'I L.J-Lfn published weekly by JiimxTtdit at TaaEfc DaLtias a YtAt, TUESDAY, OCTOCEB 11, 1805., 7; io. 53. -'i. 'Foreign JntelHg$ic,e. . . RETROSPECT JOF OtSTl - ' reJ4i.WE?re sofry tpKnricyice the reappearance of ktv insurreetio'v ary spirit, which has already manifest- ; ed itself in acv.ot ihj niostdariri ' 'end flagitious rebellion in the. Metro . polis of this part f the United King;-- do'm. ' It appears to have burst "out all - together unexpectedly on the evenin ; of yesterday week ; the amount of it is -; difficult q stater;; the nw Govern tnent t : Paper (the M?rtir. Tost J not allowing Iheta to be ftiorethan f lumdred, while alraisst VcVcr' 'other account calculates them, from four . to five tliovi . and ; and 'tvoth the' resist ac "they made, we , apprehend they eohld not " . ic" fewer than the former of thoe two numbers : they; ave evidert proofs of i deep-laid and preconcerted plan- About six o'clock a variety of inflama- tory hand. bills', were circulated thro , the city;vThomas-strect, 'VhicW forms' , the common atenue intd thcLil)erty r-cr Precincts of Dablin,1 Jtreat a part "of. ihe Liberty itself were occupied. v by, the rebels,; who, about' thei'snme time,' fortified the tipper end of the former with numerous planks; bathed with larpe't hooks and nails .to prevent ' ai incursion from any troops of .horse that might be. sent agaitut them ; while , hy Another party of the 5rne de&pe rajc conspirators, the Lord' Ltyor's horiSe was forcibly ; entered, and.vaU the arms and pi'tfes'.seized or,scisioii , o and carries! away, on which' they could lay their1 handsV "l-ord.'-Kru wi.RbkV, the Chief Justice of tne Court of Kinf;'srBen:h,''a man of Incor. . .ru'pted ' integrity ' and. most ' amiable manners, ignorant of the insurrection, : was at" this time- unfortunately travel-' i: : , .....! ' Iiuv 111 HIS UWII IUI Tlilt;, .. ji-wui,ius country-house, alonj with Ms daiiph - ler and nephew, the Kev.' r.icHfti .WOLrg, and had reached tk'e lower " end, the middle of Tuomas-r,treet,be- t'i? they were apprised of their djiv n?roui situation ; they were necesc.-l- f! . rily ignorant of tho u atch-word rhich. H was agreed should alone 'secure to every one a passage ; and, in con. sequencewith asavagc brutality which . hai never ber. M,n ,d. tKrv rr, . . . . . ' .i. - V iraggert out of theu. carriage the two gentlemen were barbarously tour dered, and the lady at length suffered ta escape. There Vcrc about- forty other persons, who, from the same ignorance , were unfortuna'ely entan gled in th 1 the same way and suffered the il ttl,:",''t,:'' rebel, and of ten thou- jthcs.e senkes fora year or two long they .furnish full and -nnplHe evi rate. Upon the Br'at iairlliikce'!t et",1 u"lt "'of "ir,s',"',raa already Mi$co-j,rijut in cwj,mcliin with the grr.nt deme, thai ihe cxecuOv Ims rjtfdj insuriTCtion the drums heatto d cxlubiti'iij aa rxpencctowhich; jnow before the house, rcfanmiraio for the kct interest of this roTtntrr t J same fate rms, the military of'Cve iy. dewip. lion assembled in large ladies, and a dreadful carn.ge ensued on both sides; the rebels having not only possemd -fh...i. ,r 1,. .... ..L:., 