; rrlhceJlaas terminated in BesTt Xpotism. It has been tried in England ( and was rejected with the utmost Ioa- ' ' Jhinj and abhorrence.4 It is on its ' - trj AvsnrUhe witl let Civir War, Desolation arid Hnarchy. No ( v rnah 'but discerns ' its imperfec- goo man out proclaims in 5auJ : aad 0J bra?e: man Dut draws fs iword against its'.foraei 'The in-' stitution of a sclieme oi felly so radi . .. xally contemptible arid vicious, isame v'J: morable example of what the villainy , of some men can devise, the folly of .v, ?tfl.ers can execute, and both establish, , in spite of lleason, keflectiori. and , feensation?" . ' : . 'Whereupon,- Resolvid' unanimously as the seme of thlr meetingt tliat the Authors and Abelto of the : above paragraph, are enemies of the People, i. and of the Government they "have established, anl ju&tly merit the con ; ' ' r. tempt and execration'of every l7ree- man in our Country. ::::::.... y:- - .fi"ivefonaZ'iwsti;i the sense of.' , this Meeting thaulje said authors and abetters of the above ; guilty 'of a UbetagainstheFV triotswho atchieved'oiir Independence " .and of Treason ae-ainst tK , happiness of our Cnnntrt " daring impiously to Stimulate CitienS other ': J!anst tfach ' 'solved unanimously, as the sehse'bf ' this Meeting, that it is the duty of the People of the United States to re pose their confidence in the Wisdom .and Integrity of our present Chief . .. -Magistrate and the' Constituted 'Au- -. .thontios of our Government, whose "eminent proofs of attaeli-mnt i ; 'puMic good command our cheerful . ; support as the surest test of our at -, " probation. , , , . esoivea unanimously, that wc will re 'sist, by every Jswful means in our power, the dissemination of such djn verous principles as are contained in the above paragraph, as destructive of our Constitution and - Republic-Jn wiHiMiuunniiBcm, anmor tnatuur- : pose we will refuse our support and' -patronage to every Author, Printer! ana publisher, who we find instru mental, in attempting to poisftn the public mind wkh sentiments soi uin- vous to the peace and prosperity of our country. Resolved, That the proceedings ci". mis iiceungbc signed by the Chair ; tnan and Secretary, and sent to the "Aurora of Philadelphia,' the Tnie"A 'Werican of Trenton,' the Journal f . fclizabeth-TownV and ' Uie CcntincI of rewarlc. f.i tM,Kr,.: Wiam-tcdMe, Cbairtr.nn. -Attest, " John M Carter, Secretary. . . CinUCOTHE June I.' Weducsdaylflstaixcxprcss Arrived i . cre irom mad-Uivcr, with the fol lowing Communications, addressed to ' tbe snvctnor. ' , trF.KTLEMK.fi .In answir'tb your Mvor of the 23H inst. deceived on 'the I5lh. with !l Hrt1!tn'n I.. been duly attended to. I have culled a number 'of chiefs of the Wiandot nation together, and here forward roil - - i .. . tir mu, ana snaii toniinue to do every thing in my tM)W-er t( gjve ' fTl satisfaction to "my Irllow-citizens. I cm, r.cntlcmen, v , TOUT hun.1k1 a--aA liead rf llsd-n.vtr, JpnliZ, liOJ. , Messrs. Lliai Luntrham and Puncan M'Arthur, Chilicothc. Rtfiort efa Ccunel!, hell tt the hej rf Af.J d:.u t , if- .. f teverai tt i.:tuij: tnies, respecting tl tenor tf a letter to Isaac ', Zane, from fhat Lahjm and Dun. can Ms Arthur. Ve address to he rnintia, and rc- tyicst that they will not be rajh abotit w hat happened, and that thi-w ill trmt- teforclhcm and hac pity on ourchil dren and their'.. We clear youf mouth wfpe the tears from j oureyei, and jxirymrr tar so that you xiiay hear what uc Imtc to ay. . We wih y&u not tofcetno rah tlii suhiect t we know rut W Jt wil ill be, but we ihall find out f.o has dene tbisTiiUchict j you rruit not - thin U l n.