Fublised weekly by Allhjso ITjU, at Tuwti DotiAas a Year. TJIURSDAY JANt7AY ST,. 1,803". Vol:?, No.3ir, - ,JpST G Ehi. ...publication relates to theatiiication of this information as you may thin reimbursement ef theprinclml of the thMmihi;. i& -' -.' ttear.e and' the shuttiricr ofthe Dort a- proper. -, . i ...... debt of the United States belnnoW--;- -...,r A. " - - . . v . - , , . v ,wn TTanm a1 i' rowinc , gainst foreign' trade.; " 1 am, with great respect, . the hind ior satisfying'navv pensiohssam'e for t'h- fT- - l TRANSLATION. I . luui uiusi uutuiui.t Jiuiiuii. nnv l. inc auiu Ul UulUirS, CIS. Wwlch ness' e- Wni. L. iiLi.lAtjb. whicr .. ., ':' rBJSM THE ? RESIDENT of the U. STATES 'Transmitting:' a.- report from the Se cretary of sute, with the informa- As long as it was necessary to tion reuuested in a Resolution of the rate the commerce of neutrals House",of the 16th instant, relative is -now, abolished,, it ' would have been to? the violation on the part oi'Spain, prepidicial to the province, had, the it ct the twehty-secorid article of the- tendant incompliance with his dnty, treaty of Friendship, Limits and . : prevented .the deposit in this city of. Navigation, betvveen the U'nitkd the property o the Americans, gran States and the King of Spain. ted to them by te twenty -second ar Ccntlemen of the House'' ' ticls of the trebly of friendship, faints of ReprescntativeSi - ;.' ' and navigation, of the 27ih of October . " I'-nowtrausmlt a. report from the 179'5iduHnf? the term of three years,. Secretary of State,' with the- informa Vitlvthe publication, of the., ratk&ca-: tion requested by y our resolution of tion of the treaty of Amiens dnd the the 1 7th instant; j'e-establishmtmt of the communica- In making this communication, I tiosv between the tnghsh and Spanish Wm. E. I1UI.1NGS. Wm. G. G. Chiiborne, govern or, Missisippi territory. 1 (COPY.) Natchez, Oct. 28, 1802, SIR, I was thisNJav informed, , that in a proclamation issued on the ISth inst. by the intendanlNof the protiace of Louisiana, it was announced, That the citizens of the N United States should no longer be perrnitted.to ue- ' posit their merchandize Kqiects tn 1 the port of New-Orleans" different : jroing th added.to the sum of dollart' 41 the direction o tw-,' ct,. being he balance unappf -at the United St Ues, shall cause the r -Cr dif, '"o Zo? formsggregate quisite buildm -s an " he Is 0 bo of dollars 9,387 C I ctscxempljod " erected, a.,d uil.-r n S rcl m the annexed statement marked A. and improve. nts o be m?d That the pensmnsf the persons on andthat lor accomplishing the e! the invalid, Listf the naval establish- x - b r ment which Mve been paid or are" in anni-on, ai'e lwrcbT nfn,.nif. iu.; .. - ---"v pamuui oiany ihq- '"V"' v?yi v. me artiiie pe-. njes m tne treasury not otherNi a course amount- to the Slim ot clnJInrs. nfrmfinwl - . ' r- ------ oi cts. as aDocars ov stntctripnt y ----- - not otherwise ap- 2d. Resoivrd.. tl-, which being deduced from the a- rottenness and ,1P, A , ... ' mount of interest Sc reimbursement as the Navy , the President of the United above-stated, ; heaves a balance unap- States be,.and hereby is authorize to Phed o dollars 6,187 ,24 cts. , cause, adry dock, . With conS cZ i .1 hat there has been received from, nals, locks, machinery and water eour- . .".oM.fs ac, iu ue constructed at or near the tVin'f 1 w;a siihifrts-i tliat'inronvenien're has r.eas- Intormation '1 an event SQinrine- L-d bvthl regard duetto the rights and ed. Considering that' the twenty-se- diately interesting to llvcxtiuzens interests of the