1 t the houses, fi-om the windows of which they fired with most lamentable uc- cess. Several officers of great merit k dutinaion were shot In the cfTray, which did not fnllv terminate till four O'clock on Sonv mnmino at WhhS time the rtlcls were totally routed or . made prisoner. lle prisoners amount- OAiacil sat all night at the Castle,'i t,-'n tno,'ra to have exhibited proof. jro?; Our iJankets, . Merr.hn.l, which was put into an immtdiste state' '!0 nbelliTas p:ril, indit it prob,; Mi ether mMikd men, harefor t.'ie f DrenaratHon townl v .n.-l-J Me tl2 are not the wjiob. It is ob-jdast forfui-ht brin hbwu iu with all houU b attcmnted iirKin itJ Intel. - Cabinct,on4 a proclamation pntfottu, , ffcrln; reward .of one thousand pounJ terlirj for t'je apprehension and conviction of each 01 the first ' three fictions who should be appre- hended and convicted of hiving been . enacrd irs the usau'tmiion of the rvt r. . n ,i 1. .1 10. v are happy to End, that the victims - . measures 'pursue i ly tSc Irit'i Co Ternmrnt has camplct'ly restored ' tran;iu'.lity f'rtl;e t rrnt; and that, f.o.n thr regular, avrival of the" Tro- Vtmiol Msils it Du'-in, it dors tiot , Jet appear Ikat any t;cneril or at Iraat smcrrul pir'.t cf iiuurreci'in hut bftn, evinced It a diitftnce from the Metropolis. ' . . m y ' We cjn':f.t lie this ar count tiith tnt efferin' f- w ohervati'-:s. And frt itii impessible tft tjsccue the M-CM'triKy cf Dublin t f ev.rms? ifi attn!':f ind ' f - !r 'nc S- A f.w .!"!. nii'I, '.,u:!fcl in tlcvrry hvirt k ' t'tl t'.tr, t' !"":.'' ,: it th t.-.ne tn rn i tody Vv.e w v, J m, and r - r -, ' ",y as. ; iiru'in.- l taVv !r I i ' ? rrV e!, rn r,p.t v ' ' . m.j , a U, m trs p; i jr t- ' " . n Ua: . Ti'-irtf tl.' -'- I ; Xt, ati j ' ir'iMn-ni f r trll l'..'-." ! inen, ' ! ".'ert'iu-ovrrel n sIf-Tn.t depots k-lnln? lo the nVJ w.:l.'n ihe. oit Jcrii f vtf-( .t Uut af- .1 ' terlts Suppression, .The whole of .the Liberty of the CltyV and the ,chief street leading into U, 'were i 'possessed by 'ah brtranized and systematic band of Conspirators, . amouutin toT)otlcss with thea(rj;icef the LordCbauccHor, tlia;t four thousand, according to' the- to try any person he wigftt tfcink.fct number geUerally.ajreed toj.arjdyet by : Martial law. y y ! " ! not , the least- -apprehension'; appears 'j So l. far in the coarse f iha past (a have been , entertained of danger, tveeki we-iiighiy approve the conduct ; oi'-even dis'ifft'elidn in any part , of the -iof the Nnnistry- VV'e wish we could city J; It is we repeat' at impossible to" adftthat we equally approved every acquit 'th Magistracy of- Publiti'of jtart, of their tondtict; bHf nothing allt)lamc in Ihls transaction ; and we' that we have cHbeir heard or can i'tn'iihtai'a "t',.'