' 4 A - 1 r-1 , i r i V. 1 I, I ram the Boston Chrtr.icle t . ; 9 " opt . -V. v Prepared Tor the Kepcblicas" Frs- 1 r.TlTAL. -at the Celebration of - 4-x mcriean Independence tijis- " ' v tiY, July. 4th, 1803 ' ' ; ,v Tare--.1 Tarsi dent's Mcu'.;' . " 'H'Ai'f . . ' . . l ' a . .-, v .- ' O ' rf-'-F ' - - Since f by holy fervorjed,' y - 'V 'r r'rTitrt hud dancer shriek'd alarm, In' c Arjintol'rance rtar'd hr crhifj.i -. Urged fj hope; onifnarhed bj famc,f ' - To these shores our other's' t awe." f : die re ccmentjocn in to vrtte , w.. ;r': r; 1 Pcpf nrf Werly & , l ' ( J ' s See, from clouds' their 'spirits fiend :: -f-.luar the taciid chtirge the scnd !: n-Ji , .'." Dy yon oroflivrppj'lighf; t ' , v.f We awear" to' guard ' your, native Sooner lei itccaeto shine p ' ' : ,T'han our Ubertiel rdsigri ' x 1 Jiut in avn dtd JYttam gloVj , , J y; v,,,ot la them that loort ve Vf, i , V V j,l Tejf orrj A spreading main t r- !- Drag'd ihtJTyftmt'i Ungtbtti'd.jchfan'f f .'And atinfrytwihtm still, f i' Ti at last the GoddcstYous 77eii. to tazefrQm'AflariTci stotix,':i l Who the shield pf iruWkh'oi'ldr frcttJ(fimiuratedvfots' ;V-,fv 'TUtrontMhbrtastnfsvitiSii - ; lMeet "ofprfs)why ':crus&ty . - CfotM Our rights, iur WgngsWeldrVffi ' ' x Andath shaft of mclteedare,' . ' Junxxwin virtue tried, ''i j Kow tt grtolfuVVeopys.g t Brave'cs'lrarn'd, atfif'viie Jttmt'M '-Thittht ptieebt ihat'hevaveV'K' K-.??By yon orV'frcV -I CyMtia theisheA tranquil iight ilrt -. Vis, idarl,wteieratifofs',:- y:' '.f'; ' "Mi)i and furl)il$ tangyagijfawy " 'or Ae mfirning skr t ' ! f' X V -"S'sifi the rays iMiftv .'7 Av '. .T), vifVifw hd force ioinlin' ? ' )at the splendor' cf his mihitt r frm a tjvc ceuon to appai , i ; i Thus his htav'ii taught "occHtt ffc. jjy yon orb, jK. ' v y y- ' j . .. . . . OrMrCoivMiiji'ifjnrkf :ft'i:, " nul-dl retted m sjngVoy, . ' , . ' J-r d A;l Jleroet to the field, t - t- f , Teaching haughty power tojicld,' , i?yj.TTKnstin fcvuntit'grtatl -' Vn'rf A? Charter of the State.X r v ' ' lAi day each heart leMess'J,'' ; "fVy fl re WliTr suppress 'd, ;' ; ' .j G'c9'3JtarfQrid,Freedtr.iftla''t "''f J r.r. tntltut P. KTI1 ii.f . By yonorbof livinp: lihte' '. ' e nwttr toward ournatrve -TiRbtr -r. st'l. K'' Sooner ahaH-it ccise 'jihrneL '. .Tnan otir rSbei lici. resign 1 ' j , ' On Monday yk ihc NaUouai Jn- ct cyy arr.-' Unt !1 r.: ..' tcHi(?encer)the annivenmty 'of lu' t atcd on'y'fu'ch part's as would . htrtieS'Tras celebrated with trVat'piVnfy-the malice' of Wis own. I -jjr-- .. it. i '. .