if 1 i partment, in which fortune or accident ; V; Ode to jefTcrfon. .; : -; Paraphrased from MrHr Dauthiw " for Jvvy4, 160 J. . r fXP. free barn Whigs-attend, v -Vwr freedom's standard throng ; ItCatch tut prolific 'f eme, t - ' Aul jf in tht festive soug, LfI g'ednest every ' heart expand, . .. AndrSry fear be dead, ' ;-"H cw republican prepare . ' "' 'ioho!dyvurchsenhtad. -. . A Patriot guides, lecwjcons loud. . ' The spacious ebneaye' rend," . 1-on;? life to J-efferson, ! Columbia's fcithful friend. . . :- - 3Sre from yon op'nir.g skins - 7ie guardian choir descend, ' Cj hen-forms who fel!t Our birthright, to defend ; . High in the midst, with glory crown' d, -The immortal WashivgUt' 'Smiles on the purchase if his toil - And points tnjfeffcriiin, w , ' -.VpatviorRuUlts,' &c.:'- ; . ill. ' ' . 1 Jliylt, hAri, with new delight, : The ripening states rejoice, may have placed him. etft unucr f standing clear and sagacious, integri j tyunpolluted-by public reproach or ' private malice, and principles whose j soundness and moderation are the best testimonials of their sincerity, were qualifications that called hint to the- lushest departments ot state. If I may be permitted to frive an-o- pirw'on of the political prnciples of Ir.! Jefferson, if iyill-.be drawn from the aggregate qualifications,: of his Char acter. '; This mode, "totvevcr may be a very fallible one in forming the judgment; utcause the most manly virtus, aivd the most brilliant'" intel lects, are, too frequently, in conflict .v.ith the latent feelings of the heart, But it would be uncharitable in' the present instance, to conr.ei.Ve f a 'ties. very thing refute;..;,. It Would be bar barous, to vfolate ?r.! sentiment s of be nevolcnceand to. reproach theiudg ment. witlva ."defect, Wiiftbut. the evi dence of truth and rer son. ; It is diffi- cuK to make the progress of personal interest in the actions of jnnn, every partf whose conduct bat been con nected togetfierj'by a chain ofbniform morality, whose tone is decisive,' whose- styhi and language clear and rerwous. whose principles cpnvey the reality of ! jtisUcCjand the convictions of experb. encc arul reflection. , ... f - The political principles of 'Mu. Jef- fersnn, are drawn from .an expandt3 inltllc'ct, that consults the oracles of Mature and reason as its only guide ) Bom at a period "when, the whole uni verse wa convulsed by the conftictinj passions of mairkind, his study is f a reconcile the jarring elements and to etract felicity and order from misery and confusion. ' Experience arid ob servation "have po$ht'.:d oat to him the wreck of,'rnbition, aniTlhc despotism of error and prejudice. They have conveyed his mind through the various regions of society, familiarized it with thi-inchncholly exhibitions oflost dig nity, of-iirjurcd innocence, of polV.'.'lcd virtue : and left ilin the awful cun te'tnplatlcn of scenes t which, his hu manity shudder?. ' It is no'wondcr thercfcrjj thit his pidtns'ftre the pi ous innovations of tV.c 'pliilosppl.se ho wishes to f e'pair ttic injuries which -rn unjust policy has occasioned in the "World thai he . cherishes them as a peculiar tiibuJe to his own feelings, -V.hicli (vi under".ttid'V.g rnniinus nrd Ihc lienrt ri.tifies. , Unon lhi 11- tvrapny, whenever it is blended with extensive power. There is, an invlsi- 1 ble chain, ..which connects immorality with a cou tempt for truth? a contempt lor truth withthetl elusions1 of error, and the delusions of error with the most brdtal tyranny.