"I?ans: wi are told that we are to IooVl? . jar nc.v ia.1 poweriut nsijUborv in' Louisiana. . What right hhs.Spair o give U3 tlus,j without cofl- sukil! ti-?. To change oar present se curity, and to hazard art, uncertainty ? 1 I (li not believe that Spain, hns any - ' liht. to do si. - What arc the limits ,of Louisiana ? , It extends '3000 mile . upan yo-ar frontier. New-Orlqans is " ceI;d with it. The "F-ortiss must be ing to.the masters of Louisiana and New-Orleans.-. Then the owners po. rcss the- belt andltey cfthe whole tf western CTir.tr. ,They have not on-" '-r ly 5300 miles. on,your, frontier In the ' intcriorcomnry. but- they Lave the . comtmd of your outlet to the ocean'; , ' ,znd 700'miles of sea coast, cmbracin: ..''the finest harbors in TSJorth-'America' ', i his makes them in fittjiiri asters - :of the western, world." ' f If Franr e possesses this country' " we must go ' ; to market through a-'line of batteries j wanned by veterans, and return home With ' our money through a "fortified - camp..; This privilege -vill be heH at Vthcir wlll.'and may be withheld when ever their jntendant "forbids its . con- ,' ;tinoancr.-0'ur object' U not War, but . the attainment of security or a r'nrht tannot continue.",' ' 1 -' ". : y (-7ff he csnc'vde'd in our ne't, ": 1 . PORTLAND: Srt.'.io; - ; , OiiTlnnfday 'laff Captain Na "Thani el Jones of the briffGe- evr-A Warren,' of this oort," arrived' vf,Hr.i,..f.:.:-..'' -f i- i r Soo.i after leaving theport, the cab-'1 r inui y mw was in inn taurn, was in formed that there' was vetTil tu th i wjrilwr?. C aptatn'J. ,c'anrie im ; mediately upon' the "deVk,ihd fyp. yitoftos tnat the veflcl michr be 'hi " chifs, hove his main. toplall'td' ihe mad. and "kept-unier eentfewav. . Thc uii'niwri pnrfiier, which pro ve-J to beV Britifti armed brij of it ilace since our' The Star -cf -thVioth mentions fcwVmsts have taken i nformation from Italy, flatinj tlutl last aceftunts, and sf.eral counties :hc r rench rerc raiQnj; in army ofi pUced under marshal Uw butnothins so, ooo men in mat country, wr.icn t waifuppofarl was intended for the re-ConqueU ot Lgypt, 4 S serious has occurred ' Extract of a letter ficm Tarisi ."'i " The commerce cf France has re monsiYated with great energy against the arrctte" of th First Consul cot- 0C16 '.gnni; when firft rdif:oyered, vvas a' . "(ont'p'.'o miles diifant. foan mm- ' L. -lXiP J-andfireJamnrfctt whereupon he fc'ttle'J his tdpgal- n'lintfjilj m'd hove his velTu'l dctlin v 'thavind. i ller boat was then" fent f ' . ; 'onj fide, and'thc mVn frnineJutely , . boardetf theGjnenl Warrsnfeiiicl - - he-ca'p'in,"with viclc'ncei 'tearl' , '.hisclcahs'romrhir back; forced fii-i nt 'h-boat and carried fumfn board the Bihifli vcfTa. The En. lifli captai'ii ih'en a-;cortc l him in the ,.fa!loAi:ilanf;upc,'-Yoidain,d: .