M '.' I'.'- '. ' r.,' cf -U guts, at; f -rtcd tb s ci.'Ct'rTj' :.t.cc t ti '...-r; ' ' ' 1 t".: b M " i . . : e 1 . . .V ...... . V . ..-..I 1. Cull ..... 1 ., -I V ... - " '' l - J to It! t ' . .v.ant reac f s'ii " ha I i"t t.'1 . I ' z l set i c 'i , Ij'.tl 1 1 re i ti':it:tO have ;. S 1 1 lie t 11 r pit ' ' ' its i p j f. j. jpie ; ha.e i r.nsle: oiu'er cf rcvcr.rir.tnt.'hai jml. beer.; r vxt norr.irj 'received, ; i.qi to aJniir , to entrj! iicii'.y ?, : caren tr.u itw?3 a. ,nv wml t.! Trunin f.. c ' v,:.,ch v.T-l Ucen,exer-;or lhn nu hiVe touched at an V, 1 r,('U?. 'Critifhportl - Vithvuch ctlee I f ! ' ' t -discovered to-d?jrJt - , - - ? i j viti ti r v. -.- v v - Vili th ' time, r. t' i 1 I , 1 ill. T, 0.1 .If" i ) r ; f 1 : , 1 .'mber or turf boats on ih canal, several men engaged in the i t tction cf the 231 Jul, -were dls c . vl L, t .vcn dkicks wounded. -7m ki i pun )d approaches for trying the persons now in custody on rebel lious charges, the -Pf e 'of 'the. phy t'. itrtot.m a 'mil; -a riore vigilant complex-' . Arrests continue, and many per , f r fced. "tis conversation, have :i pnt on lo?rd pri ;on ,h:ps. !'A t' i I Lynch, residing in.'Lu il ' V. was implicated inthe a of 1 , 3, -was arrested on Sa i. v, c' ri with "renewing '-'his an l ti ti n'-7- ,j 5i,.-x hi up) in i- rencu. wiuic .so ns oi me gnn oo;iis to go oucHiia a-'r ; " -'rc l uy orcn iignt, on tacit tnem, out .tncy . were prcyetaca, yt;.;t"thc batteries of Bo-dogne. and by k;by the ebb-tide.: :;;::n :': .:;,. : v'-'-,"'v."'.viiid Icrv Uroa4,dei - courudled those ! The enemv fire th" at the'd'Hfance of' fi o n u-., t' it i b c " ' I to i Oi i 1 1 i i a i' i I r i-, , a m:"i !i-.'-.',-tr d -..ij.!, a.vl a draw. 1 . of w.itcr f u" ' -rvioi; of I'laiH-e ? " 1 'T,y t!i?!i;;tv'.isp.du'S fro: Amir;.! ' Cnrrlv-d" bT. Brest;'', it a,;trs tb it ' ti- f i ra po v t xr.t , 'imyc rr.er.t- - Irw .. bucn lately attain pit d there by t'u Frencb. - 'The portisfiTiilijiid'.'? n bl'icknde, ;F "iviiicb: the. . French ' can nc!;hcr ove r- ftlwec the ; frce tier clu i tlse viri- 1 " Gsvernment'-hli. dena well to in. county of Meath ' has 'it ' u d.l, . A mil!tia-mah.'vit! , 1 ) bten take n up in Jv'iikenn yj 1 -t f ic t of drilling rebels. v It! .1 v 1, t'at in VnriouS ,p;rtss. of; ,'tlW country there s too rhuch1 reason. "to I'tppo-.c thut tsoctumal meetings ofthe itU ; i:kc place fot'-be practice sf. the 'ytdmtral Bruix .. writes," tliat.pn, the' 7lh, in the morning, an Engfishi.brigi and cutter moored before; the harbour, but at a great distance 1rom tUebatte- t; Dieti"'yVfterdjv ktitt a Alinserins illncfs,; .hitSjfaves 