r Trc MU :er. A VINDICATION :"T" fiheV- . . rURWUSF.OrLOUIStANA: Or a View of the Inconsistencies of ";.. rEDFRAIASM.- : '. '' Conduced front v ir last , . IT not b: slid that the federal oenatois hare trxacratcd the advan,-: t;ei to he derived frorn the acquWi-' a .. ... . "... p . . v 'r . :... . l. xnn o: .cv-wneans ana j-.ouisi.in., Tor s.ifcly they cor.ld not wish to im pel ? to war on false grounds ; tiiey could nit wish that vri could expend our treasure, and spi',1 our tiloo lv.io! p irnit of benefits,' which 'vers 'the .fabrications of thsir own faicv. The language they p"'ak,' sccnisto he the k; 'lan'n;; of criviction. the dictate of i , ? tninJs toipressed wi;a the magnitude of their inbtcct. Are their adherents. .Tevlyto say, that their representa lions were intended as' mists, merr-' . ly to blind "thdf eyev of the' p-ople and ' to excite . them ' to ;.hostiliti?s,: for no other purpose than to jyratify; thr' irhbit'ton of' a 'party,' delighting (ir war, because it present' oppnr-j .'tannic to plunder and 'inflict misery on their fellow-mien ?' Are thev' ready. to sar that the' opposition wished last winter to send w m pursuit ot s'm-. i i. f. . .1 . - . : s 'I . offi lor.xncir own pasumc em? "Vroil in with France and - Snain, ' for 'the purpose of cptroyin; thfl-,;'popit- . hrity of the pre sent ad'mini station ? ; Eut whatever '"the adherents "of the opposition may think d the integrity. nonesty ot inose Tnemocrs oi tnese-, ;. Miis'.sippi, hive but served to' dr?'i awAy an u-efal population frorj, the Atlantic, involve us in expensive Indian wars, marie necessary a stand in? "army, and weakened -in every point, the commerce,, manufactures and friculture'of thermther states. iThis country (hs" says) if possessed by u, will prove an internal source' of i wronar and injury, to this side ol tne union. neraemoer cu'zens o .ctv- JeiKeyi ths; country v ul be made to drain from you the vital fluids of your political and social advantages Hie Conneciicutt'ouranu enquires Doesr.otthis extension of limits eri- fieblc us or wilUt.T6t raise lip inde: nendent and hostile neisrhhors. ; 1 Lei the speeches of lessrs. Hoss and Moc ns answer tins question. " V'-' The following are a fey. citations fton f'ineral ct,pc;rs, ruch will be aui- iici?nVto "ihewthe tresent ideas" of thst .party '.respecting the (nature o the cv.'ntrv'j pave purchased.,, . i anricius reni&ri " inm,n yrrent waste, -a wlderness unpeopled :y any bt-ins exeunt wojves ana w&n ucrihi;, lrt'ttans." ; 'w self if he can.T f hcloe! r.r.y be asbirt'ed, that,'Tabriciu3'atd Ms,, followers, pre tend to be 'Americans,. Tf he feel none send to Algiers or-Botany'-bayi and ask the honor of an act of citizen ship:'- :,; .-.- '- aag..; - .,','.'. 