Published weekly, by Aii xjQiB'Hiifix Turii Doliars a Yi xtr - TUESDAY AUGUST 9, 1803. . V Vol. 7, No. 343. M V 1 I if 1 V : '' PARIS, MaySM. . ; REPORT of Colon SEBASTlAXAti The 29th Fructidor, in the year : 1 0, 1 embarked at Toulon, on board the Cornelic. ' On the 8th Vende maire, I arrived at Tripoli. I wrote immediately, to Baron Sederstrom, the"" Swedish Admiral; as weft ft to the Minister of thS Pacha, to ; offer my msdiation to settle - the disputesCbe-' twcea Sweden and: th Regency. -My mediation was' accepted,, and the Minister and the 'Admiral, repaired io the house of the-' Commissary of France, and we began the negotiation. The.Pacha demanded, a very . consi derable sumj and an augmentation of the annual presents; he rtlictl upori a treaty madf'twn vpnWo. u-lth ' t J a o Bwatrih-enyoyrwbopromised 255,000lt Dijstres; nnfl ''2hOOO'- iinniia11v.",..W--' ' I ' " : j . , added, that two years war had put him to extraordinary , expences, and ,tnlt he was moderate in demanding ,no higher terts than' what were sti pulated by the treat. ...'Baron de Se tifrstrom, on the other hand 'offered 100,003. piastre's? lor. the rurt$om of .160 Swedish prisoners, and 5,000 aft nully.. After'much difficulty, I suc ceeding in settling' the term of the treaty which lixes the ransom at. 150., "000 piastres, and the annual present at 3.000. -' i --x-' . u On tlv; gth . Ven temaire, I was presented with gceat solemuity to Jhe Pacha, who recctved me in the most distinguished manner. - . .,, - The exchange of the ratiDcrtions ofjhe Treaty took place, and the Ital-- IU'Dublic wassolemnlv " acknowK edged. I caused its flag to be hoisted J the house of thccomiT.issary of; France, and it was saluted by . the fri-' pate and the fort, by the discharge cf 21 gtins. ,.. . t " It was not without great diffKU-' iv inai i prevailed nn wie consent to ackno ledge this Repullic. ; i lie feared that alt Italy w.s r.orr.pre.-! j 'bended in it, and that -therefore hts 1 must bs obliged to respect, without ;j .., lv., W1IU11V ,t nn, . of Italy, whic i wbuM be the ck'3tnc- jj tinn'ofhis marine, 1 ga':e. hiin such explanations as werj rtcissaiy, and c.i a l.'vil with his understanding, and ; 1 n t! he replied, ' I ee that I .miy ! b-: a, peace with the Italian Republic. wi'.hout too materially hurling my own ; ii'erct ; but wns thin rvtn more djf-1 ficilt, I should dolt.Tsiace the grctt ' 11 niijurti requires it." , , The Tsclia ol Tripoli is a brave ! enterprising man, nnd,n friend cfthe, .French. The Fr-r!ith hvc given as- fciitance to his brother, who is now at Derna. without rvsources or credits ; Histdan was to stir i the countnr 1 . aga'iPbt the R".'.". -. . ... - The nolitir, aTnirs oftl isRrcr?n , cy are managed bv Srid Mulummed' tl-I)cgh;.,ts his Minister. This man! h is a goo.l d;l of spgarity, and some ', nations of European politic. He has travtllvd in Frsnce and prtscnej for our. country a warm sentiment . ol flection. " , w On the !0th ofVrndfmairc t scti ut frum Tripoli, and the Mth 1 arri ! -ved nt Alfy.ndiii. The si me t'ay II wa'dfd on Gen. tituarf, who cr mmn iea inc bn'.ish forces bv land and by r t ; . li V? of 'f'51"!1!"' of ' Frt,?n AfcJ trtcs me wjth gratitude, and his com rirs,wluchemoncdme to go to.A-j mercit agents shall meet the most lexandiia, and if the Ln;:hsh still oC.;j HendSy reception. I if,cn went tothe cupicd the place, to demand a speedy,! rny that the Pacha ht1 prepared for tracnation ff it, pursuant to the frta.' ms. I receive ! the same day the