;wlWll S, 1 A, V . " M ww mw 1 - rr "." " " .!. ' H - ii , , ) .r I 'Wished weeUV '''UESDAY, AUGTJST 3, ISO".", . NV . IVox. foCiV.; ' S If v v J. it it m U rff ill d ft i , crT ; ed '' ! rM cf- (be .11 :ei- 109 I of ,o( I of nf. .a- ua rrat If rU. H I'l If! k It l . r,.ei tU "7 fun 5U IT I. kJ tA nee ari I0t" r ire uJ 'ft - JPARtS, May?i:'; J CONSERVATIVE SENATE.'. , J SRTTtMO OF THE 24th FtORKAti The counsellors fof rstate.BigotfPrcf j menean, Dcssclles and Fleurieu, or? i tors of the fcovernmefittiade a.jcpra j rjunication to the senate, of the"V-ot 1 ddressed(onttip 23d of the month, to theambaador of his Rritann.i mar jcstf , by the ministecfot -fttreigfcaf-" i 3 More:, an Av.A'w'J4t: ,.-,- ln the imnoftantrandi'acrloqs ttt q cvirnsiances in wnicn inc uauuiis , !i -find themselves,:, the under.signe4 ) 'Xm minister, for ' foreign affairs ptj.th-- 7j Tfcnch Republic,' bas.reciveu an or;-; I ,der to place under the eye of the B rU V tish government the following; hoteV.'j., The 17 Ventose. his Britannic mav jesty caused to be communicated to his Parliament, by a special message that formidable armaments were pre paring in the port of France and Jfol-.j tlie result of which were doubtful, ,.fi-; tided the two povcrntnents. " - - , T lis extraordinary' and uncxprcted ration excited a' general aston ?nt ; but the maratime situation ance was obvious. England, e knew that there were no for ' le armaraem, either in the ' f France, 'or in the ports of .Hoi- ! undersigned will not call to :ollcction of his excellency lord vorth, every thing which was that time. It was "demanded 3 from vhat sourse could spring infor ) mation so ill founded? The ptrsonal 1 discernment of lord Whitworth,. the loyalty of his chdracter,. coxild not Be fur a moment suspet:tedf ,'. The assertion that France wa1 ma king host'doamaments, was iriani festly asuppov.tion, and one which woiiid'not Impose on" any person. Its la'tttralc fleet, most tend to create a ueuei.inaiu w n.can''. . oi wuicn men sijnalistd by' their turbulent opi n'ons, wished to avail thrWiselves, and. who sought with eagerness a pretext ' for exciting troubles, for enflaming the passions otthe British nation, for jx 'citing Djjfunce, Il.itr'ed, and AlrM. With tespect to the l.nglish go vernment ; it ought to-kfe - believed thut, if by fuhe reports it had been led into an error, with respect to the "ex igence of armaments, 1t could r.ct have been equally so with respect to the existence of ner-cchtions. , The ambissador, of the republic at Lcndon, was no sooner informed of the messape of hi Britannic majesty than, as'.onished Out it announced a hego eution of which he was unacquainted; he immediately waited upon his ex cellency, lord ITawkesbury, ar.before. at that time, expecting that an ;.tal to. arms, four.de J apon faWe supposi tions, to cover the project to violate ths treaty c Amiens, with respect to the clauses whVh were not yet r