.'hqtiiivUht; ft ? poltcy'thuia.oohjechlrc.' caft 'equal th.c impolicy drowsy and inattenU ve, Indon or a-' and injustice - of. squandering upon tiy other cHy in the world, mrghtbe- comffthe prey pf a similar conspiracy. e-rust IhU ? culpable "temissnes wilt bemore deeply aqulred inttH O'jr. nejet observation relates to the streVgth and imnvsdiatt object of the rebels ; and upon this .object, also w'e' are. astonished' to find,' that Jio serious appjrehausion appears, to be even upw entertained. "4 1 hirty thousand pikes arc I di5covered--rcijimenlal ; dresses' for . ten thousand menrandyet the Government consoles .itself and. the people with a b,cltef tb at the only le a-J dir of arf sort of consequence who has leei enTad in the'insurrectioR is ApuMfcani of the name of M'Cabe ;! that there is 4tlot th- least reason to suppose tha any connection has been entered into between the rebels and the French ; . and .that dheir, only object' was to shew their stjenth, with a view of obtalninirFrenck assistance J hereafter. - If these contracted i-1c??, tV'smorbid tiisensibijity tadangee be j- persevered in, we hesitate not io say,! j ioar.irciani. musi-yei pa lose, tor, the first; time we feel it our duty to be! J Sarmhts : we are persuaded .that the' ! country is in t!e utmost danger : and, that nothing but ibe most active yigl.-j j hne'e and vigour on- save it from deB- i trnctton. It is ltiipossiIe to re;!ect upon the Tact," that m: leaders' of the Inst reb xnomont in dtate pot ri 1 ! rt rt I j It is impossible to, reRect, . that thes. i ?er'.nr5 Pn' j .TO f Jcf iaC jence vei ; ! , V 1 Jn" !l vnon the perfer - l! uo, " a txdtttrmty and concealment which thev have, acquirrd In Hie artof '. conspiracy vinw the facility w'.tl j which their late v$tenv was. ccraM? ; of bein'revivodf-fin'xlly it is jmpos- jible t refhetnpon the detection of France,, under the imme-lUtill upon his own JuhourJ'eoeroinV- those ' of this, tvwncr yfor Aclh ihev I: session of Ncw-Oilearis. .. i -' 1 ' ec lion,. and pissrssing the , him from hi ehr.p and' his f ountinjr-'- cannot heJieTe. ",1 o coturaat item wiihlr - ' i . WathhtKn r& VUtius. iTU(.r-u.iu in me pns-icsbi ii oi;ucnuy posipnnmg me ronsmcrauou oi 5i -r i-'ici hCu-,i ir';0c to rc.Tect upon these facts li w!l,',om. haia -wnccA that the "no,e nas w-en or:n,,ta ana sup- Ptc.1 with 5ivtanf ( br the jLlj.OTS!,n.mfoU wtWiwd the '"T 1th1 XVC ,M wastdrancefl, an':l ':: vc J' l'nV"e rrov,n'e w'rc hy M amjircatcd ia tht rebel- Ij, We dirt not credit sucli auer - 1 t:on r' lLie h-and we Sad by the i ' ccol"ni,.0 ytsierqay, tna; we were '"r1 r mcreau.iiy. lai - .i Vl0'' howeret th.tiuire plan was not fu'.lr niiturpd and it is probable; tlit no uproar ; was intended to takrl'Unefitof it Motion ;.r.nd hcreincne place, till some positive assintance rudjmnmert is this very mu, or a sum iecu auemn'ed to be qieen rem the rrenca anny-tiie insn, liov. ver.'irrnee,ircti)rr wtii twq waMncs a- a m k a t are an Impatient and imprtuoas ptp-jroointinfr to ntaiU a tl' j plj! the rtbeh perhaps brgan to Ihink'IsntTt, tnune, U which at their ou rs nitie atrmtH suOicitntly'lforrnerly Jtten jirlne pt .'pve-fa' for their diilKlicil intention m l wc lave httlt dout, that they( were hurried into th; act !ikh lus fortunate -ly tct'Min-ited in their d'ncotn-j Cture froM a r.oJIecticn of then for mer failure,' an J an apprehension th' tVy had in a similar nnnner bein' dikcvcrtd hy nTemxrr.t. Kc tlic' tans'! rf t.ui ' p.xclitanr y howecrj what U oisy, it 'u mot h ipf y for t!ir, Intcrrsti oft' - I . -4 F.mriirc.thatit' hasKcnrrid t!.