i ., . - . . . , -ov.. t t -t ' I. i- y , Tublshcd weekly by .AliM'WBall, at TBtSKDotiAtk k Tsae,1 -, ' . - - - , ..... - i'i mt . .i r - ' ' " ' I . i 1-1 National Inttlligevctr VINDtCATtONlvH MEASURES ; : '.K' ' PRESENT ADMINISTRATION. v By ALGERNON SIDNEY. Where liberty ii-mthert 'is (ountrj." y4 ' A violent effort has been made to y produce an immediate . tvar between - the United States, France and Spain; .Ftr this purpose the celebrated reso lution of RirVRossv authorising the president to embody . fifty thousand . men, and to seize on NW-Orleans and (Louisiana, and ppropriatinj; fivemU iions or dollars lor tberxpef.ces, wert presented to the senate. . The tocsin . has been sounded from one extremity to the other of the union. The oppo .. aition, trtis to their njf eyslem of war, tandine armies, navies, debts and pa tronage, have been tremblingly alive , )ott this subject. No means have bn. o.muiea xo enecttheir objett. mt ,1ianl offers have been ttade to.the wear . terti' people, their passions played, up ,lon, their spirit and resolution, "at one jnoment, admired, the next, doubled' But all to no purpose.; Those wio ,Vcre eminently useful in preventth 4war during the" last administration, Vvho first asserted the rights of-free jnen, and byheir Rold an manly resb , autions said to the ruler of Aire, nation . " thus far shaft' ttiou -go, -and no far- ther,'. here shall thy proud career . be stayed, have remained unmoved yvd . firmly, attached to the interest, the jeace, the happiness, and the govern ment of the country. My 'surprise at h conduct of -the opposition, U in creased by their vtrte proclaimVp.thcir ,"want of confidence the executive. Charity leads me to admit this orig-i-Viated in their betfef that he was desti tute either of tatenti or integrltyr -Tf the first, then they have evinced a readiness to expose the nation to .the Wlls of a misgnicfed. and Ul-conducted ar,. Jftre lastwhen they have ma nifested willingness to hazard the li pertles of the country, by intrusting Jo a man, whom they believe unprin cipled, the sword and treasures of the Ration. tThey mvist elect between these alternatives, or admit what is ge nerally believed, that this extraordina ry vote did not speak the-language of fche heart, but was the chUd of party brought into exitence m .foster tbe apirit of disafcclion. Because the go vernment refoses to resent the unau thoriscd act of a Spanith tntendant by ' t dfchraipjn,of war, beforr it had de-' Ttianded an epldfihion from therpn. of Spain, ,ti want of energy is daily proclaimed. 'Nothilt standing the Spanish mwiislcri and th Frenclj Charge de Al"irs, have In the most polemn manner assured governmenjt, that the rights of, Spoilt will be .r: stored and our Interest respected'and cherished ; notwithstandipjthry have J vnuea in an enacaTour 10 procure us immediate redress .(and there Ujwt tcason to hope that at this moment the prohibition ij t'altep oft) still it is resounded in jIUrcara,. i but for Uie. fears of the president we thtuid soon be in possession of Ije w-Orleans, we sMuld teach the Rations of Europe to respect our rights. The president yndoubtcdly has hjs fears I ljut fears ef personal nature, becinnot have, his high statidri jicd tie duties of hit nice, place him above them He tears to do wrong. . lie fears to create a standing srmy, and thereby jeopar dize Uie liberties of the country, to in,-, crese the executive power In his own. Lands and those of Ins successors. Ho Crars to oppress the people by tax vp m tax, to dct(roy our cpmrcerce nd 6thrrics ty n unnecessary war. He fears to