Published VceMy by Alimakd Kalx, at Thkik tiotiAis. a Year' TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1803. - fVei.T, N. i. EUROpjfAN INTFXCTGENCE, j ' jLONDON, June U. -.' . : . Last night the House, of Com mons, 40,000 seamen 'and' marines were votedi'being 100,000 in aJU in cluding .sOjCOp tor .the peace estab lishment, and' 10,000 vote!" when the armaments began, From, the.' mif nister's. account 70,000 "are titir' ii .' service i and Ve'; understand "that ,,80,00p was "the .number, required for ail me snips nucauy yiu ui . vuiuuus- .June k,. .... ji- Letters irom , Uerltn. repeat the nc- count lhat'Ahe King is determined to ' observe the strictest neutrality. No thing farther Is said, of frhe cordon for ' the .protection' of ,.the. North. - The .coiipirient of the Russian fleet in the Paitlc'jh said .to be? we rely for ma noeuvres. "Ve Tear , the. French, -will ,be suherctLto grow tnemseives oy '-excluding us from llamburgh, at least there is not any sufficient ,sccii '.ritVfor their refrainintr - from such acts ot violence... ,.t . - ; , . . -The King of Etruria is dead, and the Queen declared regent. flt is.proba ; hie this kingdom will not subsist long in its present form, er under .Us new ': dvnastr,,.,-. , , . ' . . ' d . .-I . - .. . ,.N. . , , ; . From Dealt June 10.; " " A French', fishing-boat is -Qfrft ie Downs, which was intended J: 'tor Dttvprwith a nprsnn from France. ' He .has. dispatches, and - ordered to rrcemnVunicate them "io the collector of , the customs (here. ri'ntlerstand he Vii-inrr ansrprant of Tluoniibftrte beinp" " assassinated." .. C"' "T"T ;7T" ."On the 7tli, June,' the First Consul , sent a .circular to. .all the Cardinnls Bishops, keC enumera,tin the pious nature of the , war . in which he was ; ngaeiand reques'ting their prayers fr hi$uccess. To these, letters .he receireVl.from the, associated clergy a devout and accotivniodating reply,. -, ' Park" accounts ,of 'the 10th '. June, . state that the number of English who have Jjeen arrested fn 'France, the , Italian republic,, and the conntries . .-occutH by. FreR9h troop amounts already to 7.500. ambntr whom arc , several generals, many colortels, and a jrrcat number of officers' of different, ranks. - - : Su tfee, Jure 13. , We rtop the prefujto Uate, that lirrujelly was fent for from Wind. .for'thii morning by exprefs. He j -. .1 Lti.i. j . i arnvcu in (ownai n o (.iuck, arm a council wai immediately held. It wu rumoured tlut t' e French mcf- jfenger had brought, over propofiti- ons for peace. . Tire bufinefs mud certainly hq of importance that wowld bring tlfle king to tbwii Co fitddcnly. , , ( Hanover capitulated totheVrench in the 4h June by this conveijti- 'cn it appears that al! the efFefh be longing tii the Kin of England are placed at the difpofal of the French army and even Englifh foldier or 2ent is to tie Tent to France the. !lelor to provide the pay, food & clothing of he French irmy, and theFfpch General to levy fuch cohiribuuem aihc may deem nc- , H;ell iry. A Lnndoti arltcV.ftjrhe i5th, flates that RtifHa and PtufTia nad conjointly delivered a note to the . French government, dating that ,'hey woutd not oppofe the pecupa fion of Hjnovrr hy French troops, .tut (t was their intention to prefrrve t!e ntutraHty Of Bremen, Ham burgh and Lubetk. 1 hr bu!gct whkh willbebroufht forward this day, will t.ectlT4ti!y prtfrnt taxes , heavier lhan any which have ever brtn ImpofcJ, in nne year, uron the people ot this , fO'intrv. U'c tuv already flaied 'he leading irtlc'ct lobe art income 11 1 y of fie 1 er rent, and very high Mursiirnn man, Uiir, tea, v tne, . fPrV, and an ii'.crefc of itTeifrd .. tes. . m 9n Saturday a fronndlcfi rum cur 'as circulated, jhat the Firfl Con. 