-1 i !'-Y0 JUL LV.'J.'.XCOL'XTLKAXCi:. 'JHVST1C source tf express! jn, ' y' Fairest .1:44 o- - ,rhaint "c'-.'i i Siamh d ,T":i -f':'.'tt:$?n; intrusion . - , Q'er his nighty Wfrls tj rc'gn: , ,'" ' ''' 7, J ' . I ''Whence, 0 sav( ihf mighty treasure ? " - 'i From nv'uY wiJ": dtikriwl abyss r:. yvcr yield ih-M erd'asi pleasure ; rJfiech!e$s'gen(lMttrSildsi MUs7 - Is il'tirtfv: fronl atpirirg, I '- .', - yiyyi,': '.Spreads'- the gentle, blinhing joist. t': r;. cal name '1 ' n unacquainted VUTi.'clrcclaUoni that BtfcT.r.pr.rte raeditat-I Tl 'i nv f." v.lioit leaves, bear some 'cd a descent upon lypt,-rather than ' vv ' ..j- ur. i i.-...i... j i-0': i., .;..., .-,.- rcSClH "C(J I l-AUiit IJ mull, uui. uuii ljiiv; UiUli. 1 p - tr jiiu whose bh-ipe li:fers,byUs having threepence;' this-. may bk'tnti'lcd, jt is very points' to eachleaf.is'to.be'uscd.in thtcettain that .the people .geijeral'.y,' are fi.r.owin; munner :" A couple of the in the greatest aUrni, and such prepa- feaves are .procured," antrr.bJins held-'rations making thr'ousboijt the king- jlina MiJi'tta,; are required ia appear by the Cner and thutrtW are agitated !davu',.and twkiculatlv on the channel w"itb; their Troops properly armed BRIGADE ORDERS: " ' . . - ... . -; TT HE Commanding OHi A -i g e r s x f . C or p s c ci m p o li g 1 1 it Third BrigaJe;? of? North-Card. Lin a quart -ol cola vrdiecior udoih nve coasi5,,a were never jciore.ine.i ne -landf qqipped, , at .rae retpecnve pli iftunuves'iavhiclv'UmelWft wili, cwbary iic, Appointed yAa'.ot':Aifembiy ;becomt gelatinous, and of the consi8 vV;?;. thVfoUoing 4af viz. 1 ;(ence;of.tMn arch.- 1 hi the, pa-, A verpoot paper; oi Ang'ist ftt rBtUDv,kk Coupcy on fiyX- i '; ..::"i-f Or, v'hli pensice' lurtre 's'i camiitg, ' . . "r2 . ; 'iYhere yon sbarMin? glories rise, ., ; - xjijsi ja;, 7Ac. Cynthia burning; i'? i :.P,:e!:'i , v dnthv iwe-tnsp-.ring eves f;. l 'i'lt'iph Vti ofroiis, f:?:'?: y!c:'i. 4e'i'tCk--i"':'' ' ' -'Breathing thousand odwrs roaii.i JSj. VL'vcr's lip'whtrt love re pons,: 'V ?'; " -y-.Tijf:i3rJnyjni-T:,wh L . II : -l frtigie c ells tf fii rj 'Qrtrif - ' Jijjffiiire fhixlfiits cutting iimp!esyi:y;'i ji'- .:' : Brcivs; liiijpell ithon the lieart T.Z , r,;'"' Cme, 0 cease thee yhliss creature ' . ' ' Thisfhtdrhti'SttrM I; i iTis mi p'one wizard feature . WJ f ; tV. i'jf enchanting 'sources- ?',,,; . .V . . : i : ' . - '. ,r '' ,. , v'1, ; : j - . ,,-., , f ; . C Neither -jet where gently Jlciulngy ii; :. a each Conrenial r8,.'-;.': t" "ti 5 ' ., Sweetly 'struggling into one s iZ s-?", - r. v;"v-v-:v-:-. V.;'. ; ' ; '" u In .taat 'swtet, divins communion '' "'f . .". -' ' y, '0iheffatuife$:andthe,iipiiyy,y ' I '.,4, . ; '? Fonder, then,' Q child of 'pleasure j, I - . v- it,lfhte to seize on Value's gracci . ' V ,:' ';." Wonhi' st thjuhaveUhf mtigic treasure - 'Of a latt-inspinng r?