rt: A ? T: fM(T TUESBAYi ' "OCTOBi:U ?5, ItOS; ; f: Tom the Boston Ch ft ok Vc l e ; : v.Tps ZZ AMINE R-i;a. xji;- ; BlesscJ are Uie peace makers." , , IT has- often been 'asserted that there is a Uri-ish party in this cojn try, ; and from "vhatailpearsv we m:iy - safely concludcf that it is composed of..; lri ;'iit';lit'ns f-n dehsnfe',,' though thotfe ''.who : nre-emine'ntiy ",6ti!e IberrV .- va had said we could" not ci'e peiiiiy for. trioatc i". The speeches of .. abl61attlvtlicljired" th?t we cou obtaii) 'ou ( rights witbrnit,.the'; , lance oi incir'snips, noy tovun wc re . fuil paymj all their detgands in ciise ' thtf'y cane fohvard agreeably to1 ptlr 1 reij-iest? . WoaU not'the tivtish mi . liistrv predicate' a manly claim W Jr ' nxihitn'-MathVs boyish aeknowledye r.ieit? II vt Could k hesitate ii vo- uld.not igensrsUens wiTv.vTiv.ttlm the mcroryspWn obtitfe nhcjftAoc',oafgss,: ihat,, if j; lon. ; convWcW thai 'ths inference? ; . V asaisjof 'JeflVrwnj'aB 1 all those -f. ho ' adhcreithe indepfiKUricc cf .the coiuUrvue- j!f-rnVrntedby -advertise-. ; . j 1 I Ucharattei ul (. ol. l.yin.' - AUhounrh , ' 1 proemmentjy selves federalist's.,, -The present Con-; . troverscy, m r.uropc,' proves the ai , , , The di'rqssty in tigianu tnewthe ,t.iiglislMnen are doomed to be slaves. snaf e'Av e ; liave escaped vh $oit ; AVe look ? forward to .the moiwiht, 1 ! every nvan,,woV4r, : erd child in Kcri f ..valuable jterrHory they : arejifrpm the insupportable tAmkn, Vlucli ,nn, .the suhiectyis 'wclj sutisfiedlbat the., ' i ommerce lion' of ' threatened - wi:h an ihvusian yhich c'sRiu'ges Jev5f, esmnjeycicd, ! agjri cnfturf l and manufacturing . employ'' rriont j'vdnle jve; are fallow :n''. outr- these"'"senaor4.:w)ild have been like sbective occvipations.rt he y nre as.ic.m- bli'nj; uv detachawnts to torm a c now wciMjs k down to the earth ; we anuc;patd Mth j0y ine-sigtvc ..ot uiat. majesty - vitli tv hkh she. will ,thei tower over her mrdknnnt eneroy W fM tot sayi:"v;e-.lvejcV-er;:"wWf ;the present--8t.nigg anrtocoe . sue. c t rducTid Otd.v I-yon,' 4n the iustscre nlludedJo, was in-epretienViblfc, yet the Khrttler in too precious to be Jrst, ';( ; and continues to furtis.h 6iatt.. of cd- i l lumnya every federal tdUorvSvlws ;. j imnjinatioiv (3 too, sterile to Invent a ; new.fahch6od.'Jnlus.countrV4';w.hcrjj,,'.ri ;,' scruon. ior.il ever mis nariv con in notsa oi w.vm . uoi i-r uno'i liucrcsi., inum mi ,muiw . -v j .iw. ccsstuiv icnmmuvu ,wvnv ""- promote ifut . designs ot untam, it was i ana it ui? y uvouren us wuj tureea.T5 iispi'i iiHwir,M lusuic, i u . niuaion i tnc jitmonai ui v j . n.;uuuj n. uiu iiuiiaj m . t; ' New-Orleans. .Tliisquestipw w-, be-- , ri table act, not-'c-mtcmrdated at . the jhandry arc esTh-jigfTcf tcapens oT!fEalct thai it-cnoTc"lennir-'' so j. M vwed,i'n;. -iNir vr,rcpcri Coiouv.s. f M-A : foi'c Congress previous 'to live' 'decla-lj' time th?y grantdthciiavouv?. ,- U'he ivfav, thdj-titjs-.fy and tht if the .debt torrtiuuc, it. j Miwblti. iodtua tiuilba .'