V ,- a. f.. - . .-V a '!-- . "' - - .. L a -.-, T' a - - : r t r -aw irtf 'a" 1 "" 1 . Yo 7, No 1?ublished weekly by Allmaso HjU, at Tarn Dou.s Yeas J .jTHURDAt, JUNE 3d, I 1 if ! 1 1 1 i Frtm tfUXitsroitCaBoxiax, , TaiEXAiaNER-d. I.'P Text- 3 A Democracy js scarcely tolerable at any .period of national . history.:' Its omens are always" si nister, and "Uvpdwers ai;e unpr-' pittousi With all the lights of ex perience, blazing before our eyes, it is imposiible not, to .discern the futility of thisyhrm of government. It was weaV and wicked in Athens. , t was bad in Spirta vand worse in Home. It has beenjfiedin" France , and terminated in despotism. It was tried inV England, and rejected -with the .utsiosA loathing anil abhor ' rence. It is on its trial here, jmd the isiuetuill be civil war, dissolution nJ anarehj. No wUe man but discerns - its Imperfections; no good tnafi."but Ihudders at its miseries, no honest -." man but proclaims its, fraud, and no j brava man out draws his sndord avcuAst I ' its force. The institution 6f asdierhe; - of polity, so radically contemptible " and vicious, is a memorable example I of what the villainy. ef ' some men can devise. The folly'of others receive I ' and bo'th. establish, in despite of . reason reflection and sensation.-. Boston gazette and Port Folio."' ArTER reading the above "para- l graph, can any man hesitate to declare " tlat thqre h a party in this countryop posea 10 our present system 01 goveriv ment ? That there'are men who stand ready to draw their swords, t6 over th'ow the Constitution ? For this pur pose, it is probable, an army was raised uhdfr the last dministratiori7 , and after pleasing . themselves with prospects highly favorable to its ac complishment, they have abused. Pre sident Jefferson and others,, that their views hav , thus far been frustrated. Whea such writers reprobate Dem ' ocracy,it is Republicanism they Vcan to deprecate; for there is no other species of Democracy, either in the Federal or State.Governments. What system of D:mocracy is oneratine: in any part of tReiX)nion, h.iCbv,pofr I tends M civil war, desolation . Jiud anarchy" I Where is the man who k discerns its imperfections, or shudders at its miseries f or where is the u hon est man who would draw his sword a gkins its force" ? These are the lantings of a treasonable faction, who Jliirst for carnage and desolation ; and , who never will be satisfied .till they Jittc annihilated every attribute which cebignates Republicanism. . The writer of the above toraerat)h h called on, to point out explicitly what te. means by ileclannj, that the in v.itution-of a scheme .ofDolitv f which lie stiles Democracy) so radically con temptible and "tirious, is a memo- TrLle example of whatj the villainy of ante men can dcvise and the. folly pi others receive and establish, in despite . -t)f reason, .reflection and sensalipn"! As there are no other systems of 1 polity established within the United Stales, than the Federal and State Constitutions, he must certainly revert, to one of them. Taking it for granted that he reprobates the Federal Govern' m.Tif, I would ask him whether he consi ders authors of that institution destitute f ,f 44 reason, refaction and sensation") Has he th'e eFrontery to declare, that the adoption cf it, . is a tnemorablo example of the villainy of some men, and the folly of others" I Does not the r.ame of Waihixotok accompany this Instrument, and will he presume to J rank him as the most prominent til- tain, by admitting his signature to ac company its , promulgate arid sanc tion its ntification f Will, this intur KrtM 5ra w his sword" to annihilate tho work of this patriot or describe he men who devised the mea'sure. as precipitating our country into clil wr, desolation and anarchy C , ; We have of late