Published weeWy 'xIkjva ifrfi at fait? Doit as a Yeab V t THURSDAY, JUSJE 9, ife03. Vol. 7, No. 534. - x?pO? end STATION ART.- Geffor' Hiflory of France, froiir the, earlicft timet lo the complete eflMiQiaen of ihe. Republic, '. . Gibbon' Roman Empire, MilloiN'Eleroent of General Iliflory, -. Millot Element of Ancient Hiftoiy, Wimerbo ham' .Hiflory of America, """ Gordo)' HriUry of he American Re volutien. -" - . . , , ; Coldfmuhy Hiftorj of the Earth and ; Animated Kaiore, . ' ThehiOoryofilindoflan, . ;XJwardhiaory ofthe Well-Indies, "iRobertfon' Charle c. h, . Goldfmith' htOory oV England, . Golnfoikh'i Works, . Robert fr n't hillory of America, ,Xopk'i.,Vovage$, . SiewanV Element' of the ph'lo'foplly Vf '.,-' the human mind, Rced'a Effayi on the intelleflual power . - of man, ' - . . - .. . v.. Jecrn' Notei on Virginia,. American Lex ercajona, V Nicholfon' .Navigation. ... !unt.'a American N.vigtor, i Amricao Coafl Pilot,. Motlt't Univerfal Geography, ' ' Uniyerfal Gaieneer, Johnflon', Jonei'i, Bailey' and Enticki k DiQiopariet, -,: . Xady l.uxborough'.Leqerfi J? armei'i Letters, 'i yBotaiinical Harmqgy't . Fardyce on,ducation, " JJIait' Sermon!, and Lecluret', Reply to Wilbetforce, ; Stcrn'i Works', ' ... .: : '., . SprQatorj ' , r t. Hiflory bf Women', , . i . A colleflion of die moft eflceroed' mo- .' df rn fohgi, '. ' The Patriotic Songftef, y j Mafonir, do. Evelina, .. Complete Letter Wiiter, t Peregrine Pick le- ? Fordyce' Addrefle, American Preceptor, , T Rambler,' iidoker-On, . .. tPHitt ef AdJirfft-- -. - ... . Do. of Uerrey", Dn Ouiiotte, s Colombian Orator, Life and Work of Fi anklin'i Mifleriei of Udolpho, Mord-tiri, Adelaide de Saneerre, Female FounJIin. . Theodore or the Gamefler'i Progiefs, ConHant Lover. Vicar of Lanfdowi, legffar Uoy, Lord Ritefij , , , Kjingoftbe Brjrgart, Ortenburg Kami yj fol of Q ia1ii, , Tbompfon'i Selfom, ' Hoylc'a Gimci, ' Perplexities ', , I!i(Ury f Jiha Adam'i AdmioiBraiicn, Aaron Buri'a roliift De faioni, &c. , tetiny or the D.llreHti oi Love, lioore'a Miwitori' Sandford and Merton, Scoti'i Lcltttni, . .Vv Autficin Selefliomi V ' ' B'iufllClalCcki, Uawkcn'i Mfafuttr, . , . Dafidfon'a Virgil with ifit Cnglilb Iraof. lation, Keeker'. Relig :oui opinion!, Paley'i Evideociei of CbriQiaai feutlai't Analogy, Edwardi'a Affettioni, t Uallybonot)' Memoin, ,. Doddridgt'i Sermoo, 1 foung'i Lciitr,' , Irowo'a Coacordasce, tuj Mediiationi, EUgaot Prayer Bcoki,' .Common io, fQtf .-' . Vatti' Pfalrai and Hymni,' Aucban't DomcQk Medicior, ' Cwllcn'i Meitria Mtdici Rotk'i Eafuiriu lUnter m ihi Blnod, lonijctiih Mufdei, , , Pligut and TtHow Fever, Edenbtirfh fharuKopvi,, ' ' . Ariflwlt Worki. CofBitatio otbe Uahtd Smci lad ef tb levtril lattf, Taylor ' Rrpori, liy Effiyi, ' " ; rubier Ob!gatioftt, Ceafor'i Cooitmn'aiiM,' CorMlini Nrpoi, ; , Yovg'i Una aod Eitgltfi DidcWrj, AiaUofib'a do. do. Emttk'i 4c. . 40t Lee'i Amr',tn Accountant, Vttut't AfliNafit, Ttlaovan, I'faltcn and Spellirg Boola, Childfeo Bki and PaplUi, Cnaruof iiititv iiada, CapeFca Plot, . . - ' . Seamen t Journal, A variety .of Blank Books, GHt and plain Utter "piper, . . Writing fa'per Sealing Wax, Waftr, . . Quill, and Sand, - . . Almanacs for the vear 180a. and A general alTortment of Blanki, t Wilmington, June 9. i L II To the Elcdors 6t ie Di- vifion cbmpt-efiendiiig tlic counties ot Bladen, Brunf-. vick, Ouplin, N. Hanover, , Siimploii aikl piiflow FKLLOW-CITIKN. ' V S an Election will take .place in A11 gu'it nfext, for a person to represent you in t'.i? Congress of the UAUl Sttaes, I thus publicly, affer .riyscif as a Candidate for that important trust, The part I acted during the revo'lu tlonary war," my political opinions daring that important period and since" the establisbtnent of our Indepentlenc'e, jrtco my Sentiments for, the si years I had the honor to represent you in Cdngrfssafe well known ; I thereiorje deeni it unnecessary to .amuse : you with opinions respecting tbe origin or motives of ..parties, noj professions of exclusive attachment to the Constitu tion; or interests of the Natioru-'t-.'