1 1 ""''.'FOR SALF, . UXDEK DIRECTION OF rfOSUUJ poitsA WILMIKSTOT, 25th OCTOBER, 1803, QUARTER Casks Sherry Wine, J Puncheons New-England Rum,' jlosneaas urox.-n ougar, . cnests voung nvsoo aca,. , s. Boxes China Ware, Ditto Cotton Cards, : : Ditto Wool Cards, Kegs Spanish Brown,, ' Ditto six-penny -Nails, ' a i,onacr o . : - Four pieces Cannon 4 potmders, Grind-stones, . v Barrels Flour ... Ditto Midlines, tv.. t .... -. WILIU IjUIU. ft ' ' Sawed Lumber, " Sars. . . - . . For Freight or '-twter, .:.'. '- SMITH VYLLE LOTTERY No. I J Authorised by an Act of Anembly ta en- able the Trustees jf Smithville Aca demy tora'sse the sum ef Seven Thoti. sand Dollars, pr the, promotion of Learning in the county of Brunswick THE- SCHEME. 1-prize of S'500 t : . r ditto; ditto -. 4 ditto 6 ditto 10 ditto 200-ditto. .250 100 . 50 ' -55 10 5 S500 . '250 -200 TO BE SO tD " i II . - Sheriff's Sales. - - 0 a Citcir or 0s - axd Two Oi 'Monday iht t 4th dayhtf Neveru Yea, V , htr ttxtt tbe Jolliwtng 4flJ't' Lands, Negroes, Houfes & the last IViU ani Testament ot Jomt y , , v 4.4 " ' ' Burctriit, Es autre, deeeastd, a th' - ; OtS, s ;v 1 . : Court-Hjuse in the Town of Wihting-vJTti Beftld under the' UOkrl-tii t " ion; ; Foitriftrfl Dtf AWfV ' i 'fp-'ilmiigttn-? tfaiisfyf.m ber ensuing,; ; '. ' 1 IK Exeenthnsh mfdire&eii 1 5f); from ton,1 ort which is a Rane ofi trtn':Buildin?s handsomely finished, : 'nnni'wardsof one lmndved feettln ienrth, I ditto last flrawn ticket but one noy.uVyacc.mi-.numOTr . com e 1 ditto last drawn ticket X' i FORT SALE That valuable Corn Plan la- v:- tibn called Moorfields HAl-eleTantatta hifrh-l'nfiAT tali!e Plantation cal- Ivimnrcvcd Vitt.v caRedTinili XMcd SPXlMG-PlELtiSt in the 200 ,HERMrrAGU siuatcd e'ht railcsJ'ncithbvMrhood of Rock f.Poin ,.." filteeif- f rorn AVUmintpn, confain-! ,ing 6ib acteriao oFvvvhkh is tide twampor wnicno cicircaanti inorner lor cuiuyauun t00 nient out Huilding itf gbodrcpair.-1 224 prizes 4 Jo blanks, not two to a prize.. 660 tickets at S 5 t?.ch - g 3300 Te'BrigMa ria," capt" J as.. Bird, burthen. c flrv.-, of about ten acres,1 are disposed- wV.J miicnia5e anain poinici oeamy anat improvement equal to- any m the v- nited States.-- ThereL tre about "eight hundred acres of Land annexed to the premises, with good Barns, Slablesl and other Buuqins requisite For farm The drawing of this Lottery is con templated to commence in V liming- ton, dunn; the setting ot the ensuing superior court, or as sodn' thereafter ji is'tKa cola rvP tm 'Vrre ufilt nj'l'mil fl . f ft . . jIHrt AM.-AJ1rIJ A..Y A list of the fortunate numherssnaiR"" - -"'--iELjq lei ptiblislicd m-the- V Ummton a- fWZZr t.om (Jrenoch. CMLi She . i? a ltoiM, 146 ns, of a nd ; z-tte as soon a4 the drawing is conclu ded, and the prizes will be paid on ap pneation,' by John Lord, Esq'. Trea- ing, Also a'gool Mill Sflat contigu- ousto lai'igation. ftauucti, " we.i o:in 1 Vcif?!, with suver. subject however to a deduction oni .Credjt of Twelve 'Montbs, r' ; directed by the said Josy BuncriSt - iii his last iVilt and Testament ' p i All liis other Ileal lill'ate not! fpecially devifyd, Tike ff eieh or e t r'of the fol'-1 All prizes not demanded 5n two Consisting of the Rowing L O j 5 owing poni vi' G "no "6f Port' Whs, to be laid out in tkketrj tuated in tfce Town of Wdnungton, lowing ports. u. .0 . eno-n t r r rt ,. th "and severalParcels of LAND lymgm ',Glafgo - ll,i p . Lei .I,-. 