.- hi trHE' CopattnfrCnp ;bf Jacob ?jL' , Lc V ".& Co. haviosrihis da t: 'H'lb-.vih port?. Vtz:vCjtcno;tvof Pott other "fort1 in Englaavt ot'lfcUwl Apply 't-': a-: : FOU SALfv Solved , bV mutual', coiifct.t a! jjofc indtlci Srm' either bv l)tc; or opeu,accSunt;' are Jier-by ..cfirc J lo make imiiWautft 'payrn.cni --a ml y t lio ( v ho ph a v ederna nd i a- uiinit thtf fi'i arc 'deli red to cxbi- "t uis'n - w-ijuiciii io ivicnaro Ltpydliofi? luliy authorireil ti ; ' '. - JACOB Lm ; i .A ! CUA RLES DA RROVJ Xiibbkr RICHARD LLOTD. I I?H ;E, Cubtciibcrs, beg leave to in, l .fur m t he(& f ri e fid s J and i t h public .in tei crat that the Grocery 3niJ,,-ry AJ Miusj jpuimClS . Will . 0 SMlTTTVTr.T TF. LOTTERY No, i. IxX- aoietnc, trustees jiamiinvuis ..jireeabh to the .directions contain: a in oeMjr.MTtfJlr "v" iast WiU and lestament ot JOB t v V ILMIWGJONij Ut NOV. ky3-v. r ; . iiosneaas prawn sugar; ,'Vj.?4vi7' ' ':-i:?Uyxc3 China AVarc1 cbutmucddt t,h Upn; htefy occu'fi ; Ditto; Cottrin Carcls U;ttq Wool Uat Us, :.:--vKcg3Spini8h-;Brwh,iy;' Ditto';sixtnny: Naiis '0 t A Copper Stil!,. ;';rV "; . Kottr; pieces Cnnon-j-4 podltidcfs, f G ri n d -stoives, v f-Zifbf ) v;.j Barrels Flatir'AW ; , Sawed, Lumber,-' opars.. ' -jani Dollars.. lie, promotion: of. iczrmng intra ' y iiw..i. -.2 ditto . -ioa. .... siu jBaaGwlXi ;JLsqut'rit 'dectattJk 'at the c . heVhs 'Sales.1 0 Msnd'jj jbt tth day f A'tftt, Lets, h'-Crf-irfiij fa- the Twn cf Miming XtFtthi fMunitr the Ciiri'hufe i ly iaiproycd YttA caUcd 1 it-tiJkxtASPRiaSttJiiLD5; iti the I -4 ditto Hoditto-, 200 ditto" a ditto last drawu ticket bltne 100 i vmces annumotr fW :wvsll)(f whlch30v Ii cleared an - uaruen ana 1'ieusure .urounuH r ' ; ' i ; $0---0p tc.ui Au&,;isuuaica eigm miics 'rtdgnDourriooa oiKocKf mot,' ; : yv.riripw, " "r 'ihe'OAo-atfej.-tJO of winch, is tlJB liaktiwito'a ''" Dr''-V'O j' . yJ.iraprovement equal to any :in thU jCd Ai nil aiiu, ?na a ,K.tce iviacmae, j '" ' Honfe, Phing:6fthiLot4f and a fluenbec of out hou. Till AlSctitionvviU bprc JL;ifcnVedi t( cetjfufog' General' AlltfmbyyVfoctt I nexl nk.tht patt otB ru'n'f w ick cdu H? ty on oc.'Wcivuuoyrvvaggamaw rivcti .to Ui a r e n c r.u n t y .'-;0loberT25'.ci8d3 lonrduringthe:cttingofthe ensuing ing- t Also :a goodMiiK. seat conttgtj-1 ? A ,t t u au ic v caw. ivi t v u: ; superior 'tourt, or aisoW thereafter wsygaUon.v of Lan ; tas tW sale bUhc tickets ' will pernin ihetctor ' :.:v ' rvi"i, l.'i.i. ii .L' At iS iame 'iimi and blaee Will bt.Sald T1;i 1 "xU '.i - , ' b& published iiv; the JWilraifjgton kJcV tette asoon as thetlrawiag 5S-.conlu-,nc-"tt' ;,u t be ? dKlctibcd on . the . day of , ded?; and the prizes Vfdl be paid on ap;; l J A'f ni estament,. q felorgiogt'o the eftatc uf Mr. ' AH 0N Alhe's Crec, known by the . harti f BcaGVrycn;;; on !whicf)ih?fe is a "good rtilj feaViuffi,, cient fcrVivvQ faws, on a. la di " ... ' ' ' ITie subtiii&eiri haxit just received in id i .,;"'" .10 'tr jormer, stock,". ' i ,vmji. :a " ' ; ; : s ; ah . aVo tmknt. or';i , v9 iftr'eaoi..:.'