t!us3.tfTB& ;iavcbeea complied W'llii.'jiliC futuk :ovfc;c:it,lry the i byJFranpW'or whether Ue cession ' states, -of it inhuVitar.ts.-u.-' V.il the fourth provides th'i u-anner iu which tliis territory and these inhabitants art to be-, transferred :hfj Trance to us. The re has then been negociateda con '&r lor carrying ,Uitf effect. -. Jo refuse Mm bcea-;,.adtua!!y nud? bv. Spain. to ' ..'France " All tint appuaY -a" pro , f Kiisi:; rrnde by ,Sp-in ti ce i c. If "the "terms stipulated 6v ; Vance: bare' not " bc-n complied with,' and, Spain' has ,.vcntibn, between us and the, Vrcntbj r, . IslhentiX the province .to France, ;: Republic, statin;;, in the most inequi- tU-it it results that France had no title:' vocal termsvthatlhere doss exist ..on ' ta .ot consequence, AhatJUr JJn i ted vr , part a' riht to,; the country in . oiaies .nas , acquired, no . title ... ironl que; miestion, which is suanorted by-the Ii this be correct, the icon--' btroimreHt nossible evidence, and olede-1 : i . rra.inrt a ... . H . 1. . -' j 1. . ? ' ' v,"uc V14'' wc Rave acq'iirea ing nerseiita put,us in possess ionowi ;.-.'"'' "iio iiew territory 'of n'w subjects, and 'that rierht, .so, soon as we shall -liaVe'l -'.'. ;Ms.P?nectly...(il2 'to'spend timer performed those stipulatSonVoa ouri f Pf!?? 1 v$ffarp$ses!lia:j.h,tcr.j part;; in fpnsideruiion!; of. whick! 'itfti-yt and governing the pejple. Trance, has conveyed to u-s her sbyer-1 - rriii point .npt being .nice ;tatoedv by 'eighty o'cr'this country" arid people! . ' 'v i"rusc vi .ii i-aiy, a iniiv. us jfiuni uic nature ox our-5 iioverumcui. ; r .V'.'1 " iniporjant .to -obtain Ydocum',-nts' that .these stipulations 'can only be.' fulfilled may satisfy- .the. house whether the U- .by hv,"i" to "the imsaimr -of winch' the I -. f '4btted States have acquired cither ih'eAv. -Ilegis.atur'e alone is (Competent: - Andi : - miw.y; ur i,icw suoiecp. . , in ine vii:i anesc laws are &doui,io :DC pas- . :- V'!... 1. .... . . '. , I . C . .i . L .. -'-.... ' ' . v-M lint' hnirh . h V . t-. . ' ......J nnri.U :-ffectiiie ; with th V vljo!e?-,in order i ascertain" object, to vrhat purpoe is t his enquiry ? I ;7"the cbndiuons relative to the ljulie ol'U UWcted the IIoiiseTiot to impute countenance. - X'arma ; tt ai&o oecomes necessary to to mm any cisposition to . J Vet ha' deed fif "e;?iifni for fli' nWLf thia "mnn'ftt riiiii 'nrtHnp., whnie r'V' jnl'sa'tb cede :s no r.ession.v.Th'u dee4 ctes rxnw fo to delay, . upon the pica no vr offered is to K'ouarliSC U:e best interests .o: the union. " . ShaU' We .'take 'exception to 'our lownlitIe?; Shall refuse the ..one red r jws!bn.??$hjiil ' this '.refusal procceiV-Jr"tt. :tbosV';.wtio,"isiC)' lately affirnied that we 'puglit to pursue this very '.object at cyeryjnato.nal haz ard ? i ; I should.', t ptlje'P supple- .the wpemesf'ofgentlemttf would lirca; dyq outstep the forms of ia' in mV ktn?heia ielyes masters of this .cptui- try, than" that r.ow when it U 'cilered to our "grasp,, they snouict cispiay .ajj unwunutqess, or. at icasi an inau.e- all V important to thcTn1 After Kihe message, which , the