a few mm sculk. Ing within the ser ports, and employ lb their renegadocs in the country ton, to rtpnilMtt fitpuhlicontm un der the terra Democracy j but they have neither the honor or honesty to ( avow eiplicitly that they arc opposed . ti the present Federal Government. They call themselves JttfmNii$nstbul It Is as hilarious as Salcn's calling hfmttlf t CUthtla They ntttr srtre sincere hi their attachments t ,1 Rrpuhlicon ('.overrtftient, thenigh while thry cniortilall the advantspti rising front an eatravsgarit ij!m cf ' aJifiinistrsiioti, thry prrtended to pit. I nmtre its ctuiiinmerii. While Jncnturrs mere adopted wMrh tended 1 &hnltil1.lo irr tuiftrlttji f l . I, ititut iin, and vihile thry wcru J.H of wy lucrative etao.u- mint. then.foWooth, (it Wcs'slngt I ii Federalism were highly beatific but.the Anient the Administration begaaUoitakela cntfary direcliqn, these men discovered their hatted to all the fundamental principles, of .aur national compact,; .and by means.the most; fallacious are. undermining the basis on which the sUpefstructtire,'is founded. There isjiot a man within the high' flying federal party, errtplu' tically allied the Juntos ; but ' wouia reject with the utmost " loathing and abho.rence,, every quality f Repub-i Hcinism retained in thcFexIeral and State i Constitutions. ATI .their confi dential cbayersatipiTi is, unequivocal to this point, and ail their, political mea sures tend in the most direct manner to effect, their treasonable purposes. Many of them da not' hesitate to de 'cUri in favor of ORnarchy. resefvijjfe 16 thipsfhes the, right of chusinguieir ! ivionarch, and having tne.. order ana privileges of Nobility exclusively, be stowed on thentsetos "and family.-, , Tli? Junto are no .farther Monarchists, th?fl that all power must be Cons'ol'r dted ithin their own party and that a lew. of their ' dignified characters should have, the sole aithot ity Vd put tip one and pit down another. This in their opinion would be a glorious reform and so tenacious are the indiVU duals who. compose this Junto," that they ever will be uneasy till they have j accomplished this' object -They are,;; playii.5 off every tricfe to effect this I purpose 1 they sometimes' pretend to ; be friends to the Constitution,, by stil- j ing themselves federal Republican ; , they publicly speak' respectfully of Mr John Adams, K sing fijmi tl Liberty but they privately abuse hini inter ms tt approt toils as they use towards Mr. Jef ' ferson. They sometimes flatter a man's vanity, by helping hiru to a prominent 1 seat in the- Legislature while at, the trf. .f.vA .n!W' ' .1.. ... n atuv 11111c iiicjf aptaiv nun iiic ui- j most, derision of his stability or intcgri- l ty, and at a convenient season..it ls probable, will be as ready to degrade , as they now are to elevate hini. j la order to Ainderstaftd these revilcrs 'ct Dmocrary, it. is proper to define r, their meaning by r.cefting to t'le . Co.istitution. As there is no other idea attiched to Democracy' than the rkhtotuJfi-age- either in the federal 1 or state constitutions,, the writer in- tends t6 urge every man to draw his sword in opposition to this-elective ! principle. The Essex Junto cannot ' but " bath and abhor" thfs right, as exercised by tradesmen ndolhera", , wnoei they stile the lower ordeV ol the people. After they have deprived tke Mechanic's of this ext'rtisc of Dc- ' f-vocracy, they will next strike M the class of lUtailio ? Shopkeepers alt 1 Cornhill falls under this predicament. ! .When the Junto can effectuate this a 1 ristocratical rcff.rm, tley will proceed ' to c hs'ider Farmerk of & particular description astmqualified votersthe ' dlstlnclioti lr. the country vrouldbe, I Esquire Such-vonc has a. right to ote, but ifr. tSuch-a-one has nou-If an hot est labourer should presume to , tcte, j the Junto 1 would draw their 1 swords", to prevent him. 