'Cam kt: tntt- ChanCor this lown. . . ' ;: . v;P icd tt JPitdadel phi jjt ftfift H hi 1 3 i dii u ! t . co m oiodir e Jo 1 1 n. Ba & -Hv';v:"TrheT.affle fef lhiV veteran ir, pa.uioutra af.a attns, vvtiiyionj; be dea r io ihc : ci ! z c f.s tf .the. LTui t ec States, jife was pio of that,. Jittlj band of naval heroes who ; frft hoif- ted, the Hag ofthtt-'Americun navy. in. t!ie;y ear 175, aand to his valoo; our country otvcii mucn ot trie ;nn i on r m e a cq n 1 r ed 'oil t he : Jt-as du ring the revolutionary (war.'V- (I nT icumy.,' ruu,i ieir.pcr,. aiRi iunivcr- lal Civility of manners'marked In.1 coh'duct-i 0' foe tal l i fc w hi !c iTa-':, k ries f .J,nGt)tlpn.a.qTsi'jDf.'kiDdffcf and. frtcnJUvip h(ieired htm" to all ft i s 1 0 ni e 8 ic x u n t(e x ions. -W-a i , -thr.'R'-alitor, NTei'o, "Chjr'.cflor 17 pif. iengfit (10m Gunucli InOw Mwii. Bird, . .Grencch 3; j Ljdu &. 'Muuon, Lond.o, i Chaileitoa" ; lltaied. icbr. Unioa, ritfnuiv, t ' - Hal iLx . SeKf y, . SmtUr v 1 ';;. 8alftn . t 'William'Dn, BarlJel'. -. ' " Nor fo! V ment in ... ihis,' Gazette p rope rt y Vv a s fot I b y t he b her IF. 0 f ' "roR SALK i ..... . .. ' ; " V . - U.NT.SR BIBECtXOK'OF ISth October, j8o Wilmikot; rbAnTEB C.vVsfherry Win 4runcheon3 New England llutn. my Hotheads Brown, fcjpi 1 Chests 'ioung Hyson Tea,1 . a - r ,, i Brnnfvviek county, on the ic 'ur'..' Joxci jChina W'are, v On 'this occaftoa the fee!., gs cf S'.?1 V I " iiriiittide'-wid 4l f ries. Next tlav they were ioined bv a .,,.y,-,vlti Dnnnurier to E.v-hnd has dons' 'great number 0 t'other vessels, and par- -. rti 10 consult htnv 'fT:i ''.till, if it shall not' but v : tio-i rit him. ;:-"' .r';V.-. utoises. the" vessel betne attoo'creata' v -4.'' . f ' ,-.;- Sheriff, hn' t'. l.io'it r"F C,r 'rli-tir-.-o. Tt. Admip-il fraiii,lfM r "!1 da better jticuhrl by a bomb Ship. - She threw tli rreatcau- somcbomb'i, but they fell short by 500 V-'c "heroic; llep'illic.-tn to throw, away 35t toiscs, at som'i Avorks which' had '',.;' their, '.torches, and lice like a.hi'rd of beed. commenced fop the erection 'of a! " i?ltc ni:tl deer. - ' '-' ' '; J- ' !!foYt ;'1ut when they saw the boats" out ,r.- --"'.t;nfr,u UuTao'ssier s visit to, nmt ;u harbour, and trrepanng to attack' 'reception in this country, is thus ac?. the r.t, they weighed anchor,'; and look that, General1 was .comman l.vnt, . or near two leagues and a half." . The'En- '" r ,-"a?conlin comrannd at Cherbourg, 'rlisU brig was greatly .'damaged.'.. a .leu-nn iiivuMoii ui tuis vouuiry .wat k ! a favonrit" object 'with the ' govern . j- mmt of France ; , and, .with other-;, ." . J)i,iojwrier wis ordered t st and i ... . on' arrange ''such' pins as he thought "la'jst coi'luctivc; to. 