i 3 i , r i . ..i V 4 Mi 1 V .0 . I . i fi i ... ! t . 'I SQSGforthe Sickly of the Cincinnati. jHy a jUernbcr. ; . , - '', New: Yob k July 4th, 1803. - -.When tin thunder cf Britain assaulted ' ' ' ". vur-sho't, ' , ' V" ' ihefirjd!s'tant 'fiio'intain re-echo a -' . " 'thcraqr; ,' , ' -, ; When trailers betray1 'd .lit,, and cowards " .didjlj!) A .s . ' ' . -' . valiant "rnarcli'd forward to cpn- cutror die : .' - ' ' .'. :TAfn oiir sages conve'ned, made the solemn -. ' -, ?7',t'?' ; . - ' J - : ' - t ' Sjbsctil'd IndstiL-ndcuce and fixid the ' On thh happy day, which; ell freemen re . veres '. ," ', '' - Th; voice of a. potion exulting we hear, ' Qar flags an unfurl'd, end our banners And ioa-like manoeuvres adjrn each fia tailing fa 3cVt by fair aiid honor a:j j. jtjlc payment; In ; (hott look to j : PROPOSALS 1'. Tor publishing by' fubferiptiorii the- government that the I ones lThe SHERIFF'S, MARSHAL'S and America .would mipofc o,u us; Ind CONSTABLE'S GUIDE, ,' compare it to that we,now yyl. Containing practical directions to those hovv reat' thecoatraft,' and how! OJicsrs on every subject connected toith much in favor ot'oitr happy country,' th: duties f their oifix'Tjlth an up- -Amir.'ratr'tcl. '.What". a tvoh'licrful alteration his i few rminlhi made' i ' the fenti--Dertts aaJ coiiduft of the federal party in., thu country j -bc?rctiyi radj While drums, hwhs aiTd trumpets inchs-. r.vr resJinil To the birth of an empire 'where freedom Znf)'i"g the present, Oiepa it we review ; Tle h:,rovs who , and the frs'iohom w,,. ,' - ' 1 ' i 'TAJr,f7...J';AAw; v. republican fjrmer. ''Wh'en.th , ...v , ...... . . ... , . , enJur d ' - , viiai iiiL'i; ioici : mm inai tin 'vun w putSIioan wr-i-f-rs; and q-inte ,he o' pinirffls MY. Ma. lit' in, Tcnni1 Ao'itin-wij &c1a-njhaJjX ibcTrine and" lUr.dar.l an hnnry. r'i his p!s-nomenm-vis a'Yurprifin as llu conrfuft of the folcral lawyer in h( fjble, v-liofj burl had g(rcf,the ox pendix ofPrccedenL- - By, the Hon. J. L. Tavlor, T.sq' "TMIS work U .carefully cmp'-jL- le4" from h? bcfl anthoritie?, :w"o years.'hivo- pailcd away, fince vcr3 A os 0t AKe nbly and of Con he Republics writer on the )i- qrefs nppn alljhc fubjifH it' con berty vt the prefs were a fet of the. , to ..r bf t,fi Ciiize-is ot jixticai emhuiuus.v ana .tneir ooc irines were fophiilry, rant andbom- 'lafr, worthy or notice only lor.uic ridicule arttr icprobaiion ol the tea unable part of i e C3nnitini:y, Jiit rtow, foi (he-arto.iiihing 'dfetl of a chanee.cf aditmriftratiuiMipoii tisefe fage puli,ticlan, they tell Ui ot SiJiiey, Go Iwin, md other re- Ad the' hk sings t& fts by thir trior sccur'd