ti-tyofAmien-U v; , 1! siM of all th? chinflHe country, .ndi 4 At fim C:n. Stuart told me the,' flace woiddberery nhortlyetacuattdjl but IimisrJ and rc-M cjuirtda mnrcetplKit BnCr. he con- 1'iinu n more etpiK n ancr, he con fessed that he bad no orders from l is Court ith rrspect to tbe c'tnia tion of it, and that he e en thought tie troops woulJ winter thrre, (J n. Stuart is a tnsn pf med'ecrt iU'n. Ke hn tkilccamp. a rren.H,emigrirtcfficcr, called the Cheralierdc Sadcs, who is a msn of Ccnlus, but an enemy to I'ranrr JU hasmncH'mnuince overilie (cneri. H 1 wrnt m the same diy to iee Khonrcliid-Ahmcr.d.J Pthaef Atcj r.ndrti, and the C j t .ih Bcjr, tommsn deroftheTurkhh flett. , M Aftrrthe eustomary eemp'imei'ts anil saying some thigs hindsome of t' e suMime porfe. 1 announced lo then thst Cnrtmtrclsl AreMs . wi on the pelnt of coming In'oV.pypt.j i lut tommt!ction frwc them the grrulfU pleasurr, and they dWl mk "tfft.l from me the Dain that the I'n; protracted stay u the EngUh tire the tn. I toll thrm f HW s'sy f)Si nMlill nj, for tSit t!f Crni- ral Peace had left no doubt upon this subject. ,r -" The 25th, I went to see Chaik El h Messing. -A. - .. . . I also, saw the jCheik Ibrahim Munhti. 1 " Thj 26th t went to visit the Lake r' Mireotls. andth- inundations caused Cbv tha cul'.insr thp'hafk'of it Canal. ! I'slsai f Utted the little ' port , of Mara bout, from ; who'se wells 0e town is j. ! small fort here, with an English and. 1 UrkUh garrison. ., ;,r , - . ' I Tased the whole of the 27th In ;walkirgf through th town and receiv- mg visits. ., ;. ' VOn the 23th I set out for Cairo, escorted by (wq Turkish officers, and fcix. French soldiers from the fritratc. Contrary Avinds obliged me to return ' to the port -' Th m The nextdav I went to Ab'oukir, where I past the jiight. ." ' ; f ' ,-. ' . ' " I profitted oT the opportunliy to, examine minutely the fort, which . is entirely out of repair. . , . ' , , ',' 1 " On the 30th I arrived at Rosctta1, bnyif.g visited Fort Julien in my way. I saw-that day Osman, th Aga and head of the Customs, as well as all the, Christians in ; " ; " The first of Brumairc, I was. Tit, Faone, where I saw the commandant the Cadi and the Cheiks. , I received from those last, and indeed from U witli whom I conversed, protestations of attachment for the First Consul. 1 " I passed the next day at Rahma nie, where I saw the Cheik , Muham tpzA Abcii Ali. The fort of this town is nlmos.ctirely destroyed. " O it'ie 3d I saw at Menouf the Cheik Abdin, wltdmlhe First Consul, ha l named .Cad. The other Cheiks of the to vn who orvaie to sce'mc, ex prssscd lhe same sentiments as the tlieik at Faone. I X6H them M.The First C,o;isul litres your counVry mtich 'it snak nftin. nrt !'nttris h tnsclf for iti happiness he. wrtl not foret yon, but will recommeud you to tfv; Port He has made peace wkh Em ope, arid thh country stiall fccllhe nuticv.rc iuk.cs n u, anu iiie rcmemr Drance lie has of the raor Cheiks oT v ': Muhnmmed IIacce-Zorba1ul-gcham,. who commanded at Mt-iouf, when I passed that ciry, has since had his head, on suspicion oftrea tonable corrcepondinr e with the Ma rodnkes. The two fart cf Menouf fcrc drroyed. ". .. . , ' . " t I arrived the tane day at Eoubc, rnd sent imn'.edW'cly the Citizen Jan bert to inform the Pacha of Cairo of my arrival. The next morning thy 4ihint.thcrcha .nt 300 cnr;liy anJ 213 infar.trr. comnianderl hv the principal MTicers of his household, .to sccQmpnny.jne to his houfT amidst the salutation cf rcp:atcd discharges of artillery. ". Whsi at the Pacha's ! dressed him thus pe ice hs ri:iw heen c6n clu L-d bci'.r-:n th rV nch Republic n l the s -.'dh'i- port?, the ancient re Luions of 4mi?y and onrnvee are go h to b? csta jtishe I,.,Md I am char ge4 by the iriit tonsil Uuohsparte, t- asvi-"! you of lus kindness .and of liisht-ntiort to smdFrencli eamtirr. cial Bij;nts into Egypt.'