2)333,33: Afterreadin?: the citrons froui the lo the ioregom expendK tures may be added the ex nences ot naval establish- j "may add at least twenty per J cent, for loss of provisions, 'of. military and quarter , master .stores, rand extra. ; contingentexpencesfaak-' speethes of the federal members of the senate,' sborihs? the imp'ortaiice of Louisiana to the Un ted hrates: that - ment, rhitti, n a state ot n'ot only the'prosperity of pur-!com- 'war, cannot be estimated ....... Itnerce and 'agriculture, but, the pre-A m any year to dc less man t' s servationof oUp 'independence rnd n the year 1800, when we . . our nrf lion,"' depended upon Us acquis wt;rc .at peace. The appro-( - sition, it mieiit.be considered needless'! . "priation of that year for ; , ' to adc(uc ;any. fuftheiv authority ,to ;,' the Support .of - the .havy .' , prove, that -even the federalists Xho't'' : vza ; 'i'-."-' 2,482,93 sequent exi,racis taKcn xrom me same ;a'utbcritics, ; ....'- X? A - these. ;ay in ' aif:Roslnisl!dspeec,avsVho''-,,'lOj, ( " ra 'jivc lo, pay. tp.JPuonapstFte Rt te en f.iillichs of dollirs'for bogs,! mou'n- Thin' country has 'undergone "a afrt- ratfisc."' Must pot he', feel chagrined j .t ' ..pi- ' n t. i iv t r.. aims ex nowe oi ni mrsrepreseniii- V It ILL WTlllf ClUTULALCU LTLl 1VU.)S d Vilil j. .( , .w . ., - - - like resolutions; we preset the M.Wn w pught ot jje th.w oi .-"lowinff. quotations; from the federal fte,e F.rapUs ;to btttsa tttir - newsnaners of'- this anmiren-as fvU'lHd".rei"? dsncrt that nelAfr integrity, norho-' "-Alter reanthe.forecows estynor consistency, are qualities in separable irom ti;dcralism. ,, .. - rZoIumiiatt Ccn:ir.;!.J "AVc.tho't :. chase of Lonisiana will evk ' ".,. i rnm k;. ....m ) TU44VUI ilia l.Cii ' - , 1 ' ' s, - ' The opposition lliou'faas'nffr, ; ' that., the possession ' of thut coiintry and must think, that the sum of fifteen'- Admitting tfte amount oftho ; "S millions of dollars for the purchase --tofegoing s.ums tq be bor- -. of that .country, is a trifling1 contiderav rowed, it Would bTie&s - " lion. - ;,Buttri, place 'the question" al- '' sary, in" order; to pay the- mosteyonda'ddiibt' in the 'minds' of , interest ,eyen -of the loan, ,; tnose unmiincncea jy party teeimgs or j icLuurt.e Mgum tu party prejudicial we exhibit the ub-1 the- internal.- taes. .'4The ; (. the . year oubfwar:svill ir.-'rcase'.vwir- tnblic The expentcthercfpVe of one. :dcbt;bitt nompre-,notVomuch as vainv ' year's war," is '22,699,497, atemptst6 secure this riht; some ,o- Making a dwerfcnoeii-iri'.iavor of ther-vay. . Here is a plain, opinion, jwcnasing Louisiana: negocianon' that if the attempt'were In viM,' that the sutq of' men mitlipn$ six hundred me prtve Tnij st uc icss oy negocianon 'v "fy f uoBcr i itiwfuuij thahby'war.'.f -'. .",.'"' 