In T smith villi: lottlti y "x,-.. 'i ' . .- Tr , i i '-AxthoristJ h a . J. ; ( v i , t r ', ta'detne lr.t-t;ct ft 1 . .-wJ" Dollar . th! . J.sw.IW.f. ...f. .-, . Lrjrnin? J i : " ' 1 C 1 ' ;'' 'r .r. .:Hf.;;ji'.,!:ri! 'I3' L : '.;rir;i, ll--iL3 c; ; .rpnzeof g 5o : ' ' 1 I ;tl i Cto , ' 1 2 ih ' ' ' '2 ditto t,' .: J0) I ' ' ,4 ditto . 50'" , . ' , ' :6 ditto,'. ,'25 '"' -' . ' ID ditto - "lo. lias phroi t' v,. .n ' ' !"0jiion not rolj ;.V i0 i! -i. dv I . i-", ' ' .',y fofnii-i, in ins nJW.W'i rin it - , . , r , . ' iiT fucha -c'-ta inl.r-j-.f.ib'e.' P " ' !o 1 5' -'VA i.i l!vr I . ocj ' Thi-L,-". i.rl(li, lo'feit!.'! --irhood cl Rocky To'-nf, v. Im'Aj: .'j wl'h.,iiC Tf.-dWer'fvfrv Maid, ici'.n,1 'v";t t-- f-rry -i !. t I , J ...'teen fr i'll u i!.'. i:1 Mon, Cuuin-'ji' i.' y riir - 200 ditto 5, ; 1600 ,M?, "!l3'l:!!rcir.f r f prf.,f .n : ' I ditto last drawn ticket but 'one 00 tLXVit"7-'' " l ditto last drawn ticket . joo e,.f "r,rh"'"3;, i ri- ..,, - - v " ' , ,Wll not crcirt?r exempt ihsm fron i!ic pcrhv; .' A. HALL,; . ,433 blanks, notitpoto 5 prize.' - : ! " . ' ,; 1 -Lix;iy.r vi', rvV-r-: ; ; T- " 650 tickets at S' J tach . g 33,Vo WflK ful " " r r let; '..i.r- - J. I I'Vampot il.icli p is duirc.l an iV".'1' v- ' ; . . norL-r f j;- ctiS.iv iiio.i. "inhere M:;;filt' ( 1 ' t ):i t!vi prcm'.lcia two U iry'-ii mf.i.ij l'.:ie ('"-'-- l' 1!m . C 4fob)"22, in wliicli there ia a jreir-jj " Ua '' '''' ' " :d,Gii;t Mill, nnl a Rice MliinJ": -U-, . 1 i . , 'tut woiks a plUJcs. Alio Abrickt' - 1 i 'ii)..)., t. Oarii 48 by 22; aDweili, floufj,1, .;:,;'!.,"' - ',-v'r' Kitchen ami a juunber oi Xiut hou-!1: ' 1 iic'es,( ' ' ;1 fer -with .. 1 j, , , . 1 1 ...1. . .. .. ' 4, j i - . r:.! -I'll, .1 ! i """"it. - i.iuruc- jAliltu. -i-rUc.;! !.:;.:;:;- ' nt, wi:itcJ- .The; Laafe erf 'ths-StnrfsV'l ' , .' " Mi , ' ' wllitcJ- f Market liroct Vi!.:.inj;ton, for- Cons":s:.i rf ., . f ,'i.,; , , ( & - . - J ; Lnv ,: - . terly ncainicl by Ihicks, L'y I'latul j.i Ti, a rf u'.l,..; ; '! '';!.'--v,' 1: cLlcA , V, i,!, .. uilJilhoD the pro,.t'rty of hco 1 s,,w:1'-l 1'- -'T L.?:f) hi-i Ti.i , - 1 ,: - I-.v U II. cvy. ' , j l!-of j'ir!; :i .m. ! 0. ' 1 ii. Ly tt .A. Lot of Gro-iml 55 hy (,S,:nn' ' 'l Lo: 0:1 th' ! ustli ' 1 P"-1 '-'M. is fomli fi.Lt)f Muk.u Utjtt', a.l-ij1-1'''1 f"''1' r-f M-kit ,(.,J t". c.