-: vn. " The li.'iish Mm"itri has, irv'on of S'iw.()rJi-it)- : :. I luiv acted tpn this r.-.si'Jn with ptem-'.wc". ' I at lct have at-..-;;- I t!-r t . tlfuJW,ichfati,le thrmto"f thar.ka.) rn.t of fede.-st eohirf i-T, it t '' I 1 tt Th-y hroutr'it i-.o l'arliw.f t a ?!rs.' frcf the cp; itin t join Uc ir ,,.' i;;e from ih; Kn on ' v if- r,f the a4i.-.ii.r.trUcli h'r ('niia- ternoin, Kin the evenin.; t(v day c-f the 'n! n and l:ty . i cn nh'chT!:e in'r'litenr ha!anrd; inrav.n:t Wkn t' e of tl-e and thry jrroi-r ' J vpvn it two ai tive rvtcu'ir.na, Hjurh, ti er a ri't '. aurd atwl pitefd ojt-oit',(i:v ly Mr. Wiea aat, were iao:mi!f a'ff d edtoliytoth h uses t.V aame even in?, the rerulaf forms tejn j rijkrn ed ?siUl lof tti espreat pUf,of, whu.li hats aiwtt rtciitrd ti t toial, jasserit, end afi at this moment cthV vpoha Dublin ".Theso'.werc i sus' Derision of the Habeas Cwrpus and an! Acteninowerinetbe Iord Lieutenant. foreign iantsand pensions, the pro- perty; of .the people at the present 1,tnvuijent, ;whch everyrnatf : is called, upon to contribute xo the very utmost .farthing, he. can cipe together, -W support the War,.atd is compelled tofofthat countryhy , the United jStatesi to.- debar himself of tvery lindule.nee'iw.as' ssihtialftb ,wf prosperity ,'50.. and gratification. : uur readers will perceive that-we aljle to the Dro4t rrision which the Loer House had a- jji ccu enouia oe jutaoe ior tr.e i'rince of praiigev ? "Upon pnncipte'pf pro-, -J l .u'l . J . . ' ' Tisiyii. itc ay jie js, tpmueij kq a re ;ioi?. t icuiicr uie Jiatruitefn our na .roflneratioa whjch ought to bAvehVcn t'wiaj character at the ahrine . of arn seeured to hini' fcyj. tEe' Treatyof ..V.hitioiof the obligations of justice, nor mie ns That It' ought to, have flowthe great principles of national low,! ed from the.Crtulinent ' andi Vot jwere JhoUght . too vimmensef for the from the empty" purses and spare diet attainment off an', object toy closely of th? people of this country. ; So far Vcnnectcd with the "happiness Sc Intfv with respect to the -principlejtsttii now gi'Uy 'f Uie vmion. Jlut Uie Pdvao'tapef then as to the ' time bf.cnfurdng k.- iwliiCh we .wrc Jhen told wofld he. Supposing', which' we percmtorily de- Ulc.i'iyctl'fo' Uie,U, States hy the 'annex' jny, that U ought in liiy respect to ho ation if tliose coumrics to our terr)to jpaid by the people,oHinglaad--what ryeem to have tliaappcaned frwn the Xau be So iminst so aiir.urd.and infa- field of the federal- 'vision.' r Louisiana luated, as to bring forward a claim of which was then a V paradise," irow this'dcseription, aftr having suffered a wilderness, tt'only for-' the.stfilktpj 'both'thc Prhtcc "and-his claim to s!vp ravage i ita soil, wjiklvwrs Uiw pro v;m:surorci ior neany vn I'tTirsj?! a moment : when tvf ry man is oppress- ed with new taxes up6nilmo:.t evefy urtitle oJifc f V.'ith aTripile -asM-ss." 'the levy tn mai'se jnid when it is so u; 11 n uuy oj u.c iniyvirj jder 1116,151 vesi .e great .taue ci i ax, - an Income 1 ax, a, i ox for, citizens rf the V nitcd.Stales lo,det.ir- li epptat U Ulrut)lit still U isftdtvaHan my of tlie-clitcftlie Itlitia, Supplcnientarf .