mm nn - C- 5 3 Published vreeMy by Allxaxd jlAii; at Thbe s Dot. cars a Year. ' W- i r V V ; Jl. iO .1: 111 MM'WWWii mi I i w wmmmA f I I TIIURSTAY, MAY ID, &0i Vol. f,- NVSXl V 1 n- a-. jr-v ?r it- e- n r- Id s- .h" is t J f 1 n t x re ft m h tr - it ct fe n- . ft ft v- n 0' -.. From the ' National JntelUgeiicer. ,s , A VINDICATION V .-" .( - -: cr.THi ' measures ' .;'-. PRESENT ADMINISTRATION. r: ; By ALGERNON SIDNEY. , . Where liberty is -there is. my county ." ' : ' :-J ' : '. Noi i. : ' . J . , EXPERIENCE is the great'testof tumU actions. With her assistance we draw ttiat -finaf conclusion which satisfies all : which, not unfrequently, .cvefturns the reasoning of. schools, , . ; phylosophy and politics. She proVes, : . that ,the greafuit abilities united to the ' first education, and aided by the strict ies't habits of-,indu$tr.y : and attention, arc noi alwaystqual to the task of combintng,in viev, all those f?.cts and circumstances that have a natural connection witlv the subject. When she sanctions an act, to reason against -' it is vain. .'When she refuses her '' as-' senttoa measure, the motive which in duced, it may be, pure but the mea siirejtself .cannot be a'wtsff one. Her counsels ought to be listened to by all clashes, from the man who acquires his subsistence by daily labor, to that one who guides the destinies of a nation. When she can afford no aid, doubts arise and diversities of opinion, exist. . This was the case when the last con gress, at its first sessicta,- repealed the internal taxes, and re-established tlie . old judicial-system, by abolishing the one passed in Febrvurry, 1801. These measures were approved by three fourths of the people; a resectable - portion of the remaining fourth refu ; sod their assent. This clans' hare one . ."common interest with the nation ; their wish is to preserve the constitution, ' the laws, and the liberty of the country-!-! speak not of the leaders of op position. A government which yields protec tion, and abstains from oppression, . which maintains order, and secures liberty, which preserves the national faith, uhd practises economy, whose . basis is the people, and whose objeel is their happiness, is' the great dcidc ratunn ", :' '. " ' ' '' The laws objected to, have long , since Konu into operation; the evils predicted have not been realised : Ex perience proclaims thuir value i .and the murmurs ofdiscontcnt are dying away. The tirta has arrived when it lias become the duty of the people to re-consider the objections,' ind decide upon their validity. , We were told, that by abolishing the late judiciary system wtf should loosen the bands 01 civil society, de stroy the constitution.- cf our country, and d:fcat th? qpcfalions of justice, lluttha sysem was abolishedthc b.uidsofi-x -tyae not Iwiencd peace ordtr, happiness, prevail -the consti tution rc t..uis its yout hfal ctjerRy the judges of the supreme enfrt have sanc tioned the law nd junt'tcc is t fully administered ss herttofoi e. All th ! purposes of society arc answrrtd an unpirt int constitutional primipli si t - . tied anJan 'expence saed eqiul to t!i2 S'jpfKirt of"some of the state go - vcrmnents. Wc were toM that by abolishing the . intern al inn, we should dotroy the national credit, iobtc its faith, dry up Its refcourccs,aad deprive tlie govern ment of the means of -support. lnt inrrrtnr3mtcTtTafrane ftftTrt"6nr.7T government; the reduction of expen diture cxrrtd the reductions if reve nue, more than 200.0UO dollars; thus tlu people were relieved from annual tatcs amonntin;; to near a million of dollars, and fionnrdl the thhy, ex-p-nre, and etnburramcnts t'islnK fionijhc whole syiicm of internal tax t'.lo.i. anJ ih: iroviinmei.t iou wfcr ground than the prccedir J Et'r.'