nored his' (vbrYliip's ox, V O verv well, iys his hoi'.aur . notiui), And while gcisrvhc thy shall itill be .h mere reafotiablu or jui tlun th.i, t .6ur.usff'ir , ' v-Hyo""J Iliouhl pay mc,f.r the "Tix." Aj 'efjugfit ly their side so we lover y mi the farmer's replying thai '. ' themnnKi. r . , ' ' ilt. h-,4 maJr a'mill.A-c: it "was the ' ' '"" v . " ' !' fawyer's bull that had gored his ox : dpoete, inspired by th:, ( hc lhaL aliers th " ' !i I f.;ir, f rrntil take titn and conliiici To historians am . ' theme, Vt'e trust t,he vast treasure of Washing- v ro.v'j fame j. if (jon it, iij;,;: Lteie the mild xMw&tWdi ; J. ,s. Juu IW"1 "u , ,c.u: t:c tcrrml C'irt'i J;J 'aminillMtiijr.TcIt t1.e,tnfelvt-s' eif 'the storm. ' ' ..' . , iy , the repuLl.caps, nothing was Surely, vs, who hate seerukim in both, ;nioie reafonablc and juft than tha: hw' ofFcndra fhcuM.be punihi But' how-the - fedcrslifis have' ialci must knew best, ' Tor nVuher in words can be clearly ex . .press'd. . - :''' jtipon jhcmrcUf to "abufj a rp-.ib- , i ' . .i ') : , ,- . lican'attrniniltfatiun, that- akets the Wlynjn this hhest circle me cordially rafir Jjhey want time, anytime at ., , tnect, " ; f Jtcr tinie, to confidcr upon it; Thc And dr,pt tt for.dtearfver each vacant wchlbuVilly rtlilll the cotvlutf o, rr.,f,:',1' ', .' 'a jiK'.gs Chafe in'dircitinp a nrand a iter, vtensu son who uarc nootri ; ' . i r - i - upy io a namcubr ncwlap:r ai'i! InvirUieandvaluetoefiUhisshe- ' ' Upon their ;ParclnC tt !u, xliscendrnts Krcrcr alert on their .. Y "ne 'H which Henry the v,... ' . . . , j . j HI. declared ;mimcll king of ire Turn III ii ' I'm. i, i4iv.lv; 1 1 at wii. ll uu uii.nin.n..'. this ftate, It has' bf.cn tve u'.m o' the ComDiler to fe'eH fiom t!t mafs of gutter "with which, it r latennuiLTtJ, .the uKr.)i .orr.tni 'rivlauve to bisutis a'lt! Lonlta .c;. ; 1'idby a difti!i6rarangemetit of t! t iUvetal titles, to'tur:ith proteluor. j'al tncn. wih an eify le'erencr u mote copious loi'ircta ot inform j ion, and the perfoiis lor wfiofe'uk dia work is.i;nrnedi4tclr"dcfii,.oil with plain atid-inielljgible'.iii-Uruc- t ions. , ', ; , . - ','!..,., J Under the important tille of AR RKST, rhc'.dmy fof,ShcrilFs, Co,.', .(ablts, tfv private pci"ons in thcap- iprchenfiotviT olTender,' will ut dj v'nbcd, and the drrcot prot cdtio:. ffotflcd ttiemby the Law accnute y tlat-d, Cor.i.eiU'd wi'h this uhject is the Law f lIotr.ii.hl'.