,. t -Tar.;: k, id be. e it n it r t. 4 :t t - e '1 :t it ts if i I i 7 s it u i t ' . ri he H 4, fr i 7, t ' - By "th- ship Di v, Cipt. Hunter, ia ; ,3 days' from Newry, tbe.Editorsnf - the New-York Gazette have( received Irish papers to. the twenty-eighth of - 'May, and London dates are tothe " ssth. , :i ; .,; v : Nothing but war appears to bethot -r-Py and tb? most warlike and active . preparations are carried on both in England and France.- Privateers hire been fitted out and sailed from differ ports in France. Several captures have been made cf French vessels by British croizers. Orders have been - sent by the English government to capture all Dutch vessels. The Batavian government is to be overrun dy French troops an army, it is said, of 80,000 men is immediately to fcos . ..: sess it. r : Massena, it is said, will have the command in Italy, Moreau in Ger many, Macdonald in Batavia. v -The CourJLoLVienna has address . d a declaration to "thngfish imd 2 French ministers in !that capital, stat fee that his Imperial Majesty had de cided to preserve the most strict neu trality in the event of .hostilities bei tweeri France and England. .The em peror of Russia has professed the same " sentiments, fend have offered to inter terposehis powerful and pacific me diation to accommodate the differences. V, which have arisen between the two Rations., . . . " - A convention has been signed be tween the courts of Russia and Swe? den, by 'rhjch the frontiers are for the present, to be left in the same si tuation as before. ' . ' In the house of commons, an inter . esting conversation lately took place ' upon the transaction which had hap pened since l&ri . WhUworth's de parture from Paris. In answer to a - question, whether since the departure of Lord-Whitworth from- Paris: any fresh communication had been . re ceived ? Lord Hawkesbury replied, " " after his Lordship had left Paris it was communicated to him, while on his journey, in an unofficial way, in a "way that gave no positive, evidence that it came from the French Govern ment, that an arrangement might be made, by which this country should keep Malta for the number of years require d provided that tht French Government should at the same' time occupy Otranto, and Tarentum. With , regard to the mediation of Russia, It was perfectly true that in the last mo "ments of the negotiation, a message did arrive from Petcrsburgh with in structions t state, that the Lmperor of Russia was not then disposed to inter fere in the differences between Great Britain and France. j-yet' to express his wishes for theconlinuance of peace. But It did not,appear that the Empe "tor of Russia-h ad sent any instructions to bring (he question of a mediation to any distinct point whatever ; and Under these circumstances it appeared io him that it could only tend to a delay which must be highly injurious to tnis country." . .. BANK SHARES. In the! Federal Gazette, we find continual complaints on the subject of the .sale, made by the Secretary of the Treasury of the Bank-Stock that was held by the United States, chiefly copied from Northern papers the annexed plain statement of the bdnefit resulting from the sale, even dalnttt ' may comprehend. it The United States had origlnallp 5000 shares in the Bank'of the Uf nited States, 3780 of them were "sold by the former Secretary of ,the Tree sury,by authority of an act of Congress making provision for the payment of the public debt ; the remaining SJSO shares, in virtue of the same actt have been sold bf the present Secretary of the Treasury for 380 dollars a share, or 1,887,600 dollars, the amount f which was applied to the payment of debt due to the Bank, by the Untied , S?ates, for which the United Slates paid an annual Interest of sit per cent, or dolls. 