r7f he m'Uur'y force or Grcat-B.-itai!, -- 'the eglSninof-of-July-comprised 63 , ., battalion "of the line, and -i.8-regt-; jntuts oi cavalry, Sndependent of the troops in Ireland. The militia of the empire amounted to 97,DoO men, and flO.oOO men were'io be added to the Yanks in a "very few weeks.' These with the volunteer and supptetnentarv forces, will constindte an army of near ly threebundreil thousand m'erw Twen ty three' thousand volunteers were ' actually embodied tV'ScotlanjJ. '' ' The number of French pifspners'm England, the Jast "of uhe, exceeded SOOO. .On the 5th July,'it Was Wre than 5000. ; : - ' ' ! . 1 : Inscriptions on the triumphal acllc and public buildings in the towns (thro' which BucTiaparte passes, invite an in vasion of England ; on; the gate leading ' from 'Calais to the harbor is written ' the rood "to London 'V Buonaparte left Calais for Dunkirk and Ostend'bn the 3d July, tb, inspect the harbors,1 " tec' V i y :;" ' By a lettev from Leghorn the 30th of May, It; appears that . the- whole of the Britislnlerchatiiif indent1 in Jhat rity were ftwde TpH'eVs '-' pf ar. . Tiie French general of di viiion,piivcr, wljohatlthe task to perform, behaved with all " the lenity his orders would admit, by fallowing. the English to co-iriaue at large on their words of honor. '..The, British prdpefly had been previously removed. ' ; A letter from" Copenhagen states,1 " thaVthejinnce' of Denmark is gone to Holstcin where' an army ; of . SpjbOO wen are fathering to oppose the. French, if they-'aUefript' to advance farther than Hanover. ' The following letter, dated July 1st, was received, bv the ship Delaware, arrived at New-York from Liverpool s. " We have, now to adyise, thai in conse'iuejir.e of .' the situations the French have occupied at the mouth of the Elbe and Weser, to prevent our ..'M??lfrom occupying, the ssme, our OVERKMKNT HAS' DfcC 1 ARD BOTlt' IUVBH1 TO BE iH ASTATE OF BLOCK-' . AOK AOAIKST ALL SfttPPttfC WHAT- xVkR, 'I'Nt'lL. PRVSStA SHALL CL'A 8ANTKE THE' ACCUSTOMED FR.tEDM Or TRADING to HAMBCHCH, AKD THR OTHER TOWiTS OV THEIR BAkS.-i What effect this determination may produce, it is impossible to foresee ; but meanwhile all business is put a stop to, and nothing has been thing For some time pjsi in sugar, coffee, or. the U'est-Tndia articles. ' ' NOTICE. His Ilritannic majesty has judged it expedient to esHblish the ruos( rigorous blockade at fhe en- . trance of the month of the river Elbe, and to maintain and enforce the, lame . f the st rictest manner, according.to the tisaj'cs of wur; acknowledged ai'.d allowed in timilar cases. Hlr .f A TTT! American Consulate, Uvet pool, heap;. Ltltt, of tic) jy Ddar.srt. Tht folhw'oj; i on extract cf a letter from a Gentleman at Gibraltar toi.'.s frie.id in Norfolk, dated ' ; ."QibrcUar.ld Julj, 1 503. " The bst mili bring accounts of the French flrj bting . hoisted, jx leghorn, Genoa, and most of; the , Italir.n ports ; also IIanorer,.Hahi burg, Cuxhavco, and most of the NetUilands, l are fallen i.ito Hie hmds of the French, who thna ten the King of Spain with imme rtiali war unless he ofcn all. his tstcs and let than march into Tor lu-al." . . A t:;r.l arrived t Norfolk', from' Jamaica, sy that all American tei. cls Uajii'l tcwiny port of St. Domiogo, are