1; ' VCnf aiVtho not demanded in the Counties of Bladen and Duplhw other port in Enlan I or irelaa'', Appfy to . v JOHN LOW. . oaohtr xz. ... " ; ... -r- ivr St. TUOMAr ; ( Ti e Danl(h fl'iff F tturite tiahr'tl F-dcn-Jio v ili . ! 5 manugcrsas relinquished to the bene-Ueast corner of .Market and Second fit of the Acidemy. . 'streets, about 60 feet on Market-street Thr treat inconvenience which the; Und li!8 feet on Second-street.' citizens of Brtu:swick county and the district gen rl!y 'experience ffcfnj the want' of .a proper, seminary of eivninir and the" disadvantages re adout ill j vrr . -ir.rtaM. gooj arcon A jJaiio.ii for gers. Art'y.to a..t: njio October f, sulv'ng to parents from seMing theirj chillfen abroad Pr tle purposes lofj edoction, will rt b hfijrcdvTStimulatej them tr lend the'r foMcriric; pifeclfoV.j to an ir.stifu'ion w hi-rhlr irfnertant !to thr. wrlhrs and hat')incss ef a free ready (0 , fill '.,nri nrnriurnt .Mr: U n' Tli nnt.11.1l n lvmtaiv' i?V. NO" rice. 1- v THE Cp trtrriPlip, of Jafo'i Levy & C'j. hiving this diy di.T.i!ve.l b . ,'tjiual confent ill thofe l;l-!eS:( 1 tn f.i i I !!. -iSe hull note or ooct' aCwCurt. irs n -ri pail n- (viile as a place of education, re nu-, ' f')V and of the first importance. Itf sif.tn'ion is agwcahl'i. and being iu'lback S3 feet. Fctr.T.t .vf A fl.,i'i.. rivm the nal'l.' j'ritv and pl easantness of the air, and ;r:o; h?s-i ct wv.er, a place 01 pome and f.ishionab!'j resort in the summer ; when'-.-, in addition to the advantages of 'Tin'rr schools, the manners he ituje.".;- would be polished and their undrritiri'Unfj rpfiucd.lt bids fur to ielirc! to m-i! i:r.'rij.l.ite ;uvm;n an ! th (;. who trinaTdj a giin'l :!ie fi r.'-, sr." delire lto vkh't b't th-.'n for n',y-rt it t ) Ri-hr! A l-ot on tlie norttiw-st coiner, of said streets, 20 feet on Market-street Ljd about 125 fiet 0 Secnnd-streetj 011 wniLii mi; nil witk vuuui rt Store and two Dwelling flouscs. " . . A I At on the north hide of MarkeU street containing 55-fc'rtin front and rftnning back to a large alley about 125 feet, between the Lots owned by Josbi'?. Wright & Thomas Brown, A Lot op the eatt ide of Front- street, ouM hich U a larje Brick Build ing occupied "as a'slor an! dwe'linq- house-urtwat ,30. lct irout, rwnning' A Lot on tho saie vsn of csM" rt M feet in front, funning back to Sp- conn-stree,. ocrpicd by Jatries.Ui .There is o'lj the4premifes si two ftorr hotife, 4.0 ot 22, in which mere is ucai- MGnft MOV; and a Rice. Machine tfjat works 5 petnes.; auo a oricK Bim 48 by 22, a Dwelling Houlc, Nttchen and a number ot out no,u- -Vf,?:i A valuable Saw. Mill, with a: bout ih ,rt:c