1 " ty mendollars, A -J '. C If He in'tbe same speech" V'.wWt", v But. oi ho cdmmon calculatJoi is it ur.iu fit surhn ennnttvf . ti nnt wnniA ranoc aim o janv count , nave civen llus senate take for the surrender-ct us icnaoje-possessien oi mat country. such an establishment were it ours f vvefrousi oy inis nmo, naa ve- And I would repeat the surne question - dppteti the attvi'ce "of the federal focm- to every mencan wno. lects eiiiict , yi p ct' imrc iuurcu an try, what would he take'for the pos-reJit-lJrltain, dtK a stipulation that session of Couisiatla,' of Ncw-Orleans, eithev' of-th. . contracting, parties and West-l lorida, nc they are ours snoaiu onciuue a peace rWiinoqt tne Wonld he' Consent to.aell themto'anywsent 'ofthe otheriHo'w Icfng the foreien bower for a consideration of.'present war between Trance'ttiay coti- ffteen millions ty. dollar's Would he Vinu lt 'h8 impossible to. determine for lhjit sum again Expose our navi5a.TBut.tf wt may. judij t.i!s;:ration Hon nt th Mivi.nni 1ft hr. ohslrnrVc and us consequences, ov me CfinCi- western states,' ihat fervent ..dpvbtion ;by a subordinale tifficer otany Eurb;.Ps on which it 'waconenccd', am1 think. of the wisdom oC the r.xscu't?Ve in " this transaction,"-, thV people f the United States will consiuer that aV man isenti;lcd,to. their confidence jwhohas by his. ieasurs not.only ad ' quired a. country necessary to their'" peace; their prosperity j their" indeperi. ' '. 'deuce and their tinion, but has by hj'V ip .i 1 1 p nrmness, -wiuuieiu mem irom a war f in which without perhaps obtaining1 ' its'objecVthey would have expended ' move than one hundrccTmiHidns of dol- ' larsithey will consider that the hum. . who adds to the territorial limits of his country by pacific pieans, is not' lless to be admired than ttfe one.-ufc. . Hvades to contest through the bldod of his fellow men ; - 13K1CjADKsPKL)ERS; , " TPHE Cornmandmg OflK JLVcers pf.Ccrps -conipofine tlii'-. ina'MfliiJaVArc reauired to ann. tyiiU tncr, i loops pioperlv aimed and equipped, at lhere;lpt;Cti'ye a- es appo'na uy vci yi .Allembly, , inthefolfowiiidays, vfzf " . ',. TBruiiiwick County on. Fiidyl ' bnrvtry has undergone gtjar transiTiutdti'op'inthe' crucible ot federal' minds in the short period oi five months. Tor no loncer ago than, February last, Mr. .White cf Delaware, told ,11V? That it was "surpassed by' no. pprflnh of the voj Id in feriiltty of soil - and -most, of it? in climate. a, pa papers, we may "ask, where has fled tltt wavm,! that enthusiastic attachment -to the lias ft sunk down to" cool and' ma-; h-jr-.ant calculation 'of party views, and piity iinejivsti? Has it "settled W adc liberats and fixed determination .to ap- arc. oEliothmg which can he done 1 1 1 " the i4tn, -.' BUden-i-'lhe firfl 3atil!on on Monday toe 17,' r- Th ii tor", Whi'e MidH Bdalionrpn,"-Wcd. ; tiiefday iha TOh,.. J ' f Duoliii cn Friday ihe r! . Onflow" .Tbe .lirfl liaitalion on- Friday the 8 n, ' -' t ' ."" .The Tecoi'd BatuVi. Ncw.Hno'ver. The Lnr'g-1 Creek 1 Uifiilioo 00 Ve4. nfd 'il.e'ad,' , ''V1'"'' ' ',Th .Wilmirg'cn s-'"Bitarion 0! tiiJay; die 14': - ' ft - 3 v M14V 4 IMIWII IIHltlVULU U.WII I v I. ' , . . ... , - I ' " ' - . - ." . i. - l ii . Id ' ' - I t i. 1 v:- vi ,'.u,,n iv; ui, u.s ivuvioi K ' icuiici mo, nitmuiium ui iiii aval itit - ........,.. v., w v.. k. uvj,,,,,,,, - 1 I f - ,1. . T ... A i ' . I . .i'i . . f 1" . . ' . ) . n nnl hut fun vApa vr. '..