-, vhei; contniitted 'by an ollioer ' 'of jultico, or v.hcnthe prfopkiJU d i-.' n oui;cr of judL'.j, - "'rtlpi-clli.,. vvhich an attenoprviil be maoc v abridge. and njeiiuxiiz'; leading ca fcs'.' Soma o;ha nb)ccb treated ol ill ,.ho lijil, iWKd'M, Goals, and yijf sn'ets, Ejcafirsj 'Juries; HHvr it's find Afsr.'hut't tfrrsi io, - & - The work Will he . fciarprifel . co pajKS,; octivi, pnnteu on a nvat tv je aral t'od n uier, ' V '' It v. i'l he icTivcfed to ft'M'cri- Valuable family Medicines ; 1 . ' '- ', DOCTOR VWSOTS r Genuine An'-i-liilious and. Siomachic - ' BITTKRS, Prepared by Thtniiis.JL Roufon, 717. C. M. 6. Ntw-London, ton."'. For whijdi (Jifcovety be obtained a Patent fiom die 1 rendent of ib U'lUed ' S a'ps.' in' uly, 1S02, . '. " TIIF. v!l demand, for ihefo Bittern. arid their efficacy are 'Hi univerfilly known a(i .kcktiow.ogcd,ihat.i'nue. need be faid in an adve'-iifencnt, l,'.'.;p rio'M."d;cine in the world ii to u('-ful . ard proprt for a dorncflic fami. iv Medicine. Tbt-y are .'he grcveft re. lora.ivc 3!d ci.rft.lir of (ha fliefiive insdinne tfvei c't-tcd the pub'ir. Tli' f''i!i).v'p.c; ar; l.mis of the molt prominent'.. c qrnp.tai nH in which llicfe K'.f.ers are efiicdi 'o.n, and fo univei (ally nd.nirrd, Vi. hi hm ll'o'n," D'-hili V, H. a..'ueh., b w.i...-'(j-., D zinefs, fain,! j. ' u.Sj '1 rerii'o'ii rjv, Lo'vcf of opirU'.. .., i i'3'jiiia ion', v''; A. HALL v- ' "Has J oh sale the following Books and Station aYy EXERCISE for Cavalry, Biigg's Cookery, Adam's Floweu of fravetj, Belknap's Bit'grapbyf Seneca's Moral. Ptirftiit of Literature, , . J'thnfiorj's Lives of die Poet, IJarhberger's. Travels, c y'j Exile of Koizebue, . ' :. BiDgraphiraJ Ditlionarv, ZinuneriT.an on National Pn'de, Zitnmermari on Solitude, Jirydon's Tour, ' Biider i 1 1 aq ibri :n I,1, h;,-,.;,.. rn ... t d DurTiTOf .hebh.r.d, of any " ? ' V ,"' 7- WC - Bolingbroke's Works, -: Rcid's Lffays, , Roilin Belles Letters, Spcflator,' ' American Spe,lator, . itanoicai Harmony , i-s! r r irf- 'r i t1 o.oy ce .on Laucalion, ; " ,s , , t, n an, Lokcr-Un. z fh'impfon'i Seaforls llo)l:'s Games, Taylor's Reports, Evan's htTiys, Podi-.er on Obligations '.Beauiie.sof Addifon, odor (J')a.al AlhrfVojM, 'AVoims, "Ague!,'. cXtvixc.- ': 1 ricer lfty Lcnis J Bx. S.ct'a Genuine Windimni Pr'narcl bv.-Siiirniel Left. Tun. of) -r : - - f .t . r Wi.t.lium., -((".) for hhi.h d feevcry' uo- ("llf uy' ne'.buined al'i.'.', A.-nl I -jofi.' K-'ijcrwonn Concordance, Ih- virtues ard. clficaey oi d.efe IMis i iNeiktr s Kel'gioui up.niow ue'fo ntMve.r.Uy hniwn tliat inv cam- 'dwa-d'i Allccluins ncri on dKtn would he ahcr-ether fuper-l Hallybiir:on'.i Mjnuir?, pf.P.Mii.r Pricf I'.f v Cents a Box. )J Uoddnde's Sermon:-., 1 ) cc'b Itch, v licjiuitying L$ . Ointm:-nt, ! Eirnt Prayer lkt-k. " The mod rcm.irhablf roirni'fiiipn vrr 'C'-w.niort bfoie knowp. fur ehtif.ng and ferji'uifr. Bdj.cs, i cp. m . ti?2 ttf lKir, and i 'b': nvdt . elfefli-al,', .Va"'s IT Iras a-d ITvmrs, . Ufe ztid t y - npprication tvr tcfeie' Duchaii's 'l)-irac(lic Medicine, Jifc 'veroct tt." ric crc rttlie I. eh . .Pi.'ce Fify- Cmis a 'liit. G l n ii si t A I o in a ti c fl c, For die tceih aii'd 1'curvc; in thc..