- Hence the li centiousness f Courts and the patrio tic icrimifs of ambition ; hence that cold phtjosoth y ' which chills the which have not been erased by there cent convulsions of ttate. ' " There vns'no character perhaps, in America, more eminently calculated to fill the department f state, than ; Mr;. Jefferson. '".'"'Few men; who have I travelled : at all' .have travelled with j more advantage ;' -, and " hld ' a creater r.anacitv of receivine im- yarmth "of. benevobneef and '8a6rifiE -pfovement, Jrcm this rnodef it, thftn ccs; on fhe poluted order of despotism. him.3? Tlie genius pf eachnutioni Us" the feiicity offliilHons. p,-t ..partialar.cdstoms and rnahners, and 'Disdaining the character xf the ; tlie great relative Interests whlch'fe-! courtier, Vf bere pusilanimity snd flat-' pgulated the policy of courtswere sub-' tcry arc il.e steps by, which, the cb- jeets, with which, he was acquainted ; sequious arise to fame tid distinction, ' and eminently fitted-'him,-to fill a:'der' Mr. Jefferson has filled the highest ' 'parfnlcnt, the peculiar oi gaiV'oi iheir ofTice of government, byt his ow n in comnTanications. Controversy, ;wlich trinsic meVit. The simplidtlf ef his'i- so frequently betrays the fallibility f rnahners aud. the reservedness of hi the lifi'derstanding, because it begets temper,, are the characteristics of a. ' intemperence, never mrikes him a ic vigorousjiiind, Avhlch' grasps .at high ( tim to the designs of his opponent tr objects, than the rneretsJofplea-jreJistens-to his -argnojents -"tvith sing Vet thers 1 jio map,' ln pn- . scrupulous attention;, draws new sour- tiracnts of vencraniB an Tespcct, r severance, wrucn was ci.cujaieu- tv' ' 1 .rl.iil I...... ,.t Kr oa.'l Kv ti( t' I , pi5tat and ('Ko-n;f.':" Tirt-H with tV' I I yAnd shautifo rXiUions hail ' Tlie ruler of their choice 1 . ;. j' -Oil whom may -fleav'n tith lih'ral'hand , v Its boMilexls gifts increase) ; . And senl ns while'ct'hflni he stanch) Jft oSfcrltj end jteare.'" '..!. Ap'atii6t g::des,ecc.' . r",; ' " ' ' '" IV. . . ; ' ' 7'ohfesshtrfdv'ritesoit " , ;; 'Still "1 ndependewe deigfj ' : ' ' ; The feme of sev'ttfr-six , . . Jitirns lively in o'ir veins'; '-. " .:. ., A'a standing armies shew their heads, Sedition lill eppfre ; ,. - And fuet elect ;JhiJIidvfen's best gift, ' funs freedom's sacred 'f re. , A patriot guides, &c. '" 'The cor st it 14 tun reik is, , ' With eqtal laws cimbin'd) 'Wisdom o'er all pre srdt's., t irith eqitcl justice 101.1 J. r -Sofieedttni't sun shall ev'r shim;, . And warm remit rr skies Arid while on us ihc pours her yfti Here Ut b.r increase rise, A patriot guides, &.C.. - S CIIARACTF.H OF . . "THOMAS JKITK liSON, 4, . 'rHIttorNT OY TMK UMITRP ST AT TS. I ; By ALLAN U. MAGR'JDT.ll, Of LexTniton, "Kentuckcy.' THE superior distinction which Mr. bond pi m of pliikmihronhyMr. Jif- Jefferson ha acquired, in the political 1 ftraon in Uic citicn of the wnrM. world, was founded upon the aUianoc ,. ,Vt C, o Kc fttli an nttuchmcnl lor.ll of virtue and fortune. (Ireat tu-ms i Ms ctfUntiy, but like Socrates, bis iii- , five birth to great 'tali Tits. Itisn-t j fortion cmhrir? tlie nr.jjersf . dilacultto ay, however, that h"f the j It will be difficuTt to reconcile ihe revolution in America nevev. t?ktn principles of Mich a character, Vith '.'lacc, hcwot.'d bars erUen to cur hi- j the