r". .. ' - ... : : - : .- -... '' . ;-; .' . .. - IV. yY.M;!1;- J ; 1. YY . :- -TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 23,-1803. Published weekly AiiMivit 7iY at. Ts sit Dollar's, a Yeah, , ' Y YY'V' Y-YY;, .VV:::$ -jjtS YY. YY Vet. 7, No.::?. WASHINGTON The following report was laid before the House of Representatives. . vu . 1 ucsuay jafci. -v ., . Jn ciedUvcetiHbj directions if the act supplementary toyhiact entitled tl An ' act to establish the frftuur Dcp$ri went," the Scc'retay if reas'jry . respectfully submits the filliwing. REPORTS and ESTIMATES., ,Te Jwimial nctt procetds of the duties on'siTicrchandi2e pnd onnnge Jiad in fon'ne'r reports, 'been Vstinitited j.aa u Wu n u , ' f ier vessels shatll lc V ? at nine -millions fite hundred thou- l --rr:, ;e;;. ftkhnrtv sandollai-stT-TMtlestirnatcdrteTf1 rue, predicated on the importations of t ", , ' n-. the years, imrnediatelpi'ecedintf the ";f - 06' 000 Jate European war, and on the 6scer- j,: taincd ratio of ehcrease of tlifi. popu-! .lation of the United State's,' appeivri j from the experience ;of the tvo last years, to have been under-rated. The nett revenue " arising . from that source, which accnied during the yar 1802 exceeds ten millions one - hundred thousand dollars. The revenue which j has accrued during the wo first quar- h 'account of tho snfil the year" endur6:V--,-:40U:gf.iVr:p-:.a tcuUer last-Lave exrcl n-n miU; lions nx nunjrec! ti-.ou3.uvi r.ojjcrs. 1 nose ..ctsfji-vn-p.ntt,ctorr i- !ence tliat th'' ':wft-hLr.f -tha Vtivd ;i Statcs enr rc:.es, n. a-i?j!i r.-'er ra to tlihn their. Ailatio7v;t;wl induce a Delict trat !!.; tjvanrn i ' t -j-jl-t-c revni(? miv nov, !;r s?.f, ciiii.nwtcd -j at 10 fijl-icns cf dollars. i . From the" statement A it will ;n-; par that the tame revtnue for 're 1 two list yvars f.f the ble Ktirui.trai i war (1800 a".'d'l'3l)' talcuS. .rd at the , p-esentrate ofdr.'.k'. r,vcr?i(;ed li.COO, - coo dollar a ycr.r but - altl-.V u?h it might with'-aoxc df ii-ree cf pvohalili- ty Ixe supprcd tViai. tiic um-wnl of . iiostuitics will """r. f'0f "r? a siTr.i- a-ia ui. ii.j , jcv' "I'i"-4' w.,uib . EQl5,Tt&"and demauds not beng of government of I rfince, ?r to its afc brtt estimate that .can now he fonrud, rtnfla,1CT, nature, 'are not inchided 'signees, in a stock heaving an 'interest to have been only.finy thpund dol-, jn. hatcakulation,' to'it; of x -per cent. p;.vrtble in 4:utope. Iar less than that r.thetwo corres- jn thVTv-Jp ' V. aiuV theprficipel of which will be dis ponchng qiiar'ers ci tiv? year JS02 ; 8nrVrwhiGi,;: on the-, -VV char af:ihe Treasury of the-Unit. a".-! the rweip.j;ln ib'; . i ne$tivy,;on ; nnti.' f R'ciitf'm-;: ; i.;. ' fd States, in-four instalmt-hts. the .first .liin mil il far enr.n -ase, r.o ir.ferrnre from that j ilism.