. pajt.jf. fajd land is tt-i" -Oil t rJT? -v, - U- ' adapted to trie. culture vt cotn;an! we. i iduiMi,- jyuu .uiu,.b4. i . rca-rt n nis m.ncr ucai tiuauc nOL Henry Halleyi Cfcealed. . : ! i ; - I surm.bjectjw i v monthsno laid oW in ticket tori sitnaccd in the . .Ipwa of V.hninon of Krk.,i IJreet ; W,!rington, for.' , the jiext' fibttery ohVaccount pf heliveral i'arcej LAND lyiug w-e"rly occupied byfaacks, Levy , VowWr;;and hose hoteitian II : . -4 Til . ' I .1 .. J ... 1- z . 1 . . I a . . - .' -.1- ' ' . A tii " i '.. ' 1 K I TI tf . .. 1 ' - . ' - ' - " " T I managers as reliriqucd' tcl.the benei-eWcoVbVofrMarkcu of -Groond 55 ly 66, on - , fitof the'Academx. -Th1f ; - (We of ,Mirket flrect, ad- - i.Tbe great incoijvchiehcfc which tl.ef and isa'fetf ore Secon-dirt'--vt j'-'Jo'na' l,al'' ' on he att tSe . .;. titize'ns of Brunswick cpurlty and the ,-.vA L'j't oa tewtiivvf-jt' .c??n"of f?Wjctry of Mr,' l?njarnin Blaney ; ; - district enerullyexyerience-; from saidtreets.v20 iAvMv street' A Family of Negroes, forth ii :thJ yanf.iiofkA '.properetortiiMfy; of hd uiriii Ki'Svtst-i: xvmhetLlihc f'ronertv sd( ' Mr. S..V." . II .1 : ( JVow LtFERrooL and C'.scor,. ' tJlCU they will difppl'c'of lo' for " CafKVor PoV ducc,( at tlicir f'brc"iTti"'.MaikeU' v 'l c Airjcrion oc. ones.;, . . A 'i-Thc terms cf payment will be fnadesi.f7i;lol(be.purChafc,.A',. !i I vvj 1 1 a ! fo . 1 en t thj. jb pper a par! - mef ts of n- v I loufct 'KijVhe'n&'c. i it. M a r k tiifil r ee r , "ti n't il' he.4 ' $ r ft "of January he xt"'F i r term s a p pi y ' t i" ;iM;.:r;;vV:;..D1,:fib)iet:.' .'. '"M'iy;;' 1 9 ,S' ' t-' '''"' Tronertv earnmc, ,niut.e -ftwaayaatage- M-fw hirW- .t:'ih,; ..i'H ht m ,(,u. -: : "... Wuasb.parcnufrom striding. their xswd'liv'llw ill-aseU-'; i 'VThrce likeN Necro Ftt!ows. the :! - children abvoud fur the purpwses; of:, f A:ol th' nVnh'i:dewMrkiU ed'icatiotivwillit is opcd,.stimuU-v;fcevV,u-ui,lK mem wkumk tvuug vicvitw.i runring-bati to a'arjV ancy about p ..w o..v ... ,J5 cct, bt;wt.r..ni t.ou owned by UdndepeRdcnt.SUtcv . s v ; Lot on the asvido of Frost- t ' 1 h uf ' Advantages of Smilh- fstre(.; chitn iaa lur'ni-.t Ull .1 Ville as a placs of edu'caQonart h.u. property -ot, Mr. A..vut!ar. W m . 13 LU D W O RT H , Shff. ; 1 Wilmingion,- 05. 