.ii.iri. tratku. . 1 . The onjv.v'rV-, h cndesoureil to excite popular d'.cet.lcnt on ccc out.t of rtvea!ini; t'.ic cxtUe on carmnts ant donitt'C msts. Afur having theuielvedobltHl.e taxes ulu Ua jtn-l brown suar, while they were m powtr, sfirr having ri , iiiiukdthe r ?-i of" the f.r jrri, nfi-r beito-iinK Milhu.i tjery t-Sithtt which thy hud i;rifrus to iy.' of Uok 'ge to brru4, nhe t;,ey no loiter 'jiidc the helm iiuU Jie nv, why O.nJd Uw U- , iliUi iHey have aiUmpin'lJo pabii ' tnrnn led aiti injure the 4,' tl em .3Hv uin lhe public, a lhe. eflSt i? nutlnntcs 6lt'l manofAetutett cti.ini;.irtt .f lhe lihtii fthc people,' a- I t,j eheik their fsiuiUhln er'cr. fcii th: a ! thoi- in l.unCKr !. f tUe iM indottr, at. -4 thjn tyiti.ntUM'.i. They bnve fklstly j ty shw., be to hck the inio-tif a .! attf'Hljf r:pv tr,,.-:d, tl at the n-.!ofi!?nbiit mtcr, the cold tnM , S-iMkta, w.n-n l it) uviiy M?ma;' il,r ;!ver Mnlth,th.? wti h-tuaVeMl.c I. I ..... I . . . f !... 1 .... . . . . . I.e. I 111 po-tr, line inn " m ue ir. HHivtto peruns vf futci e, ta humble' and dependent. With some who are uninformed, they have bech ', too successful, while the friends of the 'government confiding in its integrity, and the wisdom and utility of its mea sure;, have neglected to ' corammunt- . catc 1 correct statement w iacis. ineu . . . . . p n ... ri. - ' -publi mind t correct i ic -V! ill pro, i - . . v . ' . I! claim shall be com plied with i It has hvf represented .thaj. the ! ; taxes unon plasuraole carriatrrs, and '; an. mjpartial antt ust. jutig-tf-cnanics ana oiner manvtzaptv.rers , w.ii ro?nt when ritrhUy informed; , it de- jj ling that the sugar bciteb a!tvd CHt mands a knoAv-V. of the ca? ; its i riage buUders should statid cn equal . i rehne.l sugars havci been repcateu. tor her revenues, the tax isttttu airect i This is true 'sb far a-i respects the ex- ! ly on t!ie labors and products 'of ether else ;. but lake as 'it relates to the im- post Whenever a coach, chaise, phaeton or other carriage is imported, a ta:i iV i highest tax, the. consumer of the plain-ever dissimilar and unlike their comli fevied upon it equal to one filth, of its est and cheapest, the least. .For in- i tions. . - ', . . 's" . ', ' ' z value; that is to say upon a coach Worth ,j stance, he, who consumes the richest j We am told .that the atfnual appro-' 600 dollars, a ta:t ol oivj. hundred and twenty ; upon; a phaeton worth 300 dollars, a tax of sixty, and upon a chase worth 200 diyla,a tax of forty 'is levied. .. Parts of carriages are tax- Ji ed in the same proportion When a ;j coach or other carriage is built in the ;j United States, everv mater al used in '! its completion, which comes Irom a j foreicn country 7 13 taxed. oNotlimg is ! exempted but the labour ot our own mechanics, the timber.froni