: t - 77 ' r t - Published weekly by xijfjxi Jirfir, "jlV.Thmx DolUes i a Year. . . - rsday February 2. THtfRSD I80S. tVofc.7, No. 320. ' .T :.;Xf; C O N G R E $ 15 :''- . n? THt TTwiTtrti Rrittft. ' " - House of Representatives, , '; 'Tuesday, Jn.:.20.Y ! ;v; ; Resolved, That committee b6 ap? pointed to enquire whether any and if any, 'what alterations are necessary in the law, entitled, " An act to amend, , utc juuitiui pysieinoi 111c u o:,aLCi and to report thereon by bill or other- ' vise. , "v ..- Messrs, Brsnt, Terkins, and JoneT appointed the coramittee, - ' noinfArl Art tK 1 of iilf' nn (K nftitirm 1 kvmiwu, VM U1M WIS vwv t ' 1 ' -J oi sunury, inhabitants; ot Aiexanqna, , made, a report vhich rms aurwed to a follow T.i and ; Messrt ' BrenU 'Van 'Home, and Talainife a:cbm inittetqbrbKiftabUl. -iV v 1 Resolved That whenever the lefcis laire ot.v irinia shall. pass a law'au-. ' thbrizinff the-incorporated society ofl that state known by the pimeof wthe- MutuaUnsurance Society on BulldinffS in Virginia against accidents by fire'J to extend their insurances ort buildings in me county at Alexandria, aerreea- bit to the same laws, rules and regu lations, by which the said sop iety is O'AvprtAfl In frit? Cmhkmamm i-Uv state, from thenceforth it shall be law ful for the ; suid society to have the same right and mode of recovering in tho courts of the county of Alexandria t 5jransi any innaDitant thereof, so insu ring with ths said society his buildin' cidents by fire, which might be, had a fjainst him, if the person so insuring, . was a citizen, an 1 the buiklings so in sured, situated in the state of Vir ginia. -. - ' . . Tbs houieanfiinresolveM itself into afcommittee of the whole, Mr. John C. , Smith in the chair, on the report of tWe committee to whom was referred so much of the President's meesage, as relates to navy-yards and the building 7 of docks." ' i 'After a consideration of th2.am, ' the committee roseand reported that . tney nan agreea to the hrst resolution i sxaicn in ouriast, an n madeiur ther progress in ths second resolution . The house proceeded to consider the roport, agreed to the . first resolu tion! and appointed Messrs Mitchell,' Rutlcdge, llanna, Waddsworth, and ! Mott,' a commiWee to, bring in a bill pursuant thereto. ' ' On the question whether the com mittee 6houlJ have leave-to, sit again on thcccond resolution, h passed in the negative. . . On which the following motion was tni'le and agreed t. Kcsoivcil, That a committee con- nis'.inr of Msr. Mitchell. Hutlcdee. I llanna, Wadsworth, and Mott heap- j! pointed to enquire into the usefulness I n.l DronrtctV of r.rtis'nirtin' a durL or docks of the public navy-yards, or ', elscw iere within tr2 Unrted States, for the building and repairing ships of war. Friday, Jan. 21. An engrossed bin for tneorporating n insdrance company in the city of Washington, was read athiinl time and passed ; ayes 32, poes 23. An enirrossed- bill for the relief of. Hugh Alexander, was re-ad a third Willi i. unvi imjicut i The house went into a committee of; thcwholcon ths bill amendatory of thn -.act to incorporate . the v city of washin .on, Mr. John C. smith m the chair. Strver-d amendments were made ; I when the committee rose and report cd the bill, which was postponed till Monday next. On motion of Mr. Dennis, the house m'.o consKiemnon a resoiuuon liJ some time since on the table, for the ail'-x.Int frif-rt nf rntumif lri In en- j iire into the expediency of contipu- 1 ing thi mint at PliUdclphia, and to- ensure what alterations or improre intnucanbe made In that establish rufnt. ' Mr. Dennis observed that the pre cptlaw would expire. on (he third cr oi .iarcn pent. It was time. therefore to Uke order on the subiecu ft. i i . . lie inonini inc enquiry proposed by the resolution 'a proper erne. If the result of such enquiry were that 1m- pnrtant improvements could be made he ahouU vote f'r the continuanct of thi in:i:mion Ifotherwise,he should Vcle hriiemire abolition. The rcsolafion was carried Ayes I ana a committee ol five p- jt tnted. 