tirtrsand i:icl?n.itliin thai 'vcrn . . dcrable lame, in the 11 puMk of let- r the parasitr f desptin. The first ' ri ftnd philogo"phy"."Th5 i.dvnr.tagCfrariT founded upon a IaiisTwf.6sc tmtli of an er.cellent educution, habit of , i irrtlistal.le ?,!n)se origin i iKjiare application tfnd btudy, were cirrtini- . whc.c attribute, t'omlity wh'osc itanrc that gave to his mind an in- csKcur.e, reason. M'he Inst acts tiaturc ! '.iT.Htion for phikvphical snd literary i.t lUfinnce, conMdcr inornhty as tmriuit Hi 'notes on Ihc ttnte of tnockery nnd reasons a fool. If, '4n:inia, a. wmk though incoivpb tc i therefore, Mr. Jcffvus'on dilfersin opi- ' vatc life piore amiable, none more dignified, and none jvhose jiiainiers, po3ses3,in a higher degree, the in rj comparable felicity of inspiring the reject.. : ' ' '., . :' He has conterh.pIated' tnen'3c. thii'.ga -m He -tlilk-rcnt lights, in which" they v are, and in which, " they shotilJ be. . li; rtricclions on this subject, are. the sflurces of- his hu-' manity and lorbcarance ; .qualificav.; tions which travels business anT books have matured into'1 practice, and given to his mini a, degree of philosophical tranquility, infinitely su perior to most of his coternporiries.' Let not thh,pi:kity of temper be 'thistakun fol-' coP!utsa.and apprthtn sibn. 'He does rot possess an under ( standing, incapable of being inspired C(-s of inforiiiation from" conflicting '.".principles; and if he is anirrialed at ;. ll t- !.- ...;!. -lieVrXiv- c n niv nil, J1- wivii nit uiav-wtvi -v k..1',,! truth. There arej perhaps," few men better calculated' always tar triumph and always to leve"ipon t.e mind, at least ' the most iavptjrible impres sioirs, if iVot the "most decisive convic tion. ' This in not difficult to'arcpiint for, when applied tft Mr. Jefferson ; because few men, like Jiim, deserve 'the' application. . He ' never ' hazards. an opinion without the authority of experience, and the conviction ol'-vea-s6n. Ti'avel and observation bave 'matured one, and extensive' applica tion and rellection, have invicorated the oilier. His principles, therefore, 'convey, the strongest impressions'; which be enforces by -logical deduc tion U mathematical precision, drawn n;uhinglCo boat of, on the f core of su- ahd cimmdored merely &s beariiig the features of its title, i bowettr, wX without cruiMdcrablc meril ItdV-to-rcrs a mind at once agarious ami in tjtiaitt ; and capabb.'by the jti-lu-, cl nieancf rxpt-riment, and 'rationut ilcdurtiiin of unfolding ibe su'dimt it tripciple of tiuth. llut thr smc rrjtt tnt which l.avmmortallied lie j dnwn frcm obroniy the most bill- J liant tiknt m the ficM'and the cabi nc p-'i'l f"a' tribute to the'Vir tuciof Mr. JefTtnon'r.n lgve lfit , distinction in tlie firt r?nk of ata'cs - tiun. At the first sboik of that Von- ; nion '.vith many ofhis countrymen, H I 1 is necii.e nc uuicis in me ncgrcqoi i cstimuti m, in which thee things are j mutually lu Id. "lie consider nature ! the a-jurce of every humr.n right, rio I ralitv t'r.c hMH, rr.d rca,An the r.iicr- j ring g-iide-'tf evtry hnman action. Of ronrse hi p ri ' ives nogradts h or icty, nQpa;M..l d:siirtctio:i consi der the p?"ple an.ibe aourre of all power and the pendiar feV'SVuirns cf their own r:;;hi: lie m?.kea;lownn cca for fbc pii-ticul ir situation in s hie b lie ha found niankird. Ilcin ticnuri to nmrile the irdtferrnt in tercut by irst'itulions that arc cs!cv.la