vU.L-1 . . ' '' - ; .;. - " .;.'. ..' .' ",, ' ' ' 1 TfiURSD lyM arch to, 'i 'so sr Published weekly by Allmaud Hall, at Thrii Dollars a Ycv 2f? ' n i i " '" it"T' t ?r VLn7NO.S22; Lite European Kevr; . 7- 1 ' - .' f, s.- ; " Receive! at Charleston, 6y 'the ship Columbia, carrt.Wtitt, from Glasgow. v ' v.- v .- rv LONDON,' December y Saturday a report again prevailed in theckv. that the Consular Govern- -said' toare felt thesliock very s'trang-i ly 50 rdlles from" the land. J ' f i . Of the rumours which represented I Constantinople to have been destroyed : tne tttoniieur uocsdoi give ctuici ui fictrtl conSnnatioa or.contradtction. But letters from Vienna of the 2 t,th ult.'nieiitionjthat accounts have . been merit had consented that .our Cabinet L received frotn -Petervirra.din by the should retain Malta, and, farther in proof of the sincerity of its wishes for the tnamteftance of Peace, that they should enjoy the provisional possession of the Egyptian Ports. : , -; New difficultipvare-stated-to have a Tisen in the arrapgenusnts of a. Com mercial Treaty with France. The Chief CoT)sul:jvbelieved tobc, averse, to the-- principle.. of intercourse,s and , the project drawt) up under his dircc tion is &id to be encumbered by so many exceptions and restrictions, as to be rendered nearly ntigatory. From a recent decision, which took place .at Brest, , "it appears, that the French are determined, if we persist in our Navigation Act, to have theirs. Uy the Navigation Act of England, foreign vessels are not alUwed to'en Jer the Port of London with any othef produce than that- of the countries to which they respectively belong. France, it appears, has resolved to a dopt the same principle An English . vessel, bringing a cargb of iron from Fetersbu'rgh to Brest, has been de clared contraband, DecemberJ. Wonld thus,c6mpromise . tphoncnir ( Dyndas remain-, at Bath, notVuhc'on" of their country,1, by ; descrniline to ' cerued spectators, we may -suppose ot sucn mean BUDmiaMon. uoiiaiwri iu3 .crns.inai is acting on uvt great tnaycuianu carve ou me coniuicri fKmcaire-oipouiics. The . estimates for the. army for 180.7,' present the largest and most expensive .peace establishment ever kent un by this country. The land forces of all descriptions, exclusive of 22.3U in India, amount to 110,966 men, at the expence of 5,270,056U Th same Tnay:be remarked of the. navy establishment, which is 50,000 seamen. Every power in Europe maintains an attitude ready to strike, yet many flatter themselves there is no danger of anew rupture. . ' , . December 8. A most violent earthquake "w?.s ex perienced at BucfcurtsJ! on the 26th of 'Jatober. inetietaiis oi xnis cn-caa-fut obenomenon," communicated in a letter from that city, are as follows : " Yesterday, October 26, between twelve and one. o'clock, this city was thrown into the greatest consternation by an earthquake. Thc.shocks which succeeded each other, for ten minutes and an halfy were so violent, that all the cbimnies were thrown down, seve ral houses and some churches also tumbled to pieces ; that of St. Nicho- . las, and the famous tower of Golcza, arc nothing but a heap of ruins. 1 he earth burst several places, and greenish water whjr.h diffused a sul phurous odour throughout the whole city spouted up througa the hpsuses At fire o'clock the phenomenon was ' renewed, but tht shocks were less vio lent, and occasioned no damage. Not withstanding the great number ofedi' fices thrown down during the' first commotion, no persons have perished except a Jo, -ss, with her child, am! two others. Prince Yrpilanti, the new Howodat of alluchia, hndius arrived ; he had gone to offer up his p'rayers, and ths most violent shocks were felt just at the moment when he was about to kiss the gospel." - Another letter, dated November 20, ' iiysrthirw the Jfith "of October, Constantinople mas entirely destroyed; t!e terf0lio and a great part or the city were swallowed up. December 13. Let'ers from the Haguej, of the 27th lilt, state, that Mr. Liston the Biithh ain.'umi'v.has cntercddntoancgoci ation with the Btavian government, in regard to the treaty of commerce be twren the two countries. , According to private ttcrruints from Paris the English government has ap plied to the French for explanations relative to ti c destination oi Pttrma, n which subject Lord Whhworih has had aeon Terence. December 14., Werert'vcd this tuornlr.g the Tarls papers to the llth. 4 ' The Moniteur communicates an ac count of an earthiuske bavins; been Lit at Algiers otVtbe Tib" and Hit of .last month. The shock was so vio lent for 40 seconds, that the inhabU .l.