.' The Pacha run'i.. I II Tl.' k:. )-.... " ii:-r.iiiunci WIHCO of the r.nStt. i ; OTth y) a'H ihvi itbT-i h I went to the Pacha ls;nis t hi n m these terms -The it'; mini taes a livclr int-rtst in yw w.tfirj, n 1 1 -.hit of the country yo't?fvcrn ; h- h is desired me to of fer yv his milialiott to settle a peace wit'i tV Ilcys." VUJ Pacht ffturnrd hit trsrr. ackno4rlcm-n' far theinterest the firiit consul ttjok with resiH':t to fclm pcrson'ty j but pr tcsted be bad ue mist fmltije orden Irom bis court to vurr on i wsf ith them I sucrrsitLir by the Mamelukes) rcn- drml th-ir'mutlrtfi e-Jrcmtty cHi- cji, anutnat .iciotnucy would - nose men nt,9 ctrr or ftallf iosinir this Ornv'tncp. II tSrn fchrw. r - - ---- nie tlie positive orders of the porte tPTd I pmeirrd. he bn l no. authority 19 enter into any arranfcmrrjt of thst natures. Ijthen Mi 1 Intended to i'.'t Mi JiTieMnridn-r,nd 10 Mt tUeniron .fprtyp.itkns8fthe tity. t lie ordered the guard to accompany I me wherever I choose to go, ,and sa'ul s ; ihe would be happto mak Cairo as a- I jviprihli. I ft mm ft TlOSsihltf." i ' , ; . ".The same day I begati my .visits,1 by'going to see Abdallah-eUCherca-otj he belongs to thograhd Mosqvle. As be expected my visit, a grpat ma. nyof the Cheiks were assembled -I urhed tho ccnversatin on the inter--ftst which the rst consul feels for E gypt, on bis glory, and the , esteem and kindneis he felt for thelearfici Chieks jt?f Cairo. . Their answers were express siveof their perScnal attitchracUl' .,None';lt.tye''.iwithess caii con-" ceivc the ctiusiasm that was produ ced by the sight , of the tret cottsul"!! picture I madsrescts p'f. them to the principal tbci in Cairo, and the cities I had passed trouh. Citizen "Jaubert Jind Berguc assX'ed me,' thot the inhabitants of Cairo, at time tes tified such an, altacVmcnt t France, fts at the jij.e- of my arrival. . Yrhen we passed in the streets' every b(T rose and saluted us. Their -cstrolc-gers'!are,, tontinurdly ma!.ing predict-1 ions wrtft respect to the Rrst consul. On the ih, I visited Madame Murad fliev. I informed her that the Arst consul had "entered into a treaty (jot -?ra them and the sublime porte-t bat that the Pacha bad order hot to enter into the negotiation.. ', ;,' : u, l passed that and the -roll owing day in visiting ibe citadeK, odcgia lloulac, and all the Tittle forts in the neighborhood. The Turkish soldiers murmured at seeing me go about in this manner examining the forts. I pre tendd, not to under statu! theps, and ' pursued raycourseltfid my "observa tions. . . ; , On the 7th, as I was returning from Fort Dupey, a soldier threaten ed me with hi sword. As hi appear ed snmewhiit intoxicated, I did not re gard h's menaces, but pissed on. A few moments afterwards, 'Mnstapba Oukil, one of "the chief msn of the ci-i ty, passed on horseback ; he Reproach ed my attendants for accompajiying a .christian, and mftVe psrticularly a Frenchmen, and thi'catcAbctri svitli J the bastinade after m j departure. Cug,it that I ouftTttnot to bear such n inuU, but sent citizen- JcV.bert to t!ie Pacha to complain f , it, and de mand .an immediate ratirfaOion. I