Pubttshed Weekly by JtLtusD Kali, at TSRss Dollars at Year, , -THURSDAY, 1103... FlLlOW. ClTtiElfS, ; l he nattering reception of the first general -Statistical table for the United Statis of '' Airier ic'a A piler to continue hii annuilllaboMrtW. rendered easy by familiarprucfice; .. j .- ;- i ' y ;: i To this fouriH edition. is added the oroduct of another vear with' two new items: irregular depreciation ot tne precious rnetals, since tne discovery ot America, inaigoiu sna wifwwu uu wwkw. considered as standards for any leth of time. rherufore' 'the-prices of labour,; and of c6m, Vill hereafter be continu ed in the annual return of this: tabier the bess" standards that ' Cart-be obtained,! for- the comparative valuation oFlhe rfc venue and enenrlitim;s of the Union in the population of the,' states, proveil so nearly -correspondent wi Ih.the returns.' the last 'Census, that no change has i hn rkmifftw'noaanpv In rnnseouVnce of this- r-litcki frrrefarr' th rule of 3 ner'centum'on the lasYrtturo, .will be connnuea tor eacn year, nu-ine irexi .. i . . . . -..mi .1: . . .calculations, and indeed for ail wf finance fo? the CftUed States; - -.r t : - i ' ' ,. . f Is-: . . . : f.ssc . ' ; -... . - X . if, ys - , .v v.-. ., it. : c ,5 i ' :.' - ;- 1 ' . - t - :-. Q " : w. 'PQik;rj,c v-. - ' 1 s ' ' . . t V '1 ' ' ' O Q O O O O O O O S . P 3 - -; 9- 1..-. '1 -S bonds, and cash in o "2 t o o o o S o " 6c " ' . . ' fr ' .. ' , ; c " . i o "" ' Oaf ; . J-. . ' ..': .. C K. C - 0 ' --S t. -' "t " ' . : . oiMonstiow ,S O .? 3 v- - ' '' 3 ' y,;...p-li' i ' -'-' - .-- r 'a J o w a" ." at", f js" " ' " " -" Tr-r -5 "Active imktntt tuna, ts . .1 ' o o o h. i ro j - "S o . ' , :.Cws")fii-i f 'S - ''' Q ' Q ' ti cT cf " 'wfsroTo" c 2 j '. rr ' S ' js0 I . ' w . Oi O")o(stiwnn -x3 n " p ' 2 h ' ' ! ! 5(nMio o o K " " S'5 . rT Actional public . -Sot;ti o o c o n J t" , 1 : ' : debt..-- - - : f ; .; .tj "O 5 ' .0 O -i I- . h. . K 00 oo 0Q, o cfl oo o -7v.s t I S ' 2 c . ' o..O O ." -5 o c o o o o o o i rv l'o ; t- - ' p . E I 1 .Itaiic medium. n fi o o o $ 6 5 p o o 5 o o o 0 I "Z 5 ' -. 1 'I' .. " 1 ; V- . j . Til ' t; 5 Atcrcpsu wheat bcroush. a ooi. saoioncnc Ocnpi. m c."S , H k r Averaged labour per day. a nii.t.ooo4aitt "Kb S ! 5 u --J " : e . I v ' - S 4 1 . , . i. .2 . y ' "... ttfl.qohiii4vt ' ? ("t ? ' 0 , , . ... t- e) o -.. e o n . - . ii 5 - .-ioJvJes-ooooo'ofS'rrn- -c H 2' a ' W O C 1 1 " ' J 3 y - . , K 5 2 I , Receipt Revenue, H - - o eT "c? bT oT f'yV - u J 5 trf 1 intlK-t? t -S3? . :5 1 h o 5 o , . i. u ; jjS, ( si , S-J " merchant' 8S S S .S S I S.,- . 5 ifa" . ; . ' f 5 2l . . 1 t"1 CU O 3 tt n ti K l CI K c. - I s - , . 1 1 1 iir9 k I E V3 , ,2 - c q q c j o q S S S S o I S 58' - ' 2- ?-.- " ; - ; 1. 3:-. 1 2 a ; "2 3 ft I liiS8i?