HOUSE OF REPRESINTATIYlST . - Wedn'efday, December ag. -"'77 Mr. tTray add re lied the houfe in die. 'following words J Mr. peskerr C O N G R E S S, I rife to offer to the confide'lttrtn of ? tfcit honor, b! houCe, lubjed of aa un it nmmiin oat lit K. ' In- order that the crime of murder ji may no longer be deemed honorable, and ,vith a view to mark with difgracr a viewed and pernicious practice, which 1 rtiT laieiy deftroyed the locial harmony . of'Tome ,of our. fairefl cittff & brought fqme of our mod valuable cuiaen to an iiniim-ly end, '. I'. move the folio ing rrfoliition. , Mr. liray then 'ctt 'red a rei ,iuMon i r, the appoint ment of a criiTiittee with inltniftiou'ro enqiire into the expediency , of (lifcj'i3tifying any perfqlfO'U WJ.'. Ing an e.ffice .under the . government of the United States, who fliall hereafter b" concerned in a duel, ot in fending or Carrying a challenge. Ordered to lie on thfl.taVe. Mr. Sou hard orTred a refol ilion for till app"itvmeru of a committee with in ft Mictions to enquire into the propriety vii rauiin luiuict nine iu y.-viMic- "tor or holders of military land warran t, to ob-iiin and locate the fame. J Carried and referred to a felect com. tnittee of five. 'Mr. Dais railed tip his refutation "inllruct'ng 'he convninee of elections to enq lire whether Mr. Wri NWs had, not forfeited hi feat by accepting ihew ap., poin mem of M j r in the miliiia of the lerntO'y of Columbia. -,. e ' " v Mr. Elnendorf pr-ipofeTi verbal a mendmen', which wa not agreed to. The rrfolJyn was then adopted with out a d;vtfi.n, ( Hiuii CmiA ik.l tli-1 mn fnk ulT.I f M V . . IU'U 1 I .Villi WW I' a . V jextof feats- improperly h d, e hoped ano'her memhr would, by religung, relieve the ho'ifa Irons the necclfiiy of., 'deciding on his cafe. Ill cj ie tinned ' whrihrr.a territorial delrgue 'could re-I - : prrfnt a (late; He allude J to the Hate . of Giio. y: j 'Mr. Dsvis conclude by giving no.' tire tha uulefs the ge nt'eman rtfigned, . ht (It uld off.-r a mo. ton to vacate hit fea . I Mr. Randolph faid, .that on exami. , Ting the rulei f the h-mfe he. found two 4ow!tich he wifli d to dr4 their atten' ion. One in "the following words : 41 hm the reading of a pper is c'.!jd for, a. id the fame i objtld to byany .tn.mbrr, it (lull be determined bv a vrVe if the ho'ife," This rule bad yrfler- Av krrn AtwpiAtA TnJ ill h iw ii.nnlrin .iirr.ri I 1 . t' . Aitttt In rr0ta ready in the poll -llion oi Hie nouie, ana in trt ih,f whuh bd never before b'-en h'airj li t', lir, lata ivir, i i find ano er rule directing that all pni- Put, memorial , and bher papti aJ j.rr. i . .v.i ia n. .it ..r..... j Wlll. III MIC IIUUIC, UJI piCICIl'VU fv h f raker, or a member in hit rlare, ard a brief Ita-e t em of th'co-u ten's thereof (hall be verbally rrado by the in 'oiliiter, &c. Aid ulnfefore ? That the h ufe may not be beiriyrd ino I'le rea lin rf .hr, whi.:h it m'it 4li" itidrrnrniii in i.i-m li hjt. v. ing ihrn that hey Hi iw'd be gi dd in thj interoreta'inn of th-tr rules bv k? r,. 