nr 6u 4 V TiWSD ir, Juni 2, 1803. ' Extract of 0 rfr:r yVonj Captain John - Broifay of the Revenue-Cutter, t one of out Pjrt-Mrardensi dated Smithvillc ' May .23. ..V; : " On Wednesday las ir went with Coir Williams, in Mr, Lons'sboat, 'out the New-Inlet with' an intent to go . S&fMMJiiz 'gulpli stream ; . but in the evening- standing toward the trying , pan, we perceived a wreck little lo th3 'westward prthe shoal. We im in.edia.tely made' for it, took it -in tow, atid'made sail for the main bar, ''but it', 'beinoj dar's, grounded on the point of . the Middle-ground i we then left it and anchored off the Light-house ; on the 'riext morning observed the wreck had driven in on the mi ddle-ground'oppo- " site the polnt'pf Bald-Head ; it being Jow. water we went to her and found . her to be the hull of a brig named the Elenoi of- Liverpool, N. S, She ap-' pears to be a hV.v vessel j nothing jeft! i above deck but t';c stump of the main .mast; the foremistand wiodlass, er' . ' tirely janej and' every, bit of tHe rig .1 ,t5,ns; amce..-oeinjj on tnc Midcue "npjnd,Mr,Long.and'his crew have ..' wifrgifkc; halted. 'tip' a"'quaritjtf ,'cf . "two quadrants, .and' one, barret qfbeef ; vftnd; I inform m2 there are several' empty sugar. hgslVads,-jars of, ta ra . . rinds, &c,'. on ijoardV One of die boys, I believe Mr. Springs's boy' Belfry or. v. . Christian, in bringing up some cloths ' Cout .of he run with a harpoon, brought up pact bf a bag,-,ylt h tweiityon ' dot ' bus in itthe bag appeared to tear as thcytrought it up. It is prob.ablejthe-re rjftay be more cash.-,,. 'r - v'. "-The wind tloingfrcsh from the ''Eastward,, the vessel is. drove further .onths. shoal,, and inay not be got off without a denl ot trouble, if at all."'" ' We since understand that the wreck . has bilged and will certainly be lost.- , The carpenter . of the ship Li Van; . . jjueri .at'Rrest, under date March 20, -writes tb lus friend in London.' as foL low:--lt We are here preparing for ':a j 1 with great activity ; 42 sail of the line '; - are to coropjsethe fleets-hands are a-, ; . vt'jndaht. There are upwards of j 7009 . forrner subjects of George II I, pruici- pally Irish seamen,, in -the '.French' Jportsjr'tiicipally flrest annToulon. In our. ship more than .one. half the crew are Irish, arid who pint to get out ' ajtd engage the British. You know Kow will be with us if we , arc defeated; v that's enough for us, and we are deter- : . rnrnpd togp to the bottom, sooner than ; ViTrcr' Cinder t!ie legat tyranny of our I fornisr rnaslers." ' . : ' ! ' TJw fpticio lent'hy j've gsvern ! rncnt of .the United States jo the Dey of , Allies, ha. I ben rejerted by - him, and, naval flirei demand.'. cd;conl.nnabIy to our (lipolationn. ,Tl:e Dey.thrcatentdVut unkfs his .tcque flA- wss complied ' w.ith war (Woull brd-clared againfl ,hc Unit, cl States, ..' ,T&c Nfornlng ,C1irbntc'e, New. YorVj.'sfrurci .us .that the avfrage majiirity ' cf. the rt pnbliearv ticket, tuhiuty i'if'72.. The Cotinftt' Ivuhmoii.f, S'aten lHanJ, fiis'ie. turncil ths Repuhrusn Candhhie Mriih mjjoriiy of 86; 304 aainft atS. 