i . - - - ' - .- , . . - - - -1. , , . -. s . ..- r .v Ti: LLIGHNCU ; "f a souls, and which attaches j.M?j-ljrk. to tnc clettnlhofl sir v to -.lis own hiO iiie --, (.i r ranee r-epar sf - .a 1 against .ihein- "yaskm -jg --sr to be going dn with the "S i' vl unremitting activity,; Reports -11 i . 1 . . .1 . ....... .. i i ... i .. - m i him a Moihist. has since 'e.'ru. that onT raoviKCiatv covsiUitf ekt, .pENK men uecjcueuv:, v'ti,....) ciun - :, rights 'as to the toe I6ih of March lbs situe envoy, ini ea in chief, of. TfiE KOTTHEKs.lweoirwni cvtrj m i.-mu, naa . , instantly de! pursuance c? orders which ;hsh;rt-M s j. .i i - ; i - m f- t i .1 i . . v. r-rm n ivf rr tit mi in d .tuut - wi ti Jiuuv . i i'n: in writing on tha 2Sth, to the' per quest a than.not in 'the' sWbstance,'rros.to fcsert the. rights, of. raatikii hoerettj-me thar viiy to l)gblm. son "-who had , been' 'dispatched U.IUediaV 9r?reWrfded.that it the sccrecy.wlth.whlc fiSbrt hiM ere W be supped . .rtcKfaahirniiUioped, but dktdt i ao:not; coatod Mr.'Bvfona- grc aslo pr'oVaka hi tsch-sin. in'all '-. appi t hti-U io ireditiV' pme'tth- W.Vho 'hav preened ttcetoaR-ravAt; tivefllkiions cfthe red In executing this greattb)$t;thatitran I'-Jr'-i -The inirvectioiiin Irilind is"siatc'd!jhtjn f ,1 esteem Jiis.valorJ his inilitary! fcitnj.t.Il'is rfiajeirv knsVered that" lles yoaf Poviwonal .Governmdrit has ?jct..rnd.thaUo!Betemarkabie. cpnvem-t ;.Vto'l$ cdtx;tly; felled; This how4 tahnfs;I am pleased Vith several h6uTrTiT5k'e no 'action in hts aed' with wisotnV;irouViU see thatjnon tpoMjl&ctS wita respect toan oE. .s " ' ' cvSciti rnVt'Jbit still 'rrtnams WeiflhU acts r atlministration :! for' thelswcr hk'iv.as k'mddcMte as Dossi-imblin In the ,WesC the Nofttft and fcr mde s by the tj-mcf pi tvlesj of ? , jiis bcrv.c ' tit , nc .piatm crisis. had net :tio',)4!Us :;Atl?rJ'5?.e people Vdl ever be; ble,'."an4;.tl;i.t 'Racuaparte ' J T oii'y sin rtiwed forla" ctasn' ijWar.'iM-j .put'i'eMectlve himsel;vrnn3Lb'Coihliin jesiy uaa siyicu nun rpuci an hte. would have said np''mori truth," ;?Xbe "clah2;ers ftf such a reply ijtney couiaue rjuewoiieu, uy inc course ihe, at present purposes t .ft . (r . VX! n, wi to resi n .'.itaf i ''.ifU"i.cria -aX- soo.a.rft re Alar-system h ;-. A ,..A.,iL---ii . ........ ,Vi - ' -l. v-,..,. Pjj-t h:lvfalliri iii1o the hand? ot (if ' he ., things he- can indute, rifle to! ;iesty had styled him' rebel and usurer, ? Rover ;.raerit fo)r Wfiichlt. appears that'J.transfer; ,TOy"rits ;"sb far;; from that -ht would have said, r,o"inorc.'than tTc , tua conyifatlcji nas been aiimentmx'm w'Js himselt trenctaeii ithem, :iti V? .:V ,-' :eaeihtfA?!t utfstlOnVby the course k'tK'Yyx, df Wit--he miyt systematic ittCTVionfm t present purposes