'the '-accotnnlUh-. B0410N, Oaober 'a. - , . ; ''" '' "',' ? j ; -. ',- irvsAD, '. ::' We' b jve the pibiful tall:, to. innonne't J r r . - went cf the .'.tended e:;t rprise, -it m to dw ?ub.;c, tSit on ycrJ.y rnarning wartl3f 8000 troops, ho W to be . '; : Dnmouner', plans and JaW a q.r.f, pR'teeB elock,; Mifollowedby.other.'trotjps,' ;ta' form aj V ; :co'in'cat,onsw-re prcrrrd ? but hr .c in ih. Hntn.'Eo.n.theiiiad Urrny sf 30,000, 'wWch it is thought U1 ..awrwardri .ranged and tne projvet -U -vrmor of .h,, . Gommonwcal.b, the no.thertt departmenW there rcrlso- l - of course p.bnkn:l. 1 he rvir,. c-'fli tent and inilrxib'.c Patriot ir.d Re. ....r. 4 l , . ,. ' . ",..' i . . . . .. ... v . , in - jr .j.wiaiucriojc, cucanrpuicius lor- t s . ,rr.7;vc-, wcrj place i in me pori-r.iio puj.itii.;.. t 'of lb : Kinr ; "but in' the r.Tu vesce nee TV auempt, i i!n niotnfnt, even of rcvobinon.ry ' convuN'nn, ' these, u', " ''' 's of -chatattcr trj ia'ly ',;pericral rhc'-Kavy and" of the,;Mirine icorps.. Ordcre'vMhar'tWs officer ' of . the 4Tjf.'r'mi', o.' tUlarj ne-;Copb uu 1 . "rri r a 1. . 1.1.1..... " vr.najj,l. l( lit , l. V -I III-, UeiUW ih; .. Elbow:; for ' three wteksV" it commemoration of the vdrh-'of ommtof?ore;. Jbhn Carry, Jite fe tiior bfn cer iii the navy of- the .Uni ted $ rat ci .. ;.t , . ?;-'' ; : ' -'-': V-( ',.' ' v.rM;:3pf5ERTrTfi:'; "y -" V ;' ' 'JL.i -'' " - Extract e'f a'icUer from Spain,r, dated fjfuly 22, received ut Marblehead.- Politics on ourr tide of the great deep have, taken a strange -turn ; no llung is heard of but war,;' and the ru mours et i'war. : I be Jr rench troops;; have 'taken posscEiioii. cf Hanover ;t they also Occupy' Hamburg - and Bre'- men j . it seetns to be .the mtention ofj i Buonaparte, to shut all tbts ports' from; jthe' Sound to the Mediterranean - a jgalnst the Engfi'jh. Tbere arcia.Usy- ;onne and the ritighbourhookl, ' up bear - ut iilence the obltgatioiis of. Ke Spanish Brown " ' r: '" ' ?'"'; dJifl,?1f,rrceJ Jr;cndlhlp t On the Ditto six-penny Nailv' : ; day of We very few bidders aprear-t ceils Cordage, - ' ' ed and a Crc:" Ocrt&ce on my, part"A Ccriper htpi,". " leemed '-iiKVitable; ishen 'General Tour pieces Cannon pounders, ' B.v Smith fuggefted the piopriety of Grind-stones, ; ; - y'- havlnga valuation, and.I appoint-' Barrels Hour,' ,, , :-i;Mtr, r',i .'n.r- n- rnr, i;,iy,rro ' ' f . min "Blaney. and Robert Potter;'1 Ditto Lard,' Vxr'iK -5f nnhnrtf- Tt.. i.Ki . Sawed Lumber.- ; ' :.? ,.v'i .t.M.'w.U.u. .'