,, an m aa-" or lime. d infotmcd thai (V ert'. Mjnrifh .acrhnit wrirl lenre to pcchiie the btie raklm aod liom ibe ca tain u th Tripoline. On thiil t-atinuoo 1 went U the iinne minifler, tnd him what I hrnd j ha wtt eery anny, faid the btirineU (K ,u1n have bee earned vrftcrnai I C'ctauiy to m oey't ordera, but thai ibe b" wit i.i the hardl of a lion (ilit dry) aud iha fraei were looking on aU.'dinK 10 the Mj mcrchu tt. hoil y titer . thii I heard tb tjent of Tiipoli went to tha. dey, tnd all weue aiotcrmtot 1 hat ihe dey tot very a t i l nrdried bnihth: Tripoline ivrfairt and price, the Amciicta lni, to depart tie pn A'K.ert dindUy, At tner werfeHdhj 1 way," I wti.t 10 the miaifler of ibe marine told hi m that ih condoAof A C rt wtt liiend to lYinoli, tnd a t to the United thai it wit ia hia o wer 10 htea d -ne me j aad ibt he nrf'id-d il 1 he fail he wtt Ij Jhe dy'auideit that he fhjuld have kept ter look oot, and not let ihe eorfairt rd Tr. .. ar a. 1. . - ' KM out. I ooieivru to Urn, that I wat try t , trmeny tht e l, die. Had I had hit finceit liPan'-.e, the huliiitlt weul.l hue btan fin ytHnday 1 (bat tt piefent I bid ouly to dttai wnoia atlair 10 my foecrnmeat 1 tha woo'd be ialoimid ol t end that tt Tiinoliut iii-t the. cntend wiih Aoicticait print ioia pout 01 hu iffocv, thit cctiainly Arneneaa gree wot!4 lirejirat ibtt cotD, t .1 6M would cnlue. The liiaaliat totfiir. tad Fitnk'in, and etreeln Nfonit end eiew, kf fieri on me ig:n ri 1 ,re, 11 l.'I p.R ta 1, afietnonn, with e lihi welliily wid, dedina Ihe ctdwtidl I fippoW 4or;B3at or T where I hope ihy will meet one of tr ftij k lee mi now 10 Be reduced to eerttiatf , luficiiviiinqiuwii ipo ine Collant t :a. mm 'ton. IfwMm. wr.n little mo'lea,oe ,.de "'!y 1 l.U Tt ftl l.im tn oj p-iUitniiy jii cf rttt lan fonti divt,' 13I la ii twiitn ly rpotieJ kAfif 10 Kl U,l Clnim.ll it l,(Mvn ol PUlade!iie ftora ,.flnrl, with en .fT-nedr"'"""' hn Reginc)! gitiantft, bat to i,m In ik, U'.ii t . ... ,1.. ih uliimo and lire iteatri (ecutiiy, we lint thtte fiiratea, to on me n eht nf the ml. Inlinvta. ihen elf t ee ' nandernoi., e let go the Tnpo.i. Paid, waa aoaidtii k..a ..I ihn Turt ia'1!"! too stew, mai nn circua nance tr i neitm.; eotfaite mntiniii, ,. fi.-a ael lour fwivcl Uel. laew o. f inally, h told me be con d do turn, th I ful'd from tt place ea Of about the Dlhiae, wa.aui mlLatctiving ihe D','e iait t Miy. I Hull .( over the oear,e era l,,tl.i ro weil do in my lavoor etna hu wti 1 ikat ! int. ai ,u ..II ..Aannlid wuh li e hid know thai tiui laid nitiluC nuuittel h ta tof.datl of ihefibaib, tiana lowarda the oaforiant'e Coaiagad ih TllpoUnn Item iht la h tbt ihtt fill into iMir hmdt. Tley atnerrded with ' U-t ' 'r "T pitllkey .ibr ante 10 Airtrtt. wbr we t-ie4 the Sth, m.ght bung thrm imo the poiti l thu Ri.ta.) and aa Irnrl'lif i it,. iMfMalia.a of Mr I end difiaole l i.'iCnl , O'lWn, ibfy wWfnbliefd U mikr etfly ' " I deeiind public y llittht irjeetyl coa i.i. .i . ik . k l,.n . v.i mi wliKii.il dtfllr.il diy wit I bit lib cf Utihrt'd .of iH ftv.at iretn ifemnnal loaJ ef eha!a. Whn' ''"IT hM' jr tad gvetiwteed Ua ih tala end ,.,i,a.. -.-.la . A i mM link' lh United ?ttta. 1 Ml wn to the liC M.I l.ttttt ia ilea ifft,o,hitaA eilTinii.aMil ihe h .net, endtned lohmi.tiy Ihmgulbadlw ind. kKaii. aim aim. .1 .lit a. wa druartcd .1 n mailer rninilef, ne able vtd il tne Aiatn. ta liieing the br I ihee ia thi of ihnr te-at, lad' fr.eiei wete aot blo'kidiag lupoli, ihai Alg.eit . . . m. ttm. a. a aw.. .A ta m Ba A Ika atV atrt at i at a hilar. aiafa A a ad iota inn. intoe'B me a - -r "..... . i ... t- --- . . A . . . . .u i.Mid .Ik. I ... a .1 .....li .. u. Ml n.a.na anaiiuva . ... .v, .i. . v. w. bertt of the aadi IM11 u. lDt 1.0 jrere-a.n, ie roifg-eia , j. a a - ' ... aa. auK.s.la .0 B!fliiad fnl an Ikal IL hiaal lit.' - y laclv cveni, Mr. Be. M. uaaaga taa. iw ... w. .... .1.1 j . . j t - ..it..' i had eet item the retainer. M eoiir '" ...i. ... .f. .. m n. r.i i.a. . aad eiew. aad ftai both ea a arvliat ta tht U t. Wtfk r iiimv wviaiaia ii-tir m-aia tt annin ninu 1 iw : . , r ... . .. ----... aVtCCfillKr 91. .t.. a... iw.. i.l... 11. ....j. ia it., alilf A'a'ti 1 taauf IraM tad TtiMiiaat let A TO LKT, THE fubferiber's Dwe'iling I!u with a kitchen, fmoke l oufr arden, all in complete order': dilution ii p'.cibnl and healthy, would infwer extremely tll Public Ijoufe. A!fn, Iwu n tenement, fm a le lot fniall Uim' I'fcTKR CARPENTt. Who aca n tjri for fa'.ebii u tition in Uhttcii cuuntf, cmiau 533 afrci ol j;iioJ land, fitt gie. Hie rucr about 39 nnlc. fiotn V , Alio, 240 arrei c( Undt nartleCln dea"iiie, juining Mr. Jim 1 k.tiirt linil, in Ne. Hanover cow 2ro acict i f bark lard, ' jo'n Jamti Toy, t'.fq.in laid com f. 300 acrei-of Ijn1 below ti e S' I Loaf, io (ilJ court, ff ttnrsin" 1 ceo acTqt of back, lar j In Cf I ..... M k n.. . It. .it 'a ..I t.. .1 ... w-...-- ..... ........ .... 1 , a .. " .a... " " ' taon thai wait ia..aaa vkUh I leaotled tt 'net I nit ereva ivht io nig'trt weuia ta aa l ie i f c,e.iu 4.1.111, a g.ttii. gnu, .r i.t t, imi fl. b uu' fc l.U.tw.t e iku'ffMly Mg'tir ukug ttmm id TufO.ieu ite A 1 .... , -