77,536 ,The United States were receiving from the Bank , a dividend of 8 percent. ' on the amount of 400 , dollars a share (that W) 8 per ct. on 183,000 dells, or 71,040 ' - doll. t,1l FromtehUh it anpfara,the United Suits aare by the talc 6316 doflara a year, at alu the trouble of receiving with one hand ftom tha Bank 71X540 dolls, and payinc to It dth the other j 77,156 fur tht tame account. To the1 profit above may be added, a iarlnj' that reeultcd to the United State 1 by obuhinff without risk, a eontiderahla Mm In jruiUerbilU, thereby enahlinj ne secretary ot toe treasury to ptjr. chae the balance that remained lobe pa'J in Holland duriog the year, on much tetter termi than coulJ pes si. bly have been effected, l ad be l ave bten tteccititated to fmrchave filder lull to the itDount c( 6,5033t Roil. dert artd 10 atlrtrai tiia atniMini t FOR-SAtE ';-'-V--". r I . ' Tb Schooner, LAVA T Jt, ; . The prefect New. .York . Picket, with ber materials, to be delivered in NcW. fale apply en board. ' ' isaac bell; WilmTngtOB, July 16. wantd to CHARTER for the . Weft-Indies One or 1 ves sels from 120 to S40 tons.' Apply to FRANCIS FONTAINE. Wilmington, April 1 4. .- Valuable tamily Medicines , DOCTOR RAWSON'S ; Gcfuinc Ami-Bilious tud Siomachic j BITThKS;. ! Prtpandby TLemns H. Rawan, 717. C. M. S. New-Lndont Con. For which difcovery he obtained a Patent from the Prefideht of the Un'ncd - j States, in July, t?02." " J i-i-TIlF; vail- demand for 'ihtfe BiJiers, and their efficacy are fo univerfally known and acknow.edged,' that -little need be faid in an advertifement. . " . -' Perhaps no Medicine in the world it fo ufe ful and proper for a docncQic fami. ly Medicine. They are ihtf-greaiefl re Uorative and correflar of the digeflive organs, and 'purifier of the blood, of any medicine ever offered (he. public. - The following are fotna otihe mfl prominent complaints in ubicb ihrfe Uicers arc clhcaciouiJT'and fo tiniverCally admtxedr vijjIndigcflion, Debili-y, . Head'achi, Swooninfv, Diziinef. Fain. ting), Trcmblingt, Lownefs of Spirit, Palpitaiions, DiowGncfst. Bilious Con. gt lions, (iiftitepeis, Diarrhoeas. Dyf. emeries, .Grave', HyPeric and Hypo chotidriacal Affctltons, Worms, Agtics, &c. &c. .-s , .. y Price Fifty Cents a Box. Let. Genuine Winclham. Bilious Pills, . (. Prrpirei'o'v Sasnoel, Lee, Jun. of Windhant, (Con.) for bich difcovery he obiaiued a Psveat, April 30th, 790. The virtues and e0cary othele I'loS are fo univcrfally known that any com meal on them would be altogether fu per perfluout. ' ' '' i . ' " . Trice fif-y Cents a Bot. TyccMtch, or Beautifying Ointment, . , The n(l rematkable comoofitroti ever. before known for clenGcg and-beauiiy . J Ing the fklm, and 'he mod 'tffeual, t late and eify application ever before. difcvered far the cure of the Itch. . ., , ' Price Fif y Cents a Bot., t . Genuine Aromatic Parte, , For the