Hi il KQTICE, V J; - tin ;v Sheriffs Sale?, ( J "T i!if.f3t"njj :S-ip-tipr Carl for: 0 MonJjy ibtttfb Jjy of Severn. ,'bf Nr-,Han0ver who fail la fettle ynJjna3,fegr()eS, UoUleS CC : , pay ite Couety'TWes before bt-perioi.!:- ; r :;, Lct,V J ' i 7 tlmington," tX JaUsfy JunJry in former i!'er;3Cbat U'ceo tL cojni ly in a fin:i9ij nofiO be p.b'c to defray tti reccirif expffqcei, nJ '-be niTerou- and firtffipg Jrmandi conkqaently ren-; i . , . " j ..." it.,.. (! .ler lucua proc-oure indnperoaoie. ...... ,-. . The L.w rediireJ the Sa? riff to fent w'nh He Treafurer every March term, nd thole who fail hereafter io perforna this rn'ce'lUrv duy, area flared, 'hat W pretest of no' hvfiwg eiel:J chs iaxeS will not nr rcijief fxrmpinern from me penalty. 1 4 V. A;il ALL, Treaftficr; ; oi;.ber-ii.r::;l;fxr;;;;;;:u;;:: rrJ I fo b Pcti ber. ha v j n gq a!i5 2'i X a "Executors, to itha..jlV.wiH and tefta'inent Jo',jriBurgwiii, de'ecafed , gwe no! ice to al I per fo h? havii'm oV inanuVahill.the eilaie of! faiJ J ohn, ?o prefent jhem'for pa, ihent wiihui nhc' )inrWu.ied by an aft o Alterably, entitled, " An a tr.i graining ei 1 ers of Atl m? nl it ra,. lion, and -to p'rvent frauds, in, the, managem e n t .of i rt f'e.t t atei's ; efta i e'svj oiberwifc they will be bm?d from' recovering the -famf Vtbe opcr'u' I it m of fai.l aft : 'Th a f 'a I fo'giy e no tire that they are exprefsly ppjoiri ed' by their TeHatof ir, his fid wi'l, to roMefl avcariy as poffityj, all .la ms of moiicy whiih riay bi t!uc liiis efta-e : All jier Tons there fre, wlir arc inJebtcl by JuJg ncnt, Born', Note, or Account are trquclled to Coic. forward and s mal?,i'aytr n, before -the fir!i.day of A in i I eti(uifti?.i"-' pihcrUifc thty :LV.!lL...b !j4't r t hc;-f!C c(ii ty' f re, lortir- H legal- tofafurts fiir the I'urpofV of: fiilfil(iiVg the abovc'in - J O S, G R I G H f 7 . V A. J: DE.KOTJf'::! - Executions l me dirt fit d; rTyT "vatuable Plantation cal. JL klSPXWG.FlELni, in the neiihbourhood,of Rocky, PoUt, a. i.bout ons qmile from the ferry arid ("ueeri. i rom.,vi irningt on, eontajn. j a: 640 crcsi 1 2,3! of wltich U fide fa-np of ; which 3a i deatcd and 'a cirdct tof-jciiltiyatt'ff.TiNej-s 'n the prem'.fas a two ftory h fe, 40 by 22, in whicKVthere is a pear- Murut Milt, and a Kice Machtnf 'tat works 8 p-il!e A'fo' a brick Bira -4$ by'zi; j Dwelling HotifeJ iCitthctJ ari'i a number of out "rWuV' BaiQirtH, Eijuire, diceaitJ, at the Crtrt-Hiu.se in th: l-ut of ,t cir.. ? tin, on :ihiFiXrtttnth D ?f fovtm- t 1 . .. ft 1 t::: ; TO SOLD )-.; -proposals : a Cueit' cr OJt, :i!io Two .For pnMiihir.'; br fubferipti n, - . : r Ykars, -v.. : ;Thc SIIRHIFF , MARSHAL'S Apeeablj (7 tf'-' dirtctioni cxttafaei in CONbTACU;' GUIDE, Oncers on evtry fiy?ct connected wM d,ttiet tf