'Fifteen losyiis in WeliCkilcr C; all ivtre Jn Otour.f the R,c rnblican Candidate, as 30,10 403. . .Tho, IVpublican . maioritjr fnr Senator is $6'. Tic ditTerenCe h N.York is att'if ute. - to the vi t f f nee wth which thexoDtiovcrcf refpfilicg Vicc lVcfi 'et Burrhat ! Yctii conduclul. Accounts from Long.lflan'J ire favourable to 'the Uf publican intercfl.' From Colunu bia C. laft year, the oppofire ticket prevailed, this year the Republican a majority of 60, InHcnfeUer Coun'y the mjj.nlty,voi ot 150 for ihc Tick:. ' In ihe aflrrn Uiilrid, the five tepublicau feratori elcclpl b a majot'ny of ,Jn tj Middle Diitrkl, the three republican fena on luve fuc CCCl'ftl. Tort nf AVilniuigtmi. , . . F.n!ertJ nVf pmt Uttt ' Sch Uvater, Bell, t Ncw.Yotk. Bh!p Join J.rnts, tXth, I-ivrrpool. Sl.Hjp Blue Bird, Millet, , St. Cnix. Sch'r. Caroline, llnvcy Charleston. CttnrtA, Sch'r. Beticy, Bosukk, Ssranna la , Mar, Jam. Ceres, WcM, Charleston. Bn Aleali, AKivin, ' C.rccnock bblp Nancy, Marhull, Liverpool. , Ulr.I) . , In thi't U-vnttn Mfr.Jjj h:t, Xr.Di . at.t CSltt ' . ...... . , On SttutJay btt, Mti Xnttn bivtnrtfrt, Cintttt tf ltr Saniutt 2lm!tiriihi .... . : MISSING ' : . A LHTTKU !ac.l March 8, "X 8: J, put imoiheTort.Onice New-York-, wrinra by the fub-' tctber and directed to SIMEOY DELDEN;- Merchant, - Fayette viile, North-Carolina, in- which letter was incIofedT575 dollars j iri a PiJI-Ntte, and United SUter Batik Bills, of the following defcription The Poft-Note lfo. 173) C. 50-0-dollars, Hated I2'h , ot February, ' 183-1 payable to Simeon Belden i the rndoffc'T'ent wrote immedia'te'r 4 over tne na ne ot Jon. ourrai ; and- this ' note js remarkable by bavmg a j fmall part of the letter j, ' in the word 'Jonathan, torn on the lef.t fide of tTie bill, and as the , PofUNote hau been pinneu anil waterreu it wis diiHcnlt to write the yjrd$ pleyto Sime. B eld eh, fo that it will appear coniniea, .ana to remarKa b?e by this deYcripiion ihat a difco very, may yet be ihide Ihould the , laid note be . effcrtdj The other Bi ' Is ar 9 . 37 1 i J . io dolla r aid of J a nu a ry 1 8,i2 N 0. 470 C, 'S'Q dollar'?, b of May, i8uii No; 'V Q. S'd lars, a6th of AttguC 79? No.-' iS,; dol'ars, 2 1 of Ajitil-i;f798.-;CV-... . . Mr.; Gatlin recolleds giving me' the Ifo(t-Note, ind my noticing at th 5 time the piece hiing tor h off t he 1 letter J, and which he faid .wogld ; not irjtire thcjNote.' '. There were rcveral other inuoriemcnts on this Note, the 'namrs of which cannot be rccoilectel It is requefled that the different '.'Banks may pay fome a'tentiurt when they receive Pod. Notes, ' and lay examining the num bers it m.iy he vet recovered; MARSHALL R. WII.LKINGS. Ncivnrk April 3.s Jus t reteiveJ fro ni Ne t-2 j rk Jjtkt sch 'r. V . Lav.rter, capt. lieu. ; . ; V-An elegant alkirtmeut of TplMK.Pnnt"-, ,arfe"e; LooVtn Gl.iJreswiihtr.ahogarij frjmcv; if crfjKftive Glaiks ' with .'a gicat variety of vlegant Views in Europe and .inerici.j Spy GlalFis of Vie ririi -qualiiy VVeatJier.' Glalles Thtrmomttors'i &c.,&c: . V.'lhe fubferiberj intends -..leaViug' this tJtn for Fayetteville, foon af. ter the rife of the 'fenfuing county court, and will difpofe of the fore going artiplcs on- m'ode.rate 'erms. ' . ' ANTHONY PORRt. LIVERPOOL COABSE ' SALT, THE Cargo of the fb'p Joljn Jons, jolrn' ' All.m mailer, juft aii ived . from Livcriirtol,- for.fale My -; . . . WILLIAM GILt une 2 5w. .FOR' SALE, . oi$ Acres cf well timbfr'cl . UNO ON j(h: Cce k, known by the . name nf U:arrGari!cn, on whitli there is a good mill feat 'fnffi- cient for two fawt, on. lalllng flrcam. A part vf fatJ .land is well, idapted to the cir.'