teeth and fcurve in the Gumi, prepared genoiae only, b J. Thorn p foti New Loudon, (Cop.) This Pafle 1 the snoQ ttniirkabte compQiioo ever, before difcovtted for prcfervir.g and whitcmrig iht Tee:h, and curing the fcurvey Gums, it is a perfeflly fafe application it lakes ofFall di'agret able (oiell fi' ihf breath, which gene tally tri Irotn fcoihuiic Cumi or bad Teeth, 1 .1 1 . Price Fifty Cents a Bm, , For Ll (goflantly in Wilmlnttoa, I ' 1 s r m r. N. B. More pirlicwUr dtrefliont ae. eompanjieg eatU jl ibcfe taluable Me. 1 dicineij - Wr.n.ctoh, July 6co8r, Tcri Dollart Heward. AN away from the subscriber, se-. ven miles fjom Rocke y-Point Fer ry, on theNonh-Eaat River, a mulatto wan named ISAAC, 20 or SI years of age, J feet 6 1.2 inches high, and tolerable well made, had on when be went awiy a white linen shirt, home spun overalls and a round blue cloth jacket, and took with him' tome strip ed Homcpan. He has been seen in Wilmington, from whence I etpect he will endeavour to make his escape. All mssttrs of vessels and others art htrtLy. toYBTarnad.fiom harhourinir. employing or carrying' him away at their peril. 1 will give the above re- ward for taking up Isaac and deliver- Inp him tome, or securing him in' jail 10 that I fet him. - JOHN MCUNDON. New Hanover County,) m , r. JUJy 31, IB33. J IhtulftrHert bovi jsjl rtttitti hy ' iht Sihitntr Hxfetimtnt, Ot, Tumi, rtn Jtmoho, oni OFFER FOR SALE ao Puncheons Itlgirprool RUM. Dean & 1 liurber. Ja!; it. 1 J -ii To tlie Freemen of New- Hanover County, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT an, Eleftion "will be held at South-Walhington on Monday the 8th, aiMr. Edeni's on Top fail found and at Long.' Creek Bridge on Wednefday the sob, and at (ha Court Houfe in Wilmington, on Fiid jy the tSth of Auguft next, for ih purpofe of eleflingjt a .Member of Congrefs and. Members of the General AfTerobly. . , Wm. BLUDWORTH, Sh'fT. WtlmiDgioo, July at. v Law of Fdrth'Carolina, PafTti fit the year 1801. ' : CHAP. XVI. - , An ft to arhfiid an aft, entitled rt . aft directing the method of elefling " Members of the General Affembly, and other purpofct," palfed in the year 777 ; Il. Be it enafAed, Thai etery perfon elected- Membarof the General AQeinbly, Qiall, before tailing his feat therein, take the ojath of alltgia(ice,ap. pom'ed for the (jualiricaiion ot. Members of the General Affembly and Public Of; fleers and alfo to fupport the Conflitu. lion of the Uni;ed States,'. And if .my perfon circled a -Member T the General AUeinbly, fhall, by himfelf or any other perfon. direlly or indiiecily, give, or caufe tb be given, any gift, gratuity, re ward or preleni whatever) or. give, or caufe - to be given, ' by himfelf or any HDtkcr perfon, any treat or cntertertain. tnent, either br h.mfelf or any o het perfon for him, of meat or drink, a any public meeting or co!!ciori of the people, to any -perfon or perfons whatever, for his or their vote or. totes, or tp ii'Duence him or iheir: in his eL-clion, every pecfon violating ' ihii aft, Stall, on due proof theieof, Jj"! xpelled flora his feat in, the General -A ffeuibly , -. - - - - 1 .