'l l-ad ben 1 (Unrated, which hat hren completely fa fified by the sr.. T.'tl of M.. CirmontV a French 'rirKr?ff h, ,(x paron Friday 9. "'Rlst lad, wi,t, dlfratchsl for Lot J 'kffbwty. The fH.-dr 'clicry of thefc lif. ,,,Cn' wii datr r J of fuch Imj-or-('ce, that whj.U reached Ca'ali, , 1jr jerterday tnorntnj?, he would fuf the filiogff a packet; it took an ipcn boat, noiwi . t . fftanding the weather was extremely WOUIrUUS.,' HIS IC4H1MIJJ LU ver. a per fori was immediately fent to Deal, to forward Ike intelligence to towV by the Telegraphe. The I courier proceeded to London in a 1 poitcbaife and, foufy. His arrival ; qccafionsd great, mjule at the Se-. '. c'retary of date! office .jnd thedifr ;' patches were frh rmdhtely forward- ed to Lord Hawk eflvtry at'Coombe. ; Letters were alfo rtifpatche.Uo the other members of government who happened 6 fee out of town,., ' I' ' ' 'Nbthinjr has trahfpired refpccV'iie the nature -of there dilpatches.. It is believed by iorne, that they being a propoTiuoa to cmmencefa' new negotiation tor peace- -I n the mean time, every attention ha been de- fifed to be fhewti b the French-con. rier, and an a'pirrlent is afligtiM for htm in the houfe of Mr. Ruffe, themefJTenger, tiDtii his fcturn to France. f . NewJ.o'an This day the dif-' fereht competifors for thcloan g'sve in their biddings.' On beinj optfn ul they were found to be as follow : Meir. Kfiale '' 6s5-1Long ann. .. Roharts 8s. 4), . K , , ', ,'Biring . 3i, 4 I. Bankers. jai. 3d. , Stock exchange 1 2s. 3d. fe . The loan of cpurlc is EfJa'e's. '. June 14..' . t WyeeTday'ft9pped the prefs f b announce fljat his majefty had come to torn, in dortlequence of having b -eu fpccially fent or hy. Mr. Ad dington and Lord Hawkefbury. '; It was ,-fiip pofed hi$ .majefly wav thus fent for in confequencc.of the arri val pf the Fretlch o:cn"engcron Sun day night. No 'council, was held, but MrV'Addington & Ld. Hawkes- bnry had audiences of hi mjjeity. for a confiderable time, as had likf Vfo the Duke of Cumber Urd, apt the Hanoverian , minifter. . There can be little do'ubf butihat the dtf- patch rOiigh bV the "French mcf- lenger related to the lakingot Han over by the French. At "5 ye'dcrday altcrnoon the Trench metfengef re-'l' ceived a fitfpatch at Loru Hawkel- j burv s ottice, with fettic.hhe.ret on to bovef. ... . . . . I Gen. Stewards ordered with 1000 . men from Malta to Sicily, to pro. J tea that tlland . agatntt the attack ! of the French He wiJl take the ! P0 the.Vicimty of MelTina, in j order to defend the narrow nafs, tc a'Britifli fquadron it kept cruifins in thetlraili u( Medina, and on the northern coafls rif the iflar.d. - Letters from Conflantmople men . tton, that alter a lo'emn at U on, the Diva bave refolved to ob. fcrve the Rriclll neutrality in the prefent war., (icn. ilrune, it is Ra ted, had propped that the Porte fhoulJ admit French tnop on the coafliof.the Levant, but the ilc msnd was icfufc-' , . ' J'tne 16. T'teTolfovvine circular letter was ifTued by the JJritiflt vice-conful at Hamburgh; on the td Vnflant.- ' Genilcnien, you are rr Q'tireJ to leave the porr with your flt-ps, and ;to make fall in an hour, in order that yon may take advantage of the tide of Cuahavcn. E. Nicholas.' Jin e 17.. . War with Holland. "Lord Hawkefbury at the bar of ihchoufe prcfented the following mofl gracious mcflgc from hi ma jelly r GEORGE R. 