.the' princi- ? -ratTan of waf by Enghmd.:1: Ilostititiei IJcifjsh ;. iistVV,at;AV-a)4 k1?31 -:'!,e: 'i&.'verypVobabicnhaV H;:,.-' lK'i11 .fi'. V) vavtyjivho hiill vht:ii , : ; 1 TTCIX UIUCaMV vcilCUIIIIIl'U -111 111 . ' Wmij. iiao iitiu'a, va:iiV3? mwi , ' ---'-;; - ',;w'5 mu-.twui . iv v -' -.-t.t- '--,.( ,-v.4... .... .(,v. v, f pressntntions-riffhei'v On ;i J v i f; and i j si wjiifi ion , owrj-inay.ott navoma-.!i1Vcd peace.'- l lie course i wwen ine if.oou, anatiw aisscmmauon ot vulgar- v, V I 'i:nnijdi.itely V voted, re'moiutrances' but how ws'isvul 1 ave been dcilrf.i!H n.vourthe opin'nii of our ndvcvJaritsM '. Kentvukey Garette. 1 ron.tnrf.i-t ' n'1 t!i. mni.! to.rlnuj:3 ei..d,'it-s JnsuclL a stcte, ',iN,n hoi.-'.i'tiT U clown at 1 1 wt fciiC r. ; ' .... -.' '. ' I , , H J.HM UU Ivli . 'I ..'!. mi l 1IV . r i - '3. . , , - . c ' . . l . IIIIMi'fl ' .1 il , I merce ol th2. country threatened with1 Ui the ;vav:m nfipw. contfinbted; bclo paiv':Vc tcld Mr: Addingtop,. 7,T.,,.,. ... .wU.i.!'.r..i.i-. ii ihv t ip vr Ht:rii':!V'i.,r..iu'r)i U', accoun- 'ih.i; ,.-.,r wiirv. should kncl nim l this pre :ltOAnu;nt hat coiM- veay,!!td; ' foi', )H,;,fa ir 'tlie. J)vu-poseor;i1K,,1eVi WOuldccservet9,ie in a work j or Vint c'vild we d ? , 0';V oiv; -side,lisl.owiug ut.1 ..ikchmcut to I'viuin,' m- WViidvpftt the case orutip :d the dcclantion oCIorris, Ko'-iji. and';l the nS?,; of, ,o-Hji:ov Impiiiu-bs ?oan ' to .,20' pet .-pent'." bdovT , '.T.'iiv-nii 1,1 f ..-.!! ,t-..fi-.l,:l Ht.-i!-(. in in thc''iind-tH'oat'ty. V:1 hcA'thencau mcr- 'ivu-. an! u; started the supposition of 1: n'ate during' the. negdeiatjon between lord Wlutworth nnd',Irr, Talleyrand, :;anil provided we had adopted 'tne 'jtteastires.ofthe.warpahyinCorig'ress, the co'atro verse y now ,n K'ur'bpe would have placed the Uufted J$tutesi-'i as the aggressors.'.-'' While the sword was sheath', d in Jhat country, iL' we had unsheelli.ed it in this, : the whole blame M'6u Id have been laid in in. This subject reqotre. a' niinute in ves.igattoP, R'nd brinrs'in'lo view con siderations highly important.; v hile the lirgnciatioii was doubt fi:!, between France and Knglad .had, we iiili r rupiedthe progress of their repec-" five preliminaries by actjfl war, iicth 1 V'l 4 I 1 " fi--. n:vl (I,- rvri a u-micA to be'lch.int; l ii .iUtr hd tfi'.desnir.n must ;f4 n-vrrhrinr-' naid in tt uV (Vcfformo'd; -would plead 'strongly lor.;;sanctirt;i.tli n.ii'e h '.ol g'erhme.tu 'mi:ihKis'ls ipdctd n .mere, trine c?m- I I Ilk '1 I I L1 Mil. '; AmV.i; -'s't i w. sir "the !),mo- ';';.