n . y;b. i 1 a- Published Weekly by, Aiimito 21 a i i , ' at Ml 'Lift 11 11 ' I'm j . -..'"iziaga; v .Iritliaii Affair sv : ; - - - - - ' THE following important Letter v and head men ot the Mulcogce v Nation," (as they ftib 'th?m f e I v v $) t o . t he ' C o m mi fli one r s -if the United States at ForY Wil kinfoVon the Oconee. River, is faiil .tp have been communicated . by a pcntloirian of refpe&aDility, H to the Editor of paper printed. at bparto irt Oeorgia,,: who ob tained it from an Indian trader. : The original is. now in the pof fclEojv&lrhe Commanding officer At w I r ; - H iiiM.nn , . . I lie hand w riting-of Bowfes has been recognised by' one of the p(K- To the corfltftiflioners of the Uaifcd States at Fort Wilkinfbnoli the Oconee. Xjentlcmeni - : ' WE iho legal and convlitutional head men of the Mulkogee nation (called'by you the Creeks) heirinr that you had invited a number of people to the tort on the Oconee, rpro.mifing them prefects, in order to induce many to go ; and having long experienced the evil tendency of luch meetings, where you have -exhibited long instruments of wri ting, 'that couid neither be explain ed by you, 'nor unedlooJ by thofe of our people prtfent ; yet you have bv means heft known to your fclves, procured thereto, a long firing of names, giving the appear ance of a national authority ami fanQiou to'inftrumcnts of wuun, as agreements mad': between us, and held tlicui out to th.i world.-a fuch, while we never knew or un- derftood any thing of the buhnefr. Having obferved, i iM li're that c.jr people have been proroifcuoully jnvited to the Oconee, and promUed , large prefects, raiher f.icrc roylle- rious than on former beca lions-, ve think it a duty wc owe to o-rr country, to ?uf a flop to fuch praclices,Vvhich tend only to create dtllurbances between that my determine In a War which y. e do -rjrwiIh"Tarrrr T Therefore, we being now uzt in Council do dcterthinc and! de clare that this nation is rut, nor cannot be bounJ by any fiith talk or agreement fo nude. That no aft Is legal, 'uqIcfdone in fullcoifn. ctlr.f the Matioc, at a place prc vioufly appointed and igiccd on by the head mca for fuch meeting : And according to the laws of nur contcileration with our brothers, the Cherokee, Cliitlafawj, ami CkaAaws, po lands can be ceded exccpl by agreements f the Chiefs of the Confederation in Council met. VVe arc no engaged in a war with the Spaniards in defence of our Jif.htJ our lands, and every thirg J that is dear to us nJ we flia'l Je. lend outklvel scnuouruivei aga.nu people v no 1,11,1 attempt to ulurp or mile sr.croacnmcni on its. Tioneit, lay afide lour fcheme r-f NVUhVptl. Ldlll lut'e 1 irce uaac bctwun ui, whuh alone Can !ctoiilualy beneficial. Wc arc ready to lorm a treaty vith you and itgu'lafc all rrautri tetween 111, fo that fair limits rway l fet, ml a criterion futj by t . r . - vlich it regulate thv ctrndticl of our refpeflive people But futJi Uat-f. at'tion nuid'te "national ails, and rot done by people who go to il.e -Oconre in order to have 1 drunlcn X)oneln CVuncil a EflellmaV.,. . this 41K day of June, :3o2, . , Wing prefer,! ihe Chid ar.J ' trad rr.tn at follow j TNETIILA MEKKO, 'I ALLHilSKA MI'KKO, , ilAIJ.ATOMIIKKO, TUSSAKIA