1 he hout resolved itself into .oitnmhtiM.of the whole Mr. J. C Smith in the chair on the report of me t r.tnmitie e apponfcd bn the 7th Vuu to coaU)er fi.thcr ty, nd Vf any , what alteration! are pecesary in the lttilitaiy establishment of the U. Statesj a3 follow :, r -;y ' . .Thexomrnittee appointed on the 7th inst. to consider whether any, and if any, what alterations are'necessary in the Military Establishment of tfic United'States, ask leave to submit the following resolutions fo the considera tion of the house. : , ; " ' R:solvedr That tftere, be added to the ieglment of artilleristsf'tvfo teach ers of music, whose pay, tations, 'and clotlung shall be therame as is by law allowed to the teachers of music ii the regiment, ofinfantryv ; ' - - al' .ilj r.... -u.:' Ttii j-V Lt.i. United Stated k &e authorted iUHi ppuu one icaciicj oi qrawing, woe i tached to the corps of engineer's, whose compehsationvshall not exceed the pay ' Revoked; That the conimandihg of ficer of the corps of engineers be au thorized to inlist for a term Pot less than three years, one artificer and eighteen men, to aid in making prac tical experiments, and for other pur poses, to receive the same pay, rations aivlcIothingi as are allowed to the artificers and privates in the army of the AJnited States, and the same bounty when enlisted for five years, andtob-j subject to the rules and ar ticles of war. v v Resolved, That the President of the United States, be authorized to allow to the paymaster of the army,the adjutant and inspector of the army and the military agent at Philadelphia, such sums each for clerk hire as their respective duties may, in his opinion, reasonably require. . ' The 1st resolution was agreed to Ayes 36 Noes 17. . ' , . The 2nd resolution was agreed to Ayes 42-Noes 17. ' ' The 3 rd -rcsclution was agreed to without a division. . '" " r The 4th resolution was opposed by Mr. Gregg, on the ground that the discretion thereby vested in the .Pre sident of the United States Va Im proper ;and tluHf anapp;Vprlutlon ior me cierit nire oi ire oir.ccrs Tiierc- in named was necessary, it ought to be made and defined by law. On the question being put, th.e re solution was" disagreed to Ayes '2..- 1 he committee rose and reported the resolutions agreed to. . The house immediately took up the. report, when Mr. Randolph re marked tint notwithstanding- the im portance of the business before the house, there was scarcely n quorom within the bar, in consequence, pro bably, of the intense cold.. As he was aversa to 'intcresiini: business bcinj? thus copducted, he moved that the house adjourn. Carried Ayes 42w IXnOCSjJi Mouday, Jon. 21. Mr. Mitchell presented a memorial from1 the chamber of commerce oi Ncw-Yo k, against the repeal of dis- crindnatirg duties. Referred to the committee bf the whole, to whom that subject was re ferred. The in cm vial, on the motion of Mr. Baya;-d, was ordered to be piitil ed. - Mr. Mitchell rose tor ddrcss the house on a bubicctof a commercial , na'ure. He olludrd to the depreda tions committed upon the commerce oi the unitc-J Mates, by Trtpch arm eu vessels airing the late war in Eu rope. ' After tome trcliminarv cberva- noil's nc uiu me lyiiowing resolution on u.c tause : Rtsolxsd. That a committee be ap pointed to enquire, by what means, the value or amount of property tak en Irom r.ituehiortha United StMr j f c ench during the late war in w'rope t rn te best ascertained, apd II in wvrl f'rts of captures distin guuhed and clawed, and report their opinion thereupon lo this house, to the cud that indemnification ra&y tell maae. . n Mr. Randolph, from the committee I of ways and means, reported U thelf opmcm, that noaueraiions are . . " . . . ' ' . necessary in the act supplementary to II lh ,cl direct Ui. . ne report n accompanied If i letter front the chtirman of the com mittee of way I and means to the c crttary of the trenury, and hit an swer , ' Rtfcrrcd to a cornmittee cf. the vholc house on Mopdsy next. The committee to whom wat ft (mtd a bill from the Senate, and sun'! cry resolutions rejecting the tree tion of monuments j reported that it would not be erdimt at thU Um (6 make pretislon for the erection f any.'otlier monuments uei3e those, concern piaicu oy resoimiofls oi m old congress ; and accordingly re- ttortexi amendment! niakinbrovisipu for the erectiort of monu ments. to Cj peraIs.;Warrep, ' Mercery Nash, ni De Calbe,- in addition to tbte; J'rrecf- dditmn to tlKfe.urrecf xl in ';th bill (ecerv'edV s. ' . ';pl v-'k; - V a comraHtei ; o( Lthej.