President,. has sent us, to demand, if tncEe'ed we have a'cquifea any neiubjects, as the gen tleman expresses'' it,-ibich; render: the exercise of our legislative functions necessdrjv would'tse nojthin less than a mockery f him, oT tlijsoleimf busi ness:: and of, I ourj.elv(?S v ,'. CautionaW provisions' iriay be introduced into the laws' fior Hsbcttnhft" vs aVaihst li vcr v hazard, altho'. from the nature of cur stipulations, we are exposed to nom' We retain in bur own hands "the con sidcraticu; r.Qjey even after 'we have possession,;",; :v rfYU-'i'i: . r'lAA 11: expressed .himself averse tb; .demand the Spariihh cbi'cspoudcncfc-'j Th( reasons must b.e obvious to all; The possession oftottisianabyus will' necessarily, giy rise hegociatioiis 'apr;fcpr::ons for rcini j he : French iioflventiQnunotUtt. v xei SO, INHysj-l k- Nays Msffrv 'Pickenngr . Tracy, ifT-ut. ' r ti'L: 1'J ur.-ll'. . ' tlUthoufc, White and, .Well. iixtntt cf ;.huer from a lefpeclablc cha raSer,' died Natcbci, Oft. $ ; , ' A 'tfeiwWmiivx:oferc'M:;inedi- aielv f i Aiii MwiOilisans afTureime.jh' a majority1 of hc inbabiunu of hav uy are (ebftbtican ; ihat M'VJefferfoa i v iv notmlar. aud mat u wouio ,cc unnic tuf any man puuiiciy ijc)k v- petffuil of hi 10 J my , intormanL ittrwe.r addhjn ihe Frcnch rhhabiiama .on . the coaft te ieligbied iihlhe chinge, aodl peel oi oecotfiing itu . v.t .. t; . N'FAV.VORK. N'ov'ember C- ' Jri ihii Ciiv from Ale ffriJ Kuhn,' and wbo chbfe toemiD Will ke ih otY jih ihe name cf he pcnpTc of th' CaiicJ j During th? ajitationj la year a ery efficient provifiuii wt ihade at iL coc, ... ujupus flaiiocii on, out ftond'ert, in the', event of -any, .r.eFcfny ; and Ceiieu Wi kinlori had the tcouruttf' orripr.' i ' which mtiatn wa nrefuifle. yet in fm-rn. . , ' The fecreiary. of war hat niaJe hi cb,u-- ...n t .-.l.. . ...iff .;.. f..,.ii;-' . . . 1 i iauit wi luv utiiunr. .wlvmw. i l.U in J', jUiQii inc orgdDiuni'ii ui 'aui . lucre . A Bahimore print bai irjforaied'Va !' ! flaieii from uihoriVy r that the Saih!;.:fi miniftef haa lodged." too jpnn ell g3jnQ f 0 i be .United ' Sic' tiki ng po ffeUior, of f; tj? Louihaaa; we prttume mis is meant as j. . -t : cotitraditlion of the report whivh Gated v': that tprotetl hid been depbBted jnthi department of ifiatc. by ', the Marqui de -V Yrojolubftquent. to be' raiificaifof thrtrejiy by ,v the lenate. To the Ve-KH j -fc' Mfrchantjat GenoR.-dated Au- friends udiftgo this xjuartclr. i ibai ty b'ia prcwjoai!y';prVfwdhU' .coittraW holaH .iai,ioii-.l.'Ighorij'; w have "ad. difiionlcannot apply ;Uo the Proiefl We sy est of 'the ' French COimBler i iherC j Ciieye. it oocs wi a corutiiieis, Mr no ' , ii'xtig deflated gho poirt of v ihej'luch ihihg was dcpofnei; ; Our govern i 'ench He public ; and Vhat'accbidif'gly merii have gone ibtoogh all the import, lV IIJteiMIV. i.vvviir VV niug ; of ttsslo.i Miv G-'also presumed was 'tise.' , On the. und it- feo difficult ,to pvac- between the knifed, Spates and, Spain1! contrary lie. held ii tue jlrelativV to Us jbovindaries, These have 'i ia ttc possession ot government.; ' It ;nif?lit:s. veneration the . priciple es- jprobubly commenced andaft? now" f taken; possession ,ot, and ' whether est-blibnedj thaV in :.all. matttrs re- 'the f 'i..'