(juim .''rciartd -ffCK.iinS4t1i.lv. Lv 1. Th.jB.O- i i r. ' . 4 . . i ' 1 - - w ...... v. .... oei'S ilUlJlt'tTiCiy, bound, at I'tV'on Kow I.oi.don, (Lor..) ihis lade 13y i he tnuil tro n the .wdl ward vorihy of "us trcuiu, its character, anil ve find that federal ifm has.tKithitii; its bent hopes. ChiifUum'y (which c- . toh'jpc fiom th.itqi!irlcrthe Km- very vlieie clie seems ta have con-j tucky clcclivin lu j-itl been i.c!d, vvyed its hh;t.in:;s to the peoph) hau, and in return fur a'l the vay kind appeared clouded ly the inconsistcn-; latitude of llu- Uoraiiits win- bUwueii the rcliii'toiw and polUieal ter torlts ir.cre'tr. in n-timi f.ir 'iuauon oi me pi-op. rmauy uo iXi'.'ars :aoh. l will .uc..;pi;t to prt'fs a; (V'oi; ifufiici'Vut number ' of fubfenbert Is obtained ni 'i,-;:v lkz ei.'nce and illiie l in 43 otjih il.eieaHr. . ! - J?u'. fcri p: ibiir at r r tcei vz-i it jWi tViington, by AHiu.ui..! Ihll.'th ipubl.lhi.r : hy th". fcffchl PlII. Mat ters and bhinfi'i in ilw' State, and, by other piultu.en, in whof; hands papers tor that '."'ptirpofe ; n,ay be! di!? :ol rcruikitb!t: cur.iporitioa ever hcK)re dtfeovcred for pie.fefvit.jf and whiictiing the T.e'h, and Curing ihe Icnvey i .hi Clitir.', it is a perfectly (afe ..pptji J.ipl, ii lAes of all ji:aijree- a!de iin'.'il t r rr j h - b e a i b , whic gr ne itUUAU;. UiiDcita.' I ' II K Cr n ii n ;t 1 d i 1 y z O fi - ral'v zuh lrtna lcoibutic Gunner bad 'T....U . . : . f Ii ir- Fiiiy Cents-a Ho, For lala tonilaniiy in W ilmington, by GEER &. AV-Js-RY. N. B. Jo patiicida'r dirccTiont ac.'L (, aicuies.. Vv.n.J.: t J,ly aG.-eo Z. J! Srhnolmaller's Atl.fl .n, 1 ,,' .," i American Allan, . ! 'venty Do. uirs lvau, j Horace. Hunter on me blwti, i Inns on the Mulclef", ;PUufl and clIow Fever," " "-- i!h'!ci.burqh Phrinacoftria, . .1 . - 1 " . I t-v f r. . ziaron uurr. s uonucai uzictuor.:, Ward's Madicnsat'cn, ' Hatr.il'nn M -ore's Nivigaiion, ' Millo'.'s Ancient Hillory, . 1cb0ll0D s .Navijalio, , , AmFnfan'Cfiafl- Film. J."' .. ..... .. - ;f. . t,.-:- u-nniion's, lo;.c 5, ana LoticK 1 ivic- tionariet, ----- : Mait's Introduction 'tC Latin, French Grammar, , , VJ'array'n Gramma Do. , do. Abridged, . v ebller Grammar, t tur n AM AW AY iht ;h of-Ati- Virsdl Dalohi-e, - . . ... ... . .1 ; . r ------- 1 , . . . ctrs yi vt rps nvnpuiii'", HH',! J.V "u!l llika.1 1 lad. thjtuhr fiber's, Man Cl-ik's Ovid, ci-,. roiu..wr!