'Published .weekly by ALLkAXjj Hall! at Three D?ilars a Year, TUESDAY, OCTOIU 13, iS03. Latest FoxEitsNlsTEttiGENcr.' ' . . - t . v From London papers 0 the ; 3 1st of ' '(JAag. inclusive received at Charles- , ton, per. the ship Isabella capUm Green" 28 days from London. : v. , HAMBURG, Aug. 10. ; .The stagnation of our,, commerce enemies every day. .. Oar port which 'formerly displayed a forest of roasts, now resembles a desert. ,v No vessel van cuter mc iuiue, uyr win wic uuy- i lish Suffer one to go out,, 4 This state of things may la,t f a long . time. .The French we determined not to ' r 411111 IG1V .UailR VI LUC LIUU, auu HIV. . "English oiv thfr other hand, . 'not ,to "raise ih? blockade. , The negotiation ? which was' opened on tnis subject with to bave produced ' any ; efTecV. It is ! certain that the Russians win preserve j their neutrality in the Baltic, and that tfe coast of Elsineur, and o.tfir points halL not be- occupied .by" foreigij ccived yesterday from Petersburgh, to this effect, .Thcvkaratirne;:'';!!' rtion of Jn'37, 1 8Plis to bemaiiv iaiued in all .Us strictness-, v' V k: 'r. ; v 'Aujust 1 6, ;;?.? :; ..V , The'numbcrof carpenters who have ' beendiecoyed by the French from this - placcto Hanover, for the purpose of - building fiat bottomed jboats'. on the Elbe, amounts to full 200 Individuals. The distresses of , this city arc dally , accumulating;. - . The failure if some capital houses Is hourly expected. Jt is impassible that the present, state of things can Ust tnuch longer. ( ' . The Amsterdam letters of this eve ning contain a counter-project,, said to have been made by the Britisri'ar birtct, to serve us a basis of. peace, un der the Russian . meditation. '"J.-tht purport of this project, is reported to . be of the following tenor i j - M, The Batavian Republic ; is' to . A i'l Ilk MIBtJLtlwir illUl liMVin mivi1 m . n iff ' 1. II - S be restored to its legitimate soVereign, , m itim quo heure ine invasion A.- Tt Pr.nrll tKall vtniatr'fth .1 .III. IW1. U'll ii.iiv " ry state of Italy, except Piedmont. ; 5.s.The; king of Sardinia shall be fully indemnified for jthe loss of that ' Palace of Hanover by the-; same Jper- h sons wno were roemai servams joins Royal Hifcbness.U'he., Duae cf Cam bridge.' His hignnes at li departure, MYing penerouiiy ipaio xpera inir .wtges for ksveral months io adrance the French general has thftusht.pro ptrtoputtbrm In requisition to serve him all that time gratis. '- '- ' After, the arrival bT the Rmiitia ItJX Prussian: tcurier yestcrdAy rnorning, t. n . ... J .i n mc unman arnoassaaor ina uic iuj i lian harr e d affairs v went to Su Cloud,. And had ronferenecs with the J -' First Cohsul, snd at their rctur ex- rirfitrl .Aitkin v. . V . . . I I Yvm COUrt. . 'l'hr rnnrt It linrp r nrrcn? that France hi cnnrnJed to wilhp .draw ita'.troons from , the bordt ra of the Elbe add Wese r, xbich are to le occupiea Dy rrusiatnrops, anuiuai general Blncher, the Pnm'an torn. . Ptander.'in'Westpbalia, -has nt ,o? iert n sever! rtimenta t Koli thcinielvesin rta liaeii to mr.ch for ' thil ?F'm5lr.n. . ' it is tau atihe lame timf, vnatet ttpt' 'y column' f 10,OC French troops, all tha others re(jra.ncc.'