MKKKO, ' CIIKII ANF.MEKKO, IIALLATO MKKKO. Vi:h ihe reprtfcntaiivci t6 owns, and jrtAnirdby us the IttUt i;er.eral of MuffcCRre, Www A. tOWLES. Wc Willi cnr. Amciicar;. i ht I! n ,1,.. honeii, lay afide jyur fchetnci cf ! si peace w jaiH ipciuiattons, and be good I! when the j .t.nutitiri. e prj.nne to be lu t d. .hen. mi , T u k e k Dot. t. a r s .a Year; The forcnoln letter beiri? read in full Councifof thenationi at thai Parrachockla Town the 2d March, e to - jdjuuiii. went, at the! ucKfeetaUfi, the tath l'j.y of March ; wherVit was una. nimoufly apptoyed'of, and . pa (Ted into a refolve-' ; ' " And where is' fome attempts haye been rh'ade 'to Interrupt the trade between the State of Georgia aftd -ihi nation, the fotj'owirig rcfolves among others i,wrre 'entered, into, and pa(Ted into law - , . l' I.' Refolved, Thar from this day fortlv an - perfon : who fliall take part with. our enemies, and aft any way againft us lh?ll fuffer Death. .'II. Rcfolved. That," our trade ' fiiull bo free to all people not at war with us, fubjeft only to the laws maJe by us in couneil ; and tTiat the papers circulated b,y Bcn janiin Hawkins are of no effet and not made with bur knowledge or confeht. - . ". .! Ordered that oufrsfolvcs be made public. ' Oche upo-fdU)On. Coosait rivtrt 2laj 50. In my la.it communication to your Excellency, I apprifed you of the irate of affairs in this agency.--I have how the pleafure to add that the Chiefs of the- Creek Nation' convened on the at-.this place?,' and were joined by a deputation from the Ch.-rokte, Chickafaws, and Choftaws ; that on the 16th the S:mi tilies and 6thetChicls in o;)po fition, with their Icider, W. A. Bowles, at thrir hr: arrivevt, an I that on the 2oih hi was apprehend cJ, conRnad in irons, and lent un der a llrdng ctnrd of Indians, by order of the Chiefs, to the governor j "olch, of Teiifacola, .10 .infwcr for his crimes againlr thcf.iihjecl)ot ; his Catholic M.rjc!ly in iiall aUd 1 itr ti ti t wen rioriaa. )t , VVare fo crowded with Indians M and vifitors that I mult drier going inlo t!etil till iUOual court - cil adjourns. .,, . . I have the honour to be jcfprrl.' fully, your Lxcclkncy's moil obe- uient (ftrvart " . -BENJAMIN" IIAWKtXSr' His Eic:!len:j Jehq MilledgiQjv, of Georgia. . Creek Jerey, JuneS, 1S0.1.- -I wrote yiir t xtcllcncy on t!;e tilt, hy -Mr Jobtrtlon. a j penilrivtii of Grcerfb rough, to In. : form yon that Mr. Bowles was a p. prehended, confined in irensby or der of the Chiefs, and fent under a 1 flronp; nard of Indians, to, (;ov. ToUh, tit I'cafjCf'.a, to anTcr for hiiciiuies ,i;;ain.1 th; fuhjccl of, his Caiho'ic M.-jtilv "in Eall and Wctt Kljr'J.1.' As foon as the e- '. Vent tool p'p.cc a ror.eral murmur for the .Uy only, . tun throuj-h the VIIH.I 111 i'.'n'llillll'.l. V V 1 1 1 1 1MB ne evcninjr, by th: prudjnt rondtul of the Council of the nattrn, the uho'e ftiblkel, and I thry were brought to t?ke the United State J an.! Sp;.n. by the hand in fricnJ fhir, and tojoin irt a l!cmn decb. ; ... -r .1,, CnSA ,.r - 1 . M ,11 .1- .'. ,..11 . I iii; iikiiu . 