---5- lias 5 ' L L.:i.' -a" 113 5, , rmrs..,. q 4 q fO O C 3' . S f i " : TT- 5- 3 ' ' . . 'i, ct n i, n i n i n i n i i S . , , i ' ' ' ' ;. t . -3il - . ' o o e o k is. . - w,,- - - , w 4 2 . C ii i . ftfjjlitn. fro:. I THE NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER. TOi:HB;Ctti25N OF THS UNITED STATES. in each succeeding vear. The rate necesshrily assumed for the annual increase - -...-.J ... -irtli ri.' : .J ' v V : iwimiib. y, hi usj.percetycw, .wyi imnhwait RtBUst( in ii-mit nni. anti linrvii'. . .. .,.,..r.,..7 : -y . - i ? ? . 5 1 w. v u w r r v ry r. i i . n t in Teatu has encouraged the com for such has bee nt1iecon'tinua! thou'bi .'...1,1. Cikm tli Kbit 'hui lnl ficfol . . . lor a ciasstc wors in a-verwwieus . itscri - - , - , -. , ' , vS.BLODGErT. ; t t n 1-i n n , , J r n - i c 4 II! 1 " Irpm the Bosrox Co wrzi ; ; tolerable atfany" neriod of national T.lftory.'In O'ncnS.are alwsvs L '. finilVer, and' its powersvare nn I'- .! . - . i , -iiwpiuus.r- 4 1 is n w. ruf llrti'Mr; ikiffiV will h civil . fi', fifjolattsn pnif atart yk f c 'wife, man burfcrjts imper Jftiohs, no':goo(i man' but Ihud- tiers at Iti 'milerles, ia hinell !i . r . t ' . ... . . II tt . inn) but' a roclatm its 'traUd. 1) r j t,i Vi .: . l .'mn and no prae m n' Xlrawt bit H fvtrd agalnl its h;r."The iollu H tiuifin bf achetoebf polity, 'fo '-;'rsfcdicilfyccntemptble anJ vsri- -" on, is a in-'Miwriofe. example- of ' 'iviaf fi vU.iiHjif f'im men can ": dv'fi the Jolly. of others . receive nti; both elU'lifii, q defy'i e -of. reafon, fvflion aW 'fenfjition. r D. Gazette iiKi'Ptiio. . : v. .--i-i-i." -...' V .'THE partes jn this country Will never he at VTiie till iKey . fully un JerUandihe principles otcach other. . VVe gvt confounded under difiinct 'appelfationiope'; fide call ilvem-, f tlycs' Fcder'ij", -the other;, Re-p;bJicins.A-ofare.meTeToftnd,-.. uidcfs we dttsguate the o:js con. templaie l .Ijjr- tlie iefpetf iy allvd iates, ' At tftis enliihtei'cd Vio'' we ought to kaaW-then jn poTitjcs as . w e won Id in religion. It is ueeillrfs f jf a perfon to. fay he is a Cliriilian, i:ilcT " he believe? in C;ri;lan Kcvcl-aiion fo fikcwifi novan:a Xun be fditu b,e a lie. publican, ,"Wlti reprobates eVcrv pnnciplc 'cn u lulh the dnftriu'e is J WAbfilfte. wit,ihe - F !erliili fjy ihcT are llcpahlicius, let- vtbcto Oje;th?ir fi'h b their Wuiks. I? U not 411 aifru If ro the rnmnliy l :..:. .f .-. i ... ..r-T. i ""7 iur nc i vu . I'ni'o ana; tr.c f Boilo.i O.'zctte tii lu ll trp .an!-iifea thattoy BW-i'i'lVvor jT '.Ji'cpub- Hcatufin;' vhen thcpiiKliih j;ara. ' giaphs in direvi opiiiHiorf to'tvery incuk-al'cJk ihe Fe.le. I and it itc'cji'.iMTttom ? Tl.iy Ik of DvTT.ocrcy,' and aftcri'.: a i gtonnj .woii ot their oi-pofi. tu"n that this iytlcjor t po-iiy is cn its trial the United Site, and the UVua wi.l be.rivil war, dcfola iort and anarchy V' Let . rne afk'thcfe men, j(ttX"it Dtmtcraey on tit Iriul t,idh the U. Statu t It it.;ui bin 'tis :Fc4m! Contliintion ? It the if.