tri rd into execution, he presented to the minister of his IJritannic majestr, oa the 19th Vcntose, a note dvmanding 4C him explanation. At the same period the undcrvptied hti crtle rsiaadiresv his extcllvncr, !ord W hit orth , rehti vc to IT. K lives which 'could have de'ermintd tthe English forernment to authoriic, in Vn tnesu,'C, two iissertiona, both ffiually fjlsr,in order to call . its na tion to arms, and to break the bond tf pf see. which united the two states. His excfllencv, lord IIawVebury, remitted on the ttn vcnme, to Re t i : - - - IIU 1 1 1 1 1. 4T 1 IUVII44V 1 IH IIV4V, 141 ,1 . . . threwmgany light ththe subject olthe J disnmion, on the contrary itivolvrd it in additional cbsenritf. It Karre ly held fiutthe Uasthope of 1 possibility of ar- " riving l a illruiotv, apd still tes tltc hope cf steir.g it terminate in an au pifious manner.. j The rrtdy of the French tovr m-; TneM under date of the Bth Ct rmlnal, ! equtl'y asparific and moderate, as the note of the British ministry had ; tern hostilr. ' j The first consul declared that he should fct tring la quriticn the ith awe of wsr thrown out ly TrtRland, thai he abstained from lajirpr any ttres nrcnetrrtss'.on.the meanine : VZJrZ:t :lUiP K-'ghnd hatching Which mirht bear an agsresiWeM thjftften nndthat, finally, he eoM thrir himself to believe, thtt Ms . DriUtinic ftifjcsty wished to v'w.late . the tacrr!nrs o( ft tftatyi upon whith reposed th safety ol all nations ti. j .... . -1 1 n. r.ieiaran ma first con 11!. f.rtH? l-rrminsl a t C if,t tnrnnq-. thitan inJeterininate de mand of satisfictiqivVas addreised tot -. it.XTh6" absurdity of; t1iis.$emanciy exnressed .without motives.',, and wltK- ! o;t pbjectsf . leaves nothing to bs dis- tujctjy pi;rceivca put me incoiiaiieii. cyof iWexpyess'on. , ".(..J. V -trhe intention-'' of .violating Ihe trca ty'of.Anicns w?sfmanifetid ;by rtlus note, by ccfusui3:V tovevacuate; Maha." t should spemttl English B0vcrft- 'cntjBaV-rlJitsc1 lha people would' consent to gi'veVsatisfac- jio,n iippn, jwo suppowju . wvia, tv j .': if1 tisfactiotfi "themselves j aovdAVhitwortli lemindeu mat, an arx - 7.i i'7'V' '.i.!.. rancmentt, snouia oe immqu iy, ! madeJuDon the basii wtiichs c'oitig time he gave' it to be understoodr Vhat ,1X1' Case. OI a , TfclUsaTvflp icariiii j tic t should beobtjfietly the ordra" of nw !; and niu'it 4rtn1n'atSon? to 5lri3 mis- sion H. 5;V Vhat reply coqjd the? r4rench.p .yernment giveto erturps -so abrupt and strange i i?J6ting but, a trotig and ardent dcsire,for peace, could bav ( gained the ascend$ncyivcr 'indrgna 'To cbnfine one'"'clf to a. cool and ff .calm. di;ciiioA,. which, leaves. lo'easbn'M nnrt tn iillir Vimr. tn trii'.mh over the .1 passions,'( i ntie" ssary; to be dceply"j penetfated with )he idea. ."that" the'i r.timberiess victims of thedncoru .'of governmcn to do them cititens ' miwt ttii Idea l .deeply impiesscAl upon the mind : mind;, it must, Possess and - viirost li soieiy wjiiio'ii cusiauon. , ,. . excellency, lord AVhitwQnlu a- i j?reedt6 write to hU.. court,; tat the . I t.i . r-i : .t. t .'t. uc wisricn lor peace lish government - was convention should vif w to arrangcm4.r.lf treaty of Amiens, it, and that the motjves of tlijs conven cl . - tion might be drawn fronv rrcir frii.i..4nf.4i 4 . . 