tJrV-YOIlK, 'Aunt's I. "The Coikrailcc';offcaUW-ireport -' Effircham 'Carter C1? : year's' Nd) l- Cljerry-stiet ; " " AjidJJPWKyr new-cisesof therc-"-Vailing fever, for the fast 24 hour,. " -,. -By ord,er puttie Committee, t G. "A. V AtENTI N EtSec'ry J45tTCTlrbtter:F thehr.'Hietnrv froinJarjnaiea, informs that two Frtnch 74 .had been jsapturecland sent jtuoj (Kingston? byi the Vnguara and Ele-' ' ; phantj both of; 74 guns r Idso" that, a ' rgreat number of ;smaller,;Vetselsf bad '-been sent hi lately,. 5 ) ... i ..Tr th TlaM-. a nntirtnal lirio.' f ftlten . l.on' her passage , irony Mar ttnjuirto '.Pagerie, and M.Tachede la Pacrie, J-toustns oi Madame liuonaparte., were -'-passengers, h-'. i 1 .":!.' " . -Tlic 'Columbia Gazette, printed at , " Utica, ha the fotldwing paragraph ; -' A young gentleman immediately "from New-York, has brWghtthe, if-. telligenceto this place; of thijeatli tf Gen. IlAMit.T0Nand two ' Iris daughters, by tbe.YeMow Feycr." V.',' In contradiction of that report,' we liave the pleartufebf ' informing his ! ' friends Jthat the 'general and his fatni :'y are irCthe enjoyment of, good health, at his scat a few miles TVom. ' this city; ; ? " ; xThe Treasure cfthe.Unttcd States, yCn compliance -with the' law which -requjrted-hi9 '.late, proclamation rcla-. ' live to Ilk CopperComsof.tlm country, " Ias5 $tatcd, 1-thai -more:: thah fifty ."thousand i'ollarsin cents and Jialf cntt have been paid into the treasu ; 'T"." Believing that it would be satis- ' factory to our reader to have a state '' tmentof the number which have been coined, we hate been induccrf to as " certain" their: amount; and have -now the pleasure or stating, that, upwards J tt fifteen jpiHioft". pf cents (equal to : one hundred and, fifty thousand dollars) 'TinYc tfSfcn issued from the Mint of the ' United States, and are now in.'ciixu- .'lniioti-Pauhpn. - . . ' . rnji.Aii nTriiiA, 'August i?. The following article '.has been re ceived. thro' captain. VlorKC. lately arrived from- Boiirdeaux-it , must . af ' ford much satisfaction to find'thajt the fiftcnis of our. government, in France, , act in conformity to the wishes of that ' feoTernmtnl anM; a great mrjority'of its constituents by their efforts to preserve a strict and becoming neu trahty on our part. : u As soon as war wis declared, the tavern keeyart its this, (Dour ticaux) used every kind of stratagem ,to conceal the American seamen in their houses, and tntirc them to go privateering ; but' thro' the exertions f Mr., cur commercial agent, itli the assistance and support of M. Dsvid, principal commissary of marine ' tivhose interest for the United States, tommcrce an4 citizens, ctrtnot be too "much praiseil, the seamen were prt scnted from entering on board pri tecrs, which would have injured Ihe American character, and kept our "ahini in. port for want of hands. About 30 nilors have lcrn l?Vcn rut cTprivaters, and commuted to prison by Mr. Jre. - Yhp Wilmington picket off JTew j yorW CapLilsaac Ueil, txiund to ims; port, was castawav on Ilatterasshoafs a severe giie pt wjna on tne 31 si ult; after havipgxirpedawayer fore-, most and 'bVjwIprit'lrf; altetnihg'ltt weather jth.Capp. SCwas a fine new. brig on her first voyage, and'htended os.a,Tcgularttrader . between-'this port i'niJhnlnft Julf , Tvhf re he remained fomedays. I 0 neutrality made bj the court cj Jiif hn. . f , ' ' : jTRANSLATIdK. . . ' : lAimovS June 14. It having" been the"contant nbjecVi of my piternalviihes and rorjtlcis-i pjiitiOini.tQinvariablyinlajntain-the pittnc, reution,", siibsotin'j between Fhe mavor took, occfion, in pfFcr lngium tne key? of the tn, , kmina him that