-Mihtia. tnme' whether they swill credit Uie.ff- mi pr to the ncsirbur rtfuiiij ellion are at thi ja'nd Army Reserv e, and a heavier tax' dend d larations of the last winter or I' to ro" dou-n' r.nd trie .imntdiate o. imvi a. iiLiaifiiui nmimi.c 111 nvv miiy , uiii'irt imii ciiiiuii ill ire I . i.,..vi v Vk u 1'J tl ,Ul - are"-' III jin winch we are embaikci!, .as popu- the prosjeiKy or their courrtry. hither te rlVcctilat, that rcct'Ui-e to hostili jlar ni possible We clwos to pjsso- .live federal rnato's' r the ..vrkera jj tie! was "unnecessary, but this ummcr ver the imp" line gr;,nt the present ; ranment cf Valary.of StOOl. per an- nuih to the : Rept ctc.tativfs of yrd Amhkrst, for services ahich have ccn also suffered to lie dormant for (ithe last fcy years, inMead ofpui- ourselves noWicr, pnd wluitlld d-cirt (ourselves criminal if we, !td igthus ipnb'icly ruler our pre' c.'tcgahiM both. i The obncnations of Sir Fai'vcis ucnf TT upon this suh;ect arc higblv rca-ventktled to atrmiMi 1 thf FatCK'f n.Atr.t is.atvie to fore-o a a M 't'ie preset rnfrfient. brcmise the .public- purse canntt a.Tjrd to jjrunl .him this right j and the Vmcr c( OaAHCK jhout any other prttthtion po a nrt it 10 oc allowed ttic rh t - wui is rvniscrt 10 ne-raixcr-of .their mulatto raise li e voluntary m i of about sixty thousa-.d pounds for t';e 'equal to jt, thrown ay uptn a foreign a ird part ol r.s lMance it h.n !pru,!rtrtlopot. rKine, the itie for 'ont two yeura,aud th ether for nea;iy foity. rrom Use .Na'Jooal ln!ellir"T.ar A VINHICATION cfti-e - . ii:r.riiA?r.tjr Lft;is;.A Or a Vkw of th li.' ni''ttu.if s f J l.ni ItAUSM. i.ni iiAusM. '.r.'. ntjy' htvr f rt he It was crr, I mKe of our su-cvtatioa I 1 1. evi.-i was f.'it ar: pre d tti the p'.;-. J.f, pirtr p: we J f a in le t ! 1 1 i ; 1 i . 1 1 s 1 1 ' t - f - n vo fU Lt the ii.tfftttf?! -.! U.t. I, !if Ltl ff I Ituli - rt n - s;rn, a'-d Inwh. it he srt rvr,y - cf rir;.'',,in was t f '; uU! rO, i;r.,;ri n yri,r.rf..n..r.sc u a juiiorai wvik cir-i.i.al sarati'v :.,mer.lo hostile to the novernrotht, W wilderedby the taBgni.tude nd,unex pectedness of thav'evvnt,' and in a mo- fment of general enthusiasm forgetting their hostility, joined in en approval of tlie conduct of the txecutivi. But the scene is now changed. The ces-- sibn has become a fruitful source fcf clamor iovective'against theadnu nistratton. ' The silenctwjiic secnied to be. imposed vrM)&;ihe" enemies pf the governnient,-'was ' jthc niieu'ceof mortification and disappointment, it was portentous of future calumny and abuse. " s ::H y: :4:' -;W hoped that the federalWts ivwild have accorded with s in this measure because , their own fiartiaans had pfe vioosly and publicly.; declare in . the senate of the union,' that the possesion wur jiationnl tionnl independence, and peace,', !' twi'ddercd of sUcll primary im ce id us, hat the exptniiture K was iprotance ;oi fniuiqqsA.ana ie uiooti 01 ourui 'steni were not to he put in competU .': Ml! - 1. J .1. . tJ'X if.' i!.!' 1 inic jn mi ice luxuries 01 ie, is now barren andnhealthful fevered M jTh stagnated wtf cr which exhales VustN.i! lence and death, t It remains for the ! most glaring roln--s thctherha ii.rniiMSTcnry, u nov ine ncpravuy. 