- ed to bt erected from the senate - Referred to Whole hotise on Thursday. 1 ir. a. omitn-juoraTne comiomee. on so much pf the residtfht'jesi satre aa relates to Atnerickh seamen left abrord, reported at bill, vrhl-ch was 'The houifc took' uo'thc "report : f the' committee of the '"wiolcf -ni the report of the select comihtttee on the filtcrations .nccessary to be raade IP the military establishment. The-house concurred :W the two first' VVhitjons, .and notonc'urred in thethiTfll : r ;',. s ' On agreeing to the 'rejidrt of the committee ip, their' disagreement to the 4th rcsolutiori, respecting the at fowance of clerk lvjre." ' i The question was; taken" 6nconctir renca and lost ; Aves 23.' " - Mr. Leib moved to amend the re solution, so that a sum not exceeding in the whole, 2o6o dollars should "be allowed for clerk hire. J H vr Carried; Ayes 4 1 Noes 28. . The resolutions were then referred to a select committee to' bring in" a bill. - y ' Mr. Davis said he held i resolution in his hand, which imbfaced a mea sure of considerable; ;imporapce and which he had iong contemplated. lie had suggested it last sessiri ; but ow ing to the. press of cither business, he, had not then urged it. MIe- thtn of fered the following resolution : Resolved, That a committee ' be -'ap pointed: to enquire mto the expediency of concentring the several public of fices, aud other public lilildmga be- lonjjmy to the United !rate In the Cltr of AVashlnjmi'-tj concluded tor Riving notiee'haVltv,il lhe reso lution should be agreed to, he fchopld move the appointment of a comniittee by ballo!, TiisteYid or tjie ordinary May, (bysthe tjptakt-i',)' Mr. S. Smith, af.rordinc: to notice called for the ailer'ol th. dav on the rciwrt on disci imini.tini' duties. hcreral.mMtenxoie on this sub- ject wi.cu it wns at length postH)ntd until Monday next." ' " ' ', v . The hotise took the arhehdments of the committee ol the hole to the bill amendatory of the act fbr incor poraung me cuy oi wasunrrjton, con currcn tiicrtin, made other amepd ments, and recommitted the bill to u select committee of three. Tuesdar. Jan. ' Mf Davis called up his nolion laid ontRe table yesterday ; as follows ? Resolved, That a committee be ap pointed to enquire into the exDccfierirv of concentring tlu: several public of- uces, ana caner . pu'Jtc buddings be longing to the Liuted States in the city of V aslungton ; which was a greed to without delete- Ayes 55. yiicn k muunn was mane .to ap point the committee consisiinir f-7 members by ballot, and carried. Ayes 53. The billots bejacj tAep, the S Aa. kcr appointed Mr. Thomas Moirfc and Mr. Woods, Tellers. On declaring the MIots, it appeir cd that but oiw meiuUr of the com mittee was elected, ix. Mr. Dais he ouly luiMiig a majority of all the .voics given. 1 he house then, proceeded to a se cona ballot, according to a standinw rule oi the liouse, only plurality iote is required on a second ballot. The 'ballots Uioir declared, the following additional rucmbcrs of the committee appeared to be appoint ed.' via. Messrs. Criiwold-Mitchitl. r.ref Cendit, Ilavard - I 1. Williams. The sneaker laid before the house a report of the iecreUry of sutfon the memorial ol lpbtas lar. - Referred to i committee of th whole on to-morrow. . The IP-akef aJO laid .jef. t bouse i report from m 1'iMt.mattrr i.encral. hfdi trai rtferrtd to Hit Pest-Oflice cmmite?. ' Mr. Iftfmf repWa I Sill to mit ptoU,0n ht ptnr.fit who have fcten Uitawa tf wwPdi K1 the rtvolutiona fy vfffWc1iwairta4tke, and re icrr wi ctrrpThiim cfthe whole t 'f. Ttn.Ui - f t . f y. 1 t . .... ... raotloarlftW dilatory rcrosiks. ican iw icq, ana rcierrcmo buibtuii- i TOiryoe anowea.to ,ine.snp8.ana vesj oi vuc ; wiiwtc iiwu5Cv, oAiuavjiy suis ei uic nauons lo wnlCO SUCU.,Cp- LhL "iaf v .' ; . 