he had rcapyttcm in 1793 to theduke. oJt)fk, at the Ileal ot 40.CCO ineiC The prefect of Sommr n-lus ;addrcls,.Jas$, ter of ihy country, continue nviiL'h utir abundant fields, thro 011 r e r.ihHied cities, ami ill "u ni 1 yiu .iKwi orn. ,, 1 11c enrgo, vc tejnpot neutrality which I propose to will' be "saved tjut'the vessel s aha osarya; id 'case (which God -avert) : dy "bil'ed, ancT wfil Be catireJjJoC ' ar. should ,.ba ".ebbrrienced between IJv'a small coastfiisr vessel wluch nrt-i ved last niglitwitha load frttmqis.' brig WilrnjjigTH on Cape Iatteras,;, we leaTThat v9 sail 'are on sfioro at' ixnai piace anu a. tiue ine. nonn-. warn 1 aninnc wtucu, ;rcuii :v.avs, is the British TfiffatefAndromach-r-tht the names ofjthc other 7 we ctxild not learn:' x; . 'Arrived' list Fnday,.stiooner Apol lo Dav, from Bo,tcnV The Schooner Fair Playi arrived at ij-aararitine". 6n Saturday Jast,t from .Kcw-Yovk. . . s . ' i .... - . . " 1 , v- . ; tied'on Saturday'hst,.at the sbiind, "Mrs. Aiir Poissos,vconsort of Mr. John Poison. .'.,'-':' Ehjfigratlbns from. Europe 'to this couftlry have bee,n more frequent and mirherous since the cbmmencement of . th 'present war,- than at. any ptriod within our recollection. Al most 'every homeward bound ship from that country.,-affords an evidence of thfs fact,' and shews the discontent of" the people of Ireland, Scot and,' Switzerland, and we mig'it add. En g hud, to the ' ambitious tyrannizing vicsah"d measures of Monarchy. ' , , 'The brig . Fortimate,1 M-Leod, has arrived at' Boston, from Storiuvay, . r Scotland, with TC3 passengers'; the ; ship Mignet'; Marsh, "has arrived , at New-Yolk, from Newry, with 131,' r and the ship Serpent, capt. M'Corkle,' ! has arrived at Baltimore, . 'wfth;2n, making in all 517 Scotch "and Irish, ; stis, and those powera4o which .iiucvi ana in amiiFTanu ceson mir kh f , . , . 1 thS present circumt'n'ce, of Europe j vf.rUI J'T. W ' "T U ' Z" to establSkrincbles which i ?M marcn-but ct g?5!and trem- ; oughtlogguUte - the inviolable ey W . , itJO inc ieuieuciii iuu i i its minilters, to, the tolly andauda- ciry of its orators, rontemplate with as right the hero of r ranee, advanc ing to purafh perjury, to ira'pofe on the pirates Vr the tea i'fhe. yoke of peace, and to proclaim on the ru ins of Albion the commercial inf!e ipcndinfc'of Europe." On hirar rival at Amiens tha- nayot preient- edhim with lb tn e-S wail's, the pfnal and havip'g jn view how much' it' b for . the behest of hurnapity;aUd tranquili i ty of my dominions . and subjects, 'to remove all ; and every dispute 'which J might result from a want of knowledge ' 'of the regulations attending to obtain the ends which I propdse,"-I am pleas ed to declare that the cruizers oTthe Belligerent. powers shall'.ot be ad-VJ'lu? "??1: mitted jhto ports of my ;cstates and do-"! minions nor the brizes tnlde fev them or yy ni:n pi -war, ingaies, or anv o- toer slugs of war, wjiatsoavcr, , with out, any other exception but that by wVicJi ths la,vs.of nations render " hospitality"' indisprnsibl? i 'with this condition, notwithstanding, "Hhat. in the s.ime pwts the sale or "unloading; ot sjuI pnzss wili. not .be permitted should they be brought in under the. Tabove '.mentioned clause, rror shall they be - permitted to delay Janeer than is necessary' to avoid the danger , or to receive. thoro innocent helps which may be necessary thin' re-cs- j tablishhig and putirig in full force the observance .of the decree of the 30th' of Aug. of 1780, by" which this sub-: ject wa-determineiW Let the Coanv cil of War thus understand and have I it executed, expediting immediately i 'the neoeisa'ry ontfcrs to the governors'! and commanders of provinces, Torti-ficatiQfts.,"'ahd'martim8iortsi- in con foffnity t6 this decree. I'alace of Quelnz, .the:id-"June, 1.. . . . 