'When l.-.!... . . c i. 4 I iiauoiiicii) laiiiici Hi wijiici pcri and Labourers are all deprived of their elective privilege, then the process -would go on with if.ore rrpidity j line, wouhl be drawn bclween the Giants and I'igfitirttfih Urn ; between Clergymen of the "order of the Uni-' teriity," and Dabtists UnivenaliMn, Episcepiians andtvery other rcli. clous denomination. Thus ln time. the great sytem ofe!ccthn would to confined-to that desenprton or men Wldch might be countenanced by. A Icxandcr, Timothy andU Uietr atio ciatvs ; and unless the people consent ed to approve 61 their dccuicns, the ". sword would .be drawn" to enforce ' the'ir pious determinations. When ' this scheme of polity was rompletely ciivcted, their; wise men of the cast" would discover lit perfections then the " brave men" would return their swords Into tt:e IcabboardiTahd ihe "ttnamon perj4" wfuhl be slloned peacealdy to maVe thtir obeisance to their lords and Masters, and humMy adore the' "liihti ofexptrier.ee llax Ine before their ryeju ' -llail, halcyon days, when Republi canism shall be so far discarded, that no " honct man" but trH.liims its fraii J, and no brave man" but draws his aword s-yainst its rce when tin me of Waiitaore shall be loath ed and abhorred" ff detisingand a. dopfin a scheme i-fpol'ic) predicated on Republicanism. In tfeapitt tf tea ion. rt fled ion and sensalioa. . When ail thia la arcomlUhrl. In- stead wf crcctlnj a MauJturata tie .'-, ::-'- '- -t; pi? virtues of Washingf i, the r contemp tible instlraiioa' of tha f edei'al Con stitution will stand a :f faamoraUlc ex ample of what ihfcllSainj of $omemen can devise, and.; th j folly of others re ceive."These are the' pufe" princi- Ve ot-moiern Federalism, let the JRe.4 puDlican citizens juge f men- uic- fits' - V : -W'-'t-- - i , "j; As" the Legislatureis now in session, it would be a good trial of political .sentiment for the Federalists to put the question. With all their vauntmg, thev dara not try their strength on any . -' . . expucn moiiofi. :,r . j -, t Fromjtjtf Salem Register.- , , The la II accounts ram. England re pon very.di(F:reni bpiniunt . of the. mi-iflryt- 'Annin 'between Addington i Pitt !eirt prpoC 4 ,bf f 'me, and the rcfturiif f Pt(tby biherv, ; A motion was threiteued tor a comiaittee of the whole-upon thi flieof ihfhaiiorik The'. "orders' comifined for the defeoce of the nation and the preparaiioVa of the; fleet, and . report, were Ijrpt jt cirr.ulj-i tiou thf Buenjpirre wojld not accede 10 the lid propofniont. the Briiifh j Court,- -n oppornion to.ihe ciatm 5f 1 IValu by ike-French, it was iaQi.uai.ei i that ihrde'pa,iiro,'of ihe frencfi iroop i ir jm iToiiano,,w retjtwea py-.ine tng lifh. The Kceni?h kad;. noi birely con verted agarrifon diejr-W a right i place in Flufhing into a feige,' iut'Ue Wench troop weie pouring into Holland along all th coaHi. Such wit the account on ihe cjih of April,"'and'froii BrcfTcU ih item was thai t,oS were oiarching lowirdt Holianc. The French' were extending their uonpj from Havre 'lo Olhnd on thtir owo teiritoficK ,Tfc Par it papers are si lae at ihe tl of Mjv. Oa the 5.H of Apl, it Wit r.pontd at I'arit ihat ht,Kng Ih ini RufTun Mi nilleH had acon"ri-!ile in thy cny, in''. confe'ejuence of which difpaifhi' hJ ' bien leDtto their refpeciiva ciniri, It t Wasiddvd hat the Kofi Co(.d of Funce. bad alfo frni an officer of hit liff gnaid w hdifpatehe. toMjdiid. .Tr-clc tnea furei ai teprelVnted at cor.fefl.ient up. cn D.uot' return froo HfJii, ,T;9.'i htnevolcnce, fVfi':f ir coropetiiioa with Dauh papers far, thai Al-.xmdrr, tha.' ihtiV fivutirite p(Ti(rt, .;'. Emrof f RhT'K fMMifrd t f. Cjr Uft icouii t from St, Dora! np, tecltlie IUnfe-Towiu, Ihjuld a wir c. , t.