.f..Li..' . i.-..! l'. i " ..(...'.. ?. ...t' .i ." 2" .i..'l . ,.wiui-ing consent orppiin,. as sue is .quiring jegsiauvcaia? iiwasinc ngut.'tcr ' t'esouiag to etui possessed o( it.; it ins to bq.la-: ana auty ot tens jiouse, to xiciiuertei iaws- S (further ' keo possession rot. .with Ivm consent,; jand upon such deliberation, toaliorl, Uvantiivin relation tolhe mode of tik : : yUe cession'wjll be 'peaceable, and Que jop refyse, !at aid, . ..their ju'df rjjing .possessi6n,.Qjplf3f' W nef -object-'o'f ." kind of- Diov'ision will bs rierewxrv. 'mints the tiublic. rood mifht re(iuite.'Li.,..:r ii,.. v, J,,.i,n :i,;a,Vin..i , , , . i j j , r ( .... . into committee on message of the President, and af- pass th.e reoinsitc Infbrmatioti shtiU be fr ihe'la vicit hi IFrenchH he Arrete l.i'ohibiune the mpertaiopf all pVcicii1 , tif Briiifii' productions ,and rftAnufatlurei into the pons, of France extended ib ihai'of Jeghorni;--T; ' , Th;fe .proceeding "have'; created much alarm, and ii is generally expefled .hat the -biocdade of Lcehctn, by ihc 1 Bfitiih will be lha rcluit,- .i- 8 Commodore Mcrrn is oa - v ifit to the Ouecn a Florence,.: , to rctqonlliatc againll thefs proceedings a being drp.j gaiory o"thc jhteiei of theC Siaies;; By ,iile Ia.il advices from our;. book at Cibra!trf wt w ferve that VVcft-In-dia produce hjs.dec'ir.cd ton fide rably, owiBg to the tuimier of Fiencb : priiis brcugUt in there.'.' 4) "'"; ;' but C It is to bs taken possession of in. ' And he' held it to be equally the rieht 'if,e'' opposition to Spuing a dillerept pro-.of the llpu.e tb dentaiid s9!i infor-; . ' iios- trtajf .be ncessary Ft om these, .tnatton from the lixeqtttl ve as to them , laiwij tiiv . I.AV..UUI w u LaimL upon to furnish it.' '.." r.Ir.. lVon buiu fce Jingiit have agreed to ,the resolution offered by the gen- U'lLM!NG7pN, 't-trtAY, November'SS, 1603. i ii7.su ir'i-ni i.iri f. .1 iiiiiirnr it nrnitpi" ;i n.ii- riii nri -phtarv , in "rniiiii.' nt' 1 . rf". . j 1. 11 . : Uh. ir...... n .w :.. f..-. . .. ... f . I taojf WASHiKGTCW.uctouer ny - tire fji'informaliori on this point".; '0."wcN submitted, by that department, L'-r. jr.,f ti. r.ii-Vmntifir, 5.J: ,-Vcre -wfis '10 pvotw( ,'ther 'Impoftaot documents may. per- to their consideration.' Pat tlue who nly hat t,c executive ' hasiniiide a! v W' buJ naux, iih.:;v iki im; 1.11.1c limits OI IHC Alien vuiivuimci imi vuta I'uot l uv-jiw it ir t r :r .. i.. " puiiciiion ot xouiiiana wiuiou- auenaing , to Mty tbi'ig but ,ihe juft:ce uftl eir ." -claim", and alihoug! ihc remonflunceu of Spain bas bcen'tJetiy'eri.lje ground. 1 1. ' . r... J. -'J k-i" r .l ' ; ii,:'' LC it pretext iur it inuutct a ucuci in 11 u . ' ' was; .meant as a : caerc- matier of . foimfc , The Spanllli , minillcr, iipce lis corirefv' V, i ponae,nce w 11 rune r.entn rarnnur. ana :r iheiroicable ariangemeiiis fat J, to be iruV ,raurViih our govertitivrnt leave - . ' 1 I. -I. .. .ft...1.... JL . 