v'i;'v."'K r UImiM h KrHitK- thfh aw hss been struck in ncf f hma-"ihp sams itfnmMit.Y' Your enemies can w'V"i 'U1IUU31UUU 1 1 aet'MiKsf-Torth t1ife"ottiWs5?rtn Whi r.h tfe'e .jlij n' Ireild;, had. juh Suirred ;VffBUl1 ri:nv inc injustice ounexr ue' d foto 'aiifvvnioHv W? l Kn,oTy;not the ,clsi?n ot nrovi its"jdcnce with respect to me ana my race. ystem But I know the obligations vhicn'arc Jjimpftscd upon rae by thij rankjn wWch it was U will I h aula btt'. birn. : Asv-a. christian I shall, to .mylast'f moment, Tulfil these '.bhliirations V as a Uescenaant ot st. ononis, l snail, HKe him, respect my selt'eVcn,' in chalf.s ; , as a successor, ot : irailcus u 1 shall be" . flesii'ons of , say'int 'Avith . hi m, no more Withstand thanhey;could . Been acceWcn.;,..Aiier several gpnuo ' ifbresljt ihjsmighty . exertW-,Th eP haddehveved their sentiments on , proclamation 'gaiattons win shew'1hif subject?: Abi M hwit arose, so--; neur-Sdll jsj list ixcept : our 'hon our th Great U.-it iJh'; -b -wb'tV tbey:ustlficd ,no-.! thTiv; bnt .'illviiivantayei knd. the Sro-1 ' Pe' V of Ui'dr miiiup, like one man,' "bv '!:. '0 i'n?'$XV''s,R- 'hff H'oli'c-by. which they - h ?. S . " j -"w?r.;V; i:!le d' pariu n. from th ccbtidj v t-'Jv. rf ?'i'th t'iey'w'M-e chaihed,";'and t T'Ve as 'Sn fndepeh- !s ..wV'-.V'.. "" t Jt'i-s Vuul. thauheDlatisbf theinsu'r- '".''..'.V'? ' o7 'Wersi wjU'cdnrtructedy the at to Nt.orisie'ur an ac V'-, 'ZU, .' acfc nivthecastle ha.v.inibeen drrangv'passed, artd desire i.U' -. ' ed bjr midnight, thathAd it been con-tate it to the princes 6F the bibodArho y y , ' s!-d . till "t'ut timt , si might have were then in England : undertaking ; jf ; v ., sccesifl. .But the distribnlion .hiuisfelftw innate thesanlc Cptrtmunlda.- v f'ill'i eJ by ' uitoKtcationoccasioncd a On the 23d "of "April Mon's'ettr cal- .' r " TiivWi tt'ire disoaverv.' :- ' '','' led a imetinrr of the tirinceS." "win. "L ):,. !; : (.Baon,part6 (lays Lloyd' Evening, with equal zeal and unanimity, signed .,' ..,'TT'4t),.il still th; declared hiad of the . the foil wmg instru mentpf appbation . wre uien poturjeci out to ine King, vrjai yourjm,eresiai uouor. howwh -t- -.- - - . 7 1 j Whk replWd 4hkiaA Is malice hconsidered. ? YouV General appointed havspokerl follows ;y Jy ' y to reomre that i'shaU'bk driven frotnjpy that RQyVrnent.tp?cdro.p!ian4yAA austrious jjer- - a. ; ifi'Vin.sVnf ntn.o of rptrftif ? I shall nW"thU 'dist.: LasoRlW cshrfrt: vou -son"ef -in-wnose family, i nave tne -v ty the sovereign SvhoihaU feel himself; 'slrohglv toonjply with these' regular ,honoioe placed, 1wy.iig been so Obliged to lake sutfra pVt;atidsnaIl lw' lions, , Your valour is well knownbe, difttUylIiidM o yh?. honorable gWrte'Ohriialjrolgbrttierc notes' nistand