-T, but we find it, and men we will have a utr covmtil amon- an ' , . rTRf i (Govem.n) .N'oW wc a tires to you, and rVqucat you lo rtrt . Jcrt the Uw.thsit was made by i,e trfM-. that it wr fett hoili kidcathat if there tt ptoj l -break this law tf fiicndiH'tp, that U would he bad ptopte alone that ihuM of wouM viol i. iur fiifPiM.fn t id c tu-m tk? fire thai the innocent I ra nt nc nTcr f.r the triiltr. j Wcahu',1 be s'rong in nndin"M;t the ni'ir!tref, and if we f n.l mrt first, i r lUJI n,Hi;r you iinmei'iatilv. t in-rpiMt n;Mnum U, that it U huwers ir h . il 8 ::V7:,", "mct, ha, enabled ecl" .l' 'J'JrtOfdd fuel totl,. . . i " 'iivi'iiiL an iniiP a-a n t a, nmo p-v c or great dutance , tl.at . ahip ,:, Zc the internal Utti ml i .J?1 1 !ro 1 Me. " ef . I that enr tan Infiict fl.-?nnjt, ,h,ir own country, ofr coitinVsUrS l,-'"tt, and all of them ex Xv1'" W it ?S Wn?,,ri,,ff,,,l lf Unite ;d&3"? f?-rv ?. ?rlss Di CaARb:MiHTVlS.iviandot ' Turtle. V' , TotXbash Judeatih, Tkyew DaiWaicxjaw. - BAtsoNT Aaoy, , Jojf DAH WeWOJT, ' , Jaijoshlahe, : JoXJIOSKAGtfAltf. Porcupine . 1 ribe. Beat1 Tribe. Isaac Zakk, Interpreter. witness, .-. : ' ' 1 " I'POCK, J. KOBITAIME. tf -V:, VlieadofMad.River, 22fA, 1803 Vj. council, neia at Mad-River h '':-"yvj me mngo nation, res Sjux letter, dated IT frm CoU L?"$f,am d Duri ean M Arthur, concerning the unhphby ctrctotst&Ke- that has lately happened. rDvf up ytur teai-s.ahd refrain from" weeping, until we have time to exert uurseives m evet v resrmrt . tA g.,a t.... who has done mispl,,ief, whlch we will cei tamlr.do. Ybu must expect that wc iee ir,e ?ame grief at heart with yourselves for the loss of our brother. vye request that you will consider dependec jf our situation, and not distress us by e peace andpunishing the innocent for the guilty. ,ry..t,1lis PO?-are !ivin in the bounds of our j momcrsne .ute people's lan'd. and I. " our wisfr to.Hve in' friendship with ; them. " . . - - j Ve are led to belieVetljdt it's ped pie feoM.it large distance that has dor this tnicrKir iU ...:L i V-h. v cbrd among us. and ' tln fl. ! f their'own country. Be this- as it may, we- will use every exertioh fl io nnuout tire murderer, and with all possible expedition Jet you tnow. At the same time humbly request that vou will not use any distressing means, until you hear from us again. This from your affectionate Friends arrd Brothers, UNDKADEHt), "a Mingo-.-"H, t''"- Tribe. ; ' Peteaockwat, a Shawaney. This wc send by your trusty friend and brother, Jatucs M'Pherson, and live hi hope, and expectation that he ' will bring us a friendly arisWer froln our distressed brothers. 1 6 h,i Excellency Edward Tijf.n, Esq. ! , . - . j niuis of jril0. lo the Chiefs of the JViandot and Uingo A at tons f Indians, FflRVDS AVDlindTBtnS, I have received bv and brother, James, .M'Phemnn. n,- reports your councils held at the head ol Mad-Mvcr, on the 2ad and 2fith oi May x am eitrpm. I ....... - - iu near Irom you on this melancholy occasion. I will relate to you the unhappy occur rences that have happpned. On the -ih or iist mont h, an Irldian, of what nation I know noL aitnr,.rt t, tr. rod, on the north fork of Pai.U rretl;, near t.ieold twn. and ifi a rili'ii.l n?r shot him, tomahawked mid stains! ni rcr, r. e WvU-e much , distressed c- mis ooc3ion, fcaiiiin: it rui.tht i.iW i . on somjof our inconsiderate K-opIc to revenge his death on an innocent per on of your people. Our fears were tnn w-.u ?.: J-.i . k ' ' -.-... "'' fuuimtu i ior cn Aio.iday followinr?-. a t..'.v . , wur nun were ruling through a Prai j tia, near the old town, th. y discovered . . - ' - " v vi mi in , iii.iiaa, ana ut an unci , r.cr put him to deaih. From the U. cripti wihau ofhirh, we fear it U Wny T ilway, a Shawanev, though of h.a we arc nt v,.: certain. Bt fore cn, no killed one ;f our white tiKlu ... a.vd BkotmV.ri, V c mean net to let an Indian's death paw unnoticed.. As soon as the wound- eu man who kiHcd him, is in a situa. lion from his wounds, he will bedeti vnred up to the a of hi, country, i Rn xrn akd noTrirs, c have how 16utwo men and vou ht e Ion one