. 4 ttaV A carried unanimously In the affirmative.! That the president of the United V. States be, and he is hereby authorized, whenever he shall judge it expedient,' to require- oftbe executives of the se veral states to take effectual measures to organize, and equip, according to la vrv and hold in readiness to march 7 at a moment's warning, "8 0,OOOffec tive militia, officers included. . i Resolved, -That the President may, if he judges if Expedient, authorize the executives of the several states to accept," as part of the detachment a foresaid, any corps of the volunteers, who shall continue in service for such time not exceeding months, . and perform such services shall be prescribed bv law. " Resolved. That . dollars be ..appropriated far paying and subsisting such part "of the troops aforesaid, whose actual service may be wanted, and defraying such bthr expences as, . during the recess of Congress,, the President may deem necessary fry the security or the territory of the United . States. . .' - Resolved, That dollars be ap- propriated for erecting, at such place !or pUces on- the western waters as the President may judge most proper, f jone or more assenals. Messrs. BrackenVidge. Jackson, and Sumpter were appointed a committee , to bring in a bill pursu ir.t to the above resalutions. '" ' ' ' --.. On Friday -Mr. BrackenruTge re ported a bill conformably to the resolutions. . Fayetteville, March 9, 1803 J Forty. frven Republican, met at ha lioufe of MrWilliam Dick, on Friday -the 4th ih(t. to celebrate the Elrflinn of . THOMAS JEFFERSON, PrehJcni of the.United Slates. An elegant, dinner wa prepared by Mr; Dick on- ihc ocraGon.Catiiain Jame Dick, was appointed prcfideBt, and Robert Cochran vice.prefidcnt VAfier dinner the following TOASTS . i. The 4(h of March, 1801, ihe day we celebrate May ii never be forgot, ten, even by our podeiiiy. 3. 1 he 17th of rebruary, 1801, the day which ft cured liberty to our country. 3. Th PRESIDENT of the United tates.May the Author who dictated ihs Declaration of Independence, be the inffrument to reQore Republicanifm to its native purity. 3. The true Republicans and true eralifli of the United State -May political pretence never cloak princi plea tr.ianical '6 American iotere'te. '5. May the differing Sont of Liberty ihiougHAul h world, find a AtTylum in the. United State of America. . 6. lAMESTURNER, Governor of North-Carolina Miy the abufc he ka received fortify bit firmnef,'and en -dear bim Dill more, to lie toticll and virtuwH, ?. The State we live to.' . Unaoiinity at home, and peace a "broad, the. Hue ioicittfli vf ik Atueri. can Union. 9. Thf namet of Wafbiogton, Krank lin, anJ the o ber pad ion of '76 May they long be femea.bcred by dit ytot i the United Siatei. to. The ptinriplei of the 4 b of Jilf , 46, confirmed the 4 Ii of March, 1E03. It. May the Tiade. Commerce, and Manufacture! f the United Stater, ex pand under lite aufptcei f tbe preftol A 'mitintati.i'i,, 12. Tle lappy fituiilon of the Ame. ricati projde at prefent 44 unemlfialTrd by too touch regulation, unappielUd by fifcai exiClionw 13. Jofcjh II. NicliuilUn, nf Ma. fyland, vibibe jrtuoui rtujaiity of 7th Fcbryary, 1801. 