-ere not the am !l tncoarijite.' ih . -n t ,jp.i. i ..r. . . . iuny tooimcure oeiect.T t'giana aii cef ,t!jat ihty are e.g:r for iheir prry. By ibe lfl account we hie fcen, f. Veral unfporit had a'tived tff Alexin ' dni, aod the apearanrti of an .intended cvicuaiion con'imie, tut. ve have n e j vidtnea of the 'etni wha ever aflnr. ' arce may htvc b-cn givei at ConHin- tinoplc, ihat it 1h uUI ak place at ai earlier perntd tVa.i ih- prcfnt.- v , ! iNfW iripi for Malta have receied ordfri, and i.n in'erna) fti nf ihe if. , land did not leal toetprct fn tvaeaation. It it fatd ihtt ri itihabnamt do not Wifb it, at u J that the Wie appoin;iehi it aot agreeble to ihe order, and tHat ihe Nei. politan irocpt are toot in eonmand. Ol the 13th af March Couiirtt ptlf.'d fr; cjuenily betwen Maha and Kaplei, Tiia Lnglifh perftvere ia re'ainirg il, - " j 13 ihe lad accounit, pickei-boa't h tween Oiraiio, in the t'omininnt of Na. fie', and Cotfu were eCablifhed. A piUifoffp-irtees tlajt 11 0 foal to aoJ lr .hele placet. - , from ihe Ejnpirt ef Germany wa leatn ihai Trie3e i, JmImi cf ihe privi- If gM of Venice, buh the Emperor it . . m . " oupoica mine a iti porr, ana i ei- lerd lit ptivi'.ffct. The Athhbotbood of ihe Cifa'pine teplir, A .be dJpofiiion y.,,aVnil7' "o g"" (o Allatfia Ira llAlik .I...... rt. - . j v w.iu, inn puuvj. - - . I lie trench irori dimmiui in Swit ayrlaad, and fftat tbaagt ia the Freotfs ncaf trctart eipeOed. It ii faid g'tne. ral DuiBtt will command foe the ore. fenVeod g"U Ney A Sena, will 4 wi aaiaw. uekgff"i alio gone on 10 Paris fron ihe tmnl difaJtctfd placet' T Swifa aonirraplaia'impor. laat anatfttii) iktir fator, iafitc thl eeri futir g S( Statct' General. Tka Baak ol France was 10 bt ali. Cuffed in April, ft tu wt fou aniy tA pea lome efmnumca hnt re ratting th 1 (inal ficteft t.f .be fU ihUh Lai been , prppofed. t ; j btanlieal accnuf ti tana erf d.rT:cu!t 1 to ob:am in pad year. Tf.eir itpot aacc it anw aibr.olcd,'d, and d.!!tr.' t 9aramrn t provide ihim tr ih : br1 tufiisfrt of .ka trorntiiiv. I The laft report i Dai'k f.ona ih : Trtifurv give iha af the landrd : isrtH of DrriV, on ihi'joh of Jrw, t :AyfC V dollart. ' Ibl CJlfo rf f ..i'.il n a repo't fffpiOtnl Grrrliiid, t'tw ?a Wv lloi, very (ttti'.tt Tan trftt sa fraace. Ihe Hencb coraplain aiisly 'J td utterly incompeiani for any great fer. of ihe frtrdom taken wiiti' .hrir vtlfelt j Vicei, h;le the regroei only changed by the F.-.glifh rcui'z-n, wh.fhare to ,; ihe femes of ibeir erueliief, and of ih;'r pre-ptiu-ucj in lavnr.qi iheir naval (.jo i di vaflanont. In France, tha nit.onal eflabnamenu m that; .twt'wry-ti of which h.al dWtn: coirinimicaiionc Vitb Denmark Jo ifSc). The .inhabttanis were t2a.j4aiuu nas BeeaiOL ii creafe ihe national atte niton to thefe co- Unies. " v . '' .'... ! In Sweden 'th$ publte a'rerttion ha been arrefled by the diTcovery of i lie K tended lecrets 'pf Charlet Bvvheman. e'(papera are nor, and brobably never will be, given , to the public.-Like ihe late Confpirator it London, he hat had intentions- unfavorable- tp , ihe govern ment, which were in' hi protno:.d not bj arrmbut ty itun'guet, and allodia, tihnt. When r we find it" an acknow. ledged truth that myflicifm and fuer. fti'ion are . ihcreafing in ' ihis' country, and thai ihe pre fa ia iu 'oo country under more fcvere-rellrjinti we fiiatl not be mote jiirprt fed to hear aflomCiing act counts vt human actions' and purpofci,' ahan we are in ihe- region, of fuperfti. ion, of fairies' and' apparitions The c.. counts have juft 'reached ihe'm of thefe wondeiful coiuritintet, and iits not"fur pcifing to find ihern exifting ia the firfl fufpicioct, ,4. t . 1 i . ' if! 'We learn lhac C6mmerar ii ihe perfon 'elablifhed by Aullria wiih ihe F.nglttb Cixifut at'BachWeft in .Wallachia,- A new Spanifii rainiflcr is appoimed -for KiiglandV .V;:.