j and although the Indi ns were the first aggresiori, ycl we doW tf.ean that the harmony hich has hcretorjrc subvitcd betwetn your JiMions and our government shall he 'irther interrupted, on our trt , have confidence in your dec Urationi, that yon n.ll exert yourvhes to find o.t the. Indian whomurdercd tapts'n Hernd. And deliver Ji tapt ' msr e dealt with accortling to law, m j well as the whi.p n,3n who taunUud i the Indian, at rtimnl.. .i. ... .u um II n. fknt , "cnn-.i!crate, bth of rodr t.nU rl'r , . ? commitiing net. cf ho;!. "7 .i.cn may endanger the peace and rr;tcf.both;dcj. I aitxo AXD IlRftf Nr 1 1, p? the tears Irom Tourne.n.l rrt anured of our real dUpition to c-j rridndih.pMrotherhrxHl with you. t i wilc.uion all our frontier pcotde ! 1 III. ItL ta. . . .... f-nv i ri .in f siti:..: i i IT, Vlll e Mri ru I. peace and ' friendship tenrards -each-other. . EDWARD TfFFfV. Governor and Commander in Chief of the . ziaxt of unto. - r - -Dy the Governor and Commander in - , " Chief, - . WILLIAM CREIGIITON, Jan. , . Secretary of State. June 1st, 1803. ",: 'WILMINGTON, 'TufspAr, 'July 12, 1803. Am f On Sunday last arrived here ;the sch(wner Experiment, capr.Tuman, 23 days from Jamaica; On Saturday last, offxurW,"ta'pt. 1 urcan Wl in witrhe brig- , capt. Hand, 6 days froiYi .New.York hmirt,1 to -Savannah, wltn infnm.i k; a.. : tna day he sailed, Mr, Smg our" late I "hiinister at London, had arrived there in a snort passage, and brought ae r counts that WAR WAS DECLAR 1 ,b-v ( eat-BritaiaTtgainst France ; previous to his departure from Lon j dot) ; that a French fleet had put to sea, um wmmu cngiwn lleet ot great force h;vrsailed m pursuit Of them. i ne( loregoing important ' Intelli gence is confirmed by the following 4Lcouni, wnicn.we -received by the .muuiagciJH ounciav : t . Wilmington, D. July 1st, 1803. k As.we have felt considerable anxiety 4P know the result of the riegociation carried on between England & France, and judging of the feelings of our pa- j,, v.-..- i.u.ii uurtwn, we are enabled to jj relieve them on toiepd by assuring ': tnem thev mnv ppIw nVii,n r'u.' . j as authentic : T' IC utr'" nit jnena m tins Bo-- rough. "Mr. KincVcur mint's.,. f'i j don) has arrived at. New-Vork. Wa was oeciared the 17th of May This you niay r'-lj on." . Extract ofi a letter from ' 'respectable . house at Bourdcaux, dafedy T. i -" f?''1'01 matters canrtot look black- ' jcr, and no7, seem to F.ave come to a ! crisis. Last etcnine sever.-.! rr,',,. i arrived Irom Paris, assuring that every J . Y. - .vwiiiunon was at an end, that the negdeiations, , were entire'y broken off, so, that. all interview be tween the English minister and Frtvch coqrt ha.d reused ; as far as lho:5e ru mours proved, correct, we may J00k for a Dcclaratibt) of War, whicl, many biheve to have Already taken place." The fining -Address was delivered h limothy IHoodtvcitli, Esq. on the jjtli instant. , G vttlkm rs, . . J'l what Idnsiugs shall I addre you on the return or thU auspicious day f Orators of the first nbiliiJr have -cvh.fi,.,! ...; : . - this HensinrlVrr;;r Th..;.,u ".r u .V "J"-" .,,,.,,.11, uur o;igesk tiic brave ry of our Heroes, audsucteM of our Annies, have hceh cxhibiied in all that constitutes the lofty, the sublime, or ma jesttc, til the stile of our languaj'C not an id;a tan he advanced hut such' as has been heretofore observed. L'nJcr these c.tcuoi.tanccs I shall briefly . mention VJ-V ' wcn sutrccded the Pcdaratlcn of la-'ep-'ndciKs. n tr,Cnious kr.a cs!fwu-ous to the end . wit I'jnifit. I o rncak n (h. un trrcuhtmn of air-more rPy thos- trhorcHijitheCrMor baile.nd a'- enfierd ! ih,!. jhes-in the active de. fvnceofl.bcrty, 1 forbear to proceed in the rm:mrrjl'.n f.. . ' . C6nntrr.n i.. .f.u. . , m.l k iV '"wrrcni rom the wn. war and hlood.Vd, 'fc I poageof the pr.he eVery battle Z mJi?1 "'fnality is certain, sh.mcfuld .par j e i'ZZ . . of the warrior is with ce4"j noi.e J L?Z H ha? ncy.lo & pattern 0f S? D?Z iZV"' "'r s.s Mttr sariFr 5?SJ J&!S5 ar& .t " u is.aiv 111 I ll lin it . . - Jt . . I ntf top,c of gratul.tlon Tor the hau'- ti, u . 