.ate fi3 eracuite'lUriover ; ' tut as lun;; a.Frauee kseps any troths n UU Country, it certainly forrrns if, sni rrjftnls the pa,;c of r r-- diictions ta the irtcrior ticrm inr : mnf theteforV doubt, that r.fr.Unl cerpts tf Sl.ii srritV, r.irrt, n 1 var.t i , Urouiily tg FrjnU, wl'iie t- rn ).:.'! M tr.anufiCturrn have T f I .t?J '"-l . tnongb to end ire, '.:'..t tlsclr n.'.ii Itieprevnt injniti of (ra is f r i twelve monili.,- . . You maf ji) 1 ;r cf t' r rie-rh h fl''ef it V .rvui-i ; !r, f,i,i: .n Etur btinjr a1.;? to 'rriiu'c t; .1 c4 ;..r i prt 7 tn Au'ii, ipalti ml Na;i, a-, i cirrv trrts i'l the Mc;!.frrr)'in sr. I A'f--c sea, to ti ci an an I i:.'uli' for the V.iuh, !;,. Ur vt t! :.t k ! hy , Hwi'.?, in iU t ur'.'i f !'i 1 1', t r. Vbat ! 'i A Jr -t- ' ? I r i ! Ik'. f.-;r . in .,! ) , ai : tstf.41 U ! !, d.-. ' !. (Vi VMfdthe r.irU-V f tt iV vi- !- L- tvpt tbfra arc r,i -i t'. n i 1'rmth vT.crt,f r,t r (','! rrn. tj ctjMitftti eft:. 'f t w . .,. frrcth ar.tKir.f tn- An 1 ilc tin.;. Of general Crun, who came, !iert: last Mornlay with dispatches, msntioned; this in my presence at the circle- of; C.MTibeceres, and. that the Orand Vi- zicr desires particularly "to get some , Vienchmenof the horse artillery., to instruct the Turks.';': It is ; said te sie'es, that last month, four French ge nerals, accompanied," by four Mame lukes as servants, ' passed incognito through .'.Vienna for Couitantinoplc. tThey were recognized by general lledouvillc. v , -, : August si: tii , Tha existing circumstances bve compelled the government to redou ble its ; 'ikiiahce'-' on ourAcoastV and kucU;' measures hayp U)een adpptcd,j tb.at'nbv spy, .no tomeuter. (troubles,! 'tan land from Fngland on bit ,!horej Without bis being; almst: inevitably; arrested. y'lrv, consequence; ef '-.this strict! precaution, J IlarVie Christie' rftEnglishmarii,Lwas, arrested,'; jas; V! spy,". and tried before the1 military 'ri -H Thenfivateer: of-PourdeaXix,. tle P npAi i- Kuatn1rti YV Vina rrl inn-, nf. punal ot; the',15th division but. na- threatens us with the mob of Copen ving justified himself from the charge, jhagen-house. "Undoubtedly the mob he was 'cUitttd'by an :'"Unahihtous is,at'all tiijracV dangcrousj but' thtre" suffrage.;.-;';;-'. 'U'--i 'V'-.('''-jj1s notnow the hundredth "part of tlie ter ari action of ap hour, ith' English Jcfl'-to Buonaparte fcr having crushed packet the King George arnted whh'isgt.H-'molis,'.- frr ; having extiiiguisheo twelve pbunders and carried her into ;n Spanish pijrti 'She na,s on board a box containing.! sjQOOcarkts of rouirlv diamonds, and il, 321 piastres. A .-. A better "tnabled. to .'make foryjgn ton-'.'- .The Enfclisn," it U'jrumotifea,';, quest's. His security: unfortunately preparing ah expedition at Malta,ia- rnalces it "necessary be should take gainst; Egypt,' which it' is it'id . to ;e I lolland,'; Switzerland, Italy tec..' their Intentiou to keep as-a depot In :Now this security Ls . more dangerous their hands lr lieu of .hartaver. s A4-i tniral -Nelson- directs the ' prepara - tions" t i . LONDON, Aug. i6. Tha arrival of Paris Journals ceases to be interesting. L Such i the ty ran- fKe Greatest impositions to scpply' the deficiency; Uv are U.rite4 in Pais, under- the da'tt of all the ci- x:es on ine conuncne, ami an anpe-.r- iii-i. i uwui, u tiwij luwv'i!) .