lmmane as you; aVe bravcg be resort to Ve,lestlluBapa that Godpo longer :ae,w ipcnmrj'-ri'rt.irrt Tin j. .i'u.' ti wUhhriKt Hth tthnhi nlnn 5 viptnrv. wi tcrown tl T . V.ya-ui vyVi-iut.it,. ui inc wdr Ifrom' the cui-t le: Lille 'the assistaheeli vovivuc:eflSv The GeneraL oVderSasiSW iwhich he nW'-ftcCeivii-lr6ih-':lhein.llthat hostac-cji shall besecurcd in'atl -plated m any ; i" r'feaiv.not'pV:t;ftv,' Ifvnecesslfy,-.r ' ahkiou's. wish o be situation his majesty " .. ptcased tocall him, which ; i th Vat ,-' ec ' i:;S o , Auhe'bottotrus wntteh' ' : vs With the ptrmls.siony f the king my. tinclei I, with all my heart and spun aanere.tQ mis acu- : , i,. r (Signed) ", Lbtns ', Antdi D the 2dpf .March the king wrote- account or all thai had ea-ipm --toxommtmi i;il shall cat brown lirea'd with mv famdv and my futbtul iofio'er: , lint be not dcct-ivedI ilialt iie er fee reduced to . , ..i.-' .-if .-.--... that: l have enntht-npovcrtiVI resource; which i do nqtt-yiu Hmy doty,tousei while. 1 bavemyjptcscnt friends. ' I have but to malie tny conduton known o France, and lo" holsl but 'my. hand, not, to the i?ove-tim?nttifilie usttper- no, ncref-buCq my faithful subjocts :! anu,.aiucve ioc,f juati soon te ricnev Mian I nrtur nm." '." " .;!''' . ' V-'1"' " T Thcconsiquehce aa,. messe'n- ijer was obligt'd to' alcevb'ack the'klng'sj answer, -which' had 'bn'relurned to lish Commands thatanvotragepon:;:vishe$Tiave;bee made known to hi: try tothe acknfewIedd'iHWSof war majesty's wintevrfv y V land ot morality, shatl bt.rctaliatca, i,"-"" yv,v ucic i'iK. mVt,w An?l i, r.ivs;to declare, (deurecattne: any imputa-'-.-t ther Imakes-known that suchitrish 'as ion :which mi;ht bethrown upon-a 7, i Ihfienrtays from Jhe, date. of this, are pharacter ; of such value to . us all to :i, !r j f -1..?. . 'hresePve linshffcludVthatif the servir.M '. found In. arms agpinst their country, ;presefvVunshaded) thatifthe services Ulvdi K- iV.fl nWhtfi. committed pfthe illustripus pevsonas'e-alluded to - for irUt and their properties confiscat. ,Kav..bcen rejected, the fault dor ;d. But all men bcliving.peaceably ." f. u"'uwr "' wmiwumr shall be ufrtler the'prutectbn of the . '". y '; -y' '; ' .1 j. ytylrVox .was peculiarly.!; animated ed. Mi vu'onapnrtt:;influcncc iR such that reason (said he), that you refuse the he has cpurl some i ns lately been able to indue. the jscryicest the, heir apparent? Is lie t or Madrid and ViTni.td punwh ,to(?w ? Js hc t0 Y0"' ? - Dd J,0,i 2 of the exiled l?nch bishops, for mftBC luma colonel Wenty-two yeavs t. f :::-;--y---.S:?J.XtT : ' ' rttin. a-.lnif th WrbAcm a(j;o .by way oi dovr.eur x a a little pc- FaUhrlllsiiect-NnttrulvH . .. jicuniary aid I Is lie tioi known to be hi y ?sh ?'S!?W.'