4, l8o3 in?: otCi! reel ' nil anil tt fli Ar.l tv f 'jfc' 1 a." , I .i v. mi. ' iiii il., w. i.yvtai , l ynJi yr . 1 untK jj ire.. sight cf Ue AtlauticJfram ti- saJu-'j . a Lclca thi same. s;di6f said .Dnry anu pieataatncaj oxtnevr,- ana 66 fsain ; . runma2 k:,,k .to" Se- Sti lU'td or StafcYl .ln?.ofuterp pIcel;Kiitconc.street V.'ccvpivd byauicsli ,' Y ' , rand fashionable: resort 1:1 the turn aver vsar,!: -,i .;,;,.. t'n "ic,.',-..;!,. i i ,';;UJ1U li r V.r 'I,.: .vi-w- H ,"" fuoscroer on me .in wnence, 11 .uamoaio inc.auYaiuava ;b,M the cShwUtyns ot which wtll be r -f :"-"fy " , - " , .instant, a large tlarkbay Horse,' ol country scnooii.tnt mnr.trs citnc -mvee len'ewn ohtheds'y of v. '.. v l'PP V frant the l4mcqnrier,4riHlnr - islands hioh.: with i- .iinrfUl'identa-wouid Ootiolrtatil und their f fi.' ' u r , w hich ha will OUbfc'of oVibode.'-Wktd tail tnd, Tochcd main, a little 'Kinder it; rate tcrmsnr.rasn oj; produce.,; of the haichangitijj'overbw-forehead. ' J . .' lYiivir? An'i?frfm. on which1" is a small" blaze i U callet' v ,".--. '.. ' - " "pn the shoulders by "the chair Varncst, jcbnsUttt upply of nr'wir.eMiat.'ocafd'- Vnuis a little cat hairid." i wjs :gw might be as in anypirt X PAkCk L of Land containing ifpi.'rd as r'itcre ' arif duelling 'X v 6itft;Vci)!cen hundred acrei, -tii'jX M-ftcV fici.t. runr:ins i r. i'sladai - county, - known by . the name of fhe Indian Wilis, ly. 1 L ' anding reined- U bids fotr 1? 'street, aui" ZO fret fwnVa'jnmriit . (bc a place of commercial Importance, 'i,t 6$ IVU. ad -biwr Mr', flobcijn'a.; 1 lurid trom'its vtciruty to the sea a; id a i .,. n ?h.. .v:,t f ii... i-. - 1 t- . . t a np on octn li.:ej ot trie tNor'fweu j xtvtr, & adiftmiBii tha land ot Mr t John Waddle It abounds vi!t Cyprck and Oak timber, and 'here are three hundred acrei or Low , Lnls well adopted- to the culturs X Corn. :, tor terms apply to ' r ; ; ; ' GEORGE LUCAS, -yOctobtrXt. ;'."- 1 s'UOet, Vn wluih is a two story Lwel- " T . . , . . expeatd onaslGwttrms iwV ifo.-" Arr-iiri,.H v f-oMa,n A..-'Sale Witponcd until the I out oxXo- of tha cistrct. 'The tilt.nv' Si feei'uv ess; ' " ;, .;. vcmbtr next. ' tt lies hackno'kde.'.A Water Hi about CO fett frontine I ' ' " - ' " YOli SALE.. .. c 1. .. .... . : : v o 1 . , ----- , . 1st day. Three milo .hciCts. ' the tuve generous rewcra. , .. . . .. L two cfihree'-1 j'car-Id carrying 1 .ALL3V !,-PEI?AN. . 8i lbs. 4 years ol! 100 years, 0;- '-.r. 2 ;V f..''.;.-' r old IU lb 6 years old iH Vls..- T "'-"f n". rr"r" Syearsold 130 lii"...-2lyeat s old,' cat-' in Dollnrs HfUard., CnCS. -' ' v 4.. ..." ..'