-msciprclf J every inprtnt to be , b'ifiej under the rmr.s of their houses. director of the-. postsi who has . sent them : to all the postmasters through out the empire which . state that the- earthquake was felt, on the 2Gth of last October from Peterwarradin,through out Servia, Bosnia, and to the-banks of the Black ScVnd that it was vio- tnt- at f.Vnttfvtin'Br(l.. ' .. H ;i The ereaier.DSJt. of .tha boose .in the neighbourhood or the aeragno, and many buildings and Mosques - m the suburb Gallata, vere destroyed The Seraerlio suffered considerably The grand seignor and crowds of the inhabitants fled to the mosqne of St. Sophia, which is supposed to be inca pable of being destroyed.- The shock lasted 30 minutes. Switzerland, to use the language of the French journals, is quite"tranqui lised that is French troops pervade the country ; and the people having bsen disarmed are forced to submit The Italian coasts are much infes ted by the Barbary corsairs. . It is said that the Court 'of Vienna has remonstrated, in virtue of the trea ty of Aix-la-Chapclle, against the uni on of Parma to France. - as he nleasesthcic see ms to be lid tiower exi3tinir in Eurooe to prevent i hira from giving full scope to the. dic tates ot 1m towering ambition tnere ; i but when h.. thinks of , extending his i' empire on the other sid of the Atln- -tic, or to the shore of India, he must be sensible we shQujd suppose, of the necessity ofobtiioingthe concurrence and assent of the British government and it must strike him that these transfers of property, and bargains of exchanged are not likely to meet with H onr approbation, more especially as I ; inc equivalent., u socn may oc iuucu to be given on his part,"hcs been ille gally obtained. - ' . Among the subjectsof discussion at j Paris of which we conceive their must'. be many, Malta will doubtless form a very leading and important eme. We perceive .with satisfaction, hoive- iver, ,trom tne proceedings in lie Honseof Cominons last night, thut the laws relative to Rs trade and its geo graphical situation are to be renewed, a pledge that will not be immediately, or without due consideration,' ceded. The material changes indeed, that have t! kenj'lace in the political situa tion oi l.uiTpe r.nd that ore proi.-ctcn and can ying into c fleet in other quar tcrs of the globe, wouldin ovr otMrinn fully w arrant- us -in pcnnanentlyre taining it. The French government r ir vsaV, thnt vm. Id I e a violp- A 1c ttef from Con stanVm oplr c rm firms the account that hid he In re reached us by way'of Gibraltar, of dis- y tion of the trttty of Amims, but in putes prevailing; between Priti,h t'.nd vhow wsny instances has it already Furkish troops in Egypt.-- 1 he Ltti-r 'been grossly vinhrtcd by France r alluded to atutcs, tfiut on the 24th' of Octoberi Lord Elgin, the English ambassador, had a conference with the Turkish ministry, in re;-ard to t!ie present state of affairs in Egypt. . Ac carding to the intelligence received from that country, a great animosity prevails between the lurkish and rm We 'understand that it is proposed that Parliament si tiki adjovvn r n ti e 23d instant, not to meet ngirfn till the od c.?.r ( rthrunry. !'rday wus settling "day in oni- nhim at the stock exchange ; andthis I day the payment (if 15 per ccr.t.vtaes p);cf, which corplcti's all the inMal he: Dutch Indiaman Vrrheid, ; which passed Dover roads jn distress, j on Monduyvevening having lost her i mainmast, made signal for . assistance, out me pilot Doacwnicnput on, never readied her, as it camepn 'dreadfully thick and tempcstuousiNW' -that she soon was lostght ot , Inthis help-' less situation, the crew Vas unable'to keep heroff thelandrandraout bneiir the morning, she was dlnven oh sb'ore