wun uitrepuiity, "When great objects from arj expanded intellect, . that . se, deniand its' energy.. Tne American 'paratcs with infinite Tacility, tbe purity ttccfrfitioTi'-f lndvicndcn'ce'r Ms nc- ' cf tfu.h, from, the grc'scer ImatcrlaJs jjocial ions' i in 'several of the roost sub--. of error. ' tic cabitfets ,of Europe, '"and his c,om- -j ' yhcFc1Ticn Genet, the ex-minis-niuiucations with the .intriguing mU . Icr of Kobespcrian fanaticism, ap'oear. ristera-of F ran'ce and F-ngland," whilst,.1 ed in America, he altempkd to lm- eti erar) 01 state, , . wnt remsin the "i0$e his titiw piloophy 'ot light and lurablc meitonals of combining iie liberty tinon the -rovenimcnt. He bad various qualttiratior.s ot -energy, li liberatc coolnx si and p-ietruiion. ' The candor of amicable mgosiatio:,, i too fc qucntly the victim of court intrigue and 'of diplomatic cert neny. j There Trs no cabinet th;it afforded ' "more pretention ficbotli, fi-.an the ' court of Louis the l(Uh. Tp mislead, to bribe; and f. rorr.fptv by all the art of chicanery and dec-it, contituttl the peculiar sl.il! of tveiy ministtr, and 'were the prrlimjnaiies oT everf t nej-ociatidii. V!ilii Miv Jcfu im.- v.'uit to France ) carried "with himttS frientlly viewhiui' a p.rp!e whose si m- ' plicit) lid not been ccStuih d, whose lliner. foillid.-.l liimn lli it' rnmlr.iin which flws from an tl-vaud fixtdirrn. disdamed the lhvfitiouiic,s of a court, - that, was calcultcd to t.i.barrss and .betray. Arrived thuc, It wavvcrv" reason.iblctoiurqi'j'ie, thuttl. rcrci.t riisnuii.bermeril of the American Co- lonitvfrom Citxul-i!i!n. aud. the na tural inveteracy which had for af'is, eiiitcd between tbe rabir.cts of I riuice and F.n.L' wild, would hjve been the TTcans'-f depreri it':n;'l.e popularity of our negoi iator Mr. JifVrsn at an tarl pt-rind of bT rcMt'ence at 'he ccvMtofthe forn. lVrey, Villi the it'.Vi.ilive eye of-sagacity, wlmt be might regionally expect from th oppisi'.ion of the I ttcr. , Hit snib; k- i 'TuImoh, hifh eventually scprti(l, ntrd to prdue the tn.o.t rxteUMve the conthunt of America, fromlircaS rcK-ApIcie felicity. Conf.iU'figm- . . k i i. -. a f - . ,i;ri'iin, me pmioopnicai apparaiu r mrr, nis inaans 01 gnvinuucni are penor diplomatic skill. His commu- iiications "to" the secretrry of state, were cxidtnly of the tamptr.ngkin J. They were imprc-jsed with all the marks of thfit enthusiastic insanity, which regulated the counc its of the faction';', i.nd which, were cal uhited to miatukc their object, by di uniting t)icir intended victims. The-mind of Mr. JuiVersr.n, discovered itself, in an carty period of his ;oriepondcnce with f.ic 1 rench minister. Theiom-t'lunicj-.tioyu of Crnrt vcrje clecora' d with all the fljwcrs of clMjuenc e. witii out the force and comiction.nf rheto rical incry. A'. cus'orrf I to diplo' matic raUulatifi, rcid intlmaul) conAiiiing cau with cfTert, Mr. Ji l A,rson r.ppt-uheiidecl Jtb.c aubject, with Mrttii'tb and decision ;. considered it; developed it; viewed it 'on a1ls'u'cs ; ' hlePed to everv nprrer.l, and atlende to every charge; nnd in cveiy com timnurt lion, burst forth with a strtngb of .refutationy that At "or.ee deteried and "I'vil a'ri'S'.td, the disappointed iniiiiver cl v.'dy and frantic faction. , It h," in a? st instance?, usucss it oppt)sc eritlusiasm with thr c!th- beri-.tr coolness' of rcaien and or- gununt. They are thc.tnt'pode of inch other; aucl