thtir f.ct'-w::h an N fjii Plantttia there is ix o" Pre'eeJ.'r.ts. , 1 good dwel'.irj l.ivifc 30 I By the Hon. J. L. Tatx.or, Esq. , .0 ,0tt a n'CR. fw,, v knch , j M15 v'ck. ts carttuny compi- 20 j,y 2 'X led frmTj the bed authorities )3Te 1 UERMlTAGVlt, sttiiated bit mle-i; nd id"pte;!, by a di-fl of tho feve- ftahlrs f.tiactci. from town.1 on. which Vis. aH.vaW of iveral AEs of Affcmbly and of Con.' i ; u U fa well ";nrtsiieu, .up-rijrcis upon an tnc tuvjen. it. con- - i;;p- ackription ct H,t- tinneccf. tfcfit;in length,!, uin tr . the ufa of ihc Citizens of flrv 6 tie-third of the pnrcbaf be pa.J br 1 ., , nig itum j ui a ' r,-'r- -wvj. , Q ICCf, IlCW IW.l i.kIV fc.llUtt!l tcet, a new fmice.50ie. ?-irn 0" by 70 feet, arxi t tor twelve r.orfej. knoivn that a t jr B'jildiii.j-s. handsomely.: vrards of one hii!Klred,fc with 0!!icc!iad n 'nnVaber"of :po:nyc-it!jis it;ite, Jt has been the aim of rutie wii TCavdeaVan ar 1.1. ...i av . m m Ahs litAi:r)il 1 . t '-.., 4 1. . . ' ' , V -'I .ill be required tn :: , , f v , . L u "," )!-. - , .v. .; , .lilt; rcui U run" v il iP i". . - uuiliireu acres ui i,iu uuikacu iu i , , i , r r . ; pt-emises wth ?ood jiaVita1?';- reference to ; Valuab'c -Lands forSale.', andofer RuittinpsreiMte for farm - : ') ; '.- v ' ; VlV; ;f AVlitab!-.?2wM contigii. milt tfir thmiftinif sir'rft ftf.'t'arid niri trt Vsiv'urntinn. 'i ? "t'' dacent,,an,d -appcjuinirtg; t,hert6IJ-iU.ji':f.r),-y'-' V-:--?-' "' f Sot n . bniU fln' X a tfi lit , Avht eh t'U xbe defcribrd ion ' he r dav o file, beIon;i hg to t hf efl ate t)f(M r. HnryHalfey,ceafed;H :VT;he:-;Lea"ora!)e'vSt?rcRvand D-wtlling Holuf9;ori' tbe;futith' fide f Market (jfreef Vinaogton'fw-1 rjerly "occupied ' by' Ifaaclcs- Levy i,n(J pi (hp- the proptrty. oi Jaoh ' .A Lot'. of Ground 55 '.by. oo, 'on "M, fviith jfi ie of rlrket Xlreer, ad; rnining ,A.v lfalf$ .on the a-ait tW ,)rop(:rfy'of.Mr . rjeniani'n Bianev ; A Family 4jf Negroes feven in oitrlber jhc -pf operty f of i M r S- Mabfor.'-';r'5,,:'-'i - Three filceV Negro bellows,: the pmpeny ot ' tvlt At Cu t'ar. ;", - WW; yLUlJVORTtf, ShlT. : Wlirtgt0rt,;Oif?4to3. :.v r-rj .inr...;.. -...t...f. i,r. .' V . '. . j . XTi VI'. f Iitnilrril sere nl PXfH(nt the 'Wort is tinmed:ately rtcU2ned, 1 i c : " v .w ;wipiaiu;anj;?ntelligb!e inftc:; -wamp .and about.th.r y, directed ' bj ti.J.M--W, t.i his ictit mll ani ,-I&mneniS:i4 a mi is; 'Hi 1 e r hm - t n ot ofi: a Credit F Twelre ?lni KiUnd?r rthe irnportant title of AR'""VV! k :T'vv,,i' 'T ' 7 "V"" REST4r!6f StfifrConr ' itab!csK r&ptivate perfons in jheap. '' ,'-"vJ " v t7 v" , VVt - W fiJiti-j." j:'.::i'L,""j--; 'i"".