- re cf ctfro and' co"ou, and the rn? is exce!er,t, The terms cf pvmnt will be made eafy the purchafer, . , . . ' I 'will alio rent the upper apart mcrts of rjiy' lloi.f;, Kitchen, &c. in Matket.flreet, until the lull of January next. For terms. afp!y to." , . . ; I).. MaHctt.:v. Wi'fnniton, May I9 . " NO I ICR. A DIVISION of that part of Lot No. 2J, fitm'C on Se cond (1 reel, In Wilmin; On, whkh f.rrrri'f hc'ongcl to MarCARIT RokXldon, i tu take j lace on Sttiir ('y ti c. 2511 of .June neat, between thofe nrder the 'ate (,'rc';i li Sanmtl B!thc, a. grcf.-tS1 to an ofd:'r tf Ncv-IIan- . .jJIENJAMIN SMITH. r May il. . . Ten Hollar Hcwaril, WILL-he p7m fr taking up and delif-ring ta rre, a run wy neurit tri o -micH, known by i,e name of SPAUROW, whom I lately pirrhajd cf Amhonjr H. TootrscrV F.fJ. irparrow il come .in and tl -1 i v r Micftlf up in tre within nvnt!i from thil dau, le lhall It pJfir.rd. , . At pflH,i ate hrtfhy forbid bathouiicc, employ tr.r o cartjirg him away at thtr p?ril.. ' ' nirvonxoGur. WiUirs'i-r., Fib. 141, tUj To the EleiSor s of the Di "ylfion coraprehendihg tHe counties. 6t Bladeny Br.unf- Avick, Duplin, N. HanoVer,-) bamplon anu umiow. ' . FFXLQW-CIXiZENS, vSin Election will take pile? in Au- jLgust net, for a person to rtp'resent you in the . Congress 6f the United: Sttaes, t thus. publicly oTer rnyself as k Candidate for that important trust: rT.he iiartf J acted, durihglue revolu tionary waf, my political ; opinions, during that important period-and since the establishment of our Independence, also iny Ser.tiaientsor theNsiji years ,L had Jhe .honor to represent you . in Congress, are well known ; 1 therefore, deeru it. unnecessary to arnus'- t you with opinions respecting tbe,orisi-or motives of parties,.nor professions of i exclusive attatlimentjto theContitu- tibn of interests of the Nation. . J .My conduct shall continue uniiomu and my zeal unremitting dor genuine arfd rational Republican Government,. as guaranteed by ournational compacts the Qonitution shall be my guide in all political , concei;ns--the , P?acc, Liberty and Happiness of -the L'n'ed. States my. sole, objccU' ; , , , . :-r: Notwithstanding the ' .calurrit'y oT a few individuals I am fu(ly coniident that the present' Admint&tra'.ion- of the Ctovernihent of the United States, is nUe,cconomicid and just, and. calcu-' lated to secure the f-isrhts, liberties and true interest cf the people.' Should I be honored with a jnajovity of your sijiTi'ages, my time and jtalents sP.all be invariably emptuyed for Ihi: interests of my .Constituents, and fuf the Union .generally. ; . With the highest respect ..: . ;..X IhaveUKrion6;noUc,(k-ntlemer, : YouVnibst obedient servant, ' JAM HIS GiySlUE. '."l WicMttroow,' Match lktt. ,fO:R';H A 1 1'. .. i ; That yai.uai!e Plantation; 1 WE UTi k now n byV'the name of'Sp'niMo , Fistb.s. in tlic ,ntiiii'joiir.h'h)4 of Ro'ckey Po'nt, a bout orte niile FroVp the Ferry, and 15" fro n VVil.oinitoo, . coul,itrg 6c a ores , o ne Jin n cl red and twenty" of'hieh U tiJc.Swa:tip, thirty acres of w4iich is cleared.. $5 acres inl.ind fwavup, backed And ditched, end has been planted l?vcul- years, ah 1 .pfoti- . ced excellent-Crops g fo fiio.ved r ha 1 i t may he., watered af any tirxie from the Mjll pnd . AbQut . . . 360 acreSvOt upland, cklr (i! quali'y fjoo t,) well rplcula ted fir the curture of C'rii,Co;tnn, or ft.ijit gruin ; abctit' filly alrrcs 6f gcod ujilmVi to clear t lie rrriiain-' in part Ur.w'cll tinil ct.1 vy'i'l) pine timber, and very convenient to the jaiTtaioa.-'..,. , . .. , , .... r. There, is-, on ire reiffi. a two rtory houfe, - 4.0 feet long - aid ,51 wide, in which ''here ia a feared Giiil Milf, the.