cl tut unpenon ' tiaturt-, wbh mutually solicit tiiurr.Vli corr.espondence, the secretary of state appears .to have nolkcted together the united energies of his mind, in aTT singleeiterTfcmivrdtrstilr lengthy wherein he 'combines with infinite : skill, the erudition of the "counsellor, the wisdom of the politician, and tbVV sagacity of diploroatic ingenuity. Ko longer deluded by the dreams of tri- umph, IlamrAond in a short timeVent home, t kiss the : avistoci'aticaIYhaiul, -that makes him a 'slave ; and-Mr. Jefic'rson, to- seek that repose in re tirement, which his laborious atten tion, rd the duties of bis office seemed tb demand. .';, ' ' .;" ( '-'" : .-, v. f Mr. Jefferson' appears frontth? In-.? comparable felicity of his temper, to- -hav e arrive d at?the "most f elevated ; beigbt 'of philosophy. . He has not cs. cupcu uic miMoriune u uvisone, of having, enemies, to depreciate bis vir-' ? lues and calumniate his principles, inese . virtues nave ircquently lur- ? nisneci prctences tor tne bitterest ca-.; lutnrir,. ,rhe equanimftv of his tem- -per, however nevcfT fell a , victim, to the unmanly proyocatives,fwhich so" often disturb "little'-minds, ilis tow. ', temjH for unjust censure, his dignified ' reserve, beneath the insolence of mi nisterial loquacity and his unshaken : serenity, whilst the whole political !.'..: 1 , . "uiiu i iiumg arounu mm, marks ? a soul capable of holding calamity in' defiance. Viewing: mankind as thev really are, biassed by passion, svvayed by prejudice, and with ears continually open to the invocations el individual interest, he stands aloof in the tene ment of his own exalted mind, and, . like Jupiter from Olympus,- surveys ..witliserenity and silence the fate"of'" empires, 'it is. well known however, that his encmicS aj c pf that obsequi- . ous tribe of court parasites, who move in the inferior circles of respectability, and feel the influence of talents, wh:cb they ise'ek IP decry by the aiH " of petulance and loquacity. . He has sufficient knowledge of 1m han nature, 'to know that this is 'the invohmtary tribute" of envy, anj is consuled ; that it is the medium for Ihe inculcation of truil & is satisfied that In is not deserving of leproael. ; and is silent. Surciy the man who'' can preserve such equanimity pf tem per, who can maintain the composure of hi. mind, and listen J3f;nmcrUe.l reproach, w ithout the cohsciousnesj . of deservin,; itv'surcly su b a man is entitled to the first place in our es teem. Thev aic attributes, which fewiTich, p'Jisess'i, arc the firtrtuc . 1 1 1. . 1 n 1 . r -1 ... ii'Mia Di me ii'.vm iiiuievu 01 t;i unain meMs, t!:c knov lcdge av cjtecm of oursclve", snd fiowlror.t aTKelevatcrii philosopliy, that seeks tranquHiy, in coirscious rectitude 1 which teaches f Mbfurancc, whilitit rcfmesourknoviN ledge of human naturr and ricw the coniactirg pistons of mankind, con nected with the destiny of social lifv To-dcscend from this cli .jtiiaej sphere of I-.unVtn reason, like the prgan Ginlt fro'm Olympti,, to participate in the conflicts cf an inferior ordv-r of bein;;, wouiJ be doing vin'ei.ec to l lie sane tnry ofphilosoi Jiy. His cr.w-niiis ml . . - ca intei'nfv however, bi c:idri-if j end (fiscliin rcconn'iation. and impaitialitv, ,tre the ground, j' niiy of ths Hobcperian rjriiicifleV for fair dealing frtfin all pai titi. Tlu' ( were calculated to inveigle v.jtl.in t!i, not only iPsrired -tht friendship anu ; Vortex of F.uropcan politic s, the Amc Ti e tv- CS IC f, II fin-M Kivt.iniK' t .nverner! hv that J prnuine prtafiple Vl.irjt iatrififcj private interest t public fi lirlty, he; Xfhngcd mrl tt and rHbcnurt j for the, bustle of artUe liie. the a-j niutcmentsofllifc IJKiratory, tut he' '.Tnorr Sntere linijduicsf.ftbe Cal hrU Jn this situmon, Mr. Jcik-rsn ap umpl? ard riibpcd. 