14. Mm. NUltillun, of Mar) land; and the krpuliitan Fair l Amciica. IJ. Th Ce)nflitton ftf be Unitrd - State, cemented by tbe bSvci of nut yi triKii May 11 be handcJ davia ta our fcRtMiy vtttl.nut Qain. . x 16. tbe riling Youth May the ge tiiui of liberty inspire a lie i r n.i iJi aaith virtue,' and may they never diiaic tbf aiiumjb of ihrir Anctflor. 17. riofyeiiiy u ibe near cider cf Thmj' WILMINGTON', Maacu IT. Trom Waahincton. Marth4. ' B hje ban to tonstanilt KtfAiVi, in attending t he Jtl.Uruti.wt vf the House and in tl.rr unu-voiJuHt fuiiniit, that ve are wi5. to itatt m dtUil, the pro eetdingtef tie two latt rfjri.1 jVrter, perhaps hat the Amtrita dnreii trens- ti'tdtnortbusiMtttnto thett a lime. I On H'tJittday the haute sal till ho!f fait 4, and thtn adjjurneJ to 6 in the t ning, aJ continued inliVn0 yttterday there vere t tittingt, the "latt efvfSUh d)itd the tjmtituuvnj . rwi efthebedj, " Amtnjf the most important hiinm Iramattid wrr The fjitar ef the bill from the Stnnti, authorising adetath Mrtl tf tQ.WjO milttia ; fjr vhnh put if on miunn and a iJtf ef dUlari ae afpryitttd. Tteeniffte lhavia'd dJ. hn are appnftiattd f building arse nals ph the Wtiiet tAjfrn. ,- Tf.t il'Stathmttt f J.hn r.hrigt District Judge pf Ifexi-ffatnpshre, for higher tmes and misdemeanors, which was agreed to by a great majority. I he passage of the milttia bill respec ting the District of Columbia. Ihe passageof the bill fir continuing the Mint for Jive years. On motion of Mr. Varnum, the follow ing resolution was agreed to by unanimous vote, the yeas and nays being called to record the untnimity of the house. ; Resolved" that t the thanks of t this Hnise be presented to NATHANIEL MACON, in testimony of their approba tion of his conduct in discharging the ar duous and important duties assigned him while in the chair. The House met -last evening at 6 o' clock ; when after transacting various business, a quarter before 12 o'clockn adjournment took place sine die. , ': I ht next meeting of Congress wtil be on the 1st Monday in November next. Extract of a letter from Paris dated De cember 2ikt 1802, to 'a person in Phi ladelphia. . ' ; "Yesterday general Victor, the captain-general, of Louisiana,. left this, in company .with J. J, . Aymc, the, F.taU major, and 'the other officers,of the administration of that colony, to em bark fr,otn llelvoetsluys for N. Or leans. The prefect stt, out for Roch fbrt a few tliys sinw, to take his passage from thence in a corvette, and to ;rilake"'pFepmton- for the amvul of . the troops at New-Oilcans." An al to 'amend an pjfl"i-d at N'ewbern, in Nove.nber, 00c thbu'and tfven hundud and eiiility .tour,' entitled an aft to defctib aod fcrrtin foch pcrlorti who owed Allenunct to ihit S ate, and to impofe certaio difqi tli-fi-a;oni on c.mji'i perfjni there indefcribei1. WJEREAS it appcari to the Geneial AUVmbly of North.Caroltnt, by the pfiuoni dotn the ffveral Countica in thia Mne, that ih: above iccitcd aft hia not had the defiied trTcfk. , 1. Be U therefore enifleJ by the Goanal Affemby ol the State of Nonb-C'roliru, and it ta hereby ena&ed by the auihoiity ot the fame, That u ever y per (on wh at any time fince th laurth dan l Jily,. ooa -thouuii te vco hundicJ and leveiuy.ux, aitacna nimteit to, 01 triiitroufl conefponded with, or inaoy ' maitoar aided or abetted the enemira ol the State in profecuttoc the lite War, (hi1 1 be in. capable of holding or cxcr'iti.ie the office ol Go vernor, Council of Slate, Delegate in Cooireh, Judgtor Jullice ol tbe Peace, Member ol the General Ailcmblv, or an omrfe ot n-oour, Piofi', or Trufl vaifotvar, wi.hin ibii State. II. And be it further enitted by.ibe author. ity atoielaid, lhat any per loo 01 tnc aoove delcriptioa ttering htaiieii aa a canauate, or , contenting -o ierv aa a nirmucr an j tv t the Gaoeral AlTembly, or who fitall b.