TV-cptioU; the hdfio? of- the -country, to ecoorage lit industry, to improve its resources, and to maintain the true principles of the constitution jn rturcharld stateare the great-and T . 7 :.'7 - b - v. leading duties tfhich you are called 1 iinn tniliirhaivn f H - upon to discharge. In thens of them, you' may be assured of my ; ; uniform and cordial support ; it being f.-. roy most, earnest wish , to cultivate a ;' perfect harmony and . confidence between nve and my parliament, r and promote tb the utmost the welfare- 'l f mf faithful subjects, whose ' interest and happiness I shall ever v consider as inseparable from my own.' '"'' j V November 26 . ! . t The debates in, perjiamcnt," to ... which the speech gave rise, have discovered the intentions' of govern ment, wifti regard to public affairs, and the state and views of parties at - . home. By the debates ministers wish ' ud hope for peace, but yet are con cerned at the strides of ambition daily - making by France, though they do not deem it a sufficient cause to justify i our ejoinrr to war alone and unsupported - by any continental power. Mr. Fox ' and the old onnosition .trrmo-li ei,Al ' port administration. in these senti . . rrtems; bu are as strongly opposed by the Grenville party, and the friends . of the late minister, who affirm, V that without tho restoration of their favo. rue, ir. Fat) to the head of affairs, . . neither peace, nor war can save the 'country. . ' ' : -LCAPE -NUNC'. -It, December iS. u The Csnrl in Chirr nd Captaia General tF the.colony ol St. Domingo, eonfidering that the importation of French merchandiee it not in proportion to the wanta of the array, ar.4 of the colony confiding that the articlea (al u'atcd for a time of profprrtty only) do not ff nd the neeeffy fappliet for the reltorirtg of , . tranqliif to a coun'ry convulfed by t tebelli nj conljderingirMt io thia circamftance it ia the dnty of ths adm'miQre.iqn, who tteifretk ly- refponlible, and who arc the protefbrj of life and pioperty, to take all paffiMe mMn, ta lvive commerce and ecriculture. urcree $t Jilhws r Art. Ti The arret of in dm.; "-----i .jv.i n.vtiui, ism, year, wnich permit! the import! too of different article! of produce lo ihu colony, in foreign bottom!, peyinz tea per cent duiy, ia rtpewed . I 1,1 Foreigner! any import into thia colony I 1 wereiana merchaniiae not enumerated in ! te aboee mentioned arret, fubjeftto doty of J twenty per ce at. ad fralorVm. j ' III. The colonial P efrft (halt mike oat ery fit moothi, tariff of the t alnc of alt the wirei and meichendite imported under the fecon article. The duty of twenty, per ' cent, (hall be fixed by the fud tariff. v IV. The importation of goodi permitted J the cth and id article if tht arrf, (hall illy taktp'ace at the Cape, Port Republican, i nd. the port of 5anto D-imingo. . V. The pre ent airei (hall be ia force i. i tn.adiately fter i'l publicaiioe, -J ' VI. ' colonial it ehiroJ x.'.L " thp MefUtloa ntthe 'erar .