-v v : ; fkimWlCARO.LlifA GAZMTT&L hint is tousa tor, his sols cnnK, na-sayS-.the report isreTived onihccoji- Uq efficacious iV that; after wev em--;tii1cnt,that a eeneraicrmpressU to be' ilovtd tins remedy, only, tnrec, men ,tbeld,.for'.the. purpose of ciustinsf the i then ill;; and rnany'.reCovere(l whomFrr ibcre' was -every -reason to ePvCtarte'8intiiitues at the diflerent Courts until 1 itx'f iYioA nn rtiP fallovrillf V! vf I Nnd li wmilH nnt f it"i'nlMp"! :';nce that time have not . lost ' a the issue sweh congress favourable ' ' I Onll6w--T1i man with that cjpm'plalnt, although wejjto tbcjpretensiona of J-'rance,' it would' -4. - J have conatantly -haa -rrten m vi;iui it ;be absurd tontemn the slightest .'. , -The fassiiitant surpeon'bf ,the Stb,h0pe from; any -measure of that "ties-j ' 'battalion of lhe;f'6th t-c?ir0TV(,-assuM!clintio fairly, appeiJ-' ;'r.nh'at out ' of lieari nontherai-hitp rnnl Puients he (had -hoUoStme&4t,ttoe8wUh-'J;'fthor and safety t BtUD .: the lJi hr,. BUdeii Ihe fiffl Eittaliooon Monday the 1 7 h; , -r.U"i , MfhvBatialio 00 'AVed- : rneWay th 19 h, i with' honor and safety tt;Vis,rije pow and 'emetks ; are Jgeneranyivcn ;a't' j i', :;t:kU y.'-f' iSi''i ' Duplin ,on Fiiday the 21 R, ' a U r II tStUauon "cfb" Friday a8tht 'on 00 Monday (he at fl j J New,l;jrover- ncf . xni.g. ; Creek BaualiB onWeav nefday jhe id, ' i ' V Pia'tatioo on ; Fiiday y the y."ith- ' Z-y;"!':.--:r: send ron tome ot he seeds this ;ya- burgh official paper) of July Isays, p'i'M0.-lV "7" 7'" f that tht; amount paid by thellanover- . V r7 v " Kh.Vlr .-V..r... m'. 1. .w'iili niiU w Batuboiu to which they are at hialde. plant,, wlvicUil gathered my self, and, y oli may depend ppiit?i be iRE'tlievalTZkegerf Jdar :sby your faithful errant , and ir-:.;i :.""-.':.--'. isf tli'.T.v'-V ; Captain 2d. 'IPgsuIniU: Jteg. J , jSurgeott 'to 2d VVe8t-Jndia Hcgimevit. AssHitant ;uron,iit llcgimehUt;. -Mr, siv .-V..n..4'tk-rL'il; i ' oiit W tiatuHOiu to wnicn mey tercdamong; thetV,i ' atthe;'rate: of ''"n "'fyA-&. ltLiV(. mi ao in,w: .wi -Tbc -olU ;t9,be ; Called at twelve ; 7-'--T Re.urns n.ade a; ..aucii, ":,;;. u.pri yn . uW0n lt,e ,Jtter poiol f, -..f r..-iv v .-: v . i v . ,,wuh resrel'-oburved, that . intte.,h 1 1 , c--y i L i4B" in veneral to-t mttcn . 'yZ 'A. HALL- . lias for tale the fcllovirg : BooUs and v tationar' ; EXERCI5 E for l ava!ryj'. :, r! ' frigs' Cookfry,' , ; v 'vy ' . Adim'iHowert of iravelj, .ti : - : Belknap'j'Btwgtaphy,' ; v ','. - :! " : x icncca'i ' Moril!, ; :fiX;:.: X' Puffuit-of Liteiaiure ?''-'.:ir.'r) 'J:,': JwhnllpnV Livei .of bs rjje, ... j. AJmberrrr';j rave!;." y?? Exile of KotzebUe;pX;,VV ;: B i og raph ic a I D . ft i oha rj' 1 - ' : ZiminermaO' on Naiionat Pride, ?; , ? "Zimmf rman on Solitude. ;-;.:? 