United States, and to' cond art'.tleofthe said treaty, takes the United .Mates, led me to peruse at-. swie sales ol. pnzes including dollars .public navy-yard in th" city of 'wash t'le'justsenBib'ilhyofthe portion of our from me the power of continuing the tentivtly, kThe treajy of fnciidsj-.ip, 123 45 cts. previou-ily on hand, the 'ington ; which dock shall be can-H fclloxvj citizens, more immediately af- toleration, which necessity required. ; limits s.nd navigatjoh, between the.lJ- suinW dollars, .4,562' 80 cts. for the Vpf containing twelve frigates or Mnl of war, and of preserving them dry and safely. 'sheltered from sun shine causing every sten to be taken which sent to it without 'an express order, of twenty-secoiid avticleVi found 'it cx.. . in bank the occasion claimed from me : beinic the "king., .Therefore and without pre- "pressh' declared that" " 11 is CaUiclI'c taken .; fectedby" the irregular proceeding at ?ince after the fulfilment-of the said nited States oi America and ,tl king Vum-Hi. iont fn lr.ci. nnt n mnmonl : in lerm f ik minnlrv ran nn nnwr can- win,' aiuv u pun uuvei i-ii:? . .') uii, the occasion claimed from me : being the king., . 1 he-re fore and without pvt CCIU'.UIV aWttiC Ol llie OUIPJUHOU iu juuitc m uic c)uruuuu ui .niiai uaa ' TniDiKtV VL-1 11 tlfil'VMlt tKn Tif l?Li h'iinjn ilin iuvcsiicih t)i wnicn in stotR'oi tne funded-, (h:lit of the United States, or ik stckk, measures, have been and " isxiritehded to invest in and rain ; and that for carrying th name hho eiieCV dollnri in li.iti'in 'in all cases," the riirhts of the been admitted in proper time,.I, order 4 the United" Slate?, .for the spice of -interest and reimb nation, andjo employ for that pur- that from this date the privilege which tjree yews r.-om-Uus time, totkpo- restn-atum ot a fmalrHum in thctrea- the treasury hot otherwise thni mf nrt irrmnuranic mean - Tne vmencans nau m .lniDunintrrnnu ik, uwi i-,.h Mwtr. juhi. r u h urv Hmappli'ed balance.of be,-and the same hereby are apnropri noWment, urth the; ated, to be paid out of any monies iri to meet eventual iinands of an- ated. which belong to the character of the depositing their merchandize and ef- , the port of New-Orleans, and :o ex- plicants lor .pensions. 1 X; TTnlK.rl Rci. -v a- ;. i tets in this camtal. s ha 1 be mtcrcic - port uieni trom tjience, without pa v.- tor and tn beha 1 ot the hoard. .r SON." - ted : arid that the foregoing niay be " ing any other .'.utv, tnun a fair price ROBLRT, SiMlTII. lor the hire oi siosres ; and ids mates- fwfr cf V. ashmpto:i ,. ., ... ... 'i nV -- v . : " 7J appropri- T1I: JErFERSON. Dec. 32, 1S02. . . ninety Doll irs Reward. REPORT . Of the Secretary of State, to the rre sidentof;the U. States.' Tlie Secretary of State, to whom of rep: publicly known, and that no body may alledge ignorance I order it to be pub lished irithe usual places, copies to be ported up in the public stores; and that the necessary notice be given of it to the officers of finance, the administra tors of rents, and otherwise as may"be tins tluit thoreuomtion ot the houe pt repre- . .' . l . i t . .1 c ... ..f ,.V ... ientnuves oi ine unueuoiates -vv-i;-.r-.-. --,:r.j w. 17th inst. was referred by the Presi- . The present, bemg given tinder my l.!it. has the honour to inclose to him hand, and countersigned by the tmder- th letters-and -commmication3u-.ar. written, notary. 