-:-.:. lii'The above cfefortbed Lands, are u -.t i&ituaeiiinerrnAV ftorWtlrniogton, fVii lanlserefal Parens f LAND lymjinj-, ; f.t f.tf .n'oiti,.;'' 1 or terms, apply to John Lord, . V J - -CounaesofBln-andD t!!fe CiUth J4n.: nSer of-" jttltice,:. refting j ' : ' f O R S A L K 1 i east .carr Markend SeeQnd, Jwh5c.u at attcrnpf wHl'.bc made to rH A ?U I C v :'vMl (M,.aW60fceto ;f and ia feet on' SecondrStreet.-;: ...-.i rj. ?c'-- L.ur-r...:.. -f , r- - V AT 7V i i i . . it .in ip n ri 1 1 I'li irr.t rim r; ' m a a a. jf . and about; 123 or Second:5treet V.''V X''- W'U on Store: and two DvefclliiMi '.House I Jy' Lot. on' the, n tjvth jdcbf Market 'afreet; contunit)5.5S FcVt if (iot and 'rhnninar bdck.to a. larws .alley about l.34eeu- b.'tweeii the Lbis'pwned, by A Lift if Lt fieri- urni'ini'S in Jpsh-ia G. ; Wright Sc . Fbowaa Brown. - r t A 1 8 j 1. -I ; 'J 1 :yi : . j on .w h.lch .i?cH . ' . ' , . 1 ; V ' 8fhu.Ti'T, .;' t-A Loi da the same su!e ef.cai jtrect S.i; J TtL iMaV fQ. D, Ma etc lVp1(lUil.'heubfcriber.Man:r;l Jae, Ri. . '""."L' aml P.nllt- ..! K.ni" - i .... - s - to a ltase mae to I"" l,'iynaent parts pi tne it ate,' - , , 'name i of :Bear-(jardcn,' on which there ts a rood mill feat IiifTi- I he v;ork"vviU lie "cOtnpnfvd fn cient for two' fav, ,on a ladiiu' 400 ' p3gei,;orayo, : iprinted o ' a -nrcam. A patt of faid land is well ucatM ype an Rood pap.e:'r;;v;',v;i.:. j adapted to the -culture of corn ani v'It jvili,be delivered , to ubferi-'cotton, and the ran;e jj .''. excellent. ; her."-: Jiandfomelv bound. at Forr I r. .T,.f--m '. nf hiimnt"wilt t. wouaiseacn. . 4il . v,...ima(ie raftf to the curr iifer. , ' 7 ' " r I twill be pnt'to prcfs.'as foqh .V- J wiJ alfo"ient the upper apart-' fulHci-nt'iiunjbet of fubfvriberil.nenta ,f my Hottfe, Kitchen, Sc. AN. AWAY, from the fuT.. C' C.pt.i TaomaiChSMi TlnmiiCr!o. ,u.. fi V,f H'.tf will her'caf.er make a flown. Il Vi 1 1 i 'TT1 . ' '...'.'.. -iJ . 1 1 1 a I .a a ms r j n . m .1 Dill Mon i;ur Cic street, ftiiont u-et. tnro.T, , ruiv.iipg . n m , nivvir nun iwuim iul 7AC1C . a fdiure : well . let' fdlowf a iif. Wiiltj'. nna-' kaB,Vt W. Bm'v,..' rltar.f ' ant! mitiictt about r leet jor inches'hi'fh. ,hss! " ,ufA .-', -him, tlVa co:jdUicnvc'f.w:lich: viii ia- lhon; -niii.ana' tUcr .of ; abode . U Kar.!.. ord lim. 'af i" C- c.pt.,, T..om,i cj,,. Thmti Cr.(, fenr,tf ftn f!v- d.W ofU-. . - H'C will hercuf.er make a ft owe. .'.-'; II tunes"from i hurt in one NorittCar.oIinl ' Thea' ove re.jH;' cwrfi-u lhB, ''T "MiiacV 6 f;cl,ac:nn5,ir. RoWoVa. t :, K'niiCB -IS im-fV PlVniI.'Al)0.kIi; ' lU about In'r,K,' ward will be pat I for At jveninithc 7 D: U,Z kh., dII, .o,-flW t,; i A.l nt aoHta ,av. ot. "vHAT.K(Jwaf A.KIjcUr i.rcf vcr ' y' fahl riinaaVto We':' or fen rlollat.'lH. Duitn. Sn Da-.: l-hn Dm.KU.: n vhich ts a two a'ory U'vv; 'J. . f n , , ,n(l ipltxlon, aiwsUt fi?2 tCCt bvc or fix for logins hi-n in jail fo that I qet'i'" , f Dt - - Vj1in ilotuc. , ovopib-Capttm AJ-f.