7 - ,,: These yletys were just nndrtoi'.c-rj rite.;, It -iris. impossible. to propose- eqnaiiy ine: same rjgpvio.umaiiu : w w, have notnmg Knaiercr aemanaea t!iaitne ;r.iv goveinnicf; . i ' . .... K. L.4. .1. ..HA.nf. i.i Ml M ., 1 1 . . .. . , 1 . I . I. . 4. . .. them ;' that so, many nlinionsofbrave jais? f- thMslfccarnnonh'ould' J 'citiiens,.3vho,in .the ardour.', of their ' 'tontifme .to peptrii1 thVtfoVllStiot;,; heroic attachment tp,i their! qbiitry, of theJslandVhii, proposi)ou.;Ai lushed their blood aolcly.VojUv t599V'-ra-?cit!5:?,:,', unheard ."of. Like i never harbor the. wi,ih .to atTrontV tiat ibf thc.Sm tirojceMt Vi--.vntra j neighbouring' and powerful i'pcopl3 ; ryto the treaty of .Vmirns, 'a.Kl cnscw ! ' that thrv take ho interest in the mea-, XMtcntiV lolhe b.isn ol tlif? tii-lir itiotu 1 I surcs pursueioynyctar.Qir. iiicyiuii-iviiicuny.in-rsi consult ji was nc- i nev trt(ninn nf imtrm?.r.'.' Mr onlv 't idtrm att'f,fti.f! Ah th TifinViVrtTifn negociation upon a more liberal uasis.v called triu acquh..un ikuiTir4r gu- tt 9rizrd'ia"rAVn it ' if,V It will not bcjrrclcvcntbbve here, ramcciy thr.t it wm.wx weeks after the m-Jss, I. ia wouf .j iK- pc-.vrr of Sxr tfW; ncncHlmUUsirS'tion.'.'d'uiin age, in which the exivrhcy ota tifgo. j Ar.cr it oSlig-4 to -V."..wle.c iHcfT .? t'vo cnrire'mirths,' 'x.hUh co.."';uit ciaiioo .oft titfT.cutt ftaturc);pf:mosti . uneq-!aL Uut ctM'.d MVrr to. bmU'nren.rproVo"at;onit'o.Ti.-'ce" '" erioui intcr-rstf-and !nf uncerliin tut, ; .itv-lftothfMl vt, Vnticr Vlthout' a j ard riVtrtn'v!n''i'i flu- dccS Wre v near isur,.v.'ns positively assertf d fthd, di tcU-irUnr t i'-'.H-h' Wjtit i,ii up- $h wl,, t-wh -c cl ic ' r-niVt f iM ann'tfred..ilutr.e iiiaistm bl tfw:.. pcul'to th6'titneillu'cr iusti'V tt-'. V.C -.V.I .'. ! ! two Kcvcrumcnts. r.crr; toC, Ablje?. to J 'Whrre.iv'sal!,. Uthfp-jwer which come en tofhc opening cf aa ,pctu : pLicr d in thV-'fercdien:rt,lVanrt al nrgociatfr.'K ' 'VSifnty herlfm W,c'ivre'.f thlii'.i?- , Lord w r.awnnn recsivt new;or- 1 tusi.n, roui.l ::avetu;)'.tt;::e4 w c.n ers 1 he prrs-T'ted . tucctssvlty.two j itiou ' 'dictated Hon thc' vtrj" projects of a convention. 7 v.' v!vTinpf nVjodatlo'Ti at.d ..fcthrr an-' By the Brat it 11 as, propose thai i .nounccd wit.V;c nnjic uv. trrf Malu should remaii) under tho sotf- of war, by pit pftraUous u by vtrX relent y of the king cf UngWl ; and Amenti, thtin proposed as he r.ciri ..f Vhf .flif.se feeinc adopted, his Pritarf. 