180., with the signature of the Prince Regent bur Lord. miens j.b- fjie Sovereigns., of ."France who left their native homes and errt i btirkHr in these three vessels for the' ""pcaceTul'k'.rorcs of the UnRcd.Stat'es.' ! "By a"h official statement of the "board t heulin of N. lork, it appears that the number of those who have-falrn Victims to the ycllow-fcverin trlattify from tlie 29 of July to the'SCthtf Au gust, amounts to 107; ' V "THie'rvloop tliland, a tohs'tant trader from Philadelphia to Alexandria, ar rived at Alexandria on C8thuU. Tvom Philadelphin. On his passage, capt. Hand had one olrnsmen impressed , by a British fis' gun ship. The. 1m- prcijca man s name is uavia ijiicn.i, 1 he was born near rlnla-Jeiphia, and 1 of a vifit. V Louis XII ' fays the mayor. ' received them gracioufly : the valient.Henry deigrrc l to accept them: to acquit ourfelves towards ypu, w,have doubled the "number ofually given.'' . . t In the event of an ir.vafion, it is faicl, tlic king will take the field in perfoii, ad will be atMed In the coiiduci of the war, by a mititar council. His mdjelly will, in'trie courfe of the autumn, review "the, various campi near London. court of aldermen has been htnl, "at Which it was refolvcd to arm io eve: Vy ward all men betvAten the afje of 111 411(1,. Il!d IO IHUIHIJ Hli Hisii above the age of 45, in a corps to fcfe os conllablcs. ,' The following extract from sundry resolutions adopted on the 1 Uh, July by the Lord Mayor and Aldermen of London, will Shew m miniature ae spirit which pervades every part of G. Britain:-" Kcsolvcd unanimously That this cCurt, feclin.g'with indignant pride the insulting vaunts of Hiordi nalc 'ambition (though at the same time sensible how p ifnful the neceshi ty has been of engaging 'tins kingdom in a destructive war, vet asthisawlu crisis exhibits to the view of the pco pie frccdom'or shivery, existence as sn independent nation, or extirpation and annihilation) sulcmtdy c;dl upon their fcllow-dtizcns, and every indi vidual inhabitant, within theToelropo- lis, to enrol Vimself jn one of the clnvi- time, theJFrthch minister, to the clr- x cleof-fcower Saxony, has formaiiv Je ared, that, as the marcftirte' of th'e French troops had merely 'for its 6b jeot tb occtipying KisBi'itannic ma -jesty'a ; territories m Germany, all the adjacent countries, haw near soever .1 to those states, and whatever their po litical or commercial felatiohswirre. 'rnight rest assured, thatiheieneutw lity would ue' respected. i The court of. Denmark hm declared.'' that it.M 111 preserve the itrictest neu trality. An army of 2pOO ,men? has ; been ordered to march to Holstein and : Sehleswick, to coverlhe Danish frou- tiers. - .. v . The court pf Naples has made a si milar declaration of neutl'ality-r-.-but--.... her conduct is not vecy reconcileuble iuj.uujumisn.wiin sucn a uectaration of neu'tralily ; for 1 2,000 FreocTt trcon,s. have entered the Abruzzos. , The ISe apolitan;goVernmc.nt, however, were forced to permit their towns to be gar risoned by French troops, Ausfia hot " T."J V i . 1 -. , .1' . .. tnyosing to inte,ncre, anu me power. in npica ijmug uicapuoje pi resisiance. . The master of a Uas usan "vessel. ar 1 ivciui yenoa, aeposea, u-iaipu wajx- r Corse he fell' in with an Englishman,; T voy of 17xsaii steeiinsx for Gibraltar, naving on board the English troops , wno were in Jbcrypt. , Letters from Leghorn and ether . parts of Italy, state, that an English , quanron ot 10 sail ot the line and 7; London pa,rvcr lo the 'July , inclufive, have beei received at N. York. They Jo not contain any, in?d!ncc materially intcrcilir.e.l The vi:orous ti:eafii."cs parf.'