1. .Jiks), ty pronij ses e'ir.":er to co.i!iriu'.e ' permission, if he finds time, that.it is not prejudicial to the, ' interests of Spain, or if he should 4 not, agree ' to continue ' it then, ' hi; will assign to them on ano'ther '. .p-.vrt of the bunks of the, Missisippi, ' an equivalent establishment." I have here quoted the words of the trea- cbartnu w v I I 1 II I. Ii C 1 - - . nt,7thy , 11 l-L norn U1C Hcrmitane Dec- 1802. i, ;i trie Ioih of this mitinf. th" Speaker of the House of Keprcscnta- fwiwing Negrnr-s, bt.!imgi.tn for tives. w inctly'-to J(,hn ' Uurgwin, Lfq. but ihty are now ny property, viz. .' ; r AP-TPArr' !AM. r?emer, uho is . Al.lhA,l x wtll known ui and akoiit Wilmine- Of'nu rtfev, ,6n as . Fiddler ; he took nft'ni.la .u. ,.j . c u v iMmhis wife named HANNAH t nrted, from the governor of the Missi- in the ofnce.of intendancy of New-Or- nippi Territory, the governor of Ken- leans. J 6th Oct. 1 802.- tuc'key, and from William E.'Hulings, . (Signed) ' f .r'.nrly appointed vice-consul of the JUAN VENTURA MORALES. United Status at New-Orleans.' In ad- By order or the Inu-ndant, dilion to this Information on the sub- ' PEDRO J'EDESCLAUX. i -ft of the resolution, it is staed from .-Faithfully translated from the Spa- other ourcMhatoiiliifL2tlitff0cUJj X ,rimn vessefs from sea -remained under the prohibition to land thefr car ries'; and that the American produce c trried down the Missisippi could bo I n led onH on p iyinjraduty ofujer ct. V;:h an intimation that this wa,atem- JACOB WAGNER, Ch. Clk. Dep. State. quire comment, oro admit ofa doubt ful ccirstrticlion. If therefore. hs Catholic mnjesty lias discontinued Id s permission to the ci tizens of the United Stalis, to dq. sit their -merchandises an1 tfTects at the port of Ncw-Oi lenns, will your ex- jEe.lk!CYJiCjgmvQijLo.udoimiu whether any and w hat other place on the hanks of the Missisippi ba.V hctn assigned (in conforrnty to tlie tn-at) !)!( tn If mi t. II- 1 Hp I . X -. . v ... . , aui'tti J t - vf -n. fn - rm m m j4 1 1, . . Near NATClttz, Oct. 29, 1802. for" An equivalent istablishmm SIR, - . - Tlie subject of this enquiry is so in- 1 have the honour to enclose you a teresting to the commerce oithe Uni letter, which I last evening received ted State-,, end the welfare f mir citi zens, that I must rc rjucst ytni cxcel- mnrv ner.aisVioti. Whether in these ;..t u;onr)ftri?Atv.thjoTicerofSDa1n. from Mr. Williaut E. Hulings, to;'e at New-Orleans, has proceeded wilh or-lberwiui a translation oi an cxii i lency iq lavor me wun un tany an wiUi'nit orders from bW government, frdm a publication made by Juan Ven- swer. taino as vet be decided by direct and tura Morales, intendent of the province Accept insurar.crs of mj great res Dosi'iv testimony ; but it owr.M notto of Louisiana, kc. dated October I6th, ptctand high const.. tiatioi- payment of JSuvy j'lr.-.mn-fur tin jear riidinp the Slst Dec. 1802. Ap'-ild, 1,02. . a cpKirtvv's-inlerest rn Dels. 7 7, '-do 9 per cent. ? . stock Sl,r.00 f pr. ct. navy 177 4.7j-;J13-4i wviu --7 1--9 1 - . 5.361 91 deferred, 80 42 l7l 33 '2 years inihnrsemerit - J vn the 6 per cents, y Jt:!y 1, 1 quaner'r, interest on the above, ) Oct. 1 I ditto, ditto. 1803. Jfcn. I 1 ditto. diUo. 1 vear's reimbursement on the f pr. ct. end deferred stock, daughter a likely young girl of r.bon't IS years or age t;amed JESSEE and two vonnrr children, boys', ii-uiui ,vUiiv ujan: in eaj v.. inj, -r. i.iacklmitli a lil j v, ,v.j . i years ot zee IS ill 9iri .. I. . . . f . j f . " nr ' imunui fa 191 77 i. i hi: pro. i- Mis. . ; t t rrunaoie t e nC, it ' ante, t( m 1 37 S7,53 r,: 1.371 S3 J03 j2' tr n-.t',.,! in th- s'atement here made 302. 