'ne'eo-dfn ; the ri 'Its 'and rtir.lat:? hic riinjesfy. Cite red to recognize all 1 ctsfowo staVs ! . f thatUd t iWen tUea in pi'rOpe, iic ' : -VlrcumsUticcs," -in'-Vornrr- ret me irta'v ot Amiens. 1 His Majesty, the Vmg of Erglind,' further promised to take mfasnrt n onier 101 m"!1; mcu " m "mvi , . , 4l,.t A 44 plot against France should be cfTcc tuaily S'ippreu. v ? " " The undVr.ignrd has the honor to, rcmirk to hiscelleticy, lord Whit "wortb, tht thefirt piojct f the ton vrntto.t wasn pilpable vtobtion nfih'r treaty ftf Atnittis. arvl arrive of the baMs of the nrgoci.v.ion which his cx- 1 cellencr was charged to t resent to his court ; that with respect to rccog ninnce olTcrrdhy his Britsnnic'ma jesty, there in fact existed ni object tAwh'fh If eould ifir.lv 1 thif M - - 1 . ' That the eveott rtlative totrc poll- Change ha4 taktn plark m I.urop .. ntionjth-v.liwcsKftl.cparthkh tt since the treaty, of A'nicn j utile tivc; t , . ; , it be the or ionization of the empire ; n u,,. pr-rr,t ctisrussVo, ,:l:ty in which iheklnof F.rif.land had Co- I 'speaks the tAint lin ta ult o'.t.r.' Inclded with his voice, a, elector f ; the British ptemmrnt it i,t hUrty ilan.iveri and that even this was no, toconforin, or ftotcfaf'i toi.s 'n Wore than i nectiary eontrJjurnte ( jjagements tMtis permittrd to the of the treaty of Lunei!lc. l.ich Is . r.ntish covcrnrner.t, .to mile a di. much anterior to the treaty of Amitn. tinninn ia the tfstiei, vthkh it.ron 11 I tical rxitt or dri iedmot. ti the ' 1 If mrf- pirictifn are a 'crd OT VTVXl "I I,. , . . .r..-i. ... -y;.- r ,--- - - iced en tie ITlh ' r;om -n,r, na r,,r r " M autari rcrpucs; MVMte : iw. ' ani I.lfutian rTpdlic,hadllirLe Ttrforu(,esr Vtofnt,.tnf . in 7.. n, ., .... . 1.-. ik .1 1 . , . - . . . ' , . "thc jieociation of this treaty, i ranee J haddfsirea .that.. .Lnqrlancl snouia re- -coniz1,;. these-three powers but as they could, not accord upon this point n4 l,i', in asjdras t')cerrs' the, destruction bfjiomsof th; principal 5tatc,ard tHe' inaalculabjc acquisitions made byi England in XWii country'; :. 1 0, was, . a. J fl'cpuij;o;l;onsmer;int, .cicion oi -jhese o6jexts.M not appertaining "to tthe ecutioh of the preliminary arti; '(csttVd.;to;thQTunaii(.eilobject.of tlVetwo states. The ttodarsigned lJi llybservesi .h tht'FtVnchi'.f go; crnn..ent; does "io't deman , wi-this porntany ftpprobatiois pr fetdgniiin'g' frpjnhts jjlHtaniric. ttiajestj; J ' JThe,Undcrs.ieHe'(l-. adds, that,' with cVf. thc.JafTJ5n tcpubllc i rEnglAnd inasmuch' s he. had tfeateii wiMilr;ndthatby th Hltiini: trea- tiejl between this'rthtiblic anttFranci ;'stFftCt,61Tf WcMic'a'i canaliiin the5 rear; guaro arbpflud to' evlcaatdiilus cm re'ewvlntfpie-rifwa AVith'rsptictjto tiro cnhMiis, who had .sojitjli't' refuge' in j6'td'on! lid in, .jersey, v.'i'er-j tacll 3jy iniportanc's'to this fioiftti ;.lIissex(;cHcicy,f,.lp inconver.icnces of placintr an crdtr of I . Waclits.Ji)-ariii- it iVlf tie Doucrs . i ouropc, unutriis autooynv ac ar- a bitrary tutellage uf .a iioHJ power- , I herij(npporte4Ta Kiiglandxhe.vtrtnch-v governrocnX;j,,v h ether av'c cdider;the-princl.