-,-, very communily," Vc re advocates in II, . tki lVi,a.. n-'.ff !nt 'An .fr- M.Kg,.f nni iu Ji" - ring peace, ftnd will succeed, nvless cugtana, aq .ccicmuicu m .wnmie all l her ambition.? aThia-roay be .the language ct the i rericn fpirs, Etiu commercial agents at Vienna ;, bulls any tn3n.t9.wcuk to be!ievs these an-e the .aentlments of tha'Auitian coxtrt i Ajaiq we art mdrmed from Jr.iin, that, Ktssia and-l'runia have piade Such fr.;iot of jK.ee to V.n,-,Und 4s the cannot rtfpse bet the) -if eh does refuv, the powers of the tonti- ent,' will .form aler.g. to. t ratect Germany and .commerce., licle. it noiocr p-.enscc- against t 1 , -na, faundsloi) Use rmnni'i.- Klru;;- e ny exercised over the press in trance j. i he stile ot this, article, fi-om nbef ted to irustrate the objects of v..i in that we' can look t'o.tiittti fur no ipfor- Cleixura shews,'' bow hostile are' the; surjnts, or afford to the prat call-, in riiation. " This U not all.- We not on- pretended letters front Rctlinand Vi-ihatirahiV even a momentary p'rotec 1 have an absence fifinttlligencej but ienna. " If we may tocltis cxnrcs 1 tlon fro in "their sT'ockirr sn I "Uaib- the trench cause irftn ienna,it is .desire to tojale 'us into treaty of Turkey are of little importance. Th; .Said, in he Paris Journals.-which,! wr jpeace; ''Perhaps the Chief Cons'al is statcbf that country fppeais, by ar.' received. yesterday, : ".'that; Austria 'alo a little termed a the danger c-f a; counts from Vlet.ha,. W be rtcl.t.l wishes for pcacey ani repot.es on llus- royal insuriecticm, "'Tl.e' 'Mnnitr-ir bevond all desrrimif.n. . .r'tr. v-ui i.tt had nut invaded (itrmany U intcrrvip-(Jsiiig Udcomnjerxe.Fngland would not have Interfered with either." Thcnrstr.bj'xt of.f.ich a Jeagiie there f re, would be to expel I ranee fron JI-norer ; and ai s.non at Inat Were'd'.r.e, aoy.'n'frrup. i-rjunj tivci . u tuinine. cnun...; u.e AUMnan territrv. ' t.p . t; would Ceaae. Upon these fabricated leader tf the Jatihatita it r.i! ;rn lc, h rt . ts Ictten it wor.M be trifiing tsi'h tur ;rc reinforcing -the rn'raber cf "4! t ir tndcf;- readert totifltr any furtticr cnninctit r.itniiiis, laai.uie l-rent n, ,iiumii, by assuming thv lo tpcakthe sti.U-.jtlian menu ef every state in liurope re- preVnl their own cause tothobejt a I- tantigv". ".Fair argument iti the !e- fenre rf the Consalar tyrant f-'.!t and J "-u'Utt l. i6 rri wJ; Ji ' ) Ct:T. Frtnn the M rcc:e, a paper b:'f c f- ficial.w? lute trantUttJ a vtry curi- ua art-;!c w i.ivH teems tniurow 1..': e ml !i,;ht tn tv.- V- f:f;.ni!:l, ,!hi:i irecn.'.;-l Itttrr f;om V.fi.r.a n I Jirrhn. If t! ait and ri'i-.iia a:t ' I t -Jw In c.h row ert t.i nth This w i: ,f, t e--' '.'y fUr 1 in r-' : 1 -: ;.t s-.;:h a i:.--' f -re I-'t II . -I ' ( r, h v .' a,;, ii, : a;. 5 r. d' it Jt.- Y ,'; . . -. r - r . , 'e ry li ' - of 1 -Mis It! iii-. in t! li c cni.ti ) . .1' ..t tr- .V -t'.'.jrt' ; - -ic 1 1 ) -1 j the arts-.- fr'.m ti. . "r.f tht a r r "! (i .,,.,.. ' ar d-.-' Ur.