1 bese dispatches announce that other circumstances concur v.kh .tint the portpf New-Orleans is shut. afainbt foreien commerce, tnd idso the American deposit. - Not understanding from the intcn dant's proclamation, whether or r.ot another pure ou the banks ol the lis- kivppi, ind been assigned by his Ca- The-Governor of KfMnc'y to thulicm.'i.s v (in conformity to cm; President of the United States (Signed) W. C. C. CLAILORNE. His Excellency Manual de Salvadu, Governor General of the Pro vince of Louisiana. Dollars, 5,8 HO 21 Radiance unapplitd a thtt-nd of the Ubt year, 5 the tr.e god uith and U icndslup otherwise obicrved by his catholic majesty, in fivoring a belief that no such orders . have been given. JAMES MADISON. lX'pirtment of Stati, ) 31st Dtc. 1W2. S (COPV.) Nw.Ori.sass, 18th Oct. 1802. SIR, I have tbc honour to incl jse you an extract from a decree .thi day pnb lishlby the iniendant of the province oCEoubiaii, by waich you will see thatths Americans arc no longer per. milled to denosit their merchandize in thUeitv. Ma information of anv other, cin'uyj It hasinlVicttdahtVtre wound -ir win' n'Tnmnri.ited fortinAme-ort ukth .ului,4V-4m4-rnim?rcitt4 In lnnor-to enckwet- r yoiif informs at rear paii.2Jd Nov rican d.'pfHiu i yet given ;' nor lavt tcrests of this territory, and will prove tion. The citizens of this Mate are For the half y ear end w anv reason to hone that the t'o- no less injurious to all the wektern very much alarmed end azitated j as ingtheitst Dcrcnibcr, y.rjment has Mich place In view. -' country. . this measure of the Spanish govern- In New.Hmphirc, 13 The sjiH i-t fur the cotton from the . There bcinj at present an interrup- men, will (if not altered) it one blow, NVc!icza-f'7ihcr pwiucc fnm the tion in the post between this territory cut up the present and future prrpcri- s'Uem;nH Id thrr up. to come down t.nd Tennessee, and uppoing it of ty ol their best interest by the roots. npprn.ic'Ki. The ditlkuliy andri-Uof importance i!iatt!icgovi;rriinenuhou!d To you sir, they natundly turn their p -Vi -rtv that f ill f dl on "the cit'uoni be ciriy apprized of the , late event at eyes, and ou your attention to this im- of t'ha Umted Star.-s. if denrived of Orleans, Ifave forwarded this klWr porUi 'subject, their test hopes are t-uir d-niit, ire incaIcUM! s t!tir bf'cspresstu Naslivdlc. whece it will fixed. Permit me to request you will 3,07 41 treaty with Spain) for " an equivalent estahlb-hnictit," I have by letter (a copy of which is c nch sed) requested information upon this point, from the governor general of the province of Louisiana; when his. answer is recei ved it shall be forwarded to you. This bite act of the Spanish govern ment at Orleans has cxtiicd conside rable aitiialion at Natchez and its vi- (COPY.) State cf Kkhtvcht, -Frankfort, Nov. 30, 1S01. Sir. Twodays apo I received the inclos ed letters from Doctor James Speed, In Meeker U. Co. from New-Orleans ; to gether with a" copy ofa protlamation issued by Juan Ventura Mtrales, in tendant of the SjjanUh govetiment of Louisiana; and which 1 do myulf the Dclkrs, 0,387 62 B. ABSTRACT . Cf X.;v pensions for tin yew 1302. For the hlf year ending the 30lh June, In New-Uamnshhc, 78 D, C. Massachusetts, Rhoile-lsland, ConiHCticut, , New-York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, Pension of John Mushaway, including 220 51 114 215 07 4)1 90 ' 99 76 CJ -1,270 73 133, bi ',?in no frail, and sufjrct t1 bedrpsitcd in the mail y be s t,'i '.v storm, tlut llicy cannot be eonrtr.tliT,.i H w'Jn j stores, to wait llu arrivil f ;a vcni.-lt I? carry away ttiler car.f ccs. The i-t is lv tY.s day sVit a fi'mnt oil for ', ;n r mimerce. winch r.n o i'ybe . .r-. .1 m by Spinisliiub-, Jc:t u S,.tmsti bottoms. 