- .. v. .T I or-- inc Krwiuicaiion di his caprice i , "!"11 j vwumn, onu. u ui- VVtull he-for tuch.asum part .with tetid the devastation of th faireit por- t Prt.,ifi.' h.O.V. : ,f . . TApp 'it'lftn nf I'.tlPrtni. Rut 'i'rBiitiriW t h.nl 7- WVUI.WI J t T ,t. Wilt 111 yWU a Wpi- k"-.- - ...m.v Inion, seemsto' be' above all rule" of es-. v should not be conceded' rn tht tmation. ,' . ' contest more than hall that nt nod, the ": Gdverneur 'lorris "rerr.a'vksj "my1 'price, at whilwwe ihould then' hive honorable collensrue (Mr. Clinton'ltclU ..possessed Louiiana on' "prjnciplel i us that war tdtbt, one of denvin noibcr part nf Us speech, ibut,MViiat- uvor oi art acquisition -purchase bfl . that wir.thM acyiisition by conquest, is the "only lullaby, to their infernal . and f?rlly majesties.-. (lie proceeds) Thi is a raft hhel wo the dechra-1 ' Fabricins ratals thatltisthepurchaii f lh Fer.t, administration, how ,imriflrnran,:th:.thMth",, m1-rirjev.ir beneficial to the union, or con- .tviwiiv yj v.ii n Juuitni ntyit iiwqi . j a . ' . 1 , u . I . . . . . wnum seem mat patriotism, mat every quality which, is honorable to tha cha racter of man is abandoned, for the, t... .1.. ,:r. .! -r i t-a ' tr:iiy l"C XII'CUIl rj.iytaUviii ui 1IV.- t'nus nnd 'cahimniatinsc spirit wliich delights in he distruciion only of hu-J will 1 increase Xmr public: jof ihe fongwing estimate 'h'OUld be up- h;:nd-ed- viU'onj." Instead w.afd ot one hundred and. tjiirtten mil 's thisl he has declared irta- Uns' of dollars, jnaaintr aldilT'ertricfe in tlons made by -the fi.lenl mcmberi of ,man .n-,c' surveys wun p ea- the senate list winter. .. - , - jw .wrerck.orc;y -lbm?,ll;;A 2 ii ti. I.. .".'- i,,. TalCablesnhre. Mr. Ross and, "Let in th union; as before hinted, thin roirH w.wi, yW On eter sums are necessary to 'secure the national indepcntierce must be paid. ri mi .. ..... l tf - f i nty wri not .amount- io one a, wi r, -"--vyA.v?: . . f . , , . , , - whatlt must cost v. to be uMrted.,w r country, r ided, hvc txpectea trtm any admimiitra,'"" " "77." i"" .. j- - . " ' ...-y. .f elecCTeiealitr, conicq-ienccj efy d' It may no'w be awVrrl, . thc; pbr'l the peaceable' autl' iiidustjciyu.cltiti.W t , . r ,t,. .... rr nave uie wnoie naimn wim you .1JIWI tlll.MIV UI MIC -l III' ' ... . .f . . Al p P.. v.,.!,,MI- ;ii ri,,: "1 f.aeition tmre the declaration rf: troy that will drain oar people aNay ""-v: w M'V. Vk" . from ths pursuit ol a better uuhoan . .... . . . . .. ' ,, i ' i i .-..f.,-;,,;.. ,p ,m has puMitfopmi!! united So Generally Sry, ana Irom minulacturesan 1 torn- r . r . .. .,;,, ., .. ... . .... ..- ..as on this. .'W hat 1 1 W onld the mercc. -noes u not inrcaicn t . .. . a If we' will not pay for bcini; defended we must' nav for, belni? conouered. Aon ,, There is no medluni; and but the sin J But an attempt -has ;ljecn made toi'J vii; iiuciiminci . ; . i . , if r1 i -.-r " - ' All uiv 'iviii i.ii'L luiiy ,,1 ft "'TUe TrrbpVof CaM'fy's?d Cc-D.y of Anil!ery..M9 par.sd vith ttjr i rgt. , mcnts dr Uaitauont to s bitfi ibey ire ar. iM.:- ' -.v.V'T..