-. d'-llars. which, after rrsci pel iodis drawn in thsr?p?r in;iela-', njj the sum', which it U necessary to'. tion to the revenue .of the ensuing, j keep in the treasury, wiljt.etif"cienl yccrs. -.' -. - . . i'ta discharge .the demands due on nc'' The sarrocnt h: v.hews ihe ral specifsof Inerchnndije, on which the duties on importations were to! lected during the year 1CC2 ; the jk'hv ,'ion of that; levtnce which was de rived from drawb?chv and that which arose from the extra, duty oh - mer- t-lnndize imporicd in fi'..:in vessels, Although tho fairs tf the public ; landrduring the year nu'ing on the1 " 50th day cf :epte mi' n h'.t were af- , fected by the situo'jin of the .western! ronntry ; two hum' red thcusanJ aerts lave been sold dunrg that period;' , andj as it appears from the t.ihU-ment. C that, intlrf tner.tof future sales,' 4hc mms already paid to the receivers, tOMthrr-whli thti.c vh'.ch, .txclu-1 , ( fivtiy of interest, .fall dv'. during ihc1, ir.rcc ensiiH.? yerirs, amount to 1,250, 'vO jlollars, the 'annual revi-nut jng from the p-occtd f.f those cannot hirstimated at Is than fohrj! forllie exfiaordmsry expences attend- Lu'adred thousand d.jrk, !in the intcrcourie with fqreign r.a-' i he . extension ef post-oads, anl it . r .v. '.f 1 ii v ui I vicirirri VI me niui-i irriiiing and cnerea-ung the hrnchts. oi;l.e institution, hate, as n cnjct ol j rV'nu-, rendered It Uss prwlnc'ive.' The rccrtpts f.om that aourcf'.hsvel atnountcd, dutinr last vcr, to 27X03 dtllarsi. but as Btithir these, .tnr; - Which, together with . thoe sri.,irg from some other smnl-'ihr iotrease of specie in it incincnini urancnts, are r.i imi- 5!:!!iiJirwirlnnfe to sffcrt any j-rnr- rl rrvu!t, th; mh,c cviktiiiit TcfuViie cfthc l.nited KtslcS will he romputtd at only ten millions four hur.'Ivrd ihgii Ssnd dollars. Tlie permanent st'r.u;l cipenrr of 1 r.-trrn:uti,t which, voder cxWtir'i?'' ' lais, f.iust he defrave d out oftlut re . :i senue, nmumo nine niilii'ns ti,;ht hundrrd thousand dollars ;' to wit ! The annual nir.irprrivinn - nl ,:.oco dollm. for li e payment t the piinelpf.1 rndititerrkt of the debt ; - ' nf width about ihrtcmilfinns and an ; l alfartf at prrv.nl applicable to the i . Inhargn i f the piincipsl, and Ihe re-j miui to tiit ftjjmcnt cl interest, Colls, -' The torrent tx- pvtHs nf (rorctiimcrit I jfti.arrordmK to the fvinntc fi,r the year ' I,i-'hIu of ih f,,. I hi.; i'ttns, 'it. 1 r l!.r 1 ll t'rpsrt 1'iM and all dnmtk'.ic. v ;'.!. -s i.f a. tint r.a- ;ture,' iVj;' VyM,D0d i"r:'Fpr expeficei attend-v. ing the intercouVSe with foreift Rations, includ-' f, insj jlIic vperrrtanent ap''f n;,: 'propriation foKAlKevs: i relative Jo the Barbary , , "powers, ; ' ' " 14,000 : i 1 ' For the' nnjltary and ; Indian department. 875',OO0 ; 4i ! "-. Tot ihc naval, 'c stab- V, ; 'i lishmenVcnl ciliated "on '4 the supposiutmjhcvt ,twoL, ! frifttes'nndyri..; y: '.;f.-:lf5-:91800,ooo 1 And deducted from lbei:;,.Vt;,C'J ! permanent rever.ucv- y ',Six hundred thousaiid dollars appll , .Xhe '"!.,,,)-., : : exn-aoiinaW' caoie io inner oujccis. bef last, amounted to 5,8CO,OCO uols.l'of taxr" eBUmated " - u, rt t ;-. . i;. 20,000 - T;C ciitstandro inter nal dn'its. ' atnount- il ; ing to tjear. 