-rafc-iU. why did vaa no:.fceiytt"too ; vhen you faw hir, mje!)y'; co- ' lcun Sir, faid Captain'. J. J 'fiW v , no cviour,ilicy mjtU have been hid. V den:. by . youi fall;. ,' Eut you VN t'.'dtmnM fninjrlrrdid you not hear' .'ie uun' K-Yci Sir, and lmme Uafc-! Hh-xe to You lif. Va dtnn'fl ,:ralViK f-dl upon . yo'nr knees in ai .moment .and. arc, my pirdaa.", I . ' r uin a. merchant velfjlof a neittr!J ' ' iiri'ViJ.tiU Csp'. Jonef, am, on; the hittS f'K.'am not co.tfcidm of oUen.ieJ,. for whit then 1 1 wis flafed -in out paper of veT- tef Jay, fays the Philadelphia True AmcnciO of fnday; that Ca;far Rodqej, cf. of Delaware, "was appointed' by the Pre ft lent' t)f the United States' one', of the comnn'f ij.iers -relative to - the Miffifippi Claims- Tthi3. ;informatior. vyas taken'frotn t1c Albany Gaettc, and is erroneous; ) Vic are inform ed that the appointment is col'. Tho mas Roiiney,' of -Delaware! one of i he J uds -of the buprcmo. Court jjit, that tia:e, and lather ot the full .named -gentleman". ' ' Caefaf R'ndney lis the Tetytfcyjtativ'c ';to - Ccngrfs trom jjiriaware,; i- ; -, ? t .JVj-n a lais Ta'ris Paper, ' "''notice. f ::, 1 " Thosj whom It may concern, are; informed, that' the oHlce of "the Ame rican Commissioners, appointed undfef the bte tonveV.tion'. between" Frantc and the United States, ts opened at Pa ris, KpI'UW, Kue be L'Umverstte, haubourgh Saiht' (;ermam. ' ., ' ,;. uyU commu"nic'uttoHsto' tlioTioarrl afe to be addressed m trritins; franked, to tlic nnciersinried, Secretary to the commissioners.-. " . n' r - ' ',' NAT. fcUTftNT,1 . v'' Paris; 6th July, 1805;"- ' -'; Extract of a letter frora-an Atn-ncaii 'merchant m Pordeatu to, arcspec-; table commercial house iu this city,j ' dated August U".' e. , , l'r' ' V'' " J". Tobacco has'xpcrience'dlittle'or. ni bene fit her,e yet. At Havre, Dun-' kirk, St. Malo's,' Nantz,. and L'Orient,' ;t has risen Very Considerably Andn! doubt wilt tjet up here. soon. Cotton, S&jars, Cdffcc, Cocoa, and E.ist-In-1 dia Goads generally, will be benefited by it, and, tram the present aspect of aHYii's, our Commerce' "will, be much extended," and- our fl.v become Very valuable,- since it is likely to be the only neutral .oi any importance.' w l ; ' J', The crops of grain aro' Uncom-l muuijr urnjmjjni in France, ana pro-, mise, veil-n England. : t Spain raay want a supply, but not enough to raise! the markets in , the ; United . States. Flour is loer here now than at Kew- ,"M The vintage promises to be verv great his sensoa, and of course must reduce the prke of Rrandy Zt' Wines, Dotix ol WLtcn will trobably go yerj- mow.-' r. t t t" ! Tobacco sold a few days ago At Havre for 78livre, free of any duty: and is as high at other markets, , " The most nctlve nnd -vigorous! I' The Smo. vm. rt'it. ' Messroon. demniner r.U neutral to confiscation 29 days from Bourdeaix, and 38 from wbo cannot prove that, their, cargoes London; arrived this morning..' Capt are notof the growth, produce or ma- Mssroon was- chartered to uke," & nufapture "of England.. It presages : ..i.