1? rcccncil.atloti of par. rlnessweatscntpcsses,'. Iloigt ! dV tt .V.f' he CtraHt! How Inestimable the l,rJL! V ,he ,l?P'r.cs of society t Mng ! A due reflection on Xh U trZ'n ?' "' r1"3"6 on " ,ari" Rasing difference between li ' Krn th? ,l prcf n' "S to subline and derout .dorat ion :o of mank,n ' e Lis utmost lheuthorc,f-.'mrrr.f, '?.... "deavonr, tocherV the vir.ienr. .) v ,H5, n inc men M. 1 :i. 1... i"u"'t ic tlonaTiapIness? I pretume rot anyi" Ouf religious liberties free arid unem barrassed by legal regulations, eviry sect and denomination of professors may worship theirmaker in such man ner as they suppose 4s most agVeeable to rum ; no sedition Laws to prevent free enquiry -into, public measures ; the government administered in the plain and simple stile of Republicanism, free from the dark and secret intrigues of aristocracy and the gaudy trappings of monarchy ! Yet amidst all theseessen tial advantages, there exists some cause of lamentation. -Human happi- : ncss is not to be complete on this side the grave ;. it may be reserved for fu ture enjoyment j the God of nature has so ordered for wise purposes, no doubfperhaps to weanovir: inordinate 'affections from, .temporal obj ects, and let his Will be donei . The divisions that prevail among us, greatly injure our social happiness.Gentlemen of respectability have divided themselves into parties Under the titles cf Federal ists and Republicans ; the former op posed to, "and the latterin favor of the . present administration ; tndthis dis tinction has spread ' its baneful , iri- ihiencc . through : nil members of the community, from the highest to the lowest class of citizens'.. Men of cor rupt minds and strong passioni have endeavoured to iraprove this circum stance to raise their, own popularity and consequence in SQqety, who un der the garb of patriotism disseminate slander and defamation, in order to in crease the number of their . prose litps and strengthen their party. , Their characters answer the description gi ven by Homer of Thersites among the Greeks " Thersites only clamor'd in the: . throng, -Loquacious loud k turbulent of tongue; rtW no sname, Dy no restraint ' eoitfSQul'd,. -fn scandal inrsy ih reproaches bold ; J3ut chief lit- gloded. with licentious - -. stile "v. - . . To lash tiie great, and monarch to revue: ; n , tong.had he lived the scorn of every . Greek. Vex'd when he spoke, and 'yet they' lliinn.l 1.!. . ..... I 4 ; "tutu iih,i speflK. That difference of opinion on nnU. tical snbicctshould prevail, is nnt niarvelloas.nor is it prejudicial to the ..j'luicsu Di-sccieiy, when kept w th. n the bounds of moderation I mav venture to assert that it is cssem;nv necessary forthe investigation of truth, ... v,., .j ui Lunuuiiea m tne na ture of the thing, but in the shameful abuse of it. When we nm.i.ri;ir lopth,. , . .: cfopiniontorisetoa degree ofenw tMimt ...... . . uur ujijjoncms so tar as to withold friendly offices, avoid soci.il intercourse and indulge odious cpi thcts it then becomes criminal, ah "uciicc against the peace of society. M'Ct nil..,-. t ' """ut" ",IU" coiour own nappincss, and f"'7.Pofthe Chris 4-in-preeeptf of the Chris gloni . General reflection a. nut. gainst nations or particular classes of matfcitia .Arc. certainly ungenerous, impolite and unmst. . Upon examina Hon we shall discover cardinal virf,, ns well n fl , ... ... ..tea among an na- ; tions and classes of mankind. . Virtue in any man should be applauded and vice exploded, Jo whatever nation or society he may Ixlong, whether in the private wafts of life or in a public sta- Crr"me,ftn;.rtr for a general tule, but may not apply parttVuhr ca-js. Uicumyances tnaJ. Mlr o l( course ofHiuman .w.r. derr.aud duTerentbchatiour-In ih7.. ... .... v Prty rfiinr: whl.i, i,.. -, ' rVre that.th r,,,;. , '.M.a.Vc f moral, Wn' 1 , welfare of Krl.ir. l "Zlu mmi dcd.that inrL..;, 7r"nHa- ifoundin.v.r:::.:! "re.'