i .J.EW-YOHK, June 3b. ' r ' r"vl at this portt're . ,fat Mihng-brij flcund, capt.. Fuller, -' captam K we are inform,-,! v ; "cnf & arrived WCSpe V ? 'lay previous tohi sailing in sa '! l r... r;. -.l. ho jefUhe 8th of May. having n which; place 'board 5oo troons -nnrl .;nrJ2.: . . .- I - . lilluuii VI ; iah.I, Three other frigates were hear. . ly ready psail for. St. Domintro vith - laoo iroops.lhe captain oflht 'fri :fi Ijate informed that on theSth of. May ho account of host Hit , TTV UhKArf t - : i AHi been received .at Bourdeaux, ,bt?t i-t: ar h-eciral topic ' of con ver , Bat.o.n-Capuin F. further' informs, ; . that, at the Cape all was quJet and bu riness'very.'dnn, , t " . ,v' A2W4 at St. Kitts present a fcry , 'hostile appearance, and indicate aciu- - 7 co'rimin'ccn'ient: of Warli-Lettera a hte -dits' received in., tywh from , yt avrtlaloup and y$u .fnrtis, an . : -liounce that tlie commarfdtrs f the ..t ,';,'Jrh finite ?favecccived ordVrs .: , -Jroift their jjoveramen? to csptwrc all .' ' ; i rencli vessels, and Utat? several are loiipe and Mariinico expressly for that -purpose.,-- - yyyc.: . June .21. . . ' 6 i ecn?nti fmmC'.audnlonfc by capt. IIelT?rson oflhe fcrig Uam- . l" P oi the, pixsent month. , .. - At that time' report waV in clrrula- - tin (hrougSit by a vessel from Domi ' niqne that M sail of the lint and five ..Se?;WU!l.tro0p, had arrived at , . -.. .j. t re: cn inj';e ot 32' .. wan Biuiwi a teiy days hefjre . . from Ouudulo'ipe oiv a cniiz".' Cup. .lam .Scott, of the schooner .Indepen dence, now atGaudaloupwos Wd ;rd 1 to the windward of the island, by , Sj?!"'1'!! sloop of war, then trmYnr off that station. Two irpnslmH,t-,.i,' troopn had arrived. at Basseterre. JJU- ' T;n... . 3 .if. n - ' d.illa.'s- per barrel, beef 1 3 1 -5, pork no nuWfilotr, . . .- y At Mirtin'iTi.e and B iiselr rre fc'rral 'tj'nntititff of military stores had Wiv rccvi vsd, and active preparaliars were , . jMkinj? for rur.. An express fately . leached ivlirtmiine from France with . , cr.lars that all vh lineoffnttlc zs . .stationed there 'shoulj be m-t 1 orne ; - A.mjrchant m this cifyias rcccivid J .H Itttfr from his corre.ifmr1..n, , iukuu cieiay. ' Ce-FruricoiH, per the lr Ilcnnjl, xlie following is nr crtrct " ." ''If rlay lhe Pr'.f f!afris thirty dollars psr Sarrel. We hJV(J fot six d4ys supplv in the place. l.vP. . jrtlerartireofproyUionil1j.Wiru hope ha few day, to be supplied wtth-n .hrxt q.tPtity of coflVe fofn tlie Wri:?3ncU aiitis currently reported n srran mrntfr that pnqKne -has ; Lecn made with t!wm. On the firat filMMJor, (Juie li) th;d!i on nil Vcn,N W be as in 1 785, x'u. )n rrench tmvJs, imports free. p,H5 IS fr;in?s per I003 c-tt.on coiTee. A African vesJtl. pay little PP no ,ufy r"!P;'lIoj but t'rv,:oodii fee prohultcJ. Wchivc bn li dirs , nuu'juian amval rt.y.j America. iCi$CfiRJtVTAT I.tyY.ar6.it, May 5 ; : American PraAtr f ). A(.m;tfd for exportation, pnvinj? fer. t-iin luties, until the 1st of Jr.y-ry, rxcT'!n!? - frcin tmion, ikh mit be iniDoitcH f .? m Btitwli ship. i f . . . - . . 