(iir;cj 4 i-i tret diameter, ar,l 4 Rice Machine that woiks eight j'tflles. Tldi Mathfi e i worked by the f-mc watcruvjartl ihat work the fl ore's ,'feparate or boih together, on fo limple a plan that any comtno i' Carpenter may. make the nctcdary tcpaitr, when rtrquire.j. , . Alfo, a brick Darn 4S ;ct long and 22 feet wide, lately new cover ed ' a dwelling houfe,' kitchen, and a number of out huufes. . . The above dtfcrlbcd Lands lay on the north-eafl Riverj and there is a erect runmrv tlirr.nrh it navi gable for fmall oit titatly Jo the centre, its . iMiution ( 'or range it eq'yal to any Iti the county. IndifpiifaMe gooj thf:i will' be inade, , anJ immediate olfcfnon given o ine purciuicr. Any pejfon wifbing to purchafe fa'ul Planjstion will pleafe pply 10 the fubfciihrr at Grcen.Ficlds near Wil-nington. HENRY HALSKY. January 20, if. . . . , NOTICE, " THE libfvvlbers being i!aly ap, pointed AfTigncei l the tOatc and, clfcili of AlHAHA'w M. IfAACC!t'a bankrupt, under the Taw to ellablilh an jnifcmi fyfterrt of nar.kruptcy throughput the Unit, ed States give notice 6 ill per font indebted to hc fld Ahrri.imRl. Ifaackror 10 ihc firtii pf ar.d Hifhop, to make paymrni vi;lu oul delay. "1 Ail rcifoM who may he in pollcdion.ol ffcur'nlei for rpl. lection,, property in. Irufl or other wife, art recjyire Jt,to ddivtr jbem up. ,, I hole bavmR i:imaiidt are requcUeu,,to eah,ibt. them for ad. jullmcnt id I). 6MITII, n a - t' .a Ma 12. . At J net 1. -V.;.;'Kotice:"1-' ;' THE fubTcriberhavingciuly ami hfied, as, executpra . tq the lafl. j. will andtettanieni of Lewis Tho- mas, uteot uupilin.coiinty, dec rerjueUall perfons indcbied m th. eftatp of faidThpma$, :0 come for ward and fettle th6ir accounts ; and tnote . who . nave deman.ts iHi-a.ic are required, to exhU bij ihcrh properly auth ?nii- . ,k k 1 cated to the OibfertKri, within the tiinj.pTvribed. by jawr, .otherwiie they vv baj red of recover v. . . ltviN VVATKtNS, -i i lAMkS RAUDAN. f May 26. . . ; 'THREE, HUNDRED DOLLARS llKWARDi . . . 1 N the Niftht of Satut dav- the fi.W ftp Anril ' t nV 11 BRISTOL k MOSES TS&FZ7t u iiw. 'rt' vw- nf rh. five feet ten inthes or i six feet lugh .'of blacV complexion, ahd rather down look ex'cept-wheri plea sed, lor which case he shews much cunrdqg . arid artifice bofii by hjs 4ans guage;.,and smues-tie rn..avay frohi John G.. Blount Esquire, some I of age; very handy about carpenter years ago, and after weeks of persua- ing, vaiung,-glazing, painting and . sion and 'many fair promises preval in a variety. of. way, .but a greit led '.on -the v subserjber, to; p.urthase thief, and drunkard-i-Tcn . Dollar's him upon an expressly', stipulated ' reward will be paid and .all reafon condition that havng been- used to hn, chapj,e? for delive-rtrW. him k " his plantation and management for the ;r Belvedere. If harboured 6t carried time treaty k -with , Mr. "Blount, and being satisfjed to submit xo any .Kinu 01 vor or uiscipiujc oft the other Negroes,,, if he ran a way .'after -dnrving mc into a loss by inducing, me to purchase , atxl then asbcoiKliiTg, he would besattisfied to ibrfaiit his head he wss solemnly as w. tiuredthal a reward for h'13 head would , be offered in such esse. ..Hcliasnow -left my.tserY;ce without the smallest provocation, without having ever been whipped in it without iindergoing the most laborious und disaftrecable parts of diuy,''after coniTnlttinpf some ai.d Jieefl accusttl 01 ruany thefts, and un der pecu iurcircumstanccs. of trench- )ro.vocution.