.ItV '....k... JJIJf ' r. ', . i L. . i .V .1' -. Siiars. : , '', vr. jtiijf vuo viaiueu. uy lupic ' pilUC- , -r .7 Imqtl at: 2309 dollars, cotuiderably morc ' than l had any hopes or ex pec'tatitiii of its. bringing under the- ctfcuniitat'ccs wijtuawron ,m u-htch '' .v r: s. L. . . ... ''.. . 11 .yvas ex.poieu to idtfl ; , utiVft-er'the. ; valu'stionvGeneral Sm ft h'ob ferved, he did r-otwifh to -1 '.-" ' s . ' r x ' .... ' purcnaie;,v tut Hut tie. would ntm lutt-r the property -oi an indultrioui fta-uiich. wed found v'tifel. with though untor-tunate martwhh a large-good ,ccomm Nations; 3 and "will. lOla For Fmgtu Vr( Charter, - ,rrk 'The Brig Ma-'' 3 J' krta. tint las. t , : J v Utnl,. burthen t - i'from.Grenbch. She -a'Hout; Apply to . JOHN LORD. Urtvily,;io'be facrificcd, and there-! uke .frttgtit lot tithe; of the tore herz-u-ould pi 9 tha amount of; low ing ports, viz, Grenoeh or Port 'J l;-ryvon ''ori? ai7;feri0D c-uigow Mull, 'Leita,' liriltol,-' wuuiu ct.vc live. 'it ill! nos more, lie rHa rnont v' - l-iiiP-nfcv: TfTf-n .," oald not biJ afiairU- -Jo pcrfonjewry; -DabVm, Belial.;, or arty' ei.fe-VfiiiJiiDg tliaf '.gentleman of other port in -England or Ireland.' . cpurfe became ihepurchafer.' AndllArrjlv to ,J- " v . . twrthia 'fi tguiar aa 6f , frieodlhip which lie has b'teo pteifed to -fhew n?,'i fh;lreTerrCffnfiicrtnyftlf uri" der.thc greateH obligation. t " Ms? thanks'are alio due to iohn Lord, .:Ef.q..ihttuIy'pcrfon:a- the! afei except: OcneaL.Srohh,'..' who appeared to - inierell httnlelf in ray beluvf.': ' v --..rV ;:,. thank'"God'.tliif fay-M AVjga tr is'dead and the hole is ltopped. . y t : joiin Br gam ache.. ; V it mi ngi 0 () , 0 cl obcr ; 1 8 , -. f nin g j but . w htthf i' they ewill Wltcmpf !aicenV tm Tlnn'andor -not, .it is a. 1 :. 1. 1 1 r . . . : . I -.'roi-tii srpica l aui not. jnoiiuciuii e- UiocoHsiruev nowcvei, uicer- t in illthe eortS 'of the re- pubiicf they re -rorkrng yery strenu- .v fT7U L fiibfcyiberVhegJcaver to tn- sL'.vfosm:nh'cir 'friends and; the! public In iiTt.eral "that the Grocery and . Dry 'Goods 7l3nfinefs".will,be' continued at ,the (lore l'.eW dccnj.J' eJ(by Jacob Levy 4 ic Co.'.ijndr! the -htm ol Levy and Carro'--.- . CltARLLS C iRZOL. 'Oitmiti IS. '':"' . ' . - ' ';';'' ' ' . ' ' : ' " " ' I I I. . i '.I. Ml , i -or St. THQMAS's, ' 1 ' The Danifh , .'Hoop 'frtf unit.-: Anna, captain "Gabriel tfltri- drornwiil be CJ"-ready to t'.fail! V about., the. actK 'tnlunt.- .' She has "' goqd' accommodations- for: pafren-gers,-:ApPT; tbV.i Vi : ' v '" r - . r . be hat been a ptod'gi' of a WtlliAitCutsl SM.'Ttrtk, ;. muuuuio.give runs -it n- cenr.