1 r lonic& or deDendoacies mav bclonrI . i lpmatiflg duties on foreign'tomtage and inrrchandizeimportad ifv foreigp i ycscis? recomraennta oy. ipe coxn ! mittee of cofnmerce arid manufactures !" Jit thei r report on that subject made ! on the 10th instant,, shall not extend to foreign 'aljips- or vessels, oc the ar ; ticles rmpored therein- from ihc colo : pies th depondencies of any foreign rlation unless .the ihips and vessels of , thefiJmteatstates shall enjoy the same privileges In the navigation and trade ' between the United Stages atfd such colonies "and ' depepdeocic? as a'r J or Ittfeireih to :n onwiitigaf ..ihe I whole" Jo- vhon "was referred the re- xirt of the committee - of commerce and manufactures on countervailing duties. ' ' i .. . . The house resolved itself into a committee of the whole oh the report of a select committee on so much of the Prcsider-Vs message as relates to a warfare with Tripoli, ttc. Mr. Var- num in the chair. 1 ,. '. The resolution, with which the re port concludes, authorism?: the pro curing four ships of war not exceeding 16 guns each, was agreed to Without a division ; when the committee rose, and the bouse immediately confirmed their report, and ordered a bill to b brought it. . , 0 Mr; Hill, from the committee on the memorial from certain inhabitants of Wilmington (N. C.) made a report, wnn an accompanying bijl. t ., t I he repejt concludes with a reso lution that the memoijal be referred to the secretarvof state, to be laid be fore the President. The report was agreed to, and the bill referred" to the committee of the whole The house resolved itself into a com mittee of the whole, on tlic bill for the importation of ordnance arms, 8cc. -r. VarPUrii in the chair. Mr. Hutledge proposed an amend ment,- for extending the riRht cf irri porUUuH jdulyJrce to mdividuajs as well as-states. .. .. . , . Messrs. Bacon ahd S. Smith said a few words against, and Messrs. Maeim und Rutlcdge in favor of the amendihent; when, on the question Le ing pui, u was ios,t. Ayefc35, noes 45; . . ... l The Committee then rose and re- jortedthe bill without amendment. On takmir the Question on ordcrlno- the bill to be engrossed for u third I reading, the yeas and navs were re quired, and were yeas 46, nays 49.' i pe rctusai to engrogs is equivalent to a rejection of the till. On motion of Mr. Mitchell, the hoihe went into a committee of the whoUsMr. Dawson in the ehair. on tlie - bdl fr fthe cnrouravt-tr.mt .f leaniinj and tbe promultion of the useful arts. Mr. Eayard moved to extendthe sec tion n as to. extend the privilege of obtaining patents to aliens as well as citizens. ..On this motion, a debrte eniupd until the hour 6f adjournment. : . Messrs. Ilavard, S. Smith und Ear ly supported, snd Messrs. P.andoh.h, .iihoiu mua mcnui, opposeU the motion. ' , On the nueition beincput. the mo. tion was lost. Ayes 13, pr,c4.' Thuisdayy Jan. 57.' , , ' Mr. JolmC.Sn.uh, from the com mittee tf claims, reported on th& xae morialof.lhe mayor and commonalty of Alexandria respecting expent ts iij curred for quarantine, thut it suk'A be expedient to f ass a law roj-cctiiig quarantioe, but thatt'ie rtq'-eit of the mcmoraliifs to be rcimbumd nict.ici expended by them being unreasonable, ought Pot it te granted. " Hefcrnd to a 'committee of tbe nholq houie ta-morrow.' Dr. Mitchell preaented a memorial from a number of mechanics of the thy of New-Vork aganm the repeal bfdiscriinipatip duties. . .Mr. Itacon laid'thi following m' Con on the table i ' frisked, ,Tha ,t is eipedicnt for Congress to recede to die aute of Vir. ginia, the jur'iMlictiotr that part of me lerr.TOty ol tutnblm which wii ceded to the United Stales by the said rate of Virpinla i by ait act passed the 3d day of Dcrtmber, in tbe year 1713, entitled An u tor the ces icn often miles square or any lcs Tntity of "territory within this slate, to th llniitd Sitf in rv.. gress assembled," for the permapcul eat of the general yovtmoiitt. 