11 . "I -, : loom iu uiiuui uui ii,. .rc mnn ij .j . ( , pom umn'wi ioun.4ii nmiwiMf 4i-r uliu. . r cuhy-whatever, .nd that the uiioiufirs cf ! France aud Spain; areaioi.r in control .V- verfev. - In facl France is bouiid to'dV?C ' Mivcr Up LouiGar, he fltr hij fulj- lauthotity (b.d fo, but wijb ipaio" we i 11 hav noitjifcg 10 do 11) the buunels, , ; w. r rriiiidentr fllencfc-he ' Considered' It, (Sjssed! no discretion- on Jtbe subject, V ' his duty,-before the Vlouswent Into 'that . t!)Cy Sycrc bound implkttU' to a'oils'utcMtiort of the retoltioils laid Conform to lb( stipulations howcvlr " fou the' uble, to. iubir.it the fallowing odious and extravagant,, into which . ,' resolution., '., ".. , ',.' .-y 'Uciolvcd, tkAt 'th'c president of (he United 'States be rcqMcsted to.cavsc to beiau lictoro tlu .lloitse, copy the treaty" making power." might bttve plunged the uarioiv;. said that we cannot instituting enquiries rcfiuf. tor t:at 1 right. ' lie 'wished the gentleman would .give a little of ibiit confidence w Inch hi bad been in tlie' h..bitof "iviiiif to libcrsllym) former octasious; lor hjf'pait, l.e'vyns wiRingtosce all!) Jjl is Probable tfatSjtiin entertain ike most- Unfounded. susptiwii.tfjih U'Ht-,'. States; It would 'stem'that in brobonion entered by'fl, J Mexkem mines are explond. end'-',-. ho'presen-. ff tr treasures transported to Europe, ihf .vJ: bo retfom- -'jenlousv pfS'a'm encteases, or rather like" '. . tnendedto ourbrcvf rnment not to take-amis'(t the frssession ef.-the, wealth po'usesMo'h of ixtfUiana upontbe plea treates ''a thousand fears, ajtd ' frUnSs- thr.t France had irAfulfded the stipu-' and foe's are vienvnd alih as .ready , to iiitioniv ol thjf treat y'bf Str.lldi-fonto,: 'pume pptm her. The ebilitj of. cry M of'OctcbcriOD, whTtlnVptihUcd the rofiedifotrarto inKrfirt vith the $$c. ? vT On.rtrc;.ty nLtvfen the- Vrench" re-' basis -of tltHbeisrti I.. . 1 u.. ,.k ft .... ....I . 1 . . . .. .. 1 ..-i.ii....f ...... vixiblic and Spain of the first of Octo Inol to dthbertilc u or iuovto,r;iicr wiu a Crpy 0! the jtnst.itou-. uny nqmy at rj-cn- ylft -uai ty wyirg he had! 1 ... ttssj'tn iroiii ojiain, v.:ftji.uicu Jit purwiuiiCc of the smile trtaty con- veting I .ojir.innv f' France,-- (if any. raigned toe consistency cf other geii- - vf doc-l exists 0 copici cf sUch tlemen, M. n..Vaid tlUt tt It beved 1 . ft.. -. 1... 1 ' . . . . . - nn.'pninii4 rn I in.i.iimi inn mi i 1 1 . 4. . . . ., . . y. . c . p i-, r , t r r, . ji i a. . wosc wuo inen loe v,awre.. 1 ic haduo doubt of obAi.". V" "l? ' V ,''''- ir,"" V deliberate arc now lM1...sirn ,,r LouT.ri . Hn(3pain lor a certain terntory in iiaiy, .pans to that oj me ynua nates S rr; ; to ftrvC 'ct. the lb;('t ,;Uem) rik-luye Been th'r'i" V.11 c" ;t cf out rfvtaslnmct tsyh m-(fot.u wc re 0Cr of the mUh syav.rnmcllt & .P"" tuioom.)- i nis ter- wr,,ra VWa texen tmes more . i it . . . . . . t. .- inr rjCTTTiTftOftif-a Tvnir ft. 1 1 nr iirniriiL ' i.iiv u run x.i.il i iuim i f.ir ism urvrr , riitic r i.ir nnivnrc m ini i ll iili.. urr ;?ir. qmncs,.which are m their very i.attue 0!jly ,,istn !