-; -. tt -' FT M -.Published vrci.Vly.Vjr -jftLKAsc lint, it Trua's D 14 Y tVoi. r,'N: 7 ' . ..A f mi a , 4 . . i ". ;. .. ." ' " V, ' ;',.'' ? ' w,-: 'from tht Bwrox Ch'oxk'ih ' 3 ' v , 4v x .- ,-; , On DEMOCRACY. " A Standi nj? armyor, .t Monarchy,' A u iima, tor a vvpupiift., ; rfl.JJlJtff jT'tfCfi, ' IT ssmvto La roi cedy1,thtu in ojtar 'to !feod our r.h'xmcl riff, j which tfytqual inJ.-pen ! t.yit r' thf exercis- firsbliercivnif. we l'aybc tinl ths qucstion'iVr 'v. Liclf vl he the most eligible (iile of prepaVaiiou for , inch an eS'tiit.1', J,, - , SIiomM v ritht to Ko'irs t!-r- be culled in,rtT?rtif)iiff W8irmtt orffjn .. U, R every noi.;ir f nc wjio iiyc earth to the softs of iucn, ,unitnblfldiy - fjruu.ml 4n e'jual jn'oportion pf the Vjht 1 ot sailing on t;! sea, a art 9ppt'nlaj;c lolt i and this rijjfTit wu'miHt dcTcnd r 'by. our ships, lncli .will bi intraied - tn 'mvinnrtimi ta.llv -viii"Cttv nf our" ... ..., ...... fl ... - .. cii'cumntunR;,An'l tc call ve Inve for. them. Whci'C our, tr Adi; h of i .Wrtancc to thu nation wliich trc;tH ; ill, an expedient ViH'Wfifnt nttTtnpt- cl toobtAiri juntke, aa , a nation, by:' : jlhc lclini of Interest j ''ylkrtr tlws fall", we have tio' tjucftilot as to the ' second expedient. ",; :.'?:';,; , . The invasion of ohi fonn'rby a Jand army, or ralbsr the best-niode , f of prep iration to repel Bij',t nn inva iru is the nub;eci before mi. " : rmy, or by a, disciplined militia, or liy both. A stantlins army hiJ. always, in all countries, Lcci-considered opposed to a fi ve form' tf ijovcrtrucnt. . r'nii.-ljrid by the people mid it ciw i lcr itsiif, as a'pdy of nt(;n detirh- J from the ci'lA vis at l.'V;;? ; ar. h v- . . ... .. t., 11 "r "i - '."i"' v. thtnt hated an I dcpil.d M np'.lhlid I 1 ... . ..!.- nsh; iiMinicn on comnrnn . - , t ut n n:wr wa rur can tb.rr errr jc ft .well trained militU, 'where such ait fti'mv hi hfri-ior' slndl lc "rn.iii.tain ., . . , k. The snldii tr. rfv to torn e. 'Vcf,ve!Tn,l oftl.c in'ditia iuto'trficitle j ' X thft ,.eoil.T lioii'lhs .i.:cuarr discipline of ar.ns la contempt bo' taT,1! it js the day hbour or s s?" of ille m:rr mi ivies, who trq useful ,Cur notliih, in time; of pcare, aitd serve rtil)r4 b.id rxAiipl54of vice and dc i)Aurliccr, , riv;re is no necrssiy fnr!t(lisph r.f J.'irainr on tlis suHprt ; Vrt it iiui I1 1. : oht-rn.il, th u tl.tr j?o.n.ins never drprnded, In time of war, on their 1'. praoi'tan unaf.is, or auitiLn let'io.is, 1. Vt estVdi;heJ c mUtntiors. The line;; ..f civic rl;hts, or of civic duties ; 'were no where explained otipitnciplcs . . rjd-.ieed by the people t i rule", and nt-hrisl.ed as tbs guardian lines of : Liberty, as the designation of tlic t riijhtiiopi'iviuiK'oiicrtfjor the limits of men In r'nhr mtht?ry, ir civil now. ! r. Ilcncc therefjie, an arm? of mrr ary,trwps npf rior to the f-rre of , .the prrylr cstVdishcd a tyranny of . . .... . . . , .... , . .f i.v:. ,n rm"U inMi'on.i-, svitii, - ttut the lines of ntaM'.sh' I au'-Loi ity, , rtalatc and guu!; Ihtir tnorr- Men! , in'rodurrd sn tm;r hy r!itth ' ended always b a tvrsni,-. '. - .nnteipiiea !crri'i-s a ) f.r.t 5, lie the s-i'i"ericr of d-n'-.crarv;" "tlU thca-iVcrsicnotdeLromcv;" sod sayi thallhe p.4UW vfit 44 t " like a .