our farms the i r.on from our manufactories, and such other articles as are produced by the ingenuity and labor 6t bur citizens. Thus for the broad cloth a tax s '-paid equal to one eighth of its valne ; kni for the carpetting, leather, paints', tas sels, laces, fringe, and other trim mings; fifteen cents for the vain? cf o.iw dollar. Si (v'.ien citizen pure ha- scs a hundred pounds of foreign loaf sugar he pays a tax of nine dollars ; . M wnen he purcaases a nnnarea p9um!s cf brown sugar, the tax he pays is only two and a half dollars. To produce a hundred pounds tff loaf sugar, re- quires two hundred and six::cn lb. of brown sugar, the difteitnce in weight is lost by the procesyt clari Ttfsttro hundred atr sixteen pounds of brown sugar is by the manufacturer, r.nd he pays for it a tax of five ilollars and lorty cents; of him the consumer purchases 'it, an.d pays tne nrst r.0 .1, iiic iax ana me , ex- pence of This cousunuf there ToVe, supports tiniv. f'd manuHic- lure of our own, uhd pa, a riSniuch f'r ciqh pound of &ngar he uss, as he w!io consumes brown sugar pays for two pounds and one( eighth. , . Now it is a fact, which will not be controverted, that addir I hi c vine uco.1 the ca'rriaire, to the duties kviid "ni the Mhst exnensive articles of hich it ii made, increases llie c.. ! p'-nre to such a degree, as to lesirn es- j sentially the number or purchasers. ! So ad-iitg to the tax upt-n brown su- iiar, the excise upon that which is cla-! rinVd by our own citizens, reducrs.mi teriallv -the nuiober of consumers. The excise then. fore, operated direct - ly loth; inj-t-v v'fthe su;;ar hoikrs,j! V irriini to tvtry. lei'2, 5 the CAuiaip'bu'lers, and nil prrsons ij R4J ll,at the travel ai.d txpuiwe ot thu j bvtlirm etn'diVtl, cither in furnish-11 Colkelor in gcunj tor Uvi tax, orot" i 1 j j 1 ? e .... .. . iii or r.i;umi.cuir.n-;- tne fnntfiirtlt 01 our own co'i.ur, or in pre paring thof.c of other countries for the use dcsiirr.. ed. Nor otiRht we to compute tint the lircvcn-ie of KOvernnicnt U lessened to th amount ilcrivci from the en iseTn thO"e articles. Ueckuse the imt-orta- lion of the ortirps nrrri'irv'f'-r the iiicchaiiici aou iiin-iufiCtuie rs. aU-v will be ift pivortnia to the deni.nd fr trv, ana ol l otomar, jr.trii.. them, nr. in other words, ta lhe ruan- is d ly the .ciui:y ut bank ntte. Tl c turn ic l ; and the fcven-ieby iinpost is in propoition to the imp'ortat'ion. Therefore to asccr:;.in wh.Tt reduction Jlie inm-nid amount of impoM upon the artit lis 1 f wh'n h tl cy rre made. j Tl,3 U: l't if any, constitute; the ttu: rednctioii -CT ll e rcveriu. iThecKt'.Mh'ino'. be. r. removed a mf 1 ficient tin e lo cnallc ar.V f.rrson ih fnake ti.'n esiimatiun. Hut 1 do not bcMU'e to my, in.0 hn?e time lie increflsed dttr-ai.d for, utu ccnMimr j 01 the revenue w ill i.i reality ttUe place t' docs it result H-oin lucepsi'y ; The nltof jcner.d taa;!o:i were 1 Iromt'.ic repeal of tK-sc excises, it is produces anf inc piJUyor injuitict 111 ?vm that the" powtts of l c ;oMrn I ncceiry lo deduct f.m the a- t'c articles lar.ed, or in the i.ude ofN j.lcnt mh;l t be eo;.ul t) tui y ! rn..unt of revenue derived from tlicni1. taxinij tlein. In countries an l ev. When the Kcdcr; 1 cove n. uici t tion 01 ir.c- nr.. ucs, wi.i pro-line f.n r.iay irom inc ee i-i ipc un ItieJV ie ol l:npo-tri;tul lulhc, .ro!ur ! i?. Should C'onjjv:! Iiy a tat f tion of revenue, w'uh iet.i,.!U tf,i i ' uny ariith , ihc .'