-",'' C!t ATS i ! ! ;,.v'a':'-' ':,v jTo. the Editor of the MisUssijipf Kb ' ',r rah1... ' ' Mr. 'MYrc.sen A - My last , piece in your, rape? bi.r. btei. "'iso, much- .bought of inK cIL-s- cemint public, that 1-l ave bcenrtiute atient ever'Siiir,, toi wrile to you - - i i iu eoiiitecomnen;' on.-- M-AfCn,.!cc. 5 miMo-uin-ic peace .n,o..posi;ipn .ui iXl.icl to loans Uial havc.Deen paid m ; imp night whine and cryi at the enoVin'tv'-tho, who yygi?4.jrer,. noM-ne iu-( bv trifdns'as it is",, -xcshbiddot be 'ngauy. -Thelove of farbe rentes 4 .'of 'Uti! 'debt; contracted. : ;IJe - might.lerest in thy ;V.;(ii'nnfuii t;:.i:Sd h:..ve.,.t nirfcur-.-vi tl if iwcre nocr ttl pe j nutcrtd 'to f mc M if I ; iiad be' A v. sjy, he v.'.s 'tMily inspoVt," or.arguing,;h2cn served d iil. llie. c .ViUrr.fersy,''Cov;plcc'.i ; f.tv.l vvy. 'u "itiore, wi.j' ii ates.iiuiu.it my lif.'l wj.nted ye' . ; !;Vn sncculatienMlr.it he hod been.soVbut ".i-v-vtihv 1.;m'3 .J'bbL-rr..;';t.ri,j.e- "-shi-nld f.oi he's.V?!) s-VHor ..It.' niurji - V!VVyVb5rttT': febiu.t ihc i . 1 - . . . k . . i ; . . : . . i - . , . , . :...i.r i ... - . . .'.r . r .. r .... . , 1.1 Ai,..;,VT I i i ft, n . l.nl.ir nf C -tr.-.lli1 nurlvH'C 8 Ur I iillU 1 1 , -, -HIM. . iiiiuiiuui u. ,.... .4 Isil If. v.'.' L1C 1 ,J ill UI .'Ml 1.VUI1. , Lt'RSlOIi ni 1 'Ml IS Mllll. III. ft I Illrilf'l: Ti,f . 7 tl; primo-rcnitorft 'of an iattrrun.'. j 1 urajer.u, that lie dttUjot siiivose .eve-;.baiihrupt. W," .. .'.- ? , The nyty.?'W-W'J'ijttt'r bver'in iny mind, this waJ,s'nJ Con of that 'nevidtrancm-Iii-r which j ry mhutia. would be ensued ; .ihatj ;.'.-rtiro-t'iliCr.,?,-; r: 7 -',; ".'-rijrj-p'i ,gim.t is'n ,l..tot incrtrfitt. j -th?.t:v.-ayV2 t-yery ' vay-but-cout-J ' tbev wi.reiiimcahTytteniptin-lo ad Ue-coiVsidefNl.nrf mstrihtein would have availed hr.-sC8lerTeiKm4i selfpfovr coa-re-sional j.peer.hes, Mid ii ton, an', wuj' williufj tc hazard the -vt for the v.-i5v ,C:.,."-t d t:,e ; ..-.-t-.. c.-.-.-jide iu' th.cirOwTX.rifatstR vv.d. va- tic. li?, hncl sr.id U.ot the trutV vas net . tor.io (. n.r.e'r.uui. as ' cia'r.i o. r, nui. owm . i 1 .-r- J -. , . . . uu ..'f. it. . j,.- .n ii,..imi vunm .us mihi ui tt appialca to tnc p to the prcpriety of renewing ho ,tiU lies, in aliiafxe with the Uniitil Stated This would be a pleasing 'circtrtn-' . stance, aS'no other p-jwer was facli:h enough to' joiv them. The temper of a powerful party in Kt'itain, was dis . piscd ftr war with Frarr, ajid by their manifesto it appear, they ex hausted every plausible plea for its renewal ; but if they had obtained the additional document of our hos.ile "tac,cvl itrv tr-.nu n frvrwin -naix;. eonctiur.ed thcp:-cfviety of, and pro bably have retcr,ciud the nation Jo a . varhhe dcciion." , . Wh'ie Jonathan Mason wastlamd rou i for war, on ti e prospect that the !::tish mny vonldhi- suit to our re tr f- hi!e ?.rn. Flciss, ard others vi-e'li(!din up the necessity , of an immediate alliance with that. nation, i;n4-!iih ;ni.iticr wi.h his Cect n:i our tontmihi? ol pi-.t-f, - uw.i-.w , , rtj m-d. nd conScai'ce . we !j i-w it one w.uytlc thing nas irn. -coast, wo-atd cu; .;..; ird ra-.iting a"'. j1"'-" iaiptu.; t.tyuur id cuiven v , ,, jp;y 'jiuLp-wlehve-. wide!; p(.