- j, AtjK i-'a'irj'iatc we-.I-la fellow ; '! 'uf ircndin-r ait inl.utvlion. every ,'u,,T,f,,ia,n' ,tlie P'Tof the Uh.ndmvuh mcir ixuuPM.fUiCilv,armcc l , , br! and ltnp$ at X"u ' , n m' Vfiomlh fl tc u cel-hli ls?,l,y appe-red.pc. to.u 3I ,(. ,ql,irpCl, at the .endive ? a. !iuUfrcnh !,t u. one of hi, an. tj""'"', . in LiU 1 r- V rr.V, I -In If Plenty.- If the rcl.on of the U- h nr;iointcl y Aot. AWly,! .s 1 unj..f!U.id he i, oonc to'1" 'Ti1 ' , J! -,f viil 7 r-' ,l5an-fl. lf la.id ha, cmbUtcred it controveiVtcs,'-. . ,1' Mt)WJ j.y- vi I 4 ' . V't,, nJ- ' J'L " A " rl" ;kiirj Glafs for the ntmJ, tutiiias icfult feu, .(.cellorts iuU(1 n6l create ihem and the mwf J jf & 'Jivl " VnT ll A ' , T'G L"' " ' of de.hr-U, svbat t-y not !:r;. ctiici ofKn-jland havebeen conttrtu- ' Uf Z ' M . jf ;V?!;J be c,,ven.tgihc ;Ml.3re., Mll,ilPri i 1 - i . ii. run in nv 111 mt r rrii"ifH!iiai..4Wii,.,i-jr,i" t I iii m m 1 4 wj oiLJHi.'u una ,tiic;ii I ! j-cwtu-u wiicntnii wtuuu ii'i;uci tt pioclaiu.'itioti ot Ui? oppi'CEMOtn Hi arff no linijjtr op?n to the inroads h;; tulTered, cvt n m the altethpt , to cf icaU'tis iival 01 forci-'t. encti'Jcs, relieve them. . Thh hi and of .whir hi BUln-IThc fi3 Eanaliru or. Monday tlfi7b, lb'. i er an! this brdii,'St about'hy the pre- the Utuatioa I.a..'ceir the frxwofits'' '., MCi ftaitihtn wi Wd-fj-it rrpuw icati ad:rini:l rativ) i suhjecttyu; U tci krncdj to contain - t J ff(j 1 ,ha 1;j j,, Tie wvilcrn (U'r altraiy - .Wl I.usetUven iniliien ortcit, mul has 5 V Hurl n in Fr: Jai if? tn, fu:J;.lur;v.Ht t7h: f.ici.J. of the 52 umv t I , It lied J Onllw.TU .b.O- ttaitalton cinl.itt:t?oii tit the Ihtrni of the "?t? ,m ' n. V'? rX.' ..a.ihf on F.W.y .be 8g , t7Tt. it u- '.'i,i4f 4 .Mil. litf in ITnfiJ. n 1 - 1 ti-iv wi re j .r avi 111; vmwio ih rtin taritu Kit jincrniiicut auiiJ m by fiiit'tin iiifl ictii r, that I he re it tvery h.-psvf prvH iviiiour rcpu1)- litun trt(lilintOi).i froth lb-' ini'.lii.', .1 ........... 1 . .1 1 ;v;untic, t".e:r i;,nurtcc m nysvZ ; lo w.chmoi i4V:.i'y than hlioi n i7U of INoUhUiU.! that ot d'..mltiJ aMach'.ncnl t .1- r . aml c,rrdlIi()1;c1 M ,0), ti makin j 2,1 1 1,0 1 1. . f hi 1cm H;Xifri NOTUX. " ' tutioni as utllai the f.vei J of their, rrHL" f thfer i'srrs having qualified tt'.cniiri. A-t'ira. X. L)l.:iM(jii 10 tlic tatt will . ami tcslaiweii; uf John Bnrjiwit., The a J r.vjtc nf nrifln.vs.