-! -): A JU whhh rtita '.toa'ly, usnl attaini I'.i'tn-b'by pi-sJj'd and j 14 tedious prn-sMon." 1 he e arc important tn'enrns. sn I whiievrr . FfS'ls hi first volume fiom p;; 1(1 si i.J w,H rmd, thu he had drawn tem as a roncluMon from a relcw of Uthe llcpii!ili.-t,atu-nt and rno,b-fr.! ; Th : will rIvi Hod, that amandin SN . in ftll intftnrri. h uLfieil the train L InstrtiTTier.t In tho oteitlimw,oftli! 0ot)l,s lihertr 1 and Ih'mr wborerieT lull f.u(' lorin me power ot ttic star 1, nrm . o niavurv, u; rt.-r uie prtrri cm u ,'ic'. u m r.onni,::ifn i'ii tiic a- i7 tearhn tnrni tiio-fa'tctuset art mil vvjs to nitear . a-sfn in nun mc uo'jy Di lii-d , : u.pic unu (i . ii'ii, it hi, i ii;u in in, ;';'cti riov.j s'.ipie piotnuo-ms ircni inc i-jr- uiw i.nr. - i.ic " eincj co ni mnn, .; 1 (n in- iH'tj'iUiin-r,! JulJ lo. tei the I irtesvs wefts disttilnitedi ed to h- the mint I iitn i.ite umii j, r, ; tilc.i ofou. late-v qui'.ltVn. writfd lot. t-.re t!e-y he ri-qmsirloiis an. l iho time A ibe'cnnut'tf apperaue and the atjrsrinn livs passed, or pro- ij ''.Tie idea siujc-.'.ed.i 11 "-tbr fnretn ft've the U. States 4 uiLirraydSn; at- Inrxcd to the trn iMnrOntx! mints?" f t'w'ic ivask'a vonilji't fuCertTMiu of tnise-l. No modern nation I1.1 plaied ;l in- 1k rifiion arc, ma'tT if them, 'ti:'de in all theiriieivon-.c with fr in 1 Ji V -u"; .t it, more tt IlsnnitH to ,i ,VJ f jny w.-airrr with lie K di'pendenre f,r defence, on the ar- ii taken fro-n'the lcr.ic.! Montesquieu, ein n itiouj. t';t!.i.Tt't eai-e 6t wnr.' "tfic eJierrh, llwr-'a drnconj nr a bio- ' yy wj.idv ,mote 1'ku t Hii"niL' 1 y wiucu nan orcn njaintaintumunic , w.10 isrca i win ple.isMC ty men el t nc ledefai pity Jr..: ur r s- 't-.it.l ; tr, mofc iea?ie.; fan a sex ion f a 1 Wf.4il,f than uifiuuin r ' On tho cf peace. . .'. science. If --o'jsi rves, 44 tliat irt iuo. thev irrnf t. to ar, liecau s the nvav wilb Mir.b htt-vltf 1 let ns ' n- j j . ' , ' - T'K.. '..t.. k.. f.,. t - ..... -.1..- ..-.1:.! 1- . 1. '....11....;- '..1.1 ... t. .... .... ...... .1 .. . ..J '! ,,. lWCi.etd!,i. the. if.rt.rt ;nret- iv - .'..tin iic.i' ,11 nn 1 uvf imh Kirti inci ii'fiv 1 .ii. 1 1 1 in., .ii- l il ill.il Mi'llll m 11. ' 'ii . J'"- iiirv.i " I i uwi 1 11 I II ' I' ' I' 1 the measure! an I foiidact i, tht llsv.. nk'i p.'.oi d, th-ve ci t ngfbe a Vi ':.'& t) r tie, it d'.ouiin, psit. fr.m the-f'.riitit'fp';;oi!iiii, V 1 jnir.orbo It of iy n l& U J-t.i.