- ,a'! . li 'I,5i,"'i . 1 , 7 into A. llal!w,i'ths ,t3,,t'v;,5-1,';''!s-i''''".'!. t'MVctPi. Muku iuu XV:"?' r' ' ":' ' : ",! i ropcrtv of Mr ncniliin :l!!mu '! aiK l--! on Sccc'i l-str.vt. ''. ' ' L" 1 ',: Ua " ' , c ics,-. tuaic ci her 'to the welfare aarl happiness f aftce -P -- f,,ifr,IIg above ji ftu UKteii'Mu elu ttat.-.-. ' ' ' ' ' " v ? "; -" j r -j , r ..... .. " ' v " -l " -vn um --r as a pi ice of eitacaOoiv arc mt 'V. J1Jh. KSSLr. . $ j - airlof thcMifst.h'aparuncc-hs ' Vi!rnin'ioaO;t 41b, 1813.'. BituutiotT i a?resaMe andLcih ii m;in.oi t'.ic'Atiitic, trom th aliiv '. :i'.l ! .-. .. if M " 1 1 V- 1 ii? woik will ! cpi.T,, 1 1 1 1 1. :i f 1 r, ' t -:.!, it 1, f EOnJncs of Wktir,'a place ;;"( A, j; DE ROSSEV. . ? fl rs' n'J"'e-l V-:rt'nt Oc?2.)i A It o ti.p c,,t si ; . ()f r.v-. i'"," T.iif,i 'm ., " i) . O'i'ij-'u Afoluin, m", !vii ii- r,.,.', 1.1 f.-i ( ,. '. "..:r ,'. .ft-. ... P'.l.c x-cti t la tt , tn Inbfcribcr's. M.m. h Ee:i. c,.. 1,'.. "..,..., r...... r... r.rr -. ... ..,. i- . . .... . 1 ' C v V V. I i ' - j J 1 r'.ns t t!i."t4,..t . It 9. ' - 1 1 ! j 1 . . ". '.) t y t' ' V r1" ' Jrtfs--a-,S!,are lt 1c r.v;u- tV.l.nm C Wi'ii.mtl cnrtUt-r" or i - ,('- . , W-ieac. t-ii.M,tlftMibeaava:ila:cs-,boMt c l-et'i' nr 4 i S J H-l, 3 ;lv- lv'I!''-o Po-sit W C, JS - ,' , V ' J'",l', 1 I ' - . it .. . . .... x. ..ii.ncs t rotTi 3 r.nrr n ..r kr. ' .. .. v.n. .hn rn... v . i . . i.. l ... . .. -.. t i . - c . . . . ti unqcririat'iT rc:.i-.':j.:f. : Is f,'r t'j t . . ; , ,J' i i y i t u-. cwl ,, l-rp, I ' K,Bnl-ri J '!-'. I unJrrilir..! he 1 ti.-i',ck ',mt Kr'" o-.i.r, M,.r i, M,PM,.", ,- rr.... ! , ,.. . f" til from its Wmity t t'-c mr -, 1 ! V,v ' D e ''c T''-!' C..i.:,,, j.u c.iu, 7 ' .'M'1 ' 1 1 1 r' ' v ' "eoinuiitsuppttf fsn?infi;,;t,Mn.'!-' w i if be j . t .r (Is! i vcrin u !w'' i Mi rjriie) CurUn, -. . . , k f-i t, a !y i.;. . : " I;-. - ... , , j . .. f j .'iritf misfit Knii..u i t.n .i iitia'vrjv io wr! t im '.r.':';..:T 15 ' R i d-iii. o,n w'. i.a,'.' ' A Lot n tii' s.m!;. ;.r t . ' " . "M ia anr part of 'the 1iv-;r. . Th." Vi.n in jail i, that I.dHi';r-LTivTH.J f"1 Avi,1'';' -t t -.'-v l 'i-:':c I0 I county nwltichlt Tics Ka:km vi-" -ciivcm hiin to Mr Mis,i!T t"n " . ' . . P1'1' llV!s-' 1 , : 1 iy ". , ...', .