.ed lv ho'h belligeren: powers arc ncccffi.i rily: fiKceeded by a tettjwsry calm. N Miner party ; M prej1?rcd ir( any irnrncuiite b ow ot importanct, and iheTtuxt iiucrding newn f'ot ' ' ' II i.'U IiAI'.lKK Hitj A.tA k..l t, M devfionof th? rieat Central powers. .' ,ul" r" 7"i-,. m. 1 ( : i" oiii-r i;iaiaii inav ue prepareti, anu peace o:iwe:n t ranee an 1 u.ngiaru!, through ihe medium oi Rufiia, h is coie to an end. , Hi nritannic mayfly as U'ecor ne was oorn near nniaueipn.a, anu 0f Hanoif-r. havioi- reiuied loranl'f hM a family Cf a wife and u ,onveI;tion So,,lingcn t c, who, by ... onvnnmen. fent . V , enmstnnce ore deprived Tf his indu try, their only means ofsUppbvt. I he captain r;f the 64 was very ml liute in his cfii'Yirics of captain Maud, respectinj Jei-ome Buonriparte f-;dem Gazette of the ?6th u'U mentions', that a man by the r.ame r'of F.mnieron, belonging to IToothbriy, was pressed ut of capt. Knight's ves cl at St. KKm. paruclpAte in the honor of chastising the insolence of en Implacable foe, should he ever dare to venture tepon British gvottod. The court take lliis opportunity , of congratulating 'the country upon the present happy ex tinction of parties, and upon tho bar. FreiKh government fent orders to tnor.y and uinrunity now existing in difarin the Hanoverian troops, fori a'l ranks "being convincing proof of hii pUpofe .the Frc.ich'army wis, Ike atsl and ail'eclion ot nH orrfers for tut 111 motlcn, and WaJtO CMlji t j , "wvcu hhr rioiiuus wi.hi i be immediately to cxcchtc i,.. ;tt'-onwhu:h must ever place the sub- prdcrt of th? firlt 1, n. Ijectsm mesa rraims move the mena ces 01 any power um snail pretend to give laws, or prescribe limits to the rigates passecl.the lisj;ht house of Mes siph. -on .'the 24th of May, steering to- ' wains laremo,. noincr scjuaorou is. employed in the blockade of Leghorns !..t. -.1 ,pnn 1 ! aim uic iMnu oi j;ie apn sevcrai in-1 ports pt jNypks. These letters dso. mention a report that the Grand Vi- ",. icr iius oecn ueposeo. From the frontiers of Turkey' we Icam that the Ottmvan Reel has sailed from Constantinople. . It .coiv, sists of 8 sail of the line Sc 1 2 frigates, and is nfpposed to be tTestined for E-' . . - , , -:-f gli. . 11 is aiso meniiontu mat tae , plague prevails in that city.', , j It ,ts confidciiUystited in - letters from Dunkirk, that 3 encampments ar i . immtdiateiy to be formed along the -coast frpm Cheiboutjhar.d to extend into IheTiaUyian territory. The Fust to be established at Chtrbourg, is4o consiifcf 60,000"; the second at St. . Omcr, of T'io.ooO ; and tie third in ' Holland, of 40,000 men. - r "Buonaparte has dicta? edra set ofrc' I solutions to the government of Hague, . which they have very obsequiously . Ipublishe'd, in the form af decree." Tijr these the Importation of rrerchan I cfize from Crc&t-nritain a nil t colo- . mcslsprohibitc'd. Neutfal vessels must be provided with certificates from ; Dut-clicftnstiU. or from the magistratei wlierg Shipped, stating the carpo, Ihe- nanus of the vessel and muster, the miptfccr of hands, kc. The;: who I'cvc nr;t these cerlificaUs must tike a rc-uutt car;'o ir the produce t i-'m:.tnif.ctures of that country. .It pro'fibi'.s thetx-' pnnatmn ol vessels ut mattiisls lur (shipbuilding. It renews tie exiting I lawt relativcto f xporUtion of Vyrlik's Mores, gunrcwder, salt-petrc. kc. ana I pr5hiVus the spottution cf provibicr.i- 10 me e ntr.iv. ' VV.en'th? wor nut there we're nny