400,000 . , 1. Ancl'tbC f.ura which vo'l he repaid to the Ui -' t td Stales, on account ' of advanccSr- her:tOi foVe made in , Eng land for the proiecu- - tion of claims ; csti- . mated at ISO'.OOO ',..' ConstH'titinj an aggre- v aatc cf 1 C,660,000 . fort'than Vix mill'ionsr sis hbnrred cve-,:count 0f tin; cenvention .withGrcat-1 JlrUain, and amounting to 2,064,000 i do'.Jars. 1 Sundry extrc'iri'inary 1 '? vxpenecs in .relation . to the conventions vith France t: Clreat,- Ihitsin, estimated at 1CO,COO The laan oh'.air.cd from the statcof Maryland, ' .grille City of Wash- '. ingtou, emountingto 200,000 And oho to pay two" -; '-', Dubious, .;;' - ' .2,000,000 - -'.- ,:.': 4.9C4,000 dclh. f . 1 - . . ! of t'ollar on nrcoimt if the -purchase cfluWana; Ining'he same vim wl.ith ws renrned for the .twirposes !; contfiuplated by the law of the last session, appropriating thst-amount r,tjronnatintr thst - amount tions 1: it .i.... i,aii . '.iiin.). rm it.,i' j - it ciitn uj tap tjuunn i'j rninng the yesr ending 0:1 lhe3?th rtpttnibcr last, the payment Irons th ireamry on account of tho puhj'tc d-lt, have amounted to t'otUrs J,0'JC, 000. uneiirury uirm 111c ' tvne period, amount- - ninrta LStOiCco- ' 4tlUJQ : W ;r-c!Kl diir-rncc in favor cf t! United- .States f dhmt than four, ni'!rcJ tliouiand dollars during that !' T.?r Tb povmrnU fn account bt the trin'"ipal of the public debt, from the uV c" "rA''ri! ;e2! ,, o-3' day of S-t'tcmbcr, 1803, lm amount ed, as apHrs by the tMimfitf (El t' . . . ; dolIJr-9,V2,(4 Thi specie in the Ireamrt ,.tm the Crst day of Apnh'UOl, atnounttil tt 1,794,00-3 An l onthe , dav. i.f . '. SrptftrLtr, , ' Malir.g an increau-of 4)6S.(03 Thrtc tto Items eonti-. tji'e an rrjjrtgstc ef dr.". 3,:90,f0. of, ' :' v . 0,400.000 nhe treaty with France into .eflect, ;-W; it.'.-':'-. . , ; V . . ' iwill result frora ihe"putj:hise of Lou ' LeA-c a surplus revenue ;' t ' tisiana. ; S';. "f.h ;-:--i-'f ';rti 600.000 ...The sum' 'hich the . UmtcdStates From hich 'deduttins the extraordinary re-, ?; source arisinn; from t ; the sale, of the bank Ihares. which tro 'duced v v, v ,2fif ,60 Leaves; for the amount ' " ' . "'of the'ltruejdifierence'' i2i702j4O4jxundsv and -that of indigo -is stated y t :i A V- ','t '.about', 30,000 pounds. - Supposing' in tavor of the' United States;' fur that 'f which on' account of that exemption, 'period of two years aiid an half, a suin! oftwelye millions seven, lndrudtbcui'. sand dollars'.-f . From that tuation of ' the United oniv-'ouestion Inch reatdres xonsulc- jration is, ' "Whether ' tiny additional re; vehues aVe-Hvantect in order to provide for thTMr (lehtj" w hich, If Congress shah pass tlvMaws necessary io sarry may fiave to pav,; br 'virtue -sf that treaty; amounts'.to fifteen millions of dollars, , and consists of tw Kcmr I t,' ) UWfiCQ clolls.-payahW. to : tKe which shall comnitiicc. ,in. the j'cai 4 ti 1 3 2dlyr- Rum which cannot cx- cceo, but mav. fall short of !i,T50,000 dollars, . l?aable, in ' siecie,' . at the - T reasury-uf .the.X1iu;c.d. ..Kthjes. dur- ina the course of the ensuing year,' aoi American citizens t.avng claiuis Oi a certain description cn. the govtrunicjit of 1-ranee.