thou fa nd acres of Land adjaeenfand appertaining thereto, orr 111 and creek, and " J"; yv Some Lunda on CathJh,; vhichi iil be Cefcribcd on the day of ale bcionptnii to '1 he eftate of Mr. tieiy Ualley, dree: led The -Leafe' of Jhe Stores and Dwenfriff Houfe the: fouih fid If "Market flrett AVilnstngton, for merly occupied by Ifaacks, Levy in;l IU (hop the property ot Jacob Levy. - A Lot of Grcnind 55 by 06,-on 'he fijuth fideof Market 11 rcet, ad-j joining' A. Hall's on the call tKe property of Mr Benjamin D'aney i ramnv or negroes,' leven in auinber the property, of Mr. S fori, 'v';-;,'? A-- Three likely Ncfcro 'Fellows, the propi'f of Mr. A.-Cutiar. 4s -W u . D LU O W OUT H Sh.T, Wilmington, Oft. 4, 1803. , N faid Plantation Jlhere. : good dvyelling hou fe 50 by 40 tact, 1 new two itorjr kitcheri 10. by 24. feet, a new fmokehoul. a largu bar 50 bjr -sjor feet,and dables fufficient for'tvrclvo horfe?; It'ifo WeU? known' that- a'fur-' her dfcription of k ii '(unneref- farf One-thirds 6f, the purchafe oney'wjll be recuircd to be paid lowh ; "asd a credit or one, two ind three year will . be given fot the remaining tVrj. thirds. 5 y-RICHARD rU I N UE. ptembcr 20. ,'im. 1 1 K fr3 TAKE NOTICE. T H3E fubferiber intends to make a final clofe of his bulinefs in this place by the 1 5th of November ehliiwfg'.V AH perlona.' having de- ' mands against him win be paid on atfolicatioriJ Thofcwhor are in- ' debtcd to him'sre nec'cfTarily requir ed to make payment by that period, ... .t. . nL. ::m -J:. CtlCUITlliailVCS VIH 111)1 AUUIII longer indulgence.'Thebondsi note's . ahd' accounts of " thofe who fail 10 comply, ii ill pojitively be put in fuit withqat rclpecHoerrdav; .f', Uyii ,:qohriKtYf; taycinvmr, ocpu1'j tf. i Fifty Dollars Reward. R AN-AWAVfrom'the;. fut fcribcr on the" 5U1 of OclobcV a Uk'elv negro man named POL- ' LADORlv - He. is! atcut thirty- nve years or age, 01 a yenovr com plexioriV'abaut fite-fcet hve:or fix:' linchri high,"' floti nVade and well dct he has a large fear on one of PARCEL of Land fon aaf .'occaeoned'by ihe (lroke of an axe ; 'ihnu levWnrnrn hnn.lril Herts . 1 1. . ....'.-. . ,'-T. .Ti..tr.rci-tt -t..ittn.,v.c,; RucS t5 jcet, afTViimng Mr. obeon's. ;arj t i,-m us vicinity. to the sea ana a t A Lot on the souUi'Mdc of Dock-' ; instant supply of marine diet, bosrd-'jnircet, on' which is a two tory l)-.VfI-' m "."ighibc cspectc-J on as low terms; jiing House. occupWdby Captain n-' 11 a-ivnirt r.t r ie ctisirirt. 1 he iL,i,h.)i r.. t... . - ... 1 - r i'.ct in 00..,. 1 in Bladen cour.'ty knowd by the name of ihe I vdian Will, Jy in'on bod fides of the North wed 'iier, c adjnitiia tlie land'of.Mr chard, and .inject to-'a lc.3e maJ: to'jCyprff, andO:': timber, and there him, conditions of which will be! lire three' hundred acres of Low L"-t!sweU adopted, to ihe culture fit Corn. For'trrns apply to" ' ' . GEOKGE LUCAS. . made known on thedav of sale.