. ;' 1J A.N v A v A 1 from" the lubicnb nil lillic linn dmvi w. . V . rl. . iir'J"tl r-.1....: " 'arrro fei!'v ;ofd GOLD cW. - . -Uieib aropcr-y cf Thomn XofH d. '.' JheW;diyVpurSi:Vbeto!c,f!aV third.or a subscripiion of 640 Do!ls."ch ?lf,lc(i 10 ,,f,m b" M "the accond the remainiDe third there. .''V . ,nrh'l " on and the last i,mnt wi'dbe the nt0 b ' V7 TV ?,,'''of.,,r-entr.-.ri. n,n, JfmV .i;rr..r,,t ,t,v. d,,r.i; 'fvcr..at.d h,t trnicb 14 for the'Jirst t?ay IS dollara, , V . ; "v 7 V,. 7 r"1"" """.v. u,c puuuc a . tr - ttrr ' ;.-. ' -'.imTin a little cat hain u. ''.lis -tit TIlc:,VyilmulMton inbcnp- in Cumberland couritr 10 miles : . - tl in Il AGKS ; abovc Fayettcville, andcSnc downbyiicounty invvhich , . v - , " ' v - r o " t . , 1 .1 - -' t . 1 i .... & .TTTILLcommen.-.e-TCnThurtdty wa7 Dl .o.n asmngtonv r ;.;euto ue u.e mc range lurMoc ia '.i.e-.en ront-TtectJadjctrang the hou Qn ThutfJ the ioh tt Xeimher V V the-2tth rf November,-free 7 .lyenng u.e saii.a;c, aiiu aiinun atiin;uiiua oy ccc'iipietl by Mr. Ko.rl Muter.'- .! - f at the Hrmitore, lAr kmi 1 1 , ... f . .. . . f ' 1.1 ;.. . . . J lui ac n mc 11 y inn nu'iLiii. Ml ill rci .ignite iwiuai is chiiii iu . L, uiu witn rmriinn .n 1 h,n- ..m.p I n I -. s. - - . . . . . , . .v...w,r, iaurvciuiui;. r , -. k .1 1 r ..... r. . . . ' v. the 1 loulcfloij lurniture Ol m TLration. ' rfinn. alL' which. CanecnUir .!! m ..u. i ...t.-- i- . . J . .6 ... hh. healthlnesvcf tlieVi u . i l u-X pUnt.oon, .cfie,her wi-It probable erves Sch enable .r.'o execution, wiucn, ihy loudly .Siptember 20., Lxtculois. . hope will oc tne cast, it s:inil be their care and study to. procure teachers of 'Ifti.f St Gtui, ") Sm 7Vr, 1803,1 ro'cler, and tocsublhh the institution1 on a basis that will prove a lasting be A.ua vi.u naiuir w I'll aii '.iiYt ir 1 t. . . . . . . cheapness cf diet, it dc- td t.etsrnal seturtty will le rvctaiTdV., .limi. f J.,,..; ,"t. . a . .-.'' I to Ls encouraged as a District and it the diVvctica of ti-.;-F.iel:utoi : t .1 r ... t. ' R . , , i , . , . , . . , rir'Y pi crier mciei, im in iuisi 11 M ; and i,oiid the i iu-.tecs be itaortiaKea aho. . - v uJi er. jti., j;. r r .v. I . dly the asssiataace of their fel-1 T JOSHUA r. -WKif.'lT ' ,V MV:,"':,',H I citi2ens, tbcarryibetrcoddcsicn . AUM AND jtjK IUis'CkTk t. "j Ku : j. jL. ,T'r . 1 .sci pnd Jiy 10, and last dar 4. j itmin ton, Cttober 23. "Id hh a (Im, ihtw fcJtite if.e sboe '.ptiiri f veiTeii ir Kerf by ricVts'to be had cJohn Lord Joshua I'otti, Bcniimio Smith, Ikn jumin Mills, John G. Scvll, A. Hall, and of ctbef gentlemen intichcrunty m bourirjj lum on panof efofiMiig'n,"' "(Icf the-district, who" w U give limity f4 he , notice by. aJTntiMti at the Couri- piU-'suhscrihersto the Wilm! "" ""f, I ton RACES are respectively rt. P'f mPl 7,rg , hlf. f)IIPfffl In mV nsvm-ii,' T1,in ?ifdit r.;v, is.... .n,f ' ' .cwei of In. e. icrof tin n v c,0ii. hieeo correcln haicr.? -. , lition tpar by the Ut insttnt, I n. VJ SM,"" . expect . that no Kntlemn will refuse, U U h,"e MVi l I ' I h or cren delay csllinij on me for thai ' . ,ah' t)' '. 