dccl?.rf I to him .that 1 expected this man lAonld wait upon ine pa jliclr; 'ask my pardonthrow hi:nserT upfin .my mercyrand implore ray pity. It rppeared that -tb's-Mwtapha was in crcrit f;tvoun Altli iln. P,rU ftrl fti ) viidcavoirrcdtoxvrangc thctnaMcr in soma f uicr manner but I innv.edand gave n .ornut dcclai-iition to the Pa cha, that if this satisfaction was not made Jr. the precise manner. I bad Ma ted, I should immediately quit the city and write both to P:U und to Con stantinople. ' ; , ' t ,! This derlwaC-n .produced all tbe eScct . .t!m I err ectcd from it, obd Muatiphn. firogr.tcd came to mt h nexu askrd Mmsvlf nUreJsr told Ivim that my first intention was to hiv? his head taken off, but that I spa. red bis ;'( merely on recount of the solicit?.lions cf tbe iMths nd ,.t t. Rosctti, but that if cVcrbr shoul 1 - K'"' iiisuh i rcpcnTncn or iiicir attan c'ants, his destruction was Inevitable. M This affair,, which wjis tmmedi atcly made public mU)ci.y,prcductrt avcry bcncfidjil effrtt. v fC)ri the same day there Was tn a, tcxpt W stir tip the Albanians against me. Two letters Cfr.firt? from l!eift. ta, and w ritten hy proteges of the uin, mcniiciect thst a t rencli Hret cr .".00 tail ha;t bttn seen off the Natdiaj that they were proceeding aga'nu ConstanMpopli arul that tbe of 17 c. icctofrrstsy was t-j deceite- and blind the people tothe danger which threatened them. o. , . a. Mlrnt foribenercbarl tHio lad tcrcivc 1 the U ter, an.1 desired him to 't it.t mc, which h ffid. ' ...'M thrri sent it to tbe Par ha, with n nssurance thst thntr .K.lir,t wi-re oniy proosgati for tha purpose J Ipen.l'we aadth, ublime Porte. I ould answer, at the titk.'of fny head that It was Me. The .r ; tha new the trick, and did nbt ei.Tcr nimstf to te diped by It. U even eomfrmriicitfd tome a letter oigene- i .inin,,s;f)ith.f1n(l ju.rrrciv. ! Ht -jc. enclosed one tt ti', ..1 - .. , . " 1 'fi r-WjiJrt icii, Wt Constantinople was formed tributary. -to Arabia, thatjthc time was come to 'restore to Cairo Us suprertacy. and to ' d sstroy the empire of the, Osmanlis in the east.. General Stuart requested the Pacha would consider 'the , spirit o( th2se brders,.nd judge wlinl wa,s jhe sincerity of the illachractitof the peace w profess to the Turks...' .' ' " twis indignant; at seeing a rrtili tary man belonging to ne of the most foliahid; nations in: ;Eirrope degrade jbimsclso far, as to-"endeavour to prodg,ce assassinations by insinuations such as those.' lie was deceived in his expectation. The Pacha paidme tifi tht moment of my departure, the 'mast. ..flattering attentions, and : the English .Commissay ' atCairo lias been. witness of the attachment eftKnt j city to thcFiencb.V ;. "'i'" , i-.r- uij uvo persons wno jjavetne greatest influence at present Vith the Pacha,; are Rosetti, and Maharowky ; they equally detett Erance; and arc a.t epen war with one ar.othef.-r ,. ' It is generally believed that Ro sctti has betrayed -the cause of the Ber,. and is now for the Osmanlis. Jlowevfr, this cunning man will pro. tcct himself 4)V the favor of .'the Ma-melukes,-if tlit. are .successful.' He trades at present CHI the Pacha for j .w i, unu liar 1 f v Tf ci y ailUl.b spaed of time encreased his fortunes by 'sefcral. fni!lion.-, ' -;. v ..' VMnhamrd, V'cha of Cairo, iV slav from Georgia, educated in the hous- of the Caprn Pacba,' to whom be is entirely attached, at. J whon tie resembles. much in character. The Chie't.El Sadah, notw'ithsttn'ling the TxMion's he buffered after the depar ture of Cen .liuoniparte,' begged of me to s;nd Citizen Joubelt to him.