- ' A Lot on the. north side of" Dc street, about ' fctt front, lunmng Iftiie the bull i- CiURLE i CARROU 6ither IS. RICHARD LLOYD. a!:o - i ' 4y -f iftttTrrrsi to T tc iunty in which it lies i acknowlcdvj.' ,cu t'j uc the hew range for stock in the ra'e. and althoiv;h not surrounded bv I'fer.'de bnd, is eaily supplied with' pother provisions by thefility ofnvi-' jn.t'in. Ffom all w'lich, especially i the hetxhhincss of the situation and ilE fiiSfctibcrf betf Uv.'s f.in.'lP"obr.ble cheapness., of diet, it rfc-i October 3. f mi their frien U -1 the n.ihlic in peneral that ibe Grjerv anl Dry GjoJs Balinefi wid b--continu.' l at ihe (lore lifety occupi el bv Jacob Leyy k Co. ondtf the firtH of Lew and Cmol. ' 'JACOB LErr, 0 ;. CHARLES CiRROL. OctJiCr 13. , . , : serves to b encouraged as a District ;,nd at the discretion of the Es lSc'.'.ool ; .and should the Trusters be 'morlgugcs alsc5. : ' Sale postponed until thr lOth.ofNo- Tcniber next. A Water Lot about 6 feet fmniing j I'UU oAL.15, ' ' on l ront-stct, aiijiniin the house 0! 7:ut;,)) the lo'h cf Nsvemhtr occupied by Mr. Ro"wVt Muter.' . . ' tnfuin at the lltrmti'ofle. : A particular description ofthe Lands ! A Ll the IWchal J furrier o( tk in the Counticsof Duplin and BUden,!j Urr h JWgwio,- dV. hirh wi!l be given on the day ol sale. " ;n t ih; f j plintwion, loge.Ser wih for the whole, bendi with apn-iv. ful horO-. cm. wir'oo. fee' Ar. cl penmal security will "be required,'. 'a runner f p'lmsn.m m-i'i, tr i ' vi anl t lUn .l,...i...- -f t? I . . .l T ?tctroi-s enabled by thc'asssisUncc r.f their fd-lof-citl7 ns, to carry the itooddcsign into eXw-cut'cn, rhic! thev fondly hope win be lh ease i shall he their; t A. . JOSHUA C. WRIGHT,.' ARMAXIr J. DL" UOSSi T, "fptcmber TO, Kxccutots. care and stu !, to pr-eure teaehers of. If ',.. MCurf, Term. 103, (hniost'reserlaMstaieriti a;.dcha- T5 I ' Orl.l-l 'racier, and toe ibU-.1i the inshuW.C;tf,ay tfAlu r. j . f(,, rieip of cher irticlci.'-.Fof H' fa mi bnvs.fif'f cVUfi i tfit of lix monihi win d fiver. I tie porcruteit giinjj bondi wnd approve! fecuriiy; i. f JOS. G. WRIGHT, J . . A. J. Dt ROSiKT. J " Ocloker 4. ; ' ' :. FOR SALE, , iD4o.crc$of well timbered LftiD (X Afhc's Creek, k-wv.yn by thel V- nana of Pear Garden, on uYh ii.cre is a good mill feat fufii tienrfor two faws. on a lalUni; (Irei n. A part of faid Und it well 3 'aptcd 10 the culture of ctrn in' cctrn. a:i 1 th? range ,ii cxcellcfit. ! Tht term? of payment will be; c.jrectry to the purchar.' - I will j1fr rent the i'P?er apart-tr-"ti 6f rrv Ifoufe, Ki Hen, Ac in Markrr.flreei. uo.il the firfl of Jmuary next. . For trrm app!yfo May 19. , I). Al.illftt. onabVI tlv.t v-'.il p-crc a lasting be-'l nenfta, r a' 1 tonn'ri-nt cube public spirit and Kberiii'y tX thr? ditil. I Tickets to c ti .d of John LrrL Jrslrja P.v.ts, re',j.n'.in Smith, Ren. jlj-imin Ml'Ji, Jediri (L Scull, A. Hall. und of other :eii;V me;i in c ichf om?y joflh district. hi w '.1 s?ivc lim'ly r.oiire :y ;!er'in j at '.he C'virt- Heists, df their hm ; then for alr. ry order, . JOHN rON . F.RS, S'ry. Lcvud in th- hain!s of Winkiiins . . ?cott, k Co. Ornhlfc.pf T-ai public ro 'ice be civcf, ihat'untefs t!u drten'.ani in ihebovc Aitailimrrt, pear and give bail,, tinsl Judg. irtiit, uiU he enierfd at ihe eofu t . D cerrhfr text. AXniQXY IS.'T0OMiRt C. C. C. Wilmington, OcUber 11, 131 i.. Ten Dollars Hewafd. DAM AWAY th ftfVfc'it, AVM fj'jfil!