--Som'-i'cawge,16w-v6f.the kind's answer of the 28th Te- T, cwr, h'wbeen ruidj in bis staff. Uert.- bruary ; , . . ,:. . . Ti" .if' 1 l - f r 1 J i i ... ) ' . f ji'i-iiucr is n tj; cniet. ann uesQii'js stct o A,wroratim ct t.'ic innccs. his majesty uhrfer an i-xpectation that he wohld fuive taak'jiW alteratioh in ') - -'. ''." --'V'.;.(-'. '''' ;'-'"'-''- ""' igtU A . king so wo. U.y!) -.r..f 3. The.Gazette of Saturday thevvct y vprlme: or life v atthc'Tcry 7 uuwlwm the gwe.rti-j I cental h s an bTi .iaT notification of his Pcnid manls Capa'c of themost e- ' Vst: sepai-a'vis from lih imajestvrs order for the blockadcof lhe ncrJ;X Inspect from ministers, the rv-'''1 ;iCOH, m command. Tetiet, ihe Court f ' Wei ths V.ndersigned Princes, the 1 f... xv''-"-.s f'r';t 'n-i.Ws -.Director-pf' bbthePi" nephew, and cousins of his i. 4 - the MiVitVvVAmriihti'ation.'npd Gft-' miiesty Louis XV11I. kiii'pf France . T)er.il D KUilot ' U to comm ind that and Navarre : ynrt. of tb-j army w'lich exten li from " Deeply penetrated With tl4csvme ; (Cherbourg t D-iukirk. The Licuti-' sentiments with which our sovereign 'concluded Wtwecn tbs I'fcnch. Dulch f: V : V iiya.iveniivislyrpncludid b?-.',', .That ?.s dtlr aUachmi'rii: lpoMp'liir'cif , ,: 't twoeiv i'jii Jwo .H:;)u!ilics, It appears tits and bur honor can never jcrmit th tl - 'tlvit 'th irj 4?c t-a 3c-' stationed ; itv llol- to commute our rights, we concur, V ,, "-y , ;,, land 23.OJ0 Frenr,h,troop end tliat with heart and .soul, in the, answer of .se . she is to tiirni: t r ince wilii live sfups our km, , J - ; 'of the, U.ii, five dgates, and avast .', ' Thi'aftcr his eimv-le, we ji ecoliize at len to rcign'totecyuu mcnl 01 an usun people. r...,'':U'.i 'L;... ....-.;-. - r;lw we: received the flarri- burih m.il of tlie;.23d vd'oimo, due on Wednesday list.', : If states that, a trca tv, oilnsive aiut (U-UnsnT, had-been iM'iL-i:rais m,. ? ini. n no .viicuo- (iora ami King anew? nnnscit p ronijr ;anaaiauH iwepunitcsjtKl ra,ti;n:4 oyi'cmployeu 11 hall, M-rUj$r,.-:So:jaiidn Ui Aril.. 1 'a"iintted,Tn bis ftnsweP.to" the propo-ilufmaparie, . ; ' lithfl -confts The FivAt C'Vinlr hts been wiiitod citiorr which has been 'iadcto -htm to L The'llaffue. r-nu'mftt Tr"nlmn tb' ',.,. 1 1 npo-i at Jlrjmk by the, llattvian le- renounce', the throne of I'Vahccand to arrest of-tht- ifivnVh (Ge'nc'nd'pona-!itl puic "f Hftmlja's (jeep .added M. ' renounce their.-imprc5iCj!ipi'.lTj HlitsdftjMbolonpngtii tj)etro(isv'dcstiieHifi Schim nr1riijicfc 'vi -.tc UaUflan' 16 the auccessunfof that throne : S'for.Louis'an'i. Wbol.us been'r'onvered It- , 1" ' -v.'ir.xo.iiu- en ii'i-owhowion.' . tJccrtti' ., .;.".:, , - ,tu Unisstls lie is-c Usfrcl w:tn bpintr :in the hon rivrr 'Wcrc'r - - rcascr. lie is thus ireateu, ar.a is .will V-ttit .