-conctycthat inrthe actual state ; of j pits,' ofexa'minc ,.thVr;t'oMewyjettcev the n':?rjations. it oucrht not :. to'1 at-1 we" arremiajiv mtrilt':t,-!-:,Z.:- I- proposal a secpnu proje-;; .rtngian ; Ji. it was finally in ita'vcryelC unacc.Pris wtWulation' i j . "'v. , - . .. . ': onesoje ot jeipt in AieW;,- to. wi rtbe"1 r'ioii.ii;r,Jmait id the Etipula;ins f' !' the trtetvof AmlensL ''-and i t: rrtiinT ' Malta, lor. thr, aoje r-'avmv, that Mil'-n la sui'.td its xonvmienc?,- bnd -ihat it rrcrtanniotrous. a niTu.n fetbk', not astolts C5urag-,lit with ,TcpWt j extent ;m 1 poC iJaticn Vits. pi to o- iocci, dared to bravo the l.njrl.ih. pa .rr, and menaced in its epttl ta ts nose uve rcsisienrc ot m "'"K endanger its, sole riches, the rc"n!t of a ctntury of ps'iice, nidof r.a Lulcs'iV eus economy, fa.rri thin V,hvn'. la iinjiut cotidilioniproposVJ i;t t!i'l 1 im?, me jnc as ou ms rrcn? v--cation, from motives .'S t'i:miii';t,(' to Ert jl 111.) ad hacked by thv'cj'rp ent y a coaMdcralile't-rramcriU Maiy patent licrrr$ perUhd J the Da'iisVcolqnift were usurped f', b it however uviinl as Was thc.truj;'.r; . . ..... .v, w . t". . honor did net Irate v this frtKmm ,4 eudr bstween the spui' and the V ir rvnere.wul be the rnd, ( tiicvtermina tion of the, concessions, -which the Britiaht government fiuhers itself thut . it can . wrest ' from , tjic weaknesf " France j. wlu will be the tneasaresef the sacrifices and humdiutioni vhich" oie may dare tptimpr,se tfpon hi:r Tpliy the., conypiencc of, England exacts garantee-fai?ainst . Irfthce.' i .and nland "retails Malta.-, In for fraer times thesonye'nience Of Enelahd " .Required-. a.uarrateV against France,' vv''V"- v,T,."s,ucviroxcu : -any an i Epgishot4nbs'Hct a;country, In whTc;h;the Fenck flag; .iwavcct t t.Tojijjofrow the convenience tee Against he,ro$trcss pf,f rench-in! v.ostryan Ua proposal fnay.be made:i ffP n tariff" if.-i-tmrtwJ!m'.)k.- 4 - IMarderhanded thattFrance shall :bc come poot-:bat i'tr'sball disarmed tP4 in iii4f t.k V . 44. . J j " : .v.V -..iM .i'lc.u-jaai ot tftrae- ;vcmwtt were; submitted enrnMh h :ypMKX TMMnh jury, ? -would -J .tbcycsitairasirtgle mohk'nt tte're-'i J authored .tV supcttt .Trance , wnMtuibnusjQ s'ucli's de.rbf. 1,ii. I, liilli,! J At- ' 'r ...1.1. !..' i' .. '. - rtnin.'i lias i. IK" !;tTW.n,j1:,v1: vv t.-i . . cuwd cf all Us d'-'i'1 'i 4 Are Wr? rm:Ar1...V.-.4.C;-V.' ,',- 4i, vii til id iup llisiirn nr " - . r. - 7 -7 : ' t nnrr.n)5e, in a th- conviction 4of our . . . 'A' ' " ' ..'i'l . i. : 1 ... 7 . J ' 4 ' ' h cr?H,'nry','' ijofUffvaiioivVcM i;7 jTH7r-;;pri, n .imr tictore MVhitrot'ih.itheVtr 1 rwy&r-cn n i ! r.r. ; ,t ft, .v, -.dc rail tb-sc f irc-'imstai-ces.'at tl'e verv'.tnn'- ! t.utuf rnuur;,ce r f s pr I'jrai h'fcn .if't-rrrltV,'.!- tt.1.,,1.. .it ,. j, . 1 4.t J.4. tr ir.jr.