- -III. Be it former enaQecl, .That if acf' prrfon or prrfans Qiall treat with ei- iher meat. or drink, on any day of elec tion, or any day previous iherelo with an intent to irftucrce the elation, evety 'perfon lo effioding (hall furffit and pay the fum of one hundied pounds, the one (j lull fur the ufe of 'he county whore the 'l lain? (lull be recovered, .to be paid to the Cotimy Trullef j the other laifta the ufe of the yerfon who Otall for for the fame: To be recovered byajion of debt in any court of record having cpguitJnce thereof, with colli. ' Lift of Le'lcrs marring inihrPiI Ofict at Ifi-minglOf, N.C. wi'Uh ti w latin tut o j w txpinirun tf fx moitbf, . w.V br rttnnr4 ft 'tie Central Pol.Ofice ot itid klttrt, , . . A OL. S- Alhr, S.tntiit Albc.tVn at Vii.i Wli :ian Aikiu, Jl.a e-. tor.cocof R..lmtl Budley. : .. ' B. Crprtin vjtrii-LBiiii4'; Ditid Bi li, John Bnrl", Stephen f r. k, Si.muel I w, Villim H, iitnrr. AN Bowti 0, Uwl Btlluite n M y Baii'et, .Samuel Biacki a John Btrmi, J. hi Brra, ctptam C!vl Bui laid, Frin.it Bojj. Tctj iil B i', ;T1mo thy Blood ortb, jun.' Aleatodtr Tbotstia Biewa. " C. - C.pt rhomss Child, t thitnkrri, a 1 P.itrOrtc iir, si csptin Th.nn' s Cole,' l llrniy Cimnuji. Thnmai Cwdwonh, Wiilitni Crtf tio, 4 1 SuQ'jtl I ml', at ton Ju&afluns . 1 Stomal Cewin, f hiliy Cfnil, t,t,U Aliia Cotios, c ptim S ilomi Ciarh, iohaCis, B snlotckt Aad.tw CUwll, lifts Cmpk:t. ' D. fr ton Dc, tpke Dael, A'r 4nD4, t Sarin Dis, C-ott D,vt, Do Cuoyca tlii' It Da-, k Dstttr, , ioba Duactn, J thaDcnai. Joba Dudley, lny Doanin;, Jtia Deboice. Csl. Jaac lidvoaJ, as Natkaatal C'dri4t. . . . 1 F. Jisara rrfaa, J.atta tUsning, 1 1 Wil.Lia fa.,1., . tuli,4. C. 014 Crtrr.Ssmiiel C4a. D 1. Oiiisraal DoaaU M'Hai " . ( c. i 1 in,i niiir, iuvi; liu.i, William Hjidy. Htan l)4i riU. 1 tsiab Jd, ea Afki Crea, a Tin why Jaba,, CbriAnphtr flira' jiata. Im Ja Llurrl4 , M . tlty, ela CkarUa Li viae I aa. Areknb.14 Wnlur., loika ia l utt, Cbaika Uiali, csytiM A. L '( M. Wil'iirss 111 (ornery, WillU M'C.I UKk, rraa4 U tar. , Mataca Hlift N thiaul Milieu, A, D Mm, Uo4j Unfa, JiHa MoJt. ca tot f. Fttbtas. , N. TkaniM Hail, limni Nrviaa, csa j uii S.maal Nabla, Joha hxWt, A U fear Ntlta. t. Joha PcaWaiy, loha Tip, eaytai TbosiM f;Ka, tatHaia lUbaU rtabkaas, If atul faifoat, limry ft okiy if. Q BKbai4Qaa, Mie-rUWa at. Cif. Jtfb Rata, 1 1 Uivid Rrld, TWomt, a.Kb.,4U, C' Rat, Ivba U,JU4 JtfbKK IU4 tU, . &l. s4 k ) ' miudu, JtiaH riro, t A!Jfaha,Ctar. BMaettf (ufbtM. AWua4af "O Jab bbMi4, Tam mi. vtl.MW iaait, JaaaUta liaaWy, . Miwat ; 'r1. Abr.w. jauaa, Thi y4tt, 5 ' Tkaa Imp, riyitia Tbal. -"', nnraw .iiiibiiii, immu IMtnil 1 tfna 4 . T. Jateybj TirSxy, Taba Tnaaitr. TV j as Tanaata. Jtsssea T , uaa taaaaaa 7)Ur, ( JbTia4, Jaka la, 1 oaiaia wiiuaas rbsw, Mfii UU. la lata, , V, CssraUKaVetr. W. IUh.i4 WUa,a WiW.aUW,:bT, B ).! a WgiUma ta wa al tam Msm ta, W,.l, U'.lk'.U', lv4 Waas lima W,l!a,.f, WiU.ai Wa4, y 1 , .r, wt'i. wat w,ra, , t04.C Wi, f.W.ia. . I X. M ( Taaa at Si. CWl4', lUaty "-a, avuy aaaf. . SherifTU' Sales - ,'j"assf- J : p - . On Monday the first day of August next, , will be told under the Csurt-Bouse in Wilmington. I i v ' : THREE story Brick House cor A ner of Front and Dock-streets. . The store house at present occu pied by Henry JB. Howard in Market street. . :. ' ? '. ?'' A piece t( land opposite Viltning ton,' with the improvements Iheteon, and all the other teal and ' personal property pi 'James Carson, xn Brun swick county, to satisfy two ' execu tions to mb directed. . : V 