--' ", " :' .'The 'German papers us that ge. nius i nptforgoiisn when employed in the church. That 'the' celebrated poet Matihifon, far feveral hymns performed in the high church ofStutgtrd, received from ihe? Duke of Weniriiberg, a ring worth 1303 rixdoUirt""'' .v' ' , From Africa we learn, that the Sierra 'Leone fettlemenia' are much diflurttrd. IVport fays y $ NoVa-Scptia fetrlers and Maroom. The fuccefs of thefa fcitlemrntt hat been an important obierl flto humaniiyt ihe till' onci it Itiirtianilat. lrstl VsmA .V kiM That they cannot have concurrence ot ail. commercial naiiuii;, whrrl the Give trade it known, will be coqfck d.' Civliri:ion it a long ami ' (I w 'work. Bui it hat not its great ell d -ffKu'.ii from tit own na'ttte. The civi'ut'd (laiioris which can defltoy each o brr,'nd themf :lvtt " for wealth, may aot Icvery indnigtnl 10 4he Ichfmet of frenca .lorcsa In lha iliind aneriiion wat ci g)g-d by a bolder liojetl. In Parii, ih; plan propof.d wat ffrai force a "d no mercy. Ii it (aid thai the nephew of Gen. Rorlint.brtu wat at Ha. re; rea!v 10 T1 f" St. Dtig. The unhappy To.tfTunt wv a pr j.'oner at Be. fincn. The errort ha commined were grrar. but iha fohi'.uJo . and tiiehti he difrovered are 10 be admired, 'lis it a ful rcfutavn thai lhreii ch'aracltridic dilTerence'ii ihs fpeciti of ritn, while 11 mjy remain fr age Bayund ihe power t,f any txperimani, to remove (he general dilf-renca of eharaflc svhieh exiftt. Ire foliiary faQ of the cCj ialiiy, ii eflablifh. rd l gtrrut it yet lo bring ihe mirdt of te bUcfet 10 an equal (ufcepnbiiity, fri ihe famspteant of edutation. The" Dutch, at iha Cir f Good Hope, we are told, hava not. indulged J iha. Iibfaj policy if h Jicglifh, bu?, hae returned la all their former eaclu. fie Driirtlf dian,t la k iilitimri ii,l ,f Icrancf. T ihi.; nations ha- rren left inclintd in their Cloniet, hn in pa. tern cffuntrit. Wbea ihry hava nerd. led emetprif and niu, ihey have not 1- I .... . ,.-a'.t. ,,v.i reUreJ- ihem betaula afitaiei wi.h I t.tt,xAt. ukMi r,. .k- belt efnUnn They bave ofterf raf- I PiantrliheUprtJud.cet. that the? miirht I (a a ' a' . CT ' m g (Hrt in ihrir power, With the lead evil. In forae drrtee tSi mi be true in lit iha c.bruH, and the Dutch ovgii not, 11 1 commercial nation, lo ' fof)fi ihii irmK. "i ' , j ;,Thef art-diragrceibU' riporti iki' lome inaiaat tiporr o:i Iranneta havt become trouble forte. We have dai 11 yet either ihe clufe cr the ti'ent f ihn tvd. Ii trill e SKo ker tnoiite f jr ttir rtii'piiicn,' and for ika Uiej, which ,iro;ftan fttleieon bv of ibtra ai tuieSbuuM. . ' 'iha repoiti refprfling lit negroea In Nonb-Carttlina bita p't-V.irr new.-in ibem j difonteata will anfa, M'tcb itn. ' gr ai pre uni It not 10 be appiel.nided, Lallipg qirt 11 impt.fl.ble. AH na. lioot havt fnd it fo.' ll atcrntait refpettAf Iu;Cia art ' iao.itaiif. thc.aiiHl rrcrp.ibn t.f out Mini flrt iir Ftaace, ;.fet u g'd hope in hai rj latitr, fro.a .Kk) our brfl hopea -f torn, a,f I fr ,r. ?.(,fic iff. nunaiiun of mir dih(uhir, " . Witi i fd-oa on the 1,1 td Jaa at he.lrt tf co'.'.an f..I iii. t.,. DDrar. ilbeen explained tngcniouay loan i Vtlclc idded Voth valu3blc,Ametlcarf 4 v. Edition of WUIichVDomctUc E'rt. ;.tn cyclopfcUa.1 -The tlefi'n of this--;-wmk 1$ the tnoft extenfively ufful f thai can -be. pfopofed. It renJerk u , a jiencral knowledge of the rti : fi miliar and iff.f - : " ' v Ve ate forry- to hear of an in- . jory which Dr. Prieftly has recciv td from a fall. ; We know the evil o( fuch things to tne n advanced i; Ufa. bat we trult his life will ytt be (pared lor important fcrv'tcct to tnanltihd. ' , . - - Fifom Ihe KetitucHey Gazette.. ' RIGHTS OF M AN' ; . , Governments, "where herd,itary det.