- ' Thc Rol!i to ba .cillid Ii fwrlvo o'clock, and'pa.'itjiijt Rpurj ifadi a greeabTy. to law.Ui-itc lauef i6tni it .is-'withrcat'cf i oliieivt, that thut bat bero.m .'ffcpml ib muth retDilfnefi, thfth,bj a wkl m?ot,bji higMy impn. ' ::ej 'Inaiiwii;', .1 ft'tt iie ho: e ol amend. imcr..t t ott iii itiea- 'o intrcaU io. Im'uih'at'iO r q 'V e MiUd anifnadverfu .' Kn, Ttiwlc ci' hole da y it wtttO maVe rgun, ah Ki:n.n fir,the lad '', (Jineal and'lia.tiJon Mufter, willcaufa - uh',tii dlueirl on of b.foie.ar If-H ef Noven.lef neXt' coidir,'io the ri i-fA.,n,-a ...j ..r. ..u.j'. . -i .. .H IB. corMeq'ienccs very difi.' 'titcabV toi.ihe fcelinci of iae Geneia irjianom io tntir uvin K?pntuoni -( ; -i - , ..... 'Laitrrn and tt.kmio states unite tn sever, anu ii not iq icvcr, , , , , we tppy be ri'ers for fcdcralnewipapers" them an incaVulabie inju- n a beeht J No calumny' 'ri nottonsY fr.v. hut we are rrrtain- n0 5ntcrf,t "d which, if ly ta pay fifteen millions or Julian ! 1 1 ; ,:v-V,v n for HiA,;i yes, fr nothing t f'r to i wouM, be. ? ' New.Jerscy anJ all the Atlantic. States ;ry rauer th .-..&.. ' .i 4 I . . L. io credit a due to t for obta-ninfthi. m " "cu ,u "aiaiy, ty iu. a : i - t f - ' . , i ...vv, ...v.v.v.m. mv vw.w.M,,.,. .'7" irpttirwnfe pitiiul aavinjr, inconsistent wun p"-V. .. ;v ; w i'.I.U,'. i .. 1 l l "Jr.Yri,7. . ,r. n V m tr.i U i worse than nothing, ll the roin r . . ;, . . , , . - . . .. . I , ,' : i . , . , ir We ta no nrt-ti-'nd that the 'tfit .try ceded be of the importance attich-rv " ' " '.j h:. .n" '.a .,..", " .'.l-wcuiive f Ihe Vnited States; is 90' i.i'Miii'i fivuaiij puu iituk atiiii nn ivk f m 'A ' everv nrofviMon." In.Mr Morris's opimonl11 . 1 nerciore our iiara-a n is a verv cnean v..vv.......vvi one i for he says, with this country" that the ctikion in vour iDosieiinon. vriii have means. inj x , mt ,r,.fi nr. n.infi . Mr nfiWif i nc ,onnecncut v.ourani autrms An cy ef Arr nr'un on f jrth." ' I that) It i plain, that events be. r.ut 'adinittin?r' that, the :lence f,f 3. " wnoa ci ir. Jci.crioti the' teilcri! mtmhera on this subicct, .l'c Kcn ice.t'O" l"e iranaac . . . . . ... . r . ' . . .. , -. -. 1 . - is no rnrencc tnat they consliered;"v" - .... ... : tr would cost us one. hundred Tnil-f jopefed in Oie'cpu'f of, UUfCH ins IHVCIl - .Mil,,;, iv.t JiilfllM . . ' . . , 4 . . .. to arri-Tental state orltw JWr "'b. rhe A,mi ard in the U tar.d not t&'wie' pluh'n''f Ppoir.d in a Circular, whteh', n,t this tinie, ba Lecr,1!,t9 fowaidei w Cemmindipj Off.. en in jlrtie.to Uy befuie iteir nejci Re. glmenia! CouYtf. Martial, , k . . JJ&wiA. oMllll.U. U.N, CM. Smiihvijle, S'piember 7, iSoj.' r .IrJ';1! ii" f ;fra,?,llh5true cK-tncteV of r.uch wntrra, prr tVor.rcat for the acnui5iiion.of. omnipotent as loeor.treutra.ts in et),r Ur lh m ami tni-y f onr c"'i.! ,,,. .ju,,,:,,, UMr't.u1v;nVl,v-r,,tr,V!,011(.Stl mairii, nor thu he has Miffckqt ra-1 try, rui.ncs Id cur a.euir.re. wu-j N 0rlfAM Irc irc,. hy ne. U , rririr,e of Ja.uV- n of jus- nce i". the Cabinet of llurbn .. . . r, ,. 