-roir.sAUF; -. , - Uyprs DiRtcTi'o'cr " Wilmikctoh, 10th Cctcbfh UG3, V freight from Bourdefn to London ; bankruptcies to. an enormous' extent, I jf.nd, on rewrfiing, iuthoah only In if this arrette is carried Into effect, liallastf was not suffered to enter ; and'.Tbe chamber.of commerce of - Paris, was peremptorily ordered v quit' the'' in roncett with those of the principal! port in? one hour, . 'without taking a cjties of Fraficej' lias resoh'edto send; Uinele article onboard. .So severe was' a' e'eputation'of three' of its most .dis-1 thK u'rohibition. that he was not allow- ttneuished members to Buonaparte at ed "even, to ".supply himaelf with the "Brussels, to solicit a repeal of this ar necessaVv provisions for tius voyage." rette. Citizen Pointde Nemountshas iHc'Vas, however,, fortunate 'enough , beenappointedchtefof the depUUt'"n 'to obtain from capl. !ias, of. the John Extract oi a Letter trom a.'t.aay land-Francis, a' few barrels of beet. The ; only reason " assigned for this treatment, was his coming from a Bii- . . . . ? " . St. f tisn pnru , ( . f . f. ( , in Lohdon,1 to a' Lady in the city f, 'Washington.. - ' : n. '.' '.Buonaparte H.verv .near usjA, iCalais, - and. making great prfpara tions' to 'cross the ditch as he" calls it. - mMt, q;mH 11( .1803. . j-heptf; - a tIou,l it'jlS md - A gentleman arrived here last week tw. , . .. ;,rm J?Mw.h.CrP,.?lt f hrle!;t0 This is cevtamly an important Crisis . uwugi 5j,x iurnnrn oc equor wu-.jn Wc f England, but the people' ;.th?fpjIpw,nStnfarthaliont . t do'pot em to fear;-ery thing goes' , , n -(.(.ounu irw naTeawn Mncc on f they v'ere at peace with all the, n.M nti tt -V Jet Tttw,v"r' -world; the great as dissipated as. r.K: if ,r 1 n ter,nnfl The lower ranita appear nap- uiw aiuiAiiga 0 atiWA ft"c mj . . tpnt.1 inn;t.. of ihtfr tax. exaggerated - ar o contrary to tr-.r.h. . ... . ars . 1ntrt1I(,rahl4 ' rns - U ' r ,ulli They certainly are an astonishing na t W VV5fr ' kit CapeiIranCOl8"tionj-lThe I4 of Hanover has much SK? lH"lHfL'" pA?ni MqRT'"AUJ- fftrd the king, : bat the people in M r i ' ;t 'tf ' (rArICJ1?A' Bcneiil do not regret iu-. 1 ' -' J! PE: Foftl.DXy,,It.tK',. a.nd :n ; We "are informed that the President w A ,TBWV i'B ir)e.:cfthe United States has 'appointed possession of. the" French. , Jercmie 'vus. v:..kw fn f r. k - J a. . '.-"..' M Jl.a-s w i f7 vi stjuJ VWAVUia xw-r W, " ? , 7 V f -J Rodney, nfDelawireand Robert 'T:-,. ' i August, aftd it was expected that all W:ir.,W. ,fvwk r..v. rAmi..i:sT P."?' VUAHTER Casks. Sherry. -Wine, VPuncheons New-England Rum, Uogsbtads Brown Sugar, ; Chests Young Hyson Tea,' " -" Boxas China -Ware, .., ,W ' " Ditto" German Steel, Ditto Cotton Cards, ,r; " Ditto Wool Cards, 1 Kegs Spanish Brown,'-- Ditto six-penny Nails, ' , Coils Cordage, . A Copper Still, -1 . Fo'j'-pieces Cannon 4 povnders, ' Grind-stones, 1 Barrels Flour, , - . ; Ditto 'Midlings, . H ; : Ditt0( Lard, ' ,., . , - Sawed Lumber, , . Spars,, K , -.(T ;. ... SMITUV1LLE LOTTERY No. I, , Autfyriird by cn'ct of. 