'His mijcfly thinks it rlgKt toln form the huufe of commoni, that Tiom an ink tout drfirc to prevent the calamities of war being eatend- ed ,10 the Bttavian , Republic, ht communicated, to that fovcrntnent nil OHpciition 10 rripccr tneir nru. trahty, provided that a fmilar fif pofition was manifedrd on the part , of the French covctnmcnt, that the French forces were forthwith i withJriwn from the tt'rtitoriei of the Hatawjn Republic. , This pVd pofiilon pot I ivtrg brrn a Imliled by tha government of Ffance and meafuftiliait gteeti recently taken by them, In dirtd violation of thl InJtptndtn'ce rf the Batavian Re. public, ItTt majtfly judged itcxpf o d'.ltd bis Minuter to Icatr the Hague ; and ha h-i'fince "gWen orden that fetters of tnarite and general reprifajs QioulJ he fyedv gainii tbe Batavian RepuWiC'ahdJts fubjefts.: . , X ', : Slis majefty has ar ill time?, rna nifeded .the dearelt 'and moll lively intereft for the profperjty. artd ide pendence pf. the Umted Provinces. He has irecourretdthefs proceedings with the moll ftnerc tfref jj but the conduct of-the French gtivrrn ,menthas left .htni no alternative; andlin .adoniin?,thcremea(ures, he ' is aftnated by a fenfeof what, isilue tb liu own dicotty , and to the fe- curiiv'and eilentiariaierefls ot , his domi n iohVr;,::.,.;' 7 r c. . r. ' After the mctTig1? 'was 'read an addrefs of thanks for the comVjmni cation paflcd r.em-cott. t . "June .18 .'v ;.. ' Nothing is more cert am,; than that mini Iters are a&in? uto the full extent of tha'pledge j;ivcn by Lord rtawkefewry 'in the houfjo pf commons on Mr. Fox's ' motion, v'rt;; thst thev ivou'd dot accept the mediat'iDn of Rulfii, but represent tlvejr caufe to har power, j.ith('a View, of epgagios;'!? good ofHces as a mediator,- Mr. Rofs',' the mef. fetiycr, no doubt,. Krqiii'ht import ant advices on -this" bctj a few. days ago frym St. PcCf(borg. Acoui. t"er part cf them, in (ubllartcc, Was "probably "fent "St t he fa me time to tbe-.Rjillian thtnirter, at.Parit This occafionrd hc fendihg'oVer of a meifenger 10 ilic RtiTiah ambaffa dor in London,; on whofe dif patch es, as communicated to 'Lord H.. by Ccnnt Wbror.zow, 'a cabinet ' ton net I X' yeflerd'ay'j at which "a! riibH all tfie cabinet miniller, a mong others',' (!arl St. Vincenf, were prefent. The refHlt waf fen'r off' to the rving at Wimffolr. It is no-ordinary TnelTongec that h's broueht th'eie diTpatches'frorfi sParis, bu M . de Xan(bu a'Rnfjlin J .puftT.',' It is fa'ld,hs. carrie wwh a j dinincl propofi ion from St.-. Pc j rcrfburj"to Paris, which, after hav. ing brn acceded to by th"! Chief 1 vuniui, was rorwaruen 10 tniscoun -1 Ira 11. .. 1 I a T . t I wc (hall not attcmnt to cuefs. A i few jdays .will, probably, throw foiWe fight 'on the bufincfsS aVpre-'l -A French paper printed in'Lon- clon, contains a Parts letter, dated the 8 b inftant', in wh1ca is trie fol lowipg filly articled . . . "'. Jt is nowfatdthit mionaparfe Is abodt to be proclaimed Prouftor or Continental Ltirope, andjiie chitf of a cnatjtiiW-the objc ot which is to obtain the liberty of Ihefeaf." r .. U' It was yeflerday reported that So thotifand Brttifh timiui are to be "fent to Portugal witji all pofTible expedition, tor the dtlence of.'that" kingdom sgiinft any attack of the Ff enc'fj. ' :' ' June 20. , , On Saturday a rnc&ige from the King was prefented to both houfci of.patliament, intimating I lie necef y tf .raifing 1 large additional force. The nature of the plan by which th force is to be raifed will le .dated thia day, f it le'pot'frd that the number of men tphe raifed in 1 he full Inflance is upwards of 40,oco, and that St will he efTecled by the ufual rneans. Petbaps eaih county will b'c raited upon to furn ish a certain number ol men in pro portion to its poUiion. It iifald that every feventh man is to be cat led into a(ual fervice, 01 at lead a confiderable proportion of males fit for fervice, from ilffomefay irj to 45. ' We have 00 dotiSt that tfie Vncafure will be fti'ong, Ont rea. Ion why government did not coun tenancevotuhteer corps, at this pir. licular moment prhab!y wa ihft It. wou'd have lurifbfl eicuUi to great cumieti'. Jjubljitutt rnull be allowed. Evert during the te "quifiilon in France, futfliiutts were with fame timhstlos, permitted. The men rt:uirel ill be for the army'.. Th. 