went to Jamaica without d'ncrimi nation. .. t By tue adviroa from Enciand it appears, that Turpentine, Tar and I-hei, are article in demand, at present. " The report that gen. PochJjnheay laJ arrived at the cast art! from Cipe xraacoisfis unfoupded. r T4 n c Lmi?n p,itr Juh 3d. t TLelgitude Mr.T.. Ilcwlingi J fiid to hate e0Vf ted the. ptcat and Important coveryf th lnijttuJe t tea. His pUn he xtruits wjihput the aid of I'rigunomctry, of Geometry, of l-ov-sri'hma or of Time-v'iecei. It Is pei formr d by an imrrume t,t und la t!:, by impectionouly, srhifh direct the course to ttcr, ami what dis. tance the ieamyi Is from Ma inttf.d. ea port, w lien dritm wit if his course ly norms, when carried hy a current, vhtnhehas !ou hit reckoning or Lr ' any other accident. Ztirctt tfa htitrfrm P.xttfca. in Cu. 1 Cae Nichf la.Mole U warfjr eva. citfd. The, womm at.d children Itave arrited Uri. 1 he parriwn hare r,M, "1 frilh Hf P ifproriion, viii hr aMf to hold o ,t fr aomc time tho.JSh Ihty ere cY,, att.cktd ly ih nRind vU atf fommindtd l i between the United Stt cedintrtous LOUIRI an A. 'm , . M " i a,i fiei on the,part of France by the first consul on the 22 nd of May ; and that Mr. Jay is on bis way to this country with the. ratifications. Nat. Intel. . . statement, in 6ome measure in correct, having been made in an A lexandria Print of the renorted fanhiw' 1 of an American vesscjby'an Algerine f mines n-uficrj:o siaie ine. tircumstahce's a which, "the report is , founded" .-. ? ;rr ' ' :, ,s5:: , CatVxart, .cur fornw consul at Tripoli, but residing now at Lcghovn has enclosed to the secretary of state ah extract frotnthc; Florence Gazette' containing ah article Amdcr the Nsply's h'ead dated June 1st,, stating,- that an ctiorilad aliorit tithe before, takcn , ; plaice between kh . Aig;erine , fixate ! and an Amvlci I lately sailed fiii'rk Nanle's. .'with 'Mr. I r l --F.j'i'-"" bfmtli. charga des affuirs, oh boara," wnu udu come irorn Rom?tiorrtne purpose "of, taking a passage 1iome. The American 'vsse wu ebl'rged to yield to superior fore tf.!.;'; 1,' j Sihce the receipt. of. tbisletter, kn6 ther'&f aiibsequent date, viz. June 22, has been received from Mr. Cathcart, advising that he had received no fur ther information, respecting tJlw cap ture. 'Considerihgit, however possible, ;ns i mmeoiateiy wrote circulars to the several American consuls on the Barba , f y c6ast requesting their interpo siti m in cksc thq Vessel should prove to be captured. . .:.'.'' i )'-; . The belief of this information should, in our opinion, b received with some hesitaticin. vlt may .be no other $han a .report arising from the capture, about-the same time, of a Neapolitan frigate ' by' the Adams." ! Or if an American vessel has bem I captured, it may lave been by a Tri- , poline cruiser. The vessels, of the -Birbary powers are so similar to each . Other . in aDDearrice. .. that freniirt .mistakis arise in nppropria'tlhg; them ' ' r . ... In Oreat-Rritain. Amertrsn Vn j are,subjsct to a duty of 2s, per ton if , , th.ey go in and come out in ballast ; 3s'. i i sr ton If thev t?a in with rant-o- and ' j come oufi ballast, and 4s. per Aon, if they go in artdcome oat with their car- . Wd. . . . .t, . . . , ' Premiums of Insurance on American , ships from England, - . ' .' . I - -',' ..' ; C' I ' To American percent. 