'Assembty, to en- ' ewe the Irtisties of Smitkvule Acadt- my tr raise the sum oSev:n Thousand Dollars, for the promctfon nf Lcsrnmg r in the ceuntj of Brunsvick. .t 1 prize of B SCO 1 ditto 2'djttfi ' ' 4 ditto 6 ditto, 10 ditto 200 ditto 230- 100, 50 25 . 10 , 5 S 500 250 , ,200' 290'' , 153' . 100 , 10C0, . I ditto Jast.drawn ticket but one 100 :' 1 ditto' last drawn ticket '. J00 ihe" So'uthpait nd even Port-au-Prince would obliged .o'come to t &0GO siotjers for hearing and 'deermin- 436 blanks, not two to a prize., thitCCUfel tsi-lfr.JtV. .hnhM nnt u'Bl."4M.,,.,u.V '660 tickets at S 5 A nierica,n vessel supply it soon with 1 grants from Great-Britain or Spain, or Com nrus. A, - . T.-,..' by actual settlement. The i 'i V.i S 1 ,S " 'Vionera'are by law entitled to r i.y masters of the sea, the evacuation ro .uii..l each g 33C3 The drawing'of this Iottcrv is con- 'tmrilnt(l In mmtucnrc itt Wilmine. i'r lton' urinS setting f the ensuing must be effected by land - this will V""V"'""S ' " ''V RUpiTior court, or as soon thcvealtcr k, lt " . : U IV tnJ ?. ,. liev; rc 10 ,tt the Natchez. I '.he .ale nf lhe r.,tm in MrmU. U,ntrra.a e-e'tJong enough to t " t0 Congress.- Lc puWifhed io the Wilmington Ca- ?eue as soon as ice orawing is conciu- (the troops orthe line included) being at least ten thousand, .."" i The Situation of the fcsf.c itsi'lf is bv rh mearjs so bad ks 'represented true , ; i 1 1 v . 1 l : , 1 1 :: . ii u gwsciy ciocitaoea oy ov un ingusn neeiot toitcmcn 01 war,, two frigates and two armad kchoohcrs, but ANECDOTE. Two federalists meeting Ortthe road. ded and the prizes will be paid on ap plication, 'by .John Ijrd, Esq. Trea surer, subject however to a deduction nnd ope of them having, he'ard,. somd l jj per rnt., tavouruD e ar.cminti as to th? nronab e . . n " ... , . . 5 , . , 1 vu prizes noi uemnmiwu mi result of the late elections, exulunglyU,!,. ,u:j in ,i,tPt!l fP exclaimed ''Federalism begins to look ;tl;e Tcxj Lt)t(cry on account of the I notwithstanding their vigilance, some 2 r 1 7r " av h cwnCr4 and those not demanaea m American resafli ret In now and th,r, Wn .? Us baek Can Io0k i month Hl e eondered by the ; andthe wmter seasmibeincU hnd.F y ' ' '' ' Imanagersfls relinsbed to the bent-. rtrnvUirtnerl j'and so measures are making, to invade Eng-'frabr it will be impossible For the Eogli'sh to Ikcep closd to the toast.. The town is ' t. .t ,1.. r ' 1 . T),cJ at Faycttevdlcon the 1st ir.st. , Th ettiiednTemeoce vhich the - loulj I afk pardon I" Gattlaniir on, fall npm yrtut knees in an in J bavin fh you llau or yon fhill receive a doten. . -wis trie anuvsr- Uapt. JAncs rc rlieM bif hi vh?,t ditU:5 p1ca. ; led. ;".T-ke t'.is fdlnw, fcMitte - - EnilhmanTo the'eanwaand ive ; Mm a djca." ' , . - , . , Ca?t. J; wn acrorJini' dra;! - geJ loihe(f4nwy anfthvre heal. er s lirrttol .by the Commander 3 of Ms N!ijc ly's 'srmrl brl, until a: le:i7.:h, ho frit hitnfelf llic J to bniy.ihek"ce, anJ fay whitevcr Ms Britannic .4M.j!ay'a Cptain pleaT. ' t l t diclaie.i -Alirr mjnr ir.fults; .'