5 parpif, prrrknu to ilie commence- , . ' tacirtoftln-Kactt..,- " t , , . lU'ISb LhiV jllidics, of their having them for slc, J wi iv I , . t t ; : JOHN COYLRS, fkc'nv. Wilmington, Oc'.obrr ll, leo3.' r -Kr-iAnrrtoTici ' n It Ut Jof ef 'lar.uf'i nttt, ; . ... . .-t-v . r r f 1 1- r..n. Tf it. r-rfir i .-t- rt . i ii'. - iuoiwiiuii a vyL I Iiniarfl.ly of Negroes 7ia num. I nri. .,., I b-f, leriMon hythe ShtnfT rf - Miuur,offtc.KK.ttirT, N'-llanovcr cnun'v. tnd adrertfied on ' thr 'spC-fiM l ka iing trooi for isle in this G;.thei on the tth v,tn"t;''' t I-attnerilSc, cccu d4? of Nortrr..frn.-t. Utod'iHbarrt P ed at riciynt adcht of - Mit. .SanvM Ahet onhr r wl n j rhub I bcciruc sriiiiity. I trtnt, kjsrhcii! Port .hMifer J a liri n'cvc., uiM ccnucv.tsn. wiu.eu.nc Jlaiilr. I he ahnt n iff kr l r ,t tate nit frornik kUt ty irt.trMiit. ciU't.f fjr a publi: f onfe k a conn. A T t!i( thfain(( Siiperior Co in tV is, ") St. Tit Sittrcx Mjllsts: Attachment,' Lcvud in thv i,ai:s of "V',ikirc, 1 - Scoif. A- Co. ' ' . . " ,'" Di'nvir and Ivwttr.' " ' ORDLKED, Tht .job-lie (ice be F.iven. that nnlefa the dciendant in ihe above Aiiacbmrnt, Pfcir and give bail final, - Jo'hj nutit will be entered at the - en lu ing term I)rrer'r r rext, " A ANT1I0SYB. TQOMRR, C. C. C. JOS. G. WR1GHV, )- , , . A. J. b FOSbKT. C"' I. it mutt VlLtt, "j 7crm, 1803, ' " ," Original , 5l.vrc.r MaUITS. j iTn,ri'm(Rt. LiVitd in : c i 4iot ot W iliktin;, " ' . Si bit: ti C.A. .' hat public no py the CiH .atT.int fore ilm ferioJ.l Cc Pe kien, that un efs the . fbf untsimrUdiodu'nncerwifr.d; U u',u!"U ,,H'C bore .ttachmt n' ia frfnr 5h?ifl,'h rUced h- ous I al Far at.d fe.bail, lioal ju-tg- tf l biMMop not lolr tbit o 1efiy mini ,su be ent'itj at the coluti' urm in uvCcm'ici rrat.. . AXTUQSY D..T0OUERt C. C. C Ific Diflrnef W.lmiptu,'!, Jiljt ... -a w J 2 wftwti te tikeo irnfifl the 01 Nr:lJiootf, rho ful infeiilt ni 0.' I , . I - inn ivn .a. 'O nciiiy -,1 Sitrpfvvi.i Mctl., fiff,cfi, iG).l,(:,ii t.y 'i'lm(fti r"1r demaifli tttUe ndy tea .hMiferJ a lirre .d" fn'ih a rrcte.Ui idifpnfiM. . U.i -heri.T., b.MUL MAUSON. r ... I,..-1 L.- . W I. kill ' . f .1. - . I .. - ... ' r O tobtr 2t. Infrmruiott .Solicitrd. 