-y,' dcCfafcd, ho'ivr to all ptrfnr.j Vntr at.xioiuiotitvc t'uir ca'lc havio demands aeatnll theeituert i tl run the ir of thrif prrfi fall John, to ttftnt them for pay. tlv.cm li.tve but little ttzuA t'r matt v it fun the tlnie required b t1 : lu : in f "f poiUti'v. when an jsft of AiTttnbly, cniidtl " liieyaimat fab tf :iig the hkim att. to alien! itt ACl tn'.itlcJ ai r 8 t ot thit icjmiL'.h-. (Jur ir.rtil In-' Ail conCirtiin piovinr.f AVJI's vr'rrrJie rnttriici. rt 11 Tin thcl.'l.l and r.rjn,,riH 'etlcr of A J..if citltA- fjaikrt hoi :fty, c?r not, on ui re tion, 'and it pretsnt fr tn U)r Till flio.i, t tst (rcinly applaud the ruanaeriirnJ ! i trMatm's tlUtci,' tit. afints of i,s pref'nt ad.niuif. t.thctwife they ivt'.t he tuned ftmn tta'j;m. Whi''; in Kp;','ar. I h'tihaiM't rtcnvt tirg the fanie b the open. t.ui tir'tith.lr v.lvii ft!.:rliotu tloNtf fattaCl. .T'licy a'.f'imve na thur i'- '.Ifcti ch'i! Ucn Jkmi iluir lice 'hat thry are tprefily enjoin-l pirti 1 ht 'mhabiiar it of this f. el by their 1'eiljtnf , r. hit fitd lit ' I'utir.'r rry(ji( j'cace and wil, to I'tVWt ai ft'.f aspollibU, "'r Wftina It ii ir jail lo-ihat I if .'.cott. L'lfoi.s, 1. 11,, 01 delivering him to, Mrl'c-jiAmerK an i leci-nn, t,n vn M,xiljr .he 3H, New.llantiver The lpg-' Creek .Bi'ia'.i-n on Wed. r.ifday ibe ad, . 'i'.9. Wlll'I'J; n, Bu'taii an i ! i.J.y i'e ! Th Tronpi 0? Cavalry "J C""njv "of-Anihefy. -pride uh l?.e Ii cj( mrois or Daoa' r.i e wt.ck iSiy re ai 1 lathed, t " . ' '. The R't tf la fu'led it twelve Vt lock, and tfiaisaal Reium rraJe 1 j?rcc ab 'to Uw. Oo.ike la te r point it 11 mitti'ff iiet tbfMrd, tht ihtre ha leen in rei.er! iu erirh rerai(nen, . 1 hitb b) 1 ll ti'tltii, ld hi, !) iifpnV.j 1 PfHiam in V iuninpiun, cr to Mr. J'dir Gr.-cn at the OJct tj fe ven mile belti Wilming'on. . Mailers. of viUclsan? oihcr afr f rwan"d Vori l-arbonrir ., cpi- iru away. r'a'fc -U'vci , bju h Carviina, 'Ihtober f t h, 1803 :VV. J r t ' . T pioy 1111 cr varrt uiij Trenty Dot fur 5 IUartl. :1 Ai AWAY fro-n lre f.4jf;ieJ - at Vv ilininion, un lh. 4 h of .Va'fb ljr likly Krffu Man named II AR- iWai! iwrnsy nrie yea' rf g five fr t eight or nine iichci h'h, lie ii bunded on ilje v.gSl b eil wuh the l-t -in Al J. it f"ffinly ihtf ptperly ol Mn Ilfpjinr n M.f.jjfp.on jJ,f.Soinh. U'efl Itirfh of New-Kivrr, nrre J lie not if.i Icall det.lt be it r.ow har 1 . j ..r t ... r perUcuWe, f,,.r1,beh,ie.f.nd.if ( J U who ker (tf! Conflafl t Lovrr 'Datidfao's Virgd wiih lIeIg!ifH tranr: Ulion, , . ( -fir's Ct"triurvsiiv-, 1 . ' Cotnelnii NejiO, Ym.P Latin and Fr-' ili D; tinr,srj, . L-i's iinteiif an Accouniti t, rract' Air..lan'', reftaraea'i i d 1 faltrr, Rciietu'i EUdfi, V.cirofNVakelKhJ, Maria, ' ; Turn Jare, RoJtitk Rndm, lnvi&ble IlambUr, Monk, Aratitri Tah'f ' ' ' Children r.f it Art " ,"" 7.',tc,,HiiiC'y tif Wcir.'