111411 were dea land gone their khi trtM tip in peace. icpcat and rcDembir ihis tallcanJ take it to the end cf the worlJ." I heard a few days paf that my havinr forr.c property rear Tort Wilkinfon, has been a fuhjetl of anima heil'mn on the part ot fome icmbcri of your Jc.vfliture., The pUce there fllawkin'i Scrini; MatallifturJ if.ety ilivthtaUof toil gtl.cy (or my it.oirMnodation as mi, nary arcrcmovcvi, my property wi'J accompany them, and hther lluy remove or nor, at fpon at yoti iku'lIi w. (T- tT . I . V. . ui, uc I'diitiituii vi int (niiniff 1 1 1111(11(1 iity claim 10 tele. ani my my properly tt leive it. Th In- Clans v ill be ready to tun the 2 t a or 1 foon as or Jet s ran be riven for . a m r iht ni.'t ;..f- .n.l m,n..,.. t the eatrrol ihe ,ih.h. . . . K't .u ,r - r 1 Nv'tih-irutancrscftnyccntinucJ exeruoMforiherrofprntpf the flatecttt vthitli jbuUtttU hotter occupicdreullyhthc ft,i!i.ary ITtIvt WT",1 r""'1 . .re i i iri 1 r ippiif a to ir r-iittHt mintllry 10 feenrt or tr.yfclf, for fullic purpofcivAi ; tfni(I,;ry. 1Vrlfm, M this foon as the Unci are nir. and th: , fut- n lnif ... 1... .1 uu ,.n,. TpF.SnAy JOLY 12, .1803. tb prertde. ana or uncerc wnncs. ot your perfonal welfare. . V;: , I have the honout to be your Ex fxeitency's moft ohedicntvfervank. BENJAMIN HAWKINS. Ifis ExcelUnr) Joki JliUcde, . Gov. 'of - Captain 'Brig', in the Mary, from Nanfs, has -arrived at Boftori, fier a p f Tagc of 38 day. He' left that place on the toih May, nd his aecounti are s few day later than have been received from, the theairc of negociatiori. . He ioforrts, that no efTential variation 'had taken place, at the time of his departure Irr the conjectures, exocU0.fw znS rt. portj on 4he-i(Tue 4f the fie-ci!ioo be tween France and England, from thofe that had been in circulation fome weeks previous. Thus far verbal account.. By this arrival, - w; have received Paris papers totbe 6'n.MuV. Froth their general complexion it i apparent that the controvirfy .was rapidly ap'praach'uig a crifi. Tho Clef dn Cabinet of the 6th,. May, fays "Lord Whtiwonh had announced his departure is fixed for 5 o'clock this morning ; but he has, dung, ed h;i refolui's and wi.l contiuuefottte time longer here." The'Publiciflc, whTch" is faid to be a half orBc'il paper, cf the fameda'fj fays,v" hedepar'ure of the .Enplilh Amhiifador u deferred, t, lead for tome days." That this refplijtion of his Lordlhip had an anary appearance, may be gathered iV p.m ihel wording thi pat aRranh in the C.ef da Cabinet of j rhs Cth Miy I he prrparai'.oW fr the journey pf.hr Fi.fl Conf.i! .0 Bel .urn il.l connnues, oof with Oandivg ;he r o,d which t-blcure o-:r psjtncal horizon. In t 1 ci . 1 1 1 1 inoiber, p'per of the 6 h, vrr.dsr ih hc.d. the following: " Ihe expetldion ot in i olTicial communicaiion fiir.j govetRmtiii ! to the ?.?gillaiive bi.dy,-iipiin our pplili-'j cal Jiiiucoi) with Vte?i-Hriiiii, a-irad- cd t vail concourfe of people, ho, be. fore titer openirg f th. ft llionj' fi'.ltd tl.c ge!lf?.ies'&c. but no commutveation rcccU edj Letters from iJer.in, of April ffi, j rn.ion, that a Courier had amved.;' mention 1 " b" H " in ne pariuc t: ' difpofnton of th' Krencii Government, and' f.om whidi irar-prars tl.e n.ealurc !! takrn ry P.uir,. Lave met i.hh an. t ptobjuonofihelaiiinn i.f U 1 tmillcties. lathe mean iimcr prepaniiorts for ; ' wtr