---A letter rrtra'n'eogn'cr;thwlW ":'r' " 'dated Iuly2S(statcs : '. .. .' - il -1 he chancellor ' of the exchequer j We bave hcid of Vour r.f-epara 'iat IcngA.afose and it is said uttered ;tons- in England -..to receive "us get ',u,e flowing wo-;,ds, Korean is more oa:as '.fast -as veil Van, or you will he 'y t0 ow. attestation so. worthy of i ti.:. l,....v r j..,.. tile illustrious nrrsoTTii'e. alluded to.' iyi) u'.C' iuc aici incss ot our i.thuic . ; ' ". . . . . . tl.n. 1 n ... ' I I 1 ..... i n i. r 1 the several yards along i1""." x neVer hatl a parallel. I ,ratiop,,I .mt here pauw and declare, 000' ship carpenters, and that nolhing ahort.fi! tfie. commands ot lieip.'VecVv.ry: assistants, -labourers, kingt Md.thc tto.ted authority ,of '.employed htre;aud atCaT.s, Dun- ithls hoiriC' M fuUlrc Cf,rnPcl me ; riUi 'nut. ..! .uAB .v'fto s.-y .One-word more; upon ihe su- .- L.l - . .- - 4 V v.." - - - f IllCCr'l'J'.l III ?.,T 'JI afVI'lIlSL 1 U! I Ol.f :Ii.ia. fM.l lr',.n ic HfSt Co'.isuli .1 - -'':'' l'' i ' - At . Riiiilornie. we hrTvp tHrtv.siii Jtufust AmMst the trtaianeH'.1vlu'.,Vil i -k-U u-,U J'' n'sationi which the muiuWKrf-Lordi i'eaw nieces r,f ordiianre. two'fore 4 .' . iiumLicr in trui O'jais enci n.iir,fnoni-a never inner ntirsiive Tr ic 'nn'mr fwi' tin i:i( in 1 h,t hf.m, art. 10 . . ... j u. 1 r. " . ------ - ;.. ., ... . ... ..v,,,., v,, ir.- iiwt. 1 fii) ruuimrii uvivvr inu ivvvi- ; . ', bunts . Ill !cutiuuof the latti-riTirt in the slightest degree Sn our dutv to VuVtd. 'TIim tirrumstance will' prnJd. '-Intl.rp wri-Vi'ime we enectto . fi .'..' of th rnenti:u lhe.Jjitavian Conn ourselves, our anci-kto.-s. r cAir no. J.i',U- lenrl diefiviel.. r.t imnnH. -v.-',! -.J.... .f n.P..i ,v . . c.l of Mnna hvvo giirtrn o:krs for Uiity. , , , anre, reM vc ' VC ih . insurrections.; resdinrrs. , ." ' ' i l lin? IWrrtin "boats, crrv;ntr three " We further tlechfe. th.'t. he'inr iTh iiVlntee if tin- TTiibltn iwfMwr'i '-i a. mi ,:rii W! . -ii 1:; c,r 2 poundcii, and 230 Hat but- positivilv certain that the rreat ma.' is aU .!! ntir.uslndifW ' S.ltferi' i'r.t r.nncSwl Iird XeWo endbesldr. ihess afwork 1 one wo, u more- Pn. pVcpafing at Binges, p;. - r- v ; , - ' ibyjiny of tbcJhmistcrs, m spite of the rpeatcd. eu&rts ot air. C-alcratt and '.several Cher rnembcjs.y 1 I m . m . ' ijWlarden.e.xctes'w,'l1are to express! iul ne aft; bt-V.s 152 cf what-we.l- "!'S"st Jntelugercc oi cnpovt. : shUt Mir sati- fiction that the assassin whol'ncd fiat-bcttcmcd boats but they art V?ncc ta? "' U J?:"" i'imvvioci wi v ''' iik k-Mv ;islandon Friday lav.. At SU M.doe i 1 and, at Granville the lrnifiv "c em.