.w My conduct shall contimte iiniforip, and my zeal unremitting tor . a genuine tndf rational Republican Governmentj 'as guaranteed by our national compacts the Constitution ..shall be rhy guide in .al .political c6ricens--tthe Peace,, Li&erty . and. 'Happiness of Ihe United States mv sole object. t . r .' Notwitnstandiiig tjie calumny of a fey individuals, J; am fully conndent that the present Admini&traticfn of the Government of the United States, is. pure, economical and just, and calpu ja.t(d to secure the rights, liberties and true interest of the people. Should I be honored with a majority of your suITYages, my ti me and talents shall be. invariably employed for the Jnterests of my Constituents, and for ihe .Union generally. " . With the highest respect, . . ;,. I have the honor to be, Gentlerpcn, Your most obedit-nt Servant, , JMRS GILLESRIK. VitKiKcto?r, ilarch 2S, 1W)3. . . iFO II S AL E. T't vil liable Plantation, WELL kiown , by the name of Spring Fields, in the neiHhbourhoodof Rockcv-Pointi a- 'boot one mile from the Ferry, and 66 nerves, one hundred and twenty of which 11 tide-Swamp, thrrty of which is cleared. 35 acres iritand fwamlii banked and ditched, and has btcn planted Icveral yrars, and iroJu ced excelUnt. Crops ;is fo f! tunc J that it may. he watered at any time from the. Mill pond. About 300 .-Teres or Upland, clcnr- l, (itfc qualiiy good,) well calcula ted for the culture of Cprn.Cotton, or fmill grain ; about fifty acrciot good upland lo clear.;, the remain ing part is well timbered with.pioe timber, and very contcnieai tcr the plantation. ' , , There is on the premifei a two' rtory houfe, io feet long and n vtdc, in which there ii a geared Griil MillJ the flones a i.i diamctcf, and a Rice Machine ihjt woikj eight pcrtles. This Machine is vrorked by the farpe water-wheel that worl the flonei feparate or botU together, on fo fitnple , a plan, that any common Carpenter may maie, the oecetTary repairs, when required. Alfo, a bnVk Utrn 48 feet Jong and 21 feet wide,, lately new cover eJ J a dwelling oufe, kitchen, and a number of out houfei , The above defcribed Lands lay on the wmh-eifl River, and there Is a creek running through it cavi. gable for ftnalt boats, nearly, to the centre Its . fitaatlon lor range is equal to any in the county. .. . I ndifpu table good tides will be made, and immediata foflcflion given to tfvc purchafcr. Any perfon wifliing 10 purchafc uid Plantation willplcafe apply 10 the fubferibtr at Green-Fieldi rrar Wilmington. HEHRY IIALSKY. Jtiuart 30. if. r s t WAJfTKDjrO-- CllAUT JS R - , - ., fothe' '..: ' WefUiKjles, One rw 1 ves- 7.selsfrom' 120" t6 340 tons. ' Apply to - ' , FRANCIS FCNTA1NE.' Wilmington, April 1V . v . '. Liverpool coarse . THE Cargo , of the fiiip John Jones, j John Alliv matter, ju IV arrived trom Liverpool, (or fale -'p -IV :;AVILfciAM -GILES. 