1 nnUi ail hae a Imill flrvk t n the flare. ' ' W. H. DKAITV. . Oilohf io, lSoJ-m. X AN AWAY from the fuhfcrU , X, brt'i plantation on the Souml, o tut e:h iruant, a Iifcro v o. man named FANNY, temten i and 70 ttart of arc, aloutcfce: twt . or ihtee inches luh, of a jel'-oviifh . completion She v.n formerly tU rropcityot Uaclor retu, detdW !, rd latc'v. of Mr. L. A. Dol-,' fay, fmni wl.cm 1 putl afid hr'- She hai a bufband belcr.fing to Mr. Peter MvtUnamed B;n. A ward cf Ten Do'lars ail; be giea to any petfon who will bring her to me or ociiTrr htr to Mr. L. A. Doifey in Wilmington. II w ill -gi a- furiher-frwar4 of Fifty Dollars for information, which may liadtoconTiCtiou, of her beta; f-atbmtrcd by a while fetfon ; an twcr.ty-nve itniiarf if by a ofjrro WILLIAM G. BtRRY. Sepcmber ioih if. l L. jragnei Shfvif 19 ftnTr TF K nnt l APK Rrffeon -t.iifjiuftft.tiy. uirr, "P UN awar fr.nih futif,h,f t.4 ift e r beff.f.M if.wl.Hfn,! iWutthc lc h Sertemhtr Ufl y, irr i.f,iBif irif ,r .r m.. nMlnrti II A I I t V m - r- - " -" -..-. u &a & ft. a hi t(iff .i 1 -.: U u4f. t.p, Atm fft.m .hi: 5 ffCl P 9 e l.6h ,3 or 34. OrVtf 1 1. . .. 1 n.rtrt corr.dtalon. Ha ji wtj: ' " kTY( !' ' . Iti wn in r Wiirnintton and it 1 W tft k a , a " I iligiir the a. 1 .. 1. . fi-rrbt rUen. etrfili! to n Mkio.inooJ. t3 TAKE' NOTICE. i THE fubferiber imcni ii male a final dofe of bit bufint fi it thii.pljfebT tbVioHof Noveobri 1 enjuing. . All petfoni hiving da mar.Ji a;; v. .ut him srill be patn ra ipp uation. Thofe who tt dcb'ed to him are nr ceiTaiily r1"i ; ed 10 maVepaymcot by that eetioJ1,' rnf.f.. . -.. V V i e 11 fi'f msiiiln rJ n fli . ' 1 t . , i w .11, , r . ''AIT v, .... -.,. . VM rc,d f,r- h.t-,n him .lutH cJrcumnaVe. a.iUW aimi. r ' lJ. , . f . i I It .. 1 iiicrti i. 1 ,..:r . 1 . 1 1 . . 1 ett4 tonit or to ill uilor ol thi fi.r tr.diticer.rt, Th boroi, aotii Cifieret co'ltiy. ftrejiM,; t . w oirttu 1 a tui,, any tetiVn ,,., . i .if fail rty .. .. ... t . 1 triil vt 11.11 rv.i ill. w I lilt n'lti Lfiffn iU.'0"?'. . H,,,d iwm'l i'1-ll.nil M tre pr.mcr ..... ...... . ...,r,, , - - j, . . .V l ' Manefi cf ttfk 1 ad .11 . . ..!. . j . . . . .1 ... 1 ii... . i . . . 1 . . 1 A.ipirin up. ri F 1 i.ni 11 . fit. . . .t ' . " . i - II in 'I li 'lli I 1 - 1''i lilt. f- 1 n'.ca'Hi'on h' fiicndi and ch. ecei: ! ivj nii ... vij. u jut, 1 I Ar.ittlr U the aJrm:2t wf lneH rtifa il Itii'tn it ificr aauirdjf t t nineteenth da; of H 1 . ..--. n fr""t i! e a a 1 PQurr ! OO.hf 3;. rMtlilll lit full lit Vllk.ii.ii -n. Millrt ..r.i ... - - - " - - - w 1 1. in . .1 f..i 1 , lipu ,w I ll" . ' ANTliOS p. TtOKtR. H p,-t,.tii. c d Wi'wifjji, Ott.itr 11, ; rijctttiii.f, s.pt. aj. u. omcly, tiJaf(.VtbeputIof1

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