-re- aher offer at a Candidate lor, or accept 01 pi qualify to cither of the aforementioned Oracet, or holdine ciiher of the ftd Otfi ti fkaU pre. lurae to couiiooa to excrcife the Caie teo daya after being ftrved : with an ei bemie copy ut thia act, or aft-r the Expiration of g momha from the Ratification hereof," fhill foifcU end pay the Turn of rive Hundred pownue currant money for every fucbotfe-ce, o ba recovered in auy cwi'f Recotd within thia St.n one li.f to Leappli.U to the uie ofthcpeilm futnj lor the (ame, and the otnr nan 10 int ale of the State. 1'iovidrd nevenneiew, tnai ootliiog bctctiiontaii.(J iiiaU be cualtiuedt exJuie auy ol tbe t.o'd Cttucna l thia State from holdiHf end ejteic-.Uag aoy of tbe aloicfaid ofneet. who were under tlic ncccfTuy ol receitinj yroiedioo from tic late curnmoii iMtnt. aud vho alter rccctvii'f tn.i prouaiuu did not flay vclontanly vnn tl.ern, nur too a. aa active part la any minner, Dy lufmihiac thta v.illiojlv uh pioviuane or bcani( arroa attH tbia State, or ewcpuof, any ap, foiMtnieni under tat Uid Cdcny, civil 01 nu. luaiy, aod tbe fa.d'uoloilaniti titiacua bavinj oat, received piaatotio a, afartUid, and ha viae tt,netttd Ucit aiietaac 10 it.e aiate tu Krud i.mc, are kerevy retUitJ to U maia and .viltn of citiaeaa ailully aa it they aa er bd ieaivad pieieflioa 'rom tbe toran ou enemy aa alnrefiJ, aoy la tu it VuaMaiy Mi hilindiMC,. Ratified Xjv. 19, 1783. -?" 'Iltc above Law bethb. hQ.cU He vrcki foccellivJ; in ih.s tia ic.tt, a c.rv lent to tl.te re-c- mcn uiticnt ta Una .uwn, whvj aie Iu(. poltd obw.ia ilierrtu, m 01 Jet ilut tbe m.y taVe fsicli (lepi at will yt. elude ' ne trlii y u( irol(uoiit ai the 1 -eat but crtor Coutt. IIhtoR. Married rin Ihuilday ltd, li'illiati Nuii,r.ta. to Mif Ann lljbcris, both vf tU. lull. ' On t ie 7 h infl the Co-nmiluonf tt of Naviga ionof ihi port antoitnJ L'apt. I JOHN BROWN, Ilarbuar Matter.. Tort or Wilnivgtok. Entered iine our last. Trig George, Alien, Kalmou li. Jam. . Siuop CtiKiian, DnnVvra er, Hull on. I ixhr. Miueita, Hadin Chitlertun. I V....;r- t;tu..- V.-.V...I .IMIIllt, I HlklMllll iUI'lUll! Sloop Scafljw, Well,-. Dot Svbr, Hetlry, lV.vflwttk, ' Si.Thoma. Slrtop bally, li iik. 'Odadaloupf. Blue li,.d, Millet, Si". Croia and - l uiki IUand. Sthr, Favotitit, Snftw, ' Naw.York. Dn Zetviab, KhuJei, '? 1 lovidcnct. M than', Cutoa, Cicnada. StV.r. Sally, lUlbaid, St, LMBatia Carta Rum, and gir, 16 Ly 10J Citrol. Chart J. S'f. Miry, Mtahrr, William & Henry, reiientf Fiut.J, Bar. badoft, Aoifvlt, 1 William, Hatii, Ship Mary, r'tetan, S br. Federal, B mba!', C. l laoiuil. alrtp Sally Warner, Baatcr, Geore e. fJTowa, M. Stir. Moei Hope, fttcaei, a'.naotf. ScLrBetfcy Brown, . Providence.' Sloop Republican, Hirrifoo, Norfolk. Packet, Smith, vBoflon. Front a Liver poof prices current of De cember 291802. Cottov, lb. Georgia sea ialand 26 to 35d. unland 14 1-2 to 25d. New. Orleans 1 1 to li 1-2. Fine sea island cotton has become very scafce "and is in brisk demand ; good bright-upland becomes scarce and enquired! for. Indigo Carolina, lbv 5 s. 6d. to 4. 