7une2-i4w. J .' Jus ricefdrota tienYorkJjyht sch'r. . Lavatcr eapt. Bell. ; j . An elegant ailortment of TTpiNE Prints) large" Locking J Glaircs, with mahogany frames; Pcrfpe&ive GlafTc witlua grat variety of elegant Views in Europe and America ; Spy GUflTcs of the firft quali y ; Weather Glafles Thertpom-'tors; &c. ice. The lubferiher intends leaving tjiis twn for Fayetteville, foon af ter the rif of the enfuing county coyrt, and will difpofe'of the fore going articles on . moderate terms, ATHdNYPORRl. June a. ! 1 . , " FOR S A L.E, . 1040 Acres of well timber M , : L4.ND , G'N Afhe's C re-k, known By the name of Bcar-Girdcn, on . which there, is a good mil! fiat fu.ffi ,icntfcr tvo faws, on a lading flrcam. .A part of UiJJand ts well adapted 10 the culture 'f' corn and cdon, and the raui;c is tvel'enti The terms of payment will Us maleeafy to the purclufer. . 1 will' alfo i?i4t4f4pc.r spv'-" mepts of ti.v tloufts K'tuhcin lie. in Market. fjrect, until :lio nrtl of January next. . " i'or terms app! to- r .. l').,Ma!Iett'. AVUminton, May 19 . ' -., .-V - . x. i' O R S A L E. A Traft pc Parcel of Land ,C)nt(i'tttini 6ge, eertt t 0I the head of Bear and InUt ' Creek, cdjoining Mrs. Mwt's land and running airofs the twain r9ad about Msn tnilts from Wilt trington ffxty or Icvcnt acres of 'which is, good corn and which there is an exvt'.lcii' pi!I. llreant. The ftijmioi; is cUgible for a pt.blic houfe, and the ranp: i fuperior 10 any on the found, .For one hall amount prompt . pay ment will be jeffured, and a credit of twelve month iven or the other half, the pnfehafer giving bbrd and fccurit7. . For further particulars apply to A. Hall in Wil. minpton, or ti Che fubferibjr-on Rockey Point. . Hobcrt Howe. .May-19. ' v notFck. THE fubfciibJr having been appointed, and having rjtiili fifcl as A.lignecof the Dinkruptoy of George (Jibbs cf Ncw.Yoik, late of Wilmington, Merchant j hereby givis notice to all perfoni having unbilled account, to exhi. bit the fame fyr adjullmcnt. "Fliofo in any manner iodebted 10 the fall Bankrupt are requcliei to make iiii mediate payment to . Klci!AfD.DRADIXY NOTICK. A LL perfons indebted 10 the jtx. ,a htm of Ahtalm Mscltn- will pleafe to make payment to the rubrcriber, ho bv afliznmcnt of fslJ Daniel l ihlsdate isy,. (7 and txclupvth authorised foie ceivepaymeniof and grant rlifchar. s forfald.lehrs. ' , i HKNRYURQUIIAUT,V imnmmor, tMtU Matltmtit. Wilmiogton, May la. ' I 'V- NEW-YCRk, Ur iS. K ' . ; :-': ' The (lip South-Carolina, cart, Steele, in 39 dayt from, arrif cd a-'ihis po ypRerday. Wc have re ceived by her a file of Pari paper to th third df April, but ihej Furnidi no new Ao.MMeUigent gendeman who came paf. f "nger in the Souih. Carolina, and who 'during hit refi;lence ii Franc hii em ployed himfelf jn noting, wi:h rhuch prr cifion, the "pairing tiding of he times,' hat " obligfngty furuilhed ui with the foU lowingparticulatt . ' j. . . . Mr. Monroe ; nA not arrived at Ha vre on the 6;h of rtprif. ' ' Geiicral Ik-rnodotte had received in ftrutlion . to be ttf rfadioef m tiU ' depanurefurjthe United States in the ! ntoflih of Miyj a fOimller pleoiptxemi- a-y.. reUOHe wtft Je.nunl.?rou and the fplendpr bf tha-'fijiUIT)' ' MiUj if 'n thoV, be wiihoat ifty previou exjtnp'c ' AC'cr the ftrd cj of Germinal, March j ai,-tne current Cn;nii ihe Prech repub. lie will bear ihe ( inisije and uperfcfij liorij of .the full cr.ful. '. . f- Miha remained i. 1 pofTtfllon of the Bri.rjh ; and it wi .(lme,;l thai ihe French had relinqn.