wtfe cwirij tn wi.h unraarnitud ra! .tiiityn r(irp!ri ofilicTupuitiic. li e ti:.i!iincd motions" of the dilfeirnt j armies lud feezed evfry vttlienVIe part 1 j of its ex(eiif!Vf itrritory, inJ Ht"Oipjtn; ) 1 wn.on his jy to B'tilftb, vlure he' j iliortly tX ((. , ! Letters, rcee.vrd 41 New Yotk from i JVt-au Pfitcr, tmdcf Tl,c dale of the j inn inn, vntch mon i'in that ihi plains of 7r mhJ litis and JtIimleL'is weto in' J-t Hellion of die BrigiuJi ; tint .he troops and itihabisanis were emcamped i.li!')t the city ( that a f'.l tfignntni had U..tn place, in wljith i't tu.kswefe repulfed ; that a tul aock wi tx Vu'.cd in a few dvi : and that UclfaKnet ' ?V", nulcs'atid" a tf(wn. i a ....... r ... , r . '. 1- . ) iht ,enct TcneifIT Mnnft. nfe. , ff n.rd his let en of mdenten nuahty !i tf Tntoy utrad'tr.ary, fnn the Jm. j led Stairs of Armiira ," the fame aiper ! adds, It h ir mstkrd, that the Fg !Ti!h Amh(T.Jor was not frtlent at tint Audience." A paper of the Sjd Aprif, informs, that an-err.bafp ltd teen impnfcj at Dunkirk on all the fiHtinj rrdcls bound 10 Me-f-und:ipd. " TJ i ine afure,' it lijt, ' has for in fihiett the rrocurr. went cf good fcir.ien in cafe of war L'ucfif ic anfwrr to 'eiur from the IVftop Ghent, on the e-fl4blifltment of iflig'0.1 tkfff, Oyt, I recommcnj to you to ron'irue your an in tonj. lii'irg and tu.itirg all crtft if ic'ti. Of II the virtues rttt fTary , Ttr th f p'feo. pre, if ff great fth-fms; Se mull rffra. jiat no duubt is rhnfl'iii t,Siiiy.''. - bsptfi have coniiadiTie i t . , . . : fe ,r,d drf.rf f, fe-ece rrancn.4 j HxiUneJ, .Ws tot permit any futh , gociaitoni, and ihi sly fcave rM yet 1..... II. v . ... - r 1 j .1 ir't rrjiiPO, inv an 01 f tuatrj cu,iori f 1 loir mi ttra'tc'. AtnitiA ih tu8!c s,f sfttlik pffpara. Iioni, and ihe, fperofaiiM of politicians, it tl tlcaGitf I9 obfrrvfi thai th dtW.I,n 1 't Wn Html to ft 1 1 . . i "Jf.'i'rO f!TV'fX !' 'h frodil ft Pf .'l "'H e!l in a. U,ff, h.v it.utry M for f, r)4tKUIs UxiY&V i.C I ai-yatdrcife? tln.li iti ft-ora; 1 . , I ries of Uarning are forming in RulIiS, i and the Emperor Alexander has" appro priated for fuch beneficial inflictions the -ftftn"6f million'and three hundred' thou land roMbles. ' ..''" ... ( ; .' ; The nobility of Athonia hive grant, ed to Pcafants 'the right of propetjty nd .fixed their wages for labor, bj;h they were,formerly obliged toperf Jrmgra tuitouflfi Tbey have given tbmjucfges felefted from their own clafs, & fupprel. Jed the fate of thete unfontanve people. At Rta they liave Infilled on the un limited enfraochetfltjoif the- Peafant, and have. direftcH reprefi.ritations to be made on that luojeU to bis MajeRy the Eutperor. ;T4 A " '- v-' . In aur Halifax' papers "hy thi NewYork editors) :,.wc ' find ,,twb extracts of letters from St. John's, noticing the arrival ef. the' Lord fMCartney ;One of thefe' letterjs 'fays, 'the channel e had. failed tindef lh? ;commantof (.ord Ncl fon. A Manifello was fiid to be preparing, explanatory of the con duft and intentions of liis MajeU)i JVIiniltcrs and another melTagc, it was expeafu, wouia iix the bun- The otherjetterobferves, It Jva's ex peeled, that on the 6th May, : Mmiltry . would make the dongi. I looked-tot cotnmtiriicatiijn to Par- oT-it'IUmenv ;-arit) Mr Ad linpron haV. ing dexrlared to the Houfc ot Com- i moilS on 2;, that the freir wt r,f fj, tun wutd be (fttiy InUrtlled d jn ,c cdmmunicaio d . ir-, M - mli , , ... ' .tlrom all circumltaivccs taken tope- , -v - , ., ,? E tied that wcarc not to have wjt." An Englilh pjper rrcritro'iifi, ilm a vtf'xl un I. bard of. wliich .1 bodv jjof Swifs tr.'