-ice ol I'rc- li lent for foflf.y&rs a fpi-imen. of j opcra.tio'it I Are the I'ei.ate for fix years an evulehcctf its pieva. Icncel Or .the'Ucprefcnts'jives for i'ycati.x trait of its coriiinnaftce t AV hat tlt-n would thtft f if urgent) aim at, if hcy do not wiilj o an iiihllatc the (ioVernmentVinilcr in prefftit form. Are ihcy dtfirous that ihs lrliJeiit ihoulJ.-be fur life, the Senate ficredi ary, tr. ihe Kepts fcitativef feptennial ? If ih;f are not their viewi, what do tl.ey'mcan by a l);mxrryt which ii 'already on ms tril here, at4 ihe -liluc-tf Vhi:l wil: hi i il vsr, dfo!ation and h')' "i Are tlic Ijlllex Jufcta riermin-d ......... . . . ... locpinaicnCc ciil wir i Ate ihty dirpuft.l to.rprcad dcfolaiian 1 Or are t'hty anxious for anarchy i For what putJwiJo irill th diforJcr to atlfe t ; jcc,r(Jit to th:auihnr nvy uft, It iitoDverthrow a Tiflein of polity iiev'tfi-Jandertaf-jilhed bv Va'f!i'ingcn an3; aiTuc'utf ' raJksl jKcuntemptible and yicioui,' ' si rsndi r him anJ them a mr-j monble sample cf ,' w!m iKu 1 wwniy w,ronJevilr, and, the fof'v cf other adopt,' Hi.defpite of i re j ion'. rflcioo and fluif-.lion-; fN ' . . ; Thiili not an unfair expofuiorx of the lextf for i the suitor it nm V 1 y a . ftote cxplic i, anJ tells ei what he J means by Dmicrcj, vrc innrt uiq Mnu.ion thii,iroued.' VV muil ' fitppofc that he is defirons to urge I lbs ' wife mar,4j the oUM ,j'' V brate men to drsw, tfieir fat,' I galnlt iff force." Jhjt wi,f r ,,0. J tmi vivil war. ariirhv K.t.r 1 oVtipa slnrt.fynem tW tf. ratitni w. have o.,!rto ,.lchm,. - ... T- ny. po-ny ftl'Mjriluf J Arrl it tl etc- ar ho other 'than . tbs F cJ.ral &d Sun CoaUiiutiom, ! th tntift , C cert y jr."" 'rnini v. tltni -xiere men we are ai juue. . ','V vLV? Glkenir- writer in, tha Port .Folio. jnl Bofton Giietvr. HaMrupon you toATww voufTi otdi natnU.iheConfliiuled Authorities t't the Country J Hot only ihq : V Wave mcn,M buVrthe j 'f vtU men," ih good men,1 are to be. cgm warriors' in thtAtrndc Vi caufe. Civl war, ,anarhy defolal lion are the hit bingersof the dread. , ful cQofiith The ford . is to be drawn, and every man worna- nd v child are to become vi3ims to Mr iinpiacaouiiy.; uc wno tetitaetis to.iall.a. ;'rai.ilhV.ay-rtf ' Ribrfpitrri itt to rLvis,e within thfe peaceful regions u( meika f4-- 'i Mod"! carnage, ; anil con flagrai icjii sre Ihc aids" dec)fnp to th tne. ran,s!in,thisif c'oniroverfey . ;C-rentire to. fall br the fvvordii'of their .children f - 'jnftead of. argy- . mcnts to convince, M ptls are decide all doobtt6T:qneflio$ I v Each famify. is ioffvr. a facrtfi;,', . by the death vf an unfortunate vif. ' tim I ' Father arc lb ooiiinard ti molt Faiihfyl qf.tKr irr(ou J )V TJis . fword, ihe fworji' like' that of ; tngel.of . the old, . is to flain the ' fhrulholJ of evrj habitation ' with the bboJ of snVxpiring Republu ' can !: 'CjvU; wjir, i$io ride on white horfe.J; Anarchy tq its train and Defolatiofi to mark 1 foot-ft;cPsj- .:Thc; wife, men ot t)(e ealljhc executioners, and tlx go;l men' .are tofancUfy the dud ly fii vi, . ilcavcn, ' and the Jlrsve enV to extcrin'u i)itevcvcry indlviifual who dare lift 9 i word in fav'our.O' the fIlc.n of polity .dcvlfnt and ad.picd - by Walhiiifton and hii patriotic afTu. i : : ii. .. Untimejits 1 $j you aviih to join a Junh(vtha are defirntis of i:i:ro--l.t6jhfdqhdcfoliiiMi ? Are yo . throw a fojltm t penty nt'xv ' o arwisi ui vivii wjr ' lit. mi. trial wl:hm ihe Unifta-ft,,: ? -cr, K'w5 m? furvoundinj. your fenfi 4)il.ity by ajVn&thifcucliioni, but BiMiMAiRj iliatyuti hate men if ijopj; you, ujio are itiCLOppofers ol -Mr, Jcjfcrfo.t and the pre(en Federal Adminiaaiioo, and area1. "'rr'" ,lA Ta loinis area 1 ful altcinitive. If yVu ! mean ,t4 ; avoid the evtU contemplated ty thij .' Junio roufc in defence of theC.m- Hitiited Authoritres, (d as an-evi. fleece ol your finceiny, fpuro ih , traitorou attempisof a.Tury'Ksc, variou mediums,' to- ,tiiolvc iC. coyntiy in civil. yo'r, anarchy ami defobty,n. Dcitll the hyporriie h urni eveft a ibjtlutiU i'Jiitny rSniii.tti ffincCof con fligraiMin, , hold him In Mat comempi whitr- t his impttdcpccdcfeivcs, and may ; 'tl'gPVcver lis ;'prr AiiuieJ s ' cloath a iiunln a fgrplice, wh.1 woull 0iUra: too orgies of a Dae-. clrulia-3 fcltivaT ; . the blackt els uf whnfe heart wouN dlUt the puuit vtilmem of tte altar. ;. At the pttftnt Li;iflitiire U . vjttntlnglyonfiJtifdl.y s lew.t 0JeatieUt1ifito. Fe defal, we would wlih ihem to aCjcilioo on droini ibt fwird todellroy ihefyL'em ol p.,y ,,0T( ontrlar withlirthc Untied States. Ihe h?ahc4 Uituhll dur do II. , . . . FO R 3 A L E, ; ' A Trad or frrcciof 'Land fV Se head o! Ccar .,d nl Vy Clftk, ailj.nninj Mrs. Mi. t's la. ,d a ui runnii L; a ,f.,fi !,- inJi. toxi 'about .ft ten' milts from Wil mSngtufi,. filly cr ft vr my acrri of whith is g'u.cftin i,v,, ,,d .on; whilh Ihrs-js sn t;:ici I i'l,, llream, , re .CtuatiJo 4x. f.r.a pi.olirhcnff, and tr!:irar.; t '.' fnperjor ii a-.v o tin Aiund , ,'l'.ir j on ha'l the. amount. finpi ucri win o fttjurc a a r rsutt, f Iva-tlvt monih will N yiven Dr' the ohrr half, ihe rsitaakr j iW , ha d and Iccurhy, ' For lurt ur! psnicu'iH sppytu A. JUUin'Uil. niir-tftp.i, a la t'is fdbfercr on RiKtr'y P-h.!. -i. "May 1 6,' Hcbcrt Howe. r

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