1 ...u:,.u ........a... r"v ir'iiivi.T Winn k ifVliiC'l V"Hl'. "I ... . . - . . j'tiitie i.n the rotiit ua on ol a i j ' tae ad f fuch an intnote'a inn at Wou d eve m-anin and rffiraryffi pia 1.1 jj.e) tocvetv pari -of ihe mHni- men. ;' he hid ydetday b-en com(n-l!e I M.'vrver icljctamy, to d tier an! U'!ioti'y emifte'it ' eriiiiirj la hi tef- ft, Smre,' H t fl he concutied in the c"1rii'lio'i g'ven 10 the u' whirlt he liil n II 1 r 4l, he ciNild not perceive ihe rgi f , "he houfe m trfuf: 10 Ve put 1. mi p..(T-ffi n ol imjirojier muter til., ihrri-bv, t all iff: ted, C) her sjfife in p'ovifion' lort.amed in ihe fe co id ru e was rendered altoge her nugi. Jorv, ' 1 iSi: fnc il hi I beet a'j fJfled, that ny on.n.nCii.n, liotevtr volutin- Out, any peiino1, l.oevei rivolou, any I rn-.uiTi, ioiv,'r toff tgn rn-ihetr j trt til.litl 01 j a .y pater, however n m gv ii.l.ili ilie l .iir, hocver ii m j h de rrg etro n ihs hmr .f ire rvwf. mill.. It rrqu'ed by a lifgle m mbr,' ol ne Ce!i 1 , be tearl he tnteived It hit du ty i't ndeavor o relieve iHe h.nife I rum tf e err.biii.lMnrni of bein eompel:d 10 ti!ler 10 a Ii el i ff f. In relufe va-, as he ouceived, a r-gii inktrrni 11 rvery d'liKrra'ive alJ.inU'yr1 lie ,rt,J Jtiwi his'proof'd arn?ndifrit in futirm as to Iravc umotnhed ih fcre riit of teiun, A lig'il wbith loin pule I me d:Jlf, an.t tn'oie wa r.i ne d li.ofed 10 iherifh inid fe id than b mfcif. Th imp int ! pritTile? , h" tl cvrd wont I n 11 t affe i,-d I f 'is? i f f -'u ion it., h h; ntt tbiMl 14 slf.r, bn.e w.ifre irjrcfs of grievance wit te 1 i f.'-'d's , the ifi i.i'.trs al aUiyt iSe 1 mi f in..n!ivc lei-tji in wheh di iff, iHSUlvef aid rj bin g wis n f n 1 y d t.erriib C I at a pel l.m . .b l w, ihe brn fit uf ik.fe ..e.e.r.r.g ,i, 1 i PB. Iluh wts mt4t c vr in tafbli ihf ,, trHcra it p efrr4 He ch.cI4 d i.h - mntinf lH f I .wif arifndniti ihmlft nf ht ho,fi -b, mf.iud af.enhai mb.cli he 1 Kid. , , jm, . . . afcit il any peuuon, oii.:'.; 0t ppTf'ro piefenteJ, fhafl In., the -ea ittof, repA edWuW amendment, 1 Mnl; inl reported" It with an atBerrtl (iinitn '". any jnemVerV-ioptaV matter end ordered ij be- engrufLd for ihirdi meal to the houfe, who concurred there mfui$nS 0 the dignity or' derofeatftry Ii hading lo.rnofo. .1 in, and ordered h engrotfed fdi d 'to the dignity, or derogatory from the honor of the houfrr tbe-readmg of fuch piper Oiallj if objected to, .te determined by a vote of the houle. Mr. Euflit obferved, that by the deci. fion of yelterday, it appeared thar eve ry paper prefented to the houle mult pe read. If that decifion wat. correft, the houte bad tied itfelr down by its voWn ruler, and Cubjetted itlelf to ihe j neceffity of bearing every paper offer !ed, hnwever long, or however improper. ' After fome pteliminary obferva tions Mr. Euflis moved 'the following amendmem of lr. Randolph! tefoltilion. Btit if any petition, memorial or other paperfo prcfented, flia'l in ; ike reading be objetle l to by any member, the fur. ther reading of he fame fliall be . deter mined by a vote of the houfe. " A member enquited, wheiher it the refolunon and amendment went to re cind a (landing rule of the houfcj it was in nler to decide upon them the dav o i winch they we-e jjffered. The (peaker declared it wain order as they did not go to refcind, but only to amend ihj ftjndtrigVules ' v The refolminn and amendment were then taken up for crSnderafniori.," when, ' on motion or. Mr, V arnum," they were refc-ned .6 a. fried