1 ncy uo not par- Ukf rn niurh that overstrained energy, whij.li border on tppressicn, or of that loose, liriiit'ip.it f,,natb t.v, which is corseted with the subver sion of all ordcf and scrufity in fcn Vcriuiictit. They J'.oii.t cvcutuaily to t nfinn wf nbuir, which have ton- r.tir ti have been "dcxiRiicd by furtuise , siiuitcd' ti e pre atrs't share t)f mki. U n-trident, to combine with thr ' h-! in society ; which be consider Ihe tVitv the durability bf A rtputfttinn. F.i dratH'e invl.t was uradunl ; md rvcry ) f.rp of ii, wa marked 1-y a dlspl y f j ttdfHMhH epiaHy l9noirl le f a 1 Hp-.'.r vul lomntttnt tull e dtfl'cu!-1 firs rc.v''cdby tht rfei'sHtancy c f i vrnt. "Tlwrc I a con ecfrnc!! of stair, andihc term tf drptirn. . " It is iid that Mr. JciTcio-n U a rbi? opbeti li nnrjcicrtlv rf OS S' cH a ret Hilar cast cf tuitif lUt confide. ice cf the Count deMontitioiin, the vetul nintstcr rr a corrupted court, b'ut of that party,' who fiont seutlmnt, felt favorably rib-poc.l to waiiUthc Xmcrivun itvoluiifi. 'i his couli only le the i cmiU of a principle, which with court a well a with in dliid iaU gic to charatter the im- ' pulse of voluntary rcrt, when it is To'iud t be inndneralde, to uije,t talumr.'-yii.in snd rt-piourh, Atre th; view of t! c French cabinet iUt- closed! Mr. Jeirmcn tidied them. The Brst cause and the pm"'al.!o effect, uerethc direct tAjremJ. inn stir a lion. Wit; they bid fiom bis iniior diatc inp( ttlon ? He ntsumcd the powers' aid the lan jVMge of prophecy;" pa-Jicted 3th the i-ity of tit. in genious mi.i l, and wT.fi.Mt d, a f.ir a "IhC tbiupi ehct.sioit and ihe nalurc of i thing, would permit. . Arcuitomcd pre 1 : pliancy t f nnlii lim Tor the iitirs of a V.W j to jt,1nc ofmcn, more by their ac'.ion nU'jnpriM' ar. man. Let this obiution rct in the l tbau Um Ir profetsion, aid cfnsrantjv ptrsor.-lci.ify iM.n-m of ihe ilbUral parasiftrofpotitr, 1 in the habit of reinilatinz Mmtelf bv f i' v w ).'k '1 ar 1 lfi e an.l imb ptruknee in the rae f t- . air siisrt the fot-sool orc!c!'oiim tir,i ar'ltne ir're M t.'rH. ;sci ( a. itira-t tie m.mi ncc l a stifle tpit " viYicn'?d wiih the irtural tomflou-1. bi'catin, tluit inl t SoT.en theaUlic lit.si f ih ".fv',ng ) p', itnl H. J t'.on if a inle nation. I'r mr p-tt, int iii'i tf-np .snrc, .r the period I, prei'e net the inrftinpatihility fb brllt,r-fw it.it fxiia eJrt!i ' tomp'-incil uf. 1 e pVilos- j her Is fi'tu'T-i-r'ttt t L'.irtl, &n4 toft l'f !' t-Mhin tn'fe than a leit"',:, whose 'V'in "ir, rii cspenre i tifTjf ,,troitity 1 tievftted f i.se ripu iutis art Uian i.-m the convictions cm truiti and rr,ii l-of Vadtil )nitl'.tct disiVmstlif sVatkh rtjiiu'ne, K io ul I-hAs it.i rouiplatcty tsiti tic enirsnd fil!d,il,!ies cf rt n'AjnJ The rei-cc t tf Uu .us m i 1 t nVi.'M m rtJ.rarT aiit pre piir, 1 ! i t'i'1 iK'Vr tmii'l rd rbs-S't"-f Mr. .'eTwr"! . 