-;r,:-- ef ti c rr p-y,!ir. t. ( h: i ri-l, to,;i; t tl,.U r. urv;ontjU! . : l ivrn :t!c: v,! thut' a ciVun.i 1 ti-a v4.n!il !. i,,.:,!,;' tr !",!; , , tiai-r;he;, : ....V,.,- fronrf,rf.r.!.f-. 3 1'.iir 4" iu itl .ui.,;,.Kir,i rir 'it-' 14., 1 '.; i.7,.:cc'.i n r'le.irn-.t?' to iJtH-Miali. Uc;ii.car.s.uh!cti.-wcre ( ," H. 1" ;r.' l";''cl, . i-rdtr lo .9:ir;; ..t- an-.; sa;i H'.'v"Vntuctit ; n. fl,. fy-'thclXlMi 5 and ir;ii'.iT V.. !,r".nr r"ctil..ncy, lvui. WU AUth, L Oi-.::i i.ijornnneiit.. r-.Ui ver 1' Ji' ut ' npHiit ; t.,y -le ' 1 V..Vr.vln, ft.y f'.0v'i:i ! Mi.;:,,;, V)? I0. r .'-i T Sii, . 1. T.tr.f ''J f r 'i ir 1 il l rrii ""J 1 .1. nd sl.ji.1 1 if -1 .1 10 1 J Cl T i.,i4 f,f I ,, n.,, fiJi-( ,, -.Th.-t JLil'tn-l sbo-jl.! te'evifii. J r.lt 7 the J'tr,,. J, u-,,. t . , !! e- vl'tfiy. V.'i iif rh. n, .l,.1),,,wf,r.f..,1. 1 .1'; i: v.;. -int 1 : :..i :. .i... I.. 1 to !e ( I .r( ; iht f - p r r. rcCrn.l jf v'fh ).rm," b;i;i ;nt,i tiy Im perious t.n rtitni!u..i; Ad ot ht prinuriflj is ,rar r.t. td'.rd rrt it.fnt.rtn'.. r.dlto Kf!)- j C'hrr power 0 irii.! I) th, J'a- rdn'try t...-tbr I rcnchtiU meaning; .of - political -; conTrr:tion, checlc;thc progress of piir inditstryVVf A for c - r cpidr ,ou.r iort! f Sv p . 't i cr it natrtnj'ously;nt-', -y i p.:Thr.g6vc.rfi ijient 6r the Vepub'Hc m thevrigh tfQel-s'iirprteiV- aihtthr llfitlsti mitiistrvV shuuId'dermNf- . II nevett ttu.tV licT;iiaI Wd Mistpo. Vci-nmeatpf .rapce b'ul', iivnglovi- nCt-ivs hirn'flf nuth 1 " . . a .,i .. i-.i.ii.i 10 an- stancts, wheri .points .of. the u:mrt importance are 4indep.consiaerat.or; it.' hat think itsr If hound tf rort.. i firm, on tts part, to the usages which i . . . . i--.. otitainamonj the ovcrnm(H "ot.UX " civiiilcd naiiis I . - , I '-ti "1 f , -. " . i v ' ' ' " ' ' ."' -?"... -:J ,i'-J' ft, ",4j ment of.iitiaitice, which weighs noon v t.-ihe consc!nc oi a puone AS"Teaa -,;upon that of private rt.m, has 'P ' 3 V ! vented tho. British' roveni ment irons "h - ngrun.the leman'f'vtrich it : ; '"raadci and ilni'U(x;has'cndeVvoured. ' k 4 - ... - 444 ... . . . T . - . hy a less decisive ( atcp.i to reserve tj vifj 'kssifi a a iiuurs' opportunity,' the ' , f i. ins ia ucaiintC ; majesty, navejaappviv I V !?ul; jvcjthey;.rfltkcred"thifra''i,el1vei ?! j ;Vith.tht; hbpcVT.tjiit thcyi should ,b. tu' ? " V tiuieu ino,cnarac;cr ui i;icjiriixon i " Me by imt -r hivdCAlion, to xiipj- r.aic pr m-aiyuts niiTV.v.to caaic mm, s , c. ,ia torget.thiB. inierdsts oi ihs ,nati in; - .0 r .'to g sd h'm ., V .) any ! fcc t - of c 1 it-'-' which they :mighV,afterrardi;bi a l?uto;p,tr.'ttiy;,antlj' mUrepresenl to ' t E'.ii-ppAsjVc initiative ifsfinl. . .4irsv: coasau-? iwrs. wan an7 JT-.w th'4t etiits'kno.wthjev'l1 -f . ' '. 4 SwVpeittutlt'i'is .bjttcf'iciiiited , tim at'olhir. War!,. with its catc ula'- ' I -tiii:) aii its chaacii He Is of opinion ? .' '( thjt Ma tlcirfumstances - in. whjc&. 