. adJ-Jto Aprj(, li wis fiMirre fon ; board l.u own vtiUl. TU Cap-! , ti'w.' iittlehrf';er, a l;J of ahm.! twelvt years cf-;, wji then 'T-tr.1 cl'oly 'takrn'trn.n f.itn. "On.th's cccafio'i vnol tender ttolula- Kini Wfretifel, till a lcnil,capr.j Ji'c'. fhte, Mr.-Lv.tf'foii, (add it "l with p!raf'ii we liirntiosi h' niti'.yotcTcA tit rfr'f tnllcjiof tin: land. ; 1 cannot form any opinion on tne resvtitf ,1 ha trench arercysan-1 game ot success, and much united. " Cira.RLT.STON,. Octbbr r 4. The fast sailin-r thin Isabella, cant. v.reen, days trom london, anchor ed offihp'UrLut evening. . We have receirtKl by the Isabella,1 incion papers to rr.e 30th August, mtb.mve. -It 'opncaraMhat noAver.t of importance nai orjcurttd since fr last arcoutta com Lorope Buona parte has returned to ram, from his tour through tl.i Belgic departments.! Oa the subjfct or the, tnrasion of England, wc da net observe anj rc-j cent mornnints that 'indicate its speedily takinj rhec. The tcenlc vf Great-P,rUi appear gtner llr to treat the idea with derision and con- iloaa tolbetoast., ,Tht town ta ':ft. :..;' , nf .silvl.r. CtAZieV luc'"'mu" ioned t least foVp .nonth,' AV. J ' -cltiz:ns of BrU"Sy weU defended by block-houses, ,Eiw 'T l!. ' . " ' , district generally ravarm of above twelve thou, ,.NwtSu patcts craRENT JAl Brunswick county and the experience noin proper seminary of sandmen (the national guards intlu- at wVlncioVo .Iming, nd the ? disadvantages re. ded.) that it may brave the attacks V .at WxLJ,?NeT0'! .! rl.' nL ct S Prcnts from send, ng their ,, children abroad for the purposes ot .ded.l that it mav" brave the attacks itie iingnc,wrto -cannot rausier m iBACON per cwt. 1 tl ' Ithatpartof the coimtry anarmy or o- iBultcrpcrlbr. . ,2, ovc' fifteen tbonsand. A -particular Caicn r ib. tj jthe government with a powerful chief Corn pcr bwM . . ?5 oftheBrigano (Cagnet), the town .j,icJkj . i . Wall k.nd by tie ciaTiTATosfi who Luwi5r per M, ' , i a nnng daily to raue-AnsC, where tue- w.hl,d staves drest.yj market ta kepv a qnawt.ty or coffee , do do; 12 ao which tspoughtr-aly by rrment , w . 6i h l0 tf mpUir.Unf the American merchants ..'1 ,u - c to govei nmtn,n thtir bclcg raid for f"rjr l2 a their goods partly in hill, en Funce,' J,f k,f f 1' U. " .heidm!nktr:ifinnhivr,rmn!rtton:iv 1.. tC tr a . . . .. r . .r ' utum. W.I. nr.tr. 3d n. i o ip r.rurs mr Amcr.can nicrcnanaize, , "i,v.',iVr L,. . i-.i-r Jamaica !o.4lhdo. 1 rcfleeSc aaglr hasbeenuken from on military and na?M prrpara!rons, r'e' rtowever. still Vigorously carried on t 12 25 12 4 n to tempt; and fimh at lh.e impoteritpord the Fretschvcstels which are in threats of the Corsican hero. -The rrt, and the cultivators brmv-in In ;di!) coffee in quantities, the Ameri. can vffristhM may get in igadea witu 'and so prcat a tnmhef of volunteer! provision a" will mectT.hh a tcry.ed- A'antngeon maikct, ceffee hi in g gi ven in enchanjte for jowI$ ly thj go- tcrnmcntat tuccn cents per Hi. free 1 S 0 70 N. L. do. . , Tobacco per ft .3 Tar pes barrel, S :0c2 7j Turpentine do. . 