committee, jonftlling of 'MelTrj RandolpH, ' Eullis, aud L. R. Morris. : Ihurfdy, Dec. 30. - . Mr. Claiborne prcfented th' petition nf Sampfon Henderfon, ' priy tng pecu niary relief. Refericd to the commit tee of claims Mr. Mitchell moved a refolu'ion for the appointment of a committee for en. qnirng into thi expediency of amend- tng and reviving Hie leveral arls relpett. ing paiems - and ropy right, to report thoteon hy bill or oiherwif. Iletore cfrenng the reioiuiion, rvir. Mi-cbell obferved that his objeel was to limp tfy the exilling (latntes rcf,?etting patents, bv comprilipg ihm in one aft. Kcloluiton agreed to'wi.iiout a dtvi Hon . ' ' Fiiday, De. 31." A eonfilen ial mrffjae. wjs feerived from tbr preftdeni f the United Stat;', fuppofed to relate, to New O leanO the doors wete doled till a quarcr pail 3 o'clock. . Mr G'ay's motie-n of th S9 S inft . con'emplati tg the appointment of a committee to enquire into the expedien cy of providing by law for'the dilq il!i tica ion of anv perlon for holding an offne under the government of ihe U. S-ate', who Ihould herrafter be concern, ed in a dud, was called up and n ga nv-d. il r. F-J I Referre l to a f:Vfl com-nitteof thrrr,' Mr. Leb obfervet ha duiing.he lall fe!li'n. a prjuufiuon had been mUt. j aid bad pi!I?d lits houfe, to amend the j! ConSliiumm itfperiing ihe election of I'rrlidcni a-.d Vic ?.''rcfident. but which hsJ b en r jetted in ihe.iemte. . ( Lvu faid ibai ihe ci u.-ns be re- 1 fef n el were ex remely aox out on ' I nl linj ft. He, therefore, cunfideied II hi- ii.i y to lubmi1 a fimilar piopo ' n, irt ider 10 determine heher it wo til no fit ire a better f e. Heihen proiif;J an nenm-n', fuSOan'ial y, in- in ill fiiur etc 110ns of le ft -k a d Vice P.efideet,. ihs perfont vcted far Hull be puiicutaily defifnaird bv de- Clinn, whih are Vo e I for at Picfidcnt, and wfiith a V.fe Pirlidenti -Kefetf 4n cmmHft vl ibe-vHolt on,i'ie fla'e of the na ion, Mr. Randolph, chairman of ih eom. min.e tf wayt and mean, repnried a bill miki'g pimal appropriation fur ihe naval feiyice di-rinjthe tear i903- Tne bt I appropr.-e I03.0CO dollars. Referred in a commiiiee of ihe whole h-s iff 10-mnrrow, Tne hufe'icfolvr J Jifelf ir.lo a com. mmeeof ihe wh-s'e on ihe report of the r o-nmu'ee of il.iru nn the pennon nf Duties JIyJ ..Mr, Varnun la iht hir. Aftft miUTtfrw rfindm-nti. pot ifetlin ihe puttiufe of ihe lerWi, h cmmi lei mfe, and ihe houfe imm'di. " I v look up their tepiiri and cwwcuiicJ inrtriti, Tn" rrp.ift flirt As tht proper atrount n prfittr ,in l-avi'tJ and (rule ihr tlaieis of (tie p-nnoner, allowing hm is I'lir Aiv.iie fr.ns Dec, t, i;oi " J'l I?9J. f'ich piy and emiy nemt iji wis invices, at wen Hor i ihtt timj to vlliceri tclirg 10 lik (lUlCIIV, Mr. J..hrs fof'i Smi'h, chairroan c ise fommtt t of limf fv.n after irj ;oftrd 'lii 10 ihn tlltd, wbuh wJ tf ff a at 4 A ru mill a f lk .kAk ka"" ',- vi'vv V tr w iiv'i ' 10U ubitli tbl fcoufe i-ejlaitly itfalJ Mf-F.aiddobJMCirjerJ a b"ll mak ing appropriiioris for'the niilitary e.f. tablitbmrnt bl the, United States foi ihe year 1803. j -. ; Referred toa committee of the whcfle to. morrow.. I.