-e!, ! n ,','t. Ofi, (V.tvitoiion, tt?ij pet-tent day. M cvef J?rf .mi a ,i di.i d'y r. .t n.,'.fle h i ih-n,i si!l fif'Jlhotll-e lw,'A7.Vwi, it-U Utd rt'o.sj : th i,i i in t li 1 th mUr or the fii'.abllity fcf thei'.:is. end vmr rl.t-r iiitisuff 1. ,t!.-y " Cifuc I'H'iti'.'icnt of the td'.wciTtr't T a 11 ff fi, BfjitjU larirtr. m-.f c; ,, 1 Tnore rouv;h tiny bte of niirott Heir orirpfdruH , A f.sndjt. a-tnr rjinetvfr re de if. ifoar ealtiisWt a coast, ar d , - r t - f . 'L lmrnaWirable. frontiewMffj ! il w are tocx.st asa-iustion, a ere fore if w5 are to exist as a stion", ahcltiirti.! Reuubhr.MvcVnnsthave a militia. llcmnroTat''V'; ; ftvimber of rtcrcertury troorr fop our :, k, SHvUans, our4ttrc, ncl Rrtenals, or. tv utf.cct mim'jiT toaltcftil t?", unci , t?,;rtU: .our ivtillc', ; but that our tlrpnvlcilcff'ftVa fiAi'on. for defence st bjoflfri oiritlvcj. tfiuVit. fn-ihel yeom'nftrvtU!? 'ortJy'of t,li iieoph ; n:ld; t-the oulv ;;'i'-'st. Is, ho.r the nnhtu .maniM sn (iisi-ii)iineuvimutip':rjciciKei c-Ui 3t conllJiyjMjr pjiCfid u, thciri,! . 1 j9 u'ii;iHin.. witicH ore m. ut, vt idaVu'ihi imjjVt!.s,:tubj:cj vUl, bj vrrviafoisrft'Ct ; bt on a'-mniteiV -! 1 . ' fi - it .' .. .1 . a. eeb t-is nttrqttjd ind jeuuirjr iasbt.'H. n labyrmtbiwhirh .was olTorcd bw Saviour of tho'.woi'IJ, hiiU tlmstifjty of thu nation is, so puzzle a man tvtwakev triith ToYhbt t.hc xcal of Veter wahkecl, icej-. nitflylnvoU'cd, every one who at!f;u!dc, and the li'ipin-sijF his cotiWutnty u totivvvi:rcy about a phitt 0 in wh .!'.liUimir- 'terhpts to investigate it, has a cIjiHu .z: ... ' . j' '' - 10 aiicimon. . . .. - , . .. r .' Wiun I. speak oflne disciphno of a. .intfitja. for the (iefcVice ofour"couuti'y,nt'Vlie federal pail)V u 1 1 . jjt' tit est 1 it 1 do not m .an,,nkrtly, the txpei-tvcss tonsifjency p?i hav'i no r niitnial exercisci 'and the fckact iinlfonuitvof thcorj; ,nr practice. 'Tbdr performance of evolutions ; I ms a ooly oljt:ti iil't' 'a? -and tlsulTcction disainlinc of sentiuknt'va discipline tolhc nieseid adiitiiH itralion, 'Wht-ri "of spirit. uud opinion congenial td the ronstitiuiodi ofpu jjowriiiniiUs. -..Tlift troop'trtiited as a m'ditla.-.fof .he de ienct; of out country, iu st havi idea.i iproniulgmion..' ;P'i,rtn- ijie dehHtc iri 'rtlin:iooV the Frcsidtttt fifdtkxs it j ait;i 1 nentiiuc'iitsi " very dilftuVnt IVoitt ;ConsircsH; bn hCi. fevtljjt,:t. of liOnisi r.n, ;wbi!c tb;y cry atm) lic'i;proposes Iruopi which are intended lor 'ftirciA'lwhcn yifyii Ube qb"tap,eS jthrO'tfch ':pirt. and, wben thrjr let, slip; 'the sconuHts df ta add kindoini, as pro- this c'linnc !, jlj ; dvnntftKi cf bbldUlo' ofar," be displays thu'liiifkan viarysAp (iur'dbmi'.iionsi AVhjre inj; this" territory Avefaof thu utmost '.7'.V, rth the tirliiiijt'r cf public tr;.n tV'nM,s .are.di;:-?lnAdi. tdcom(ucr. at)dlinp)ritifcr. 'B.Vtf' nrw '-have jif- quility. ...,".;; , 1 '.? pillage btlwt1 mtions,' evcrj Wens'i:tiM'; quired the. pJsUjf, wif.i'idt the Hghts j "Ve..