- , bilking a large btKl'y of troop j. Some .''accounts state the number tp lie fifiv. " thousand. It was 'uposed as Jersey 4 ytoinrd boat. ': . (- : jority of ihe people ofFrance. entertain! ' 'Ths Whwi&g- let- lliiico brought w'cn he att.irked T.-ulorne, ar? now anuM;lcr?vr thatfan attnk was ir, i llnmapirte na grated 200.001 li- in their hearts th. same leotjments by the -Lisbon nv.i!. w,.? pos-ed up r.t r,uin up, and about 70 Bouts, that "cnln tiost.anm., nut c c.n- , :arry 1 50 men each. ,. : . DC,,CT6 fM ""J trc ot,Jeci 01 ' ,de Grsce , on lnrd. a . ' Lis andcthtr ' , ti.. r. v.:nn. vestiso; vaiiops ni:iiomiutions,-au mbcr cf French pri-s !mcn. The v couot urnm l.tia-r Vole' ,n a dircttion as nearly as possible for hv.-e brcn brought m here. moM.ly to sena 40o of thr?c vess-Js (greut the .oussex coast, i hcv arc to land, fnni lK. VeHt.t-ni. liti-tvite om!l....l ..m . ti. .. ?, if POSSlble,' ncOT Bt'il!htU).--. - 1. ' : . nl,u a,"'; u nmn mice,. ,, , . VOsiend.he gbcrti.nougJ.,cn'1 ?"d Holland. iUc several flo- hMtcri s, andvessclihrcsnyingsol- ,U,Ila5 ,,rf .t0L pror.eeJ Iq. the opporite . ii;, ,..! .! . ..;n 1,. rt!, without makim: any pmcuon ... Ibe sreo.jr.tsXrom I rar.c:, Har-J-,h,rin:r .hc rrcsUll moulh tt. !u.ng ire ps-c ; m.r aie mey 10, en an1 H,:i iul, ata:: U.t tli; fen--t imount to f. hundred ! .-i-hte .. at,r Mri,ir eseh other, estsctivjiy jn-eviiijsio pfi the tnemyTj ,., ji. T,rJP Wgr!j j,,; ,j.ir. lnn in building giir. Snd r.atj.uom-ljj,, ti bcle tf ll.c inoun-light c, irn.. , 1 e uii,nivgi jwirr U nM. .' H ,yres I'jr tn repair 01 the tluiccs near which animate Til, it is m the n une of L.lfvd's.ye'iterd ir t 1 A Liter fro;f ( A-rin.- s, , i .our. lo ai cmiuryim u, ana tn ourewn, Ajitrultrr daletl U.c -U ol Jime. con-jt At . Duukn k, and the adjr.ccr', . ' s v)""" Cebcwl Massnna(saya the Indnn tint v e renew, before God, on our l.vns the followi-ig inmrmatJosi lennnl, there arc scvettv-fonr .cup-'' ''Wt rrom lUrrc. .' Courier of August lOlhi 11 arrvainted wnU. Ubi tlid uiuU of feurkwr. in - The J.iin fri-t-t ' 'ft IV..ni i...i. .;.u -..:,.-i.t. ' say Kttcrr4 10.053 men, ' ' 11----- - - ... , . . .. .. u. ijit.nt, tiiku ,i.iiiiii.ui'ic jii,j n t r I ' member of the lcfishtive Wlv. as a live end die true tu honor and to our fj!ia. with 150 ti-i.oo boaH. h;ini!,.,!n,-,.. nr.i t.. v.,.i Bcc . tonsiftUng or gnn ho; 4 ' - 1 . " c . rf tiiivf - j imw vn1' itu LOKD0N? 7r25.. I MF. KING 01- Frt.NCr..' i 5Tiij'iWwj 14 a t-um!,iti . tf a prints r iier delivtrtl at hit U tet h M n- '4f:r, tnitihJ, " Publlcialm wa le h JlfjtitWurt trother U ihe king if prebmmaiy sU-p to being appointed .lawful sovtu .411. I been taken by a rri-iKh viuadroa ' fl' to the postot urand .I ikter ol the l.c- (incd) -h. Put' tir,ori raice.1 TcHon. A ntimb'. K'mnbf Hanour.