? L 7 x Ji who Kirihjltrr powers may require a greater desrree of circumspection in the choice of cur"' members to the Federal Legislature. ' Ihose contending parties m?y at., tempt to involve us in Uieir contest ' uujic our government vi n h.u.v... u ucai peace with all nations, if nra'cticHM: ;. . the true interestf the United States Permit me to hope that the interest of your country will be the leading pnnCIpIe to govern your choice t tt. ensuing election. - For my part I ca; tineas inai u is ray earnest de sire to keep clear of European politic,; as well as their contests monarchlca governments are always hostile to ti Republican form, which in my opinion T is most suitable for Independent Ame ricans. I deem it a truth; incontro vertible, that every government ou4 l?,b.! ?u!ted ? 'e genius of the t1 pie is intended toonvon. a ... -r view of the constitution of the diffcrerl states, VUl clearly evince that ten? sentative govcrnmeht is the. favorite of harcho.ee; yet I am persuaded tha manyt leading chakcters Hostile to eleetive -governmehts, and wish for a-change, which I ma "n- V t c' ' W1" endeavor ta voiv'their fa- views. It will with the remain rising generation' a, - m ' f i - J VIC termine whether or not they" will re ,4.gn those liberties won by the valor to de. lULners; at the expense of much blood and treasure. A hum berofthePatnot,of76 have retired co the silent chambers or the.tomb- a few hoary heads still remain who rnust,S00nfnow their, compatrio,; to the. land of silence, and leave the pvernment 0fthe country to. the ris. uig generation. I mVnim. ... ldiff.cult:to.foretelvithoutthe Sn i Prophesy, tiftt attempts will be made to change the present mode of vyYciiiiiieni xp au anstocratical muiiarcnicai ,iorm. or ous youths - wha coiilfI srQi.rfc i:.k . their, native tongue at the time of the contc3t for Independence ol this country, naw anm-(i,'. -f I Patriotism, condemn the mode and mcasum of government, and with uneoualcd tOxontery viilfv your chief magistrate, whbe tried virtues and ! uiSui?r anilities have stood -the test , of severe examination rom the car "est stages of the revolution to the present period, and who possesses tiie : confidence of a majority of his cowk trymcn, by whom he has been elected to the high office which he now holds with honorto himself and singular ad vantage to his country. Can any thing equal the imprudence r,f conduct? Modesty might BTiwJ at the mawt, ind pnuler.ee ashamed, hide her face ! It is reported that some have ventured their own reputation fo Jar as to call him a TOOLI hope for the honour of my countrymen, that this report .is as false M t, niJ.Vfow. "It "ld appear r.ripclterouriii tfie' extreme to brnnd a character with fot O.that s universally celebrated for science !c literature by all tbe enlist ened part of mankind. But rr-TvU more serious arid surprising liavc 8 larmed my astonished carsj It ji tea fi'Untlr affirmed that he ha, hrtc rie e.B 0,4t of rtilpii dei lunation-M-?e.n,! tIpoalWcr Have tie Ministers of the gospel cf peace, he rC -.- rtu,:;r" 01 detraction? Will r . " surn ,-unst the President? I. 7W.nn.r.,dl.i;r.: hform, ' frcef cf f". "tensive in miormation, fam 1 ar J - MHjecl, in short, he i. ,n .. """.poitmenulani.cr through theptmnofthe Chief Ma' ecrMions that ditaf,,-.! can ,Tfnl Vr,irh t Sntnvro nlmanchtoele.rhimofththa. in hU k.i r . ? " m Ktn,'c"-B canii? h;V'T;-h,,Cntm5 conV .d?e,,,,U- You Prh,r. COtitir.ee to demand il, L conmaniftn r . ., . ' . ,?rtunflt for hit private crime f, hitl, f,r auffrr, n

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