.tpiil Fremji pay ivrre 1 tmbaikul for St. Di'tn nco, foinu u r'e'red tuar Gibraltar, andtvti v'ner- The CWitiition fri-3c JloVC down at jjol,0l, a w Vas ,, lor the ,irpofec,f bciog re. i'HJlcrc'? , . - . ,. ' Pa: -nl ,'cer. ob4i.j:d ln ',,C:',tl,' ,or AtMc CrKtKf for u,v?Pn'K 3ftt' pH'leryi ilix boito n J?f VdRls.- It is a contpofitiurj. (,f j IV'Sytn ,J metals, ?ul coils btlt a- bout l-lot'f ot (he puce ol topper. On VdfltfJay iiih, i!i 15 h .li,' a ! J)is,?e.w2 on ot wiv f,,Hn I (furgaVuwn 10 .ft KSndrti, jn attempt ,. I.'i... ..! .' the bartage belorg'n j to ibr piflorar r. One t; hcm fcitcd ihe lii les am' i. irr'td to flop them, .wf 1 the other glided himfelf in rutiiii.j ,1, bgpag rope,"Liit fortunately there happent-d 10 La. a jet (on , in ih ftge v.hn hd i.e prefencfi of mind fufTtcieni total tihn dtivrr fur fr piflkh, ai whit!.ihey made olf without cll. tlipg jheir purpofe. Exhi.ll of n Ulttr up f Citilf(en J in fmjReriJjfn, It hhjritnJUVhi. hdtlt a, duttj April a, AUottt 8 djyi at-o( li rive'd here jf, iiic iinejtprcl'"dly, a ihlp full 1 j citizens .i the. canton ot., Basic, ! about 159 f n !a in all, who willt x- ; charge bcif naiivc coiin'ry fyr that ' of ilie IT .itcl States. In fencrat I thr whole i"otlills cf pcojdc, whom every country Ihould receive with opcnainu. With money, linen, and II I. s. ... . . , ' oei, in 1:1011 win - every re. ccJTiry, thwy frem iq f vcr will provided : ar.d at their r,rival rn the Amnion fhorts, ihey wani nothingtr.oro lhan ,lanJ, art! itory to dear it. I givctoii early infor. mailon of the arrial tif j ourdrir C'uintr ymVn", that you may lock out one thing or another for inert". As mich a a can itaro frfn them ihey tri nvl wilJi 10 remain lonr? in ihe : ciiyi but v, hit". 10 a foon jn the tnunuy.. In tbiit len days tiife, they fail from hmcr, ln juJ vea. iher fervinr. ,We hear that thirinj-'; the e nfuit't; fumcr, more treim cf People will arrive here fiomSwit-l icrlan.fu that pairengtra i! r.qt ! IVi win'it.iC, it lltrc arc Mily vcllctl licie; t..'! " Frtm lit Kjitiftb Rfg'JIir, f-f. THE Ci.'oVKN FOOT OF , "MONARCHY. .The lea Urs c f ihe fcderaUfl, hive org tudcarorcd t.trrjkc ii believed K hat thert.iuh a wide diT.A rlw,r i r:pj!;,cafftnl Jlsm.e VoU 7, No. 337. racy, . and that while they abutcd ctJwOTWtf the latter kind of Cover rtV, vernment,ithey were friends to tl former, Rtpubl'iiatit knowing that rio'fucfi diftln&iorv bej ween Demo cracy: and RepublicanUm exifleoS hive all along ftifpeftco their oppo- ncms p; naireu anu nouiiity, vou?. Their fufpicion ia now reduced to Certainty. - The "chiteri hot of Ahn- (ircly, is feen peeping from under- . 4 . 1 T t 1 ? . f 1 r . ' . tne a.ij o.r reueraium. 