- . . Mr. Etflis prefemed a' petition from Samuel BloJjet, praying relief, in the cafe of a judgneat recove'ed agi'nft h'm tn the fuprenr tnurt ot rennlyivania tor property in ine.cuy or yvainingon, at the fuit of the polTifTVt of a prh? ticket tn a lo tery aathorized 10 bediawr forthe imp ovement of the faid city 11 he yearjtot, and of which the petiti oner wat appointed an acting managet and fuperinteHjant, " - The fpeaker prefenied to the houfe 1 eport of the vfecreta ry of State on l- ' - r' ' is pennon or i. l. tnt nt. , - . Referred to a committee of the who' On mo'ion of Mr. N'cbolfon, the houfe rcfolved ltfelf into a cominmee ot the whole -r-Mf. John" C, Smith in the rhar .on ihe bill.' For the "relief of iifolent D btois wiihin the d ftrict of Columbia." , .. . After confiderable debase on' ike me ri's of the bill, the committee toft, and aflt-d lea e to (ti agat-n Jeave graii ed. ',Mr. Van Conladi preten ed a pci. tion f'om Daniel Lewis, of ihe Hate ol Ne W.York, lla:ing that he. has a reccip" for the cure of the biyj of: a dog prayin Cottgrefs to invcftigate the merits of his difco'ery, and to allow him a fni. M table e war. :. ., Refeuedto a felecl commirtet! of five. Mr, Niivton offored a tefolia ion, di refling the fecreiary of the Navy the houf the fiiuaiinn of the timber dcpofi ed in the Navy-Yard for bu ld'nif (htoi of war, and whether in order to prefcrve- the (ame, it fhi uld not be covered with flieds. Agreed to. Mr. Iewrorprelented a petiiion from f ind y inhabi ant of Not folk and Ponf. motiih, praying ikat the bankrupt law may be amended. R-feired to a- Je'cfi Comuittee of feven, ' Mr. Varnnm tn ved that the f.imc committee Ihou d be ir.(lruded to en. quire tn'o she epediency repealing ihe Uarkrupt law. 1 ' Mr. Newton confiJered the Commit tee airealy railed as eoropeteo' to the en qui y wt haul any exp'ef itilltiiftion. Mr. GnU'old tho'ight thi m ti"on in cumpatible with the j. ray r of the pen. tion from No folk and I'anf.nouh he one beini in favor of an iin-ndm ni, and t'-'t otner m favor of a repeal, of the A Uankropt a. ' Ater i Ihni a pear 'ha: 4litnOLflJlk?Pit'5tJ,Jnnj?infft, I' miv be uro,er 10 i'i'i:e tue qTuIirotr miv oe pro 'i r Mr. Va nuns h 'gSt ih-re was rio tm;r ;r " v of l Kou inking il. ' It air. I pea ed 10 bm Vf. ii wa iu caliulaed in p .i.ett . me nt ptnti ot trie (hiimi , ol ihe L'nitr-4 S es. Ii npeced th l door r he grea'ell fi attis u I inrq n!i ! ties im g:anie. It: hope I lie l inject would. be in n up (e loufl., and cx- pielHd htsopinton .hat he law wis too lidedb bj.h pdlinial duct at m- '1 J .-to'l. ' ' j Mr, litl v'sd rpi td, and inliflec that the 1 in-nti of .iu- eu lemin prov. rd the ni:ropney of leferring bu n poii 10 th; fame.-com nil tee. If the gentleman i aganifl a con.tnuance of Me law, let it b refeired 10 a coimn nee vl the vh ile, wh") wi I be ike moil p oper orgiri tor cirelli g the fnle ,of the houleo- that principle. The q K'ili.jn was then taken on Mr, Va nuin motion, which tvai earned- rt,et 45. No-t 25. - - , . Tuelday, Jan, 4. Mr. Ilcrnpli I prelenied a memorial from ihe Cnjtnbcr of Commerce of the cny cf ftiiladcl'iia, praying that he acts im;o!ing aJJiitinal dutiet on foreign tonnage and merchandiic imported, in foteig-i Vi-IIcU may not be repealed.