-.bferiher. bavir-j idMiniOared'-oo'i'nchra high, -' ftoiii.iniJe and well i t rt,M,. ri,fl - 'V : 'r - -V.-V'.M' " 01 u,d --l. :Mut ail.;ci u jlx jwac on one or " - ' ' ' - H I Mm, 'or delivering him to Mr. P- trr Pelham in AVilmif '.eont or to:f.oi.ct. j. a re.... J.m rt..; .i , - r,lT, i, , kKu I""'0"' '"eb,T,h rr,0 ,rt ",ke iaf.;,uu Linus, -i MJicve the left, be. . Mr. loho G.ee'o at the Oak $' - t- -'. ?m V0 Ue. mtar, -and rhofe tvba luve cUWa2.;D!l, t wcVn his tht.n-at,! fore finger, . - voiles S hytheftroke ofan axe V, fuwarn -d fr.-n -ItirWroV em- " B ..fwuk AL.a.dc ii drT. . ,! ?' ,ih,nt;i,h Prefcr,keJ ' one or both -f his lec-he. has a I r warn. a iro n nar in em. k fc .ohn H MrtA H , v,'Jh pr ' ! A1 littl,-uh.u floy.ngor carnlrjr bin away. H-k. I. JloJ j ,h. Hoi;.$9.omoa ll-V For the wJjnley hondsth t7p? .(f;;jcj) Kerwife ihy . iU I. " 5 t W ? f c JA4KS GKKhM.;- .i,;,C..-..v..r.i,wW. r . ! e-! p-rWt security Vrd.l.e. required, trtd of r-rovfrv . , -V. : J V:l .wrift wt.tb, he ot lmrt in bit. Ijlk-U'ver, Sjuth-Caroliiii, Ocl brr ii h, 1803 - aml iht Ltj(h; H.iuf-, Wi mU , N C ritti eih iTiniltin. O mid 'W rl Tnyml J-tinnt 1 J nika Jck,fxt YT Ittm Jonrt, rtfi JihnU L. larolt L "0, J, atdard LDvJ t, U M C-xi K.ilaiU! M !!t t a,- -t.. . . . t . M . II .. f . ..Ik.. ...l-.tA . . the II f-bi.J fiirniiiir of 4he n.. .. m v . . . i.. m r. i Ij'e j ih B'-win, dte. .Jmh,i ft. V ..'orc'r., J hn Mel.o i, M Vi a Mat ta? fai i'4n a'i,T.' -ff-tthf i-hl rh i.oi'nia. w li infnn row SAi.rc, -i rtw l.ifptyt. A f-eta Knif-, rarfa. wap h, Ar. &c, a numKrf cf j) a-ii'n kwiN, i.(l a Irtf ftf u her ar ulC". Ke. a'l im bat? fcfy 4it'jt . cifd'l nf Tin rrwnth' U be g'fei. 'TM ptrc'u''(t g Vonjt rub anprovrd ffn'MV, ,' - ,' JO. C. -w-RiGH'V? A. J. i; llOSSKl. and Rt the diicrctiou of th-1 Executor, tnor!ga vi aKo. v . . i JOSHUA n. -WRIGHT. - -) '. , : AUM AN D 3, PI" ROSSET, . September 30. , . l.-xocutors., . j , Jwcnty Dolhrs Reward,' n AN AW VYlrTm the f .lfcrlb-. at VV'i);.c"', on th- "Mffli la ahkt'y Nfj'oMj named IHR ! livi a -ii treaty one y rart I fif ftnHt or nine imbra MjS. , lit t triprj-d on tkt rihl bread attih Jfl f, A. n for'r!y ib rojxny ot M. I3rrjimin Mtuibr, on the Sui!- "l braarb of New-lUtrr, ffe e rot tH Uiu 4oibv be t mw bat kwrftf, ' I vi!f ffi a ,6arJ of Twra'f D .' , l"i 10 ly prrf n Vh( iV up ih fiJ runivay tt: a lad fa'ely dhft 1 aa a' my rU ' i Muk.Uiirr,' . . . .. . . . i t tor fte hfn m the jiii of Wilmn. fiat I g-t h"ci, , , ! I wy) f it A frfb-r KwaJ f.f Tweo. 't-Fitt hclla't, to jf ifiM h.t Mil. i V' r.i tta-usn. that a le i t trn, ft of lot VC'g baitiiti kr , Ma1f of es,!a a , a!! i Vr ?f if " Notice is Mertby i.vtn.1; r 1 1H M'ti.c cnnrtn?rfliip 'i cf MACO 11 M MACVlAV, aihii di aii(olv('i ly fu'nal (ihuhi A4 prnfoni indchud io did Crp' fitrj fl)!f are d.Cffd :o mike tovnrdiaie !;. m- n, af4 h-fe h-- hae ditnin4 a ta-ofl.