-tn j whom he professed the strongest per- sotnl'rttichnvnt fir tbe .lust Consul. " The residence of that grent majj ifl Ivgypti he said,, was only marked by acts af goodness, and mv countrv ought to bless him when they-thinkj nfl.:-. .1... . ' , . 1 Jijuui, ut ir.ii juri mm goou. . t Ivive ae'en trtivny Chicks ; they all -eoinpkdn nftho Csmardis. v t -. . The Mutilbt s -chief rf the Ilea nt (!aii-n. i 'At i T T'n'JT. C.rr, ! ly employed by tbe First Consul u . I bavo received deputation frem i i..c MiuiR.ol 'Mount, whom I ! rtcQnim jn led to the' Pacha. 1 bar ! written to their ,Snnt I hm of thr kindne-nd r'clioii of I the First Consuls. The -monk cfthe j ci-dcrofProigandil?!, rt Cairo, whom ' 1 b'lye pi iced under thfoutnetvuional ' protection that they; had before the j war, have celebrated a solemn service I and sung a'i'e deum, to return tl.a1.k3 hi the P'-)'wiitynftheFiLCpiwul. j assisted . at thi-,r.cnenionr,' wliich ' was attended by all the. Christians K i Cairo. I assured tin revcrtiW Father, ; that they Vuld Ite rcstoredMo the ; enjoyment of all their ancient $i-h(. t leges. : f. . i ' Th2" i I agaia saw tlie. Pacha. -.1 recom- 1 " Willi .ktiuiil Willi thrh. llf not'not onlV r'riwidsedtf)li y'c-t them', but tven tctrt?t them, with 1 atnuncss. . .. . On. the llh I aetr out tn t,nM. i Wr.rTHhe-TSfW.Vlamletea. i. was eiccrtcrt ta Homuc . with the same honoyr niul retinue as atiny 1 arrival, lbsd vrittetuo Capt,(;&lmli ' to bring the fiigate to Dsnietta; as I ! intended no pns fr6n thence to Syria. " e uth I arrived at n.,nlrti ! t. 1 went the nxt da.y ta'Acbtred'i PachulIchiU a creature of the C.rnn i ' Viiicr ; be xisltcd tne the nahre davv i J I. a a 1 nir uenavcd to me slth pet act pro priety during my stay In -thst town.' - - - w s, i3 t I ort or Lesbt and the. Tow cr ol llogat, I ! " Tlie works abort P.rr t,.v ' latrly tcn d.srannnrd ; t at pre- cihiti very nan tiMtUition.' Thcfe If gan iton of 230 men io the Fort and ! Tower. . j "The l!th Iraned by .Rcncr!?, wnerc i taw the Chick RVim EI f liemoui, who coducled libMctf to well at'the'time tfc Fieneh under CtrTml Vial werf. surrKmdcd and tiktn. Tbe Frettth'Cor.tul bad es cmpted Mi vilUrc from all Cortribu tion.' '.'.'. -" At DamLnti i nw ill die Chick, an.ipmicuuriy Aly IU1AI, to wJ.o-s u.t rirec.coouii ge an,. He i ni'yiret credit, and U w. .v ' tachrtl to Fratve.. k , kl Tbcre are at l)ra:M, w0 Chri. ! Uan a bo are rraijy mtn of mtrit, and - j 'iii 111 1 1 . ijna hit called Mens. P.alle, .nj may of imiui 10 u. - onfl nt tt,-m Tl t,..- . . Mbtr jerstanding, a, Tcry considerable Tcr tupe, and great consideration. ut in Egypt, chiefs, traders, people, and every body love' to talk of the ; First Cansul, and wish for his .success. AU the news which jlatetd himi epread from Alexandria ahdDamietta to the Pyramids a.nd the Cataracts, wltlv an ,astonistvingrapidity. . .;-" ; ;"f Oa tbe 23d Brumaire the frigaj amved at Bogaz'from Damletta, and ; I set out immediately for Acrei where . I landed the 2hh,-; : ,; On tho iwh, "in .the morning; t sent Citizens Joubert and Legfange to Gitizett Djezar , Pacha, and .inform ed him, that peace being Concluded between France and the PorV it ra ' intended to re-establish jail the com mercial relations which existed before 4jijJi.til thatll:waa:dh'ected . by ine First Consul to confer with him -on ' ttliat subjett I begged he would re- piy-Dy writing, vnettitr he wai in. dined to enter into a conference "with me'; but be sent only a verbal answer, iilvery one adylied me not to gtf to. . ,;himj unless I received a 'written 'as .surance 'of protection- but notwithstanding- these -timid Counsils, arid .his obstinate' refusal to write, I deter- Wuicd to proceed' immediately t9 t "Mfc-- ' ' '. ' -.'