'v, 'wj are present placed, the Hrstcate '."''' .C'sffenCwrVt t? be directed '' 'i to the caUstroph.-",l,thc. calam:.tic, . , 'v t Ivh'ich in iy, Result-from a aie ' AV,ir ; . , lri)rop'o)!pnthat it U tHj'priin'afy v1" j uui I'.nov iniy no. o gtveyray; w t.i; tairm 4jf his' p:aina:ucHib.-t 'on ,,;. , the jvirt of h'nxcellenr.y, loil Vlut- f! wpr,;fi, r;aoestv oLhitir.-tti .cibierre."'?V l :),ev;ry;mVm toen:.htc;i,to modi' ; .' r rate : tlia , l-JKpitais ..-piiitahs' of th .:', -"". nviUitu.Wu-.'' ! l V;' ! i s( that 'vcrlwUnd. fugitive. obs:.rvatioa ' ' I '.Arfiiit(Scient for .hV discu.ssion of j'.J t k'l ijumTinf miercaii. an me, mo. tfvifsjnf wMeji it is customer)- to dU-' cujs j 1 tH'i'cou.icili r-f "n uions af.er- ' the xnrt; vrvitarc deliberation. . ln thcij c. ikil'j and n-i UV sdeh - cir- , C't'ntsts.ncynotni.1 'ts. jrtd; . ndjf.Vi L 'fcrnti the frAn,niy vh'.vyry nx ' prnvrt; "Vre . wiwhed, ex Am'meil.. , ,dcHt;3, canvassc l. appr:ciatedt no 1. ; .scrv.6 al4v.lv a .wj'l.to 'determine, a. ?' irt'itii .the p Ai t, w'lieli ii leiu.i,;, , lll 'ill J 1 a . t a l..h 1 o . Li I C such j)'in:rM.lcnt J- suth an ir. ; AiCr-t.VLih'.io't of all f -rms ha-J pieH '. ftojaWt'iHby Ft acct. w!ut.wojl.lic: 0vev fc;cn written .by" KnU'nd ? TherjJsn. a sials -jrlto: iat Sc ,tw!$ ! , hptvsof psrjisment', -V.o Would no: " luvc.d:c!;vrf1,Ci;!tth';s.dcvi4ti?n ffin V Vird r z . csKV.Ul . h. " J H -eg ,n.iti:iv i.V-iaportV.t .rircurn.' vuncc',, v.-is an u;;::rtir-c'-.r-d tn thr! 1 r.n;iv U4ti.'n t.A to-rcpiiion 'r.'r-. r.i.u.r.j 4s a.nru.'ite i i'Ue t ' t'r;:; o: i.l.i! rtli s r. n eys .'x if,n , ,;.i.r;-spc,:vt3-tlr',hai of fi ' r?nrdl 'iiTi'itu n, t;ke un !cri -nc 1- '.' h-,s the l-3.wur.to irvll t-: the rsoil.-c-.' 'iri. f lU-cfce.;atv.';ior,l Wolt. . .M-orth,4;it h: was cl.irfrd t M'hc;. . - by a r.',i; which w.)i reuuicl to haV ' ' ri iSnlM, TJ ;feo!vt:Mtthe frtWo - ' tui Ti -1 to Uj-j.-'if upoi by, ; . tn- nice 1, k by injuiUi, . tnd i!ut l. ji ' rjs re,:iy toor.ok' tHn.rr.:l:a T,f ' . ltifi rfjwtoH a pAralltl is 1 to U -'ood ur lU history of.ftV oU v., la clru-nst.resc-rcq'lJiinpcttncc. ,' -Th .itthe hnd ,f .LunpT Iom'vo.I ' not l;!'.-v:to Franc; : LVitii rasu-V . lctt;c nrere'.ty Sia.fj.tU,n pot., r. ui.! tint r,l i rcoec( to 'tSe w'4 . cf h'-s 0,-';'it:r.:cm'j--srf to'linrv p-jw--'s.iiioaofit.thc f.:-ss tonv;l iu.! no." , riiut'i stiiy'ei.Ktr Hi co .:tA r .Thattl.5 h.'p :.r,ce cfte or. Vr,'nd the j!e f,r Mlti, wm 0," . rc,::t.cfvir;)ec!dar:c:stf the trr-. , W t Ail. If 1 ; t;f tbi ,'.r 'fVnv. 1 J enyn: u,-t.-r4.i:utiia. vlih.a th I CH.fmjmcefflH t'fot,.- 'kv?-f;v. I... B.U..T4 ...I mil);,, ahl tLa tLi. n..J, 4v'-i of f this 1i f 1,. ... . . ...V. 1. l..i V t 1 e t r tn 1 ; 1 1 r t h j r t urn t c f ' l i U r J.rran- It', iu J n Vt cn f tv.r .i a- J Mii. t'nt tli1!'. r .t ! r rr Win .-"I ,l Ki .,. I fi j it I- ,'i If ,) 'irnc''ti Und, as t'U It' l(4i'.: j th.ji. It .. 1

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