transmit to postcniy a debt in creased to such decree as To entail sla very upon them, to demorslisa the - people, to bury in mt i omruou grate, in the sickly refjions of Horlda, the ro bust yeomanry, Uie! hsrdy fishermen and the usr ful mechanics of the cation, lie fcurt the imprecations of frtic mothers, and still more frantic wis, bcwtilinif, the lost of their chitJrtn ni husbands. And lastly be fears to (Tend the majesty of heavenbyiftflict inp misery an4 vrftchedness on Rre tuinioniof people intrusted tblicarc and protection. From the commencement of the ro vernrrm.t to the inauguration of the nr:entetecutive, Utougb the eastern tutet hire constantly boasted of their Mipiriov atrtngth, rot an arsenal or 'Vtoryi f fuUtury sUrcs, hss ever ; ' Iron- tht been established inlte weitefn coan iry, or souU) of theEotomacktQf the. monres expended la Jortlfi cation find for defence, not one dollar ' in six: tWs been applied In these states. ' Now the -members from the hfew-England states, -whose'repesentatives hereto fore voted to lodk up the MisissiDti for tvehty-ftve years,' express'the most j tender concern for that part of the un ion. .Happy will it hi fof this country, experience shill prove their pretenJ, . sions sincere tv But I cannot forget that the persons who heretofore for years, have bestowed upon the people of that country, the epithets of " the wild m;n of the woods of Kentuckey,'' " thebanditi of ' . whisky boys," u the Sweepings ofthe earth,t' enemies to religion, orjer an.d goverpmnt " who' hava treated wjtiinUmfi tfr iftdi nity their -solemn act of legislation, and who have proclaimed:' their wish Tjt a sepiratipii, nor 'chafiehge thelf first confidence. Is' there no reason to believethat irritated and tbagrine! at their loss of powjer 'and of the confi dence of the people, they have seized upon the uvjfconduct of the Inteiidant of jJew-Otlcans .with a view to embar rass government, and, in a foment of passion, to push the western people to some act, disgrncefal and ruinous to themselves and to tti nation ? For let ra Ask, from whence has origina ted in the minds of tXcppositiori tfvw affection for, the' western countyy, at Once 0 noval andirrewstable, so, vast and unbounded, 'so tender and gloVvin that burns like the crator 6 Etna, and that threatens by the bursting of its lava,. td..-d.verwhejn the honour the pKe arid the happiness of this notion? From the. bleak mountains of Nova Scotia to the pestilential heats of Flo rida, from the recess of the forest to the billows of the ocean, not a member of the oppositlon'can be found, higher loi-greatpmidl, rich or poor, learni ea or -ignorant, whose mind is not touched with this ardent flame, who does not sigh for some - relif " of this burning Java. Not, one, who has. not heard the hoarse thr.nder of war rum ble through the welkin', who has not seen Uie moor dyed with' blood, and the M finger of heaven pointing to 'war. All exclaim for it immediately, und for the capture of New-Orleani. .; , .What chicms does not New-Or-Lians possess ? Slic is indeed a talis man.. Seize but upon her, and the mighty' power of France, of. Spain, of Italy and of Holland, Vanish like spirits at the approad) oj light. TCc United Stat:s become iro pre ;rn able1 1 no points left for attack. The Mobilc.the Tcrlii bifj'Aee, the Altamalm, ,and the St. Mary's, are dried to their" sodjxes.