T t rrp? triittr9'nsGd- I 1 ' ton ssrerai'days I hate'been tinder S mast alanninraVtrthsnsions for my if. re' and ISannine'ss. occasioned by fv .nMntMni nunc ruuursui u. ' j 1 r.9iM.FMr Heraldl on the state of tfir country," published In their paper or the 14th ultimo. ' V '; ; ' '- I - "You will permit in to aeqtlaint yoov thatI hate a' email family, and bare ' lire several year in the country, un- i u i ilfimMt'ic. dan gers vlxreldthe occasi onally, in order ''to, inform myself of publicUirs. . A Jew years ago i.w j jnuchembarfassed .with the dreadurt itnnM nf tfc Ocean Massacre, French livasim, and Tub Ptoti. I consulted with mynelghbours what we should bV.. timai mnMwil slarmlne and the danjer at or doors. - Some of them bserVed that the federal Printert were toot accustomed to publish truths, and that by? remaining quiet for elitule tirne we should be better informed , T!ii a' ttrrtA unon. and we hate - inc found that the whole was done - Ci)- t-Viat nmnit T hni rtirtVtf a irreat hire of tranautlitt, until I read theCap.Fear Herald, on the state.of ; th-iY eottntry.--This has placed eve ry thing In confusion t rar wife has 'read the paper; my eldest daughter, Louisa, has tcad it,vand all call upon ins , far protection. Yes, say .. they, ReligUns mrHjfyRcligim ll in pAift erj Lt'Jeralso TdTTKat;.and wjr f FRENCHMEN, grisly Roman FRENCHMEN, are aboutto land on T1fir-,ti-..nr tthg UnittdSthtts. Mr ' wife apprehends that he8e'fJ frenchmen can ..hate nothing eist m vfew, but the captureof our two d?.Hgh ters, Louisa and Anna, as the papers , ure continaaliy speatlnrj of Louisiana. - Vii?ht and day we are apprehensire that they a.re near our doors : There tore Mr. Editor, I have resolved to rttlC IO town .10 ooiam . luiurniHiiuti from you and others, of the actual at tuation of public affairs, r , , ? I hate accordinl-consulted with " toe maiomy 01 jour 4 . ennt;aiciicu. aL ' A LIB . - ma 1 . w a h A tm Merchants K Mecharilcs," thecal majority of men of wealth and charac ter." the rrcst maioritf of men of sci- nr and ' infiirmfAton .of - Divines. htroizn andThys'tians," &c. 8cc Ccc. . all of whom assur ; me, that they hate n'ot the same dreadful' apprehensions which mr wife and familt hate enter- taioed , The Divinss declare, that ouf Holy Religion" is perfectly secure. the Lawyers fnnFrr; hatcan- ewerea ror enqytnea wun uic wum 9'iit.". The Doctors, amonsrwhom Is my fariily phyiician, the celebrated Doctor T. are ol opinion, that the . iitors or writer of the observations al Juded to, are in a perfect delirium j Dr. T. proposes to receive them into Bisi infirmary, to take two ounces of blood from thefTiVrOTum, In order to elTect a cures' by which means the peace and quiet of old men, women, and children, and others of delicate tvsrresr will not acain be disturbed by the productions or publications of Lu natics. I hate now to requett, Mr.' Editor, jrtr advice in what manntr I shall proceed, to tranquilize myself ana u milt t which I hoDe tou will do as peedily as possible. 