- 1..H n1( ber-ri"""'. puH'ifhed, poQed op, end inaerted ittb Offi:ii C't'tte. Signed, . P. f. N. OCHAMBEU, Caoaio Ge ier.l. A tree copy, H. D AURt St. VtcaRT, Woe to We lay the following Traollition of ao Arret of the Governor of Gmd iloiipe, regolaiiog the commercial i-ttrtonfe betwera ihi Colony and other Countriet, belore the Public for the inlorma.'ioai ol out Mercantile frteoda. - In the name of the French Republic . ARRET. . The Coonrdlor of State and Ftcltct of Cat aaloape end In depeadenctre. It beint neceflary to fettle ibe termi npoa which Foreigner! (hall befeiralied to trade "nth hit Iflind, aod to regila:e the Datiei to be eid Jot tbc pialie fervce end In ohedience to the Oidere traofniittcd by the Mieiter ol Uirine ol Coloaiei t - ,lhe following Arret is made : Art. i The rra of the C)nfaU ol the 4'b ofU MefTido-, iclarivc to the Imponanon ead E.potitriui of Merchmditc to end from the 10. .da of Uaitinique, Cuadaloept, Su locie, aod Tobajo. ai wl aa the Regulation! contained in tb Arrt of the ci.davam Cooa- . o.a e oi tne jo-h ol Aug .0, t,4, ,d elf.Mhe jlinicieof the Law of the tilt Scot. . I?9J. Aa.l be lnmfdiatcly onfnreet ! Ouada loape, w to the lollowing anad fkationat td. I" tonfiJera'ijn oi tha wa :ti of ibe co lon, aod io eaab'e the inhabitant i to re-tlUb-lifh ihnr edetee, foreigner! 0al be coadiiioa Hy admitted iat the port r.f BalTe Terrt aa well m le Pomt a-Pcire t ihcy flll be allowed to imp'ort flan, ol ell k.adl, end fait pork; be ilea focb other trtielei the Importation of which wet permitwe by the" id atticleol the Airetijf Ve jeth ol Aegeft. 1794. id. Tar turn led molaffti made la the to luoy, bung noto.ioyOy tnfuffkieat to pay lor Ihe caot, ,f p,0,fioei impred, liaeger! Du.l t lilewed to eaoft col ,oial produce. eaportitioei fcali vdir pieunce he, ead hc a et ol ibe cargo.! ira Parted, anl (hall be fpeciaily au bMi'ed by the caieaial f(,a, ia cear.Jc(Mioj of dr. txm9eaei, 4 h. The D'rclor an J iDitt Direct uoftSe -'lmH i.S io bn department, (hill e 1 I.iT 7. Tn" n " 11 o4oa ol m.ftni .1 uArfTV1" '' pwhlbl. anelen ol eette'e, ol a K)u tti .ey wbUh ,h. y tb.,, b... z :,;;r(-:. oth.Co.ming I,,,, lN Hate of id it r'l l A i '!.! (hall be ree- oth-r itg-latu a iba.l be void 1 i'f th. lefdr. fhtllbt ptl4 HiU them bo beta Ut.l. I ty ,h, 4fOn T C-o.nH a. m ma, ka'j! P l fitr obitb the feten y t .ao fhm LT OI I. .b. for the f.f iSt following hmt (halt iter ttd y ibe oirectar or director ol , ft' 8alle Tr.e eod iNMM.e.lVe in rn ol ill ta a.a5,j fi , lk 4.. t r ' 'fit V f to tat t-' er, rfcr ball e pa, at a Frcaca retTai, tbefaraolr. franca I if foreign ,4,,4 french aaoticy. ta f or eWr TefirJfwV,, ,oo tooi," U Froth, Ice-ffoi'--Xf.;,1. ..... .i,c. aau .,4 baa the -fTel c ---Trie tamlariSng from them lhil CVCrV monin ks rialfai1 W .1.. J- . ' T. I ."l'1" 7 e airector or onaeroireaer otthe cailos, with the pria-i-pal of the derertrr.W;end the emonot (hall be thai difpif J ol 1-911 mni'ty itiall be gi in to-ihe priaeipil or the d;P.nent, who (hall rii?erintend,lhe pilotage of .eiTelaj end the other moiety ftail be paid into, th- pablic treafurv. to be anolirdXat tk. 5-.. . entf TaluSnry of the town; to the draining uf vtwi vujcwii oi puouc ntiliiy. . -5 . ... tariff 1 . On of imptrt aniixptrL . pv Imports. French vefiia coming from larope, (halt P'y ccordinf to ,the old regalationa open M.rqbanjiae fubjia to datiei, t per cent, local. Foreignera, upon the importaiion o articlea allowed to be introduced, (hall pay the fame duty of i percent, local, end an additional duty of i per cenv together per cent. .. Foteifcner, (hall pav for etery ia i-t lbi of filififh.of fonigo fifh.'ry, the duty fel l! by the confala, by their arret of 17th Ventofe, yer 10, of 6 func. Far every 10 t'.e Kit. fait beef, the duty fixed by the 5th article of the arret of joth of Augult 1784, of-3 francs. The lame dutiea (hall be piid by ftrangera on the importati jn of fait pork, fj