1 .1 rc in lion, iriC, siji L.vti.e wcsicni ivn.c iv v.ic.r cuarsiirrs. 10 mow mai 1 . ... beterraafurronoonce asascW.j ' (-,l.jvci. . liirtt?tv would cive a much for ihe if- n" c'''''fl t4'' nf irmstM wmv.Ii promises no 0 .1 miu.i A ' ' . r,i.. ,..:,;p.n Lav rrtt,p.t!rtn ,.r t. f,.M,:.. . las to favor Ids vitwvwml lead the Way V.II4 the United States. Tat, "7. ZZ: -J T; Ua: p to the Cession.. WV.h,ut i-ivfrKthim tiTelt-piy a- cnorm-n.s a s-u.i as, .,... r.,..v- rJ. ,u f A..lA'ths omninutent ronirJ and without ft. -,, r f ,1. p . I . .III VII, U' (. I i 1 V. Ul UI Jl IVI IU I'Ml- ""'ll. l l, U'V IV, I VP.V 'lll HIV- 1. I ...... I f.f: ren Tn,....niof.lo.,.Mf rht,sa, cf f,,;n7 thc nrovimri. welney wV,M be the only consideration, t'-nj this unbonded u ml 'iry, t n t to te i "i wnn ..,. ;-.rr-i ,f as.'l. !.iMl. Win the LstiiV. iht? loss tif rmr W rtf r may, 1 think, asct.be to him . tutrntr. . ; i ..Kwf ii n ''', ,.. rr(J;, (V ta,, ;n t!i(. w;Qr, :petty U ihe urrrctions ol rurtm-. p hltlf merit for -fcrrminj tJ-it, '"'! 1 ,' , ' , ; ,.; -.,.Ke.-ncl HtV-ciuisit.--n,ar. 1'my. the ucr.f.te c f the l.rpp'.ncsj of " VMrn' e tf such ciVcumstancca, and f-,'t. ". ''. J 11 : .''.""itNat wii.l 1. un.' in extJendm- individuals, V tf the Iocs of our citi- 'tUnS Wth dvant.;t of hcbi, ? to csH'wnin. tT-n ii.tns.. w i.v.:.m' (r . I r ,,!.., :.n, . obthin tl, rtSMon of tht countrv.lt XOK SALE . , - Tliitt Valuable Coin Plants- lion called Moorfields w-atf'n s' t il tliern n p"cu I , . t . r I . , p.t f m all -a!,!ch 7t r 1 ' """'I.-iSment. , ,) i. it ji-',.;i wii-.cr a. t VJ lint if wa cr 1 ,t t ll.it Ntniiflif id t a f tinliiispnt W4I t n In tf lK isisaj I : K.m av..t A.1 .-t : u w,.... ilr ill! now ft vrai ntt p Lr.on. llm ii i ii ri: i. il in i w i i ar ii iii si i - - - - - -' - u- ---- -- - - v. ay. llijtifthcr.whoudtociik-duiir- 'rowcr m givm; i.irui ;otircum-; We rrvlntions, unwilling la tr "d of conirr.lhns? vent in o- " K'.rri'Vf r it.! iri it r f in mwrre. vi it mi rn if r inn miff hat ri i irf ' n.n"-1 v'iMi , v - n 1 T " V f V.i" -I '.rV. '.I'l' ''e prt-r.l Vh tl.ry r. -hi l.ai'c dr r'y,s mH be tvfVudtd m faiiii.'r; U.JlonnciihtUhe rraUt.Heinjart orthr , ,7f" Y I' : ;vf.;lin ...-.r, . '.tv t..hr0u',tcd from' i'ema, the a-jhtr ycoroanrv tl ti,rlvJ'at J'hapowtr wuld defoatr figm ' i.n it,, mun m -i r.is.j ;, itertst. I y almt-1 Country are pot wU t IneiV ov. n aniI.1,-l u Il,tao. lrr the oi-ly merit, in , ,x . pp.r- ! .,,v ' U1C i " ' ew-uri',jn, I or ws uicruuniry i;,;rtM, nor a caiu.i.s v" " i-- ) '' ' ' f,p 'i -"l r- vr-.-v.iM'.ty wl.uh Hrl f,f m i the feclip;. t hamemty. k to a-'opt .thfof be could drr'oe t)tt.e from ?')-,K:Ci i'.i-.Mimnloiln.l4iirtrrr;tiruBf.V aiiffc or.m.oi.s. nd intt ..f I' rref w;r or froti. thViftK 5dvantKt i ! i" r "rr, V ,1 ii.'n - 1 f .. a-.'i"tr I-.'-'. h:.'