-V ind HI re iovf hat re. 'so, ! the lite M. nn :ca er e in lien i tin wit ips r io ti of 4 aer nr,"" Ma- rale h!V !.blS ts dice Tfr f.ict rni itci i for porlunity.to shew their dexterity' in " performinjthe weekly obSeqtiiow -Cow i to the man in power. . He appears to dispise their adulation, and will not . accept the homage they are willing to ' pay the Chief. Magistrate, although . they hate him as they do the prince cf thelower regions. -- .The disappoint, td judges Sc officers join in the accusa tion. Thefgrmer will exclaim hat he has violated the Const i tut ton and deprived . them of their enijluments and honourable stations, and the latter unite ill the" complaint, and all join to execrate the -' -' Man who has used his utmost' eridea- - votirs.presevve the-peaccTand pro- mote iht happiness of nis country;--- . How surprising to discover tint men, in the common stations of life should'" be so blinded to their own interest as to listen to those complaints or join in the. slander of Iheir best friend and benefactor. Ccnitbe possible that the malicious accusations ota few disap pointed characters can . prevail against JJ piam iacis ana aauy expenericc ; Slialll.be permitted to proposea ques tion or two to the honest Farmer Ec in dustrious 'Mechanic ? 1st. Do you not enjoy peace withoiit the burden of f deral taxes? 3d. Do you ntjt erjjoy your civil; and rdigiouv. privileges Vithbut lire least hindrance or distur bance? The answer to these ques tions rnustbe in the affirmative; . Voq certainly do possess these inestimable blessings.. Your Country never was in a higher state of prosperity, nor your r government under a rhildej' adminls- , tration. What more can be desire d by ' any rational man? Is it a mauerof con. aenue.nce to vou whether vour Pivsi- sident holds a Levii, pr not t All of you could not enjoy the triflinc: entertain ment if you were present. . ; Are. the gaudy trappings of a splcrtdid courtany advantage to your callings or employ nrients ? Surely'no ! Agaih I ask, is the abolishment of the taxes; and the unnecessary courts, disagreeable to you because your burdens jtpc.loseo ed LSdrely not 1 1 confess I have heard complaints on thrt subject fcluch sur- prised me to find suctia portion of folly m persons of moderate eircura stances in life, who generally find use for tbeir harJ, earnings to supply them selves 8c families with the necessaries of life. The general cause of complaint in all countries is the our Jen of taxes. JVVlut would an European Hunk if he should bear that the Americans com plained for want of titest Your I'rcsi- dent merits the cordial approbation of . every unprejudiced mind. Permit me . td requisUniy. fellow-citizens, to cease all nrtruuirkg Until better cause of Co r n'.nt ftnpcsrs ; fee thnnWvJ to the Deity for ths blessings you'en.or, lest you provoke him to a removal of them from you. Unite in. supporting an administration that appears desirous to promote your Iiappinesi. " -Please to indulge a few more ob servations by w,iy nf conclusion. In tke first plTT7 1 tef leavFtdbserve, that few here present have experien ced the dangers and difficulties that attended the arduoiu contest for the Jibrrtics you now enjoy. Some of us still rt main who ventured our-livrt and wastf I our siii;iUn5e to procurj the freedom you now possess. Yo'tt may rest assured it wis not obtained without a severe struggle ; many Med. and