1 am yours, SIMON CREDUI.OU3. 4 w - s m From the many symtAoms of ap proaching iosanity discovered eter ince the commencement of dog-datt to j 99,'mthe generally supposed wrtterot theMobsertationson the ttate ot thnr country, published In the last Cape Fear Herald, and those symptom ta,,rS.naJ.rmint.deffrce.a.toltave o eloubt of an entire derangement n 1- - ' of mind, the Editor would fjdvise bit Correspondent to wait the Is tne of his family Phytlcian't Opera tion. He hat had many applications n the tame subject, from several a red and repcctable penont, qn their fcart and alarms for the late or our 'Country. He promises, most fertcnt 'ly, to Inform hit Correspondent' and j the Public, of the first ayproachet j which these grisi Jbman Ifiwcnt xna mke, whether 'to ae i-ouisa ' and Anna, or the SpaniiA territory , tailed Louisiana. . . The name of Mr.' Jmet wat not tnentined in this Gatette of the ITlh ult. with an intention to Injure hit (ccW "rnjs la any manne whatever. REPORT X Of th tnmi''fttf l xuUti ru ), rfftr red ci th 17? fj'?'' ihtmt. . rf7 ' fmfrj inhlitH rf lh trjtn f infmntptit. 1 Ige Jlett REPORTi THt the frflcm tt Mliry, fli'e! Uia inn i-ai, i i tirfjid, is the ftent colonial gwern. ' meott.ia 4he Wea-lndit, M frtajhr . with danger, to (he peiCfi aod fifity.-of. ("he United Sate$.,T-TJjat ih Ha flitej to have occurred, in the profecuiian of that Hem af po'icr demand th? promo ,.io nierfer;ace of he gtWernmenc of ihe U. nited Staic, ai well legiflitit aa' t. ecuiivc; . ' - , . - The comra'itee lh;refofe recomrnend ibal iht laid fO?miriI b: re fef rel lo the fecreiarr of flircfj -to he laid before ihe; f refideni j ao4 .apJrfance of the an. .l . - : . . L . : l .L inorny rranea ia incjn, icrcwi.a report i - r i 1 - . '. Dill WatCD IS lUDQIIItCa. . Ex:rifl f i letter from a f e'mleroan at IJewYwk, ho left the Miflifippi is; j! of January, in the (hip Meat tana, to a perfon in Philadelphia, . The governor of Hew-Or'eani, pre. viaus tomv failing, bad received orders from the capiain general of Cuba, to de liver op the ctofif to jhe crenrb tmme. diaielv "on th'ir aroval," in- the fanne flate thai ihe Spaniard, had ongtually takan potfellion fTt;"-,:.V t A London p?pt' of the 28 th Nov. ' Rwerv rtfiifh ftjtcfirian mint now'be aware of the grejat linp'or tance of mataLainip? a gobdut dcr slanriing with the United States of Anvrica. The. two countries m&. be fo I mutually . feryical'le, or lo mutua ly mifchieyoustoeacS oiher, that the utmost ua.ins lhpttrd be em ployed' ta cultivaie ; noj o'n'y peace, but to improve everyfericiineiit oi kiridncf?,At affcdJion. The French, it is well knowii, ni ike evcry.cxer tion to obtain a party in Amcti:a, nubile to'EobuJ. In appointing a'ninister to the United $fte$, it 'hfefore is of the greatest impor mo qualified to Hnprove our inte rcs'i, with the co ver nment, ard the pe,-.)lc of t'.ut ciuotry ; o;e who .vrilr conciliate 'reir aifcaioni and iilecm,4$ lir : ai his perfonal tharatier, and'his ! ptrljnal communication with