near Hythc, by the. fury of the wind. Itls. supposed that out of the nxj.mbtr .on board,-most of which were . troops, ami apiaunte witlfthe'creV, to above u-j, no more man eigpteen nave paen saved. Every offider has perished ; the floating bodies of the sufferei's are" as distressing to the. eye as their shrieks, 'during . a dark atid stormy morning, were to theear of humanity; and no attempt could be made to save ! them, that was not certain to involve in a similar fate all .who sho'uld under take it. A gentleman who went frojm this place to Hy the, to see tlie wreck, says not the smallest part of she -vessel is to be seen. The body of a woman wasjhrown upon the beach ara'ongst the rsst, with an infant closely pressed to her brs"m ; the scene was a, .most aflei:ting one to all who witnessed it. Hvd the-pilot-boat fortunately reached j the ship on Monday, the tremendous wreck of life and property which en- ' s'.ied miht' have been prevents t!. Fourteen of the poor su'lfcrera were I taken out of an excavation of the rock j ait tucthev. The captain's, wife was I on board, and perished with her bus . ' ' ' tish troops. The latter arr still in il nu r.ts on the loan of 'in' y-ive mil possession of Alexandria, and'are bu- Ij lions. suy empioycu in . aircngiiiening tiKMr ; i c auierrnce wire, very ncavy, j position. . If fy- much- 'apprehended , that irmeltna be) nnt soon found to-t-l tic their differences, they .will be at tended with serious consequences. December 17. The Dutches of Parma and ri-frn. za arc, ms stated tn the Journal l)e- fenseursjtobc united to the kmo-doms of Etruria, provided the rlngoh;, ;Iu will consent to cede the Floridas to the fluctuation in. the fr.'irvitf' this uWnth cent. GREENOCK, Drc, 14., It Is reported Ihut the first consul is ' determined to .send to St. Domingo, a ! force superior in numbers to the total papT itiills "arc entirely f'ept away 1 he wot ks -which wereVery eittenr , five, it, is feared will be Uopped and - : ne people tuineu. reariy an acre and -a half of- Mr. AVildride'a " ine-kfjow adjacent to the anils, has ', Deen levered- tiom the reit y tne . viuiciitc ui uic wuiu, ana v.uru p'etfly carried off, - '' ' - ihercitjft mail-coach was jrel- ' erday uiorninj'', in coining to towti obliged to Uop from five 6'; ' clock until nine, upon the roads ' between Turvey S Sw'ords, where ' ' aiver'ruiis-fo jjreat wai the de iigeX;',;;-v ' ' ,-::jJ- ; At Ringfend, the bridge, a fabir . rlc apparently of very folid and jui dl jinisco'nftruaion; has yielded 6 tie impetuous forceand accumula ted weigh', of the waters, the cen tre arch, and that next the city be-, ing deftroyed', excepting fo much, bn.the fide towards the docks, as tc admit of foot patt&ngers ; but as thfe v aba' rri'ents appear to have been ef fected ip their foundation, the rei -mainder of the bridge is conceived to be in danger ot complctcde- Ihuftion. ; , , ' ' Lall night,' fame 6 hat after ten', the bridge a; the Coal-quay, Awhicr for feveral centuries . refilled masy trenichd'uous alFuults from the Liffe at'lengt li lubmitteu lo the irrehlu-- " ble impetus of that fiver and her uxilary "waters. .Providentially t.o perfiin wasin paflage at the mo ment.' Two of the arches were ot h from the centre jeforc ii of tlovkand by morning the rcmiini der was nearly deOroycd. Watch men 'erc ftatioucd at Both fides the water tortvent accidents. . t. T he bridges of Lucan and Cel bi ide have been alfo deftroyed. 1 his day .vauous articles of j amount of the troops already dispatch-!! ju-ufehold lurniiure, Implement of ed to that colony. To the wtain-j!,, wcre Iccn fl04ting menlof this ibjct,' the prcstrd .tDii-d,!,. . ih r:e, . ; i .'.1 . ------- . smpuon uuvAignoui tac rcpuouc , o- h, - , of . r i . . i i i j it. sf.ieioirrctcn.nnMincrxiDwrctmems -.;tl,; l, .. ,k.U.i.l- - i . - - wuninuM aione-Mttm? tern 'scrcn'cr 1 are to tonsl mit trio mention oi t . . ; TVi I., 1 . -.v .