'Brydon'j Tour, i ' - : - Butler'i Hudibrarj, ' ' V. v BtirgSVpignjty drHumiii Na,tBrei: kuflei's Modern bpr,n- ,V'r i Bolingbroke'i 'iVoik, :. . ;' ' ;"- ;: ' Reid v;k iry Hiyy y:i'f f;y Mlin V Belies Letter j,S:;: yy:j:: Arpertf an, Spectator, "-y-, ; Botaiid ical. Harmony Ffjrdvte;oii Educatiortf'v ; vf'r Ramblfr, - ' '' - Lobker.Onr;H--!-.;'. ' V; Thompfoh' Seafonr ' ; " , I- .- -..i;r. i , ' :' 'Fhis plant has -hen cultivated for 'Many yearfc tit Gen-i $mftft jlelvedare1. growing. : -yy y.syy' scm now, v.? ', A" .'''Messrti.FRVittAU St Wihiais, ' t , 'CErLpM'F.-Tlieencicsed receipt for the curd of Dysenteric Complaints, . was presented to mc in a Very pblif,in5 : manner by" a "'gentleman "now iriour ' country' front Jamaicii who' Informs me that the plint mentioned is the '' liinna) which is cultivated in..almo5. " every plantation in this country, by .': ;t'ur negroes for .hcir ov.n.usc , they ttnmrnonly pound the seed and parch, '.V-KASS.-VU, beptcm'jcr 1. niis Mije'ily !s .Oilp An ".inachs, ret tinted on Wedotifday, havinp1 I ix)d a long' way la't hr lH va rd i'n'.thi iate'gale, .' -Ry-accounts' from' v'i iffre nt di rcdjtjns. i t ivoulj a prejr, that little damaga-has been .dote on lie Out I (hnds by., tlic late blow, aiidthatit?reattflvi'oiciceientuTe'.' at'thts place...''?.; "'. V.'.'.f. " ; September p 'V "0.-:''i -,4A rf?e''Cniirt;;ie eiiaHilheti-'a-Trjnadad,' as vixll as' here, and tli Judge appointed. ' -There' is io'U Vol a hie family Mediciiies DOCTOllvRAWSON-S, keen; in cencral to-t ,.mach ';rerht(frtefi. 'which by a vvell laeao't.1 but h Wily iinpro. 'perloduljience, from the tope of ameni. .J . . i . rf. rr- i : . r t went, hatrtieen; limerea . o ;tncreate 10 tGinuiiic Ant Bilious and SioaMchic, 4rauch a to require pointed aniicajverft i--'7;'ii'ItTli. r( -whicii iifoovcf y he obiaihsd a talent frOin th Frtfidenrt of jhe United . ; ; THE at deirTind' Wrthefc- Buieri, trtd- iheir efficacy are founiverfally knon liu iTiir- icurr uy Mtit tivvn .-in., ,w . . ........ . ,. . ... - . . ,n ........ make refftrnnial. Returns aher tbo Ufl General and Uattalion Muacrt wtu ctuie them ia be .delivered ob pr before, the rth of Noveirber-ntt according ro ihe tformfiirnilhed apd prefcribed; io (a'lue Iwhere antl - aHo. in'cafo ( limilar' vie. tglcctihertatier, conleqoences ery dila ierableto the feclinjii of iki Geheral it, and when thus prep-vrod,. its taste ut in lutuieat Hcr,rtn la, vhicl. ; is exactly like our parched ground- j will militiie mucli in avour of ihi-, ;'nut ; they also use it frequently to.iplace, ;f tho.wari4 psofecci'e! as make soup. "'.v ' the Hertr.udia will : tindcrtlie v. 1 am surf it williifford ytro plea'ureSiccefTiiy of-, fendine'- their priioi. ,v tn rive-publicity to what appears to -.hirc'lor tWde'mnaiion: aibeH.ir the .. mc tobc a simple, yet at the same ,rnParefj. porl ; ; ailJ, wc doubt nil . title, an cHVetttal rcmy for so dread-;llllt ixy them fa icmov? wiih - - iui a a.seasc, anu wuicn n so. com- ,hdr Hnm ,0 thU countr . -r, ' ' " VUr'M lacctnini ti the fuperJor advantage . V..i,..t:.t,:i'. : .'