Jong aa it (hall be permttied, of franca. . ; UPON EXPORTS. French eelToli returning lo Europe (hall piy the old internal doty of t per ceftt. and .the colonut duty of 3 per cent, together 4 per cent. " Foreignert, and all othera trading to thia ISnd, (hal! pay, beftdtl the internal duty, oft per cent, and 1 per cent, 'additional duty, a. greeable to the 41b article ol the arret ol the 30,h of Aogtilt 17S4. ia V?n merchandize and French produce aud apoo turn and moiatTea i prreent. d. Upon brown 5e drya.l lugar 10 pr. cent. J.I. Upon eeery quintal of toffea tj fianci and a ctntf. 4th. Updo every quintal 0 aito:i 14 fraori tnrj tfl cenn, . . The p'refcat arret aod tariff (h;i be prin ed, read, poblifhed, allied and adJrdted where- ever there (hall be oceafion, in order: to iis be ing can itd 10 full and ample effeft. ' Done at Bade Terre the ift Vendemairt (eoth SoptemberWear x of the Ficnch Republic. LEiCALLIILR. By the Colonial P.-efcfi, MARKSERRKS. FOR SALE, 7 hat viluahlt ' PLANTATION, ELL known -hv trii rw j w w ofSpRlNG Fl ELDS.' in tfie neighbourhood of Rockey -Point, a bout one mile from the Ferry, and fifteen from Wilmington, coniain- ing 6.o acres, one hundred ami twenty of which is tide Swamp, ihitry acres of which is cleared. 35 acres muiiu iwamo. banked and ditchedranIhaTh;n - w ww.a planted feveral years? and produ ced excellent Crops ;is To filiated that it may be watered at any time at a 1 em ' . . rom ne Mill pond. About 300 acres ot upland, clcar- ett (its quality gootl,) weU calcula ,cl ,eot the culture of Corr,Coiton, Of . '-nil rrrii.i k,... t ft ., .... ..C bul'-tfjjna in c ear : the remain n f r.i 1 a a e miii , avuui j .ii:a ug irtf part j, wejl timbeicd with pir.e timber, lnj vcrj conienient to ihc ! liaiitsiiufi , 1 There is or) premifes two ftory houfr cet ionJ. and a, '?wtich ihcrc it a geared Grift Mill, tu ftone, 4 U1 (ftei diameter, and . RiceMirhi'nethat wotki eieht peftlcsj Thii Machine is worke4 by ifce ajnie Water-wheel tliaf worUi the one, feparate or both, tm (0 fimpic a jjarithat iny comt,Pn Carpenter may make the ncteiTiry fepairl when rtuired. ' . .'Alfci, ,1 brick Bun , feet long and 21 feet wide, lately new cover6. edf a dwelling houtc, kllchen, and a number ot out houfei. The abore defcribed Ldi lay on Ihc honb-eaft RivernndtheK 11 a crk runn j through it tvJ. gable for fmall boats, nearly to hc centre. In fituation lor range :s equal to any in the county. , Indifputable'gnod tit'o he and immediate polTcfDon giren to the purchafcr.' . Any perfon wifhing to purchafe Ui I Planfation willp'earc apply to ,.Vr,.fu?fc,iher CSrccu-FielJi near HENRV HALSEY. 1 Hfc f.iifcribc it once more unJrr the neccday of rcouelU a. I iholf who have open c coimti with him, lo bring 'them forwarJ fhr liqoidaiioit tp to the 31ft of lad rrjonth. I The VENDUE i-J COM. VISION EUSINEiS will In ta. luif be carried on ai th fa tnder ihefirm uf I.F.VY .Pad KUL, Who nowr nfTr iK t.., lit ll. P..K1 - r ... , - ... uviiw, anu nope ior a rpntu nuance of that encouragement hi. betio rxiendcd to w ; , JACOB LEVY. Vu'ruington, Jan. 6, 1803. WILMINGTON IIOS. The schooner UnTrMiVflant. Sn from Nswr-YorJc bound :o this' port, laden ed with dry goods ind salt, was cast awjr at New-Inlet, ori thts Iftb instant'- , 'v- :. - . Yesterdar arriverf Vrn m seliboner Harmorie, C3pt.Spa4lding MiguKuut, to vruerv .. . r An Alexandria paper atys tvr days since passed throush this district. on their journey to the -westward, a smau party ot tiermans, tvho had pur chased 6006 acres of fand ialhe neii;h bpurho6d of CbiHtqOthe, of Gen". Kos ciireko, at 3 'dollars an acre, A second and larger party are, wc understand, daily expected at Norfolk.. These worthy pfeople arrksaid: td from the left bank of the RRine ; and will prove valuable citizens to the nejr state Ohio, A Norfolk paper of the 8th instant, says i The No. Carolina mail which left here yesterday, was found pillaged, this mornint, in a garden at the, end of Church-street. r . . !...' :r " A tremendous fire lately took place at Portsmouth, N-H. which consumed above 300 houses.' The flame con timied to rage for 14 hours, ahd the loss is estimated 500,000 ddlars. : a-ajaa . . A . "A"clarin attempt has bce made to rob the South-Carolina Bunk at Char leston. A person by of Wi thers has been apprehended in the fact. The 9th of Oct. he entered the drain in Queen-street, whence be prgceecled a,3.'far" as'ther;ratinsj in ljroad-street, where he was furnished hv UU armm. plices with the necessary. took; and niphtly supplied with provisions. .H will appear extraordinary and almost pa-.i peiiet, tliat this wretched being remained in a sjbterrane'ous passage he had formed,s seven feet, below the: Surface of the earth, for fhe space of three months, duringvbfeh'ime he never saw the cheering light pjf day. Extract of a letter from a tespectallc House at Taris; ' (3t the Richmond, ,anived at New York.) The Bills Sf'Gtn. Le CuWl0n our Governtnent, thalIhold, hae teen paid, as well as a lart amount of others, held diftrent individus's hee ; and J have nodmbt kit provision has Iten tnaje for the while antotnt." - Extract of a letter from, a gwtUm in London, to h: friend tn Phila delphia,', drttetl Oct. 24. 1802U M It is mvt universally beici:d, and it U tonjxnned t) me by a particufv f iend, just, arrived fryrt Frame, th J she is going to take immediate possetsion of Louitiana. Mons. L'Austatt ls appointed Colonial Prefect i Jean Job A me, Com missaire de Justice and general Victor oeS OUt With 4000 trnnhs : " " .. ...... : - -r- " M. LSAjststt hid taken karat, and had an intcniev) with Mr. Livingston, our minister, on the occasion.. f The following communication Vat utc ' loidably omitted in last vcei'sGautte.' A PRIVATE HINT. Forget not the LjHf(fGon,ye preach.- ers ej rigmeousness; but let thine hearts 1..A L.'.lr'.uu ...... . IF the oai.Editors '6f the Cape Fear IIkxald, and its rrtt tttaut Pa trons, continue to work their impartial press on SUNDAYS, (much to the dis comfort of their renubliean nelrhhnr we and all who take bains to r.iH trVn, Herald, shall be very apt to conclude, L. t. t l m .... ' Mm MG4r ican ior uxcgooaoi religion, , arc u,e uvn. I - CtMetrWATtTi fc t'n. i Sunday jnornine 9 o'docki- t- N II. Not Wrthinc"tn ninrl feelings of theoi, we cWe this hint A t- A. . d t . . A inupnvjwy,. . U.5CCO. Dir.oJ On M.nlarJaaf, Mr. Vk. Sad, grocer, of this town. fslT!ah longings, lothing was fuundinthem of anyctti- tcquaicc, andil erurtiiture was of the Froortst tlcstnpun. Tun men. out a soldier and the Jothcr -a cobbler, wtrc on Monday hro't nn irv,n nulsor. 'har-Crd uith lu inc concerned in vanoui treasonable jrac-i ! Uttfc. , Frtm th Ltni.n UtrnUg Tift. On the qitcluonot peace or war, the public Ibne has this week cban. ped with terV Utile reafor, in con. frquence of tr.c apptoach'of the Fictiih Arr.bafTa.'or. A few days . . ... . . .' . . i;u sii . . . . .11.11!. iiiaDie , now, c ire ioui an 11 . . 