(", rXp,:cbi i.j, cf U.c uiiiueraiinn hsui.. SJUi wiaiM. i;c ). ..n..rvf, mot ion. , i '. i ' ( To bi cytitiMu d.) " c'jIreHponl.nce between the govern- him to assert his ovn.'nfoln.r.ti6n on ' tn;nt'bf the United States and tbr p. bubject of the natati cf tbtt Mhich n mir.Uter of Spain fjtf nn'r they wcre.then d'.scuKsing, might x ipnndcftce la taken pUci) renuiu-d for two cbiects to tiiuble the vriSthiTitoi' : corrcipnnd "aiAvill how the ansrn! or diiscnt of WASHING TON CITT, Nov. o. .l,'ireM 40ry o,r fe"ff re of IMoitt todciermint.wheth it mVc -cCnrd at ihc'drfin'meui .f flu, figfj )y expedient to r.pprovc a measure which" C4pi, b'aitibridgc vf iL- lrie Ths?-! ' cop'-s of sMch other document -.as P"liry or to punish tnUihtcrt .wlio jTtrgirr, thet oo tbe 6.hof AuguA bej ' ty be in t!wd rirtmvnts of this ga.'.r.ny, have dcpt1ed from tlirir "in- ,fct in i.h a Mooiifi eruifer, ,f ia' 'vpiumtnt ten.lirtar" ta ascertain whe-'itructions ;vho ninyhr.ve Intraycd Vum and icomen I ayirg in her rcm.! ftcitiiory nnd formed the new Jtnlian 'republic. "T hi rendered new dispo- SpjitJ ti thepurrliuse of Lduihiaiia by expedient to r.pprovc a measure which' cam. Haiubridpc of i.r fr PI.;:-lM,,H,riS m alyir.trtable ; and 1 runce, - tlu' United Slati'v-tnther. with 'on the face ol it cftrrieprooTof iu Im-'delrbia. to Mi. Simrfon our corful f,t'.tonccojtnolate the ooligntions which ..... . .- .- .ft I ' - . . I . ' . .. . . . i til. BMi,..J In.ii ..t.ft Ci.n!k '.M lit lllilft lliatlU .IJIU lll t.rftV4II VUll- cjjdcd about the end orrebrtmry or btgir.ning of March .1801, (only nvc iiionthitt'tcribe former jreafy.) a m treaty by the 5h ind ?ih articles f hich the stipuhitions f the trc..ty tlu-r the VVii Statu luve,'3 ve,"in fact the lntercbtkcoiifidtdly toe nation to ijov as p'tre die tilt Cc'.ia cf , Hof-J a . 1 T. .L -!...... I . - . . t I t i III 1 t.-:-.ri.a way tuic,io ino prnTDicr OJ ir tnro. 4 , - - , . Jlj.iftp'. Uliaara nnfCR, ton lyrMt.g Iui iuna by tke triatic Aith Fmihc,'; To illustrate this remark,. Utu Vd- jipg to Mr. Aabs Tbyer ot'tho 50th bf April 303. ; v , , JlvcrtfJlhr case of thetrealy cf tendon 'Capi. . liiuc-ildfe, immcdi Cf BnHcn. 4tnDicUi4tU!y . rr.: a: Mr. H .'D7trH .hoped the VchqIu- gcnfislly krtwn s Mr. JV' treaty. 'prti of die mitci ard ibe itn it ir Hi wotdd not be agreed to. He w 'iThat iiH.rtjrcent r.pd excited thepub- jiook the bii, wiith, had e ftf e J .!! '.wrll 'sippriird or die awpcrt .which it ' ln rctitc. . ... Tit objections to te Was frtom g ittMooi ifli pr;l rr , " f Tis in the pjwer f f Ifiirrn'iiij to givp 'carrying it fti'.b tftect wtie,btlit.vtd iih ho-.hxiktich le i.cui'.ig o rriiat, nit iiirpari ui iiiaijiQUisc, ini t uu jni.u"tin ".ran- ta Vjnm. ' 't' renulrelny inf' rrrf.iiion which iren- id the Houc If Rq.r i.riitatitt$, and tlenn mir.ht thir.H fit to demand pf ".the; L!xecmivff kowever . remotely ronncrted with subjects bcIW Uien.. "Hut t'c"drcsd of imputa'. t which l e know to be gruundlct s - tiki r.c when they dctiiatiiledinforoifctioti from the Ficcutive, lley iituul!ylicldlhi Unguajre ; u Sir, we t'ctevl your trca-i Tfie Lri'llituff.cf KW.tfr y ill joint wrnii.g, hive t Icflrd t-y iiii ni- IBininytHt, AMIKtW MIM'AI. iy at -fftii-l bit ;JniOit invincitre rc-' KtCK'. thief JuHmc. at.d -jOIIK .'ft... .t...... . , . r !l . i .rfc-l l i tcinioiy of tl.elr.teCitalpir.e and pr. if it led.'