- - 4 stat;. aid althttWVrut. ........... ...i m , .. fi -f.., n- -..i...Vin i. . - V ijr.rfcr, 'nfl.i Femi.K, I. ...el ri,... ., . A a'er !,,, i,! , i.e. C. , n ... . .ferule tM-ly m?V::.1 W ,WsM,clo.v WJ!,-. r . . j " 1 r'' ;-' r c I . -, ' -sto.bcerUraUsasti,,. 11. P" 1 ' 1r'" : " . ' ' ' r i , . , , mWcd (.ft!,. ir fj. f V 1 ''er, 1 1 , r .5 ' !J! ' " -HI -ro', N c ; ' - 1 ...;'.-!. . .r.r wtfl ca.:Ciitio., w!.ich Hi-'T fonrjjf P?; U.J loth hf N0 -J i Rtr J ..u:Ua J.cU . . JO l i L (.. WJlTC'.! '. 1", l ' ',' '' i 'f- f '3v1 !. k Mr ;.( ;i f , , wean. i st-.vjv to rrrv-v.,. ., i. . t jaLr.. iSimot KictaUelaK'i.ta.icl.-.. TttKul e i?if Nmltr Uctcr, arid tocMil-IUli c ... .,,'',:, .r .t i!. u . . - i J.aW that Trill P"ov;nh,t'iP: h,- A I! Mi -r,;, r', f ! M.'x . n. i ' . 'V,'. V-' . AA'.V ?nt W.dlibesl:-yth.-,:i.-M. Mi-K-f.. I j I T.IJH.W1, .rw-.,,. Ul 41 m ! In Si ir - , ,', i n v . ' ' ' Tirktti to he crj.'n I : L.rr.l h.if t ,,, k,,,. . .' ' i ,R ' ;-. C 'V : J I. C ' .... i .: . :' WiP.ttvnc.u.,m;,, X,,,.. p. -..r.r, ; V. .. '-' r..-r...... , . :.. ol the d.Mrict, :,o wi: riv t i ..: wh ; - :-; T - j - . - - . v Jo .;n:. c. v;;tc:i; r. ::.-!. j. nil-- , ?... ... ..... . , . IAN'.A',VAV ., , . " ' - ! I , . n '111 . IT. ice hv n-... ... I i. i .1 ii ii i; v, v. f!n. .;.ii!ii.fU;;l:,1.lf.l.; . . II v order. .. ., . JOHN' rONYi:::' KrCrr. .1 : Ji!min.;to!i, fr ii, 0j.t. : i . i. i " i Tfi ,' ( 'i . .. NOTICK. ' n.v; .v.vvyj. n r:,. ,!' : iL'Ut tl te St i;, 'r f;t n4' ,; ' ' '.it - ,tt ,.f j.--. !. . ; . i '"' rl F '' : i . i-.'a- ... , y i r: i I ! I .'. ' ' C. I ; ; ' - i r t i . . r . J j. ..! j .. - If l'lll,.J , , ,, i ! I I - ........ I A .1 die run i "c hi.!(,vi. ()f,!lf vjli . , .'-VXDZtlLD, r. . i : . . . . ; ' U.. ...V.; I 1 ' .In t r I I . . . U4fi , fl f , . ,,,,,,.., , , . ( V-n; in 3;;.jr at trtlii ljfI '..,..,.,.,, . . . " 7 ,,,,, ("r ll',- CrJV f,.,;. ' 4 . 1 , , ,., !' i'''-t. ' ' v' ,,: ,!; ' r t ! : 'I . i i ?! .' ' i i, I !. ' .'i t i , i r , , i j 1 i 1 1 ; .i , . , . t i i 'j p. -,. f i t . . .i i i 'tt., I : f -V t t . t ' Vcton,a.r.v. 1,,'tit It r it t'tcft . 1.1 AH . ir Ail AM, . $: I:. I f , P-'.A V ' V s ! t V'.' t i ) i

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