- , cent ia an elementary principle in tho , executive department, may very hatii . rally be compared to a machine, wtta One of its wheels often at' rest;: and at ' 'Other' times workinj' with such'tio ' lence,'as equally 'to derange its own Jharmony andAo destroy the object up) Oh which it operates. ' As nature doet 4 not invariably bestow' wisdom where It Is most wanting, sO innumerable in 4 stances bate occurred in the history of monarchical institutions, where the "throne has been' filled by idiots and madmen. Durlpg,the time of the lm- ' pcriargovernment at' Rome, . arid ini , deed in France England, Sweden and Russia, characters of this description , J arose to power ,'by the mere chance of btreditury descent At Koiaie th , Emperor was sometimes so milch in!- - , capuciated to dischage uie duties ot-' his Office, that the seriate! which consti tuted a part of the legislature1 of tlit state, were-1 compelled .to take every jmportaht affair Jnto their own hand. , The irnperial part of the goYewmcnt' was completely at rest and enjoyed i Kind of degraded nominal co-opera?, tion, without the wisdom to diw.rim't nate between', the. utility or evil tenden Cy of each legislative act. 4 ' -,. :; This kind of governmefit Is a meriS farce It issomethiiij? like t,hcj dead '.' I toun's hand In 0 game of cards, which is Kepi iormaay one sicie, 10 oe woraeci On, as occasion may require, without bcirg able of itself to do any thing. y ' Cut when the- chance of hereditary' lescent fills the throne with a race of unprincipled madmen, the state of so citty wherever the evil exists, is trftly deplorable. , The executivedi-partr ment becomes av deadly despotism at . whose footstool tho government and "the nation sulimit themselves 'with a kervila fear.'. W'hen Louis the eleventh . broka the power of the nobility of w .a . t ' at vranee, the executive wheel ot go vernnii:rjt thrCw-tlie nation into a state of the utmost ennfjsion, and'idii- mateiy destroyed Hsclf, al the decopi tation'.f his successor, Louis the 16th. Louis the eleventh got U military chest in his hamls, destroyed the ' coonterpVise :which' existed between the mondrch oh ihe one hand, and the people rr.d nobles on the ether, by sua pending the i provincial "parliamenlsi andliid the founihllon for Ue French revolution,- through the onpresssiont of I Auis the fourteenth. Charles tho ' twelfth, threw the whole nation: of Sweden into convulsions, when he pe netrated to the centre of Russia ani tarried his arms into tha riisaits of Poland. What vss the ultimata ef ftlct f lie destroyed himself and Jm InJcpcrfdcnce of both Sweden an l Denmark. Peter the great acquired an established influence over' the Se nate! of these kingdoms 3t it is a' fact not generally knovrn, that the prlncW I pf has bean perpttuatcd In the line of i his suecaori ever ainct. " This kind of government It a'lwaya dangerous. .Its principle ii hot rrU-' tlvft to social happinrs. It cad gr.ly Tourish on deception, which' is fim(. limai detected by thctir,Htee tt dt mocracy and thrn society, suffers all th calamltica of titilxommotion. Rut let us turn f.-om the subject ori Which . the mind can scarcely nd a resting, hrC( to ror.iemphte the pcr fictions cf therepiiMiran plan, which has truth and reaton fvr its Imaiav IVfany writers on tV 1. u uce ctf-c. Ternment have hern iJtitj r a't U'lUvourably r.f t!ic i' ' '.. an -Ln, fn accrount of the fadi ' ' h it Is pttogivebinh. Nj' ; 1 1 ever can ha t,fr cif!K ; f ,r it marV)L!ililjnaia maum, tl t suc!' I the trtn, of, manVitsd, t!.tt?f tla hot iciuli'y I'iio lStMmlra in a State tf da!.r;er afnttUifH'i.ifi With, 0U a J a'in!,!; ca . t eft n Insurrcctl'ina' at Jlcwa 1' iTiitin .fi'.'b wr r r,f fh'ii,t. 1 .1 i.e-t lit ' . V i:offr;'. ,.'v; l- !.

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