1 -Wm. BLUDWORTH, Shff. . Wilmington, June 3. vj -f Ma'rQiaVs Sales: , : On Monday the first day cf August nextj mingtaiufiV gold ortiker coin, - Btrw EL N thirty aud forty Negroes, and other, perfonal property, together with fcveral lots of ground-'in (aid town, ' with ht iniprovcmehrs thereon; - and' be tween two ami three ihoufand acres ol land, !yitg in the county of Bruniwick, between town creek and Eae s mill creek, ; on whiclr there are an excellent let of Mills, aty! a confidcrable quantity of .Rice tawi, wen recuimca.. " v The ahoy property lias been le vied on, and will be fold to fatisfy funilry .executions on judgment obtained by ,.the United Statei, a gainll fnndry inhabitants, of the town of Wilmington, ,aml its vicWj tiity, which will be more particular ly defcribed on the day of fale. ' ' JOHN S. VVEST JMafflui n; c. p-.r::,.-.-..:.r- : June 6, ' ' ' ;..: ; ' r"',Marnial,s ;Sale. i On Afiftd-y-'the.: firjl duf tf , Augiifl ' next, will be fold under iht dart; . If iuje in Wilmington, fer gild 9r fiver Gtin. A , Tim EE (lory Brick Houfe ia ( the tovin of Wtloingion, . n 1 A piece af Land with the improve m;nts ihcrpon, oppofiie Wilmington, . . A L'ghter aud one Negro man, which have been levied irt and will be fold t fatUfy fundi y excu ions and judgments cbtained by the United. Siiten . H -'John S. Wert. 'MriUtN.CD Vahiab'e Lnndj for Sale. FIVE Hundred acres of excellent Tida Swamp, and about" thirty acres good uplatil 40 acres of the former deareJ, under bank and ditch and in order for planting- the latier under good fencr. and on it it a Barn about 36 by 6 feet. The above defciibed Lands are eligibly fituac? on the north-ealt branch of Cape-fear river, ohl 15 miles from Wilmington. , " For term apily to John Lord, Efq. or to A. lull. .FOR SALE, 1040 Acres of well timber'd Lt N D ON AOie's Crcxk, known by the .name of Bear. Garden, on which there is, a good mill feat luffi. cient for two faw$, on a lading flreanv. A part of faid land is well adapted to the culture of corn and Cotton, inj-the range ii eacellent. The terms cf payment will be ma le eafy to the purchafcr. ' 1 will alfu tent the t),fr apart persof nf Houfe, Ktuben, Uz, in Market-ttrcci, until the hi it of January neit. For terms pp'jr to. v !) Alalletc. Wilmington, May iq. F O K SALE. A Tract or Parcel of Land Ctntaiting 69 a; otrti ON lheh.4 cif.flear snj Uu Creek, aJjolning Mrs. Mott'a land aoJ running acrtjfs the mai0 rtssl, about feven milea from Wil. mngon, Oatj or fivtnty acresf which Ss good corn land, and cm which there ia an excellent mill, dream. The finiatloa Is eligible for a pnblie houft -and the range Ii fuptritir to any on the found, fat one haU the anount prompt ray. ment will be rrajire-f, and a credit of lwtlv month will be, ivcn ht the tthr half, the purtkaer givine bo-d and fccuiit. Fur frtber particuUri applyto A. Hall in WU. mlrgton, or t the fubfcriUi ea JloUfj Fet. t ,. , Hobcrt Hovrc." May 16. . y To t9 tUctorff, the Dititton SmraW , henitnf the counties of alaien Brims. vkk, DupUit, Nevf-IiMover, Sampson and Onslaa ' AS an Election will Uke place in An gust next, for a person to represent you in the Congress of the United , States, I thus publicly offor myself as ' a Candidate for that important trust. , The part I acted during the revoluf tionary waf, my political