--. v i-' yi- V..'. - ilt has already Lee stated that tv-o millions of dollars may he p ud rom the Mieci,' new jn the treasury, Vyao-' count of the lufct hem J and thc whnlt amount of the newV.clit v.-hich-lnsy W eventually .(crealfdv'tinnotjthcrcforf exceed thirteen millions jf dollars; the annual Interest, tf- which is ccjual to f80,(.'00 ,dniLs'; Ivit on- accovtr.t ol hitnu. wtlt he mated at cirrhthtttl- v-'dred thiviiuiid dolors. ,' ' '. ; The txistiur MirplusTeVcnuerrtlit United States will, as Iihh been stated, be sufficient to discharge six hundred thousand dollars of.that sum, vd it i expected that the ntu re'xehue rolled td at Nf.v-OiUrt.s will he equal t.- t .5 rcmair.i'ig two . hundred thousand collar. , - . ' Thst opinion" rcli f n the suf posi tion tkt Cor.iross sfc-11 place ;that post on 4 1 e s .iic footing as those of tlie Unhed .States"; - so' thst the same duties shell h- c-Mvded there, cn the impoilstion oi foreign merchant! arc now ty law lewed in the htsUs ; and that in miUs, shrlr lc, fcllmt'd eilhct m v f"?-" i;pitfcd to the U. states, the loss to the mcw-.0f the pre&ent st-, ftvenue will be r about .1 00,000 dpi-' thennarkial concerns ot.Jrs.i;:); t-' ihi States, $eeroa:'UCiM:'l'' 2.di : Kft'Cn create of i?pcnc in fhc: n therx;:ui !tigiisbf Jed by Congress " I he rc w . '.rt yi'l i would Le admitted U.t by ti e tx- rchtiidii-is iVom New- inciihcr impede tior' ntaid'the jat- J rcs tctin cf the trts) the United ;thti pl.re ; nftron t-Jjincnt of the principal if tie eld tli" JUtLl.td ttltlir icqniif d i tw tetri uitcd into the UiitrdjtlK thc ivn.dHiiltKfSufcirnt.l.tkif'ii;; tciy cr riew subject, - lie prrt cf . r.rnlrct or mere I Oileaii to nr.V cth nv atiiclei imiHiitcd Sta'cs fitm tl.c cided ttnitorits, .ft jfpnying ti c iMfjtst cn b.th,.to div ' into the,' territories from tie UnltcdiMuiuc the rincipal of.theoM 'tl.i, i Stu's. ' .- , . t befot'e'thr trtr lllt. vrd li st rf'l.e '), i ...The statements F, C, N, tl iUtilni''. .l".l,ia vnc ji-i tni tn 1.1.1. ' ulxir the am the annual exnorts tnd imnoit tftln Uni:ed States to rnd fioni l'lorida Mid lajuis'ftna,fwr the years' 1759 to I and the tatcmcm' nt V, pmlir ul r!j . i ... JUCV.J Mini , lilt iau i:i iiiiii 1 1, c ; j AtunticMatrt to Uiosc Colutms, rlj articles not of .the jr'iMt'N tiroduct, or manufacture tf the Ur.ltrd Sta'fs, amounted for tlie'yfr-17ny ISotv and 1801, - 6,S2'i.l69 dollars mr.J ntgan ft.tra;rc of more than tv.o mil- I'miDS two hundred IhotiTfid cToIlai J 1 . . . . " da are so IniTia that thtt vtitcnient tf foreign fertie'e, hsnie ,to pa-y.t'ii-tooi.ics In the treukt.iv uA tiUi vi',t t it nw has in the hai,! of Nj.a'.n, rd tannuaHy imported into Florida rn'pf 1 trpiiaied. ' r ' ' 5 '''i-t it 1 id f htn Fr c .n tied U 1 l,aWlana fiom UieLi6utcsaUi;c, L'lLt fgi;.il e pi rj re f (T'trir nduili rv it t m!J he if'rr tl v trta . ltii Bsccilfincd that the tsiwrtn-'Uc whole t.( that p.