5 e lUvinfmli I . ... . . A m, uicov ino, .11 io 3Gs. trr ' ---.in, nivwil lf 4 4 :vt. J'irs sre still heavy, Uit from the n-i1! B'ii k nri hand we m .y 1 . , .,-,, t 1 i ..miny. HJ.ppr.Ma, l-.v'. tnji, r 1 .... ..... , ... i, j. t iv i, one rn'i, tf.KV. Thr , rr. aift pii-ts ,ir rot tprtrd it le r in im''i, but t l 4 w.r. Lr.vn ui ite tirt r'S'i, 111. jr tn I), fw tine, liit. nr-Avrt a I I to 9 M 1 t ow,:yfr.Bs,nowxpccUd. ' If..' t!.ea...Se,. ' l ,i, ;, ' ' r Lr nna't very li.tW r, h,nd. . j a - I'vf -J lr f I 7 l' Wot.lnr'.h, Lr.o yjo'.r a.e . frrnnlcnro9rratrrtMntd,dl,rirr..l ; J"'. '"" '. " f n dly arr-pettfa-,Ut!.n.,M ' A,'. n'c!' ! pven lhe I jH.i'cHrfnt n.u-d, we may i'one.- .' "K " Nii icfeanl ti ' pt brik.lci..li1 f.,ri!crf,n'it,,t.l ' " J, ' r'i'Cft of (hi hunl ' Sn.p.rim. Ilon-Vn ,mk il. I "' fnvlr.cfi rf v. ! f.'i : MMntoJU-inbtlskdrm.nd. ' "1,,. ' 7" J1i:M:d state of. Wr,,., u'Wn . i th, M-ffh ,f , , P-vrumry tta .,t,d. Ufl.rd ,.f , ,w ;"") lhB in i -val,! ton rr p1 to. 1 nC lul ntvinv Man I.. : . oomeconsumnrron or exportation, tmtilthe 1st of Jan. lOi, onpayia- the duties affixed V ' V " 3s.Jd. Upland Is. J d. to Is. J .2. per Cochlniil. 21 oil v indigo, 5 tb,IOs. fid. per Ib.In, demand. - . .. - j Jioarnes riyer, 31-2 to 7 ; :T V , V 'T na Carolina 4 l;2 to 5d. Stemed 5 to 7d. Maryland brown, co'oury id itefoot none ! market The importation ct TUrrk bein tcryilimiUed,' prices are still im pravmg, ahit cveryroiEbtct of a ivs ther advance. " '. y' ; at market and In demantf. ; ( ! - , Rosin-, 1 1 to l?per cwt. ' ; 4 m pvmineiifto 22s. per cwt." . ! ..yitch It6I8per cwt., .;,,. Jj A 2i) W to 2 1st per barrel. XNavfll stores C'intinm.cto,i., r Ae,t' Pcarl ,SM 44s." pVr fW-VIst.i43;jo . Very few ht; niarfcctr. wKich Avfll ki-cf),ap the price. BeeswaK, I H 1 23. per cv. t. ' " -Kirc SOs.'per'cwt. I' Jour and Wheat continue very ! 'iur, siipcruna 45s r,cr TmwKL.-: j j" .v" icciining . tvwat,, s to 8s Jiidinn Corm , 5 to 5h es; per bt ! nJ n wecr una ro:-k, 5 lo 5 i 5s.' ner t,, t . Flaxseed ibr sowing, do. for crUh 10.'? pone.. v .,,-- . Staves, White Oak, Tipcs, 50 tp 26 pr 13M. Mhd. 4 to '55 1,1.1. ci lie uen aii a. - ... v.. per uo. . oods coniu.ua in. brisk ; deiaand.--' -"- . - -f ..'If LADliLPHi A, ) '.me '2 1? L x rt. .1 . f.t a teltrr frm o tttttl, n.hii at Ccpt frviiroij, ' fa) id May 29 hh jrifj.h inlUt riy. we have rtcciird an alarm from il 'e-briiiaj, s,vd e anticipate family the peAce-. nron-Mis cgmmrrclahrcuy . lu I i '1 ' w in " rnr.irmn nn J d l.i C"7tfninri;r e;iwicr of wir aj-peir to. be j3(v. Vbytl,, ,iyo p;fCJt ro.i.n.f, 'f J'.iirop. sr.d tmlcfs. J.iim:u Oied ')' 'han fi.ier-rt nt nri-ucia n: '.; ite nCi mn!t il. fctll'mes rfiariiav'o an i - -f. - UV "M'jigk more 'fHi 1 " e nj f.'iis ,f 1 itrXT, t!:; " f,.t ,iy ,,. . r, ''M 1 Cjit'ti!'c,unr. v.ill f,- J -e ftl-l prn'.ah'. ..reft.li. lV,,c . , .. . " hh, ai.u with lliat V' ':: ;f rr"'nt epoii.i.-al i f . 