(7;i('. .' where a.,Vyc! will yru of pity and; compasl6n; slionld he tjc-' annexed to. ijt,',wu' a'rt. told tlat Xhc not a.7 . advocate tae . wan who p;o tirpated frcm their bosomi. their Una- n.nnry tp be piid'i!, tivurc than cqtii luo'rs y)t;r. tloc-trine of 44 pence on Kiil.ttioii, and tlic .lmaiiiiHtWttspP the tat-nt. Fabiju-luVi'l v.B.-h"r'ani.t 'chrth, iind(;ood i'U towards tmii ?' people who maintain thejn, should !c payin;; for it, VM .1 jr. y;is in f;iw.'i.f will ye not suppor. tin twm.tii.t ration entertained 'with the magnanimity of fi -btinjj for ,lt. A t!iis sliUjcj t will whic h nlljys ti e pasi.ii-ns oI the bu n Vrk'unr citicsC 'wastiui'ooiii)M'it-sJ liurii' - iinmediiudy fli't4 -hI1 4 he "at tf.nt joi-of - mn tuintlr -and bvs'kV the ifadful' uvx vtlUses, ana w.-js:r on neapi 01 slim. Kvetwln l wliarc ' tint li stive boird sliaUlw laid, nm-tt be tlf unrated an'd'Uu praises i.f li 1.1, whose Hworil art detrjTinvd : Vf r.div tlu-ir winds Ihitiv 'of.lVacj I is martial .music oded in lull sovereignty, otii Uuit h.isoen witivithtlblood'of i'n.tcnt forte to oppose jhe rr.Mi'cr.tjon of.thi.s f-,rtiUfuto rhnMi.maf ? can ymt , ed Statc.iVm V .tf.-i-' - ' V million., inust swell the Yih sound-"ttvy. ' In nhav, hive n' o' r,"'hrf f,:oVa con .j'rls by the brut of . . . ' 00 1 , in cliorns ofACh lu.' .'ThiH the Ajicr linpohHiu (.6-.isidifh't'..ii,'us' it ',fc the tlruinlHin W sinjtin' thi pltlmj j Gapt. Anntli.y, oflhi ui!p L hfer vis'iuiri.eneiv'.to would b? JuVitnalli'latts Ih-Wr 5utefn:i lfr.!Utl:tvt of ,'0f id si ill the' detail' of a bailie', Sillr.i,. arrived ..t Xl'Liljilelpfiiii 'stimulated, ,to acu bfinjoice. nod viT we have no r.T'.eiJioti ns 'bt ter bikc nioc, Vmsclytcs than vvanj-irlfcal 'rem Loojor, Oh tb5iith,'Awj'jtl V rente Ut niijil' Ani'ob wnib! W fat-tl' rit' tu Wf'-.i J' a,". u- fvjiVn, 1 ei'oi n! Will n n sirmy in 1 id'.rf.tah M. In ht.-jv b:iv ',-tj, bcti'ifn ele-t i b". ,rijepvil.V4r opeiVte ;fivvpwii.iv;niw.bav'i(-i , rnu-fv' to ap viliet;r' ulyM iTinre divyit," 't V; n' a;tir tre;nt 5i .1 n.i'uslUei o'c)oc!r,r.V ' favv i, i miiliuv .catasti'tiphj.-f--No; 'Jproph?''''"d)iricnhfi.trlMncbtHTfi us". m1 thirt1. , V.cii'aLbaUiAlay hablli.ni.tms) ''J -CO VI flT-bca-fino;'. neatly "due e,i(l, 1 fyi but thovc vrimSuxi w,.:.! -avM:icij; r.-dpertivc 'bvi'iimiO'"'.- If e have' ,'ill tha trumpet rod ..IcJuMimrc M ;j Vd'abottt 4 decrees atiovc " the 'lirr-. " j voull. bavs. .farcb, tha firr f?eVm?' 'nit Jthe p sasions, Vn; the . ymlbe.rh 's,t jnut, than the si letoh jollinj; of a ji J , f9 i' pi' icil'.d about ; of the hum.i'.i he f'L would hrri.nie h lmri', wc.Ct.niut Jar rtiv infoiiils .'first and second. hell ? will this fertile !: k..f . !.:.. .V -J ' . - . ., 1 ' rrproicii, iead'r ot virt .: pirfcs, aiiiin at ths B.i n?. o!je..