th;m, ' cm extend. M. Oao i& to be the French envoy," - -In the Driii lh houfe of Common, on December 2, the chancellor of h exchequer, in the cnrle of his feech, informed the houf., . that aimtrat Bickerton, who at prefent commands' ten fail of the lire in the Mediterranean, v.Tiic hme that there are only five f-.il ol the line reidy lor fca in. tie pi rt ol i oinou ; 1 rem wi.icn ripotif nave for fome time stated, that a confi. derahl (&rt ..u;t ahrtnl tit Kf rl:(- J p.d.-The adru.ral alfo tte l. fa T m j- ,-- appeal in the hirbour of Carthace'.a. Ho added, that the ftate uf the French, Spanidi and Dutch navies. at tie conclufioii of ihe war, wa France.39, Spain ti, and Hnlhnd 16: w hilil Gteat-13p:ain had at prefent 102 fail of thf line, ago I frigates, I29ftoop,and243 f;ni!l:r '11 ; 1 11 an, 41 iuiui vi n.ii and that fuch mcafuret had been taken by the prefent board of ad miralty, that jfrnore Ihtpi ot.the ! - lit 1 . - - - 1: - I . J iiiccouiu oe ie'H inirnfoineiy, ana 1 larger number upon a gteat emer gency. Sir Si'ir'ty Smith, in his maiden fpcrch. ir.tfoduced frveral obfrr. taiior.s the late reforms in the tlock-yardt, and was replied to by capt. Mirkha'-ii 1 he leaders of tiie pew oppofition repeated their o.fTlionj to the minilier, but i!il fi oppofe the vote forthe fe.ooo (camcii, which p-lTuluiianimouilv. American TtetvAling. Wrld, In o 5 V ire fo 1 title tttenJcl 10, that the driver frequently hat to tall 10 th ir ' . i , ... pincngcrs in trie iu('e 10 ican om of the carriage, fint at o.ie fide, then at the other, to prevent it fmm overturning in the deep rutts with which the roaJi abooul. jVr, itttemtn, ther'ifhl upon which all the naireniters llretch their bo lies half out of the carriage to balance It on that fide t A'rtf, futkntfi. h thlrlit anJ fo on. 1 hit lre qnently happeni a dozen timet in halt, the number ol mi!ci. Such are the traveller! cmUft 1 Amtritt , (Linitn fptr.J FROM GRESXOCK, Det. i. Br '! P'i !' lotbrdl'e eftoi 13 k Drtrraler, inrlafivr, wh ch bate lMa rrctir, wc leira, ftt awwitt). tnd PtT ik rrMtiplatcrcv lately Qtewa r th Dry if A'gcrt teih mil of lh Fit ft Co e ful, he now a f unci a bold A Dtug'iif tone, id rrfwfti, ai ihe inr. CflLo afikt Frcach arai to iiifi't ike cvt katiOtlpa fo kf the e!fi. rn ef l Vifife f'i' aicb h4 ta(ipi44 ky Alftrite tetfiirt. Tat if Fre'4i e,ma"!frjr rereffnrel, ihit all V the fual Ian were riolaiei wiih refpctl I uea,' ij t.ia inc u'T uiraicii .omptatnei, ibat at Napln ly. Ki were foMigei. to worV. .Tb'e -'Dty replied, nit be would aiwart i nappy to do anr ihiog that would ' be agreeable o the Firll Corfjl'a aent t . b- that io ihe ptefeni caff, he had (Inwg reafao, known onlf to himTelf, for treating, the Fartuguefe n.e had done. D!cenilet 14. r r fence ia- faid o t)e been .'re. eived from Egypt, that ihe BeytTwhi were clofeljr united amocfg themfclfei, had defeated the Turkifh iroopliVfJVe-. ditfersni enggemenn, and fo red-tced their numbers as 10 ob'tge them to nlk a (HQ ante of the tfngliQi if06j, in order that ihey tr.ight be fared from . d:0rt. lion. ' '" '-' ' The Brig Hopiet, cart. Andrews, of New-York, 23 days from Guwla loupe, bound to Newbern, put in to Fort-Johnston in distress, on the 2d instant. . '' ; "' ' PORT OF. WILMINGTON. Entered since our last. Shin ilelsev, Banks Grenada. Brig Rambler, Bovreh, Martinico. Paulina, Goodins . , Trinidad. Betsey,. Fanning, . 