4 , . . ujar,Muscova.p.cwt.ll a 12 f roper p?cJcrrncrTn Hnr;lish nsJ val forte have coramenced offensive txrraiionv by deMroylng the work i1 J.d.'Tli wjl f-rfiif-.d jihtf)e m.t, ni boat of the Ft ench ,in Boulcgnr si u !(l c v-n appeared but In few insttnees this summer and u;l, and people art gene rally vtry healthy. . ! ! ; From the sane sonrce, we under- liV tcr, the la j-'lhofcr. end tom'wirtling the cHy-J fim that the Doquetrom a Fttnth Ti ' Port ot AVilmmfttoiii Arrived s'nee our Isut. cf il duties, '.The yellow-fever wLifh 'Sloop Sally Wsrncr, Bxttr, & ist year ha.1 bten sn destmctive w I . . . int.toiv City. gtirn. (report sUtrs one mil'.itin) had "comcj fnrwird In defenr.e of their country, that the British ministry had ('.eclioed receiving the ocTcr of several corps.; This rnraire seems to have given offence ta miry, as e-vinclng an lni4 the trrpn and even to the nUves, has ;S!v:p Pcbrea. Srr ith, Charleston educatlcn, will it is hoped, atimulate them to lend their fostering protection , "j to constitution so highly ircportar-t. t ho the wclfafe and happiness sf a He 1'end independent state. . , . . , , t l. The natural advantages cf Smith- ville as u blace of education, are ma ; ny and of the first Importance. Its , ... . 1- Ll I , I suuaiion is aereeauic, imi uiihk " i . r,A M'.Minlm.i. nf tlio ir r.f4 goodness nf Water, a place of polite and fashionable report in the summer ; whence, in addition to the advantages - ( . . ... L f . t VI COUOirv ir.noois me iunidci i vi e aluuenis lvll ywnn.M im hum . undcrftandirgrtfned--Ilbids f-i!r to le a idnce f -ommcrcil intportancr , , and from its vicinby to the a and a onitait supply of marine diet, hoard in;; mi&ht be expected o.i al low terms at in any part f the district. The . ....... . county tnw;ncn it lies isacnTiowiccii- ed !g be the best range lor stoc'R in -e I ataSe. and although not surrnaded by sool.' fertile lands, is easily" stirpl'iMV with eiliM rrni-in v tY.e fjeilifv ofrtStVi- 2tK n. 1 torn all which, rspeciai'y i Cpe with the Duquesne, had an tn-safier a passage of 37 days., uu, an.1 .tvn nt wc,nr,!)rn ucurui uiiTiouricrj vtiuc.i saii-a me same csy irem mc I-t:-i Dci.tVuti-t innorrrl k;J l arnvr-i m ltu!on, r nuJiatiotH v,7k", Ncr I a W I f" twj if h;s p.f flu Govtnrmtni. TliU'arttnenttha ffllcwinjj morning wit j.S- to n 'fcfni. t He was infarmfd lobe gin n la con-nrisH 74, two leagMflfrwtn the i v ,f. wK, I.,,, l-,il .,., .1. ',eqtvntfiof its V?lftgaeerUncd thsf .Cape, md .after .