6d scarce and in great demand'. Turpentine, cwt. 22s. to 22s. 6d. Tar, bbl. 26 to 27s. scarce and sale able. ; : ... ., ...!-.; : . Rice,- cwt. .32 io.33s. scarce' and saleable. ,'' Flour, bb!T36 to 37s. Dull sale. Staves, 1200, white oak pipe, 25U hhd. 14 to 18, bbl. 7 to t2, red oak hhd. 6 to 8, Very scarce, and likely to be higher in the springs ' Tobacco, Carolina, 3 to 4d.' Wilmington Prices Cvrkknt. -Mirch 17, 1803. ; ..: . i. , VR.OHV'. TO . ' v - - - Dls. Cts.Dls. Ch BACON per cwt. Butter per lb. . Cotton per lb. ' . Coffee per lb. '. . 8 9 14 18 66 2-3 75 16 16 20 Corn per bushel, .:Mcalt th r loirrprr bttrrel, r:."5o 6 14 25 JjUrtifer per M. W. o. hhd. staves drest,23 ' R. p. do. do. do. U r V. o. bl. do. rough, 10. Shingles per 1000, ' 3 12 ivioiasses psr itallon, 35 40 viiv fjvi uanci, . 1.1 1 lice pr cwt. . . . 4 75 Hum, W. I. pr. g. 3d p. 65 80 Jamaica, do. 4th do. 1 1 5 N. CIO. . . ' 55 V 60 Tobacco per cwt. . . 4 0 4 75 1 ar per barrel,- . . 2 2 25 I urpenttne do. . . 3 50 Sup-arVMu3cova.p. Cwt. . 8 ' 12 ' " ruji HULL,. The Ship LYO'Ia, Hen). Tredvfcll, mailer, will fail in li . "afcrt,ffc an mij tnonir), -ii.i' 1 i 11 11 r Wm,4imf a- a or ircigtit it about fifty bales of Cottoo, or palTaga apply 10 . . WILLIAM GILES. March ii. ATTENTION- TJie R.'cruillng Party lu'lu ci Fayette'. ' ttlHf. For the Army of the United States. A1 LLyount' Men descriptive of the Law lor faxing the "Military Establishment of the United States, w ho are desirous of bccominjSoldiers, ! to serve tlicir Country, will repair to the Rendezvous, where they will have I the principles of their Enlistment ex plained to them, and put in immediate pay, Kood fpuutcrt, and handsomely clothed. Blacksmiths, Carpenters ' aiid Whcelvights, vthbhavc Served a rcguhr apprenticeship, will be re ceived an Artificers to the Army. . None will be engaged but those u lio are nealthy, young, and Irte from the vile j habit of drunkenness the 1'rbtn.l pay, ! I clothinfjand ration hkh are given oy uovtrnnitiit is caicuutcu .to in duce the ) uu: U enti ipriaii; to take turns and bvcome the prufcaional gentlemen and defenders of their Cvunlrv's in i.t rights end libcrtie'b. LftJD save the Lhit:d Statu or meica. " MinhlSih. " TO LET."' And entered into immediately.' THAT cleuant and plea (imly Curated HDUbr.. in Drk.(W. Vitli the Oatdcn, Ac. 11 pictcul ottupicd y rlu niiln. , I ALSO, firvetal LOTS adjoininf to let en Iwi'diKff Ifairi. For pariituiasi coq aire of M11. Da Bui, ec tbe ptetclfji. Mitch 17. 3w. LAST NOTICR-. A LL pttfoni rcfidintj wuhintlie JLJL county of N. Hanover, M vho have not paia tneir taxet tor ti e jear lEol, and arrearages for IE00, are fcfpcflivtly- ftQutltcd ta ccaie for ward atul pay the fame, on or te fofVthejult aJay of the enfuing county court, otherwise they will be dealt with at the uwdirecti. Wm.DLUD WORTH, Sbft . February loih, 1803. aNOTICE. ALL pcrfoni In lchted to Ihe if tate ol the late Ann Sphi ir, are re quellcil to tuake pa) met.l by the loth nl April nenj; ni;r wifeihe fubfctlbcr will be tbligrd lo bring foils Irxlifv tiniiiiaielt luf ibe tccoverv ef ihe fame. - MARY A. WALKER. March FOR HULL, t The filth 70 UN I Of an v nvfnMll WHirpT, master. Will .sail about the 10th of April. For freight or passage apply to' WILLIAM GILES. 