-.t, tlic 1 hairo( d.-ijoUHin, bit unj.'rdinv.ivnt prices- rion'.,MOo!d m-tbiplybat'les. a-.lirrft- lom'tlic rivil rnnt "!. urtril the nn itn wiru'.l with I'lsit'tviintments.. on- prssed w-t th n ,,r riy nod ini-.cry, ut Rl.in!y rec'tj? tli'mKjves ritlie i?s'v s tln'm in the profession of arms, h.we u)t'.in:j but tjl'.ry, or nt 41 lcat bonorj or fortune In view.", D tl tint' in republic, a person takes' "itpaiiiu only with view to defe'.. 44 bis country, and it lavs; it is be 'l.auij l.c i a citU.'J be in kcs him. 44 seb'a ftobliei." ill j;it!iT , jjfiod Jeer. It w-, m Aiuenca, won good fruit, We inu'.i plant a .j4' 11 ti" n , M tvrt?i'fy are n A .p-olailf c or ruvu-cr ' are alnaly sut.k ij evfs,.ti u.M., To hie tpol mijitit, ctrv S)l- dier shoullbs acitUf.i, aud every ci' t.xerHl.aulSheavddicrib'itudivt'ht, j it or fcrto vT;rt si vahtiT.c a Si.liMne .; t i t i la;' rui.ue th- ristn t ciwnv I a-'.iti'n-r.ia nfthi nature of Thelrarn-d wrif.rl hnvecited, informs violation of nil tbr ivtr'. p's iiSfuha'c eoi(iicrted i 1 wr w..uj tl.'eiiii.ns to ojh fgrc a iti jilfriie, that fm fy' sis, tbaU ' every tbin?f depends up-u by tiir (Wrtjwl. 'M15 i-tof in-n, r.-' ei.).lie I'.uro; - to its ryit, , In f ; 't ', id . jr''eft'y tn jT,;iny, 4' due ition m a r'P'ildir ; ttfiiuptic put .in competition ,'v.ib ,!o!1,ms and i.tr id of v. '.in, a e fthoui I hasy be ; w hiiii he then dtllerl ii" It? bad' "'" ' l-ivtf of thi rincip1j?s of Rovcen. tent 4. . t? srip;o'U c;d uiuti runic f iu t; sil ocry ii count" l ,ftlit fiom-h-' lottirl tfi 'SimueV ' '' ' 44 m"n hi a ts puMic, u'r'it ti Iu the one soul is tj" m-n c 'r.d'i- fbst the. Ismh' tlnsc o,;:.t.'i. wo- S i I h-c. ill. r f ,' . s,'i',f ,1 ' wt l k - vi.Ki1Mll..isi..-sofc.Kfttif.i. U -whole v- aid, but the I t'-t.-raU.' 1 ,t U-t tte f v.,-i' 1!, Ci.Hn.Stati'C ' I .f ' 1 , . : " , n'.t t.- TOTir o-rr-di Hut d.-". tUk en thou-aivj to 0 n 1 a (mil aft In oui'i-rcs-i;t !ui pv sfouaW.-jr-:'! , , V . 4,,J:.'- ' ' r'lvertnt.'it aii its Iwi. ail of thtiesoftfimakaaksn 1-. 't 1nkr.Sves.'ltl,r( wii nw n Mm. mska ber nmie un- f.?3.,s:'.tjr f m il'it.'iitii th;s j fr their I o v.i st 'ur.ty anl'iiter-st. With-it' .iutiO",i'insof thii Viol, ail a tonvi.- ! itut ofthitri'.h anl ..ipiriau-e ,f 'r',n ' t'.cir ''V0 i'ltr,-!' i'f it, r;iM! i"t i- 1 n as a ijm , sn 1 a ooin:.. Urn: tv di..lf.!in o 1 in'li 1 1 i 1 ' in'i u-. li'ufc and o'i.'i' 5vi"-nii:rU, w4ir a ttin I'm; ar'ny rxi-'f.f. at .n-xri jiiit 1 l jov contiiterJde 'tie j;reof .v"rfeT''0". , . " ' j Our afthirtcUi'r.ttUt' tlie 7rr;. ji bh ara natr .s'.;r, &r easier i,M nrtonHt thaw :tl.elr on f ou.-.try," land that. tht 5 n,-? 'as, observed f thfe Homar." i : t W time. i ihcir'ille shew oTlHttj. Wile' ; 1 Vlic subject o . 