-.; j l. i:t.ii.. rj :::.v.'i..;j. riti Iri addition to the usual cirturn. ' stances that endear the day ' to me . ' ricaoi, oe nccj-iy . rnjevciinjr. ltiTJ, ' lirnre of the cesnioti f Iuisiuna,; 7jeetTed the! antecedent Yvinhigr! eitedthc irost Jivejy py7; ; At iMn-rise there va a'dlscharijr ' from IhaNavy-yard of eifjhtten giins. rtr& n'simillr diMharat jiottK .At 1 1 o't loci m Oritiop win tlefivcrtd - dent of the United .S-.nt wV wiicd - ,.tv,nl,v!ttrr'f enwhAnr ri Lulin find ' TUtwfftr 11 .nrt 2 V T(.ft.hf lr', 1 RCniUrt en I nmopj Vhnm m tic 'tis hekdsordtparTrnet.tforrij'ntnii'ijttr'-, -th cnirollictrs tt the pOvcrtiinrttll tppfrfuvty tf ' efpthnji-y n'Wilbmt v.- ' v ' Mayor, ana pe r"jr ioinm nmni; 11 uji ; rdi .?f 1 tc at a ntt-wjt-tt " occrsif tha Milhia.' '.Early, W 'i.ht Jra,' V mhht lbtn tt; nj r ,r c.ay theiifnorm con.prnics r.l rtiiMti j hnj flrJj fr Tall h firrit. m I V - sr.lradcdcn0.5ow?.',, lU Uhled. A that ! . . (I... . ..I.Kl'i lli.iii. ami fi i.r .nr 1 T ' ' -..' ' . I through a -vntty if evplutitr". i!ut 1 ed the I'mUIent V. abu'it o"lcf -t hfifpa:3 o,rl',,- a l-'ipTfiiftpa .. .u.'i...i.. r j.:...,.:. .1 fceTt-tsfruVf M tn.crt, ; ir.m.a . recullctt, . 7;,. trs.rtistrthepr- Knrwi..r-i'e4tly;vcH Jhal. fuch a tj-nn'-KtrnVrrs cf '.t. j ,frUi rfnelbpe was fentjhim,1 and at SitlU'i liUl.. At 1 I'" f eaon vhy Mr. .'I 7 fx R. 1 1 J, V, ,lir lUmil lilt .1 IHIVltfWft'.'l - , K - -J '- f tuution,sn"t at SitlU'i lliti.1. - - 4 o'i !(,' the DcMaUtifJt r,l Irr"cpi;t! 0t nut commit if to riper d by Si.ln!ot 11. T int; tnai.Werpred v andfCrt.T'.al T , ill i'lurUibl Jiiir Ml ar,-r.rd rHchrat e( the T,uiJ, - - t h tv aft . ft I ft of Lxt tcr.v ever nraxp to fi.t :.. ... '"iVKtntbe ffrnpsrr i4t ili i i.i. j tMvrrr.!r cf Vlrpinu;." 'It 'wo'uK rtV. at whkhMu r.rcnt; thc' nriru ifilo'fprlrH"i d..i;li the credit ifthf elty, pre V$, v, u d t y !.Lj. :,f Oe huU .ir.'Uctl by f. jv'irnmenl .Vane;. tH Mr. Carroll, L V. '1 aml - f, ,-,'ch oi.bu- in . Icttr, , - thl Anicr'trhave,(nIeJtt.erak0.'j, ,le'! ' " X - - i-rA is wu i , i . j 4 . .7rwca ai t . 2.y T1 People tr.d e;mernmmt-j Imn'iit ft ; t "'Miy'tbt hpp.nc f '' he Ihtj Ntr. J I r m.1 arrbl'hi of jhti.tl cr,' - j. T'' Cna F ft .l.'i-HM, ,11 .. . .. .!. , , , iiwiwua v. ii.incn.js, 41, jfmU V.nt back tire W tfin. I c Hft I . a'! It ft Ik ftfkl lltt M M ftk (tti'SV...d.a Bl. I .'I & ttA tt - .... I .1 . I.. J . i " . . - . . . "7 ' " I '.' !c way ,1. o M U-i. Mr.joneati 1 ,;,.1i,v.i..u. . ..t .LT. i"t cMi..cr.tf , ina,r ,od, ciivei.aniian " ' VllZ , V ' ' ' T v,:r wh. fne.te wa, Jc h,t. r..U it. i Ki i, l j .. . 'x, M iltlr moil prejadiud eyei cm tMt$niuct during "V"' " ' i ' ' -' - '" '" ' .,. V . I -: k: J 5.. -Thomas1 Jcfters,. President ; if the LViteM StatesMay, national J confidence unit's with conscious recti , tude to reward jvs past 'and present i Services. .Jefferson's March? 