-r? Our commerce, our fishet .es, bur cji ties, and cut toyrt, arc all protected from issault, and the war is ended ire his commenced. Omit to scire upon )ierind instantljr from the Mississippi to the Soutl Sf the haun.t of vt'ild beasts are ttftiisformtd Intd princely paUccs, locy towns and richly cultiva ted ficlvs. The oak, the sycamore and the cypress, become wddiers anun, happy race rises up amonjus and btit cRersourwiyos ar'd chllcren. The energies of the nation are palsied, and she forereiVruined. x. , i yttremblc as I write. " Sdr'c'y this cannot be the child of fancy, it must be a reality y in some hidden volume of the boakf it. was registered, ourgtiarian angel made the discoverv. Sc whispered it in the'ear of ImmVi! l r j v . . . . ... otn jrunat. r.ne yiy is r. prociaim ed, .echoed aaj re-echoeoL from one end of the un.ontothe oil er, bv thoj whp tUim a superior regard to reH region order and happiness J, why are we urged to instant war 1 , Why is the government crnsuped for making ot etTort toprterre peace ? It-lias p ken tathe nation interested, in Uie rei pettfU Atroni; langua .of freemen. It has solemnly pledged itself to main tain inviolate tbe rights of the people and nation. It Ins mJ. provUion lor the dernier resort, an jpcilta arms. , Yet despair should r,ot drirt-'us to midntM. It is possible that the ad vocates of war hate taken the nil ft. Mfn$ of Anutrit for her ruardian tnrel. The rights of our western brethren! are sacred, they never will be neglec ted, surrendered or bartered. On the other hand in tbe estimation of Itood man, the pre servaUon of peace In discussing Dibjcts sointerestirj,'' uxnu M uncy snnuiu give juce , to cool refbxtion an the . a rdor of pt sion to the dictates of sound dfscre lion. ' . : ,y4cnever the rii;M of nation art Wiled, it becomes the dutttb .inUra.to seek redress.; vWliere ; the f safety of the state isiilmit, this re - 4ress i to be sought, fijst.bv -amical ble conference and negotiation, and in case these fail! by resojrt tonvar - ;This rule is laid dowpi by all the , wri- j tirs unon ftatutal law. and Dractlsed fcv7 1 ,mtf 'tHe haifbHs" j&f 'the earth. ' It -'results from nature itself, and, : from5 the obligations yve are under to constilf J as, wcjllthe happiness otxtheMt as dt ' OurswiVes.'y Wlideverpefles upon";! ;. the miseries of warj tjSl ' agree with, ; the writers ipon thartftiject, that it i jusunea onif by extremities.; ;jot to sweu me volume ot numan wop, ; ir, a duty we oie to ourselves and 'jiianklhd at laxge. Now 'the safetyAjf state was j not endangered by denying the riglit i,0 deposit at NeV-Qrleans ajight -ucrjearom jtrcaty ?Iofji- It -was therefor thcfiiuty ojrfcrnment, 'as it was- the.' interest-' rr tie ygople to endeavour'towain the exercjise-ofthat by i:goGiation. ; The oMigatroiftapoft governmont taarlo;rt. this coiivse, was heightened ')) the consideration, that the act coirtplJmed of was npt -thc-iact of. the Spanil( govefrinlent, b(M of a subordinate officer of that nation. , ,:i..To.infcIvo the nation jtft all the hor rt rs of war, fur the Unlawful' - and un authorised act of a subordinate" officer,' would be the Jierphtjf political depra vity. It wQuld iu'jrorfuce. a rule of which we could not domplain, and un-- w.mv.11 mis nuuon at : any v' tut.urs time, mihtbe.inV6lj:ed in war by Uie unlawful and wanton ct cf any one of her officers. It would U virtually transferring, the all important Questions ofwarani.pear.e fro the representa tives f .the peoplei and the govern ment of.the country, to the 'captain of a PJigate. '' - . : The act of an Individual ft3rr nr f subject, does not become the arl rjlh'"- nation to which he belongs, vtintil. the nation has sanctioned it, as it is im- ' posiible tor the most' vigilant vwt best regulated g.