(sbje ihv ' it anothtrit covjld v " ridicnlous, and sccm scpouc p.-tv,i--i- in their prcc'nt','.i" c'-'.cBad w'.-.i: '('Aj)C.s-c.. any thing.' .and ve tut've W m,t hr otherwj-e thwi fict.'. Nor,-, il cation bv bringing -his ships' up in ,lAtu' c'-'i'ip' " "'g !',r -yoa i : 1,..,,l;v,.;.l, ..rcrsiwinto a n.UiCi;al y.ficj; trtis pvob-il.ty the result f deep fci hostile arr.iv fov',1 catagorioul anWer." t! nn' oUgh,'t vntiu-u lhnMh, ior -r.-..!.!i.r.et- v.V-ilwh pends r'n.i.i tl.c i- :, and ht.iN'id diiu.- - And. again itw Ui would uux ur-furner dec i- Vvn X:r Ui t -' ir it'-.ch j,1(.M.ft.c..tnf AZ lit'-? nf itper0 th.V aC( Ulaij ; tn'd m lifidv conh' rial riiir-r.-.. an-l wail. :.(, hr.ld .h sci'i-. a'ioii:. i icr.n o reimv'of the-ocean, hr would cor.si- fliN cfiu-.uiyv.i j .... ...... .... j... .. .- . ' i prompt and ade.fpi....; ri.lermity. j r I m--. ' fcnd was iiu 4 How loohsh 7Mu!,;u;i vou!d then - -- - - .j . 1 1 1 . ........ .... .... j j-. - - i . , .4. ititi. 4. ( ;i a - ii jmr ,mi..i:j ;lJ ,,,.',,. ,,,. r,.... .....I kboidd 'illli til ,; tiiliw..l: 1 ntim-,.' vf.n fi I'.-,. . 4 . , .. . ..... v i " :, .. . J-o,. . ... "4", ...... 11. . .4. . ' I'ui. ,',:red.v.'.'.h the .tc'r...turj'if Mr, j to'i Id vftcrmini; on tiothi.v, c.vcrp.t AslJt iru.fctlf'.. .. i i.t.i.1! i tvctjir. to ' r r i r'.w : w. -' lint AUsi nr.hai "ttin bv". a ui.-.t ' i descript'n"nn?f your Icily mid iudiscre- ' N.V.rit.v'A!. .uTr.'KKi'rVb'i1 - fntcmpt a -.d ridi-f.!e j.;,.;t' tipon , nnlm k;!, J luntTno; recti vid a ihiglt i ii f wn m ho Utc i..,lij ' -i". ,'h. ,, V.,vi t!""!! if.Mli 1.1,-. thl or' 1 s tube it "v,-.".s. ! por- ;-, per cue. And an.- 1 i -Jt:l 1 m i inil.i U-.'t iT.c r.i.'.ir.rrd l.vh in head or lV . t!:e matter r.nf.Hf. . tion. I hive hitherto rosiderel I he Six IT'indi-rd !i'.;U.s of Puu-il't'-.tt-r- 'mal'dr:; tW peace nf Ar.!f!. in vrj--" fear, ff mil.irgVt.iuc niiMau kpt m.' ! r.ritih ns vicUnio but admit they i; diii' d ..(, the i epic u i -li'.g rway !.c hcvutr -f the f:? j: m i.il.rd.: At 't ngt'i, howc'.cr, thr.t . j were iiotj sujvo? in the present'.' A ;..i.;lai.d.. , , .'yi.li'rr. ; N: ;k rT.-.r.dy loihe L'rrt cli; f yalua'.e, in,r.-J',d ; .id impartial p-ipcr, j controversy, that LlngUnd j.hul'i be'- '' s :.ik - " j in. ;.J' il;'se' a'pi'fa'rmi-.S - i.r..l lf'e'K Xew-Vorkirfrt.Mr.t'ilij tip. ' : obliged to makd a more (!cg;u',.'