- Xcierrcd 10 the cwmtaittea tf Com merce nd manufatlures, ' TJ.f jicakw Ja idjbifjsre , J.bjr50(i fea letter f uti ihe f-cretary of tne trehry enciuQnga (taement of the d ities and d awbai at on g mdt, wa es and merchan djt I nportrd miu, I' d exported froul ihe Untied States during ihe year il), fo?, aid 18)1, third leading tomcvrop. Mr. KIoorTpfefSia peiitior; from certain tnhabita!aaVTad river, Elating that they hive been" lo'r" fo'me time pa.0, wi hou.. any, regular adftiiniflration of juflice, and praying to be annexed to the Slate of North-Carolina Referred to a feleft committee of 3. Mr. lJawlon called op his relolutions refpefting pofl roads, which, on motion of Mr. Gceggjlwere . referred to a com mittee of the whole ho'ifi, on Monday new, ' ' 1 Mr, Grifwo'd sbferved th it there was one fubjett noticed in the Prefirjent meffage, on which the houfe had taken no order. It was veryimportant" that he legiflaiare Ihould pofFfs ail the infor'. ma'iott thit it was in ibe power of the headl of department to lurnifli. He hen read that part of the me(Lsg that tela'es to the cefljon of Louifuna to the French ; and faid that for the purpofe of obtaining all tne information proper at hat time to be given, he made the fol lowing motion : Refclved, That the Prefldenof the United States be requefled to direel the proper omcer to lay before thit hsule, copies of fuch ollicia' documents as have been received by thta government, announcing-the cclGon of', Louifuna to France, together With a report explain ing the flipulation!, circumllancet and conditions under which that province is to be' delivered up unlefs fuch docu ments and report wifl, in t'we opinion of he Pretident, divlge to the houfe parti ctiiar traiifaclioni not proper at ahia nmc to be communicated Mr. Grifwold confvdered it refpeOful Jo fave. (he Pf-ftdent from a requcft. to. furniuS papers thar may be improper at thit "lime. The fuhjetl, however wat raftly inpomni; & the ceffion of the pro vince might reqnue irom the Jegtllature fome further protection of that frontier. Mr. Smith hoped-that jhe refolu'ion would lie on the table at lead till to mur. row. Mr; S, Smith aflced iht went-leman from Connecticut to explaii the diflerence between bis rcfolulion, and that'offered at the beginning of the fefTion by the gentieman from Virginia, (Mr, Ran dolph.) "'. Mr, Grifwold replicd, tht if the gen. lleman from Maryiand would pive him felf the trouble of reading the rcfilu. lion olfcred l y the gentleman from Vcr. gitita, hi would perceive ihe nitieience. I'h'at fcl-ated to th, fhuttin j'ofihe port ' f New.'Ofl. ans by Spain and the other he celhon of ihe province to France. If ;he gea If man thought ihere were any dedicate f ibjtls coar.etled wiih the refo. 1uon, "Fe" nad no" cicji fllon 10 111 reftttig until I0.'m:rrow, ' J" Wcdriti'Iay, Jan. 5. A melTajic nvjs itccived from the Pffilent, by Mr. Lewis his fecrc r, ry,-cr.c!oii4itf, in co.npliance vvitf .t rtYoiuiion ot the houfe, a flatr ment of tTiilitia of tf.ofe It y ' fiom whiwh rc uVns have Iter "" ceived ; Hating that the rr"'. ,n - oirijf if&d- but 2 fmall part 1 ,t'lc i.-oMgate- mi:iiia of the ,lllcJ States; aril a.0PYof cirular letter a hJrclk.l ",h rctary of war to the (ev ' Halts. , Rctencl'10'the ctirr-T'"" ap pniii'ed n U much of nufljj;e of the PrcfiJent as 'btcs 10 militia inllitutionj. , Two engioHV b,I1.S ,h" enr, making a partialA-rPr"P'la'n Ur the naval fcricMim"i! ,bc Jtar itou Ike other,' jnklnK Pr,H, at.oui fort!iem.f,,r,,'b,,fhn' .f iho I!..;...! S'e? 