111 k Ii A'.A ill s . r t fr ;t n; . i' Ull - IJ .IK' of ay 'iwi 4 Mr,:.f; bJ.i, f." .1.. r . , . .1 le anJ like Tb? d-via'i.H, r'tire l by A neru-jn Acj I.ihv .( A... the and It li.T puM ,-m: A 'i afu'i fa of a ii'ii ril fh.' ; f." n !!.)ih A , nl.-m 6 . . ... f ... c ie wi i.iiin,! . i ka lf' liHW. -t.i .. .f.e,it, rin;fM. c.,,e ,n U ,,4a: j rv!t i V ' ',.S,r" !,ht ieverndulbvtheWld. fvlte. -Vi '""cc y u:Jr ny ri'itiiiti.tn -i..r..i ... .1 . -f : iw-m mil ii 1 ,m t ii. . ..: 1 .... .,linc ,r0IC rfiivm, ,,,,., - I . , which r,arc.e';v(tr,t, fron; ; -I'V"?1!'.! I '''! iy peace, rcc-iirr tc luin.".i IJt . ' V J u Utf,tf:' 1 " pohti -I n 11 v nri nn 1 . r t 1 ' 11 1 1 1 i r 1,1 i' inn - ' j lpcr, (hp a1 f, j! "'i. Hit,, i - . v 'j art in etc I t'T f tr.na'i ....... . ' U''l I i . . . Hill nnnn ill- .ii.. , ' . " ' VT '".. I (fofnc. dinn'e was alfiUDon , tfie imprcfii oi ' was quite oMiteratcd ; vhey vrtre o-fvbu miA: ideiii:ent -m weight, the W(fk being,, by aflion', pn-:rd rn, an 1 novas it Were filed vff-- : i.,-.r. " . :PETEI?SBUIl(i,-unc'2i: r' ' .Z " Vlerstand; that ' In itryctiohi ' ii ; are triT by trovernmpm- in VlsoVvii ; lectpr-ttavtti'V.to- all ; Americaa vessels leaving ihV'nts I f the U.. States after th5lh infcia.it ' .;5QOii thcUtf'.at the head, o' Parfe, f0 r 'i hursl$y r$ad Tue fthis Tuesday. I A r.ccably !i to the arranrcments of ,our,ctuepls for'celebrating the anni versary of.Indebende'ncK. iiflp rt-u .of tjiat .anspicioiis'iera was announced 1 1 r. l v A'- .sunrise, y Capt. Cullender's comnKiiv r,f U. J5ry ".fr?l "8titiHion-IIin..;The different military corps paneled, and ot ftaJt,pa$itcn: o'clock tbe c'rfipTM. mid sollieriijticinded divine service ; afterl wnicn. uie. Ut-claration of .Independ ence vas read by Mr. ...ADortev, xmd an Q ration jvell adapted to lhe oc casioa uliv.ece4; by- TtmothV lute of I f ?ui:wai fired, and at S 'Re- U'tUjllCans IK nifiViKu. ... -v: . TMyu1H- !itf;At another. sa : V (Ui llJWn LQ dS 1 ldcteV dr?nk, tdch accompanied' 6y the dis charge, of a fjurii, v - I. TUD.,..::....'" The Patiiot whr Head thut dictated,, the Confess that accepted, end the 'Worthies Mho car vied. into effect.-the ever, mcmorjlib X,-C-'r?l',oA'we ''iiday celebrate'. ; ,- 2. The .Penple of the United fcutM n?v?r want discernmeia f .WTiIiscovec' ' .V 'nsidiou , f Motnr..h n(r pmriotrsm w.p'nose. s iitttnpts-of tfic frkuda hv tO alu'n'.ltj. th.m f-rr,. i tlicpnnciulcail tl.tir Iii'lefenrfcticc' f .: 'mas ' JeffiTson, ritV.,Lrx(f .me. wniiea tatci-.ma"V-lie cor.tihnc jo merit the confidence hf tlicse. who know how to appreciate hisfrortii. .' .i 4th f-Myrh,13'Ci, tin ever memorable (icVin the u-.nris- our ciurn.-v. Phi .were finrrnQSt in frviinS Hair country f.-om tWe tnte r,f tt-r,n'.,. -.vv.nj 1 anil 1 1.-arm iT In-t- 1 i'.. .may Jice Uatd'thcirJ.kuVcU t.'om The Veil tli cf Anr..f! v nd'-m inii ii tliMn ttfUi. . '1 f I I - J lie Sovereign? i t .. . . - .I- ',- - I till Very s' i.s;curtd by the St'eial (.ompact, . . . ' I;1. (ov! fti T.fr...i. . ' bass vlrtrto i rnr.e .in-- iwi. ..,..1, . r Mi miskion C-M ctUMI SrtniTRtrii-J.t I 10 th nau;;.ii m of the'Mivisij TC I,. II. White jhe ancier.t uorH , convuivii ,r the ror.lfr.iif,,. , r T. I nrm,,u!r f-"' 'n 10 y ll.c i ircr.s ".yimen f.tntes jusUy v;!sftfct 12. Th3Krfrt!naif,fti.Prcr. -. 