- ',V- .'- "I arrived at the' houj? of the con'-' rhissary of the Republic ' of the ScVeni Island.. Soon trfter tbe Pacha's Dra . goman,ting informed of tny arrival, conducted. me alone, In orr' apartment in which there was no furniture but a carpeu He' had -by his side a four- ! barrelled pistol, an air-gun, and a bat- : rte-axs.."- Hating inquired after my Health, he asked uhcthen X w per " suaded that when '' the hour nfnnf' ' death rai pronounced in Heaven, no ising eouia etiange our destiny. My reply; "was, that 1 believed like'hlm ia fatalism. He spoke long on this sub ject, and I observed that h n(l'.l w MHVVk4 an extreme simplicity; was desirouV , of pissing for a'man of understanding,, . and) liat is still nrm-t, for a Just man He several t imes repeated flicse wordsa -rM It is said, that Djetar Is-barbirs 6usj he is only jvrU and severe. Bcr3 "'of tfie-Fim Cotiiul -(ho added) noC . "to rend to ne as a Commissar ' of Commercial Relations,' a mptV " wbo is blind of an eye, or lame, oes " cause it svi'.l certainly be srid thai ' " Djezar prthim in that condition.4.' ' A' moment after he saldI dMi sire that the Commissary ycu' are W ' stnd-Khould reside at Scide ; that'll ' tbe rnot tnmniertial "port in rri '' !t,Ucs ; your agent will net 1 necessary hire. I sbajl myself betWo 4 V Frcncti Commissary and yourcou'',V "trymcn will-always experience tlJi "'most amicable rechptinn hcre'.-JlI M esteem the French greatly. Dnon'a' "parte is little of bidy, but he i-sli " greatest of men. .t know they regret: .bbn r.iucih at Cairo, and wish hi ti . t . . t ' - were mere asta. ' Hl I tpU to n tbe Teate lief", " twecnj 1-ran't and the "Subilci Torle, and tic replied thus, tdoyo-l krigwwby "I "receive you, and t)t leasee In seeiitg you ? It is be " cause you have cone -without any u airman. . I pay no re.pcct to the rf dffioftbe Divan i and I have tha " most profound contempt for its pur "blind Viilerv Tbrv uv ili.t n;.. '? is a EoktrianrVpning from net b- ing; 'and a cruel man ; ,but in the mean time I am. imlepcnilcht o( c -rcry one", while they Pre obliged to " solicit me. I was, int'erd, bo rri M poor ; my fathef left me nhihidf but " my couragf, f -raised mtitlf bit my own eil'ortsi but hat does net inspire mc with' pride, for every thing corH- 'to an end nd r. " hips this dayi or to morrow, !tb u days of !Jetr .himself wiil be " erm'.natednot bc'atise br Is b!d, hi tnemW lay, (hei-e be'pro "tccded trt hahttle hi arm fh the "manner of the Mamitnkes, which lcd;dw;th great 'ajviJUy) but be. "causj Cod ha-tins ordered It. The king oH 'rant f, whq wss pow ' erful, haf peiishcdj Nebuchsdnez MkiM tf .fly - frc. ITettterrd cteil sentences of . tb , liui-j ktn. ad afterwards tfoke !6 rae" j the motives Which imtuced l-Im-Io rn jktf a agi.nst tbe French army. Ia all Ms cenvrratioi It wss em tobo re ttarktd, bt was c'ciinmi r.f.Uinr. reconciled ' th? Fir( CV-niul, and that be drrsde d I, ft anger. ' '", , " Uf related the Allowing ipoogu'; to exphiin tine tie rrat'.n wi,ith hd Inrturrd Ltm torfit Frrneh. H Ablfk bie, afitra b -g ynr"j in wh'ch be hd rf.Jurr.l .ort li n wan, srrnt- offti(iie and -nt".. krmr 1 n . f

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