'or the car 11. wrr- ,eJ a tl'itd time ard aMr! Gtir,''cCfi"C(' "p 'c folution rifc,n? L"ltaria. laid on the? tahl-)ecr,,ayt asfollowsj ' Rtfolvt tlit the ptifi.lcnt of ' the Vn States be rerjvefted to !aV b:'or0 lhtMwuf Cfpica ol luch tal utscumciiti at have recti re C..C'I by tliii Kovernmcnt, an nouncing the ccflion of Louifuna to France, together with a report expiiinini the llipulations, cir ciiMiUancn, am) cont!i'ion under which that province is to be deliver ed up tin'.cfi fuch documci fs and report win, in tne opinion nt tne preli lrnt, ibvulLe to the houfe par ticular lianfaclitun n prtrtr at Hut time to he communicated. The qurOiMi wii put oi taking it into rinfwicratitn,ind canittl Ayti 36 N'oei 32. Mr. Randolph trfiferve! thct the il Ictitlion on this motion micht cm brace rointi neatly conncfted iih the fubiccl fclcmd toa crmmtttte f the whole on the l ate uf the c- nion, and which had btcn d,fti(Tc l with clfrd doori. He therefore thought it would be eipcdient to commit tlui motion a' fo to the com. miuee of the whole on the flate of the union to whom had been rnm. Iimitfc.l tncftaft f the picHdeM ll..r. nt v 1 i(ifCUlii 11c W'Wiicact, fuch a motion; ." ' T Mr. Grifwold only rnfe io trj'; a queftioctiof -order, ,vix. wh:tf r theeentleman could move the nt - fence of the refolutton to a cr- mittee of the whole on a fiibjcc whofedifctiljiqn required fhiit dooi Mr, Speaker faidthe motion' yt v to refer the refolutioio a comrli, tee on the union.genfralfy Titer? iirne nr. tnpriil rnmmittpe hn irr Rate of the union. Mr. Grifwold faid he made r queltion ot order ot tltat. ric lu .; no doubt it was in order. TJie fpeaker decided the mot!.j t6 be in order. "- n. j. j"' a -'- --. JV1 1 . vjiiikviim iiujJt.u 1 1 ic iiiuii.. would not prevail. He dij not f. .; what arguments could be urged i favor of it. The refolution relat ed to a public tranfaclioH fb-ed 01 the journal. He did not think thai any thing which ought to be kf p".. lecret could be involved in the dif- culltoti of it. What is its purport r "It only rcquerts the prefident tc furmfh documents rtlpecling " i.w ceffion of the Spanifh province Louiliana to France, which lot !. place in the ennrfe of the late War." & which the prfrvlent fays ui 1 if carried into cfFciEl, make a chnr.j r in 'he afpecHof our foreign relation , which will doubtlefs have jufl weig;if in any ' delibprations of the -teg' na ture connected with that fubjccl." Are not, faid Mr. Grifwold, tbefc papers important to the houfe T Does not the prefident refer to them as important to enlighten uii He fpeaks of the ccflion is a tacit.. He took it for granted the pjefidei.t wtiuld not muke the declaration unlcfs hc had official information of its truth. Ooght not the houti to be poirelTal of all the important information in the power of the exe cutivcto give i It certainly otight, every gentleman would sgree that 'the houfe-ought-to have all the in formation. If the' information' is confidential, it will ' be - rccci.vft.l--with clofed doors. But the quedi'tf.' w hether tl.c houfe lh all obtain thi i information is a public qucfliou: . i and there ' was not a man wiuun ! thofe wallsor in the United S'a?e- 1 who wou'd not lay that the lcgifl.t 1 tore ought to poflefs every inlortr.a- tion'on a fubjecl fo deep y interelU ing. Why then refer, this refolu tion., callinc; for. information, to Lntmmritfii 1VUI.AnA.nii.L Si 7 They - rtiwitTime fo fit More than half the iffion vas .