-tb? Lme, will r.leaft . fahil.i 0t, I t. n' Ja-.il.... Ko htfll. M'.l ,,l;.a tf,"! J. R,kt a, Jr-Oii.Vi, liie Si , A-j fvrf jaynKaf. i-r M t i. sin,. d rot tr l4 Ml. a. A'lan :iknik f TitnaJii), I ; C'p'.na ZiuA . mi'k, Ut ile. SiutH". X i liii 4 i ( C.. I..H Iwtin SU J, JoS f-lt.ll, ' f ' ! Ii r.U iA.k. t btt t a odr. M fi St'iyr"'h. Ti f w t, Hrwry Pcy (4.Pr C'f'.lt tirttitet J'inkhi n.- . 9i Cin'iiR M. h'li Mi h. Ainu' RlW. i,bi, D''A'M jitma la'i I,tjn4t.. J. H vi J ft.a Star . -Ntll Ma J lfmvi4 t. ,M..e. B hlo.k, Gmitt ktraa, Mr. .a Ht.fc l IwTivlon I. I i. i . -1:. i;a i jif, i 'o"i in-vpi-tt, rjy(j. i Tlor. Diel Tlf, a rl j )iUl a Ua. Ma jiift lo k. R k. T.amc, at Adv'a w'tnl j ' U-i. Tn4 wit, ' ' 1 V.i ttx t V-f-.l.-, M- fia Vrt.. !-UV Saiak V tt, GpW, . ,4.t4 .wa-at. Iik.Wt d-.lt. ltaW4irti Mi.t Ut.y Aa Waif e, Wt...ara V, kaa, Dar W..ia. . . --. t. Mil. Y irt. tr .TAKE NOHCE. ' rT',ilKfub'ct'l"r in'endstoroaVe I X' f'1' ff his lijlirtfi in tl.ts pt-uety h 15 h 'l Novrmbei rnliiin.. All pcti.ifti tr i'c Surds a;nil hsu iU be fad Jpp itatain. , Thofe wh. ate ir- U i-f 1 f H n are rcct. llat i jr tr qmr miiM maCOLT.. SVi'mlrgtan, 0 tober 4, " 'llsj. HE ruhlcrihcr lug:'. re moitl Market-frefl I0bf Ijufe lataly c"pi4 by Jbn Henry, tiff dw 10 Mrt. Pinfejr'a Tira" Fio.tt.Gf'tr. bcre b cirtut on ' bu: rifU of Tayloiing at afial. He nkn tb'a orjn.iwiuiy to le'tt'a thankt to tbofr thf tr tIlofn,';ani fuiititt t coeonuance of 4bt'i fat'ft. JTHN MA COLL. V,mirr;oa(Jch.lr 4 b, ifjj. r-rovfry,' ; . MAllY IaLACICMOUC, o:in 11. h.ll, WILLIAM Hll.U ; Gtpi. ij-h, i8?j-3 pf. J " ; Teir Dollars Rcw.trd. DLSLUTLD from this GaVrL foron the ;ii ir.llant, 79 cjiJA JlSTln, a privatum the corps nf anil! I went. fj ....1 ... !.. :..i. 1. ...... . ,u,.. , o.n- (a,at5on hf miy bc ,,ro , , otn;dcVon, Prey ryei, I ht llrif Jf-fjfcrfd lhJ, ,.n,alrc uj - tiki tipiiion a jinn-n,ANcr, wr born in truufwick ci'ut;ty, North. I' v,arn ma. . ' . 1 - - Arc war Jot Ten Dtilar will I e . rniT. above cVfaibcJ Negro, mi. med FOLLADORE t$ lej-allv out. 1 lawed, atnlifbe !gc.iU't ItirrenJer himfelf and retnrn home, then any' ' .perfon may kill and ah-tlroy the fat l' t llave, by fuch meins a l.e or they jtniy, fhjr.k fit, without nccu ftia " jor Impeachment of any crime or olTer.cc for fj dairV, anJ -w'thnut . if- ;. ks .1 '"curring any ccr.uliy or forfeiture Ullcrtd.. , .ut;.icftb- -f r7cwaKNi;JU fH'tf fiCtCn' .rive-t torthc faid tlav,, io whatever inch huh, hjs a brown.-1,-.. . , . . , . . . . Ma fettcrar i f-irapniehcndinr; ths UA f)e.J ;raru iViverii;" hn to the coin.; to me. k'Cl hirn. . ' All tniflcrs of veirds and otkti are furwarncl frmn harbcutin. employing or carr) it array fnt ''EDWARD GRIFFITII.''' 