- nir-.f! GOLD U'e the j,rl ptr. ofThomit !.uri it- 'ff J, hr V-it e iSief ,yciM cf uta osiP'ra in rm if ft irn iit me joint, nwir j to 1 rp'iin lif et '.i 5B M ifl my leiviff, pl.r r cf tfjfoy fvfr;i aid hifa wv,l!ei p,. , A iflcMt if iSe fine. Afy yt'Jm h i l iiVe ? ih fa d ffIVw f i i. 1 l hinf Rlifi. TiiU rfr IPS V-Sv "lf4. Cap'i ni , f eTtrtif NrtSy J. f - - - NOTICK. ' ; i AT O'e fai'f r..rfif C'l"" fof X ihe Didfinf Wi'.tiinjt'a , Jil nennwill e liken ijj.nfl he Shet f At McwifIino, Yf.,l lofetdf an-4 pay the Conaiy Tucs b-fre hi peiij. The ii.imopled itjn!r rt-' tt'en$. . (ntire'r Sffi.it, hi plirrJ ihe rw v l . 1 , . . . y in ui anion not to Of a:."" 'a d'lujr ti nctT t -pf ff, mi he piiu-rew 'iff fach cr rr Juf ? i JirV nfi!le. The 1,1 i.'ijnei ms Sitf i ivtlr. 'iih h Ttfituftr fyVy MarcH erm, p ihr ho ui heifirr ioperfi?rm ibil aCf.Tiy (H'f, ar aTi'if, ih iSe' pnri cf nn hv.n M'..lei thiiiirs WttUivGiLki, ") S'lt, Term, 1303 vs. V On f inal ' !iMrtJ:jt.f,rs, I iAwfn. ' Lev ed i.i ihe ha r W'iltkni's ' ScoMft Co. :a' ORDL14ED, Th-fpibli'rnA tice be Riferr, lliar, utile fi ito IttcnJant in 1I.5 above AnachnKri' . - j ' t . 1 TP" ri1 K'T? "an, linai ju l f. ferrrrn I")i'femSf r rlrif. AtmnXYS. TOQMF.P, C C. C. French ami5 EngUfh Aca r 1 demy. . 7 ANC; S M AU Rt C pft ff.it 01 ' JL ihe Trench Lafuuae, Mufir and D 't'jj, f'ont ihe Ncr.tr.f)'at! Cotlf 'i and AcaHefltfi, ( from NewberV a now tt Fjffeil!l irfnAfl!y n f rrr the I'.Hiri ini Gen! !e men of ib' Town of Wi'mirgion' anf i' finny, nil ne propoiei w triih irole pei'juiui anJ ufeful cccr?iphfTtf n bf'tf tsrfl j' f Xwer.:rff n', jlifre t; ffira fuf nest w nfooflffrjrr.'. ' iln terms ire he has a1fo "cars'"of ile like' kind oi one' br both'of-his ' feet-he. has ' at I lump oh his" right arm a little above bis wrill which he got hurt in fight- '''Til's abov- defcribed Nepro ra-r-ed POLLADORE is legally out-. liw'ed, and if be tfoe ;tiot . furrendcr K m C ) ft a rl r 11 rW Vt y-i aV Vain 'miss perfonVrnaykilTand de'droy the faid (lave, by fuch m;ans as he or thetf may think fit, 'without accufation wi mi jicjiuinctii wi ny crime u - fTencc for' fo doing, and, without inclining, any penalty or forfeiture ihercby : the above reward will be given tor rhc faid (lave, in whatever nidation he'mayb broughr'to me, or fo fecur-ed that I (hall get him. ;JAll mailers of .vc'.rcJr.atul otberi are forwarned from harboiirinj. emoloyinj or carrying away faitt x tu W A IUJ G H I F F I T 1 1- . P. S. He has in all probabili(7 i;btaineJ a Pad, . and may change his: name ;' but uhattvcr.ftory he my tell, I hope It will make p difference if he aufrs the ahovt diftription. V; . m ' t - . Gj ' Craven Ccunfy, "1 June 23, iSoj 35o 6w,j tFi7 DOLL ARS RTXARD. RUMaway f rom t h fit bfc ir about the