-.!-ready clapfed. Is it not time to puin informiiiion t Mx. GrifwcV. laid, he would venture to dec ai i that no fukjtft fo important conl I he brought befort) the 'legiflatur? this icfllon. Ought we not, there fore, on furh a Iu. jeel to take im- uictsiaic o'cans to gam inioimauon r , lie fio ed ihe houfe would not tree ti the tn- Irreuca, wl.iih could have na eft-cl tut to pi t ilie leloiution tfl cp, n,d deprive the Ir ila ur of inlormstlai rhty ouiKt to pr.fftfa. Mr, Randoluli (aid i be bid rxorrlTid I it. difiLClinition 10 dif. ufl 1 proififitioo vur o- pdoi l.ith w oil irrrrh on ihe drcifi 1 ol tie houfe 10 di'cuf, 1 fol j - to whiih it lutimiioy leiated with c oled ti.oii, it ton it Icarccly ti rapccla I ibit h "in:d iae'(e ih tniirmin in ,iitin into r,ijmeiiti cUUt ed to fury liim fiam ftii put pole. But heir. oxd ibi the idopncn cl hi motion won J be 1 relufil to -irformition, He wr t knew that lhie w ,1 nothirg rtGtr llin to or. ilire the fuljitt illy imp'irtiat and nuk' i- ckoucnt hiiinvbt uloii it, ai.d lo inter ti n tho:e who did not imme iairly rea ia .1 e teio.utio weie aveift 10 ei.irt ml -rr a hu , and to ning into a ti(.u(Ti m 01 ihe mii a 1 1 tie miio lul-i ret . ft wou'd, howeser, r.m b(ipr6(d ihi he Oiould crier uoon ihifc en itliminiy itlo.u ion- Out b' would (. (ue the teniifmlA, who naa luUnmed thit rtfolu'.ioi, ihit fit ( ,r Irom 11 dulirgny 4'. poiii'oe 10 te diiiiory m toa niinncn n tu imf O'tini fuljcO, he Came ye etdty ft'p inS to mskta no ion iliat the i.r uf fh-mU n in. tf -rtwimm. - ml -ik. .W I.. 1 . . . 1 lucn notion I. a Ihou.a hit the tnadt but (or that tfleitd by ibe 4nUeiiia lim Cji- Thui ftiy, Jan. 6. , .Tbt fprikrt laid be ore tht ho at a V't ficm th fecittny of tht nnfuiv, et.rl- i'tj lo It tetneni. 1 iftd ug tht inictatl ni.yi l'c(ird tiott ia loitimnTio .cr 01 in ! i , air, 4. Imiih, Irom the tonnmtri ! C" . nrrca inJ mia il, J'ri taide a f rp'irl o tt I ttiiaOol Htni) Mtft 'fiif,;'oif him ' rj (I blU' I ovirpti' tor duticsf Mdt tut miti cl ihc eiy lor Munday, ' Mr. C ilnld mosid thit ihe hnu'c (net. I fffolttiifell Imo C'-mrr.a'fa of tha wkela " ihfPitctil ihc Onion, tm Lu leU'utiaa 14.. tliu Lou Hini, ' Tar ifttMr 1 4 lite heu'a enatd rri trio tt iiMl mta a commiuci ol iht whole nis I' P.uef ib iiuiOo, na my emiiolir futij t. Il iial b drt fitn . ' Mr. G'ifwold famodifiel Kit tneitoo, Tbt tnoti n wi fa. pM'1 by Mrfl'i. C rid, LOwrdtl Hrtapkil', GadduJ, pini ltd eppoit by W'flu. S, V '" . M ton, L)lo, ii.d Riado'pH, m i.i n 'i--d wbicb it tiriri lor two i-.tij-wSkIi l. yil A myi were nk, n. Ctii J Mi, CiiilauU i4 ;:- r.iji4l immerllstrly if'tf ire itutn of ibt ti i ' i. atc.i4 by th fiVtr, Mr, I'.i-."" '4 Mr. Ciifwo!4 lob Mitn4.4 ,lr i flnir. . , j Iht fftiWr gt li t yulfttnt in L'r.C ' (Cntiunt ii lie fc.Mi 1

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