17. March For NEW-YORK, The handsome ". Schooner . ENTERPIUZT.1 intended as a tegu lar Packet, has good accommo dations foj passen gers, and will sail in all next week. For Freight or Passage apply to captain rintnam on ooaru, .or to the subscriber, WHO HAS FOR SALE 30 quarter casks Sherry Wine, 10 ditto ditto Malaga do. 20 tons Iron, . A few kegs of Raisins, Porjt in shipping order, ") Sawed Lumber, ; Ton Timber and Masts. A. LAZARUS. Wilmington, Mkrch 17. tylLMiyc-rov, March 17, i802. Lately imported in several Vessels aud iov sale under the direction of Jos torn Potts, 51 Puncheons 3rd proof Rum, prime quality. 22 Hhd. Molasses, from Martinique 10 Do. Sugar, St. Lucia, 30 Barrels do. Grenada, 10 BagsCqlfee, St. Domingo, 25 Quarter casks Sherry Wine, 4 Casks Linseed Oil, 3s Kegs Spanish Brown, ground inoil, 30 Tons Swedish Bar Iron, 5 Cwt. ditto, Steel, in bore. 21 Bundle German Steel, 7 Ditto,' Blistered ditto, 9 Ditto, Crawley , ditto, 18 Casks Nails, 8d. and 6d. 5 Boxes Cotton Cards', No. 6,8,9, JO, 3 Ditto, wool ditto, No. 6. 130 Bolts Dutch Canvas. Also for sale, AMERICAN PRODUCE. Tobacco, FLOPS, Df.br Skik, Rne, Saifed Lumber, Pork, ; Laud, . Tjllov, Birs-Wax, CortosMAcaitti 'J JiTMUr 1)0 AtS, Ship Bmiad. j uft nil portf 6t And to be Md ul reufonable prices tor Cufh or Produce. BARB A DOES, Momfc- 1 rat, and St. Croix j RUM imgar in hluls. and batrtls, Cotfeein barrels and bag, Surinam Molalfra, RulTii 1 1 on, by 1 hu ton or cwt N. E. Rum, he. JOCLL1N, GAU-UliR, t Co. Dcc'cirher 30. Onlbe Mh Day ef Murck-r.txt, WILL 13b SOLD Under the Court. JItue in thtiijwn. ri-VVO valuable Lutsoi Uround; I one fittutid on thecal iidfol i' lont-bucct, adjoining John aMar. tin ad Dr. l)e lotfcil j the other on the vt II lite 01 im urtci, juii below ir jonti urmcy " houlc aid aJju.ining Mj'r Ju n VUer' L't, on the wiuil the . . i nt.a.l. I r..,t . j ttljutty 01 joIUl UUfcciy, i 10 Uiiily iuitdiy cxtvutiuna tu m ALSu, A Houfe L Lot on Third-flrcet the property ol Mulutl Kci.ati tUrccafcd, to fatiily an ixecution ihe Kxecutor ol Hugh v-auijbtU deceafvd, vs. faid Ketiai .. Wm. DLUDWORTH, Shff. Wiliningmn, THE Dwelling House on the hill aouih ideof Front-itrcet, latcly.occu picl by Mr. Abram. Apply to . March 17. Thomas Huh tit. FOR SALE, thcapfjr Cash, THREE or FOUR likely country brrn NEGROES. Apply to the pnr irf. March 3. . Ninety Dollars Hcward. T?L01'ED from ihe Hermitage ilion the loth of thil infUni. the folldwina Necrtiei. Ulonelr.g for meiljr 10 John Curgwin, tfq. tut they are now my property, vlx.j ATU AM, 1 carpenter, who li well known Irt and aaotii Wilming ton at a tiddler 1 he toeVrflTwith liitrt hU wila r.amtd HANNAH, about 14 tnriol are. rd thttt datiglXcr a likely yOrg girl f aWi te "lejri tiS ace tiamed JF.SSEE and two ymifprr thM'tr. oyi, Mined MARCUS ari NCCLR. NED.! a Blactfmhb, a HkcV JUnK Wiow, about 22 years ot age taced, hat a wife at .Favetibville the propeity of Mrs. Vance, to which place it isjiiobable U.' may berd his courfe. ' ' JEM, a likely young fellow, a bout a6 years old, he has a wife h prbperty of Mrs. M. JoteS, - in Wilmington, named Grace, k wko . will no aiduht eotertiio him j alf