4!istipf!hl4 nvilitia tcy vjolute rercry princrple reebm is of infinite Impo.t Jrti: tu ftiinatio.. imeiuUin scriptftrci-44 lie wbo.driws and Lshall keptn' l.rd onccmonr'the 5rrd hhaUferhli bjhe wofdr' 1. ,'1,H. I ' i:' ,'(,ili, ,litt..l iu pluy the lre.mt i.. .lotui n eud,,lhar u, whoever, , -commence M uVxvhich tbt; y i.di- s of every true pa- triciwill bc&Oi.t i. inl l. ' 'hi f ii ijgt xy ' t , j' VocY.ntu 5 .vi I yp.irrhesV . Tnr.y.nt: ntrovercjr of tliis !lryi for his ohm.-, :to ,.tw;c the vai'i-'Mit. it lnunt'havd ,bccil' Jd)loi1tiU 1 lr....J . .l .. ' ..I.'-. ti , . , . .z. nils pains v.-ni.i iv,ni 10 sue coiHir.n in ous pains wiutii iv.n.1 to itst fonwtwi; in iiiation f liTiAvislics. AYltcn wt 5bo1 1 they vSotv'on tlu-v ; tpiesuois, they; ' be h d -tiounrc'd ijs an iuJ!Ji be has depv rpj'n'rtts 'i di:ulated ;to in-' pttrsued thejic oX'ehr-Ulihin 1 while 'r, - .vci" pvii:p.wi;!i fit.'tbr ''iidirtetitortht'ir;!thc hypocritical fcderidifcli ttli abrmt mo nexi eonyess 1 is proper, .ihir the O'lestiou MiiiuM.us v til unu r 1 r- n iev stood.' The fli,-id party are ncwri tra-k upon ri Lv, bmiui mrr'i'.'., 0. pen Jtovtlitics, or enmu ction hiis'n;, I101.1 ip:Jw.ts t,,f.rj,. If ws were tqiiHv'ns inmi fi vtij the nn'.-tKr.wtd, a nii.ht t.i.li' rAnVf, jr. 5:.! ntV'.nt iW f within rur own rJrtsdnv u-n. oi t,ih th1. r. i ibini d pfc'r 'of I'mepa rwul 1 1 not iivpriee u.' A):f, I.ir "tivfte niu J atetil) uuevbecBUsetbtylMveitVu.; qnibed the' idea. IfJifV .on I.! not let the French bold ityiieitl;ir ti ill thev shflVr 11 t retain it ; what can be done with, such ?r.u.L?ruine ajl-'o vci-.aiies ? nohin r.'dl pi' -1 flu m, )mi!is mnuired by thi'soi'l.' TV, pruqin 10 ir'iNiti, imi foin'T im jj crndenty by th-ir sm roel jlr'y t 5 et, nrt forsdoplitirTic'i in In diii . . . .. . ji, ;i 1, ji t'r 11 1 ip ni'i n ni i . In 1, which' cn Vrch--.rd f.ea ,f..-.fe 01.lv ' t.l ' d h,iH : tl.ute . fldts m..ll COiHhlrsti-i.--'Ji.e" -'.nti J'A ,vlv. b cm .-r w,c h'Vrt'obio:.d. rnd b-inus; 'aho prr-biMy bil-.oi;s to a.hajn ot-.y at l.otv.e. l be rrjVt,i.,is on 'I f.i)U!Ch iu Dedhan. t'.o psruV.eiof ' - the h dy a-ierame'ut- 1 ho su:er'jts to all the dsc'.rhci ',; c:.lc'ed in its pi it form whoitVn f i' a war with htini, an I rtprmut'-1 iisarvai.ini COi.svfinenrra in ail t' e ttfrifie ther This i?.-iai mtti is r-w tiam'irous'fofi dUt'Ty I ttm.!rtjr tnr jf to .' ?t'e J wr 1 rfpro'atc I'.c jjt,rrrt,ftl.-m'fir,,sotnf litM,i!t !.i!f. m.b'.oMi.f 'or rfmim'iin tt ' .vrHuV-s t"t'C"i tfire .fe o rs.iiS dc ' . -t,t'. h' Iads n hi I'l I -I v , . .'. ri m. ..j p. ! " ' f-l"t". 1 . J r l s, prwu . ,- iifi.j 1.. , . . 1 Frcsi'-'is lo.t' - n I'rtiiih ot. M irnt the I'ln ch i-.n-l! .' . ,r ., r i 'fi . i ST t Loiliini, '-f i I R' w' w" a f.r jtyl ; c t ' V'o ) lvpiit,-t. rtakc a they rN tvJJ to inculcate the christian virtues, iu,nnnAf.r1 inl rl 't!r1 v-mrtl . 