-. a -JL. .inicam wer yelerday inundated off well. We have beard of only one l all the ni-conuahsioiud oif.ccis, of aj1-a'' V,jr. , V -niiuer0,c dcLulti-r. Tlie funds rtiilkftn mend- very voung men. It now embrscs,'! d,I:tn 1 ',t.k-,lrcc.1 anVw !,c,n- jl as we have tl cady stute.n c'J from 20 I T ,n particular. in tr.c lormet ixutocv i to . l veurs oi a::e : anu t'.ic rereni uuwuvm ut hhuiutcu tly spraiticd his leg 1 opinion at Paris is, that it will 'it ex- 1 till evening, ami though the itihabi- inc. The Ving cn 1 V . iii.iv l)i'r;n which prevente France; but if that cession does rt t ding on Wcdne s ! ( - 'v. ttndcf o ;UfiT-n tlicse i f 18 io20. tants lud anticipated the event which took place, they neverthc- d his nu jeity lVonri-l The force tote thus ra'ued aijd sent .:dav ; 1 ut ,re r.rc hin-11 oitt, frcrn time to-time as the recruits Severul huildinet were damred;at ft ! a a . - " r kauta iiom Alters its efictta were dreadful i a villge was destroyed with tlliti inhabitants, Alhhe Huropeant at AUiera bare quitted lh thy and r.farr.pcdl.ubeficlda. v Twt Efijliib tail vf the lint art take place, those Dutchies are to Lc given to the Italian Republic. ifhe earthquake or.the 26th'of Oc- tobcr was felt at the same hour at Petersburg, Mascow and Kiev, slirl t-! ly at the former city, -more 'strongly at Moscow, and with still greater vio lence at Kiew, where six shocks were felt ir. the space'of three minutes, aud i the houses much It has been stated from the Hague, tlut since lord Whitwoith'a arrival at Paris, the embarkation of French troops for Louisiana, which was to tikeplarc i, t!iC Dutch pot's, has Uccii countermanded. We think this extremely proUble, because we can readily coi.ctivc it was a 'measure which our ambassador was likely to be instructed to remonstrate and opposci and we sincerely hepe it i iruc , out u ine accounts rrctited by the French papers iast'night be cor rect, the views of the consulargovcrn- iHcm ure m,i DOJiuitd ty one acquisi tion in the same quarter. It is nor said that Spain has been required to cede the Florida to France, on con ditionoftl.cDutchUs of Parma und Placers are to be united ;td the kingdom of Etruria, and if not to the Italian Republic It is almost heed esstrt obsene, that if the bait offered to the Court of Spain is not great c- nv.w(,niiiiuu compliance, tne m fiuenceof France in that cabinet can enforce it as a demand, h lu-i iji,e. wise been stated, from a respectable quarter, that Cochin has been riven up to France ly the Dutch. It it kit maicsty'tministera have not cfTi-. cially learnt this circumstance, ut that doea nt leiwn it's probability.-. Aticace with the French Republic, are'weihuitobe doomed to witnessa perpetual aaccessionofcncrtiachnierif gainst which, we presume remon Istrancci billon our part be made? Are we to come, beriod aft r rr'., to the Tcrge tf hoatility, -and then to be soothed with emlanation. whirl, may be no aooner made Uian th rr- canon of them may be repeated r We MiuiftivutnigniyiMQbr the discern, tnent ind the spirit of our minlitm. MFPt ror a merarnt that they py lo stale, that ho had pt i fciCl. re covered Iromtlie trie els oithe ac dent oa Thursday. Report hays that ?ourienne, p;iva.p f-j'tutrry to Cuonapuric, is at present conf.ncd in the temple. " A report was yesterday circulated on the stork exchang e, for the purpose no , doubt, of loci'iiiu-lhe'ftindK, that Mr. Pithad d'ed suddndy at Hath on Thursday ctetiing This rumour was not believed," and lh pec.nle Mill 1 icarnwun neaiiuiiMtisttion, was wholly without rnMid.itin,i. The celebrated (leorgc Rai rir gton, who, after having always offended the law in this country, at U.t acted as high constable nt Bo'rpy Ray, is, we heardcad.leavingarrt;H-rty worth 12, oooi. i he ctrcunistaticcs of bis life ! are well remembered bv tnanv. IT. ; cscaprd tranipnrtntlpr.r. stcalingJ iinc Uuke of I'euurort's Diamond itlcorgcat St. Jaine's, on a birth dr, occausc ine uuae Kit the null. It as stolen, but the nice cistinction of the law said not nrivniflr. Aftr. waiV.shc was tried and transported for sttaling a gold watch atEnfitUl races, but that was privately, the owner did not fed the pull. 1 he Ceor?e wis . . - o i found on Ramngton, n.d the Watch 1 was not; yctt'.c nice distinction of the law got the bet: r of iosiiie evulr nee. Hcu now gne after hiving in bis latter yean acted a good part. His conduct wa exemplary, he appfitd his former knowledge