'l. Jamaica. Sch'r. Rutha, H ill, ; - New-York. : , Three Friends,7LitUe, Nevis. ; Bntania, Verry, , Salem. Hellen; Millet,' Point-Potfe. il Sloop Sally. Warner, Baxter, Char- , leston. Raby, Gould, ,- '.Vayar.na. , ' Cleared. Brig Oil re Branch, Bacon, Jamaica. MarjvEaston, Baltimore. Georpje, Matthew, - Jamaica. William, Coombs, Liverpool" . Friends Bowra,' Jamaica. Hope, Rogers, Barbadoes. SnowRalDhPnrtlie, Newry, Ireland. Sch'r. Jefurson, Patterson,. N. York. Hersnoij, SauMing, Barbadoes. -i.pol!.v, Day, ' Jamaica. Union Cheetef, Guadaloupe. Sloop Sallv, Smith, .'Jamaica. . Good Escan:, Vhitc, Grenada. WtfCX'-JSTaV rtttCKS CffHXXJrT. ' ' MArchiSOS.- :-3 '" f KOft TO . - Dlt.Ctu Dls.Cts. BACOK pr etrt. Bmter per lb. . Cotton pr To. . " Co Tee per lb. . Corn per btwhel, .-.. Meal. do. Flour per barrel, Lumber per M. 9 14 16 16 . 17 18 . 20 65 2-3 75 50 6 14 25 J 1S' 34 40 12 53- -80 1 5 55 60 50 4 75 50 1 75 J 13 W. p. hhd. staves drtst,C 3 R. 0. do. do. ro. 14 Wro. bl.- do.'ronh, j 0 -Shingles pt:r 1300, . 3 Molasses prx ujlo", Pork per barrel, . 11 Rice per cwt. ... 4 Rum, W. I. pr. p. 3d p. 65 f Jamaica, do. 4th do. 1 N. E. do . - Tobacco per cwt. 4 ; Tar per barrel . 1 Turpentine do. 3 25 Sugar,Mascova.p.cwt. 8 1? Nsf-IhiL, Fri.19,1303 Mr. A. Hall,-. Pronvlinpr you think yourself tafe unicr the slander, trsason, or Sedi tion Laws of thit State, ton 'will 0- blip me ta ins;rt the following little ditty, and put my name thereto, in order to be a warnincr to all othert (if, they hate the fear of the Lord before their tyes) not to behave in like man ner hr timet e"ominjr NOriCF. . r I Doctor Whitaerr, once el Bladen county, tince of Duplin, in ihe State of North-Carolina, will shortly tend me the money he wet m:, In that case I w:l tay no more ao"ut the matter) but if he does not, and still perVtsit in his wickedness, I will be continually making mention of his .name, and that in such, a "y at will uirly convince both him h hit frit-ndt that he is not theclen thirty. . The Doctor tervanr, GEO. MACDONALD. i Ten . DoUacs Reward, WILL he given or takinuup and delivering to me, a run away negro fellow well known br ' the riame of SPARROW, whom I lately putHukd of Anthony B. Toomer, Efq. If Sparrow will come in anJ cViver himfclf up to me within one mon-h from thit date, he lK alt he pirJ.mcl. Ail ptrfom are hetrby forbid haibouilt'C, employinor canying Him iwa a, mcir rrtn. DIXON BOGUI. -rVUmlrTgton, Ftb. 141H, iBoj. BLANKS Cfvthut l'ndt . For fate at thit Office. February ti. F O.R-4 A LE 1 -J -or 4"Mitely cnuntrjr bom Negroes. ; A py"; to the Printer. ' "March 3. . . r jj H W.tnted otiCIUrtcr , Jwti tetTcI to loal for Europey ei(frone 'toMl.i? Vv.a. In flits; for which a liberal price be, gi. vea by 4 - 1H OS. J. BE ATT Y. Wilmington, Fth. 24. WilMiMro March 3, 1803. ' Lately imported in seteral Vessels and tor sale under the dirti6n of 51 Puncheona 3rd proof Rum, prime quality. , ' . ' . . 