-a short but heavy ' r i in o ..t .1,. r .lid, I,,;. - I. it T " .iP.iianarte : hnl got ,tn f ea-noaide cn both -ides, the F.r jiUh I ne 'His . luroiv.ca cy ujr.niner a tae tvmg rf ,1 rnce, 4urin2f the if. . a Sthr. Union, J'retitiaD, . do. proLa'-le ebrapness or cr . rti.tr.' . erctto be er.Louraed a a Tjr-stnrt Wrt.w;. Sct.ct.lt and shuU the lYcsttf s be ' VStS'l ill M t Ut't!P - - t . . . Ht !.JhitV tiiitlah- rTthi IP fa I I The ship Jvhft" Jonri tapt. AiUn. l,-titizctit, to carry the jrwi ie;n of this port, has amvtd at Uvcrpoal to execuuoi, wiucfi .iiuy S nope wm Da tne case, n inau e meir ; Ar.ro fi-i.l ' in tifVirUri' le ICherS CI I In- ,-, leavir. htr h- oti f iv,. ,n t.-r llrfn, M Duna, V -,i c" (o Ncvii.) h.'ie nutufticd r i'. t.f , t il e fji Ig ir;!cr fjM t 1 14-. e vru W, V. U.iih;.. Iif tttli' ami r'liflilh Aca- tst re-.; tct-V.e talents andcha I i tucn ami r.iigimi .u ,nj totst.tiuhthainMitutim cicniy. . J on a hash that iSl prove a lasting be ,f a itl! . FlViYO!1.!., M?run.hrr ' " a Lvm !. ! c i'c rukif ii.fi ... .. . , , v ' i I i':.. "i j Ji . ..j' tY. f.iif, I. il.i'r-rh. tt H'-F .l thtmsehts tf.hii roili'at . .nhs an4 3lr.ewt'i:v In 4 4 hours A- i I t ' i t.i.Sii.ie, .-url ,',"4j7"1 ttla wt IhUk Ji teru'.ir.j. the S$th ast. - ; 1 ! t' . 1 1 I ( n ir..,., -i 4hft"MUt!.h -ff f ,!ly l',fn:nnt "r . .x TM'.la 5p';5 ia. " I .-ta:tfi' f. Mils'.! l8faf.nn-1'5'l,S11 ,"f'f1 :'',;n' I Ththoarlr.f hrtl'Ufrr.rtr.rw s' ' (,;'. I f. ' ,VnnU!r.tRte r f rfy pi.jio.-'a cf f.'ii4l U-Jti, e:,J.n; l'i :?th tenpUted invaiion cf r.n!r d j by ; ehu i saul Unoe.ip4.-te u :s in grtt mrnurs giecmeu-It rj t'l-Si rur:vrul YH the mrwi if in uneditlflii Cenne 1 f r ".t.n.-c t- P cr.,'',rM, was tole r.htoDumourief f'avl r.chccrti- l':a iv h-eer. -"I r.Tui I he rrifun pivcrnnf :Uieatav with the leu of herud-;; 75t Nci 5 MAUHXE, fef (Tf rf refit to, k a tr.&nurotat of theputhc ',tr. The Frta:hman bc'sn weekly'jl ht f-.fnh l;'M-S aid spirit andhber-J.ty tf the div.sht. . -.sr.i:.l, va hai more tStm 200 !nK'.(fc, t n .? .ic.rr ojCuli .lltleti to be had of JohntI, :'ne.n.; did twit Cri'J. th ,,.ick Let 'r 4 At4w, h-t fna Ntis Joshua l'Mts, BePjannn hmun, i-en . a he tf.a'W !.'t 'ftis d iVidmi(i, h e Mc rr jrhu iv tft, Ucriamin" Nmit'', rv . - . a - t - . i f . saw, Tiv,i-ii .., a i i - r - .i a j. ,. rv is., a . . jm i . n ., i piiMKti rr u i lei . s iT,ti s i t a. i rsi t n a . . r.f 2t .w v iiitMt !Lau'.ri:rt whUhls lef lherav .f 'f1 Uli'S ar.d Of" tmtvf ,bt and of c'.hrr, tcn'lf men mrRrbwi,ty f,tguc at the cor.eLii rt. . Q 0 f the ti. isgett ff tr h ?r w.Yf.:V. The c..tr.!t.it.o f.( i',..!'H ro-rt r 1 f Wi f,tr-in tni'id tttioxy, of Its (!.iri-t, o s (t le ti'pjf'itft tens ht et.fit r.o' h e by dvei".,-in (,tt ic(r.r.rrT.ff'i lCif.B IIc'M.t, r M 4 k '! ( r. IT Vet if .f lW StffSfl fuf ci-cvurijl-'ianV II i m. it i'ri Di.'itM.ot !v-Lr nth bttnyi, pr "ff f, ha'f o If ii Misaa af i IS rive timely at the Ccurt them for sU. -,t t tit.i!r at tit tni cf fe f ii"t. S iUnit''l"m '! l 't S U ir ef V V.'tV. If W.1 (ill'i't. :; cn:nr.ns.rKtVv, - V ;;t.r.f OtU-tet t, tlJJ...; Wsrtel sttf.e CItcc of th ; , i Cstrv,', ort vrtsa Ap- ViVr.i ptf?,.. It.

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