3 guns." 6. -The friends of frcfcdomtltrough-' oyt'jthe world. V-gvn.Y s ?, -tt fjwi s 7. Industry, may Us active' spirit be free to pursue,' without restrain, . !, agriculture, manufactures andcom ' mercc". 1 gun. - r, v r ". C corge Wash iritori -great 'in th-: field,' c;reat in the cabinet, equal' y- ; frcat.,.. in?.,. retirement. Washington's "Mauhy 2 jruttrr, , ' , v a 9 The-tnembry of lhe'therres'who fdl m the revolutionary' w&ri "May, we , never fcurrendrhcriT;!its which their fires sirc ofTered up to secure. viRifs a standing 'Army,", Yankee Doodle, 21 - 11. ' A'ywl rest ir f 'the rijjhtj of ' other nations ;m mllexTbleatltierertce v toouf own.'' 'gun X & V I3.1rhf 111 irtv' VHil nre ' tCnKliidressd in' thc'USrhsfiflelne;f "i! ouht nevt'rto JjectiiVceilcdfiV'rc- 13., -The-' Btategovfcinmcnts.' 3 . -1 he nr.cmory ; of t BcojatAn' - Frankli:;;n.. ;s v;yv r epupiican .jytertnnciwv' 'foundcd-'oiiTeprcsentatiTe pVincc$ h. xeccnt f coriyeiUion' -with VraVce hich'v'seca res' to h h e nitlie'S ire eAfia'-' ivie-atTori of tlie Mississif)iCi(viVhbtiLau-. , 'pealing W a't'ins, i;fibbyince thcrn f the; ! ' lOlicitiide ami tirnliftnr nT the "vnl-rh'?t their Emilcs its re'vard.!' ,Xpu'-ur i'is.Tht'cUjr of Waiington-Thq. i pol i c at p eurt olihc v n ion.s ;3 an. , f iTbe, weasnres of the cnTertainnic'tit wP5jrrStIy(tnejse-l)y pfrt'ence r,t(?o B'lrroWs'a'cxctilent band.- : V ' J (ij,TJic ,Prcsw)ctit furnjshc-tl' the'.'com 'pany r with 4 a - mipply 7 otV;Mrnrhotii ,Clie-"cAsvJiieh':was also diMriftutcdV "rponj; thcUadies ,'inct , entlcm'CTi ;.vho vrrt'tttl upQnVhim,'ih,.thc; morning.' CootrjudKes are of opinion- thst tt has grcatly.Tmproved, nd that it 'rnly fc Ti'.urcs,' iimc; io nmcu an cxccucnk hcyse. ; U 'ish; R stat? of the besi ' The nnivers.1ry?'InkTepttlftce( Ttv-as also' celebrated hy' Capt.; An-', dvcww's Company!. MTmilitlar in ,the i redcrul. City, in 'an animated and ap,, rroptiate" stile. - ' . y " ' ' . 1 i. ti.i Tr. i; . ., i -..ti . fjpne t, fines, . iuiu ine ivvus r trutix concerning th; money tranf ,t,i"'s05'' ve.y,treiic6fitfei)t jt Xrjr iiis( it would haverdifplayett the'eon- dul. ot jhc Utterf as 'hoiic(t honu fab'e. anldcrc'rint thcartntoha'.ion. i$f has cart, ' an I bs likely T6 injnreYcharicter.'j whichh8.ntSveir?s wihcril -is Very nWli ififnbfrd lb flintier; ," J-'. , 'Mr..KrfV.tsoH lia"vin"rrtciv'?d Tarj fiims vl ' paper' mint) hf, pay- r.ien,t if debts due frsi', 'riiipLi yciy. jiiflly .thihihat'lic had a tij;hfjur fiAi-fs.'jitu flj'Jiehfd epelved it 'j I I'uf e do rft fnd -Jiim taking jhl lcal adiantac;a it. Jnet. lie en- . ! " (' ' ' - 1 ' ' " " "" v" I '1' ;1,,ct7'". 