-yvrnnisut to control the actions of iu au'tVU an; subjects, and to brin' t Win i iii'iVi .i,,,,!;... on an nccasutns. Hence dent which nitw it b;con)e I'af to the j wmv peace of this n;ti.-., arjdjjuly 1 ui.-ruuu i ic execration ot the worl n There is reason to believe. 'that riot only a complete reitoealion.bulan cn fcrifument H our rlsfts w-hskc place. Tfayr let the p:pij! judge between tfee who hV bsetr every means in tl:3r power to inflanetVe pnblifc'mjnd anrl to Involve thenatiuo ra war,' ?ntl those -wl) have laboured ft issanlly to rcgairt tlr enjoynents i 4ur rights, and to prcscrvr -peace and Jr.rtUP!. . ..Gftvernment hns rcprrsriitcd ti the opiniwi court trte vioLilorv of mtr rights by the iutemlafit, indderoaml immrdiatc atiiLcjion. Indemnity for the past, and security, for the fu. ture," arc expected.- SilimtU Sp tf lilte neglectful of htr udty and hejt in tercsU withoU f,xm us that satisfac tion .which justice decrees, til will u nltcin tbo rccesilty of war. 'By at tempting t avoid its evil? .y-e shall have given to Europe, evidence ofor disposition u Jive in,p?ace and dcA ncighbourlxrvlj we baU become uni ted, and juirce will arrange herself efier o-ir Lanners. Bylvnti1v de flaring W.r, witlwut-askij? Redress, ws viouia naverjttd chcc,ntents a roocg ur wn citizens, and iu.tN wakened the suspicions and jealousies vi un moc i.Bopcan powers who have American possessions:. . The cabinet of Su James Vbt pos-' lilly have, reioiccd at the evcqt ; but would It not have occurred o them, that the same power ihich Ladselicd upon N.ew-Orlcisi, might at any mo ment, rpon as light or Jess provocation, seize upon the Canadas, Nova Scqtia, New-Brunswick, and the Bihama and in a few years uponthntr West. India possesions? Our highest inter. rstf irqnrftthst we tboiM evince to! Ill rorld a ttrict regard for justice, a ' faithful pcrfAmanceof all our tMsgfr 1 ments, and a desire to cultivate friend-1 shin, peace and rood will with all. 1 In cue warhal become necessary I yUa newevil wai)e nation have in-'4 furred by ihc.delsy,! The mUocates ' for that measure san ' France will be ! in possession or Levins I" And wilt ' she riot be lr xwe'von of tUc ro tincc before we could have rhJ an nTytrwAt. J.adleh Uclrcd at. the ' , fu wi lhatthj government by dechrin 'Var J nabr 7SZ ) ZreZi Uce-rwoU Sfiann fct:0lihrt aOrere- irtront).-diniV.tl.. v.!. c. i.- I --. r? 1- " qr.re.cl . comtinccmcTit c4 the sc,inof con- reii,p;;ycntVe.CicuUe.fcat' possessed tfff.f ift-'lnai ppVer on ' l seric-.i'f I-. cr:e !na - .'is , . ; ' . - jK - r - .. - s. i . : . 1 1 i r " - ' ' r i ' -' N : 'V. Fnnce becauKthe inteftdant of New Orleans has: dosedthat port which is ceded tq'Francc, who has committed no infraction of our rights ? Will any mart say that -war sbalj.be levied upon France for the roiscoijdoct of ' Spa- ,nish offici i or will any one deny, that taking possession of New-pricaqs, which s'laily expected to pass fttothe posses'Vn of France, to4 whom it us long srnce been ceded, jvill in act be tnakimj war against her i A we had seized opop tfiat place, wfmust have frptained it'against hetave res't r?d it tfhen .she came 4dtake posles sion. If we restored it ' to her, then what advantage should wti' train bv the fciciifice lyli wopld xertainly excite I 'V jcaujusy. . -f. we rciftin .a long, bloody and ardtVus. war mut be thj con-wjquencd The people ofrhe wes-i tefn country would be depriX ed of the ycirs than they have en, "brVrtIfTBe, ! months unxier the policy pursued by ' me aciflitftisteatioii. BesidesolTwbat ! pnncrplft should: we justify the deten-1 "on : certainly, not' on account of