&cd it for feven yejr. ":i x ;, . ... -:. The ifldtid of Sardinia, tceording to repor', hid been purctufed-by the fciig hlh govtrnmeni fir thiriy tBitUoVu of li vre 1 but die French had exprelled ihr devermi'ia ion to prevent (be taking pof. fcffion thereof. , ; y.. 1 Corjen beiween Enqljnd and Frante wefe trVfj uerit, Mr. Wrigh1 (a nicflf n ffpi) paffed through Hivre on ihe s$,h JVljrch,. on Kit wuy to Pari', On being jiieflionc'd4 Wrux he thoiighi nfihu pic lent cfifi P he anUeud, h will ba de, cided in a fw day. y ., ' .. .x v - The ittiir.b'r ;f fn(;!iij'.r.;n at Paris tvas computed at it.otio. ' Tln wrM . , . . j kavinvihat citv w h much nrfr!nii.n!,; 1 The P itchef of Djrf.-t and her (on had 1 take n jeve of the bdl conful, and were to oiu'i l'jntod ihffounh of April. Tl.8 trruaraiimit for- wirin hi- n, of the French prngrcffej .11 wly j and' from ihit ciiruiniUnce. as well as from ' the . fippofi ion, that Duoiupaite wcild m -hc fomw f.cnfioe ions iove 4f ofa.-r. hfli iiies weie nVt exurUrd 10 take ,!. at prefer.i. In the mem time ihivfjatenf fufpence bat vey injjrumt rftVtls on ' cotnfrcr. . V. (Mi rcaiy to fail for H paru of the world were waning in- port ' for.the detifu.o of tlii impoum rjielliv. on; and t!ie raiet of inlurince, .whiih " tte at TV 4. had nfn 10.' 3 . and) 4 1 1 r cent. . f-., Tcmy fliipsofihe line were cn He Ht cks ai B r II. ' . . j 'Ihe Till cot. ful having determined to I ptit vi. Dmningrt in ilie sarte llaic itbe- j fora the rtvo oti.n, icowmcn weir 10 . be lni thrre in the month f May. The , nepite'if of general. R(Khiirrteat wat at ' Havre, tcady to fill for the Cape. He wilt b ihe bearer of d.foatchei for fn' cnlc Hon ibe fi:Q. coi f ij, hich ii ii faid coniain oidert jtl to SJ)tr any of the. ncgroet. liken in icbcll.on I , lanjait rcniairird h tofpJinrnieni in the tower of befjt.conl All ih it gross found in r iace were' arreflcd and uken w board the (iip v Bed j 1"hc Iff tl conful and Lrvly, the m: riflei of wir, of th n et'cTr, ind of fi. tunce, the ciofelln of II j r, fcnaim, ' and fevrral 1 tliccr f dia( i h a jj-iad of.tiod men, iere u he lan mi ihe tsth of My f.r liiufidi, hte tSvf weie to It met by .he Lhale, the Tmj tf PiulSa, aiid:i,cu .Mrfican. This mrtiii i ipp-iiVd 10 have fn inject an a. bine b-iwien Audi , Tiullia ana Fiance. , F.e.yji,wt evacuaxd by she Dii.ifh on ihe ,'h of Kebiuaiv. . Alectei fcniiOL couflia. It ' i. t.'.A rat mcieairtf Hje iilvwinr ..f - . . t . ' - ' iff i j fonfMl lu the immenae funi ef jjG miJjjps i.l :UM I., ll wi luiri per annum. Tbe vcfltfli hued out i!;e expediti on to Louifiana were yri i4 the rum .f ftiflfi fiivirg declared :hjt on iheir 9 logou!, the ru fei of hi i.U n t,u'd like poiftluon bf iL:n, it pr-bablr iln caufeofiheiiietenion. Thiy Ium tern ready fi fr more ibtn I f iu. ih. - imtii cvsarMr at iiavki, :" Munk 2i. . Cotton, Ceo. llp.e, if c. ' - Do. (bort flaplr. I ij great k leinatd, Indigi, . , Caiolma Bire, Cirohaa Tobacco, Virgin, do. Miiylaod 44 0 '9j 1 41 n demana bo la it . f 9J r ltd 1 10 flour. nthiher,tCJit.Mr.3oln 1).' Martin had put into the balurday'imail a Utter addremdlo bis lorrtsjiuiMlcni "V V v ' . v".' -v. H " ', Keftry P. Frar.Hn, r.t Providence, X L and had the Precaution to tlka " Vwitness with jhiro to see it dMe j jk - letter had beeaf atea.aa- dcttle and throvirn into t4;e,rlroper pigeon hole'; but on makid p the mail afterwards for Providende tfie letter ras misin An alarm Ensued and muea ineffectual search waa made Ir it;M (Mr. Bauman the :pot-mastc' cn being made ac cuainted with the circumstance conv inenced an.eJtamiflationof the pSckeit' T of all the' stsrants in the ';pf1y:c,$i't ' vneltrtthf nothing to.confintiiiih'su's picions aainstany one iir paHicula; But Mr.