hundreds of I nfhsh ssilors in The difTcrcnl ports In Trance, Vhb "liive tirre Utrn ptid to pfss tltm . selves off as Americans. Musters r f esuh who have lattly hern in Dodr-Jm-jy,- that several hundreds 'of . them . were in tbat't'ort inmost in a . si arved condition and unable to pro cure even brend to eat--We miht tlicrefircrcrnslle expect they would tn'.er cheerfully fn board Frtnch pri Yatetrst if it was only to tsoid a .a French prirfsi, which awa'drd theni n shore Engtihmcn. As a ten Tctiicni cover. tmi, thty asumrdtl! rume of Amer'.cens. tl Ulhfy wi-re captured In enemies vessels they riight not be mnidcred and tic.dvd pirates. Hut we hardly xlievc ttal Americjmi wrotdd vohintirily tn fcn bard the privateers of England or Franrc, nd if thtV arc f.vnd there thev rurrttobe severely putiihtd by ur own l.iw. If any of(0r Cujl abroid h a'ifjKfl uny rinl Ame iirn Citizen umUf thfc tlrcum tl ink ihcv hav ncn'ornitd their duty, and we hpe thry wi;il On We lnt fday 1aiV, faV fte Neb?ru CJj'tettr of the id.inrt.' ih' town was vifi e I by a violent florm of win J aiJ raid, which camfc cn from Krth-c.i'l, an ! continu ed wiih inrrciled f'ifv from three o'clock in the morning until 4 ii the even'mjr, when the wind fhitteJ io the wellwjid and checked its hi. toik. tt i ftippnfal the water raifed 14111c ftet pcrndindar. Man pcifjn who ha I property on the whrvt fvclit, butnotiih- flandin cvf iy prccm ion, great U- tnic Wtsit-mc, The Bteaieft rut- fer.'ri are Mr. Th'xrus Turner and Mr. JihnHafvcy the former hid Ihj warchivifel cirric'd 9i, which were fi'led with poik an I othtr ir lic'es of value ; and the latter, w Icirn, lo,1 4V141 10,0:0 hiifhc'i ult. Scvcial vclk'i ran aihore' in at- trmpiiny io o up the iier& and it will -be wiwt rtrat. lUthrult that fume cf iVuii w,ll he' got itff. : L.tTE FROM LtiSOX. ("aft. l .kier, in thr bug Jmf anitid at lu.n, in 33 dys. (lom ei vig'dar.t lo future to guJnl asint J Lidin, bring adti ts, that tho strict- e neuirainy wimihtruu wy me g' vcrtiment of l'iiu'?F and that no French or English tl f war was l t. -n. i.iir.ii i.f it ril timrlirr. August J3. r.M. r.ron. of the fcch. Farmer's . t)Ji. ht. arrived l lh lftitl. in. f..rn. ti.ji the di btlure he a Sd, the i rintd from lUit'idixt, biu't li srecurt that th I rnh lint Ijom iMiIcrd to tome ner UalUni Cat'c, potr vrmiHtd to make a. iiy arpuint nt, m . puits." (upt. I, further a Jlrtht the King of hput tiad informed Unotupar'e, l.c ahui ld peart that the H inuvtrian iroos were dstsrmined ii:t ir be difarmed wlfhonf rit!itng a hitile, which was ex peeled to tkc pli.c at foon at the Frenc'i lud croflcJ the illbe They wrrtf expcO'd to crofs it on the firft of Jtily. The Hanoverians had etcled bitteiiea on tl. notih bark , of the river, and taken very llrong pofitioni The expedition againfl Knglahd, it is f at J will conCi'l of rcs.oo men in five divifions, 10 bc-cnmuunJoi by P.nnaapane, Moreau and IJ n'ir. nonville; of which it ii ca!clj':.l that Tro.oco iil be dtflroyed in the attempt, and that ihe iiouinhi will hj fnf.i.icnt to coi.uucr lilt. Ifland. D lOQipjrte , wai c'nt!nulnj his tntir atnirill the jdlrc(Vi t.f nrkitt an I prcLcls, and the co'igra nlation or me ctix-iii ifincri. ii.nuic prefect the F4I de CaUis, fcems lo have borne away the palm from all hi brethren, lla tcllt pate that tranquil with relpcO to .ur litr, we know ihjt, tocenfure the hapjiinef aud g'ory uf' Francfi to trnkf to all pcopl the freedom ol cooiiri:rC5 and the feat, la hum rde 'It. a.i hciiiiil dJliojeiv of the rtp'r ot ihc UMivrrk. and to fix at IciigtH j-ea.e upon .t't. tnh, Godj crtaie.l linonaparte, and relied Irm Ins liioor 1 1" The ArchjilVip at Uorwu xb(trc?, Let ui bclceh the Alm ghtr that ihc wan of hit liHt 1u.f (hoPtnede fa dreiu), rut oiinmi iiout nu fwUiw and by orart( haiihine f. raui The English governmerl has acr.t a cartel with prisoners to CicrUurgh, t . , . r I i i.i.iikv 11 v view i) I 111 iiihc in, policy ana interests cf -.his nation." Th,, u flt . ... . H " ? 