'nd;fent fir to I rim by 'Mr'.Harvcy.'wuh a irri i. "rnrfTrge-;' r'fv'jttrt blni ii uttept h tttmtnl if thc 'hna'iif hr hal rcrty Jpeett in, v fi-'nii, it wat tflb' k. 1 tua ; 35 evcrj trau aCs"itniei witn At 1 w athc dtlicarv p f his filukticwi 7;n Cdsilc, a dead Morch v3''.t'ins. 'C'" v ' h.A trill reu'atcJ'tnllitia-f A natinrV m nn C can' t)"" dispense1 h jtV.. . wju.d command rielw SlV '7 "Wr malt , wen civrn ! 1 r c . . , r . ,1 rr,; ' ' . f i ,r .,A.,ik,: nf, 're11 wmt'l ! lent tmn iV tie irnt him lhp.TirL( tn(Tivi l! 1 . ft . . l . r I - ioc t-aic.u jjut it trttns :tc a ho pmjvfalf paying tptr mrey t tr& inoMrir j; ' iriiasuJi'shonelly and '. ftrfe fWor. ef'liif.,1iJn..li llllll lUfl ! . .. ned him the money rd at i k fi'V A ..: :i. :h It Alrf. Harrey cai: be- fublautiaM td.at ,agy 'time. 'SatKt of the'near. .'relations pf Jmneuft and iow late- jy icitihct io-tt. , ,i It is. well knoivtJ thatMrJjcpX f.i'MOM received tfurtnthe waf i large fmns of papermor.ey, at Uic' nominal vaiite, ootrt trotr,; govern-. ment and individcals.' lt ' he: Jiad' j in Tome inftancis difpofed rf tt?. to , t pay hh ' debts, jl 'fli'ool frot'; think ivfycry. uian;4iM ii was no myrc. lhan jAj'at eveinan did andwhat -tl c.agenj s, of.:goyrrimcnto'i.l. " JBn t; it fcem his'eiieinies Cannot him. 'even pf ( thl. : without aper-' verGon ofihe truth. SalcrnULt?!: Thc fcadars of'ihe faftionave af fumedit'as tin infallible do -,na that f the" hdmitttjlralhn is fo:h Ittd dnvnl rtjcj tiie.y .but re?oneCU-d jor 'a fmoineftf.that their lies for years paili ! have;-had nn ujltcr eift'l than' ipr dear the prcfent- chief majMfjrftcj to the 'people andthaMlw audaci, ' ty o j hei rf .Jics;. tbei ('ansnyvreuHeU ferj,tci ecperi WatJu'nKton, and thoi riidacicirts.HM 'rindcr thlignaf tt!teH nV PhichrA anil other TiamVii : i J.. . ,. . xuiracter-oeiter; no)vn,, jna- more- uccRicu--uicj wTJii.i perceive tnat ; thcirfei and their; Wfmuttffiff arc iqu'all y ji Ice! jt'-iW.-ttb nt rlb.ti re ifo "l : hini. VV'o 4-have; on-alldccario,ns' cburfc" remain, o' their full " lei?2th'in dcfarnatiorT-Sand ' ar ojr .iVifore xCTom Splice "fiys) io bnVj'jlttmttphi rr'That woi't- V dertnlmodd pt fytteltnatie ftMpidity, theTGairt te .of "the eihly ImbiUJ yojithVin''this-Cily;caned tipnri us' a fewdiytago to notieo fliry tWnV old Mr. Joncs AifVir ginia. VVc arc not apt to lh p"ou6f our" ti fual cotirfe imlefs fr t'jm' o np: ttcctne X.!nr.ettCHt ;f;r.1',c r0: ry vith which - the turics' havc noV comforted fherhfelvcs.