-rna- u",,u, u'"'vu 'even '1 have been assured that iu J'aJ Lev.ei in.th? of VVillklnrfi. 1 -J ou-ly at the .formaticn of -gan-loAti K0 Mailzts 1 . . . - . - ns ustu. tncy arc. conMnucunj- uwu 1. v 'i-cott, oc t. Original . 'Jittachmentl.' R T)ait theia : lut:ha'. D.r received nri- -rv; l, st v . ' r , - ' u... ... i .i. .. . r ,, t, !,. j.r,., rvaw miormtion, w.-en m t.errtanr 7 .- -"" ,v 'smdir.!--. thtrm lnun the ' Seine .to .' . i ..n -L.j -. s tthat the.KinVpoit-f;!ioan.! ' . con- 5 7 pnntuee a pjr.iut , - ;jfamz;on Ha-r,ul H.k' iRuifKt . 2 Unit, were luthe n v;csir.t r . aona- : . 1'- h' -f' c-rccf, ?ui l...d.feeta-d oe. , . f - . ',,h thV'.--tnoats ' ( J v , v "H f r T 'part,, and that' yv.l to f-!otv u!"f' P ni' . ' S fic ,Ce gV5' 'i "" lhc ' lifiir-r.-irtbi r1 it'l- f rc!"-"c!icrJe J rv;ry ctr:.i(ii2at.ce wtbich ''''V' .J' , ' . ! Pendant in lhc above Alatinfn1,l i xutf i.)..c-1vm )..s i.ui r.....i 1. me uc- , r . . H Eh'-lnh sectn to have a sys'em , . r , , '1 n.:rdr-v-;,tig ibeiuvawn of Erg. te.toa o d.o ,n.e,..U a .J di.:r.,lt ffotn lIntcflan tvAri -Pr -J' ba.l,. final V.Judg. land, D t rs ,rier Ir.-'.rntly snv.c to the ' t n.-.ve r,.ry, . lor.-Uc ,Yt.$,f MhcV f ai)Mrc, . they t"t vv.n be entered at the enfu. Dau. ( .--ns. whoics,.',.! n "-'''' -:'' c, yoi it..-.. n.ir 'lni. .m it: li cp-iio-r. rrxt. ;. . v. t ur : 1 'FOR S AUK; X: ; ' AWRCEV.of roritaintig; abdurevemcen hundred acres, ht '.. .'IT.Jn 1 uuctv, tin'rtwn by -b ' 1 name of the Indian Wrtu " "lyi . ing on both lutes ot Vho INottbwttt T- -i Ktset. adiojniRc th landct Mr. ; ' John 'Waddle,'' It abounds 'ith CyprtTi a.tdO.'k tictber; and there are-' three liupdred kcrei of LoW '-.; Laws ycH jdopted .to ihe.xuhure of Corn. .. For erm unply fo;' ,'. " GEORGE LUCAS. ' Jram; bit.'.' a: i lief a svith thj tThiS Ic'tcr srai tn-rt3: 'p'l hi Hi,;h'":cjs wruhi , :.i;.-.tth; "0V1.rn1r.ertt r. . . . I !;.' !. : Ct tyrant". Ill evcty lyirn fnfi I c( Vin.ij n I rr fiiPivl br pr'-ec y sbtwr C " l 1 tic rl, s ic t-.iiJ !ud itfacdfj : Vb-,i rinj poHriiy, pereuaifl by a brthc D.kc cf O.Uans t the Com. imanlernCbuf.who-xesUvUb ';""r f'V' 'e rru Jorn,oners 'h,v hai dpg the late ' -tint his: lij'ivs. v.sdl inr-tf.Ccr.. V;.1 p,f Ul! f"V tll,;'J -V; "7'; f rench -rar) "uouM be toa dangerous :. ' Du.TiDuncr to tbuc ir.i,cr an ' . ' , , , . i ,u igh.bo.ir. ; and that considering '. .'; ;.V, '1 'jV ' I . .. ;;;?,;j.:: :. 'Vi. hfat. f.;.e 1'n n bT .t ; 1 m f .. . - ,.r, . I re -U to be'iv of 't 'se of p. '. 1'Ulce of t' '1 " k ;-, Ui- ' ' . "r 1 '"'', ' .... - . rfrvn.' ' ' ' ' . ffcl li irjsfc-r 'ant W!fH will iir?ilr hU Sim it the urtJjvta'ir: , What their' r.