-I do, therefore, erv and in consequence of the obovementioned solerrm assurance, made to him and with nis own consent, efier.a Reward of .FIFTY DOLLAR? to.any person who-will produe'e to me his Head, stj .Viiixd from his hody .provided he is ; Shot in being taken' or ttiakinu' his es- cape when callfed on to.Anrrrr.dir. j! Instead of inlicihtr l.arty,. herenfttr ii mentioticd, to r'twvn, to his . duty, l whir.h lu istol anuised me with, the faiiv est prothici.of db'u)Hr, 4ic persuaded to actfohipany, hii brothei-in-law5 v. .i.'-o j ..... ..'il '..:.1.'f ii i. itiv 1 -:,.-, n. hioiiL veiiowisn.ietiow ni about-21.vearsof?r;, and -5 fctt 8 ! iiuJieshigh, who was horn ond bred secvice and has , hitherto coii. ' ducted himself in Such an exemplary manner as -neither to have 'deserved tr reccivel the smallest corporjil pun. f ifcliment within my recllcctiou. Ik ' 'servednaii appixnticeship with Antho- ; aiy Hall, blarksmiUi, in Wilminr;tqn, to whom he has been hired for seme ,mt ,,e time past, and whose employment Jeft by the base artifices and. pern iion of Bristolhaving on'a blue jut'; t-t, nnd brown trousers t but carried with him a blue brond cloth coat, ens- il simere waistcoat and nankeen vir- alls, In consequence of his uniform good conduct, if he returns ahoi tly .to the said Anthony Hall he will be forgiven. , ' .' ' . ' L RUV upon suffering a rcry val uable Flat loaded with balla&t, to sink by his extreme carelessness, ran away in February, 1802, while 1 was absent on a KU to South-Carolina ; he hod before left my service arkl remained out tir upwards of a year, but on re turnin; to his duty was forKtven, and during his staying at home was'not (that I know of) punished for any etuie I Ir is a ycllowiil) nero, shews his teeth generally, from bU lip being1 ra ther shoH;hi face it. pitted, although not deeply, .by the imjl p0 I be, is thirty years of gs imUtx fcct.hlghj and has long been, lurking about the plantation neat the mouth of UlacL oni nwr iiis mmmi 01 lihh- ind entisinC t-p and udwi, that Nortt.1: River, b,in? hsr- at di(reretperhdi lamia. ilivtr, ami and the Northern loured at di (Tercet periodic I am i rftr(i. talk i. hiatk .n.l K!u. t. 5 tons. .Iiristol ami he, Certainly lnid frequent communications Jately, and 1 believe I.ristot haa .contrived (he plan for their escarp towards Nenbtrn and Washington, oa ut of the, state b? water, )ravinrfrqynt intercourst with vessels during his worklnt? tils winter at my wharves is ana opposnt Wilmington.. y ; . Fob arprtTitadiop and dchvfnty; UBISTOL alive,, either at Bclvrdvrc or Wlmin:.nfc I. i1I Rive TVLN 'j TY DO Lu R i ' Tt FAV A UD Vor a 1 1 lit delivery cf LARRY or MOSES , TF.N DOLLABH,andifbroughtfrom any dutance, all rcatomUla ;crar. pes paid In additlon-Jn preofef their bcinj hatbouredby a ctlourtd person onelf m-JTif' and en sacie ' proof against a wniw person, aouoip ; -tne, said Ucvraras ; cacn on convicuan Lof th offender And furthermb'aS j the dangerous practice f iarry Negroes from Wilmington t6d Its, vi cinity, out : of he state, by water, na9 i intreascd in ah alarming and most mischievous degree,. I-will give ,ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS op proofo any person carrying-or attempting io carry either of the , said. Negroes, out bf the state by water on their conyio lion of 'felony agreeably' -to law,; or . the above mentioned sum of.THBEU i HUNDRED DOLLAHSvfoaji ,;tikc -coavktion.Of three fliffcreBt persons ' can vino' the said three runawavs , H wilfully attempting to carry them-out r otthe state by water, withm tae mea " 1 my oi aaiu iaw-, . , t v Alfo' again ran away on Tuefday . .