-i'-t by tie I irr.. h f I -- i 't tb :S . . ), U !. . fi i H it r-. -y t" i!f-r. t t';',f f!Uthrrr;'f.":.!at...i'f I ,'.' V,' r - ; - - j r f -- t t. 'rt' r 1 f ' l' - 1 i -.--'( t , , i I'tif.'-s tii.. ! trull lit, r.t l.i iiaiiu, is ui.i.uvir uw.ucttiuc. v:ic feels the evils and consequent 'imta-. of the Perseus,- .were sent to ifrstr. tion cf the continent which her block'sonv: re w works conf.-ucted f.r t' ada'flf the'nrtH'of Furoi-e o-.casionsJMctvncer. cf-i!.;' entrance cf tl.e ! and she endeavors i to reconcile 'thtfl but Icing, discovered 'tat - v. -re t ' snffering states to her-cr.nduct.v " Ajjged to rttofn, as tl.e r' irt:i v: r year ago Ebprlimd hail no conuectlonursl. .i;Tl a Cj!!6wlrniht (Th- ; ' with the continent but thtt.Tjrtaty' bfjjthe inmbrtalite's, Perstes', . ' ': Amiens ;" now vshe is inyited to be-jjror's -toats'-.rcnewed -,'the tti. Come a party to the .'common j act ', a- mong civilized nations.-- lrrr.ee tk nies the design'of extending Jhcr'.rm pire unless Indeed sreurity bhould re quire it..i'i.Securtty'.;w are told r?adc her seize' Jiwitzefland, Hojlar.d, 8c cV; ati( would mate ber seizo England if: j.tie couia. ::tt,. yt auow; her to take whatever country sh.e pleases for se curity sakef-we fear the Chief Consul would not stop at thel walls . of China. But the' diTfence' mlde in tlie' Article shews France feels the necessity of appologizing for her; conduct ; and uenc we may entertain some hope i iiiai snc win rerorm u. t uuonapartc i. .i . it ' . . - r . . . !dan?er oF such a mob ttiat there was fcvs V'irs nfTn. O.ri'.fit ! tK. -I-. itn. iacobi nism. .On". this score certainly some thanks due to bim'i but why has he'crusTedit r , 'Only .that. 'he "hi to us than Jaco'yintsm, ,and we woNu!d (rather see Robeipierr s.nirrrft tvranlritTw in t jParis,'. than Bu4napafte in Bern'i'uvid! Arnsteruauv ; If he would but filtOwj tne necessity ot thc measures hieh us to take security as well as h'mself,' government-have teen furecd lto a then mc!?e" 'would desene our at-' dopt) bttt nothing ihort of , the most iknoVledrJrrtrnls sing the sentimentsoT the French f;o - venanent,- 'then We t.uist rejoice to find thsrf nnnhnnarte. ''mnfft W comment Ciifapprovrs or In Cofluct. j nc u ni aper anwgeuier js Jvcry 'moderate, Viui ?hts. : itron 'itrr tt.rv.. I ' J It. , ini.uiii.n.iin,ij i te u icil .ic; t a 11 -necessary. t. redouble the vig'Iaiice cU t4.nc coasts, unu mat no spy, -.n 1'umt- 'land; Vr.y this new vigilance ?, Why :us ntiV th.' earlier oC'rj.icsas gre..t jsoim: months since ? -T.'.e P,yN jare the parties dreadrd, and the Chief iC-ons-.:! In, rrt'rl.an.atil.-g wr.u-u, ' njor reason to trctv-'e hr his tl.un-, han we have for the. r..!.ty l Ire- jland.-. .Tlie'whb tone tt,r I'rriK h, eerdinj-j.to thef n'-i-s cf yeMerday, it much lowered:'" V . ! Letters fr.." Pren, rnVhtWr .jhnt Sill tie mcrcl.v.ts a!p trade with 1 v.: ; ey are m 5 mtc ol cfitisternatioS. I A carra.-an frouiflcrmr. afierm;. Semlin, has Ven pillaged Jirar CVJi.it..!.tina;.'e, vhrr,' il Wat thought ( lc in pcrrn t safety. 'k .'ytncthtr-ci 'th rc-utvr for (Jtuu?ny w ith Turkish .;--,d Crnk m-n hndir, haiahu hern :pi:! gc 1 r.