2 1 6 to 3. 1 ii . U'pm America, . .,3 12 5 Do. on British ships from " .England to America - ,6 0 6 Do.,onio, firpra America . to England, g o 0 i. A merchant in Li verpool writes to Kn corresp'jndcru in Xew-Yoi k. tinder Uteof tb.c 2d July, that an act was pre pared, and about to- be submitted to parliament, to permit neutral vrnrU to carry foreign produce to Finland for. h rns cons i'nption on similar condhl. on: as during the latv war. tti'cct of k;ter from en ofctr an, fojrj , Mij-sti ships linger the Otj-nW of AJmira! CirnvMUj,' diit eJ of . Brett, the pth Tune. :, ; have i he, monincaVion-to ac qMiir.t.vr-1, tint c win to the thick. fo;;s, ti hic'i have prevailed here,, to as great a dctjrctf as in the nlonth of Nor temlicr, fnr of the enemy's line oinauie amps iiom t. Domingo hare- j got into the port of BreMj and one into Rochcfori." Captain Harvrv of the scl.oorcr ' Caroline, from Charleston, informs qvthat lhe.Capt..of tha French fri Catc rurviivantc, not being permitted . to carry hie pri?s into tht port, re leased the ahip Couoa Ilanter, and , aft-rrharn? proceeded some distance . to lea, took li-om the Juno her cargoj rigging, he. and burnt her. . The captain of the Jono end eiaht of the t rrcw, came pancngert with capuin Harvey. .,... 1 I)lcI on Sunday the 23th but. in th'u Town, Mr. John Couch, ahip carpenter. , - rxrr.ar b. fn,f. 3 $, $lrop Morn:D3 Star Smith, rhibdclphjal IT, Schemer Thrr e ' Sitcra, Siiniions, Boston. , , , Sloop Blue Bird, Sheldan, Protidrve.'. t Sfit. 3,. Schooner YoV.ji FecrUk, Antigua. Kdt'r Caroline, If amy, Charttiton. Sch'r. Ceres' Weil. DiMo. Sch'r. Ilrfrulatnr, M llhenny, Do. deaaao. -AS- c choner Jane, Johnston, I.in'ti.n, Janiira. ' .V). Brie Orange, C. Tclham, Barba.lutt. , i , J'. 3, Slosp Morning Star, SnAth, Fhiladtfnhia. J hlvkp .Maif iUnt, Slkeif Swaiubo- 9 , ........ BRIG A D & OHD ERS. THE Commanding OfH cer of Corps conpofing he : Third Brigade of North-Carb- line Militia, ore required io appear wfnus ivup, properly armca and equipped, at 'the ref pcM iie pla-: tee appointed bv Ad of Aifemblv.' -orvlhe following ,df$'t,iz;) '. Bladen The ErR Bitia,l;o"n od 1 4J . Monday, the iith', , : . -r The ad, Whe Mjilh Btum .oji SVed-- !-h.-,htl9K' :'' .Duelm on V.tiity the l Oiitluw - Tie ' fii il jjftitalioo nFday ihe tS h, , , The fccoiid;BaMlU -qti'on MonJjy the NTeW(.IInover The Ling.' Cielt EaiiiHoa.bn Wed nefdiv the VcLf " . ; o PS ' o . a UiMauonionjrjiajir ibe mi . 1 f j Thfl Troops tf Cavatr,a2Xobnaiiv-'' I pf Anil'etr to pari'de wtifi the; Wcgu menu or.liaiisliooi 10 which the y are at. lachct), .- .,- .':,' ''. '. The 'RoJU . .'-railed, at - twelve o'clock, and punftijal Remra'i ir-ldta- j grecably to UwTva Uitf r poiot ii j i wiib reg obfrrvedj that ihtre. ha ! been in g(!nerakamuth reantTir,: which by a well ofarji, but highly impro. j per Indulgence; tiu the luhitf of amnil- rrieni has been (iilfereJ io inereafe fo mgch as io r-iit. poi urfl aniinidvef fi oo. Thofe OiBceri wboltj dii 'y it (va to malie ir,ffimen(al Returns alicr ihe lafl G.nefal and Aarajiou Mullen wNl) caufi nm io bs dilivered oa'or b:fore the 5 h of Novi.ber nrx, according to the farm fmrniftifd aiid pefiribd in fa-lurfe-wK reofand