'r,Pror,,? IlPfrland , lnc lhc commenceTOenl 0f l?,e 'wr, ' ' his issued letters of niarciue and repri ; sals against Spain, ai at the dtc of our last accounts, the w ishes of the couit of Madrid to preserve a Viict neutra lity had been completely frustrated hy the positive injunctions of lluonaparte, whd requires every posiible exertion ori the part of Spain to co-opcrnte in Vis tiewi agaifist England," by the as sistance of her navy. In consequence or. tins rcquisii.on, Miicieuy eomrftum ca'ed to the Spanish rovernmcnt, or dcra were sent to the coinnindnl ol Two paa'uh khip from Ke-Or- leaps, bound to Frir.ff,' have been sent into Plymouth. ; and three e f the . homeward bound Jsn.aira ships have; '.een captured by the Fnnc'i. " ' I in t.gvpt, j.ns uren I wrested from the Fotte by apart of tho girrnon, w ho mutinied from want of isy, and after committing gict ex cesses made thcn'.idves masters of thef p..irc. , ' A convoy has arrived rt Marseilles, fitun Amen-a, stfd tote worth atven I . ' r - 1 ... 11 ?. " UBV'.l . ,rcPArc cn millions ftfiiTrcs. . i.Vh f ? l Jv t " p0",H n TbeAmer'.r,nhipC,mmcrcr,r.iT. I" S .f -! ' .?ntl 1 'rJ . vin " ,J-"M from AmMerd,M for Fhibdehdi'a. b'i T,.iTwrr u.e aau cc ion mine .Hn cllt in,0 Ul, Dgwha by ih.P.un. n,.:. --.-... .t- . iCr,! war . .... . rrn- n-acneu me go- ; . The American Vmrepr.r.trif. Ternmeni 01 on the wu, .4 ; (rom Virrla lo e, d G-liov feii?" "r If". were detuned ; St. Domineo. with I whuntem, tiot permit tic in-Mon or Forjugml ln lioanl Mft fuUn. Maitmiqoe ai"i ; inmo;n mi uoiiunicn 1 i" ' i compelled 1 I cf the Llwc'l l.t ml jet t fi'it.' wtrc -idtoli bioikated i difence ct tin uion. f tompllrl JIhj licl.!i made an a'tatkou Ut J to action, fie ymY pi 1 the lat du-J Ion w-r. t a wen; rtpuhca. the Mediterranean. The Malta an. Canopusof i) guns, and the Sceptre 'andConqucrcrof 74. were dii.ntchcd lor the itre ii'hts-1 he blockade of Cidia and Fcrrol des not aeem very .i:.i.... 1. 1 . 1 . 1 . ivnni .11 11 mien, mai noiw 1 t- tandii.g the ilcpnrturr r f these fotr .ships, admiral Corn aliit't forte l a- dequa'c to the accomplishment of e. . .... , rv.j in aquaomn wi.irn l cmii'iiiig wfore rlreM, crnmt cf 16 sail of the line, and the port of Hoa)e foit Ublorlvd up Ur iliree niore on- der the command tf Sir Edward Pel- lew. On the of June, the Director? (,j of Itollind Issued Utters of marque t 1,. upriuUaRaint Ur.alatid., .lhetrf vij;atioi of the Wtitf , into the Downs, have been restored, U arriTtnin trance. The Amcric ati hn Pansi. VarJ , al.all, Lrmnd to TmtriflV , which wal del ained and sent intp FaJiaouth, it ,li')rattd. rtn,Junts. eince the project annoorirul in enc of our l-te numstrt to la assnins go f& c f utlon drest cd in EnhOi manufrtures, '.!Fr?; l!h g'nnli f,,r rrr )ve squired the n:ne uf ttft c.V Ahait'm : at this ap pellation it f rfprrly applied, for roorJ than one re son, iKtie but the tr,o thamelct r(f n.afikind can mire ot. tempt tn appear In Englisii itai.ufai turtt. i 7rrr JnitLler, Capt. Kfmp. nf the rrguhrtrai'trt; thin OtiriJi t'K'iff. r.'..r.l tl Krw t l. - ...1 .... ... ..C .o. . I ..I. inr ir.iniiii in .I. ill. hi i.iiii. . ..... .... .... , . . lie .rii..l tl. iJol ,i,hcJ S jl l'T. u,,Z''','''M- 1

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