-ar Orsoao, on t!,e rvi;;t ' f partia!ii. InHtad- of frrmj f.f-j- to ant;, ch if thecs hu r.,w. mere two lnindrcd follower.' They .rcn-.i- cllcr t proti-.n.rn -in Pri,ni..n.-l't FXl'l'DIT TJ tie tnctsnrtt tr rrj-ort, tha' the t n t a'.tr, ...rj -, 1 a trthcl'a( iwl.' r.i they-asaan'ua'fd, hat t.-,an; J S-1- tana Const-ctir-?-'-'-, t!.-t f. U.jHir'miliifll.aillll itf .e';:rnt!y -r ,.':' " i.i t.; Ues.oi tf it. 11: tity itaprrv i.u r Pr -1 , !crt Vn i: tl.e f. j i t.i .,.ri rsUii-i t r On I utt 'jt I it t! T'! 'f 't f ; . - I ) :) j th I , ! r.VS ; I'm r L- - ' y . i. ' . ' 1. 1 1 ' i ! ! ' t - i -f I be s y ; I wi.; .t-s S c i -' ;r. ..5 i f r t a t, . i i r i . t. , - . M it : . r I l ui.u' i: wiu...aiiiu vt pu.i'.;.i..i went :on -sr.orc, tnj - ccr. : stroyed every thirM; the erected, ar.d'rttin-ned withe of 'a man, .notft'iihstarfding a 1 Kre tfshot and shells, v. . x -,;:' August 28.V"'-;: ' ": General pumonrier at "present r sidflrt Clarges-Vreet, Piccadilly- Thistnan is doomed toaV.Tj cf vicissi glides. V,He is' now cordudl y receive d in thU country, jir. l but a few year Agowas obliged to leave it with the Utmost rapidity, ?v V ' ' -Another failure hr. taken place . the city. - On- Friday ?'IK. A. liiiwk-wcll-hail, factor, stopped for the 're ported sum of four, hundred thousand pounCt.. Large sr:eril.uiuns in trade, and a "failure of . .remittances , ai c ,cs sigtiect as the :cz:. . The Irish iv,ail on Friday, brought some: very Unpleasant arcotuits res pec titg the situation of thut'-covrntrv. jNigkly asseinblages (if the- disaffect jed, it is we)l ascertained, ;takes place ;in various (?aits of the provinces, fjr jthe purpof e'of beirfg ihstructed In the use of the misket and the 'pike. ' Iii ithetnetroptiV.s additional mwasurcs of 'precaution have .beet) 'adopted, i'vrlie preservatipn pf .trauquiUty: 'Tie re Kulr nd ytcimanry .'.corps ars con- atantlv .on the alcru . and the r'-'lice has inrfcmi l it fcrr:viti IV n tcnsivi degree. J -We deeply lament rigoi-ous precaution can now be epec- rtni excesses. .' r V .' ., It ja stated that Turkey ir.leV.di,- to .nut contedcrary ,: In the F.Usine, -md rcr.ipeiago, -a'i Husui-. irlho Baltic, ' . The raui has ' done A I , I .1 i 1 niiiuc. CCI, b no uie ir.i.u'jU ant S n.issu- crce,d with imnunitv, dnvM r it' i i sight ct I onsUtitini,;-., jui-'ud? hat keen eciied by tl.a ickls. The accounts from' Ham1, !e fnneh -'J.i :tl it f-tl-t? J f C 1 1 1 r ... . v . ... .tb.it V.w.'u ha; I7 expref -1 l.rt r .:'.. cial .di'"tcV.es i.n to' u ir ..m n?utrl ihit the Frt :...!. Hve (Via ; red their rrioktion ucou-.-:r.ie to .-' ',crpy il e l.rr.S.svf the ; rdti.t the LtTglis'.i'are as clstii.'tly cYter mined V pn rvcia the IdoeUdc' A tl,u rivtr. 1,o Uv n tiu 5 ,reti : proach I'M -m . . . It a r disco-..-', i.t (,t,w- ! prars r:y err Idic, cn i c us 1 1 f j H.irA, . Jr, ....!. fymp-' ti ; ..,. ! int-! i .'o r r ; ,c !i t f 11 1 - 1: 1 lie- c 1:t ;t;' t i ( ' n e cf tl tie " i s p '. J': ', C .. " 'Ihr i.inn -,'r tf i': 1 rnc Ur..-.'.on 1 y ;hc , n cr ' c ; ! ! r r '".cr.t -rcf i C.I . 1 r nv r ' v sr, "t the e 1 . c 1 1 1 s I o'Ltnlwcnf '.dittos acmn'oT i.!N(r. s ! rt!c , ' r d L s r i ' f i - ' . i ', 1- t i ' ' ( f f '! ( '. I i f ' , tl'. i ! s ' . , b'n , n r- I- 1 ! ' I 1 -;t i . ' ! 