." .:UH vraktng -r,d ; privattcring . . .T,MK!j S1MHNS. : ilom ,J,C arrangementj refpect- i SJ!iv3n's.Is!ankSht.6;U03. . f tuk .lila;id, .and the I'me. y- ?f S. I will with plisure,- on iq Couitl. f . .": pVicationi procure and furoUh any and t . , ' ' m- ' r ) ' every ArrrkiiHuralSocietV in the Cnit-1 . "NORFOLK, September 13 cd States, gratis, with the seed of'' y arttvaU lincc our U,.lrbm this planU V; ' . ,,'the Weil-Ii.dicJ, wa learn, that a . , - -1 . ..'.,. French 44- ku' fripate - has been' , Trom the Jamaica HoviT Gazette.' .opttirrd between Mirtitiiquc and , tRinc cnmmiuce tor conauci. U'UUJkmpe, ana lent inioAnti ' mr the-lV.tnnic Garden having rc aa, , A fw oats firtcc, io : the ceived wtisOctory information of tha -lph dream, a ,fmall -pilot' loai .. ttacy and virtues ofOie Z.zcl"t. Ffcr,(1) privateer at It rnpted to boaM . is now uccs.u.:y. cuuivaica J)ritifh brig Minervj, arrived -wilt p'V.sVthc Closed rh-tu iVc' rccted I Sir Sii.on Haughton CJ.rke. , ll.ltrs "tr!' Jl,f ' - bfironrt, tohoje atte.ttlnn Ikin iMand f c vcrnm-t-t riave fa. U indebted icr the aecds of this' ava- w i-i xi:h.hi inircflanoi aced itt ere his beci. Perlwpj mo Medicine in the' w6f 1J is fo-urrf'd and proper for a Samruic faihi.' ;V Med.int.. Thi'r are. thi gricH re1 iK.fi.tve ana corremr , ot ur aigeutvcj digiini, ana- purilier fit i!ie bloHJ, or any inc-dicine eer oticted ihe niiie. ' . LTne, followi'g. are fonts of ibe rartR IprdninBiit tomiain!irin vhlch thele !'..:.r. .-.-...:. . - i r : r.n. oiFicri ifc rincaci'im, ana iv unnrridity idmired, ',', vu.wlnio;:!! ion,'. Debility v i . ' 1 l ' -v- r ... (leja-aiin, Dwoining, u tfinrij, rain. Trjinbltn,Loncr of piri ratptta-ion', DiowrinfM, Bilious Con. scflionv CD(lrinef, Diairhneat, DyC nfcric, Grve -U; Perie and ilyjtOV: chotidiucal Ad-'ttioiu, vorms, Agusi, uc. tvc. , J'fictrjjiycuii a lix Let s Gcnui may be "expcCteti to a certainty, ly tl Uclaulieri,--v .. v; t .... v. ' Rciewi areproppfed in-the couffe of next Spring, when it i hoped tk&Oincen wi lappear wi h ihe Arm- and in die Uj nif'rnn "ippoihteti "in a Circular," which Will br forwarded to Cornrnjuiing Ofli. era in timt io la betire iheir next Rf. gimeniai CoH-Maniil. ,1 "-. "', ;'- iB'iNjA, SMIT1LB. G. N. C, M. Smuhnlr,bfptefnber. 3, isoj ' Uegimcnt at. Orders. ;. rs' HE omcers commanding-com I panics compofinCihe New- Hano-vcrllca'uenr of Militia, arc snuiWCAVinfllUni'jIivo cprnpanict; upon the u- : . Bilious' Pil!8,: ' y K'a' .'