1 mi. sir, i Willi th Ttti'tM rrp-ci, Wm.E. llJ LINGS. T1-.! hon. Jamss Mvlis ni. ) Lp secretary ofs! iir. I am, ftir, With sentiments of rnc?m !t rcpect, Your hurMc ftrvant, CiRntd)' i : W in. t . V VI.AIUUK.V.. The honourable crctrv tf the United in. i.) ble t!ie sc-" state for 1 States. J Ntw.Om.rAXi, Oct. 18, Ifio:. SIR, , . . , I Ir.ti to announce to you that this day the port U shut aa'it foreign commerce; ana lot !;m inirign pve me information on tlis business, as soon as you can say wib, certair.ty u hat we nwy rely on ; ami let my so licitude on this occasion, be my apolo logy for this request. " ' . With sentiments of npt r t :kr: . (Signul) JAMF.S GAP. HARD. . REPORT. TJif Sffft-t f iff Ar. the .rrffc tt of t'u "nd.irr, end the SeciUrj If I iir, Gmmi$lio?!trit.njtr f f ti t y.ir the f-rltr Jftverr.menl tfthe Xjj vf the Uiuitd btcttt, , Massarhiisctts, Rhode-Island, ;onnccliAitr 1 New-York, PersnsylviiniaV Mnrjland, Virginia J J 51 lit 70 47'.) 94 2i (0 100 fi IV-llars, 3,2 j0 37 , lut a wite a Favctievil f.!V cf wnicn ijie it is b.i.d his roui Te. - JEM, a 4:kely oiu fellow, al bout 26 ycafi. oi l, I c has a wife the rr.) city lit Mrs. M. Jones, in Wilminf:oi;, rund Gr.-(f, wi o will r.o f!oii t ciuciiMin hi;n ; alfa Iwo f f .j broil.tr), LONDON ard ZI-CB, tne firft K about fo, the, oiler -about j$ ' )tars of London is a rtty Imwo'h famtliUlv loy, Zibb ij rather awkward and fcr'aivi y. JLUU, a hk'e y -Irr.oo'h fnced joui g fellow, is Ta'l an.l (lender: aboui 22 years old, l e was l.iicd llt ycar 10 Mi. HalAy at Gieni 1'iel.Is, and lus a wife there tim( iny, whu I luj.pofc will iaibour ttini. AJAX, an o'd Inflv fellow' Tt ooth faced, fj taks plain -r.u ii upwaid" of yean old. . " All flicIuiNire r? he !;!! rl eeptcify ate )oung aid liktlyj and all Ipt.k ury plum LYj-lifh; and are cxircnttlv. jbufibie i i deception ; Abram has a rut tore! fw m 1 ft w i , si a rrd i n Cti v t a n i 11 ronr. , Ttn Do'!3ri will Le j aSd f r xath, r ic my j cifon apprtti,i!ip ar y cd iliui, vn tlsrir brirg '-! -vetd to Jul 11 Lord,. fq. in Wt ininton ; ofNiiifty dolurit forOl. sn!c in proporiion, cu biirg f i I screcl as fircl.iid or , ft ci.icd Hi aty i-al in ihi Hate f ihl il fiibfciihcr it av luve il un. GEOKCJL' C. O.n HEHALL'. "ffu.rt 20. il. HAN AWAY,,, mm m III 1 r I 1 . k 1 HC-W tl.n i k it S f on a ru if , rtircf liflli ii Infi f tr.diti Kisricrii'LLT arroiT to Cox. T. Ar h t a rn"',c',,f'n mih ICth or tommcreeonlv.but against the A tne- caiss, titlMff, Up, Juan Ventura .,. rirnsi Deposit in this city. Inthcde- THAT since the 31st tf Dec. IPOI fjk-i, in'sndait of tl.C piuvince of errcpoved 'l ' ll C pnblic-plsccs, the date of thrir lal rtpul, then? hs tuU' i irt, ke. . tionirntionis made of any other rU e accrued, and will accrue tothe end of N. 0. fte pfctcJin; part ef the appviu'.cd for adcjWi!. You will use the present year, for .ids rest ad o Itl.l'OHT Of the'rftMniiuee tpp''ed on the 17th ultimo, to whom was referred o much of the Mss,;c of the latrs to our Navv-itrds, ar.a the ' i 1 . . .. J j . u 1 i"i : r 1 I(rer,i oih'i itnd it iiimd for buddrnt? of Docks, ff,Mow, lid TenD.JUri,f'IUtiv: The commntrcio whom wnnrrfemu ;P in.hntttt .,Mfirnj lu lift- hiiihini'Ol IJOf.S, rc'Ht: tt re,o!ntifvn, poiImt for tl c nft- krrpinj: ' f trr.!cr, fiiir'ts sod o thcr pahlk property. 1st. HttJvvd, 1 h.i f ir M-nir'.n from wki'.e tr.d 1cm the timjw nd w- A I rtivt tie (titrfi nr fililnioii , fiff'tr Ofisit j t d I If ilt n0"4 IMMftljt, it l.,r ANTiroNV b.toomer; . L'cl.if , Not. 55, ,lSj. if .