.": Thtc, iidoni ,rt:C;iri:vii!f fartvon r.u .nnj. by v,hi( h the I P'h n' vns ! has nv.tlvd rvMo n-.ti'ii.i'm rtiii.de- obliged to makd a more dcgraT.r.g .Tl,tt.,.;n!ons i.f.t!!vr,iTvil!c purtv on r... .U'i?(,by v,hi( price than then-l ist ; in thi.e Hf: if j w i:n.jd rin;.ncc. . , 1 pbuvj ;.!io'.o i'.i..ti vo.ir propositions ha J b?cn ad-m'td, ' can we ttippc.se thr.t th; ministry ' t'r; United Stutts nri'.t h iv. falhn a Tr...;.! Cobbe'lf. .k-.i-.U-rof ,',..ly 5.0. 3 f J.:mu, ll.: . nibi' pf Juth" ls-vrt.l.- . dvrUrc that- TnuiNiKtn..n.t .:f.-,v.()r-t?om! 1, huv been t.tdi:vi..ent in not :; siiri'irr.' ' Tr :. ihciro-.vn linvnir, ; 't ' i.ni-gl.tlo !.ii!T:r. V. r.'.vs. pfr-in c! : )tv nre.net vf.vth 'Clr. two pm.y M.-.hmthelie't li'st 111 their power nf ' ll.vlan 1 "U0..1 1 1 iv!i-,.vo;tr to r a i-'V. V mr ,-,i',.-f tiavf i.bscived, r.rve Ui. t the V:j i; f.;i:-1' fottt'i.uic ; : vr P the Uitifed'-'aUi? i.n'i thut tiitir ludicrous obtervationi i lVi,ld g,d b ir ;.io t 1 !;.'. .5 v Jwiln tbr - in Hie pilbbc pints, h''ti;c very iiili(j-. to ri.-.e r 1 lairs cr f,t :f.fc f.d ! Il ht?- ( tlis; pi)i'!cH f 'piiMU(.n of tline pni. they rot have t' win the wh.t. blame jj tn wt i:ro i', !. nj th? co'pv.ror. irint iiisim.atj.uuX'.pet ;i.:g tie opi- r.M-e it t.t n ' w:ir of i. ;.i.f," afUsni , fuJ pp.rt w.tl provc i'l tl'e end, a cfa rtnewcl cf hostilii"eon ihc U:n T!ia Iiritish ministry- v;ould pi-obtddy ifton -.li.iih ve u"tN -,. ii'.in ! iie t''.Auffch r.- nsd to.Viil. lit i st, war, M pcst ridanVdnui twnj'tn Avar'.Ci'. and ir.f.irr.y, ond ' p.cr tjftt opinion cfmy evi V.i ihs t-t- ,.-.'J.lli?. tribe, tb.j viu-it .r.i.;i l-'t ua igs . MVeK'."1 '-And' I in !oii;cr Jrealc io- .. (.. r ..l .. ' U-s ruiuli. Ai, fnth 1 :an !:' w.,s 1 v(.d u tVpUrillc ptjr'.xl fiv ted States.' itii f M.mc time. vou!d : lure t.!J Iln-rtiapirtg, thnt we h.nl c thry not i.r.ifc repiviittd t:.c pi Ley ; '.iced h-m in'o - ren.-wul of ,! van pic-:i,t wiieri tlV.-iii.sf t :pic.n 'w-!ik:i,bti"ifrc,ui Alier tl.o cw.U ly.j.jort t el disaRccttf. ..n.rnc.1, tOAntK ; an r the w-.-.v ,:.zf.t and MitbJ ex- isiurr oi;so,..v.-i op.:f4i l l..oo -tbc prtu, .re 1 r.v. 11 .uupH 10 y(" Ti-aiice. bv ; :e:,:.nr' f v. w lblr ;i -! ncei -.v-Jnj- to b.v.h coJ--L-s w re CclicClI: ife, 1 t!.IJ mim-.v- txurisr 5'.f. - and the l r.; ! -h to 7:i. 'i'ht Nuy,' I fuihir 'and nvu, ti it tlould f.rvl'.:i.'it jr4'e from4 tlmt H-r..M.1 .1. t a ov.vr ltr',.1 r t to Mr. J'.ll.l h'j'l. ll( (r.l iCh-iM,' prrMirl ",,r C'S'stancc ? y u!.l ll.vy i..t Ii.iVc t d.l i ijie rt o r tummd m ' U l kiui.r. v.!.:v, Ucero'istrued v- iw?n Inm inruit..? it UV. ' tli"-i tlw i H A'-'Df.) to.'rhutt :. r; M;t the pjcple of l.nland. now rn ihs -'j whll.. 1 I M -jrth aiv'Mr. Ttdlev- thtt he tiiour !ii -n in''lnn.d d'.nilu i.pt- I'.i. lish U5i; t!.;l rir.t e theptn.re t:,ntth..cvct i.l.':ind -.rr hn, 'll iieli time to renew our um iei;t !ii lu'.ih.p, j r.