-M-.m t', iU I uh.' t' s k.n u ntlr entered h't ,1 c ticirs ficm th Uni'cdS'jtts to M;ii-'dvi.t f .'the I't.iu d M.tt ic n.tl i rt twren Si.aiu snd t-thrr ttDtrs"- As 1 mat becousiJeirU as applying f"Mj.ii r. 1,5 K'.vs 0 i:lis, . in ii u is at ( NeN.()rkir.s ; aiid it ti also 1 nowHijii.t t xi id it i.ln j cr 1 it 1. a u n 1 thst almost the v. hole cf (hoc v.rr ll t)d ti nt ko nn h 1 1 !. j im' ;tsiicns were t'Mi'i'rncd vlOiin thr.s ro .h oy, and tint during the war the sup-! Tne irom me i.nuru .'r icruK ni(cdby farthc icalef put clits in;J po.n. ,, . t . - i romthrnte it mulls Jhil Ihe n. mlid ii.'poitatinns into the cti'rd ter - rltoiy, aattirlea denined for theevn. atii annionni rut 11 n uc j rr ten ..... A a f . 1 . t . . atc,ofw;ttc,.iJJ ynlj t revenue if mmptiondf its cn tr.UUjistu. and km 11 tl' lit Vii g find, ltin.c it's ' H.ritrinrn, sn f,il!y tnl in'iHe rthith will under the revenue Ian cf in.cwvt, in tueitsla'He Pre Ui ! tu e inm.ner t they lml,rrat ihe Uuittd Slates, he H.I4le pcy tin-, ei r r it t peeiert Vr re eu't tt ; ltd e.iJrtd ly th7 lrtnh ntitd' c, in y, may fa M It cMin ittd t two ternic i p.iy, jtihp. nr 'e j sinus cf th kUer er icm ; iiekty, miUions' fjie liwndrrd tho"srHl dil- tl tu sani rf, eiun . tino 1 f tl t ! icfuhi ltd ith I li r ithdlr lai'ik'. boat Hddlars. .l'rm that rc-! e fit. inpreti f H r' .1 Lt f . 1 a cnu-,; -ii :.0Tiue.tf.. liOCt0 eU,!- O, idc lt J;Hif tie to luir.. arsf;r;yj,ll.liiJiem,slr-. -.. jk'kfrt-m jajWv Iv iliMr cf th i-a)0 ii.J f,dt'tkl tn rt t r 1 nil n I'h (.rn '. 1' j'.t:.:n, trt ipiSnti'. i Jr tri i.d f ty;tt :l.r.,tHr tie ul k.di!i r icsltJvn ejusntit that which shall' he imported from New-Orlcuns inta the United htatts ; as those articles being im'pertvd free fi m '"dutjv will diminish by so much the rcvemte now collected in the sea- liortsof the-VUnited" States. The .whole, amount of sugar exported from .JSew - Oricans is jess than 4,00c ,000 of is not Improbable) ttat the whole of those arUctes kKouM hereafter he' exVj, Plilitavv jbtates, contempjateq-'on account oi the acquWhioiv' txpcnces 6J hh c'nil administration; of the Prpvinccflhoise incident tbthe jintcrp busc wth-jthe Indians, anTesti-; 'mated at 50,000 doUais ; If aving for; the .nett revenue derived from the Prfl-' vine'eiand applicable to the payment of the intertstbf the. new debt, 200,000 dollars, as above; stated ' " i Vlr, " " i,Tb-nf provision s whi ch , ? j f t h a t ; view of the.u,bject he correct, appear necessary, andaje rc'sectfully. sub. : rnLtted, are V'v , 'V . 'y -1 In rclatioii 'to tfiCNStock" of 1 1.25O',OC0 dollars to be created in fa- vor oi tht egm eminent if France or of. 'its assignees.-.,..::';..;' uf ':V'A. I ! Yl"Lat that debt z made a charge 1 on the bmkiii l-ftud directing liif commhsioncrs tf the fund to apply so jin'uch of its proceeds' aft ltnay,be lie ccssary.for" the pavmti.t ! irtci tbt and ixifnhursdment, or, redympilou of jibe princ'iia1,1i the sanie inunnci'i.s, !hy the existing laVsf they are, drYttf-"' jtdlo do In rcVttirm to the'liaymct-.t cf jiniti tst arid ilisclurge n'f the prini ipI of the. dvbtrow charged on thai fund. I That so irtdf.lv tf thudutit.8"on mctv-J ii;h.".ndl7.e sAsd tonnage as will he, tquul to voij hunirred .tboManu dollars, ' .hfingthe sum wanv.d 10 pay the in terest cr that ncV'UocL, Lc'addudto the ''annual 'x.