'A piece "vYhicii appeared in Brad ford's Philadelphia 'Paper, after rn viling . Democracy" in the irioft- puirageous terms,, anf? uatmg tr.e difailers that had attendsd it in an cient and foreign count ries,--as if . to leave no doubt thai ttv form of Government abtiled andwf,re,il;. it a iiv vcty uuc ttiiivii iiiv t of America had chofcnadd 1 . "ITISNOWDN ITS T8ff . AL HEKE,; and the iifuc Will be . Civil War, Dclolation and An archy !"' And left we'fhould be left at a loft how our pesceful Demo- cratical Government Ihould produce v i I Wa r, D i c nt ion , : a nd A archy we are told there is no wife man but dtfecrna its impcrfeclions- no good man but proclaimsvits frau'ij atii ni brave man'but DRAWS HIS SWORD cainfl in jirce V The writer then proceeds to vi lify th-: former Vrid eflablifhers ot our excellent v.onflitution : . v ,A -. The inflitution of iSctmt $f "fify radically eoKlemplibU and vhiiius, is a memorable example ' of what the vilfiiny of fome meri ' can devi fo, the ftlly of others cap " execute, and l(b cllabli.fli ifp(tf "''cf Rrtfon, Rtf.:ftitn and Stnja jiov ' S.-ntimcntj likethe above jouj;ht .to.al.tiin every true fiitrd, tu Re publican Government,, anJ opcei ' the eyes of ih'fe-hithcrOi blind to 'he deftgns' of a tlfptratc Mynarr chial Palion n our country. L-tf (1 not be fail ihey are the fentinentj only of an indi'Cvidual, No prin terof a paper would dire ,o publilh fuch ftntitwuits with, ap'prtibatit:i', did he notlclieve they were coni;e- nial uiih'thofc cf his patrons. Yet ftvtral pi inters wvfpnhlitltfd iticria wi,ih apj iobntion, and wc mull ru- Cftianly con.Jrt'! that their refpec live fl'pportvrs agree in opinion that me lytieni ri covcrnmcni rovv ,' i in hiJl bct is, fo taiicaWy conitirpttHe er.4xm nst: , that' r- veiy inan ' tmohr to " arw bit fao'd p air II itJ" We know that the great hotly, of ( the Fcileralifli arp'1 friends 10 our Republican :uvertmcnt, tho they nijy.di'.like the men who now aJU minilter it, rLr th'etn beware, lC by perfcycnn'B in a too' flrtruiuui ' and v olet'.t nppofnibn to the pre fent, adnvnlH ration" and i:s mca fnrttf .hry indanrr tho exifltint of our Rcpublicai Governrrtant, by Irrcrgthcnitij; :,ie hands of is iu! verrjrics. Let. ihc HON ARCIU.' C&L PAUT Y once pet the aLtn. . dency'and Sediticn Latui. will flop .the tnuib, or Standing Armti ihf breath ol all w o ftall ua 9 1 m hfp a fyllalle, or lift a hand raii,ft in opprefsioni or.thc opprefTurs. fjtrutit end Sfdntcd kesifutions. ' The folloTvintfKcdutionj areiurh ALL KKPI'IILICAN A.MI'.Ul. ANS oui;ht toadopt, and adhere to relative fo the irjjmnn JLiirrp on ('lovernmcnt. arJ its founder,' which wi have noticed aboe 1 A Mr.r.TlNO cf the Cltltrr.a of thl, vicinity, was ihi dy held at IlosrcU'a Tavern, for Ihe purp'uc f tkiinjlhio cotuider'aiiun a ptiras;raphi v.liicU appeared in Vr nrudr-d pa per cf l'h.ladtlphli, cKi;cj jj,, Jrut firiVaV of the'h lv Lt. 1 ha Meeiini: made choice cf thrir chslr idan rf.l ecretarr. hen the, pra g aph read as ulloa 1 , ' . Ucmocracy i scarctly tolera'di nt, any period of national Jliitory 1 lit mrns are elway siui'trr, and It a I bower if propitious. 1- Wilh nil th lights oiexperirntt l: un Itf.jrc rmf, eyca, it it itnp s:il, ,ftt f differ?! tl fut'day cl l!ii Mm v( Covei-n-tnenu It weak tn I nitled i Athens 1 ttwat l l n Spni, n. wrji i; Kami 1 IlLtiLfi Uicd .i