-is hi a 'few . w'ordt, this") - ' - ,v 'During the f :voiiiti;n,"-.,hn the tetlfi.Mirriri as-.hn Adams faytjf ot Urcat. Jiritam w, re Jtendcd to cntttnir American throat, ' vhc-. Ther rf men 'or cattle; when trade was anniniia'Cvi, tr cuitivattbrv 'wa? fufpended, whcif fpecieVaVba-1 hifhed.by.Svar and Imard'ng avarice frirri piibircicircti.tirtii v'it r2sthe mutorttinc't t thbfc who adh(ficd to I ihfl mincin'erbt the rcvcV.nlon rtutl6n,fb ney; and Mr. J rtfcrl -in having none but-fee wwi', fent the- amzunt wtb intrrt , ; in'papcr. Trorey,-wiih an imlnuiion that if be csuUirS !, f wi V.' rttutn tt.'anj the bind JnU be paid tif f trie, as ao'ojr? a 1 the. ar 1 c 1 s c?ftn n r. os - TAlNtD , A'i' 1 : 1 ' .'This' is" the 'Mj-ircriirt-arid r.lf. demcanor.which iht.td'tics, 'tibW.aJ nnulc thtnifelveiaf li ; an'i no doubt 'it will cuiiiinitc' be their theme . .it .. . ' . : tt n ". ,.,, .v... iiiipuiiurc ran re cptrived, until Tome neMr -Jciufe canbe'foiif.d to civehil name, and h'di it tip as th-? politial'rfliJ. "... . . " ;Thcre U one trait in this Uoiy that '!cfcrvcroticf. Thtfouihtrn fiater are cunflantly reproached for tho tSi'lcnc'c ofevey amonir them W it " never, taken into the account that tJ 'xotrft'ftttdnpn Hbem by ihe'r favorite governmenf of "Eng land; inlike manner, fcarcitr of U cic.aswell as.ihc peueral destruction of! property in' the fouth wat the elTett'of Britinr A'PreJaiisw'cn- as !"5f'l's "and frmd and the con- injurious to his character; it mud be thr6'pte5uJiceiideed:t 5 ' Ti e part 'of the vfrJa mffage't by ,navc ic .money iiian vinojc xvno , " . : , 1 maiixtatni-d their kplty to Grbre ? lh T$P ""V" I IlUin-ndrtu the libmie. ! rf4.e ti . i -a- - - iV" VJ ' T.iRher duties than are paidby Ame- .: ftcf"borrtY'M-. :ricltncitliens, and thinpHvilege is not ;Jopf tp ptuKdt m . bond, -.boms to.j)e extended Muting that period' to i iim- fliierwarus wnrn mi inefic t .....ii...r..-: - r , ( in had. Mr.'' Innci ivantt mr.M V f.. w..v,Tr...;.i;.'.i ili"" " - - - - - " - " ' w . - ILl.l .lllilL I III A IIA1 I I A 1 1 L I .111. 11:1 itqucocti ot their am are nov tmdc the hand'.e Ux t'cfatainp the r.ca who wert moll, diflinguilhej ju4 reH;ling the PrprefTnV, It it ,wellkfown that American Piper l ri tit XtruYtrh in nri'ct ,1 I Pipir.ms ir,fC4i. wen known that the fame ftki r'one by the freocharuti t!ur'pt thelne . . . I .1.. .!. ..... I . hi' i Mh , war upon CreJ.t at well astipnnliu and libeny. It was from fueh cau. lr. bord. 1 fet that the paper credit of AmerL nd i hit Ipeeie difipprir- too Id to be rrw ; an. I nloect rhidi our notice the rrvolutioin at fcandal.'not' toTiim hut to others 'who have abufed his infirmity. i We fhall onlyddi that faon after - the jpeacewhen totiacatn round us way. into circulalibn, M.r.'JciTerfonpaid'' thhiuft debtwiilTintercfU intalh -which -nov, at, the Pittance of fixteen -'yearisbrouftht up as WASHINGTON CITY, July; 1 8. b . jjy the president vf the United .State flof f it ' America wv'i s r . 