1 .l.l wr," or-shed blood in any ctfrovvrvvf wiuioui m si; auempun un ninicnoie fcronciliation,' Shall; perish for" hlx rashness wtd ImpUdyi livcn I'cterf . when he cut oil tl6 eaf of tho mn who arrested ourSavioiir.su rtprl msndedt and ordered 'return hl suord into it4hsthe Tfon Mich art cvjcrcncy, when PcisoiVal yiolencc? .1. . ..-Li.. ... k' 1115 10 m 4tc.11 , , 10 foiuHw-nce not tntlicfv, nt expos; the lives 0 thou i nds, without aUctupviiijtb rcotii nux.late the btirtess ty nt-.-odation. r j iThis iif the Riou:vl whiph the Vipn 't'nt haa taVeiv, and, ba bren jdesscf iv llcaSi'h in hi iitidertakinir s whih 'ri,nsfticnrf "'ansuirr noma wart can usta .-are dissemblers V ttiey j'ii buppo'.c that rr li?,ion ill TfairHh the'.r proud hcadsabovc the surround ; , '.wlu 11 tkv4ahtiitii,ii is previdout?' ib jinsliores. These, and greater bleu- th" fx Id of Mars the asylum for the . ''tups we sIih'1 re.disc, if houi-Zuna Is tic more attentive to jotir t .1 1 il m henhrnr;!t together a. '.:r, 11 when tlu v cmbl? s cit?r us r al!l i t.M'v ramp be more "I'ppr-jpriMe,' f.r ,'i .imilv tnrtdn. itmn n icnri-ful stesd ? mil lilii'tmi be more inctilrnt. . d by csr;on.t the risinc ir nentlcm J' the producer of a vctukzvnus, tl .-t , peare, vn ifimne in la a im-i in; iruU e hul we pn ftis to be. T.'u iiH. j Ilea vtn many rlerr,ymin baie aitcl iatJ-ee.sbJe to tbrir 'profrssio',!. Let n V.ssc a Junto aity !iii;,fr d xrive n-., but lfus ude with impiMtUlity besM 11 the KOvi-!l.'rt'.iu-, and its op'" pi-'i.. 11 e nan ioi;ni ca 111c aoviee an-fjofthf bfrr, our sitt:.itio' would now' '..be di'rcs'-iii ; wc s'toni j bve bj en I'r - m e X e. r.ll 1 1 h iiUt'-fl to sV ti.'v V,-.!i of fn'ore snitlio'.iy bef.rrrn the lt i'wa f guntrie-. AdunMii i that ) nn.r it tu.wilfi.l, ' tiir..ilu:ntliline4 their ') .fh.iMr.aKtnite m,c:e tnfi.i !e- I llf she is. ir,diVve. I lh !npi jiitira't, plic a toii'drnre In l!'.t.;;.t-1 jMtt'.it VAl.rfjtnr unrh'to' bn're ti- jtrtn them." ,H Itr iii,ii,(.i,, 1 ,,r llf.lt '., t -i if-ut tc.sn'y.l'.tii t oj..1((t,4 f.f wf.M etterj.'t iu f; S ..-ii he. Iks' i' plnfn ,,f a m en In ll.f ",..'ti'.i ift Atw iVa to fa' irr.,4ie" lim f J ; t )i ;!i -1 i'dr 1 rr.i.llin i fii'i.t j ,r 11 irr J'te. e-r if f.e trr.'ii 1 i.t.jt it A.ii-tVa to fa' tifi Mle lim? ! gt lU'.'l' V IV ti fui ! f hifiiu tl ' l it 1 - " ! l it 'i-; ri 5t.li, I ti -ii. . ;-. 1 ' . l d.fla' f 'T I 's lt. ". -m M . r tr l'td u.m'.i r h'.jiil ,'f l'.'p-i tit.e, r , U.r tx. -i.tr.n to Vt Lnd, rf y. 'i.c sr. f r i in!, r s mV!I iut 1 1 u's'iTiagr.sn'rn'.ty t .If he dcfinot it- - I fcard the tbrtats orilrtain; it must be ' ) atrbnro for a jvunir fwian Amcri - " tfti'arraigtt jjiscflnducUt; Ilia re , mnvks mar aire sport, lu the federal- ' l.sis, t but sutb rashness will never ' place h'tin in any elevated situation cii 1 I cither hide. - ; As .1 neutral ccnntV'y It is our po'i; , r tortiaintam our comrtrrcisl tights a , hf jr re'ctfl Evnpfun ocrLet ' I in iuot tn spais oh' the