-rmahen( appioprlation ifr the hinkinjj Fund j mukhg loge-. ther vith the existing appropriation,' 'eichl millions (f dollais. vnniiallv 'phcvUf-totuphyiiientofthtiiiteitkt'i; uTiri iM".nf-W.ui ( ii. ,M,l.r... A. Ii j '; And- that the said ar.iUal mm of n 'eight millions nf dollar tcnitiu thus ' r jplrdgt-d iindbe vi strd In" the rnnimii- i sionv'is cf the tiLtihjr fund in trust for !the said pay menu, .until the vhoK- nf l1 .theclsliiigdiht'tTlhe Unitid Stutes, ' r.i d of thejiewMcik, shall have Iccn !' Himhuisvtl or rcdecmeJ. it - saifin vo4u-.l to the u Lctuiv.pJ t u thc r.cw atoc!. wi tcrrst tc- Ij will thus he 'sddd to the kr-.Iinr fund, ihe tr.re rat'nn rfil'al fund, us U4tlat. to the. ,fcstabli$ irmnt.ot ttie uniteti andiap-asjVxtinji.tntnt. cf -the tMktiitjj dtLt, j! " to iven Umporitry Imw for s.Unittdijtein ; umalw prrcin-ly mi the" same ;j( the eccupr.tuii of th rn,cr the pro shrll hcj foiitirp Lil,a bit n hercibfoic ivitAld. tj ernnicnt of the t4her. Jlelnhevrd f,utirg as h bvtn herclfoie pros id' that )tnr. " II. In ''rtlati'in to the Arrtirtrn 'ttiitmi ii.,' l inn. 1 i:t i.r il ii i i. 1 1.. I'vaintd I y ihecoi.str.titn with I'rtnre. I l i t u iv.ni li'.t xc iruii g ;,?.'.C.CtO !f,lliti iixliiMic t-f li e Iwoi. i,!.ni i-ppif p'iitid ty a law cf tl r :.t in. ,:M ti (oi.jnciS I'll;. n g "ti e -,'r"idin:fy tJ-fttiUS iiuh'tit to t't iiiuutv.ne v.it!k foiiin MLits. lr 1 1 pu j ilwtMl for ti e jvM nt f J c.c staims, -"tn he ir"-.1 t't iftr.v . . . ii.rd to hnifw n m.i lit rf li t ds'lkn 1 11 uc n ",7c 1 1 e! U n- a tiiay l e luinn, Lt ti j io- 1 naini f. f r inn t f ll e jrt- ttitst r-rt Lr t c lein.U tHt.u.t cf Itlc lit.titeli III t bin vli.h nr nii.ii i!;) I cd eiudl) titii t li! e i pntei'.ir;;ri(hki'. ' .. 1 Jt U nl ruffitd to ihrtl ilet 1 r icy, ni'o jrtiv il x it t tciiolciiev tie 1 l'f, 1 1 o, in J.ui I Vuti d 4 for the pijmctit ofl!.e whoic of thi . pnMic debt. ' 4 - ; 1 1 is. evident that.thepcssihility of thus ' providing for the payment of the inter- est of anew debt of thirteen million's of dollars, without cither recurring to '. ; new Jaxcs or intct ferine Miih the pro- Lttsiom -heretofore made for' the pay-" "ment ot the existing debt,' ueptnds oft. ;the. corrtctnuss'of the estimate ofthe , public revenue' which' has been -sub-.-mittcd.r'jA.lthough it is notwithcut .diffule'nc? that tae hope of tvich favo ... r ' rable - result is entertained, "some re liance Si placed on . the, solidity of the . rbasia on which'the estimate u ground-, ' cd. j' It rests" principally on -the cx . ptctation that th? revenue of the en suin years shall not 'be. less than that M'hicn aCcrvied inihe' year U02., No part r it depends on' thr" probable encrease which may result from the neutrality of the United States during .the continuance bf the war in Europe ; vrior even hn the