1 "VAPROCLAMXTION- ; tVKRKEAs great and'weighty.mat 'ters, claiming the'eoosidcration of the 'Coneress of the United, States; ,forh an extraordinary -occasiotx for conyen-:, inthem idof by tn,esc;pr.eseM5 ap" Toint Monday th&17th day of Oclooer -next, for .their meertaff.at'the pity of "Washington,4 heitbyi requiring- their respective Senators 'and Uepresenta- tives.rthu f andthere Jto assemble in t Congress,' in . order tp,tecelvc; srjcii comtnunication-j'as may then be made Wthcrn, ami to consult and,detef mine 'in' Rhr.hirieasurcs'ias, in their. wisdom ftay be'ideemcd -nieet for the weltare ' of tle United-States. 4. 's',LX v In Testimony W hereof, I have caus- 'cd, thc Seal of the United States to be i liercunio-atuxea, (anu s;gnouiic43iiic ii;k0hexyiofas ivthe sweentn aay, o-juiy Tin, w J' si-'ye'ar 4pf bipr 'Lord, ;ohc'.tho'usan(f . vei'ght. hundred and three; Vhd in vP .thc twenty eiffbthear of the. Int y Menenifence f he'4United States. :(SiCTed)e:rtTRatl'TUKSU (Siciped) J a,ms MAbxsoir,.Sflfrrt'arj?. ..Dispatches' from the American tni Tiisters 'at Parts4-erc teceived bv the Txepnlive" on nmrsdaf evenin.TTbey Ve'r'tt'bviusht by Mr Ilus;lies of Bal- timorc; As cbnfidcntial bearer, anil con tain the ? Treaty, , v.Rned.v pr. April T50th 3h'rch;cbnveys Louisiana to the United States. - The'exteiit bf the ter ritory ceded ,is'defined y. general re ference to that in winch Louisiana was ceded tU.rraricc.V' 'V'-.'X? t f 'Tlw; term arc I St.; I l,55p.pCD dol-1 lars tobepaid to France in sixper cent.' .stoc'it, 'within' three months after the ( exchange" of ratifications and the deli-- ' vi) ju)S5ci5iim.r nu. 4ii assumy- , sit'of the debts Muc a'nd captures pro' vidjd' for ''under' "the Convention k of i S;pt.'3nth't 8(1', between the United -ari5 to bd liquid atedbv CommHslonert fti Pas. and Wid 'at tTic'Treasurv of the'Uhited States'bn 'debts' from their Miptstcr at Tansr.Th'c assumpsit 4. is Xictt to p;o hcyond"3,TjO,O0Oilbllars, ''and it ii don'ieciurcd, that the amount ' of the 'debts and claifns Xvill fall short cfthaUUm., 3d. ,1-rench'atjd Spanish ve,!,'?;' merchandizes directly : tcriou ! ranee anil Snair 'ire, to enjoy, within ' the ports of the reeded tcrri'tory'thr; privileges! only of ( the most favoured nulibf.. - The treaty Is to be ratified and 'theVatifications cxgiianK" '.viunii ?i monins irom lis -dtc.' This