-atives can be for not uKi'iin 1 piMo-.i rs, "h beyond tny com !pr lipi'-;ion. They perhaps think that ;m cae cf an invasion, den ZOXa SO. 00 eblc frctif h ieanu-n (the nim!er ''Ott'd-i' IV V : . v NOTICR. V THE.Cip.iineVfMp 'of Jacol -; , fc t'p. 'havice.this'dr ': . diiTulvcd . bv . n uMial cfr.frV,tal thiifi !nr!rhfnl f- f5 A (rn lii t,' or V" -W; "are hereiiy-5 ;. ar.d ir.ou v Do-have demaof . irc gtjtr I r( hrr.si I " Th ere i a g: ' d del! of talk abcv.t -jin and PortOgsl rem untnj v uti al; 'but I csn hardly think that can long th uu, ns the moment the l'rcnth 1 ,1 c p j enter t'.-e ryar.i'h tcrn'ory ot thtir way to lh '.,),;al. I dare ay the i'.nelish vs'nl df r'.re f.'lir." J f r. - . . . -T" ' j - . V'fJ c'f;Vr!Hhclame. arecreGrcdt8 cxti. MtoxMiiin: i AuaihZ i ' rnfor payment to' Rich -rd tOiRDERED.'-'-Tlut Lublic no- Vyiice b.e giyeis' that unfefs the. icUiidant iatl.C above Attichmenti pp'-at and Ij-vc bail, final ju.g-j mcnt as ill be ttitutJ at the cniubuj term in Drcrnbrr r. ' ', - ' . ' ' ;:rri;o,rik roostzR; c. a c im:s in'icVican sea-; ,1 tin uHfctwr kutt I r-cn have t-lreatfy "-tn ppvs-el hW-ilanuvcr and Biur.f ick, M ioft cf V.'i'n ic on rl i if;nuy, tbrcu. huutthe difj-cfcnt ports r. Erg-, N ti p s, , 3, 4, U daj 1 f f trpfti i.tS thole Imofut 1...J. Ai n.-n rn'a the ..' l;aifcr., D.ip'.irr, OiiUY" i;avl uffid iutn-F!.2-.m,n-'i hy ibeful , Is'.m ., ;. ,,.,-vr, -they arc tak.rt ss,.h t( aj wi,j.oul lU Uydayf, ll Nfu.Uittt, if ie Vii ff. t ft: rirbi,. ;: I.n!i,bi.b;Acts; -:.d if ' . 2 ,. v, ; lea 1)inU Oh!r. f r -?:ta fcrjrrV. rrr? Ar I. J.M.Ul .H..,,.,,, I,,. t).ul,r ,t 1- I , . . B..11- 1 . i .. .1. , 11 . 111. Jl. .'. . 'I ' r -: 't 1 1 -i i. s i'i if-f 1 fic m 1 1 w I ,,'M ... , r C C. S I.TI'.- . 1 .,t P. r.... ' ... j r. .- u r tll., 1T.' furi rrrc'T- w':d ' - f.n-l.'.s;-tl t.,e -el-'-.rn ; ... r ... i J ' Act -1 ' " ....... ' - - - - ' n x . . . . .. "; ' f 1 . '' ' 11.' ....... i,.-'. . ":'' 1 ' - . Fernet ho-vi. 1 1 '. ..bid ''! ''II..-'." :bth- , - .r.-'-nn '-"v.'', -'. i 5..rs-;'. .-,.' ,'"'-; 'i tl.rtur.huuttbe d;S"cfcnt ports f. Erg-; ') t'.l';c0,';'" ' ' "'".' , '''''' . " r- I...J. As tbv-.t n.-ii the ..' ! I-,..... 1 '''" t; if r T h ?. -t c we,- they arc tak n ssi'hl .'" ' - ' il'U'" 1 .c,:tae,i,.,nci.,'.;;x:r.i.rr;v-r,V ' bi l.- ! ,t!- , If s- . 0 s v, O . r i 1 S I ; (ri;t;rUu - .,u,, ttc s ; -U if 1 , 1 " " ' ' ''''' ' ' , . , "J . )' v cl lh"Pl rsvfi 'b.wi pepra(n hi- li . ti- . -rrr.r ' C - 1 ' ' " ' ;tv1 CJi'' J'""' : vtrv f-jwrf tbrm sre f.'.vi'rd "'' ' ' . f' !- .C, ... an ,,.h)tc.t;f;;..,i.l;!,v:.,e.t;rie:J 1 - ' . .1.. ' V. ' i I ! . t ' . 