-tc, whc cilirctoi - i tUct ,? aV liihin Hc cxeUe. lltiB d v ; en'jfacr rii all ir.e atti 11 the l tl.:j f-UrJ ViJ.rt a;t$ ilL'ef Wl should the labors of one- it f! be' taxed and the labors of oil otl.ei-9 remain free ? Is not the farmer wiiU.-v.r that his son, who devotes his U!e to manu factures, of tlie mechanic' art;, should have an equal chance for happiness :.!.. K. ...... . L. .. -t I- wuu u. aui, wim ucyuxj .imscu 10 .. agrlcuUiire ? 'Arq net tt-cther."me- . 1 ground .with themselves V All must pay for the support of oVcrnmc White the nation relics' n ir countries, and. tndtrcetiy jjttwv wtv. citweni) the consumer , of i-ie rkhest"!rgres, which rmist operate by one rule l and most valuable iirtir.le. pav's. the !' tea, pav.s as great a lux tor a ;rgle ; pound as l; ,who consuiHH comjn'o'n ten. pays for three -pjund and a third. . Each man pas u:.dy "in"- .pr)poi;ti(.-a, tn.:, what he consii-ies ; but 'the- farmer , pays least of .t'-n,becauss he Jives most ' Avitliirt hi .ast If. I he p verument by. renea'inrr the intern J taxes has given equ.u .Jay to the gcuais, enterprHe ana activity 01 ( all. It has "removed thft s'ik t ics j which retarded the cperntiyns of in-. j dusjtry. Ay exui;.e system iv ts '.he j body politic, what -the con'stiniptlon ! is to the natural bony'. It steals upon the frame. It operates iu pi. rccp:;h!v. ' It deceives the patient from tiiv.e- to j time,, with the appearance of return! .'.Uion twenty ' thj.isan I health, .but it gfadiudly' 1 th'y u'lhirj cml th. ?v-t"em and ends in dissolution. I' Thus the tvWou pcrishcB, while the j j; orr.ce.n boated and swelled by rioting ! .on her prbpertyV expire of a dropscy. ij l! '1t -I I 1 ... I 1' ... 1 . V . Tlitfhutabie UlJ distresard condition 1 of tlie' cimiroon people cf ..Uftirope, ; furnishes proo: ot the trulli ofthis as- j; j serlioh tooiuipresivc and irreijistahle ever tohif'jrgotien hy.lhe citizens ef j this country. , . It has been suggested tr.?U)csc ar- ticks are chicP.y used by t.j wealthy,. aiU arctherefurc more proper objettu i. f .taxation.-, ,3Jut when the. excise wai i! removed i'roin other articles to hafre J retained Ifon these, woultt iiaVe requi- ;j -, ....v. j . txastmen, at un ne-rly, idiot 'j dly tqual to the whole revenue.- ,No. !i iv beiicv-l that v,i-en the reduction j oCiuWnuti'rJly derivable fnin tlie J iiacis ddvdo l!ucxpei.v.e ol th .t j system, tiit.v would unoe a cent of lt ca" revenue, 11 H h admi.tcd Con- J gfes mi'-.t collect an excise u.iyn M those aitieksat a moderate exoence. I refer to these stfttes, which h .c Mas 5 ichusett ulid (.'omuet.cut, iit e re plete with pcpulntion and possess a proportionate nuuiber 01 cat iiuti u nl. In arnage l'i:ui- the other elates it is tar uiilerci MaJsaeUus?'