'I ( . i ' "I. ! .! i 1 ' ! r V 1 1 ji ar.i A Ct-: !' !. !: r . ; HO , :.r t'.s i .) Ln i t uist bo f , ed : -tcT, ; u . ; ret. CT" t . c ! ".:r i the " .1. Iii rcvo!utic: ' c ".-.i i.,.; t'.-.t t Pre ! tn'.'e,t , -n 1 cf ta : t en f. ! rientsy r f t' - 1 i ;':-ry ' V.W.i j ::ent, b:t 1 ,C ; : - viththe j raw and (lis-.; vv : 1 v- ' ; . : r levies, can we rcav.r.abiy hrpe thato army , e f 4p,000 r..cn will cope witty -bny j chance cf success, with tbe mostnu I r.-.erous and be :t t iilitary ' estc.bhsh- r.;ent i.i t..c( world, .consisting Upon t:ie, I).rest- computation rf 400.000 tn U .10 1.1 Iditiuh tdt!. t it w urlika b.drit wlH' i.-elcrjC e'-:;mt?t entt. ment, in c; foslrg or.e"c. : n fg.- f If, 'even his; rn: "y- 1 ...isters were a!.--v.u-d enough '.to t .wiicnmce so mad an undcrtakmgVi.-' I'm fair est chance cf succe ; t, we sl.juld ques tion mucVtiie policy of e.. trusting th Comrra:! I 'cf -tr.e cxpu'Uiur to any Frjnchnun, rr.uch' lets to a ir.r.n'.whn like Dum.in;r, 1:js .wavered with e very carrice off rt -;ne i br .n the toe? ' -cf every party vithoufpo',sesnj tha Confidence ci any ; and who in his ex He, las coif legended to every Vila Rrt .'to ingr-iate 'ldrnv !f. with thd Corslcan. Such a mi'.ii should be trea tc 1 j-.i one i:n-f whom', much useful infgrmation . t.-.ay li , ain?;V-. but '' Lb ;e i Ivnnct mer.l to aul! 1 itv nrj'l c(;:ni!u: J w; ,'.d i rave .1 t'.e-re-.btm to -.the govern mer.'t -'tl.-.t-'. err. ployed l.iu." The character rf I ! J.rgru is ' free from stigifta hi; !i attaches, t 'elf to thf.t cf' Durrour,' .tut ...we" c'iider. nil fVel-n nsnistancc '.vith ' resncct tethe employment otTicer i'l s- ;- ;n r W?v.n;ii, L, insult to t!i ' I.'--i .';r n- ta't'ilj of th' ; country.' Uavi v; 5Ut-d (.o much i uin . un- ; duubte-l uuthoriry,. wc Csn alvj asitiro ; cur;rtal-.-r tht our t-iblnet hasd?- - termine 1 to mi-,1,, j 1 anttoy,:' anl'ditiu terror alonr th' co-iit r.l raiser, tir.s'r.'r;. vit'i our niv,,1 means tf -rci :i. , There i icurccly a vuti,t rrt!,j point jlong that cotsfwhich wiil not in Us tu-n, be C - t'.-j f.hjc(.t of attack j; and i)v-o-r.i, : v -il: u-l thntvVde he Viv.-nt-' er, a with; ir.v..v..;n.,.;s .u.dioriiy and re; 'tlon i..- t h f,o.u achi' .-.(' cr.iivo tx : , .1, ; :uca e.itcrprite talon- r.rc C'-w'vf ent with t)ir t.Mmc- T . r situt;-n, and thufcf t';- en-n v. ',. krepnjr th troop-i of the Ik' - ,u f,M,.',no. L'.'.f (-n tV r, .i ,uri,nj5 tar.t-, alunsr the r- (',.,11 Jin,,. nii'i t..o coii!.f!cHf c w h'n.h th y p!ce '? ' ru,er '"''' vyic;. Ihent th-.t v '.'" I' - y r.ir.r.ne thein-ietvftn ,' 1 '" ':-. p the rt si power v f '""'''i'.'is f f Invisin. l;ut tr S 1 - -iV C'.tinider ' ! 'i' tnen I., l 'r - - v . .1 i rci'.;.l eft1 . r." 1. 1 l'1-bdn-.rd ' .!' 1 C- t ' ' . vi t t 1 1!, ...... ..1 ii i f ii h'itio;v . rytf the f i , :'-::1 0:V f.i ' I " , ' 11 f tvr..i t , t , .arj- t. H- ' ", cSihsTe-. fr-i-n't' I ti: . : : r . " Ail.. '- i S - , I l..U.t. ' ', thnt -r- 3 l.e ' ' y.th - ' f li. v. . ; I "r ' i .! .: i:t ( 1! '. l ; f - 11 it- .t t it. i r - f t . . Mi 'it', --.'h. t . itr ; '111 r-' - f Ih,...: - '. i :