11 IIlids.M6lassei,from Mirtmique w ui). fMvgar, bt. Lucia, 30 Barrels do. Grenada, ' 10 Bags CoJTee, St. Domingo, 25 Quarter casks Sherry Wine, - ; 4 CasksLlnsced Oil, 3s KesSp.tnish Brown, ground inoil, 30 Tons Swedish Bar Iron, . 25" Cwt.- ditto,' Steel, in boxes, : 1 ' Bun'dja Germ in Steel, " 7 Ditto, Blistered ditto,, d Ditto, Crawley ditto, 13 Casks Nails, fed. and 6d. 5. Boxes Cotton Cards, No. 6,8,9, 10, 2 D:tto,. wool ditto, No. 6. , 130 Baits Diitch Canvas. Also fir sale, AMERICAN PRQDUCE. ToiACCOf-' Psach Ilmnor. ' P08K, Laud, . Tailo ' 2 Nmr HoaTs, Spmrs Toms r.ti, . SaiTBD LVMP.KK, 1 Coho.tMAcaivt FOK SALK, J 49Hhds. ot MolaiTc-s, -im- .1 r , ' rnrtrn.tn tne iviiooner iri, cartaia Ueiini', no in ivurmnco, ALSO, Ctiftee in hi!js, ' Cordage, cc. ' HOWARD & TILLINGH AST. Kc'tfjary 17. Juinmpartrd, And tibehHvt reafonable price I tor Qfocr priduce. BAKBADOLS, Momfe-7 rat, and St. Cnux j 1UM augjr in hhds. and hatrcU, Ct.-ein barrels a id bags, Surinam Mobiles, Rufii? Iron, by (he Ion orewt. N. E. Rum, &c. jocklin,(;auiie.r,&Co. Oerniihcr. o, . Slid iif '.a i w:ui.i. 1 On the th Dry $f" March extt WILL 13L SOLiV U"d'r the teurt.U tuft in ibi titvn. TWO viiuahlc Lotsof GruunJ; one fituitrdcn theeall fil ot FrrintStrcet, aj r ng John Mar. tin a-id Dr. De kotTrii ; the other on the well file ol faid ftrett, in ft below Mr. J hn Bradley '1 white h-ruTe and aJjoUing Majur Jo in WaUet'a L't, 01 the . wiurf the pr:irrty ot uhn B'akely, deceafedt to Utifv - fun4ry aec0(iont t4c d;redel. ALSO, A Houfe Sc Lot otiThird. flreet, the proteny ot Michael Kenan, tieceafc.t, to fatittv an Ckciutico, the Executor of i 1 mj;H Canipbcll, dcccaf. l. ts fi'ul Kc'ian. W14. BLUnWORTH. Wilmington, Jan. 27. Shflr. hOT IC E. THE Copailneilhip of , Fnn. taine and Tatb, it thti Jar, by mutual confeut, diiTvilved. . Ah ' m t . . perlout wiio Bate ucmm'a on the faid ronccrn, ai well at ttvn'A F. Fontaine t Co. are requeded . t a a a r 10 eatai.it tncni nr tttilcar.eni l:hoot delay 1 and thife indebted to cither firm, are fol'cliej to make immttfiate pJiment. , F. FONTANE. A. TARBIE. SVilmihgton, Ko. ai, itn. IxT An apprentice to the rt . tt . 1 . 1 . rtiiuing iiiiitifi, is want cd at iW vHjcc; Joshua r PUBLI C AUCTICWf 0 thritrh 'inflJnt; hiH hrlj T$ ' I - H AT Valuable Lot of XJroirna X . on'the frnth "fide of Market- flreet, VVirmuigfoo, 55 feet on ih Hreet and running bark 66 feet, . with npootl (lone founit'on in front amt adioiniu A. Halls new brkk houfe with '.the ; pr-mlcgeuof"1 : the eaft wall tbereuf, 3;1cetdee& at east j feet high, vn& a toothing left fur tf.c benefit of the proprictbr " of fiij lot. , , .The , terms of faTe will he vc half cash and the rerpaltider payab'e -n 6 months, "the puVchafer "giving ijuua witn approved lectirity. LEVY & CARROL,, ''larch 3, 1833. t v LAST NOTICE. AL L perfons refiding wi 1 hin rh -county of N. Hanover, & viho luvc not paid their taxes.for tht tear 1801, and arrearages for 1800- art) refpeaively requeued to come for. ward and pay the fame,, on or be fore ;, the. firlt day of the eufuina CiHinty.coHrt, oiherwise thev' will bo dealt with a the law dircctt vvm. BLUDWORTH ShflT.. r eoruary lotti, 1003. HE fuhfcribcr takes this me JL thod to off :r his fcrvicci t6 i he community in general, and par- ueuiaujr iu uiuic ui ni ieiIOWCla tijens who are tradefmen and me" thanicJ', and vhofe time it mora profitably employed than by draw-iri-r o(F their. own acCotinn, to po'ft their books and draw and fettle their accounts with accuracy and di' patch tm very reafonable terms ; and alfo to draw up Agreements, AlHgn nenti, Bills, Bonds Bottomry Boods,' Deeds-, Letters of Attorney, Mortgages, Leases, &c conforma-. b!c to law. .. ; At prefet pleafe to apply Vt the honfe he now occupies in Ew- -ant'n alley, wh-.re any. command will be promptly attended to, ana the finallell faVour acknowledged. JOHN H. BELCHER. . Wilmington; Januarys, -N. Ninety Dollars Hcward ELOPED fiom tfie Hermitage .m the 10th of this intlant, the . following Ncgtoes,. btlorrging for merly to John Bdrwitt', hfq. but they arc now my properly , viz. ' ABltAM, ajparpenter, who il well known in and aftotit Wilmlng. tort at a tiddleti he took off with him his "He runud HANNAH; about 3 ycarauf age, and' their daughter a ik'ely young girl of about I c, years of age nan.ed JESSEld and two Younger children, hoya, named MARCUS and NEGER. NED, a U.ackfmith, a like'jr young fellow, about 22 years of agt) is tall and (lender made, and fniooih. faced, hat a wife at Fayelicville, the property of Mn. Vtace, t which place it is probable he ma bctul h'f courtc. JEM, a likely young fellow, a bout 16 years old, he has a wife the property of Mil. M. Junei, in Wiimin.ton", named Grace, who i I no doubt entertain him j alfia iwo of hu hrotherl. LONDON and ZEBB, the firlt ii about 10, the other aSout 15 vein .'of age, .London ii a tery rmftstlr-faced likely-boy -ZcbU4 , rather awkward and fcrlwpy. JEHU, a likely fmooth fact young fellow, l ti'l and fJcndrrj about 2 jean old, le tiraa hlie i lift tear to Ml. Ualfey ai Grct Fields, and hat a wife there name4 Amyi who I luopofe will harbour him. .. AJAX, an old lufly fellow; fmooth faced, fpeakt plain and ii -upwards of 50 years old.. . All tnela.tl INtgrtKi ijine 11.1 ii cep'e4) are )burg and likely; and all fpcA trrt pla'n Efglitli;, and ire cttrrmtly. jjlauntle ii deception Ahnm has a rep ure;, but ii notwiihitanding acllva and fl,Ten Dofitri -'will r1'1 f"'; each, to my pctfoo appichcrinj irf of them, on their birg r'ni tertd to John Lord, Efq. lo WiU mintton cv Ninety dollaia far th whnle in proportion, on Nlrg de livered 11 kLrcLid or fecured ! ;,.y gotl U thi title fo that tbs fubicrivr may nt ineTi.. , , GEW.E C. cltTilErtALL: . Ji'rj 2. tl.