ie h ScpinrW aft arer.s man named IJALLKY, ;ll eo Kf.cif.er f.',p. Mm frnn, ,He 5 ) HK '1W U jaanoi r, wt 11 ni.f prHi (,1 COtn Inf n.llal Orii, A. HALL, Ttfifurer. tn 4r rf-n f6n e.ntl r rt f.ir ''irg hirncn iin .f preferon. If be roirfs in tf h,t ffrf j nr i.llif QiKfrt'ui hatfr. .. ' JFSSF. SMlTlf. V.'hif Mi ib, ftii.'f. n rtinir,t ' . Fh NOTlCFr S hereby cifm. rffrrrab'f in an order rf New.Ilincvcr Crntt. hit a dnifion t.f fart cf lt No. it, w'i 'tali' r're ftwesn tlie (Ccd?rflf- of '(irort" fdyttt. or. ar (?iy ihe niKsttcu'.h y No I Oo'tfir 4. . , . man 'eonsn'erofl.-' Hi it -vel J Ten DJiiri on!r, f eirb bfinth, pr '"iirter, ha'f tobepi'at emranrt I oe rrr.ainicr r ihe nJ e-t the rearer j Subfei iptiona ire'reerive d at Un Of f'ce of K Wilminyon Cunie. .OHober it. . v . , , ' ;TA AWAY fr6m ihe fuhftri W, ber'i ptantation oh ihe Jotirid, anf 31 jeirs of age, about; fey thiee inc!if higb'of a yel't Vumpletlion jh wif .fumcr' n 1 he th inflanta' Negr Wo' ,man nlmcd FANNY,- Between a? fetf owifli rncrty iS :prorry of Dorr,Fcrpu,-d,n eaf. e'.f, -and !atly of Mr.' L. :A, Dor. r?y, front whAm I p irehjfed her .She ha a hiafHand i-lonfir-, o Mr. lei?r Matwell ramej hm. A c- vatd rf Ten D '!ari will If iye 25 DottStS Reward. . . . . ", RAN. 'AW AY' from the. fob- fciihr,abr.ut, three months l.a'Nfjra Man named NED, 4 about fix W high,' twenty.eijhi or thin years of agr; ii of a ve!low complexion, and hat thick lipi.' I lately purtbafcj him of Briijimiri Siitioh of ihisronniy, in which anl JikewifeinOrflow he it wrll knwri and I hive rrafi h 10 fuppofc f i rjaw lurking about the Southwcd branch of Tlrw-UJcr. , . ' t I 'wiU 'jjivc thc'aUve reward for" apprehypdirig faij Nc?ti and deli vrrirg himttomef or fecgiir- hinj i;i jail fo that I get him, , . " All'petfonsare furbid hirborinj, '.-nplojing or'carrvinjfhlm away. i '"lames IMutlworth ' 1 T.Vr-f litovr, Se'rtV. 35 . nttlboi.thfvv. boe rewarj for known In , Vi!rrin:rJn and (, o any pcrfon who wi! hrW ! wripivt th a- hit pe f.im dfli-i re I lomeortotl.e iai'wr l th'u own. , , , . Nfaflen rf felTc!i in! a't othr .bfin jr forti I haibcmripf, em :r t 9 c'rij f t nr.ii( ti;n iw?y. j ASim:i r r.. i gome r: lfd.iriH,&tjfer II. m? ti ckiiftf atr, 10 Mr. L. A OoHty in fWi1ri?ntrn, I : jiy: a furtbef rewar ol Fifty D'laffarinforrriiiieKi,Mcr may !caf ff " ft i hs of Htr fxii.L naicurei. or n .;,ite rerlon ard ftwefcr-Tii'S.I-i..irf if -fry a rryro. 1 VIILlAMCJ.XtRKY jji-t-inf-f 3rH tf. Valuable Lands for F N , V . ; , If I VE f fiirulrej a'-rei ef rteelie-.f . Tide bwamp, andal o n t'.Jfty jcrca food nptarul 40 acrr v of iha frrrcr cleared, tinier hank ant dTfch and in order for ptaning tflattr-r nrdr j;: -1 fcr ce, and on .t 4 Darn a?.)i.t ;6 by c6 fret. 'Tie aUove defcntetl Landt m c?;,'iUy fi'uarfd i.n the r'nh-tlfl branch ot C-p-Frar live, only 1 ni'' froCi Wilmington. rt t Fr trims ir'y 10 Jphn LorJ, Efi. or to A. 11;!. 7b!jf ry- r. 1 .. . 7 . 1 , ' 1 It 1 , 1 1 I ! 1 i t . 1 t -: "' I t I i

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