oploiona during that important period and since) he establishment of out Independence, also my Sentiments for themix year ; I had the honor to represent you its Congress.are well "known ; I therefore) deem , it unnecessary to amuse you, with opinions respecting the origin of motives of parties, nor professions of. exclusive attachment to the Coastitu lion or interests of the Nation, t V 1 My conduct shall tonttnue unifotin, and my zeal unremitting tor a genuine; and rational Republican Government, : as guaranteed by our national compacts the Constitution shall be tny fculde ; in all political concerns-.tho Peace, Liberty and Happinesrof the United , Sutes my sole object. . f ' Notwithstanding the Calumn? of tew individuals, I am fully confident that the present Administration of the Government of the United Stales, is pure, economical and just, and calcu lated to secure the rights, liberties and true interest of the people. V Should I be honored wih a majority 6f your sufTrages, my time and talents shall be invariably employed for tbs interests of my Constituents, and (ot , the Uniort generally, v f With the highest respect , -! . 4 Ihavethehonortobe,GeAtlernn : Your mostobedieht servant, JAMES GILLESPIE, " WltMXJIOTO, AaVtfA 26, Uoi.T r To the Electors of New k Hanover county, I TAKE thist public method of informing you that 1 am a Candidate for a feat in the Houfe of Commons of ' the next General .AlTembly. Should I be honoured with a majority of your fuffragea at the enfutng. election, every excu tlrtn in my power fhall be ufed to promote the political interefl and welfare ef my conflitticnis. I am, Gentlemen, v . -n' . wttH'flriymcftrelrclt'. . yourobeJieiil feZint, ' ;-j 7amesfoiV June 23, llo). ' Tor ultx lj appointment, ij Snout JljlLlxS, on!jt WheatonN Genuine Patent jAUNDICEairTERS, T-J IGH LY celebrated in all Bili. XAous complaints. They ar eflremed an ufeful and cflicaciowt Medicine br the Gentlemen of the faculty, in the Northern ftates.in ihe jaunJice, anJall bilious difordcri. , LIKEWISE, Wheaton'a Patent ITCH . OINTMENT, . Iihe hlhcfl etlima tion, as a certain .remeJjr for thii difagreeablsJ difcafe. , Wilmington, June lo-tm. Tm Dalian Reward. RAN away from ther fubfrribera 1 the mouth of .New. River, sboot the firfl of fay laft, a like! X"K Negro Womsm named HA ClfAEL of middle fite.veri Uatk," down look and fpeaki flow. Sh tthe tfirigMerofSpicer'a Sue, who , Itvea In Wilmington, anJ very pro- ul1 ,hfoured about there.-I Jni elvethi above tewarJ forhav. Ing the f.ij ran-away tclivtred to . me or fecurtd in fo that I get' her I will Rive further reward of twenty dollars for Information hich may lead to cwiaion of her being harboured br a white perfon. GEORGE W.NOULE. J"'; ia, iSaj-jw;. : NOTICE. THE fubfetiber having ,! ail lunt .m tt .l. r of Picas and QMarier-Seflions, htld . for the county of Ncw-H.ho.er 1 oaratncd Letters of Admlni(lrlor, . n ihe tflittof Jphnf. W.lliamvi cJecaafrJ, rec,ocaa alt peifona in. debtedto fai l t:1its 10 msica Im mediate payment, and thcf ksting denMnls aainrt f,iJ e3a will lender thtm lo Samuel R. JotHyn, EiSi atrornr f,,t i - r.Cr...:- ; for payment, M,in tht i!, pre. :fcfibei by an ail ef Ccmbl U tht btlUrietst, then falLrgdiw. .J. ( JANEWLLIA;.15(A4.Viu I o!ui Lord, Alt. F. M.

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