two of Ms brothers. . LONDON and ZEBB, the firft is aout 10,' the other about 15 yejrs cf ae . London is a very fraooth faced likely boy, Zebb it ratherawkward and fcrawny. JEHU,- a likely fmooth faced young fellow, is tall and flendet, . about 22 years oWj he was . hired. I aft year, to Mt. Halfey. at" Green rieias, and has a .wife there named Amy, who I fuppofc will harbout him. "AJAX, an old lufty fellow, fmooth faced, fpeaki plain and ii upwards of 50 years old. All the faid Negroes (th laft ex cepted) are young and likely. and all' peak very plain Englifh, . and are. extremely plaufible itt deception ; Abrarri has a nipttirei btlt is notwiihsuiidit) adive and flronj?. Ten Doliari will be paid for each, to-any petfon apprehending any or tnem, on their being deli vered to John Lord, Efq. in Wil mington or Ninety dollars tor the wnole in proporiion, on beirr de livered as. afore faid or fecured i any goa.1 in this flate fo that th fubfcftber may have them. GEORGE C. CL1THERAL; January 2o. tf. I will g.ve FIFTY DOLLARS fur f pprehending the faid Negroei, id iS- ditiou to uie abrve reward. . JOHN BURGW1N. Marcb 1 o. ----- FOKSALE, ; That valuable Plantatio)t WELL known by the name of Spring Fields, in tike neighbourhood of Rockevl'oint, a- out one mile from the. Ferry, and 15 from Wilmington, containing 6ao acres.' one hundred and twenty ofwhich is tidewamp, tnitry acres 01 wnicn is cieateu.x -f r-acres in la nd lu ampr banked and ditched, and has been planted levcral years, and riodu- ced excellent Crops ;is fo ftuiaied iliat it may be watered at any time ' frotri he Mill pond. About 300 acres ot upland, clear ed, (its quality good,) well calcula- ted for tnc cultuce of Corn,Cotton, or fmall grain ; about fifty acres cf I, up)Jnd 0 c!ear . lh remjin- infi part is well timbered with pire timber, and vuy convenient to the plantation. There is on the prcnYtfes a two (lorv loule, 40 ftet lorg and 7 vvufe, in uhltli time ;! Grill Mill, the flnnes 4 L2 frtt diaoieter, and a Rice Machine that wotU eight pcfllea. Thia Machit If, worked by the fame water.wln.el unat workl tlic lionet, leparaic torootn toccnicr, on 10 nmpie a I plan that any common CaijKiiter may make the i.citiriry tepain. II . 1 ' when rvquircd. Alfo, a brick Ilarn 48 feet 1 )ng and 22 Icet wide, lately .new cover- t J ; a dv -tiling houfe, kitchen, and a nurnbernt out honfes. . . . 1 he ahove'defcribetl Landi lay on the ponh-eaft Kivtr, and there U a creek running.through it navU gab'c for finaH hoate, neatly to the centre. In fituation tor range U 'equal to any in the county. inaiiputauie gooti utica wm i .made, and immctliate pofTelloa ptven to the ptirchfer. . r ' -. L.r. rvny penon wiining o purtr.ai . faid Plantation will pleafe apply to the fobferiher at Gretn-Fteldi neir Wilroipgron. HENKY IIALSlt. January 5o. tf.- . Ten Dollars Itcward, WILL t e given for taking tp and delivering to rre, a run. away negro fellow well known by the name of SPARUOW, Um I - , lately purchafed of Anthony Ii Toomer, ETq. "lf Sparrow will come in'inJ deliver himfelf op t me within ine tnon'h I rum tin date, F.e lhall le raroWJ AH pifo'ni are lcreby . foibM haibourirtg, emrlo)ingor carryirrj Itim away ai 'wi ... itivnij mn WUtnlnitoP, Fib. 24th, iCtj. li hi 1 V

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