13. 'I h; Mdiiia the fanTiansof rur Iiidepcndificc and protectors ef ur Natr may it smtre to fiur corrTmercc the freedom 'tf the sens. . ; . CUt the Vorld. i 5. The Umiitrrh'tsta AM.'rlr.-.f, may tuov h Pre ,,ol f,.;:,n(M. , rn3.P-,V.-fcto treat it rs p.-r tiui y, , A,on.uin to the er.cm'ts of vurcuunirT. , Vor.uNrr.niTs. . mtrcc an-l atrict,ture ef the I'ritrd Utes Ro h,nd and. hand mPy the t . . . j me i.,itcr m?rtse with the in.lcv , - - '-i,f t v. inr im in. 1 0. ..,.i economy or the peoples - cip.es of '7$ rrcf continue-10 I ftth ht.nthorofAmrrifanI.iw ' lhe elcciKm ot.a truJlepn'can .... nni,nitn. , " Aeorrifiioiilnothvior. .tJ?' irT.,ti,ljr Trtm LenJ y t ion or irtfr r c;sl crr fc; f;uLr? Mthef.teihohlthe,al,Htf,' Pcndihslhe hst ar in Europe.!--followed by".corrcsndir deeds J fctfropjin Political relations. Imva uti. (t ' rtrMf.. wlthnnt .v,- ' r d- ,. . !-r ' 7 " 3rtrohe sd 'enure a revolution. some detail of the present 6lete of things, is necessary to thc proper un uerscanamg ot events winch mav arise, and which could notbesb Wellubder - stoou w measorert by the standard of , poimcs,jour, six, terivtweniy or fifty yeaafj -'or at any other period, i Three great objects' Will certainly enrige'the attention -of tlie mdem t Asvians and Corlhatreuiaks. . ' . :'' - I. Holland will be incorporated witli- r ranee. one and indivisible. t'SYyt wdi be occupied by 1 Il.-Irtlnd will.be invaded.-and be rairiillZnli come uie theatre.of carnage aod deso- ijuon, perhaps in vallies rhoistene i.',""1 v"v uiuyu civics oppressecUaia . s-a yHcjaic oj empires maype cgam inere as washeaai iinr i-p ( uromtuiu, antj VilIiam"l 1 1. . i At this early period we lr,inklt nro :. pcr to declarfcrthat with ! cdntfstteiween the rival nations, ve ieet ngsort ol partiality for one more than the other : wftJanwiit: mnst Rin'. rv'cif me nepiorr,uie sacrifices of hu man oiooa and human happiness whiclv gFp, aout fo be offered Up at the sht in.e of an ambition. tquaily inordi- m uom tue powers and equally to be abh6vr6d; - J ' i f . For he unfortunate" people of . both nations as human ".-beinjys, who have o i eai interest, in the views or mo lives of their ruli'rs, we feel a' most Sincere, cpnimisseration ; the' innre pungent because theVar must from V,i eatlji afc)2ctR, be more terrible and JJe'sperate than that mosi sanguinary war which preceded it , it must be a war for.the fall cfohe or tlt other -.w: er i. it will he Unit kind of war which that disgrace 6f ccnlils. that r,t f . '1.,-l'lviiiiui .mcnitnient oitalAt 'and iVlI'Mmf inn bvpocrisy find tread, ,PV F.dmitnd 15-jrue, m the plenitude of his rancor and apoitat y, recommended, k which r.is ; pftpij Windham .'hai.iiiiiforn.lv pivacjifid ;-ltAVi -be Mim-ad Utter, ntc.-enesn d warof unhusitatins; ciimc. cf ingenins murder,' of secret "nrtnee;: riaUon,-of upbounded.c:;..r'ion. and i pi-oj.nr au.