01 n a 'net of, men,'. vImw aoiiJi'ticKcn.tvt for federal newsp;pcr. arc actuated j by the most abandoned and crofiirate 1 pi iiK'iples. while Uie aruncn's of the , former, wbtn-tin? us to war.on the presumption that fietrociaUon "must I prpv- ineffectual, arc ur.'.ciont tn-! wers 10 the cccini aimnn 01 u(e i,uter 1 and the extent -f the cession isVhuost jual to whatthe redciali3tssvuhl u o woiire W ronqiirst 1 wnl it price, in tbeir own estimoticn.lessthan could liavc hern epcr tul. IJere f,avT ex tnctshm the icethesof the Icdcnd members in the sens, iu their ' opinio., 1 refi'riiL!q ' tov jr. ed ttii vjAclaUon' had they helif, vouhl he nilPi ci.-uH - Mr. Hoss irs vpeerh savs ' Thy (the pfsenuors ot Ncw-Orleana) tujjht ri'. . rnd revived to maintnu iC P.rtuhcsi wc hare no army, no tniliti. ry prci -arrtior s, lx. m hat u ould Induce thrm to ' su ? u Iklierin L do thitr.ern.-ial Hon mum fri', I am not fcr trn-iip! u flat only if you freut 0r an evtciw 'Hon of Mr J.miis vmi.will be disap pciti'td. Tw htve alrr.idv tried rtjr'a- tVn. 1 say yon hr ;e tikd it. b-'wue sou haw. a ruuiiste r ii 1'rurr, nm:uri the J'rH trti!'iJy,'tt tfv.'r fit." rt ior'Z 'xtntui rot t .'T ctttri ''.it. 1 n.tjrft, '."hU b it tirrutAli tfrth r.'.i.t'J'. Yn' hnetjirn rr ,.ci..'e1, mid witS v-e.i Why i',!rv of d (raring th? ekip, (i(f J.'vn'atia to I"riue) 1011 luvc ch'-d t!it riw.r " (il , Mi M.Uii' j.i). J !'-,t. V , f 9 ' - rom tVe nVire iiofj. t.M'i itinul ur M(',fnt;r, fety nna ' f c mm , 11 .nf'er-t-.cditiir, tint Tf. ' Jlo. VVeIJa and'Clr- .'e-r-i tcr'f t! sit a r.Totbiiii .- pre. T r ' : tii war, Hd tl cy tin ;'!t .il.i ' - U rrirr t-.1 1 Hie ?--n frrtn'l 1 '. j tHry 'lid rrVir".' :ncrd t'w h"'i. 'i ! c Vm: !rrt . tho.i n. the rvir, r.rd tl rrrrt l . t rr.i f u : ... .. - . . 1 the rtu ritr Hi U;ruM f iht! v , .i i,u , ,.,v tiii 4",iri, . 1 . t f t-,r eveJ (m.J rrrt rrr-'Mv) ;t f ,t r.. .1. . .V.,.,. ,, ,., 1. . I . I . .' f.:t rn ui ir K ' T 1 1 1 1 I ti'H'rtrd an jr.. of fh ni'-'rt'rt: ' i ; to l ! .ir. I.i.r;;-i IT' l . i t-n. w j. r..i'.w. cf a s. r B!0R, liad'?eceived iastruttions to r.t- . r . -v ' r . : .:. i. . t goc;ai2 nir yi: purcnasc 91 iruui-;n.i, Com t the . Trench- troverr.r.tcnt. It : would- be absurd to' suppose that. tie latter .would have attempted tvrh a v-,-purchase without 'authority- from the overnrruT,t which hi uprcsvnted, k ; k;l let u hear what svnnrr fi&rfib-iH J v ! have to say on this subject. . .' - N ;" t -X (Cohmibian CentiiielV ". At length We;' hear ' Louisiana" s bought. Yar' ;vhl i A o aeturc the ri'ht of re posit, f.ctter asiiert our, r;!d treaty ' rights derived fi-om' Spain, than huy "jiew rights "Ir -frrh f;'Tvhrieiu3i.n i.