expired to purchase this Messing for. the ritirijg .generation. Let me entreat vou not to slight it be cause you enjov it without toil or dan- ncr Head the history of the A merl-;, can wir, and you willbe persuaded of the tmth of my relatir.n. . .SiilTer mc to abjure you by all that is tear and valuable to human nature, to transmit the legacy to the succeeding genera 1- , tion. Do you delight rt your lovely, consort and tender offspring I . I am - persuaded you do. Can you ant!cpate vihout emotion their cr'tntn obei sance to some haughty despot ?. I f rc- sumc you cannot! Let these r.oride rations excite to a manly and rational defence of the freedom and, hidcpcn denct of yourcourrtryt There is no society of civilized people un Jerthc sun that enjoy a larger pm-tion of na tio;uJ freaaom thsn the cit izens of the United States; but we "discover this nelancholl) truth, that liUcityoftrnoe- generates in'.olicenlionsuevv I w ish it was" in ny power to avsrrt that I din rorer no traces cfit at the present pc riod. Vlatmeanct!i those iingrncrous invectives against the ( hief Macut. rite ? Such an abuic of liberty is un ) 6or best rtward (Kurd I'tlicitj.J doubtcdl;' a disrfsre !t our national - ia. (,vr I'tlluw-Clitirnvhereur character, andln:ns ur conse. :' met to celebrate this aopicious day q'irnceiTith fsreipn nitions. At t ' (fankct Doodle.) . . , , enjoy an tketive Rovcmmtnt, Ictus J 13. The American Fin-may Jul. exercise it with discretion, and tota ; vays be supported vith honor, and UJ apnbinted periHor the man ', rcpectcd by alf rations (Hail Co cf our chrice. A majority must deride u turn Ha. ) ( the contest, an Jercry individual o;lt ' 14. My t runners be slwstl rtrel to submit to the decision 1 whfKVcr . ted with bpillity and that hopits- rfTm-s hi concurrence after afirtl- : lity never he infringed (Diet.) tamuU diturbercf th'tarc of ,1 15. Agriculture, M.nufactUres anJ tvicj- mm menu inc oitppmoaunn ni every man who wishes the hsprd. r,ti of l.is country, let the offender be J tf hat party he my." IcandUcovtr ft'j nttcsity Uf ditidiiiff Into parties bream we ct not think alike rn poli 4 l, and it it d'n fruitful to theUvldf I gree to cast odious epithets because I the man cf our choice has' failed in his' i election, or to triumph with provoking ' exultation, in his, success. Shall a man,, forget the manners of agentleman because he is disappointed-in his- ex pectation abuse his neighbours, and withdraw, front social intercourse and friendly offices ? It is also impro per to fcxult in a degree of extremity, as it seldom fails to give offence to the unsuccessful party, creates ill will artd fosters parties am oftgit us, which Js the bane of social happiness.- Let. Or; endeavour to cultivate peace 8c friend- snip w iin each other tor oqr own bene fit j the circumstance of our situation evince the propriety of such conduct we reside .contiguous to -each other, enjoy mc same privileges,' ana must share the same fate in the ' prosperity or adversity of odr country j and must unite:,iu defence against axpmmoncn e- nry,n occasion-should require. In this - jpase the youths of w country, will be Caucq. on to tal Ice an active part in the contest....'