1 I L - ,r i.V 2 ... fr-i'1-"1' FX ""Provide,, the said state QCVirclpW shall consent and agree IhenWS. Resolved, That 4 it is expedient firlH Congress to recede to tha state of Ulan ryland the.; jurisdiction of that part' hi , the territory" , of . Columbia, which was'teded to the United States Xj th said sute of Mary land by. all kct paa sed the 19th' day of December, in the year 1 79 1 , entitled; Ap act cpneer p iug.thejerritory of Columbia aud the City of Washington' ; ' , t ,.'. Rrevidcfxhe saSd ttate' of Maryland shall consent and agree thereto. -r , On motion of Mr. Nicholson a com nsittec was appointed to enquire wpe ther it is expedient lo make ak and . the'establiahmeht of marine, corps 't- ii .any, wni iuvcri.viua in eneaces I or anoToTTrxTggTJi- tank ;wAyy-Wuh commanaing omcers. . '. ; Mr. Griswold , presepled a tnetno rial from eleven of the Ute -circuit judges of the United States, reprcf senting that they huve beep divested oy uiw.oj uicir, juuiciaf amies, ana re? questing Congress tooxfine the duties 4nV.i. Vvu..rv., U.. . I. . 1 1 ' - lu us jJtl iwi iiivu UJT LUC ill MHU lU.it5Sin some judicial tribupal competent to a .. decision of their slaim for salary. .,4 .'. Mi Griswold moved a reference ol . the memorial to asttect'commiUee. t , Mr. Crcgg moved a reference to a c7mpiittee pf the, whole house , ,., . Tbis lastmotionf after debate) pre vailed rAyes 53. .w,. Mr. Randolph pioved. "that it,b made the . order otthe-da'y fv- that ' , MrvGriswold moved that it be made the order for to-morrow. ..... Mr. Randolph's motion prevailed. ., When the house resolved itself inta a mmmitte of the u-hn1 Mr. P-iwJ ' son in the chair. . . . . '. , -. . Mr. Griswold then submitted tw " resolutions.; ,-, . , , ,:. , . The first to provide by law for de-, fining the. dutiesbf the circuit judges -The second to provide by -law for .- r'tht of.the judges of the circuit court totompensation. . 1 . . After debate, the committee divid- v .e V.. lfHir 1. 1 ' t a - a . And on the second resolution- AJIS J .'UC S) 10M.: Mr. Vamum then submitted . a rei solution that the prater bf the pe tition ought not to be granted, and that the'petitioncrs have leave to withdraw their.- petition, w'hich was carried without a division. ,, .... The committee rose and rcpottccl this resolution, which was ngrccd to tlic Yeas and Nays beit.'g called Ytas 61 Nays 57. . - Thc.spepker laid before the house z a memorial and remonstrance from the citizens of Alexandria, agaluit a territorial legislature. , . . . Friday, Jan. 23. ... ; Mr. Jones jrcsented a memorial-fi-om the Chamber of Commerce of Philadelphia, respecting the injurious resulting from a contv:ction $;ivcp at the cuttom-UuHe, at Philadelphia, of the 14th, sjriicn of ths rever.t.e luw, respecting the retordir.;' ir.d reiiter ing Vt8ts. ... ., Referred H t'. p c.mm'.:tc'c cfconi mercc and niaiufjrtci'.'. . Ir. John C. Smith, f:ont tl; rrnt mittee of tlsim,mado u report mi ! the petition of George Mtboma r.vc- j lutionary .soldier. The report statgs,' j that piproviiion appeure tj ' "v? here jtoljre been matl? for the wllcirrctt Iniionsto soldiers of the tlu.-t a. .rJ't.u linr, of u hid) the pft".t'0.ci i one; and conclude with a re l-Hi-.n that it i espedient to m:.ke provu! n h) law fur i.ivaiid pcnMoncr oftiu.t" line.. Rtfcrrcd to' a comr.r.ttce it the whole on Tuesday. ' .; ,Mr. Cutler, prcsente.! a pctiiin from the mcrchanti, ship-owi indl shin-build ers of Ne wbur) port, p. .-,) inj'f. injt trie acts inioiMg discpmiDatiii duties tnay not be repealed. . Re fare 4 to the fcmimittte cf tla whole ou ditcriminatiiig dut'tn, uuf ordered to be printtd. . A Mr. Davis offered a resolu!ioii toi fnslricting th cojnmitut of wu) s n-i means to enquire ittiotb exrndicmv . r : i r . .- ... . vi utnuing ior a i.u.iitu nine li e eol'ettion of all debts or duties diolbtv United States frvm the cUitens l' Tennessee Ohi, Kn ituVey, at d ths Indi.ins snd Mistisippi tcrmtories. Mr. Davis lajd ss the government had lately, a Uw suspt.dit.. liirnsof Portsmouth in copsequence, of a fire at thst ple, 1 thor t ihe cititens of tl weMcfo toman ' from tbe peculiar situ-iion; in whit.. Uev were placed, Jj-d as Urotw; lLm stthf ,ntlfpie sf CVjuf.

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