progressive .augmen- tation,' which from past experience may naturally, he expected to arise -; fiomlthe gradual fnerr fc?e ."of popula--. tion and wealth.'Nor has' that effect 1 been taken into consideration -which . the uninteri'uptc'd free navigation of tliC' Missisippi, and the acquisiiion of J. -New-Orleans may have either on the" sales 'of the public lands, or on the general resources cf .the inhabitants of --th western states, -'-x,:'t? t - xA which is rtspectltrtly submitted AUBERT-.aAU.ATlr;, : Sferctary cf 'the Treasury, . October 24, lsb.1,. . ; ( - ; LOUISIANA'- TREATV. ' - f. ? OS iS w.d said that by advert1, v ihg to the : niessaec cf Me, Ixrsidcnt ' -.lespcctirg the treaty and contentions i l ut ly concluded between the United ' j "States' rnd the. FrchijV government, j he found that tlie- FfcsMent, rpmkini; itt the subject observes "as permanent I 'arrarp.cmeiits (of 'ihis'ohjert require j time ind dt-ribfiMbn, it ,i fir your , ton side ration "whether "-youviM not ! iorihwulHnar.fi tuch tcmpoJaiy pre-t.visioiia-f)r 4he preservation," iii lha , n tl.c ronntryi as the tasemty ri- , ,.... l .. 4 ruiiii .!! rt comment! a' lo tlie ini Intthate. tU-;iUoii.'cf ' Congress the P'S8?r: of some temporaiy laws . his hting the rase, nd tie subject being alout to be Iroiipbt htrore lie ' licv.tt, it heeame important thtt they should know distinctly vhnt they had obtained hvthtf Treaty ; and vhahe " thm- weie t ny tcriitcry Uloi trg to ; tac L'lviltd States to iake pCHSCkaion C)f 4 trrryntw sublets to t-ovi-rtv. .in-. ti.muth ss if i:o r ew territory or fiit lettt .i.rf'Lcr,'.iircd, it wns peifvUl , lft"Trecty,haingrclationtoihiiro!nt is thusixj it? fc . i. '. Y '.''. ' Whcn-ns, l-v.the article tl V -third ' rt the tin ty rr-m It.fh d 41 i l. JMrforts) I Ihe 9ih Vt mil r. nit e, mi. &(lt f)cu , l r Ifi;) hrtv.ccnthc 1 ir:t t onuil 1 fthel unch I'f J.uhlirai.dl.lC'i-'lilc Mi.jsy, u v?t iprnd as f r.'.wsj 'lii'i Catl.rKc MtjcMy pitn.isca md trj'rti in his purl, 11 ikV to the I triuh lUp'Mk !m.iMh if.tr the fi ll ot d ei.f'lrt istcotltn 1 f tha M't i'iticti 1 1 d ktiptil. ut,ti t..u .1 , re-. Hive i hi. lf:)lll nj nctithc Duke f IVima, ll e n l it j or ptcvii-cc cf v.iki.'rs, "nh tl e .!.. ixuntttstt v here: , in J uttrtrre snd rartifi;'jily if e f li e tiewty tl.ir il ait.cle, tu : 1 1 r t h Ft p.lllc J t to Sntrn. lr'i! Ic tMe lo ll e cr rVm nd to tl i ii'iilr n cf tic aid tejii'.oij 1 I I e i iru C'cnsuJ cf the Frtnth it; 1 ilg t ttir.rr; to f ie to 11 e Ll i'.mI .Mulct -i a strtrg proof dfl.'u fricr.i 1 in, Odli I' 1 rLi cu!e to ih laid I'l.hrd yf i'i the t ame i f ihe Fundi Frj' -ll c, fttttrandiuL.il t,- m.'v, tie ; sail tminrr. Ul dl i;s 11 1 i d 21 ih.s an'ulc it r5T ni thtt in i treaty liteen ?,).! at I 1 mr.f, pt ir' Kii k!sud luio'i to Fiance nix n certain i n!'.ii it. , ll t trulter ef Iulwara. Ihe I rertf liei u tl t Uniied Sttif m t tl c I itt- h o crrr.;eitiiesna aHirt.iu vUUif 1 (i : ' ) I - . f I 1 ) 1 t , ' J ! '1 1 1 ) 1 4 1 1 1

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