-hune:;s': We, antici i rjl the vfliictipiis AvKich ihc in- , wiiuna: people ot the Vival jnaf-rnvs .joust bear, innoccnily and unwillinc!y. T:? J.r;d re "nnet.bot pit tlum rt.uk v th Vs. J;roneness oflvhmanity, tacoMrabt iisKw,d.'or bad iTortune with that of its kllow cre.Wcs, ve' cannot but expres our exultation and lv.-jo.cu at .the tiappy dcMinlts VUch Mr .represi native fcofcrr.mcrni'hr, preserved us for; ly the", security 0f t3",4 t, y ine powe.-e possess .iiumro.-.ics-cur iuis v.-hcn thev D-corns ambitious cr ccrrupt, jand of lusnus.nq; tacm ; the exemptiens ;".' jyj u'liiit,!.., ami ir.e rotsts- sio:iot nil the comforts of nunr lilirr. iy, peace, And cbundjiite .", .urora. ' - im , JrczMhhissisfyi Herald. Jj ' iieposir iKstort-d. , Ills ezc.'Jeney M.uuul dc Salcedo", v.'ertfor central of Lmiisiam.. In A. 'ro frcMed t6 j;oen.or CLibon,e k letter r w h'.rh the faliowii ii a traas!.:on: . $hu ZtctVtrA yry , At the smallest iiiximtanc e res- p-cu v i. ns important su'j..rt; is 80 it.rcre;.iiif ttf Keiltra , I-lfkf .iion hRl tr.ir.T,jity of our ropeitjie L'o veramm's, I take th? ninin l. ,... sure b C.omihunir.aL'n r to rm.r i" 1cn7.that j eslcrd,y t 12 o'chck.one U ir afu-r the ariTvJ of the ro-irU-r. !-pvu kr A-n:rican mhan. ueailcffjcti wa, revor-d, ai,dr.!t n the f.jotitjt it form -rly Mu'wl. .-p.-cS:rTerouriic:lkncvm rears. ' :ny M AKUF.f. I)n SA trr rin U s r.x.tVtncKC.CA CL-iijrne, Gov'. iVl ." H isitt fM tcrrttyrr.J The folfowin- is estrjr.tcd Kan the .Dastoa Ccnt.ml of the 1 5th iiutanti m:v.ohllans. , flnca t'leadjpti.mcf the federal fwst.tuu-in no subject ha, more lor. Ci Jy sfffctcd the L-tlin ;s of the citi. feas or the' United Stts, ,han the T fe.f l.,,e. rrt of Kc v). u.c npanu-i or French govern. , nents. It m .,l)ect to which (he ,.a-tcntion or the rrad-r cannot ton fer the United States has not he sitMftdof. ficully ,o dcvla tht by lU me,. ure. ,tAht,tht m.u, tutnlhl t)th S. rlnUfthatpC,;.e u J! - j,.7 1 rMl M l,,c II ' ' ",'"", cuusiya CI flV;. L r j "vum aic ween 14 pur possession j and would have fur nished -a'lnuch' ruoie valoable-tngre-t'dent to negociate "witbr than ten mil" .Uons of dollirs , :or all lhe eloatuW ' ' or intrigue of half a dojsen such netro-4'! rof.--But a different policy -.hzy ' Vailed ; and what are. the tflVots' of it ? -. 1Te. treaty remains . bi?o&.lthe riglns of the Amcrjcali ieopie stilf continue violatedand notwithstatjd' ; ing all the promises and assertions of iiio ppaniiti . minister : the, port of .' theetitrancf: ot. American produce a eeably ;.ti:eatyT:anU there d. ' not exist the mt.; distant respect,.: , that U. will ever be opened thereto . . ." It .has i beeiv asserted, arid never ' contradteted, .tbut the iict of i'he inteiK liant at Jfew4rlcaiu was dicuted, by ' ' . m French Eoytiuirtnwjhd ("i)v more rcpent conduct of tfcnt stUKV '" officet -makei it apparent t&t he bs the orders of Huoucne for his mTa1 -will bid defiance' to all. the crackers which . cmi be let off at him from a thousand .Marquisses, Governors, or Prefects." , ' TJiese paragraphs are quoted, aU .specimen ol the misrepresentation with which the federal papers teem In. perfect, accordance with the tm-2 '2 truths and , aspersions contained ) in these paragraphs the opposition. ' pers from one end of the ton t6 the ' other, perse.verinKly endeavour to uiaoKen ine motives and vilify ii,- '-d measiirt-s nf tK o.i:. :.. 