- . f-.i . imungiuii anu in unti.uuuiuuuu, rJ"JfM nV?.T' SnSfe" 1 ien icra irecman, aun win piooaDiy Undeavour tb;travcl to fome.diltaiit PUce ei!,lcr byJand. or water, a different, name, bet haps I ACICi I thetoUowihg defcription" may iqc -j be vnnece(Iary-He is a dark mutat iffo,6f thin vifage apd make,;. abcut. ' 6 feet ten inches hish and o ysarsT . ,L. ... . f y the abovemrnfioned : BENJAMIN SMITIL -fWHm!ng'oii,;Miy 28. '.".. ty TEN DOLLARS REWARD. ' V ri5C:ONl)lUrrom the fubV '"V-ftriber about two months and ! n h-lf tmce, withoui the had f rc ! vocaMon, Negro JOE,-.- a - aylc ' by trade, 20 or 28 years of-Jic,:of ' 1 n . : 1 1 A . 1 iiw nuiiirr, veiy uiacK., pt-iicu.wivw tie fijuU pox fpeak a Creole French .. and-'' broken i Englilht : commonly wears rini;s in his cart, A: is milked ' j on, his right breast wnh the Icticrjl , p. p. a4mofl illegible. He has a .. witc at Mr. Henry lLilfcy's,4 neaf Wilmington, at Catfi(li,oroi)Rock- -' eY-pt.nt, and rib doubt is harbour, ed at ohe of thofc places and worki at hit trade. ; wi'l give ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for in. formation' which may lead to coifc. fiction of bis bti igharboure!d by. i, ' Th'ue rtfon, TWENTY.FIVIi if by x Ne3ro,.H.ihe above reward li for oprehcrulinc anddcli veritiu hint Ltd -me,' of lodging him in jail la 'I .( . . t .i . ' : uiai i gaiurnv - tx . .-. , -vj . will a!fo give a reward of TEN DOLLAUS, .fo apprelu-ndjng -i negro man rametj GEOKGE,- who rt away irom Charleflon, S. C. aboirt 8nmnths agnhe ;-was forr mctly the propeny of Jamei Mo. rand, who lotd him to Francis Fuo laine, d Co. and ali refcnt below jj to Peter Go'njiown, f Charlefloni J S. C. George is about 30 or 34 ! 5 f' iw hci hiafll ii or .thcrcaouutf, liim.mai'e, ami i ery.tlack-rre rat a wUo afcapti lames ' alkei'a plantaiioii, . near vVilmipgion, where it ii fuppofed ne -ii iiaiDoureu,'' , . : , . Mailers of vcirda and all other? are cautioned againlti hatbouring, employing or carrying the faid ne groes an ay. . ' . y TETER WISS. Wijmfngton, Apiii 2f , . ; sTirrsrr'firs Dondtt Rirjtn. , RAN away from the fubferiberj in Wilmington, 00 Tueflay the 29 b f March lall,a negro mart named FRANK, iv or 22 years of age, about c feel 8 or Q inches I. h'glii rather Cender made, to'crablf ij black, and likely,: hat very littto j beafd and that chiefly on hit uppcf " lipi and appears never iq have been Ii fhavtd. He wai formerly the prop , ... f n, e 11,11,, ! lnUUtt , -V L-M Auflan. cf ! P'hafed h.m. J fuie f Dr. S. Ilabiiitr. and (atel , whom . I eft he wilt ' to 'ef to cti en board fome teffel in onier to make hit cfcape. - AU 1 rna(leri,,of tireIi and trrf , are t ciutionfd ajaifil harbuuilogj em ' plojirg or tarrying him awat yndeC . the- fevered penally of. ih liwr I j WJ g;Te Ihe abo reward 10 any pftfol, whdwiU lake up faid iuniwa 1 . .. e- hlm t0 rtf . 0. fefura .j h. . ... f . . t 0ti , ' .1 alfo cive a reward 0? Fifty Dollars 4ot information .ihat may lead, id conviction of LU' bciog harboured or concealed on board any veuel of clfehiie. I DAVID GUEE K'lmiVrcs, ArH 1 1 10 j. If IS FT I .1 V .1 X..

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