!Iarade Ground, : comp.etc. he attained, a Tai', April jo;h, 1 796.' The vitu'. and eificjr y of ihef are Fj umverUlTy knon that any com inen on.ihrm wRall be abngilher fuper4 liable plant. , , I am,. ir,7oir r.ft edicnt ttr vant, jii inctchants ti-rre, ad pi .' th.'trowndifirjl. JTl'.en Jami:S Sv.iTn, e'er keen," : an aQlon " at the bicVoi "the- Capr -UVtht Trinurof the fiyJ GazeUe. 'j be" ween the wliite acJ brlgindr,' , 1 wliich IaUil i'o !jj ; the Frrn'th , .Loxnos, July ,,nr. !lf1 a genviil -lyery and fcveral :ifu Sir I have nw, at your , cj ,'.j,nilioi. The Dri- ;rtiueM, 3t down to descrjb; to you. (rJtc R(,nlin hubccn fpeken, M wc!l as a .a!J,cr c.n. th ect of launj l0 uv;n. 'f run . a pl,ut ,n C.nm'h, miU dHcntery, y , , j h J .. ne very . - NUW-YOUK, Svi teiDbcr2l. Exiril ij If trr frcm tin Antr'iC6 ' ff tltm in .. o uJrr dale tl M b anl Vcflminflcr uil rivo loo.ooj troona. Thera are at 1 - - Trrrara by ba-jel T, J.in.' ofjjly armed and .cquiptf .agrceably t VVinflfiam, iCon.J for which ilcovery! Saw, upon ine touowinfc oays, vn. I he'liaTUUon muttering dj. law Jt Long-Creelc, on-VVedncfJay the fecond layjof November next. , l The.Fiittailion'miifleriftiz bv law fo'if!.ioo. 'Pirt F.f y 'Ceisa.B(a.;-;' j Wilmington, on .Friday Uic. 4th Tycc'A Itch, or Ikautltying day of Novambcr next. . - j Oiatmcnt, .. . V. -.Whcn and where it is exprdedj (f ' puncinai attenaaocc win e given. as the law will ba Huflly er.torccd' againft all C. fju.ters. . ; Tic rtfpeaive cflccrsare Bria-; ly commanded to have their compa iie paraded under arms bclevcn o cock, A. n order to be cm bodTcd in hc lhttalionnd the Roll called at twelve, noon : Re turns of. which will then be requir ed areenbly to tic terms herctclore furniQicd. . ' The Caralry" an-i Artillery will (nuHer at Wilmington as ufua1," -ly ,orJcr,of the Colonel Com man lint.. " '. P MAXWELL, 'JJjunnt. , Sept. 19, 1803. The tnid rffnifkiblefompnTitlo- eer beforr koo vn f k rUnfiflg and -leaGiify. inj 'kf ficm, and it '.h moft tfTeflUil, life ar.d fly ajMtouon ever before lifcaven'il tV ihe cure of the Iich. ' iPrief Fif'f Cenit'a But. TCcmi'me Aromatic Parte, For ihe rih a4 fcufirtr in the Gums. Lire pared f rnuine only,' by J. Tiiomn-.- Ion Ue London, (Von.; Ibn r4!le. it ih 00U rtmitkable sofr.pcriuon ever before difcoverrd for prtferviiif and wh'nentng ia Tfeih, and" curing ihe fcufvey i t!ie Guri, it it prrtefUy f sfc application, it ukei off ill di'pgree- b. Wne.l ltwn tnr orea.'', wnita irne-. fl.) nl front ftOftiiuc Luuioi ill Fnte i .fiy Ctr.n a flex, tij!cae which you '.ctrlo fnt'i!, a:idvrrv torm.iuii ts the T'tst-' Indie. - ' ;',''. . During tlietimc Ic'nranifcdtlu I Weil-ln l'u rrg'iTicr.t, the men ere ? . a'l.ickcd with this . complum. in so r!re ki'.ful aiair.r.er, tin in six tinrk'k time we J'Mt -tO out of j'jT ri'n. The a ir.; an r.n Mtcti'itf, rul, I ht- l'a.1 'bat number exercifrJ fom licvf, a f.kilfi. prrijit i tut h'.'j rii'!