of the world to the improvement of a country which; may one cay equal in irnbortance at.d splendor any that bai yctexiitcd. Une oi the most imporbnt circurh. atancea d'iKlorin the debatea has been the complete reconciliation be tween the C.rrnville patty and the Pitt, and the ardcr.i wishes tf that p4r. ty to oust the present administration. The call for Mr. Pitt's rtuirn to power wa beard from bis aupporters to both bouses , We must therefore no longer e. peel to tee any ccrdiality between the friends of the present and the friends of the late minuter. The gauntlet la thrown down the challenge Is ,iefu id est mean uroe nr. nu tt& Mr. re- n.-) lit Usui ii c':itiititt d at no ti- ! less than fifty thousand men. This expedition toihzt ishnd is gencrr lly considered in Parisas 'alorlotnhope." And Idlers received from Prris by the last French Mail state, that disturban ces have.brolcn out in several parts ot France, in consequence of the great d.-a"ht making uom V e conscripts. We arc strongly inclined to hefce that the report. of the distraction of Constant ir.ople on the Clh of Octo-i btr, by an Larlhquake, is unfounded, or tt feast greatly exaggerated, as let ters are said to have been received from that ci'y, dated the 28th ult.' which mertlv state that they lud ex perienced a slight shock of an earth quake. ...... i December 17. On Monday . morning arrived a Dutch Mail.hJirinrs. no. account from Turkey of a later date than those w hich appear in the French papers. It appears by accounts brought br the last Cennan mall, that an earth quake has actoall taken place, but the damage said to be sustaited, we have no doubt, has been much exaggerated. BELFAST, l)ecrmber6. TOIK AID iVl'JIBATIOV.. The lempeduouB weather expe. 5enccd from Wcfne fday night till la'con Thnrfdjy, together with the heavy tnd unlntermitting rain du. r jrtg ihat peiicrf, lave produced va tiom difaflroot'occurrrncri i.ear the metropolis, huh, we fear will te puhiplicd if a fad :grrgaie, when infcmre lha'l be receivej from il.e Interior of the country. SometnilU and other woiki a fw mi'es frorn if e capi'al.' filuated wlihin the ran;e of the flood; have at earcjnfoimrri;been matcrfaU ly injured, ard in fomo irftincei thrgeihtr deOio) cJ all the parti culaii have not icacleJ oi; but we re conferred tf fiate, amonjj ih damre i.f kind tEuhd in il.t helplbirhoo.1 of the ranitil, that the Uackt, Wcin. Stei at Old fjawn U(s have luitained icrtous injury frcrh d'e impradlicability of remo ving the ei-tire contents of theif (tores and cellars; The flood ex tended to New.fireet, Coombel Black, Pits, Coik-ftreet, tec ihe . . Inghtiul loricnts diverged trorrt Paiil.k.lticrt into Bride's Alley; liull al trv, and the oihcr lines lying sua fiinilar Icvtk - J Much illrefs was alto experien- ccd, though not in the fame degrtei by ill? ii.l;ahiiaiits ol other parts et the city. , The lower Ca (lie-yard was ren dered impallablc to any but ho r fe me ai.d elevated carriage?, and to i hofe with difficulty ; and througli , i . it . . . . . i .'iiace-iircci; a loircnt ru'ncu a crofs lamc-ltrcei into Crampton comii, " raufed can, jingle; 6tc. to pirtherr-forltire in true immediate nclchbouihood. U as far . as College-erecn, the kitchens w ei inuuditeU to a confiderable drpth I - and linKu!ar inconvenience was ex perienced In fome degree in ever ' quarter of ihs town ; but to-day. the inundation has . cntiiclr fub- Cdcd. ., ' ' The damice fu&ered at fea, we fear, will fwdlthc catalogue of ca lamity to a mod afiliQin derre. ooooctO(oaoee PU15CIC AUCTIO N. . On itth infant, iu'ul be fsJ ti the HjtbfAHJJtr. , THAT valuable Lot of,l on the fou td fide of M.rket. Ilrcet; Wilmington; 55 feet on ih . flrrct and luniiin LJkk CA fttt! with a good 'Hone foundation ait . front, and afjoining A. iiaU'i ner. biick huufe with the privilege r( the cai wall thereof, 35lcctdce: t least 5 feet hi'o, with a loot bin Iclt for the bencrit of the proprietor of faiJ lot; The itrrrs of fale wilt be n half rah and tlie.rcrcainder payable in 6 month v the puijhafer gtvicjj boud with iproved fcutly. LEVY Si CARKOL; March 3, ilij. .'-1 1' I

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