6t betcruiteJ every !i'y 1 Jl" if -tarei adopted at.hotacj is. I ' I I'.Ku'ifaf (hipt fremattii Jn-e 1 li il 2j l rehtoJci vipoh Art it'll ihi IT. rids of Guernfcy J: Jerfey, or at leajl jtpon the latter, in coft. j qnrncc 01 wnicn nve irigates lAiieu yetterday from Portfmoath.for har (Ution, ajnv'I fever l, more fhips of war are under orders. Wher we; recoHec that, Si? James S ui'mtrez GominanJi by fea, and that General hiirdon is Lieut. Governor and commander in chief of the troops'in' Jerfey, wvjvetertaitv,n6apnrehen fions for 'the fa'eiy of that (land. - The Moniteur of the 17th gives the London, news, from "the Sun of the, 13th, and to the article Hating the KingtirexpecWly coining to town onjhst day,-is a ppte which irtfdrms til of the nature of the dif atch, which the French iftcTTeriger Brought whir reached Loridonon the Su'nday evening.. He brought over the capitulation of tfanover conclu ded by Gen. Mortier, for Ms. rnai jclfyVratilication the Chief Con. I ful waiiing for the King' ratifica I iron before he ratified it himfelf I fjuonaparte let our on his journey on Friday all ,Ke Was to have reached- Amiens the next day he pent Thurfday at Montfoutaine, Jofrph'ftiianaparte's ftfar, and bs b?gsn hi journey in the evening of 'near day; t . " ' .: ,,x , 1 he trrnch troftps have entered t'w. Papal territories, and a llrong detachmeiif ii to proceed i'p the Ne apolitan,.' The Court of Maples is in a jituation of exfrehie embarraf. if?n'h France yvilhes ube permit ted to occupy part of Niples and Sicily t a wi(H from her is to fuch a power as Naples equivalent to a com attid. ; Cm the Neapolitan go vcrnmer.t is anxious to be excufed pui receiving fuch t vihjr, and have applied to the court of Vienna which has prefen'cd a no' the fu.bjecY to the French governmcni1.; '. . Gen. Mortier has imoofed VerV heavy contributions pn te unfrtrtu. n-iic pcopic.oj nanovcr ; anu nas (Ordered the arms of the Kim; of. ungianu to, dc taken down through, oyt ;tVtletorate., , ; , The, laiell accounts from Spain Rate that no flfp has yct.becn taken in that country towards entering in to a wit, with us. , . A f lamb'irg paper of the 17th irtrt. fiys, "that the French government ht;e declared, that ihe French troops hive orders di? to march he. yond the liinita of thit' cleA.trnc. and to remain only oi4'ne fi3e of tne t ltte, , lint the floppage of the trade between Hamburg tnd Eng. land has done, almoft-as much inju ry tyjhe former as if tin French had anally taken'pofTctfion i f it. The Porte Jiai declared ,iis inten tion of maintaining a flria neutra lity i and hasteit a tlrong flsst to Archipelago and iKc) Mediterranean. The captain Pacha commanded it. 4 By concur decree, dated the joth inlh all merchandijr", manii. fjclurcs or pro luce, coming diiecl ly or indireclly front Grcat-Driuin or its colonies, ev,en fn neutral bot toms, are, prohibited', after the a. bovc date from, entering the ports of the Republic. To this iollru- ment is fubjyi-.ed a declaration, that all communication between Lfe ism ani prance it at an end. The American confutate at Lon don, in confenuence of th? above decree, has pualiihcd the following nonce t . t jintr'tan CnfuIUt LenJs, jfjne 35, f3j, " By anarrettent th lrcn;hn vernment, of MclJiJor 111 (.fo Juue) no AmcHcii veiTtl it prrmltted to carry merchandUe of any kh!,di. ra(y oriHdireclly from this eun. iry to any port of tt Kepu'al'K. And all lirilifh tnanifadutt., of liritiOi colonial prtxftue, fa carried ill ba Tubjcrt to cpnli kalian." ' HULLTjTnt 3;. An extract of a Inter from MrfT. Thomas Lee and Co. Jhrnburg,to Mtllrp. .Goodwin and Lee, Hull dated lun 14, ryt .,cr- xh' now petns to it placed on 1 fure nfi Towni, ai tt.fl Hamburg Senat have tectivrd the a Turanct of ihi Ruffian an. U coufn, that thejr ara dttttplntd to enforce the flrlc" :...'raht towards the tights of thofj places, - -'LIVERFOOL, July "2;. ..x In confequence of ,th blockade of th: Elbe, the demand for fugaf. coriee ana otner export proauce, is ocarlyfufpcndcd ; andunlefs a vnt . is foon opened in forTjAorts oh that continent, to carry ." he pro- . .1..