- ' ,; " Cha. I170, 1?Aktmj, Uuice of II wri, I.puis Pin. IVOrlz xs. Duke of Orleans 'u Astoisb Vim.; D'oy Trantt." 4 Monsieifr,'lhv.brCther fifth kin' nfFrji'Vc. his looked 'upnn it at his luty nd I yt ;er to ')bjrv Mlnc on iV important fact tmiTBJ - !y under .tooL'l The,lifTereniccMmtwhii.hh41: been circulated cf it, t!ie 'f,Lu' X-p rtf Acrttsa the Duke cf i.ry 'sihwli- an J'S'jrpmg- grcrntnetit hu ' hiim. - t 1,11'ra l ii FrVc,i,nieri'mly lf inr.i'L rtStfcl, . ',- . . that the oi.iiioii of the iiuSl-c' snd "The lcttcr'of t!ie" 2d of Marti lmicu!Wl'.wt o(ttl(C rivnrh.xl.olJ v.'liU wfiiih your mi;-siy hnsdt'gedj be kc?!iir.at!y toinicd tUc true t h'mor mr, has come punctually u ia'xs, Duke of Konl-! pctilitrt. . ,"l,0LM,Llt. IJ ()StS4t.I, Coudt of P.canjnlois. , u Lorn Jos.Dr. Hoc suns .iMncc of Con le. ' Louis IDk. Joskh )y ; ' BoviioMCt;jipr.,Du?tc , of llourbr. - . ,r Wani'es.t boue, April 2 1, 803 .' Danes with Fi'ok pil' riy on boiu d The ne-liiKe frij ii- wi wrecked p f.-.'.fbysagoo.T Caj ciit, 2-Ury ; j-art of the crew arrived vrslcrdnyi the tnh tilt. t'.;;'.es, tint Jhe, f tmbcr! cf T-o'-kmcn emptcyed throughout tin rypuiiiic, . id M iMimj-iLit hotUimeu vessels f"r b'5, is c'timr.tctl u': j "I ciir.r.t st prrsrtUfxnrtlv a?cr- ta:n vhntnumbtr f n.cn are employ. in case of an sttavk. by the Bii,ih fleet, but to proceed Uh e'vfly fir the LnjlisH ' , coast. ' ' ' "' "' I Wc thercferc. learn by tbene fis- ; t . ij. j". rt, , iuc scleral ; o n's wnirc u n expn 1 ill on against Fr.-!aTl, which . my hmk!. Your majvty !! kiwiw, Grr.it. Bn'tr i the bjo'nl wjiir flnr in riy veins, to' b a Diet f !willbeTcay in f. t.. .nr will atnount to at Jcaif lurtf "ir !,' t , ; , A Ict'.tr rri l:;!:7:n (hted Julv S, say ' 11. m ,j-'.'y tlie king of .Uwliy eppcalwn te ;.,::ir.stthat flhe.r. : a m 1 1 . . . 1 j J . er r.tr,n.eesn('Ghrnt. bur iher are .".' 'r'". u c.p.s, 9 . l.-.ii.lv.n-.r ifcsjat Antwerp. PtrhV K' nt r.d l.ss-x. ych t-f ,lte- m it t-w d?v, 1 nllfcc'aUe to inform f". !- ,r irtunSe crvcutogtt, yoi!,wllb precision to the number ,'f' ' M lh lKrt T;rf r to - iMi-.inanti'y of ti c testis already."'" , 4 , 'r'V'-..7 - ,;...fj.. K..-i.i:..- . .v.;.a.daRUn, ai.d rf-tr. srds f.ibl.tUir ,'-ilit l.k., PI.V4 IIWI I'Hil'iHIK Mb WWV Un Kclbnd,-! vnd-rstand, they V , ,'KC'' - J;';'''"; cm e us Xthc French) In Vrt frtm ,fir. '' P ? ..mt,.nI jht in-. 1 f4f.ts. ,: . . - "- y . . This U tl -onsi U'ra'ion abi'h 1 t...,. rv..,.., , 'v 1;' - ........... vv ... i.iw.1,,,,,, . -,,, .1 snum-i.trsiitu n,t rvr. rtu t b-.,t that isof r.occn t.j locl'i'-e. ' V ' - 'nr,l? 1 ;yM Ji-ci.itf rtjMy rrpiuYd. of tl ? empiv nl.:(.h ii ccmriittvd In Mmitnff', T.r frMr,t u usvith' ,,,h w. yftarn.jrcdh.is ataS", r.oi a; whu np iriKU nv ;.im,tM.c, i-o.; 1 t 1 riKhrr.r. Mrt, a hunJH WtSiulvt : r U il.e Vrv-mb.