.r.,' KvehiiSf . Miflrrtfi pf Un'alpSn, Mmdaun Ade'Kde de oaneerre, tlf fnt tun I at . . " a . , r t .. 4 l ;:ttt'y. j .l..it', lu niiifori aril all lijt;1l ot tll'irtvjr l.i . I t;1a)' be ti, viu.t .'.le lara'kn, it ti fU 'y iir h' tllt'c: All feif"'". iVrc- l.lilut ftititfifl . 1 1 JivlC tiietf !!i.1i. l rt, -.it arj in UVc J lf'Ju. 1, I3-"'', N'i e, or A.voiiM, much if rij lite yoited iii!msdcffi ! )'m on. 1 iiaie u.utr ti n,iiff a i y it was ioj 'make reint-nal Re-yrt a'trr i,c Lfi. Grnefal ara Bifahnn Mutlrt will taufe ihetn a it dc'ivf fed on of lefote the' J'h of Nrii lir nf f, reuf Jt jiti il,e trmrurn (;itd ii. l p'tl rib f; faduie 'ffnf ard incife1' fun-'if re. 4 " r , I 'tl,r ti, fonfupK' tr er difa ,''.!c lo the ffrlrgs r. iWe G'-ral jr J irjtl,i iti 1 Hr 1 r r,n Rtpilatlnn, U.h fur.wi rt-.o a,d f.'rl d. l.ver u"".'"5 ' ", X - fine h ,h jad f W.h,.n. ";!U r fu?f T V ft tial I t hia. . k B -Vt, nt Vir.M. k.ri., w.U ve fufther reward of Twrn.' J"ln'" 1 J ' Jfl4', V.YkS i I'm, 10 ini p-rfn fciU; '''5r.P'Kft ... ce menaUmanai, tlm may lfj ia' ra?ri -'ir8 "" 'onvieiion, o lu bctn hut.Mire.a k a F t' I r 1 ftin M.il,f.nf 7.Jt','o her rerf- JucJorti. inlfll rt h-itty fiis.d SrlvMf.. 1. rn-iUme L W;" "' t'ftt 4 i.;r.il..d! t..,c . h, the ha',1 r.,;.j.uf.ri U tonic for -ard ad n r 1 ' U '7'!" V T'"U "M UWMI-nnf nrunf. -IMC .. i iM.ti iuryrr.cMo,at.r. yl AP,.I fijf,,., :.crir M.. y U. SPn. fi V-. LTrJ .' , 0U t w vt f,e aj-tirhrr,diJ, hr f,i't I r'. V ' , , t. - Jj.i. . rr'.Jiuf ;vcr.-ncr.i,riu til iM hcin,.hr it..; rtuHiiy -f re Nd! aP?c. .; !l '! A...,t ird i U- Ur'aica a a irward.iffrd l.i Imi ''''V'.a,W'l!,af ,htf f 7 ' r rt ...... ot t'.a ......! I .. . i H . I . r . . . I. . i . .......... 1 ...';. i. . 1 I I . I I lilt I I.I . 1 I , . v i ' i, . v i i. . ini" i i i i i'ji'mh i ir i lie l" int. c. in i cum I'. w ri i Cirt t;;d fctil jun U. 0117 iIi.kc tii Wr l.rri IVj.'e pr,v Ic f f .sr... ihr ab ! ioniu. t flu !; i t a 1 r,iu.!!a. u,t tlot. ac ,i.f','li ff:'J:l C irntii-lit i ()?(-. ti i ii li lit I cfo liicii n. rf.. l.e'.l. Ai..s, i)i llUIAN. Obl'f4. V ' Ciuninal Cai:fi, the i U 7 MJ Arfu'.nrnt CatiTi', the 1 ti! '". T.rt.("i biiiVrapKJilit JOS. VK!(j!IT, ? Ic'fr'il Cnyi- M:: .!. Want d bt me (,2'.i e of ihe Kq'-ty Caulcl, the 1 1 , 1 1, TJ)!r r-, ,'ivil-n!t, afft tin by. A. J. I)K L I". j ' rf 1 Hr-Nj A. SMI 1 11, 1'. G.S. t M W.lo.ir.y.ton L-acilc.ci.e or u Ap-' !ay. tncir-.", ; iffif .' '..i rwrc, tur-1 V'4;nirr;irtn, OJ. 41, i5a-, '5 SttinUi ! br tmle? s, tSc;. , 1 .taitc. , . . - 1 .y..h"V,V. .. M '1 r..

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