- h-iuts every day, The public for faUeonOandy in Wilminjjton 'I by ; . Ct.KR AVERY.' i , -N'.H. 'Mm 1 particular dtrt(tfo C f9npin;irg each f ihtfc valuakle lie dicir.ei. , j 'July a6.fo S V. TyIor RepoJit, 'iy: V "SvahVEffiyi'j,;.:'' Ppthiefon pbligafioai',.-' "y Beauiiej of'Addifon, i-r -f i' V. Do. of Hifvey, ,. . r i-iH.y- '-X, Buttef wot ih'a CotteancetW--';;-'.;. Nee'ker'a Rebgiou opioions t; v :y y fid'wardiV Affcilibni, y yyyy't':', Hally buripB'i Memoirs pi i . .;' v.y:f Ddcfyfidgt's pennons, ilrjv " YouniV Letterv v. .' '-..; : ' .: HerveyV MediialioPt,;' ' ::: '," m'-' " Elegant ftayer Uooki, ;V; , T, Convmofl do.' J:'"-: :'i. Bibler- ;.: t, : ::,y:y ; - Watti'i Tfalmi and Hymw, BuchaV Domeflic Medicine - ' Hunier-on the Blood, -- "- I not on the Mufcles, . , Plague and. Yellow -Fever, .' ' y EdenbtHgh Pharmaeopttia, y,-r Ariftnlc'l Workl. . V . Aaron RurrY political Defeclions,' tfeeij Ward Matheijiaucti ,,, ; Hamilton "Moore Navigation, , ; . Millot'i Ancient Hiflory, i , , ' Wicholforl'a Navigitioa, , ,, ; ; . American iCoafl F1I01, - ' s lohnlWi. Fanes'a, aidatick' Dio '. tionartei,' -,t . " -Mair'i JntredufAioo te Latin, Frenclt'Grammar, , ' ,' Murray'! Gramma'," ' . " , Do: r v .do. Abndftd, '. . -j Webfler'i-Grammar, - , Afnei Grammar, :, : ;' , , - Pike'a Arithrratir, - ; , Fffliei'a C07ipaatnn, ':' Scboplmalltr'i Af&Qan', American Atlai, 1 ' .- Uor-ace," - ' .' " Virgill DalphiY, ' " Clark' Ovid,'. . V ; Saliufl,- - . :: ' - ry - - Arerican Preceptor, Columbian Orator,' ' Cbapon'i Letter?, . '. BlofTorns of Motaliiy, - , Looktn)r,'GUG for ie tnirni, , , Gay'il'ablei, . Moore'a Monitor, -Sardford ani Merton, Scott'a LtlToni, . American fx letlions, Davidfon'a Virgd wuli ib EnglU) rraaU' laiton . Carfar'a Coinmentaiiei, CornelTi Neper; ' Young'i Latin ini Egli Diclinnirj, Atnfworth'a , f o. , bo. Lee'a Ameiiean AotoMntant, " . Frarrr'a AfTtflarir, , ' fTenaroenti and I'falteri," . RctTeau'a Eluia, v . y : ' ' ' Vicar of U'lltbclJ, :'.'; Man of Feeling, - . . d'. f.ttt.n omplakt proved tun.n- fq iatrs an t thurch yards itf man)l --n. My tni-id : mti'li atr'.tjtc t j aiifl t s are nctttpic-l far iho p-ir.i rt 1 he 1 '.- tl lily lnl Iiifi!, I. ,.0fo of ita'run ' ihtci. l uev vfD'nu, I vr.slnp.vnvt t, k,il, nmnil thii country will have an the 1 ' vr were r,rMuln?i d ith an ,(r ( .,-f t . .. .r ' . ... , r"iCt ire t'rce 01 on, mii.'.on nl men. m.h! .At l.t rH.n,l G.,n. a f! ' -an if k txtyuttf Ytrv tm..ideral.l.trvynv.riii t.r,. f Cw", fel P"! ...wH wi!l be ".Iiada, ticpaiptr J n e t?nt , bad :i , . w;r-I rte Jrtad talk t,f .iriK;- vmnn, ')0 p s-,-mH ,orn,f" t "'V r IrAvt, !' m.