- ,. -. - v.;: Will thtv please to indulge me with' a few additional observations ? Ift this early period of life, the passion? arc strong the reason teebie and imper fect ; health invigorates the limbs, and hold adventurous deeds . occupy . the II mindj which render youth more fit to act .mat to direct, c. -v : r :i As. your, country will rely en y?u for protection, it will be essentially leessary q acquire the military art, to qualify yt)u tor' the held of battle. I,Hitbe your ambiticiV toKiXcel in dex terity as well as iti subordination ; and suller m.e to press the necessity of per fect union with each other Remem her that old maxim, which will apply in every society, particularly in an army, r. . , ..,-.. . ' y-, UkitedWh St"AXD-DivrDEE We .. V. y. Fall." . 'm . Reserve your strength and vigor for the defence of your country, and not for contention with each other; reject the false"- idea of hotiqr held out by du eling and. murder, arid' exert your va lour against the common enemy. , . May, the God of tbe-Universe ena ble each and all of Us to act Our parts in society in a manner pleasing to Him and advantageous to "ourselves and country. v. . . . S.n'uhville, N. C. July 4, 1 io3 -- This rttispicious day was ushered In by a discharge of cannon . from Fort Johnston, commanded by Lieutenant John F. Powell, U. S. Art's. , At two o'clock thcinhabitantsof the filacei and a number of gentlemen" romthc corrrtrr,"wetf aereeable to arrangement, at Mrs. James's, where they dihed,toglhfr in the greatest harmony ar3 conviviality-. After din tier the fallowing Toasts were drank with musii and patriotic Songs, and the "day closed with anjelerant and rfcpIciidiiT null The young, tfie old, all appeared to vie wiih each other jn promoting the gayety and harmony of the days ... I; The day we celebrate. (Tune lan- kee JJnodie. H 2. The United States, free, snve reign and independent ( Jhii Colum bia.) 3. The memory of Gen. Wa sh lXGT0N,andu1! those Heroes who fell jn defence of American Liberty (Dirge.) 4. The President of the United Stntcs mny he promote the general welfnre without regarding the distinc tion if p iriics (Jrffittjn's Marth.) ' 5. The Congress of the United States may they ever consider themselves Krprcscntatfrcf of Free men fCd ira.J , f . The State of KortJvCorol'ina niAy it increase in virtue ri il does in fiumhCrt f Rote Ttte,)t 7. The Vice.Prvident,imd Officers of the general . Gove rmncnt may their Integrity be equal to their ta lents (Jeferson't manh, ) . 8.. The Governor of the State of Norlh-Csrolina ( The Irifht ro:tj morning,) V. the Ksv; and Amy ofthe Uni ted States rosy they alw.ijsbe cial ? , ' to our tlelef.CC (jefcriax xyi.tbtrtj.) .10. Peace and Commerce with all nations, partiality to none (The wandering ttiilrr.) l . H. The Amcrie'in Fair, their inter ests our dearest objci, their virtues ,, ns liutt.j ! 16. Our Irtiirn Minrstrrs inrrtis ,,to their Negotiations (Crrnadier't . March.) I 17. The Siate or Ohio width adds another member to ttt Federal Unl- 00 ( M. rjifKA t dJtj.j V FAYETTtVILtE, JtifA, 1 S03. r. f ' This day was ushered m by the dis charge of three guns. At 12 one gun was fired, Vhen the Rifle Company, and Cavalry (dismounted) formed un der, the. Town-H wise, here the De- claration of Independence was'read by Jlobert Cochran, nd an-appropriate . address, by John Iay, esq. delivered,, '.which shall be pttbiisneoMn the La-zette-.of next Tuesda'y aareeably to- 4he arrangements for thc'uay ; and at; k 2. o'clock Sixty R.epubli6m-sat .down "to a dinner provided at the-Poplar- Spring, At which Captains Dick , and. Cochran presided. Alter