7 . '.( having maintained - the ' countrv i peace, against the arts and deep e'e sifns of their onuontnis.- T,n. their minds, committed au inexpmkl. - Tjiree declarations are made i . -1. That force idone would have been effectual to secure ouf rblts on tie Mi3sisippi. ; . 2. That tlitre does not' exist tVe most distant prospect that New-Or-will evtr be opened Without ti:et;sccf lore. ...... ;. 3- That the french prcfocf hat the' orders of Buonaparte for keeping the port shut. I .'. The offithl paper -we thisdavecm mumcuU', proves all these declarations utterly fche.: .There .vas before proof stifncicnt to convince every vrpreju. diced mihd of tlieir untruth i imt this p-pcr places thir raise hood lennd -Villi, ally-.n . I f I 1. ThAt pacific measures have btea tffoctualotecureour limits. ' ' . 2. That 'Xcir-Ort'c&iis is orciJ ' 3. That tl-.e Trench Trtfect los'no ordera lo keep the port tU.t. : ;. It wou!d4u a 'niatter of .doubt, whrt Course the opposition Mould i.oiv i vr sue on this vubject, did not tlie M.rrit oftheir past libels furi.Uh too itror" an eviilciiec tf a (or.tlnucd dispitaj to use tlie same unworthy mcofts ,oic. Com cans to it- 'inn ir.cir .Miiuo. I! .1. .1 . disappointed in evcr'v ixpctti-ticr. I: thou-li prevrd by events to l ave Lctn mere tluldrcrj . in foie.;i;.t, thev ui!l not hive f.e msRiiViimhy toViih. draw t.iiironnoslti.in'irt w. proiiiu iic of natiwsut advanti h t will romiuue to uls p,ud f nation J character, while (they tre sjtbaustit. ivi ry urt to dibsse it, i.nd of li e l'ii! of s.ippoiti.in hheoerry the mca- suits of f overr.nu r.t, while ihev ;f-c f'Utuui.jthcr.1. fiu'LtJ. Trim U'sUnunt Jmt 33. TRANSLATION. DOM J U A ii NT UflA l0. -v - .-r, ma of mi i;i,i.ei(a 'P''. lillfiTcrf i mr, htt: licMloairojal trd.r ; Tle fc''g tc ..f ,rfnci, uf ,errcK.Ia. lt!1il...nK,U .'ipt.rMY.be ,r.r: ' 'be Uni.eJ S.jus ,i Ne.Or. 'f". irranud ttHi rf,ttir by ,,c ' J aiHile cf the iiealy ly-. "''MM t..u rnrra.tiU fiu Jc. HilN.0,lfant,si:o, .tr,tV ";i,nt,ni!,f i"Vpimcrtn. K '' maanlnn r, h.hi ..,l.. ... i.. I'l' pn-i. l i fa - eliding ,l0 .Uhfttf b.nki ''.nutl.er.t.n it-' i,r ?,r,ufil C,,,'M'nardii n'.i10iil..il.e n....: i i i i i k 1 t e n t r 0 t; i. ; 8!,y .... .Ui ,j 7 jMrr.n,,,,, '.hJl .f; ts,v r.-.ars,.;fl,dr.ff, j(i, i, Hr;r ',,,h,, cM" .ii-ni.y cf uiui ,0pf . - - r nnnor i tmi their .. ... ,., intirn, hai :iir t"t Tint of art .n ... ,vr nav L r...s. i l n -w m iniof izyfi t.i, .i. i ' ' tii stare Of 1 utt. l iv-1 Jit pirit cf artin ,,; M fr .1 ,.t M , , kV"',"' uronhiri;, ..I ' " 3. 1 !.,. 1 ji IU AUIO A ... ti T ' "v,inecutitbc.a i.iir ii.4 if! ...! ' 1