alfo to'cVc of ninitar r.e. gleel ihefCifter, conl?ence very oVf , greeable ioib fecliii ..f le ,G i e. at and injtiou) it ijicif owrr Rrputaituti rtjiv be cxpetl:4 ...to, a cer.taimy , by the D.'faulicrt. . J ; . Ref iewt are (t'nyd in the conrfp of next Spring, wVn ii ishoprd.the OiTueri will appear wi h'ifca Attn- and iu ihe U -. nifinn spfomfri in a Circiila!1, wbicK will bi fjfwafJuJ io, C on inainlir g OIFt. ecu To liirte lo ly jV' before ihiir net lit. giirverital Court". im 114', . t .t Ji:NjA. SMlm. u. o. u. c. M Sinitbviile, Scpieinbc't J, iZoy - ; .. JO SMK , '. bv the 'hibfciibf'r, A 'Cotton Gin With 35 Sivii, outhc tntill appro vel pla 1. C'oi'n 1 at tile o!h juice will be te.Tiil In pavmfnt, , V. C '& P. Pclli;.in. Srpte'iihi-r-6. Zw hZ.' N'UIICav Tlie Ccjrc'ncifhtpf GOOD!' IN o MENG WAS ditUJoed thi day hy tual ctl'(ni, aodSAMt'r L Couwiji has ukco ujun hinifclf the Ictlletm nt rf t!ic uvtcern flc requefls a -tivUwc atly do mainfi, to Jw I'tig" iTictit fot td lm mediately1, aljd tkufc inriibtcd will p'tafc 'inakf fprtdy payment. ' samuol Goodwin. ' WILLIAM MfcNG. . Fiyciuyi'ie, S.'p' ii" So3 f. Otic iituitlitrU Oollard Hc T AN A WAV from liic at Tten-iin in Iiafi Count? . kh of Jiij'iatr, 1801, N-jf 0 Fellow na- u( warJt tf live fret l'V tvmpiei ion, o trbly etl U, bat a la.-ge lump' rq ike pit of ht QMniHr atnl ba d place Oh the crown of hit hrd ; hat a flppilq io hit fpeecb, which vat trofc 0 Erfl fh, and wott an bair tj teurJ. I expect br will atiemM to pf Cut a ii te la 1 n. t be I en lofjtmfd ihit be kit fuie fam l. cunneOiort atiing He Nt gKi f General Hmj lint 2mi h, of Uiuofwick tcumy, and j-eirupi it tutk. in about there. . v I will g the iboa Reward toanr petf.M wha will Kvfje bun in any G( la tbeUni'ca Siatei, cm dc'ivcf hm to me 15 m In a'bie K'nntn ; in rale a( hn bcirg in Una!, 1 OuHetp't) the rcr. I s whu a j'p'f m.', lj in . i gif mrao. i C It J!!, d tt't'd to KiTrllori. ' I wnl.a'I.'o 4if'a KewatJ of Fifty Dwllan to an mi wbn will g! tnfof. roati.'H of h i beiog aiird cr alli'lerj ty any whi prtfoo, fo thai hey may Lc ptofecu cd t cowyiui'fl, , JOHN T. BYAN. Lenoir Coon', Jaly IJ, ) " , " . y ' fcTT Tht fii .li'l at ti'i!mintti tA CharUtiol pit ii "tfiei to git the oije u ami una turn is m n. Aiii.i.(fr-Ar' trifir 41 iM fin 4 Ifttf 4 Pit. I CtJitS. " 1 Printer esttau.. -Wa charge! of busiucss Also, one or Annrentices ai . . 1 Wilmington, Sept, 6,CD3. "rV H E Copartoeifliip of Howard and y I titlinghaft, was diltolved by the d'ra'h of Caleb D. Howaid, on the oth iollaat perfons having demansi a gainfl faid firm, will pleafe to exhibit he m aid tb.fe indebted to toake pay ment to' ' ' ' '. '' '' . r Wre. mLlNGnASj; futvr. -:0fl.:2"S, ' ; : Tirig partoer:. ; f ' TO BE SbLD, V- t Bfhs Shr'Jftf. Brunftuitl ci?n)i -i SfoUkviili fin he,i4 Mif,iji in pWber. next, if fair, titirvyi tbt "next fair ifav,' thf fofltv'ing ftper. tv f 7, -3. Gamchei. to fatisfv f'tjs claims f ftndry perftitSf t 7 L.U.Abt., for abdjX nmety.four ill. XX. yearn, of.tbc divided half of. a vvbarf, Ljot'and Houfe on the beath at Sni'hvflTc ncar -the 'Fort, cttnvenieoi for a Warehoufe, and for laqding Lumber. Jd.Fhst well frnprijvfd lot in Smith ;in, whereo ,'K faidc Ctatnache live, lobe divided on fale,.! irijo ihreti parts, each blat.