the , conduct of th Spanish i Cendant. " ' uut ftay.. . the advocates for war, France U,ja. powerful, ambitious fend l"Mg nation, "she has proved the cession of Louisiana to draw-r. cordon around these states. The nation there fore has the right of levying war to. ward off a future evil. An infant co lony "planted in the wildeafeis for a cordef to bridle this union!! As well migftt she set a sergeant's guard to overawe the peonle ofPafis:' Irea. dily admit the iraportahce of attaching I that country -to the union, because ; thereby we shall be forever secured frQpijthe wars and intrigues of Furope.' Wt-should then hhVe no interest in I furmin.-j political connections with the , miritim: powers. But I maintain.! th-jt, by the laws of nations, the cV- ' j sion of territory by one rtfjion to an.it t her, docs nnt create a rixht of wariri tha alining. np.:ion.That nailbh v Ti t ,noV-ll,1?cert "at'1 " netr -ii'inj ar decIarcs-V.war, but until she own frights rule appean or the like. This' rs to imply r.ith nsrti. j V'"vr "rce is) me present case, for rr.iirf nearf a cwitury before we naa a settlement on the wcslcm v.ix tern, vs the proprietor of thisjcolony. By tht forlwie of war she its corp. pclicd to cede it ;ragajn,' by the fori ! June of war, she Mi ivv-n enabled '. tegain it. , Her reclaiming an ancient ciWnr founded by herself anj ceded i b? the jKstr, ranurt give a just ' r'.:jht ofar toiler old-'rcjbor, nor can I bcTeve siti Ji war. if insL wtu, be poiitu. ' . ; : ,V3 But rt it said if we we're In -possession or .N -Orleans," Frant could not get a foot4 old, and the VotiArynjf .mue wu.l become Ti.. 'f lfve, Vdu!d not alter the justice of the ewe! So it m'urht be said that if we seized upon Montreal it would gtva us Uie ,1 command el the St. Lawrence, tlie wMtyn lakes and the upper f,aada. It tbve no point of a'.tck fora the ' fesklty be confined o Ntw-Orlcais ? No. If there be a war It y,Rl rage in all prt. lVMl deMroy our navica- tion, commerce and fisheries, an t !! may produce serious calamities tooVir aea ports. I fcar'not the issue of a just war i strong in ourselves, postcs cd of ctcfy rmtif rial ncoertarf for war," and removed three tV.our.j.ud miles from tbe powers that alone win at'.ack s on American ground, we re csr tain oftventifal success. All wars rt?f this continent must terminate in the' Aggrandisement of this nation and the exttnsion of her territory. Bui to I naiioo of farmers, and artizms, rlorr and happiness are essentially different. 4 Wncn.IrancQ takes possession of that country ahe.will cultivate ptap.t and rtod neig!borboed, or invite' war. lithe former, the twor.ltiors will be tnutuilty useful and beneficial j if the latter, her eobmv cannot thrite or be- .1 come dangerous. It is peace and per , I severing indkl.tryftlone, thaj rtn build H IT a powerful co'.f.nf . Ilflt r. fdv.w 1 catrs fop wap ennttuA t!.c rnlnn iH thrire. Adrmt the fact. skill we. 0 And by the-time aay colony (ranee f canetUbhslHshan taal In tr.ngtb sj, sverage ttate In the t.nmn, we sk.ll is(isa power-tuiU to I ranee herv Ulf, in nuTnbe'retomcs and thV la.iorw That.the po.mH a I hty pewtr at M, mncnt 1 admit i i thjs U ore reason why we should not I wsninnrressuily. Sht has come U brr jrom'.h srd splendor i wests' i ' f ' N- "i .. . '. , . .; .4 t m loi (iws. I. nirii4hf mm. ii .f.i.x.i .n...- i. t :...