.ls ilieic is one cair iiociery iio acres o.,nnu, 111 1 i.iu- ! sylvani there 'ututonc to eery 15, ...... .. ... ' ; ' 1 1 b"-'6 i !) ' . ginu una 1 tnnsj ivun.a, n icurteeii I - mch as in s,;c!Uells. J In Coimtclicut there is 'r. carriage !! toeery l,:iSacre whiLin Norm. ; Carolina there is only one to ury 1 i he real therefore T! oolUctin' that IjX, is s.x atljx, is s.x ti-.r.e-J i jedtl.e t':ttsio wa tt;. nl with o-ur I V,iIlUiL-aCi1asab tfd" reHi -1 of j il in the Wcuterneot n i,n.,e jt, ;iS p.;ml ..liv in't reste j in ' rc-at in North- ttcu'.. Thccsil tsjKnce of the actual travel u iut Ic incurred ; the faetliiks of lhe pullx ,! n,ul'J cannot be subvtiiuted Neitlicr ! ideqwality inlht neeit4iily eUt, , fc 'pptly lor lhe people of the.e lute . i it not their code. j "As ir relates to ull internal ol jeMs c 1 tjxnion, each state within its limits , ' for.. a ritjht txtthsivc and con-1 ! current wiih the United Sum. No-1 ! thing' tlierefore ii easier than hr a ! - state lo correct any ineqtiahiv, Mhieu ' 'I fcillV t.rcui ol the Ux, will tt li?e th priie from state taxei D courts!! feptBl her l.ifes, aiid , kurnn-Jer to the state! all lhe tourecs tf ii.trrriltaastioii.U enalleithe Mate to l.-en tlie tnirdetis of their pi-eeot l)tltm bj ravinr; a revei uc from tl -tW Ko.ed reM.urte. 'titr.crof inav ey l lat : eariliv-c-, J I.. .t . ' . .. .. . a i.'.ik; f.iii.'.eu ptrin ui.. teMiCl y tt'l i, at d it U to be yreaumid tUi 'helegislature will whereyer the in ftf- est of the state requires it. . These ar ticTeMTre'refore are not exc-mjted from ' taxation ; ,they are yielded tip to tr-c discretion of the state legislatures. Is it not -a'toniahing thai states, should complain of a surrenderi.of revenue to tMr use-? -Ought they not to rt-joice that the general government has t'ur nished then! with means 'of remo ving. from llie poor the oll or capita tion tax?. And cannot theequaliza iim of taxes be better "effected by jhe acts of the state governments, '3vho le gislate for small-sectiops and ean a- dopt their laws to tle condition of their citizens, than bv the laws of Con- over all the people. of this unicn, . how- priatfpn of sever., n.ili.ions three hun- dred thousand cloi! -rs, towards tlie dis-.-. charge of liie paincifjal and interest of tlie n -tioni debt,, dec eplive -and cah-ulated. to rnspiil- hopu-.,. . whicli would never -be aruii ''.xperiehce. tvr''dem'jnstrated tli;.! the govern ment, no;-,vithbtandin.i: has repo'aled ' the internal taxes, liar. be n tVabU-'d In the pist.year, to discharge ct n vtional debt, tglktj tiiii'isn f rtj-jive t'. sti nl e:-?h: hundred : and .sweir dillhrs while not a cent has been iw.-owed or itloiined. r.cra tax cf any Kind m u ted. The treasury too so far. firm being exhausted, 'on the fitstof Juu- ry 1303, v-.r; d Hvo hundred end sixty two. certs a tiu..; alt'egetncr . nnprectdentcd. ; ha e been repealed, with the solitary The, re'tiuction of the public - t'.-lt ' by"7t eXCep'ioi IX the I'.Iseontcnts wiiich means of tke bank sl.aies. U included . Jj have been manifested by-three pr four -in this estimate. ' . -., ' counties in Pennsylvania. A tmrt of We arc how it-Id thai no credit U tine-'. to the gfyerhintiit, because the -monks ' have been derived fiom the imposts !; -fwhTch were ;! irtiuiMrutio1 ! credit, due t e established ly Ibi nn r .id- I on s. YNPatf' Is there no to a ffovr-ninuiil iiui.( nn- '' "...mister - , the fmanre-of a naticii with i! ccnomy, fjugahty", kf.d iwn.d dis- ; c retbn ITeciiise Ihu-Ju furuhfd i y I' ! atent with a capital ntces u v , use, is he not entitled to n.y cud'.