-.n 1 -; . . tia t'j.- r,";'.a of . t'Jrg the y .m cunt wiikii.r prota!!y of And o.. the I Mii.h fruii ir.e,1 J tti:l?.J ioq ftet'it! cul.l the xrv Hid thit tii was the crisi to nblUt-. di u Ui I, ..i'.)j u-i k by the . it ! 'rcat h?:.incc. 1 iiC'CUjTli the v.l.olc, fi llin w.,t ;,t U, .! tu f;..Mn.t3 ' C's it ?s:-ooc ofthcic rate cvety utluchmcnl to I'l lm e r;i 'J A on Xcw-Orlcaru thrtw e- t jni .-i .!! wire .! to hve bm'i. v ! ih the l.r.,;li h have .fj't U7.tT ) Vl;s",) tire iu'K uhth-Kk if jm til U tbn t- re ' f hehii.ir nlo indci i ' v;rv i-n'-ublc : 'iititti;.u " intr the on him 4Hi f.-.ri'.il - rr!rt-rlwrM!i .tf ,c.t:i '. 'i I i . 1 id T.,v I i "L'rrj 'i for- fill tl. iriiry that inav rpM-ti de:..c ? .Tlies roi-idcrati. ) wcvld i w.n ." Tlntth ; ; hi ..u... uf the U.d- ctii.i.'. wholcrate dclrri i: t .e Uiih. ,' cr.rJul 'cmm.' -Vul c.i-f.d.t.c(s !" jj Uc'.u'A tin- eti ; t prorc di'H'trnus h.vj f-iiMi ?. peptthr semimcnt in .1 l.f.i with rim;! r.id vcji an c: j- lie .-xpi di.vd tJuiu.;U tlio twhiuiii ol 1 it , lliai.k (ld, no v.-ir ef i- ' v. 1 tit all my Sr I'hi'r . j, ; mW. kin In., I and. r;J the war would !. j '.?- v 1: .Ln'hn, a-i! il.i .;.V, wis a. J.o.id'ji nsn-tp-.r . cr'.ii.l the 'fxt 1 ii ia -warof n- isl jn i'ni'.!;. ;; Cw-.Jy ! op; it nil!. . . - cTiTtfrd on tii WvjMi-t.JviA j 1 1: w r 'ii 'h g r. 4 n vi to the M.j.'nirg l'c.t, t..e editcr Vwh.th ta: y tH.rts, WHr fofbUw h .in vh'n h '! - .I'mywUl U.is KcV.Oi'n I'm it did not respect JHiai.t but at . nation t j try a ; tin 1 .'. ifc-r.-c by pi-ofc-vl.'.-t' ' tApeme . J 1 -r v..r, if v s t .1 r mu',y at U fi uu e,' . which lh denmc'tnU rmke,?x i', n uhiiiir.'jlif forriic'r.l wiih the lut. i- ! coti'iit. t;c..iire 'M this hia;2. of C"i;.riviu, 4re ti.?!! rin it in- Mi'if. t bit in ! fitthLont? A li'ilo vr.hrv .!..!..!.' : nnitii;.u ' i;Ui t!ic on nun iHj I-mi-i'ii rrrnr psiii fiy "II tl.f irpiry that may rpM-u uhiim.'ely Corm.ic'rd wiih the !uj; i-;i o ti'ut. Tn'svti.i .prosperity of the Vniud q Thu. ''1? I5riti i n .i vt. won! 1 pro- py?.nurc rt this iua.it of c-i.ii'i'ni, ,rv tl ?!1 rn.i itxin-iuo'if. t St'e. 1; this pr.y r.S'i tuccc:.cu, t,c,a.,c.w et vn 5'iii..;i..i, -.i : ,.- lni-v wl. .1 vCh'i I !..a been Um.c-m m' ,1 Invc uv.l si c i!;iin waiting bivn.s btcfcUue, f.ir.uh, -4i y v.d'icT.if wc '.till ft.,' tt.crrjhto- 1 Vly L ive aiyu.-d wi'i S'rsite "n -"'!.-. wa mmkinj a:i rttir. pt i- h; ::'.t ai'i r U.e r .nsi,vsitt'Mi H n.r J. ull. N' fti i'.g but txrilc'.io-i of fir trm ' w.: p.h. if;,' .tu'.pnk it. nrc ffi.ititij, r ti.t- e-i. 1 ,'-.ti. in fi!.it vrrd'.h inthe f-jn lont f A liulo "K im ."h.!.d; v Itfi a town upon it r.liir.g i ii n d'Vtr.rlht snarrp i Jtcir, tut J'.r the.n;V, the r.!iab'.r.,tM.,, tw 'a- wutiU be up to tln-lr f rck i.i Viititl ltwsterd gf a m utri.1 1'aiifii we ' the uni hi .l i-' --if n-eoi.