-' ai.i. ;" ... " ,1 .1 (luce which is now acxi nu'aung, wt fear, that the ft agnation, whicjht will be put to this branch of pur trade, added' to 4hc confluent fcar city of money"', will opcrateunfa-.. yourably on theqir.icea ;v'bijt if wo find other convenient. matUets 4 for 'the fale of export produce, it I lifcety the prefent quota'ions will be mainfained Immediately afcrthe. . commencement cf hoXHlities, Vraiii . 1 rt . .. ' t . ... . r 1 !.. ' V 1 . :v ' ' anu iiuur anvancea in price ; out as it is generally believed, thatthere U a larger ftock flf grain in the coun try, than there has been for fomV years at the , fame, fcafon, and the growing corn being confiderable ia quantity and thus far promifing in appearance, molt articles of provi -lions have declined in price.. , Trip fufpenfion tif export jrade to the . continent, of F-urope . materially af- fctfs cotton, and.tha fales lor fotti.e time pfl Iwebeen. very, lioiitcd'i Uplaiii Ccbrgias may be quoted t tz,a per lb. fine'qualttics may , bef confidcred rather more vatuable, buttheie.are few. 'fine uplands in lua marker, the late importations being generally inferior. ' . ; ; Leghorn ha$teen declared in k (late of Ttege by order of Gen. Mo. TJt and all, the Engfilh there de. clared prifoners of war -upon their parole. Two Englilh'velkli in the port," richly laden, are Hated to bave fallen into the hands 61 the French, ' '- PARIS, June to.. , ! Citpt tulattott ,of Hanovcr. - 'KJivjrJ Mitiier Lituttnnt.Gtn't, rl Qwnindervt Chief t Ya tic , AV at War , " Hiad-aarters at iewburgh , June '4. MCjtiren Minillcr, , ' " I had the honour to. Inform vou h-f my letter of the 2S hult. of the rrurchpf the Frenclj army towards Hanover. Af;ff a march exceffivc ly fatiguing acrsfs-arid fandi anL marlhy heaths, tonk a pofitijnprt ,5he 31ft before VVcchte. . J ftirtd. that 'tlie enemv cuarded tha UiHof iheJltinte. Gen. HamrncrV flein ' co.Tiinindinij the aJvat.csd Hiardof the King of England, 'oc piipicd Dicpholti ,with ire frennd and futh regiments ofu'hfctry, tw& rrgtmerts ofQvalry and a divtfion rif artillery. I made my pofitionji 10 diflixfge, him on the' following; morning. The fecpnddivifion conv manded by General Schincr, that of cavalry under the orders of Genital N anfouty, received orders, to p oft thenifelvcion Cjoldendtdr, to forco .thepiirjie of the Hume, andtodf. ttt therofdves upon Suhlingen, that they might cut off every thing that ihey might fmfl between that placa and. )icphoUa, hicli thediviGort of General Montticlurd hii ordefs tr.fkly m attack. The enemy Ire. lug by this movement ha was turn f d on his fight, rctireJ during h night .to BurUcn.. , ' On the id indant the ' ar.ff i guard commanded by G?n. Ihyutt, nat a wj r(1n airmilhbrf :te Uauvrr,' with the tear guards of the tnmi M On the fecond tl's aroiy t'oi'c I before . Suhlmgrn i the a !vjrud i.uard moved towards L'ti'dm : tt he re fill In with the tr.r my, and noiWithllan'Mp;. h9 fuprriutiiy of numtxri, ard the titrem laiip.e of the tmoj.i, w30 ha J tMt W.jr marthed Iwtlvi lraguM, Tia'l Urotict fave the order to I'taik. I ht enemv kept uji warm car nonk. Some -ui irrri tl ihe fe cond ferment Ut Huffari harr. I tn valor thnlijditdrrfoorf f t!.5 ninth tejirent. 1 fry trcAcil lift of that corpi, who f ?J, and v! took fevrral pnloreri. t was InformeJ by my fr-i; that theheadof 0 hih. eol tlitw. bourn rr rairr a I t! r, nrmy had coilr clc-UU M art J ci oaili nht bit. Si c f the Wafr. I i

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