- ejelice lor the ini( !int, prti Jtuce ui.d v i j'u'gmert he ha3 displayed ir. lit ma- fiRgea;tiU cf n y Llt.vh : LO .. net Jl niy own pint I ael;nowkd.e'I feel iu . the man justly challenge a higher dignar.t when I reflect upon the objec , cbun to ibat coi Htle'ire, i. iii.l'u)- 'f lion I have f'nibteJ. I .leJge my ly i pnSis t'-.e liii nii--. 1 tr united ; s J f voluntarily to rtnttibute my pto- lpl to 'u iit, t! t!:e 01 . v. I ;' Ue! the ni'iyt nuthods of orawiiiij my money .irot'it ni parkel : t)r u i.v ly en itlvu to it, who hs.s dy vised the 1 I- l.i 1 im I'.ie .ue .;iL- of t!!V OV 1) ill'JuMlY. It i fui! ; 1 !. . I It cr.tru .'.od with the K''Vtiiiment, I V. !tO Mil 1 to piud'.r.CT; cr.-l ,;u.'i ,1 j iTi-expe-ii!;Mire,tlut knowledpcuf lhe ., tri.Huy i" '- wi. i h n ?y-! j crble the n if ni'"Tiiiy tiqv.ire, to , t-'.ij'nseiit her 1 ti':..-us I v .id;iioi.i I Lti-'nieiit. .; tast s, hast in-uik.iis to 'the t eoide, and mo.i cctei.ifl wi.h ih.u- luusi cmditkn v.nd fecl:i.e;s. It is eqo. lly tnicthitthc i.rtitiit uovetrrti.; I' ; It' (rui.ti 1 a i' trui.ti d any taxes Put'.', is no; tiuc , tl.i.t tl;epp.sition detsrw ny n fie Uredit f ' lhe creation of the reMi.ue 1 j fvitem, tl.anUlcrp.s ;o tl.- j,iv.i-, 0H rr. 'i 1 tt nvtn n ii;"tn'- pl.ii? I I.v t!.e -JJ ior!,i"e-.t ; the mrude-nuou ;thty rej i'i teilly solicit iItr'iiUon irj a fjiit in(-.-.&tire pte eliicel the nrrrsiity O r 1 coin.irit :i. Ti e if.ii'd.i'iii f;'t ..l.U-l v n tl e iii'pos'.j to ihe icteit.mtt th y rei( nitntJaki'. lo the ftrr-k. cy. tun the tci'.cr;.! rov went into opn.t ion, t' pn -f-nt y ten of iiupoit was ciN ptwrf by i.tnv ral iMi'.el.t ; man) of ti e tfbf tis i f tlii rovrrninciii uiul fiieniof the ad m'litsUvtiott, were eii.irentjy uefi.l in its tt..lliM.nunt. J Indeed Mfa-ptinf iptl f' je'tlon a-, Kilr.t lite r i f thin,-., wit , that the tit a (ulinioituti'.ion wevht I'M i it lv ii' D init os', it f,V nvitnie, mil ini.?eJ I'j '.n e"' jHhit1; .lhe j stamp t?v, t ! penri;-l trM ni olintvr lul la-cif'.o'i, c pf rtivu t-itVnUrior, J c?j4inHt in hj-rttre nr, Pitl jviov.1 e live of ilrily 1 fihrtt"ii Of tl.o-? vrlo imim a l.t-U.I.c of pi blk ai''!"., who is ti.ete t!t tleny the.c f.itf 1 ion wht tfnt-tce then do?-thc etpynivi. deiic l'.SJ. prt henei in". Amnr S3rlr.t: e'.hrr ot.'C'ifM wlhh hwcbe?n olt-ird t;.dui 1!. J redtiv vft; hlT-V' ll pccjpls were natHrAlly averse to taxa- tion, and with uriicuuy -bi Ought to submit .to new contributions. Tbtf j ihese systems were in operation, the I-people had -becouie accustomed' tj . them, and; it was moslwise and pru ; dent to retain them ; . because thejr ' might be wanted at.some titure day. Tlii i objection, amounts to this " Tom ; 'must iax fh people Hen' ycudonot i'tvun jou do iv(.?i( it..- ' . ' '-"i -In countries where the iron hand of despotism rules, where the 'interests ! of the sovereign are-d"stinct from, and opposed to tlKi interest of the subject, where fea; binds him to his master, it is. undoubtedly necessary to keep fust the Chains' by vvhlch he is bound. How . dissimilar is our case ? If the revenues aTe wisely and judiciously jt expended the exigencies, of lhe state ; are the exigencies of the people tlienv 'iseUei. 