-i-rctU Msff,fj. ,t to trirV,rt ioW'P',,c'c'tl!c-i;i:i;rs-U re tl ever initri sung, v- i.ot .incr him ti nvm. l-l:h!ul to I'mGv!, to Ms king I ' It is n v. tfi'lenw.'n u-rt,-.i -... 'e'tVeV iL'thAt rt ondcrMnn 1; h, l.owcver, UlicvtiU ep!?-V4t upuii wore luliy than at ml to' Ids' vow of honor.; M.c, 4fcM : l-.',.- vy' Im!i,'ilat the ! !in c ' " ' ' 't ' J tl:-AGen.Vri??.ra s.-!:n.ate adWtln-. !v',V; 1 . " ' !'7ni-y':,v'rHi!.pnry p:C!kfC.i.,-;i , , r.tM.,lin. i Vf ' y '! n fouVdlf ' vd remmand in' U.e enteipriic. On the 2;Mh of I cbr'arf in the Jit-. I s thrfr-tuM t kir.taire. Lef jour! ,f't m H.e l.'.w -s ..vlorai IV 'A ,. . ....'f. . ! -,. h.Lj i., r...-i'.d s.. in the nme ditiiica Uh the ,wny.rls P-;ron filly authored, ni'v tl- 4v u, jlwe t r-.,, whth t-.-. : r,- J the- rt! :Mor.t JliiVf. tn'-', a ti -, 'l-'i't! e VUlI'i,,rrM1'u C'" . v y " wa.;vInth".kii,,;,.flrnee,M Vci-. vMi.v.r,s...etoiiton'.ti!.iVenf ,:.-t-f f,.T:,...;:, !, , . . . " ' r: v 1 rfS. Yen may be m-c thf.' 1 t'.t; v'ir-"' '', at the linn-, ith klfwy K-jct und w.d. -? ,n',.-, I' ,. o,n! UiiiK,-, us lit lb 'fliu ll.e l.n'i oftbetn f ' f r k -. lu . .. .. t - 1 , .... .. ... ... ... ...... ...i . 1 . . 1 . .ii. . - J rrv ,i"'Vi t.ir Uuoi.t, 1 1 K of jf U,r ir' U si .me 1. t . i'i nn llif f..Vt ' I pll I'."' I ! t!-. tf J!ig hnx" 4 1 II 'i.V.ri. Tld i-vrn ,. f i.f, 1. xi. fi rt'ni .-r veil a smdi -f 1 1 l-iT pu'vsM'i 01 .a ' the r.r:- t,r 1 "ri r? re,' fftnr Ayi wiu tj . Ii'i I1r , it U t'tl.in?. filijettand Diicntcr!! - rt L ... . , . , - u . :. - t ts fi .- 1 i'.,,,.. , r ti tli..itr lie i-'l l'.n 1- 1 ... i .... . . . . 1. i 11 i r:;v: r.i 1 ( f a:' vf.ur. tu.g.rn ' r.d. : I -s ti - r;vr 1 1. e , ...H l. '- ni '. S, . Mi 111! V ' " T. f. . . !.. .1 1 ii u.f 'ii i;tv ; r's in u.c s t 1 !v 1 ! i ! e-i - t-rd.'tit 'nd !P':t fii'ti!':! I O-ll.-l-'.Tf il'il.l ),. , . .. 1 ,1 . . 12. 1M-1-, lift Ir; ! i I, 3-1 l' 1 M 1 1 1 r. r , . . - .-1 f. . I - . . r 1 1 . "' v.", (inru; (' ,f. il.f.M; nu-!!tii'in ' I . . .l. ... . . ... .,.... . ..-. .. 1 . Tl-v.n;,,i.r -,,.t but-irlf.M tnre the I ;:'n! r'.m, !. Edi a. Mauli' ViivA-r';. -t tVvi. i-,,t,, . r'lJctm In s;." - y . y , . i'' "'" 4 " ,rt- Uis Wii':-.tf.'ti"ii?.' ' The Priilre rt Tf.r . r .f . - r . t ).. U 11 j 1 .t , . 11 t.'I. y:.'";, " A .lcu( n,y worthy f:',rnd, for i ''" ' e U iUr.vicl yty v, rliho'Jh ycu . l.y.l ,ar ui.f'.rtjnitilf Rf Ln;:livf.r.3n;" V to U.U-i 1 1 V r . f. run Lt: li i.f I ir 1 fl!i iliir. ;l?.i :;-.htsaie slarV." ;,.'.' 4 o o o f ' c c o o c o 9 ,'MW vti 8 T ; - yc iiaiO'.R v -, - fu.' rc . - ' . Ooa orl vrs-. ri Com ' I it rr.,i u i lUNnircNTAiN'rf. i rt:ticn, tf abUh',! :Citof Stu,da'. ";; 1 .A .1

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