- Badmar going 'soon afttf'! wards irttd ihe necessary fie there dis ,coteife;d. v. letter ly inj opidn in tbevbot- , (oniofthe vault,- whicli wMpftrture i rjd Uirned ont tcJjeVh(4derltical NejV-.'" putt' letter, purport contain-. fltK? ," dollars 4 Ile'.lwiiiiy returned to iK office'tn his hand, and it ttas reV "conditedtliat one of the asi3tint9.-hc had gone to breakfast, ha'dlake'if '06c. aion to go into the yard siofa- after i lhe 'alarm was given. He instantly sent torhjm and confrdnted him AvUb.Abc " leUer"r lie deniedit still; he wacvtl'er. taken before the' police.tmd therfHit conferee! his guilt. . lie addcci that had! Mr. "Bauman' proccede'cV far If notlf h he, would have found the money upon hi ni at his first exanlirfaVib he had it then concealeoUrf the knit . 'f Ids pantaloons j'iU ttt!t in Kt prv tUrbation' he had seized the Srst md .meiit after Jie readied homsr lo. tjn'ow it into the (in to jjfe vent' detHtiicrt; Tliis was found to biirte, by quet tioning ali.ttW glj l who saw ,him '-btrfc .paper immediately after hc..cJam"e::.iif, The name of this unhappy yoizrfgvhtiri is William II.', r,nn of a f. Veiner who resi.decl Jsoine 'ti;ne sinp'J lit Hartford,- GorinccMctit.-E; ttfH ' Extract of a letter from Do'ru(cui: Jatcil 2d April, received by aGentkbiati 'in'"" tfiit city from his cjrresponjcrll.i ''-."J ?- A 1 ihe tepons uf. Vtr,-sv?hiti iredatly circulated; ndcont rziclcd as oftenl have tlieefred of rcnd'cU Mis gloomy There are ft, oig appre lienfioi.a' df war . wjieh ilia areat ' iii.4i iiiuii ic nuking in' iing. I.tnd are confidedred : but ;yv'ii.e verthelcfs, flatter ourfctves .that. Peace will be preferved. France is Tiot arming It iseven faid.thaf vcrnmcnt' difpofsfd t id make fa-' cri ficcs.. -f he Expcdiiion for LotiU n.anaj-now lying at Flufhing, lt countermanded; They write from' Paris tlut the Americans rtillretaiii the fame privilege in Loufian Which they have- hitherto enjcy'edj They;f;o farthc, atvf fsyiht this prrince vi ill be ct.-d tp. thetnf l.ich I cannot believe. A courier through tlus city la'fl evening on his vs to Spain, who reported ihauhe r'i.fcrenics bettetn the twp montrks were nearly arranpcdi The horrironihifday is trtore ealni but liuls" bbfuicfs was done on change." . 1 ...-.' Te tin Ziitjr of the McrcnntiU Ad , vertier t y ' . Ncw.Yoik) May l6i sir, -: " 7 ; . I am rcfjttetled by t-ur Minifter in France m communicate pub'icly that helmj on the mhrd March fc ocWeit the moll fljt'eiig letter m tiifwcMftfwc addrifT.ct by him 0 the Firil Conful, d-i the liibjecl cf vurdcUi.'fc in .which .the rnjl fnll aiid corip'cfe afTufiKcs ar? h en ilfat every lctr of ilie conveu tion Iha'l b. ptind tally complied with That ihcir finances , are ca ps!!c of nircting all engagement, and ilfat exn were ii oher'ife, ar.d ihougl, it Humid fnbjccl ihem m panut inconveniences, he would . I.ill . I . I jttllice, and ca'ls upo the minillera j , III llVHiailUt VI iu maae t ut tne accritit-s ol Ame rican U;m, for n l.ii h promifca a full Jud ready payment. .Tha winilUr a N, that he tuts ihia'ear" ly initilicncc, becaufe it will pro bably come ihriinghoiher channels, as he ititcnJid tuitil ihe Amrrlcan at Paris lo-cthcr, ifu t ext day, aid Comniunicart ii 10 il.ein. in 1.M h ' cifche feared ll at intcitlUdpeifi,f niiht fpecu?aie on the wvnia ti 1 .1 i- . . . . nu,ir who rare ah fuftrttd ion Mtih by the delay, lie concludes ly fi)i'g that, without being abfo-1 lifly certain, he thought ha tnlghi eorfide in,tht. promlfes fofalemnly made, ard that he would prefs ea gerlyfdr their eaecuiion. EDW. p, LIVINGSTON. I ' t US i i -i1 . 1 1 1' j! 1.