tjro.iad ol hrx j administration by'a' ir,' bu, tfika " cure of our-u'lvcj.by. pv.idenca '"We havij na move toiiccrnjh t.cir R"- i jvrt'ivnient,, ibsti in their elision, anet ci the icontrovcrcy : is jtiow between y Trance and Kri;;luud, H n wts,h th it ? nation victor ioua,:whi I'. !U;etowl thc . falit TiappihfesVon mantiinil, ' ' - 7 ' 1 " ; I f we Vin tiossc Jston of looitlnr a ( hc purtbuse piiiqey will be reimburs '. I ed in , s'lo'rt peviod, froui the revenue ; , ) , ttiiive4ft,omlutp(H'NUonsalone. New- OrteahVcixn be continued a port of tn 1 . ttv 1 and denosit as heretofore, srbh ',1 vim j fu, .iiiitijv;, ui(,iio umiv i( iu reii'nlyipbrted'gds will pass Intn bi'ir .wKlreMur Louisiana is' th' key of thi Vastli'!let ' It proximi- , ty t'A Cubifcam.aiu -n'itl'iPord.lbtne V ilaiids the tneanof ati"uniiift;liae . , ply of rrovinnstu times of srarrity'i jvnd its commerce vul Rive, constant A employ mi tttlri 0119 fourth pait of the) ' nierica, tt nnajco. 'Tba, fcfiile" Ve'- : g'obs of Western Airwi:icaw11l-iour out thtfr choice treasufts ihto tbi"- V, I lap of our Aforch mts 'On the lis- ' j sistppi andits tributary streams will ' ' j. appear the Aitu ii-ai Rbjij, tfiun ubint, . ) ! witli llsea-'It nP its stan and s'ttlpcs.X t ' j dii.j)layin their bciiticB.to the. paf.. , ! . ; sini irales. nn I our 111 ttismU will l'.ft V and prndifeds blrilltaif l?i;ht th- .1. 1... 1. . .. .1... 1 . 1.. . . . . " . vt,v,,"T ".. 7-' , ' 1 m ' V. . w!a1 111 VV'Y a'f:tt a CUSttrr of Bil;hr,uf, atlj W1vnrn Kin iiDIC.HfJ DV tMir.is. i'foni iti difcr.t'n fuppopXI it to ',r Mu-lame w rn hkppMtcd r. lOOt. , , "V fv T " .: wbh a clear atniolj We an! traJJ "reamer., , . . . ' I.ENMNUTUnTAmruI. 30 liy a t'.cri'tltm.ii) fmm N-ichef ,' w are iiilisrnle.l.'ttisl aS-.u tht a;th or 3)t!i ol Jnly, a iniii by the ' namt of Jxniii " May. iarn? tci I Ju:ttfvi.!rt u:wr h mlic?, ai.l tnadc y , UXc.n ,Uy M10'). , : , , l? t,,,n he ltr( and ''-d jord ihe party, . Aliw .hj; I 1 l . - 1 aft htr wloclt thi roMpany'l.esrii, a fm?j if. j;unf Mabjo i.fdcfej I bit p"y. Msf exec; 'rj; to bide ibrir' hotfc lie to k hi; '1 n-itht in, ai-d en hit ft eti bit .ctuiti, i ib't Maf. t SI Coimt!ijj Jut liion'ey In.tfllide with 1 lie party, be, I'ot him, put' tli: tn-jlif y aiui propeity 0.1 Lrard th : fiiT, and ctM'.tc'cd It lo ilutitf. fa n.- . " . t - A 'itfifren Nj" I -rt n' :r,)f? t , .i. v : ,'.,., ' V 1 ill, in, J'iJ f 1.1 ililhl.l III aHiive ai coiiit. .''.'. . ,.. - ,, 'AWt'tr t a j ff.tlcni t''t , tftwil fio.tl I il. ('Iirfj mi ('ti,'tl fi'l.' btil., liU I the 51' (III. Ililtl 1,0 r,cnt ins, i f 0 4 uvf rifvU.iitlarcr- unl Uyt 'I U Mifors bivr to be ?,ti!ii if pi, h'C C4 1 1; il I rr :,r liava t I 1 -1 f irl y icj" rr.er,' r . ..... - - - - w lu in; r, rf.'itl tlut i litie b'tr vJ." e II 1 ' ii v I 1 a 1 .

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