-4 Is it strange ' thu the rieavei.t,ti , ''dearest, the slowest,' and the most in-x safe of all wavs to vindicate 4 nation' rights, should be preferred by such . a s ? i man.l ,3s it stratify that Mr. Mocree ' j the miserable dupe of France, khovdd ie sent; to rrawj ;.on.ce more like a reptile t the, chief cbostil'i .feM -" iHd. - '':4',: 'l?h:'Xh':44'?' " - v.The wrfit of depecU, liwever, wa . .secured tons oy treaty, and its icfroc ' J .j,' ... L. I .. . tion oircrcd afalrjusitheationto rem. tatq ourselves hyr force. Em thii business ;ni( Jt cf nnpovdcr and It was of course resolved to take in meelu nessj" the -hulTetings of a Svanton, n contemptible," enemy ; 'Jo yield our -'. checl' tothe fif!t cf.the smitrr, and to sent Jiff Monroes' ' . ; s.' ' r''V';' , . 'Z - Ccnnettttut Covrmt ''''OMt.jatlonat. chofucter raust "le consKl!rablyle'senid in the estima- tion of foteiri hattons,' by the Ipusil , tanim'ous conduct of the Drcsent rulini'' party. Ot:r "treaty- was violafcd rrrr, .. rights vxrc trrrnppkd on.' pwd . onr 'rmmrrce preveel im, snd Ejfrfthe cry ' was rtgjtiare'. l f anv ,mi( due', it is . to Mr. I JvingStontf ntt nut li tht I'zeen for the tovtilit .vcs fpn'cluded prior to 4li? amvhf of the miniftcrex tniordimiry yfi France Ythij does vot jhanges f feW.!ismT ist Winter, iirsrf. unss, eiis arm i; rr con rj-ived, !jit K the ftegocjatioo nc'uU acquired roorethsn the r.fcst savpiint , . federalist roild expert, it is ror.reired, . ;iot only that it would be W('.af.Viif . . : ,cJ"f3'"''If5 hut cmr natlonnl chf nc ' ter Is drfji-aded hy Uirj whst !ie fr. dcnl Senators srouji liave done 1 a J they po&r.tscJ the power, m l if y were fowl in' their deelarrti n-. Jt Is hop?d, that the rppoiiion, bf'ur Va lerias hae ni'.ertedlhat our ceovenlirn with Trance, , 14 m" Iff the pewt tf our musing to r;o un rnd take Im , cnediaie possession f Kcw-Orloana,' will . not assume sny merit to thera cefsbyTttindtn!'tft Frnrce was. KS AWint the crssicn,by l.rir ru. ' !h Ciuii'xdj rtiJjt lens. , ' " ' , Here JjI.Vv the ft2eral er,tumenj . f last win'rr tol.ew the InjHirrf Unefits wj hli will rtMilt to the U, Smtf from the poeicn ( f the 1m hnd of .New-f)ri"aia,'yv?t of the is." land of N'e w)ilfHig only hut f f nd .West rjorlda.'not' f t and ; A est Honda ; (nit cf Lcr.isiana. j M The'pcfcsession ef the rM-ntry ort the east hank cf Un.Mislvp 1 k'l." pive fompatkneMs tnd L'reac'.r.hli " ftren-tk ,,tJ)r Coked St.iV a,ar.d in ail future European war, we hajh more courud nnd recc'ed than we o:i be wkl.cut U i that score tJicrtf.H-oour sectwity w.U be t ncrr a j "A by this ineanti-e"(thsf U,l y Ufclr" pivaHin hf Jorcr-and why sri n-jt ovir terurity he ;ia r,rt, a'mtf tie a'T to positM it l y neids'i'-n.) " Scppoe the wetern rehlo fo 1 r.d tase rirsy tt e rretnt pwse a. " so. , and in the end I r r e F, ated. They will mVetUc I f 4 t! ry ten ih tha Jo,f r romnuit t! c tnryth rt!$ fner."'(Is it i t eiilrnt that ry prrr luvir-j t.'in rrinmarJ r,T tf.t nnjfh tf th tr.ir fruit tf ibe htv! on Vh ri.Vi if It?) ' Jhirna-p-irtc sull IV n jv to you, rry I rfrtU Vrst.lndi4 1 ' i-i'rs f.t tl r.r rf fry slnri, fan I pii t f 'fiiv fr f't-' ffLrmiictt. tt'-h rHr, ferk. tctf, lutnber, t f"v nt'ur rerr?iir. 11 you in i'e AtUr ti: c:t. w tb to tr.ide si;!' rr oLr m rrtj, rles, o i ?"ir,t cr J t ;o j rr if r.t. 1 e U'.l til lOl'l T !.r ll' fVff -M f f " t:V,t '-1 if ill f ' r jtilir. fr'to ' f vraf. it tl r f f t '. of i( ... i. 1 1 r r.'.r-tf t;.-: : ... r j in 't i iw-Cr- i 1 I i t -