1 . . . Tim lancuare takes m L i;-vv I fill f irnnt reiions rnnui fovrrr - f-.i . j ------- ment & circulated ly others who t . :t!i' . ..'.1 .-'r.... Know riOinniKi icaiw:i nil. Why is it all peace now f. Bc;.fe Andreoffi it atlicu and aTurat.cti A.&,0 a, ' fOUT OF -WILMINGTON Entered I -r- w " l4)f tMI Bnf 5cljo, ;,dr, Mcw-Tork. . a - w Sclaooaer St. Patrtclt, Svtrt Parbadaee. Joe. Carjrlll, . ; St. Lucie. Difpatch, Hi, kley, .,NeW.Yjrk. Clariffa, P ejtifa, ., . Veft-l(idi-a. oai-a, rrooair, " . 5t.Baih . omewi. Be'fef, Waifon, Trinidid 5ck, Allen," - ftir Amrrican, 0'ter, lly, RT, , - Bib tfparaora, M-Tiotiar, Moop, Nancy, Cuddy, ' ,', lkftoo. ,;,s a'mic. "y Literpo.jl. . 1' uraonah. Wew Yoik. ". IC7" Thr subscribers to the Wil mington TJaftcing Asscmhly aVc re quested to call and pay their subscrip tion to C.DUDLEY, Treas'r. January. Jr. 2v. . fC?" An Apprentice to the Printing Business., is wanted at this OSBcc. bhciiif's Sales. Oh the Tenth Day of TtUutty next. Urutrr, thTTturt . Jj i uh in ibis ttw. WO valuable Lots of firouird; X .fit iiatfd on Hie ealt kdioining lohn MV stin and Jr. I)e Koffett : ' t'h- on the weft li le of faid "flfeef, jnlt below Mr. John Bradley's vvhite honfe and,-. adjoining -Major Join Walker's L't, mu the wlurf t'h property of John B'akely, decesfed ' r. i r j-.. 'i w IU1IUI V LACLUllOMS to m direded. " . V , . ALSO, A Houfe Sc Lot o., Third-nreet, the property ot ,Mich.itl Kenan, dece;)ld, to fatisfy an exctuiiorr, the Execn'or of Hugh Campbell' dcceafr l, vs fiid Kenan. " VMr BLUnWoRTH, . ShiT. Wilmmg'oi!, Jan. 27 l; r l ifilit or Cli Ht-T, any pirrtn the If (fi Indies. . ' I he I. II l uliov' brii IND U S l li 1 f the h'trih n of 14$ '"-, , JAmss Bricgs, Ma i r.- . She i a ne-.v veiTI, well, ..found, and will be ready to receive a cargo in two days'. Apply, at .ih? flore uf Jocelin, Gamier and. Co. januiry 13. plaint is ma'ic, rel meeting the ; 1 ty ot the prcts, tnc douidou ia , the retention M Mai;a, the icknovvlvdmriit ot tho new. blia.5. &c. The whole of tt.efc iluti ofthl havdj tcrc other points, remain to be J- d ; and (lili wcare tola ' its all :e." .The teal ditiiculiics in the of fmccre amity between the nations are afctrtaimd ; amitj ted the the cniil lain to be removed. At ihecoin- Sta nccrnitit ot this delicate woik, any 'i nartv tleclarts ttfell in a hiuh, nag ivliilili ar.dati inflexitdc nar.ncr; incn run o a L. L. hv foshua Potts. V.,: . 7 vv HM.tNCTOM,. Jan. 27, 1803. Toi ACCO, C orrrt. r Lou c , Savld Lum- BFR, Cotton,' Butter, . 6 puncheons rf Kum, ItoinSt. Lucia. HaCH Brandy, Apple Brandy, La a d, Tallow, Pork.. " . 20HhJs.SuV.AR, pints of I'uR- PENTIKE, .v Bri. i w, ne w ivtoiei NO! ICR A LL pcrfoi.s havinR deman ls XXnf any kind wha', njiinfl the j.r.fcribir, are hrc'.)y notified to bring them forward on or belorc the fisll day of March next tor piy. men'. Thafc who re ir.debied o him bynote bond or boi-k tccoiuit, are dclired K mike payment by the fm of February n-at. Tut that period, rirthat tail to comply here witb, will bt fie 1 Jn.hf rinvoa'ttf. ... . DAVID TUM AN. Janufy 20. . r I HE Creditor! of the fate Fitnl1 JL i. liROwNt of iIalEY are hi.vuy nutictd iha on ! feroiid Mill.iljv lit- Frhfn tf f n li 1 i ia I - "i",M thr . fiibkribf ri iM attend at the Conn, 'ting. Houfe vi Ji fhua Potti, im Wiut.fnrtton, in order to ierjv'c claimi aj44ln,1 it faid Copartner.