-.... i . . in the very, grlttle; our bones, thcug" v sufficjen't for any necessary conflict have not yetacquired Uieir soliditV . and strength." Time is every Uiirig ti) this nation. Frante is unden.hecom- , -mandof ajalia:)t and Cnrt'tiViate kadcr.. Before a powerful colony cin be raised up in Louisiana, he will be la.din the:,.: tomb of his ancestor's, &; nattire rarely gves great rulers to ajnatiiin succeiV ' sion. 1 he brilliant exploits of a creat . warrior inspire the world vdUi awe. Jiut the effect is transitofy; The con;' quests ot 1 amerlane have long.beefi celebrated. His posterity tecame vaa- sais. yrus made Asia bow. to' th Persian, scepjre. Darius lost; tfce"lia v dem from his head. Alexander com qiiered the world his empire dhvt with, him. Louis the J4th threatened ' W overturn the., liberties of Europe j -. 4t'i the enjd his.' 'throne tbiteredodef Wm. Not ufrequently hastt happen! . ed that the prudence of the1 warrior. lost in the splendor of His victories, and he closes his career on the kycl from which he started.. ' . ' . A ' - But what of this mTghty power,' c'a she change thetoure efqatUre ? Ca she force colonies into nm,.;. i. She nay protect them, and can do no more. The colony of Louisiana; rn,l- deDchd unon the dail fcWomy ot the citizens; They will -. -....w vuuiu.i me cud ui an un healthful climate. , They wil have ti .reduce the forests at an eWleaa iabof rnq expense, to dram thtir marshes to make roads and bridges, furnislL themsevesith cornfbrfable buidingi and every other " convergence .of lifel .Without an influx of people from Eu rope, it must take the colony-a centur to nuiVe any considerable strength1. With. that influx Uj'ey must furnislj ui with a market, & depend updh )4 for the'hecessariesj'of li Tcr formar.V years. I rom its Pea-raphical situation! ;j the colony mutt -ever derive ftom us principally, the conveniences and iux Juries oforein countries. The mes chants of our capitals must be their". J iJOM;A s p A;l N E T. a ipt Cirutxs er rri Ukitmb Srjrttsi ' . t LETTER1 VI I. J 1 Rellg'o'n arj war is ih5 cVof tlVi iie NhMl; morahtvand peace the voue f trpiiblicans. Thetiriol f moralify rld peace is congenial but that br.'retiitioh andAvar is pt; ndox, and the fylmlon cf it is hyL. crify. . ' - .1 .'Thrleadaj of the federalist have nnjLrgment j,. theft plal.s nH con: sid conquered without fyncrri, Were they, at c'oUori. to nre.' fcribe rrrdicine, as. ihry pcttii-f puliiic;.ihcy would poifnn'their'paw tscnts with dcllrudiye compound Th re are nor'two things mora rpperid tio cith .oih.er than-war' and reliAvb j and yet in. the 4oabl pame, ihorc leaders Isarfc io pla.y' ti e one is neceirarily the theme of Oieir rH'lii!c. ,snd . the other tha Itxl ol ihcir fcrmoiji. .The wctk-? Hayofitot of Man, nd the Sot day j teachef 'of ieJcral grace, playlk' :aiblti, intp each mlicri lianJi, and tliii thry call religion, 1 bnihypocrify cah wbrilcr felt every virtue, "tod become the af- fotiate ovcry vire, It rrrjuirei a fcrest dexterity of craft trf giro if the power of deceiving. A painted' ffinteiy glilTVnbUt it cannot vrarr. For l.ypocnfy lo perfonsf f irtti fucccufully, h mull kho'tr and feel what virtue il ani iHt ranncf "R 6tMt it cannot Uir.g deceive') When animator foaming fW war ' bteathi forth Sn ahojher Jentence fltmihv fitly e tv., be " t write bypociilr on hit lio'ri, Th tie brttmt nf .tU r..t..:ti leaden in conjnfi .(fci'iSW jded'" MfltiOU ,he knowJc.fgl cft.hcf c9nUitUf n!l) f fu , , - J., , I 1 M. n4l tuf "''". !' tnMt c j irorsrce,.ad Idlcdin JkkeJneri. The bead ,nf.tb partner fotht pime. 'A nrflea of JttiOuilit Ja ii . --, , . . , n. iu. mi.ia II llirif 1 1 ency of parts nd Want of con IiHcncy .if the natual conf q.'ience of the Want of pimple. They exhfw ni itMkT.u..u -Siting hierla" tie of an pfji'ij 'it. without a caisd i n I