1 I . . . . . ' ' . : "LI". Av " - : 1. !! I'-'-. ' j bt.lr- t.v.l puil f .r t!..,r 1 : r ( :' ! " : '(.'. rl, t;''-i ff.t-Mn '. -h 1 ih..H ' i 1 ' ' ' - ' . ; .' . ' , '. A'i b ', i li .1 sstf kit XVI) i;-;-";:-, . re-' .'.." ;:; ' ' ; it, i tto : :.v-i'i..;- ! :i the 1'cutcr a; the n: ' t ! ' ! 1 ' ' 1 1 ' ' v , h i i in ' ,'-. . 4- , a i ti'f.'i' of bit bt, 1 ' 1 s. 1 ' 1 r " - , ' . '.! h fN-T.AVi-v. n-H't-U. ! II ' ' U- iff . ..I V. . . . . .. J . , ' . . . .. -.. ..... 1 r v ' - 1 .. . ' " 1 " - ' . . I - . .' " . S re o r y incrri rt,;i, 11 ' t f , 1 . . ; .- n-ii(tnaT t c H ..''"'.' '.' ' ' : ' c.': .!;. -;,r s;r. 1 1 ,. -.-' o-. arV t'it..r,-"- t ' 1 - ' 1 1 ' ...... 1 , . v . . , . . .'v r . .. " , r 1 " xX- " I. k '. . . '' ' . . V . 1 r - ...r..!ih.'p.sry v., r 1 a. I 1 i ". , . ' ' ' . - . 1 - 1 IV ,' ' ' ' "" 1 l'5'' ' - ',f ' -.... t,,f'wuo mi-tt tu the ja.b.r J ' '''.'' '' ' .... ': .a-.'. I.-.'. '.-a " 1 ' ' '" r - vl:." v'..' ' , ; '"'i , .Mi.-'en ff s r :r 's a!. j k- J ACQ BUST, .'" ' CHARLTS CARJtOLf' ;'piJrt:RlCILiRDt LLOYD, :. Ficnch anil : Ffnglllh Aca IR AMCIS MAURICE, rfoffff.rfef ', . ib Kt'fr.th Lpj'.i"e, Mofie-in4 l)acirp, (frn, ihe Nts.trg'ac4 ColV. , Ruttfurih TrtMcf Catties h'J!r te and AcW.ir, fiom ICewin i.J .w 11 fart nevibf . tffrf flfu!l in. ti trai ih Liiira in4 Crni'.f mt a Lf ib nu-cntCanf.,, trctotluEy. - 'J T,flff. .-f i le m. ernti .! .jo..y uaniri, the II. 11. 11. ni , . , a Ci;rtsr, Tr::rrr:i! i.apj ri.h'arj). ;j 'Notice is hrrcby'pvcii;'- tJV'M tl lollwirrl .rl 'H A T ld,I J.la.kpu:.; Ills tf iVanoMhi icb brptrlTicr !i l.'! ' l!.p ;...; 'i f 1 -. r, ii .i.', .nl sr..er.i l;.a tiii.'v t HALLLY,'b !.bfn- ka.-: a! in',f;m! im f t v 11 t 'i i . cats ci a;f, sx.li u.aic , r.rn crin-.!cx';r,. fte ,! ... t i t i n '( rs cud.: -'.ti - '. ! ui ! ."' S t t : a li f t r lb ft t 31 'ir 1 1 ..i.i ,' '. tvp'i j i"'t Ml c the a : :i i 'f ' , 1 tll.Lil ll Jtb 1 f.JV J 11(0 ii... v. T t " -J th. if uk, lf Sk I'M ! lb fiif t . i'iii a r-: i.i j.-ifrp.tiVt'.r f f i l.,t y.a' ' ' ' 1 t"f ! I f H.ri i4 ti r maV"j':.!.ack;;'):u-, tii j ii, ii. 1 1 . SMI ,iv r ' Si . V . w " V t MC ' 20C ,43 66' tct toi IU e pi "an 'oi ' 'th .1 01 'si Tl CI (1 U . 1. st , c c ,t' tt 't a I' ll n ; 8 S b Z a K . o . .' 1 s . ''I '."1 N , ; ... ... ' " P.'"? t V iluiiiVifMil. 'lu.i are f..-!.. '-r:;. " - r ti ....... .J. t 1 " ,.-T - J r-'.-. j, j l, '. i ' . ( - . -, (....,.. ; (...(i.i.. i. i;...i ' " ':. l ' ., L , ft v ij.'" I. '.. 'f C.:U II. . ' .' . ' ' .' n 1! MAM IM!. r,.;' If 1 1 t . . r. T (

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