1'l e'ur- ' (M-'Sof h'.s 'm- try verf mWU dis-p-" f . Uf 'f-frvf. rridri. , n ail l b ,'mt t 'ft lf n'-ier the former, the ccuitly lai iMinge t f cbMmu'.ntiort, made l tmprtsrion tn him. It was by a titptay of thoe ntiatifif ti.t ., n l.ttlc iooVrd f'r. in ihe am!!?drf of a rvivtb-ptrtj !e,that ncau gjveinnunt and people. Ti e tnolne ii ansjgaciiy of ihe secretary of state, cot'nposcd their difctit e. ar.d prc.tec li)h. The appeal w as mutuary ; made o the jpven.ru r.t ; and it is a ftunate t'ircl. instance, that there cxitt"d i!ii ti'ibvnal to apprcbs tc the messmvs cfthe setrelary, and to si . lincc forever, ti e decliinalDry era tie of ,n iinidiM' fiction, ( lucked d c!efattd rn all ii!es, bis c'oclrmt gripped of their ii'onry piiuriple n, 'and bimtcllUtrayrd into the b.hyriiilb el 'diplomatic, mystery, 'their ex-dii. nity, shrunk into the silence, cf top. tempt; cbrkring wilh hislast brcaih, that Mr. Ji fjuson wj ibe oiilj man is America, Vhosc talci.ts he highly rtpcrttd. ! I hc diplomatic cMitfit tl, CtnM, was not the only Mr, wbi.b drew forth Into Bttmi;thc sjUndid abilities of Mri '" J ifdiMiii. The American ' vvnrld Was lor so;ns lime, amused, with the ccmmuniciaions tf the Ln- fclish minister, ilwumotid. Their. fcbjcct U tvi wtll kr.ownty rtquire delineation, ll wasa t nntcttUtwrtn the amiijuated principle of a Vtrtirn moncrtny, crjiiiicU by ll.e Ulbitious 4r ' f.tit but f4irve p'(sr to btestimi, u,us'JtuUs J fcstuitl cf br pren-ncd hi h, r.nd lU diiiy ' idea ofencrtir. "a ttU.mph, kf.d the tf ihei,t,..n, herep'e.ehlts!.' Ltcrf- " ntwlytrquired manlmvpfibc rr"pt.b. .'fllrance afier hAnnr; ttndtred to tions of IUmmond, wcra stamvd h;l tommy.., murh stfvice by l. a. ,;lC du;rc j blMiel, a l.o had bestowtd lctimtr en himself, by, the combination cf the saritmsrjgsbiicrf intetiiy, iarCitr J aM prudence. He ijuit iu lrntii j nke r-inj cf tbe tirtie ti, lluvi sta- . l ct ihcit bi;i.or. Inrapablc of n,n. iftiprj by the enrry t,f atumtt.t, ImC imrcrlanrt of the miniMtr wri rviuinfl,by l!.e b nMb sm! numbcf cf l is Utters i:A 1 7 thai lijid per. ciesirc it i and vi k an nrrnsinn fur th.t triumph which pt.-rtinr.ticn me dicrity soirtumes acquires, over the sublimity 0 genius. lie fcth tbeiitost complete s;eurity in tlie ce'es'li-l sar.-tuiry cf self-ap-plause in the steady .I'jcharse of tlie du tic Committed tohiscarc; in an ir.fb si. bility tt all, a.id in the o'sninacy of justice. 1 he f,rt of malice and the rule vVice of.facti'.n tJl him it r.il;u TUc se-ueles clamour of Ml etieinies make tA impreiision on bir.i. 'c ap;car iir'uInerabSft y the shaf: of malignity which fall every where, I nr. in..' I ' 1 l..i. I t. iL. ( nun i.i .nvvki uj inc invioci- jlde dignity of his rh;iract;rarul the rc- peeraaiiity 01 r.l lalsnt. . "Marflurt S.i!t-s. On M tdjy th'fnt djf ff, utt ne4 svinbesp'Jat the Cjun I Its ft in tV. I w.V en, fir gdi or silver cm, BtrWEI'-M. tl.it t V a.d frir Nrgrot, and oihrr prifnul ; prcp-rMy, toilor wiili fevcr.t Ui o gtuuml in fii.1 town, niih tin ifn; rocnicnii bcrcctr, anJ ba. I .1. ..... 1. . r 1 - irrn iwiuwi incce inotiuna acres Lrunftvkkv ltwccn "lawn creek aiA! Kane's mill ctcclc, on ssbieh anj axonfidcr'ahle cnai.tli; of Kiel hn I, vycH reclaimed. The above propcity ha I ri lc-' vicilon, ami will be fold to fan! fondry execution on' Ju-YMt! ob'ainr ! by h Unifcd .States, a KVnfl findff ii,baLit.V "f inwnni w ilimnxifri, anJ it vc- . ni'yt vvhtcH will bt tniilpariivu!ar 7 jefuibcJ on iheifay pf fale. JOHN S. WEST, MarfhalN.C.U. June 16 Sc.i:n?n otunnb fr fa!; at tbu 0 J.a.

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