dinner the followingToasts wera drank : ' l. The i-ty we celebrate may it be a day bf veioicine to millions un- ;., -2f" The memory of - our departed fello w-citizen and late Commander in Chief General George Washino-TO&VM-ay his services and virtues be. ever held in." remembrance by his grateful cpuntryren. ' v 3. Tl Heroes of T6, " CL nn,l V.. who1 feU in defence of their'conntr.y. - 4 l'he, meToory of Bekj.' Frank lin, the undaunted asserler of Ame rican rights. ;1;' . ;Jn' 'y 5.. May every true Republican-remember the Convention made in ""6, wliich was'sealed with'blood. 9 thee'rs. 6. Thomas. jEfrEEsq, President of the .United States, a friend to the Pepple. 10 cheer v ' V". , 7. - 1 he Government of the United States, like the ruling Planet of the Universe, my it rhovs within its bt" bit, ehlighten and invigorate the stqti government's..- , 5 cheers. v . ' 8f ,, 'May the People of America know their true interests, and unite In supporting them. 5 cheers, ; - ' The 4th of March,; -1801, the May of our poUt'icul ITegttieration. 1 3 chctrs.: : .;' 40. The Republicans of the Ututed States may t!tcy shew as much mag nanimity jn the hour of triumph, as they have doneduring their oppressi-pn.- 5 sheers. ', - : '- ' II " A speedy end to political hnr- mcsity ;an honwt,' but free coir.mu- j nicalion otVentimcnt, the only path to truth and happint3S,: the-vital ptincU pie of our constitution. 7 chrers.' 12. The Sttvtc of NQftli-Casdlinai Free, Sovereign and Independent, f cheer, ' '. . , . . ' . .. ; 13.,.Jaxk5 TtuNTRi Governor of. NortlwCarcl'na. 5 cheers. 14. The mechanic Arts mav those -who exercise them, be always held in the higher esteem. 6 cheers -IS. Agriculture, Commerce and MnufacluiTs; thellohlth, Wealth k Strength of the Nrtions. '. 5 cheers. 16. The Daughtijs of Colombia; Peace to their Minds, and Indulgence to their Wishes. 7 cheers 17. Jamks MoNnoK May the re sult of l.is present jjnssion be a cause f rejoiciuf'-to our western trethren: 17 cheers.- - fCT No alterations in the Trices Current since lust Tuesd.;y FOR TOf WU.MISG TOX, x , . Entered, Schooner Experiment, D. Tnmarf, Falmouth, Jamaica left there Brier Twins, Scott, of Nef-York,-arrived the 13th June. Urie J.ittlc Cherub, Applcton, of Pol U mouth, N. II. to sail for that place.in ten day s.-- v Brie Hero, Tcylor. ' l New YoA. Sch'r. Betsey, M Donnefs, Charlc.ton . Regulator, M'llhcnny, Do. Ceres, West, . , , )o. , "Carolina, Harvey, , Do. 's ' ! Cleared '' . fdon. Ship Royal Charlotte, Hamilton, Len-r ooe(iooicc(scooa The fuhfcribtri httvt ttee'ryed ly sot oceimtr t.xptrmtni, Lapt, iumnn from Jamnu and , OFAr FOR SALE I 20 Puncheons high proof RUJVI. , July ia. FOR SALE. A Traft or parcel of Lnhd v. Ctnt citing 69 f tit re f OV the head of Hear anJ lnlet ' Creek, adjoining Mn. Mo-t land and runnirg arrofs I lie main ro4 about fcten milei frorrt.Wil.' mington, fixty or feventy acrei of which is good corn land, and en which thtre it an excellent inilL' flrcam. Tlie'fiitiatioc if elicib! fur a jpuolic houfr, inJ tie fsnpe i ftipenor lo any on the fourj. For one half 'the amount prompt pay. ment will be resulted, ai.rfa credit of twelve month win !a eivert for the other half, ike puickakr ting bond, and . ffcutitjr. For lyttrr pirticnliri ipply to A. Halt in WiU niinrfon, nr t the fulfctitxr o Rockry Toint. - . Robert Howe, M.iy 16. ' j . FOR SALE ; Sj tbi fuhfer tier, in rtapinaU : - ,-. ttrmt : 'r Liverpool Crocjccry"' VVafc of 'various defcriptionj afTortcd in crates : J . ' T-::..:. ' - V ; ALSO, f-.r;- Twbtxcellcnc 8 day CIocKs 'July u. r Wto GtLES; TrWP Silver Watches i.Jboth out ( jionarywar,- my political opinlorr - I of repair, werclefrat tho fub-v f during thatimportaneriod and sincr fcriber's'hou fe aboitt 1 welye months lithe establishment of our Independence, . fince. -The owner, by applying jlso niy Sept'onents for, the alx'feasp and defcrlbing them, may have the v J had the hohor,to. represeni y6;l n Watch'trsv Onvpaying the expence of this advejtifemciit. "Wiltnington, July i 2. v Ten Dollars Reward. RAN away "from the; Tubferiber, at theitnputh of rNew.River, : ab.out.the nrll ot M3V lalt, a likely yoting isegro woman natned aA CHAfiL of middle ne. Vcry black,4 down looic ana Ipeaks iiow; She is the daughter of Spicer'N Sue, Who lives In Vilmington, and very proi bably is.jiarbourcd. about there. I will iive th, above reward for, hav ing the fai.4 ran:aVay 'delivered, to me orrcureu in jau jo mat l get her, I -will Rive a further icward of twent f'ddllars for tnformatitfn which tnay lead to conviction of her being harboured by a whitit per'fon. ; UtORGL W NOBLE. , July ia, i8o3-3w. Arrangements of the Mails lehoceiu Fflyetteville iS? Wilmington. THE HorfcMail willlcave Fay'i. ettrville every Tuetdav at i o'clock-A", r M- ahd'arrfve at VVil- mirJjon on Thurfday at 1 o'clock . . FE TVRNU'G. - .. ; Leave Wilmii'itfion on ThurfdaV at 6 P. M. and airive at Favette- vine on-ounuay at nooon. . i he Mali 5tae. -. ' The Mail Stae will leave Fay- .rr .'.'t . o . 1 ' . t jl moi'i every oaninuv sv luit. rife, and arrive at Wilmington on bUnday at 9 P.'M. r." Leave Wilminjion every Wej- netilay at 0 A M. and arrive at FsyettcviUe on ThurMav at 7 P;M. N.XC. The Uoife mail will pafr alternately by ,uay of Elizabeth. I own and Sampfon CoiiM-Haufe as has been the cafe." for fosne tinc pall. ' JOHN LORD. AD. P. M. June,jor 'Sheriff's-. Sales. On the 20tb inion will it SelJ, in . IrilrriiHtttn . '; 1 A LIGHTKU and a Negro ! . Plan, :To fitisf) an execution to maili-. reeled. s ' ' ' . .: vvm. B!ii i J.voftli, Shff. Mr j. r . . . . . ;. On Mcndaj therst d.:j cf August n'ftt, totU ce JM under flit Cvuit-IIoust in H'jtmlrrtint . m A , -THREE stcry Brick House cor- 'ner of Front' and Dock.streets.'' and all the ether real arid personal rronerty pi James Carscft, in Brun- L swick county, to satfify two execu- iion 10 me directed. Wfn. ULUDWORTIT, Shf. ilrntntnk June 33. aen.i M 1 . i marinari- pi. On AbnJjf the 6rh v,,' . sxt, uill ht ftU .icr il t Cvwt- Ihujt in WitmiiPlin, f,r rtlj r ft'tvrr Ciin. ! . i . A" 'niHEfi (le?y Brick JUfs ia, ihe loan of Wilffiipffon, - A fit Li'nl hVihs "IffiMOff. ' man llioeoo, orpofiie Vi!mi)ton, John S; Well. J ane thrihj, ti. C, D, -r-y WABTtO tO CllAttTER "for the ; WcfMntiics , One rX vts itl from CO it f J t i tr, 3i0toi.. j,!jlv to ( I FitANCISTONTAINE. I IT iWylvs, Jtprd 1 4. I.ied bv Henry B. HoVardin Market- 0N A(lle ,?reDck k"Q"? h1 M strccti ' V name oft Bcar-uardcn, cr . 