1 The government ' is theirs j its object their 1 happiness they mould and tasluon it to their own liking,' and there is no one to say why d-ye so." Can it be possible that a people so cir eumstanced will refuse those contri butions which theirovm security and huppii.css demand ? - : C!u - Here again let us test this btjec ticn by In the' war of i7,fr .,p foj-,-,. of these states cbntri buttu'wiui I e:a!ify to its. support. 1 They h.ive- strujigled through and sup ported un arduous war of eight yearsj vvith an uuanitnity unparalelltd in. the history of nations. They have submitted quietly to the L existing taxes, andtoll those which thfcse rliM fnUf ni.',blv. wi-l! have been easily allaved, had not 'thti . then bfcrctary of the treasury believed 'tlieni calcuhi'.cd to further his views. i bolUiy thalien'rC' the enemies oi th trovernnient- to oroduce from the an unls tf the wh Id a" people, who have- more imiformly yielded a n ady obedi- ence to law ot; more chevi fully conlr? butcd to the necessities of.state. Vet in every instance whea the govern ineii no lon-jer wiiited the taxes, thi peor le v f re relieved from them. For i pcrtijii ofwhatcvex the lieeessities , of govcmnient may re quire, lentermy sihtnii protest oifainst being taxed imnccsinly, for ihc purpose ofdrif l'.t.i ne. A fornie.' ec;etary of the tm -.urf an I many of his ndhcmnts, have ad-vecu-.da prir.cirle, which, if correct, icrtiiniy the internal tascl i' cil.t t:f t to l.tve been lepi-alcd. .his lJ, 14 7mi tU feop.'e ov:;ht tj tV tcxiii jl at fur asiktj cj'jfvj' divei.t fr m this yiii'c'rk it will rrodtuca des- this piii-c'pk ; it will prodtuct des- foii.'n. To thrt pecies oT povcin mei.t il ii essentially rr eiinry ; for jj fen hi'ltpciuki.t ycotrsi ry will , be sl;n?-,. W hile the siil iuowntd cti'.iifsltdt-y the s. me pcrscris,U I birtyis s.-fc. l.ul oxec oppnmhe lef le wiih a system of taxation, .vh'c!i shall; the clus of tiimlc irte laTitets i nd f.i'riiieri in anear, thhonh the'e'tfe It. nwy Ir. "smi.!!) M.ll 1 vwi.tiiblly I will "produce the ef f.(t. A crt.M.n piion will prey uron tit 't.JIof tU reprtlic. Ihc n;r W wii! hetor..e ti S.-y of lar.t'lordl i o u m.mti; oikeelttss rich, tl e ether !nr and d.-w-iif-t;it ; or in ether wrn' wi.i Lueti c ma-.tcrs, the o'.' r 'Uu. . I To ',ive l.ei l;h t- 5 . t . 'on 1 Ifr, 1 ihv I U.od ii't"t p. w ; 1 i.laf it j , t f d i'uc propoiiioi to Jl its f r 1 f auto jive sh.oraml tiirl etei.y ti j lhe bo.'y r,; V, 1; r ,-tuiiiioa ed t , nrn-uei.l trmit Le dirvi ted tot II. "l i e ii.Mt't .r 4.11 jn'ist le trnvltt. Wh'i. lhe I'.eh fie prti'vtttd, tercktscf the tomnv nii'.izei.i il c u'd be cre fully ticrdedi j.nd us.iVl watched over. Thi ircvtty nl.Uh- . lhe n.'Xur-j of i 1 tMr.'-Mly jto-ci'eir.-;, h uhl be 1 heeV.-d in its it ti er, t.i t fistcieU at, j' frc termed in it pro'4ii, ofc-iiMip en.f -;oeiii. I i;nt vj.i.u! 1 k) af ve .rr rsp-i' y. ic j bcfi'se 'n wl,rer ir.f.'.n y. .r J-t.ied, V e o-H.f of ' J r 1 10J e n r,l. 1 ? t3 ctn'ir ttiHi'hti if il.i.. 1 - , . . , , Jj , I :h:y a x not f rh y. I he 1 ti ll '-'.t of ttt i I (Hie-. I'nr. I.t k to ll e t -t.vti wlio l.;v j;.r.e hrfors .. . . I L-vffeiH f il.c 1 a--er tl ! : in one nur.'.h of 1 , 1 ...niiter,i:4' : ptudby ere h"' -I ta of r.ruly I rtui r.'i'liiti i .Villt9 "lAi lr t?.iedltg il i;.i f.' a: : 1! . . I - i

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