$ ground iebe5 feet lijuare, and on each -u.aiid a,' dwelling houfe, wyh kitiphenrroorri,'&''l. ' , j . jd. A Jplamatioti aitd on, thoofand and iwrniy liveac;cs 'ef land ort Xic woodri Foll rier. fgitaiWe lor flie culture f Rice and Coit6n,,whe;rpoii is a mill feat wiih VTuflifierit flf train of Warer,-. Ilia Und aboundi.wnk pine timber rf f9 d;u ijiai;y tne ti uauon it healihv, and the range for flock very good. . . Aiigull 83. -;; 'V' ,, i ' ' s .-TKN DOLLARS UEVARl)7"c "PES LUTED from this rendcz-l.-vm,Xf a soldier by the name of bOrn 111 thr stain oT N'crtlt-Carolina, Mdgecomb couuiy, f six-focton inch .liiah. da'i k comnlex. ion, grey eyesrekrk hair-i-hc had on when he cnt away citiu-n's tbatMng. ; 1 do cipi.'ct that he has gone down lb Wilmington, in order to get on board of some vessel. All masters of vessels arj requc.'iteti not to ship him, on take him on board as a pasisci.sert on any pre tence whatever! as he has rvceirett tlie bou.-ity t'giVe'aT'le t la. :!;Ariy pt rsoi apprehetidiitfr.liq aaid d.-Hcrttr aud illtU-liver him up to me anjilttcciVo 1J Dollars Si. the deliverer of kxd de serter to arty other olcep if the ser vice of the United Slates yill receive tic above reward of Ten Dollars, ; - ; v'J.'EHCiU Uut.a--. Co'h.n ndiriinMcruitiii? Urntlezvour. ' f ;i);ttte viilei Augustl j,, ib0.l; ' THE CopjnnerlhijM.f Clirillo. rhcrD.tdlctf and Rohrt IV,,.- i' v, nr.tjci tr.e l-rm of 7-T, cpimi tins day 1 1 y 11 j 'ivvVi'limiirftionan-J mniual conkni). Al ihofc who havedemtnds a"linlt fjid liraiarc te?cJ(IcflcU 10 'rixhibii . ihi-m tu Mr. Ciuillophct Dudley,' who it fully aOiliorifcd loeilleihe fj'rte-.and t!iorfwh'iarc1tiliT) "cl to fsivl nr n arc rrij-ielled to Come for. ward y. fettle ihcicaccodnts, loena. blithcm toclnfc rl'e btifinefi as foqn .it purilUlc. Tlitlv who do Hot COiikJ forward in 'one month from ;t Lis dale, nny cj'cula'e iu their note arciuims, cc: beinir, placed in ilic tunJ ol an attamiy for cul!c. turn.' : - CrlRISTvOHflRU DUDLEY. KOUKUT DORSLY. Wihnini;uir, Augull 1 j t or"s alk;. 1040 Acrtyjol v.cU timbcr'd . ; . Lt ND OM Anic'aCietk,. known by the naite of J;jf.Gjrdcn, pn w;iuh ihc.e is a goinl mill ftai luffi cicni for to fa wi,1 -fin fa Airg fire am. A.part tf fiij lanj ii Well aitaoiej 10. the culitiie4f fwr nj co-ton, and the rine Ii ocelleM. . Jhe tcrma :pf. payment avail Lc made tafy to life puiclunr. . : I -vijraini lent t-jc tfpp'cr afaM ineri.s of mf ife-ifr, Kitchen, Ac' in'Mirkrt.nrcei: until the fird if Januify next. For itrmi apply ta May 19- l).'..Alnllctt. , ! " IZ7' NOTICE. T'HR itlblrhr. 111 1 r , ... ' & . fr.c'. l "'foflovvirr' place!, to ttctivo Taxes for-the tr. ia.ro. . aoii5.v.rceR bnege i on Tliuraday.'ihe lat,!at Mnipson'l 't Mdl on Saturday U :d,' at White's : llridge oil .Nfonday the sih, at Wash irntori on Tue May Ihe $th,' at Mrs.'! riaycr'l on ' AVetlotsday' H. Tthl at llll I. i.aa. a . f aur.'vnuaon irmrwtay the tth, at iiPii.icy on naiuraaf u, icth, ;i at 4 mde lou on Monda the 12th,"! and at the cbun-houie in VIlminjrta on Ttiesdaf the 13th tif BthirnUr. im I . . feat.a a. , All mmit will ptea mtend nd pay, f.,r ho lontr hdulgtnce tan 14 tien. Wtjt, DlWBwoiTa, ShS. neyman' Printer capu.. PROP OS JL j W ; For.pnbUmingbr t' n-T 1! vv- SHRUltr a"1""!. . A- . ert " ' Contain.. 