- .im ir. (Hi.rninrii na inic remanua ! .. . .... . lie rrnuellcd Iri rthihil iht ie icnunti, properly au heniicaird. whereon, a (Jividend tnj be an. pinioned, aa.foun thereafter at tiyUiJle.. joshua rom, JOitN LOUD. Wilmington, January I. AW-A WAY fVarn the SUx ber.. fome time eid in inlv lalt, a negro woman named Graci, formerly the property of Jeremiah Fonvilb, liyirtij on the found, (he j is a rtvidjfe fized weqch about 35 yean cf. age, her dxefs cannot be Jefcribed as' ihe .took with her a variety or Ciotnes mc u luppoled to be harboured about the planta- ' 'ion of MrJ FnnuilU ' nr IVtlti Oik, where fhe has a number of . ?fl ldlhr an,! -ill f.. K1 .jjes'," for her being takenup aud ' ' i'' jn. iit Mils UI'.YII. All perfons archereby forwarneA frosn harboiirin, employing, or" carr y ing her away , under the fever-, c't penally ot the law. , . t . . MARY MEEK. . Vilininc'on, Dec. 2. if. . ADVER1 TbiLMKNT. : ' I "HE fubfcribtr again offers for Xlaife his valuable plantation on Holly .belter. For the convenience of .purchafers', the rich lands Hull be fo divided as to make two capi tal futtleitenfs--T he term's wi ll.b n.odc'rate. One half of the purchafaf money will be required to be paij d()vn, the refidue in twelve & eigh tcen months. . . . . - . M. SAMPSON. ; November 25 . . jiilt iui ported. And lobef'ddat reafsntfle prices . - - tor La lb or PrfidutC. BARB A DOES, Momfc rat. arid St. Croix I buji tr-in hhds. and barrels, voltes in barrels and bags, , Surinam MoLlTei, Kiiffia Iron, by ilie ton orewt. y ' N. E. RunY, tec. -JOCELIN, GAUTIER, & Co;' December 30., , w 1 lITbe" ol7n, . On Thurffay the d day of Februs ry 11 fxt, under the Ceurt-Houfe,. f -r prompt payment. THAT valuable Lot r,f Grounit on the fouth fide of ' Market- flrcct, between D idlrvoc Djrfey's ftoxe and Capt. ilufkins' dwelling houfe. . . ." HlNTONJMES. " Wi'minctoi), Dec. 10th. I (J i: pHE Co'partnermtp of Fon X taine and Taibe, is this day, by mutual confent, dilToleed. All perfons who have demands on the fud concern, a! well, as aga nft F. Fontaine & Co. are. rcquetled to txbihit them hx f. iikrr.etit without dtlay : and thofe inc'ebteJ to either firm, are foliciud to mail immciliate civment. F. FONTANE. A. TARBIE. Wilmlrcton, Nv. 2i,'i8it. r"HE ftiufctibvr takri thU fne JL thod 10 off:r his fetvices la the community in p,ener'f and par ticularly to llsofc 1 Irhis fellow. ci . tijens who arc tradefmea khd Trie ckar ics, and whfe lime it not profitably tmploytd than by draw ing t'fl" their own accounts, to rxfi their books and draw ar.d fettle their accounts with accuracy and dil pifch oh very rcafonablc terms ; and a'fto rira'vV tip Af:rVemcn'; AlCnine nts. Bills, B"iid, Botton ry " Bonds. Peed. 'Letters of Attn ev; Mortgges, Lcacs, ccc cunlornia ble to law. t . , , . )( At ptcfeit pleafe lo fplf at tl:e houfe he now Ccctipici in Ev- ans'a alley,, yvhtre any corrnund .will be protrptjy aliendedto,- anj tl.c ftnallcd favour acknowledged. JOHN H.'BLLCIaEK. Vilmi"Kton, January 6. 1 NOIICK. THE Jiibrcribrr rrhuclli hofe indebted lo; .bf Unrul or - open account, 01 or centre ine 1. . ll M . . . . . n . I. ft 1. a it i)i (iarin jirAi, iu 'itnaraiv he fame t an f thufe thai have' !t nandi gainlt lum, to tender ihrni tor lavment. Me aun ihlnrml. ihofv it dibted to A. F. M'NeiU: hat rtii tliility is txrcciid. ait4 iaur.ui be,difpe,nfe.l wih; , ar DANIEL M'NEILL. Jduarj 30 w. R L AN'RS 'nr.f.tte at this Ofllcif: Jir.jiiJ? .

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