circurrvrtance will rctjuire the ' jbor.ycnmyoC Coh(r,tess klittlc ear filer than the 1st MonuVyof 'N'ovem 'b'cr, t it istmdefstood th'c ratification cf the First '.Consul is oh Its way to the United Slates. Immediately after the ratifications ofthe'tteaty.'posseiVibn,s "to, bt delivered. VTher Itihahltannxf 'Louisiana arc to be incorporated with 1 iiie lintca Mates as soon Mkcaa tlie Liutcd rconsistthtly wuhthcCuostitutidnth I 'United States be erTcCtedt id. in t hp 1 " . : 1 . rheah lime are r be icosrrQ 1n thdr liberties, property and rcligioru 1 - ' 1 if ; r , Ai HALL 'its rcttivej hf the scUocntr J.atatcr, Capt, DelUf cm .Yt-C'.)r4. . An addiucnal Supply of ftdolcs and Stationary a rbitas'': WiOiinjten on Atriculiure, Etercife foe Cavalry, llrige't Cookery, I'rinklin'i Works, Adtm'i Floes ot Trivtlr, . tt'lkmp'i Biojiaphy, Seneca's Mofl, Pufftt'l of Literature, , Wau's Loj'C, i I.AnHrto'i LieitTiht Toetr, ' tl . . liimteriei'i T'lvclt, Ektla of Kwisbuf, Piiog aphir l Oidionary, .immtrmsn on Na'tenal PiUf, '.immrrman oa Suniudr, ijniat' Inuii, iffrfon's Tour, Ba.lrVs llud.bur., Bulk on irn 8,bl.., ' ' B-rlS,s Dignity of lUmm Nimre, RmIIP. MJd'tn L.roprt ftoiiiHjHft-kt'a Works, an of . irl,':-; n.r. ll l imm me r nwn nrr.s i e mrrcnani izci Una I ITafs, Rol!.i HiWiliiert - Soetliior.. "Speclator,. Ameriran Speflator, .Ffmer Letters .: Botannica! Harmony.5 1 1 Fdfdyce'on Lducihori, Bliir' Leflorici,'' . Keply to Wdbetforee,' Complete Letter Writer, FordyceV AddVeffes,' ; .RambleVt-.V y ..".'i, Lopke.T.On. iTfiompfon's Seafons,' ,IIoyIe''Gimes; ;. , 'EviAVEffays' . Beauties of Addtfonr Do.' of Heryey- Family Bible?, - " Butterwo;ih'i Concordance, He&er's Religious opinions, Butlar's Analogy,' Edwa'rdsY'Affett'foos, 'AHlyiled Man'sC'orojanior, 'Bollort'r FourfoIJ State, ; HaUyb'urton'slMemoirt : ' Doddridge's Sermon?, .Ywing'j Letters, ' 3fown'Concof Jance, vHervey'j Meditation, ' If I i i Elegant Prayer Books, Common: do. 'Bles, , " i Watis's Pfalms and Hymn, . BucHan' Damcdic MedKinr, Hiinter-on th Blood, ' i Inns 'on the Mnfc!e, Plague and ,Yellow:Fevf rf ,denbirgh Pharmacopceia, ri . Anflotle i Worki Aaron Burr's political Dcmtirfii,,& Ward's .Mathematics, Hamilton Moor' Navigation, Cook'i -Voyag, MiUoiv Ancient Hiftory, Jefferfon's Notes on Virginia, American, Lex Mercatoria, 'Nicholfon'i Navigation, Bloni'a American Navigator, American Coat! Pilot, 'j lorle'a'Univfrfal Geograph-' --1 Univeirfal Gazetteer. ... - kTohnllons, lonei's. Bailey's aadlEotick .Diftioriaries, Mair's lutrodutlion te Latir, 'TrencGramrnar, Murray V Gramma', Do. . di. 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