-.t. . w.d nuk'. ni uwi .t oic srorij ol v. 'tt 1' r.cs rf tuo cr ll.rre u.i on- J blsV . 1. , ,ttr l,Af ttie ycra i!lc jd.wh.u- r.m.t kasv bctu the ti) ha M.d tticj 1 " UV ?m v rcu i.ito llanV lliit weTuid i.i l o i-t5 ,b;-f.l, .iv'i't- .p.w.ning Jwi,. w j wl all ccluiol i y fop nenbiog b it to r.dy fr" in, cf the c-r.iiovriy 5 cvtiy ii.ov(iu,i.t ' t!i? J.es:.!?r.r h . p'tvun d thi hor- WanJir.jthtf t-;e mittirfHM.Tioi' !.'. . ' ; j, J; l onUbiS tome huts no! alsw I tm of the ri;i'li r.i'.ioni'Mdd hmc 1 cr. i) rid citastrophc. 1 1 ,v ou n, rmii cf liie n?'fp:i?., ami tl.e ibwi.r . ! ijrcd inha'iitn!: nl Frenrh and ip.o- n rcrt -d to us 5 they word 1 liav? b.U U,m t- J.ise.'o inu who S.j p. even- of i'M.'..iol,';v.isJ Le i!uy. .-!. tbty ntilAt. 'I'liK ;,.oei!. j' i.iard -not oc respectable Atr.n'ra't t!l5 tt-btl.-ie !. rct'rtvnt ihcitviUct t4 t lit toumry f.n fdi.it int-i a may. NVe dervthr chr.i;:c t.f iuh. ' M.l it I.tt.s- nliim !, H'd in the nhec, Indct d 1 iloubt. iftlu fs? reprrvhl ihcitv(hc , t4 tut toumry l,'n f i,t mt-i a. may. v.e ctiry tl.r ciir.i;;c ti xttn-i " mhh.jvs nimiir", tvu it ii the phce, , lnoccd It.onbt, it I he i dun.p "tit in twr ttht'f i lliat jdl ; p.tf iron v;kii. e , f on! I tit Imvct uj to i.tifroT the rm.it 01 loc "U,. n (. r.j-cit.u.: lit ...il re in t-'o ytn- ; 05 auy Ametu aiit ll ce at n'-ri'r t re 'hlvt rr '.- .- !:i-n cx,f.r!t. i I,.; u. n w.n arc', t-y ic tih h the contraiy to tee,grci, to npiefi.t tur : ii .'uicui nticrru tl.trc -and tlic I 1, ,.,., I.. ..I..,., -I . T 1 ,.,. 1. 11. !t( v.ilrv l. f. ,.r I.M,-.i,.rkrv. r.3f re Km-Vi r'k, th;! cvrry r.tird o ii, a(M ;! u i -: ! t In n vriA he ?h,t:d nf ilr.t cred t rvt.-ovUru. IkMUcs 1. o.tr Krmwckcy. 1 hr ;-ftr i!' ts tint ,j JUrtdd Wnf my orti ', n-cr T..ftJ-ir tljHiv'e ft? t Jr pio'cf iirii ; ilu.t ill i i'v 'f cunlu. 1, and n .;, .j ri'ire cf' opinj.nn n-9 yom fvr tiitiitf, iWy .e whctl cf- bv Ir iitj'hl Lack M'-,i which h the tair.c thhig If ulcrl ti;r.rtkurt'u wi' M-ii.':titicnn lor j fe. l'i i'.ly w thvir ib'r?f, t':anji.l hae t.lwcii.f.t. l h'n it a pTi t F ..'.;,! v ri", r th ihtr he 'lclv.Q 'jovfnin.uithad clone.wi.&i viiifrdV ocrtisny rnd in Uprtid n. r , and! tlu-lr pr . :.c ii ral'mi'i'a'ii.cn'i which wc tt'id niic ab.Mi t w . d m'h'i t h-r." (Vir 'i tlrvraph. jj and ta'.nt tlie pl.t.eby f nc tf arr.i; rvttryvrattt, tl,t al) lie .-rcr at J him. Ifl'ny aru fri.nU to ll eir diaicytthcrrJtf nicwi U0 1 or foe,' Jlcmml.t on tit- .'k t f.' , 1 j. if it lud fott t", in i . ; j tl e t.uii tending vhrir ntmy nrd rVty vrrr ! tr.i.r.tir, tii y wnl.1 op:nl ard can.!.cctpt Mr. M"cl , v. ho i'ocs 1 t,t d!!u.r 11 e aJv,-il.n.;,'i.i i.tM,in .i;' tl-t ! lixi or V'Air ' jmil.lovrs a'-1 .,inu clarfctble .to our frr.ni,t. '1 hu tl.f lirUi'.h T."tild be f ,',;ii' r fin . f- V't at rr rtfj.ua, ami u iiuy 1.1 liy 1 , iwr puM.c r :rr,i ncy. . i .tctri!