.t " ti!. lht i '! na s'' t ! ' fT W. ', ' ' y f ;i .ie of rcuMithe pto'.piity, r'tn. '.a ' I V of cirturu'.taiiect vhiJi l.e had.him- and i.,dt.p'.!rr.c cf r,.,r' The Toswi. ev.natr t-frtfire. " Scared. Ii aMtli a .man cnull . a 'if,,! r f 't ii it u ,!f 1 1 In mini in ! ' i "u ii r f I'm il.r. 1 '"' ri'lii sc IjT the t-rnt ot tlic-J lc.' f'rihcc t'l'rtn nl.fct we art to paj af"VJ 'faid Plantation there 1$ Jg'oJ dA'elling; honle 30 ny ivci, new 'i wo irury hmv1 to by 24 leer, - a new,fmokthoule. a largw barn-to by 70 fce, an! 11a 1 ri 111 1111 iriu hit 1 m 1 v r- iini ilji i It ii f well known that a for-;. thtf.Uefctiptlo'n cf if ii uftncrel- " farr. Oiie.third of the niircnaf' . it.oney will be required 10 be r'd down 1 and a ctmYii of one, lw 'and three yeatf-wDl he given fc: Ilia emaiiuff !V0'ta'rd, RICHARP .QUINCE. p'etnhef 20., m. .' . hi urt'i;!,, ihrn r:,jv be he cllel t I nsM.M.jld' I r f l.t t S ' 1 ft a-y .,.it ,'iH-p I ' ' le f.:f 1. v Ihe'i f, 1 r ' - l.p.l - f ...Vin bs t-il'si and ,rr. .U the inha f f the j-i.ai ral.le rv, ew,u:,,,,,,,c t.fn-ih w'l dcmand i (j t!" t .'.). a-.i r.a-'Tra o.-up thtM. tnounrt . and M!,t!',BUrt 11 attains slctoHra. he- -vt!U.TcUrn the pichtM, -.rrlvi:u fause i.e tan nuti ini an,ijr imnior- i, iiirrtKi' cl f:n1iturts, had vt i'"h , ' . ' ' . - 1 l.,t mU,,..p f.. .1.1 ter!.. .. r'.'tff .1 :i VJV I..V lur t.nil ..p t, aC ' " i"i nuum i'iihi, mil I . 1 .1 . ..i.'.'.' f ''f nt.H.- v iu 1 imj ill; lUllliitnu IliJt l0j (j t 1 .rc i:,t ; : its 11 :,r.:..n M ifnt 1 nir !an',t..,:i . i ... t 1 c v riv, ; ,t art t It WIS I ' 1 Uf. .r IT.r 1. nt ri 'r t ' ' 1 l f t! si ll v tr-ifitl t 1 if 1 "I-cy. S r ' I ) l; f ! f rnst t i f,a,n. . 1 11 f 1 1 ; -rn .-r rf r tf ir.i Uh.latf i.ihim t1 thi 1 pi 4 1 nun tnr. norvr t:.r ' ,' in "Jr. I; . 1 n s-jlM'.itn, (' "';tri it th. 'f !) 1 Iho ri-f i f v: t tn.!,.' n c f 1 1 lir fi r f vefjr iVfff tt,c--j. r,-,rt(.n4 in t'ia vt.r ..', i, ( 4 ll. kti( n I -rti I ll. 1 ti,nio w. 1, nt jS j .. T i .11 no iMta I'.ni' iiii 1 u wit mttri .tu,jl ui ,ii ! l . .ill- , l p. f ( I lb f ty r, I ,f II o Valuable Land for Sale. I?I VE Hundred acrei of cxctVer. ; TideSwamn. and about thi'f acrci good tipUnd 4a acre of tV former cleared, vndcf bank" -tn IJich: ard in ordcfVor p'm l a Uurr under ooi fenr. and t SVt Darn itnit 36 by feet- , 1t above ilffciibed I.indi eligibly fiiuittd cm tht rrth'J tilci from Wiirr.infrcww ' ' rr mini ,'F'i iw iv"" , (Efn or io As. 11 if.: 7J 1 . 1, 1 .I.. . IT 4 . Ufii M p.4 t n ', Wt,-iitiM r, all !'. : .pll. 1.M ,. P ,h r V Vf teby f icn, grcra'f " t i Jet ot Hew-lUnnvef C'i I Oat a ditifsnn ct patt ii If ", 11, wi'l tie p'ara Vftei '"j CVrirtflV, l r,forre K'viM '1 n7 i r " -.l:i I I 1 ' 1 . f " ' 4 '. (: I . 1-. r l lam i f U rf iHi la t) ',, ,t ni, hm ll nr i' a Ii I -Ji art actv.triT trnflrjc 1. wM p Ii. m.ti ftl i, Iki1! It k Wii.L 1 .t ; i. .. J, V t-n 4.,'f rit ii(i"'iMvpiUiiur fc. ..,,,, - a i u 1. h. . . Oaober 4. "-niiui.iif i:,r r.: i.r i cnrtiii u.ir v. 11 t 1. ate

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