4fice .''.fln( Ojicers on v . ' ?x' ' the dutiei of thttt v ; ' jendix of Precedents . I By the Hon. J. L. Tailor, j THIS work is carefully cotu ledfrirti the(befl-aiuhoriti and adapteJ,by,digeft of the fe veral Adls of AffeinblvitntiJFCc crefi UOon all the fubieclB 11 .tkini, to the ufo pf the Citizen this ttite.. It has been the ait tne fimpier to .leica ifva nifj pf tter. witK : whifth it intermingletl, the ulefil Jer-rni relative to .Sheriffs an'dConftab! and by a dilinA arrangerbent of 1 feveral titlej, to furnilh profedic' al men vyjt,aneiafy-.eferenie, more;.cop"iduj Tources- of; ioforu tinn'; arid theperlonVfor vrhdfe 1 the work, is immediately, defignt ilh plain and ihteliigible inliri v ---VI., y ;-vi J . j. Under the important tlitleciFA REST, the duty of Sheriff - 'Qv ftablesV &privte pcrfoni In the a prehenfiou of ofifcmlerr, ' will be c fqribed, and the degree of profecli alFirdcd them by the L iw accurst ly ' (lated.-Cdrtneaed with tl 4(ubje'cl ii the - Law of Hdtrti'cU1 whr!t;,c0minitted ly an ofitr ! j ftltic, or vvheri the ptrfon killed air oraVer of jullice, ' refpefti which an attempt IwHl be Oiade . abridge and-methodize leading c ol'cr f'jefts treated will be J5v' Ejctcutien, Guk. a Priftmrv, : Eftape$. J(ri'ttt Sit iff sand ATtrjhtt auvW, tSrr.' ' The . work Arill b ;comprifed 400 pages, oft4Vo, printed on nrt t ype and goo J paper, . ,y It will be UelivercJ ti rubfci bcrs.jhatidfoniely bound, at Fc Dollars cacti. '; ;. : '.l It 'will be put r prefs' as foon . a fufficient number of fubferib; Ii obtained fql defray ihe capcm and i.nucdm'4 toonths thcrcaltcr. C3" Sublcripliona will be tie vrd bVthKdjibr of ihe NMImin ton (jaiere, andy .fe'ver gontl men1 i.i'ditTere.U parte of the Sta vyhofe rainci apif places of abd he will iioreafier nuke known, : W Hating i on; Augti.1 "9. 'FOR SALE,' The Schonne, DEDOKAHj . Burih'enfcveu ton's, or thei altooif'. ;,' She I I'L'eil I llrlw rn 1 r M, and U well found and in 01 I'lvic bfler. for ft-a.' Fur irim ply to STEPHEN ANTilONj a a ... - - I Mtguit 9 it. . WAKTKtWc CHAR T L 4m for the :z . i t aeii from I9n 3 toua. Aoof tV 4 . fhancisfcntaintJ riminf, fil H. iValuuh'c LaiiJa Top Sale' FIVE Ifuodredacresofexcclle Ti.l Swamp,-,4a'nj abdut tfiir acres good uplaml 40 acres of t former cleared. I - - - f - m ouch and In order far pUn.Ing ; tni laftef under good fcncrV and " twill i D" Ir-CI. Pie abbve dtfcibod Laoda a eiif;ibl;fiuiared on thl norih-f; braach of Cape-Fear iiert ool j oiiUsfroin.Wilinintorw : ; For terms anply ,t0 jobft Lor. Lfq. or io 'A.' Hall.' r ftfy v for s a hi: . -: A Trua or Tared of.fcjfi . Caex 69 V yr ' , iN the head oi ear anJ In!, J Creek, aJjojnli.jf Mra Mum! laiM and running alofs ibe'mai toil about fcen niilfS fiora Wij mingion, fuiy of fcfruty crti which iacaJ Coin Und. art ! I svhicn there ii an exfc'.leni" anil lift ream. 1 (iihiiIa. I l:..ri. ..... - . . fnr a pilblic houfc, atid the ranj-e itipcnor io any on ine launiH t o.e hail the amount yrompl .J intnt will wcreq ilred, am) a crt.i of tw -ele mo'nihi wiUbe r,ijrnt iie tithr lalf, Ihe purcVafcr gl'u bol and fccurlty. For lmilr . ..l i i. a ii.ii' - " "- , P'c'ari apply r A. Mali in 'i "ingfon, i t ti the fubf;ti'wir c Rockcy l'uint Uol)crt Jlowe. Mi; 16.