-..'. we r t !y tin ir mi r jj Their nbtliiucy i a roniint irg e y, for il h t ?M.7c"4'r j (h tidcic of th'.lr n rfijy. It 14 ihiru y,B.,?,4 f. . r::o) t' rotlcud ,a-j, Ct-nt which Jtoti iheir tdli'irnci j.a'ntt Fr." ttill ' ;t the l'-'il-b l V t'tili,t, f .11 i V n'jory ol t uti ty, Hw i.l it c;' i l!y Miji.p',ti!fh".'.. on t.- inttf 'I hi.Xlu-M'Vn ihr j Vr, j fur ;f c y 1 d icj pu'T-i ! pj. kinw U tlr rr ilT.li-f.di, s;id v U Fri4t to opt --.. til ,"HUr .ii.t j t,v;-r,t;ivc t'tcir tuTrg' t ,V (lu c f i I the y f.'l,t ,fu f,l to I y i'.i u, j. tier .!r thur veilirv. ..1..: What a jrr.'a'i,"- "c rh'id I , Jurti f. I ll.eir .f'Mciwil) r ,f ntn'. tl rn be in h s.'.d, v.-d l th,.' l.-t , If Hid ii.td c.t. i, t ttwt Vih t tl id. 1 U'.m i.;f --UV ' lfvv h.d ' s,im tf "Ami: i urt d.i -Minn d t .r to r ; v. f: Iriicc. n tl"- 11V1 ; uuf. U. n end their adHinit. lfln .' iii ,1i.i. ftm!.'. I,il,ii, afid I ,f ; bkn i -tof ihe put?it ift-J futwri duly -p;da rl nieai -et, c'tndctiui'tfii-m i. at to t'it mc.viy of N- e 1 en.f tit ni i't I. M.'f.hcy 1.' cn wi' a 'lVc,.-i f-ji- and iH-ort lupjUiinHjlMonal !r.-i,r j ul then, whti .v ,,r;,!c f.Mc. wl a l.l.t) ..,: 'uv tMti.o 1.0 1 at . ; T.1 wu.iut-'!r AFSi.JiOOt), in'rt'td js th-.- rl Uily (rv'.i,ili n, t 't tut P'iits..i: tt J 111 ttvr.. n.. 1 f.,'.'.l. ' Mjlhiiiif 1",V, , V. I r c pii'p.ittir n ' w v, t, :i'ui;. '.u num liCnt!! 'nm .Jly AiTpM. r a kutiii"?- in.- eptK; t - r ui t: 1 Ui. r. '. (.i t iit tv r, i,c eiituintioi'i fctouhl .lly.. i'. p4t l to the dr; ;yrd J a,' k !rfir.ri,"J ' Uio un A.jttl. U't ol I tr u 1 n u it., t f rrjUc cfttrcntr.e. 1 J i.c ;t'rn tr-,l a lobm nil 1.U1 ntt tt i a- uiiurr', tht ikc-uh rK one i'.h ij r c fyl 1 1 f rl lion 1 4 v 1.1't 1 in pri.Va;iv.U.V('.ii, biiR c'l ((-t.t. Ahlfvha ttjitMW '.M.-r ,:rn. t; f.-:."''rr,ie f trku-i nun fumKcrtly !, t,-. miit I 'T,' l' i f ,1 'h1 tl.'u gj-nioi, (, '( v'cl! !, 4, ,1 i-ni,"!!" uur, thi-.j !li,., 7 h. Urn-'v:.. ill Jfl'lifl .m'c'tra: 1 t j.l the . ti .1 n ; .1 iS1 1 fUu Al'd '.r-R 1! t ; r In nhiili ,U ; ' I?' thouiar.u ol hit F.ic j pc-. r.i t 1 v J,.i f.,j '; dfwiw'iii n. " I..IB . Jrry it.-;-;" 1 it - . 'nui,- U aiili h..t iVFtthe 4.". V. -t 1..?' r". 1 !: 4 t i.-, l' t ' je If woi'k ;.ii!e r.,-r 4 . ir. 1 i-d me hit th- ba'tffi.t f f New th Mr Mum. ii ti a of :l.e M'im' p.. Fk U l.rti-t1. Vrur.ii! IM w.11 1 dGihfiiltt ,iltv to th'f Met'i te tf 4-rs iw - " '1 J, Ii I'ifir i Ifm' .!A'i.i -a mi! t Cr . 1 1 ' r ' rn'r''t." hrreit thi t n )- ;!y k 1 f. . ( ji V ri'n l.w ) l! t'.lt nt t.t f if vttr to I . i'I.J In ill i.ru'j.ViUtr ! i.,ir'-'V I t.

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