1 P. S. He Ins in all pf.,'.i;.l iiity -l-V'V-ft. ' . IX t '. ' V v'ti.i-.I m I.fJ ... I II Vl.... . ........ ,.vv , ..... '-.'... Untied r.tjte. , :J01N T. powi;ll; tor.j jlnllon, l-Jpe. J-eor River, N. C. lember, .ltoj Cjpe. Feor ' . 8 h .S. L. jhil name; bof nhatcyrr floiy'ba" may tcU, I l.cic if wll ini r t!irTi.rence if he anfcr lr. tvsa t! i fc ri pi ion. F G. ' Crartn Cointy, - I . Jure 1803-3 '(. 2? Dollars Reward T AN. AWAY from ihe fuh. XX her,, a't-jiit ibfte tnon-hi'. Ttn DolLvrs Reward. n.TiA AV'AV f. - . . f.U,.:1. .. . . . - - . .."(.ft I 'T 1 l",.l.'- h" Vrcro ftun lurrea fJ-.U. r.fff,!lrtM r,i coin. ,mm r , 1 , t 1... ' r f .. . l l . . t . . . ML luiiciiar nittpjaM-iiini. -uwi tnuu pip, twjm.e'piit or l th. Rft.penr tf i Lu'ti d. a a fed, h. It ab'Mi t t a J ' JL tereal on the cUai of Mr- ihiny year cf a.'f, It of a , r, HII J U.iJlt, tll'fil. ti M 6"u! t "t tf JM 1,1 I - f Tutt InuKaro. ueciaUd. re. mp taion. an-l l-.i ih-k li.. r,;-.u d.'.aVVd th b h my ' ' f , quell all prif.nn indelleJ 10 fiid I lately p-r.!)afc I hicn r f lt j sni n j . ;late tu tukelmrncdiatt Daymen' ''utton d th'l Cn.mty, iu"'h.ha:) I b't l'f an J ihofv wbo baye tltman-Ji a 'aina; liktw if; ioO. flow be is vrtl kt.awn iu'Cf bv',, : J i! fame art rtiifJ 10 exhibit. arj ! have iraf. n 10 f-rf.- I e ' A ! '" Ary 1 hem rroprrU aueileJ to Mr. J.ho' i r n.v l:ior- ahont the t.th'.M(i ,,,',t f J f,',.,', . a' tu ..'mi 1 . f nr NiChv.i t iinnrft"'1, (wl.n.n 1 t rjhohij 1,'c-y. 'livrr. a ti.f i! vi..'n 1 1 at rttf m "h fi IV il I I tf 1 fi,n S l, i fv.'U.f. ltf ...... i 1 t tjtfif I'ttkt I arbiir ( t n. i ip 7 el 'o riake til y ment by that ret u"',l have rti'Inlute! tnjt.t J p pomif -.j. 1 five M,t. i-e rcvar.I . r . . , 1 ,. - , . frrif"' ; ,,f 1 " '-'Z "'! 6 cicctn ttancea mIU tit.t ad.nif 4f. tny lawf.l Aj-nt, I t U "1" 1 c sp-y.A'i .(p- fa. N';ro a.J !!(. t , f . f..n .-.Mi,,f I r. ..If he- rtiirai - 'n; K-r ..r '.(I'erni. TN bondi, rntai, bullnrft cf lie Taid tlli't.J wi;!,in rii--Hn , ,.k .f fecurii,- ;iui , - tf , u ',. a! "il''-1 c.c. trtbofiaabofailtobe ticn. r.cfibcd by an A J ..f in u, .1 I ;t Lim. l" jf r .,', ,f ,,, , , ' j 4 !.;.t? tT Mk!Yi'T r' YrU, vUtfth U put in fuitj Air,n,My tf this Ca-t, n fuch cafe; Alfpr.Us art f,t hi htlrtir;,' C ,; ,e f , ,j O. wVa,J 7?a- Ha'a bf WltjUf hCavI .. I Ctf.rw. made and r,9.,U, vtherwif, h,y. e-plo, ir.. ,.f t , v ir Mm a w ay. K !MHM. a , ' ALCX. jf.tAJl A h, J John Kdly. t''HetIcdct,r!utc,y Jim:-. nUu'.wurdi. ,1 --7. I . 'OU,: . ritciuiile, Sift. 3 .. Unity Johsinan. ew-lUwur, Scpi. 15-" . . "r, S -..- - ' . . - . '. , . - - ....

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