'A piece cf land of rWwil'mmfj. which "there U a good mill fen difii- ton. wlili the imircvrmrnr iK,., ' cient for two fiwi. on a lafliinn n vgwtt ti.n one Nttro mm. MA life Urn Ieic4 on auj will li fj ,d fiiUfy faniftMjun'oni anJ jameau ftuintd by iht UmVJ S uti. f 7 the Hectors tf the Division tofr "hindihr'the tounties ofBlodetf, Brur wic,' Duplin, New-Hanover, Salter, i wid Onslow . ' -A". , FELLOW-CtTIZENS . t S an Fdectipn will Uxe place in A-;., xgust ntxt, for aperson to represt j you in the Congress 'of the . UuitffV'i States, rthus oubliclr offer myself as . a Candidate for that "important trustA; Cdngress,aje well known ; r.therefore , oeem u urmccesary .amuse you with opinions respectlngotbe origin ,o.' ,. ; motives of partitsj'hor professions of exclusive'attachmen to -the Constitu lion or mterests 91 enp in ajiion. , y v My conduct shall continue uniform, and my zeal unnsjtfjtting ior a gnuins 1 $nd rational" Republican Goyernmej! vasguaranteeav ppr national compacts : theConstiiutoh shall be my guitle in 111 poimciii com;yins ma racc, Liberty rtd Happiness of the United States my sole object. j. flotvyithstanding .tht! calumny .fit Jfey IndiYiduals, I am fully confident that tlie "present Administration oftliti Government of the United States,. Is .'are, economical and just, and calcvi- lated to secure thp rights, liberties and true interest of the people, Should I be honored 1 with i majority ofyouraufirages, my time andtalenU i shall be ( invariably employed for the interests of my Constituents, and for the Union generally ... . . t With tlie highest respect, jV' rl have the honorto be,' Gentlemen, . Your most obedient servant,' ' " JAMES GILLESPIE. YVltMiNGToW, ItarchSy 18o3. 7 i 1 r Ib-:-:M' To die "Elet.)rsTf : New- i Hanover county, v . CtSfLtMtl, v V 1TAICE this public rnethocf cf informing "yau that' I am a Cfntlidate for a' feat in the Houfc oT Commons of "the next, General Afrcmbly. SnOuld I be honoured. with a majority of our fuff rages at' the cnfiiing election, every exer. tion in mj power (lull, be ufed 10 promote; the political intercd and welfare of my conft'uiients. , I am, Gentlemen, ' ' with the titrrjlbtt JrefpcA, TQurobedienrfervanT, ' ? '' h'. - JAMES FOY.. June 23, J8o3. , 4 . i- . . u 1 "A Fur salct . tj 'appointment, bj Sqlixo JlJLLixo, cnlj, Wrjcaton V GeniVine Patent --jaundice if i rrERs, ' ; HIGHLY celebrated in all Bilti oui complaints. , They are cllrcmed an tifeful anJcmCicioui Medicine by trie Gentlemen of jho faculty, In the Nonhern.ftite,in tlx jaundice, anJ all bilious dtfurdurs t . ' i.LIKEWISEj v Whcaton's Patent ITCir ! ointment, -t ' ' lathe' highcfl eftimation,' il z certain remedy for this difagrecabt difeifc. - . ' ; . . W j I mi njt on, J uhe 1 6-1 m , ' F O r's'AL E,'! ' io.fo Acres of vcirtiiiit)cr,l ' Li N D flream. A part of laid find it welt adapted to the culture of corn aj)d, cotton, and the rmcc il crccIim. The termi of payment will te madefify lb the pucclufcr. , j 1 will alio tent the upper apart- J mers of mv lloufe, Kitchen, tie. in Market. (ircet. until the fird o: January next. tot terms apply to. 1.1 Wllmlnton May 19. rr NOTICE. vTIIF. r.ihrrli hInf- . , js uit June term ci the v out1 of Plcai and Qjiarter-SefTiona, .el J for the' county of New.llinovcr obtainrf Lttterf ff A JinlnitlraiLi, onthe'eftatc cfj'ohor Williann, dcccafeJ,'tciielli all fcrfrfns i). rtcbteJ to fsi I cdatt to nuke im-, ineJiate, payment, anj tlvofe har dcruanJa again! fVil (date Will' lender ihcm to Saimitl R. Jocelrr,' Ffn attornv fut the falf.r il-cr. f r payment, within iht lima ' pro fcrihctl hv ail trt 'cf A(TlOiI! it Ljchrte msdc and prov'HeJ. ' -JANC WILLIAMS, A3:n. Juoi 30. - 1 . 'r

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