-ct . Vntwk-',t 'f a r-r.t "y for ihU '.,. ,,al of t ot;l anJ upon the cvn'inr itf. :.tf, i-njv-iTf -, tlut !: l;;d t.n - fhis f.'jce w.ll nn he Iff than l.H a .t .va it :,c 1, m- Ju.pjq, and. t.i(V. vulnutf er. ' i 1 I. Tl r l et iho ii.vaii.ni b n hit.h .fiilf- t ! m.r r -i-nm-'ni- rt. I r. itur r.f (If h ten-':.! o.e ; 1 'c I V-r , .t ; "17, the col ivt u j!! k dr:ad. pU ,:.- f.ul, r it termed ly ' e ;-')'. l'. U a; I b .inn it-; cay ftiu,iti the i!;-.;rjf liu I raiiiMiUsuHta, a rrpiit wail.i BAN AWAY from the ft.bLrij be j'a plantation on the Sound,1 juti me 8tb inflanf, a Nfjjto.Wo. 7iaf named FANNYt between 35 4nJ jojean ot ae, abotit5 lecttwo ir three inches hivh, ol a ycIiowiKi , t..t: ti. r... i .1.. 1 r . ' , 'ctienta Io rrcir at the neat cm rt ropert c IJ.M.ttT retrui. deceal-1 .. . , -t n , NOTiCli. '. 7" tie OJutrt sd Prixattt f Cm- pontes iUriftfrtg tke Jf'ilmiKttti I, attain ef he Ktv-iliruver Kf piment flUlitU. . . A T the court-martial held 01 Xjl "'ie 3,,n f D member lail the tollowinc Orrirr was made 1 , " ORDERED, That it berecommcnuVdlothr rtfprclivo foaimandirg rjfhcerl ol the fljttaUon, to notitt iliciVJdinJ itf, aikf laid of Mr. L. A. Dor.jl ey, from whom I purchaftd her V iu a tuiuna I'cionitijto t it. Peter M it rll namt-d LkD. Arc-! vard f Ten IJ.dllrl will b- 'Atr, :0 any pf rfon w !) mill bring her to nt or k;icr l er 10 Mr. L. A. Dorfry ia Wi'.miifttotl. . , I will piva a further reiri el Kif:r Dollars tcr information, which may (tad ti cuntiuieii, of htr bcir.t martial (vr mhr-rwife fhaw cafc threugh tl.cir olhctr, upon afUda-. vi(,at fa'td court. martial) why they', did r.ot atieml the Battalion Muflrr Maria, Tom fnnei. ' ' .,.. Roderick Ranium, ' . ' Inviuble Ramblif, ; ; ' Monk', "; " ' ' ' Ariliin Taleij 'r - Children f ti e Able, - ; Ztlutf o, lliflmy of NVcawn, - vehna, ; , . ' ', Dn Ojiiiottf, ' Miflrrin of U4olfhO McrJaunl, ' ' '' . Adelaide dt Sanctrr, ; v' CoiiQaot Lnrcr, 1 Off riburf Family, ' Fool of Ojiality, ' t , Dutch fi.lU, fcf a fupertof oiality, . Blaoa i:oot, el vitioj aina . cif tv'i J ut n ill, . . UMr paper, ' ' " ( Willing paaer, Selling W, ' jUM t the ItD nf Dcrrmhcr la!l.' j 7-1- n tLKiRtidrf U'tlrn'mrttai Stft. 31, tf37. Al CapUln rt the ilm-njUOn, Cr?V S'if fttinu nix, Srttl. NtJllCK S lictfby ricn, igretab'y o order ot r.'ew.Htr.ovf r CorW "hat a ditif.on i t part of Lot No. 11. wi.l take o are ietwrrn ta Co ppny tf Itimtrr, I dif.re JCt; ,lftfn, tf (;0rtf 1,1, on 'he ir.cn cempoltDf the fanr, h' lid net auen i at ihe above ntnu. 1 P....t:. 14. a.. 1 , ..t . k.. - i.t. : f 1 I'.iniuMi ixnrrr. id avail f , n 1 1 -1 :fT.!eifn v tlit ro'icc. rr lhcir wrn'y-nvc dollari if by a rrfo. f , . . , . , VMi 1 1 M f m. w 0 V nitt ,v,5, tf-oni atWui U a pr ftrnUr r,;h tf. . , ;.fJ, VfJ? i i". r J37 h r.ineHanth Jay ei vcr. jcr r.r tt, " Oi a'rr 4. A ivrifty ot Hbnks, Ftr uli at th'n C(i 1