. 1: is rot imprU-t.l'.e, tn actn--; cent. Kalian republic!' tind treaty, sidet mivn vf t'.eno ei;untsivcts, thut , fixed the cvchiiiige to 'c made hi six- Spain the tveu reudilj ceded i.cui:ictiqt moidbb from Ibe date of the treaty.! fruute frjm an appnhtnsion if the L''-V e.iiie cj.piiuii)ii oi u.m nine ira jrrrx, pna -iur t" y . ;e having been yltabjed to jlictatej tfie colony Cf the most pou-erfu. Lurrpcan i to tie combined. !owc'rs,' had. N:r'(At between vs cr.d .lrxuc, end thstT r.iintd to extend, the Cisalpine! na'lhn her (lose al.'v. If this svtstivt,. is eonjidt rfa tit lute cry veight. t ; hi :j rced.iy eouceive the cam t cf Et c!a's , ' resentment ieciittt ftanee entd.fi hcrtj' ifoits to induce the Untied States is ri j pruff vr jf'vf up 'dt'eecther the pLkUyty ituchir.f lXuiiiu-na to the U. Sicles.d, ' oft of IfiCO were trkrn up, and C-r duke of Prrnia jdjctd -upon a neiv'rjrtmc, crcctfd m Tumtuv, iiiiJir the nan.c of king tf F.trur'm.'l lie tieay also tyiickslv htatcd that tko'C clttrntions in the'di'p'.itlo.ni TitTii:ory were - ;i rrablc to both partus, rpdloUc con sidtml by "both as (n:pli:tc en exe- luticn of the obIi;t3tiM of the treaty cf WO (rr,' of l!defimio).n if the oii nal .isr-CAHioni hniibreA fulfilled. . - . . ... e .i. i. , i I .i" .4.. VftN.t,. rime ttm'Joni 1rtni the onriorl. rwmai.y crut, pui imi im .j'1:' , . i..: i . . .... : j .'i... . .itiiftf tt Is fa id, "tli it Fhrms's M'Kean,pt. vfrro i f this flttr, hisletfl apfoitiifi Mtniiler.rirrupwnt a'y.io tne vourici Mailiid, to ajuft d,f ri.if.ifjt d Ifcrrpces .; rclt'ire the p,,irelT:csn''f l.owft.i, ', ar'l fufihrr irt (irfmlur tbe.JcC'iif" Le liorid,t ThiTrtg rettivrd thtj luv merely firm irpoif, ' wVJ cteici'd to touiL for i s terari'y. , -, . , f ,, nilcJe!jl.hCc: C ipi.' Adtmt anivi-d at NewVitrr.,(,f'i' iV t J d)s Ircm t3tbrahi' iffvi dU l.en he Irfi ihrrr, at lad ioi IX.l.tt in es.iv -jtjwiia""' .t tf conduct kich M inobt aobtr mation iit itmrvs:-.Mt of the F.xctuti.e art pvb'ittn, nd ile untmoiout r! which the Spanish lutr.utvr's corru-;"1 ,he "' . F.,5'' ,M,,'5 .c f an oc convticcl li-jt trie Jiiicrct; is an rnoenceui tn4? u.iir cris t. lesr ponticncc n.s uccn grgunutu. .as io " i ",- - oft!ie U iiitcd .Sv'Ci r ave been ti')-pt'.ifin in tin a, (irier of ihc tiuioo; ! th . rin.tuce Mm to erye irjm that ihat tf, by the Ohibttion nf aiiy. infor-"! l ne j-otmcs of Vwh fentlemfii .tretity, of l8M,are tke pretexti vpon. gyvett meni vpe to s u'.;rrtent epprorcd. ,' Did he itidccd -conrelve that thi'nat'nm, cr the House . enteni-fttd a doubt of our basing ar .quired SnVr territory and popIc to giv?rn i oviM le fjr'a memtnt 1t l er that cen tniiKA ity, itsput- tnii tJiMiiinitni ts. tiit I'sswtttsi ''.... j r i . i li.tjirr ii;i,(roirc luiuariiui rlih ?rafu. e rnmm'jr.ica'f ! wrttwbl-a s .... i .. .,. t . . ivi in l."vft4 ii w. r uic i andtlulbu'l t tliosti terms bit, it it , t'llliv L. g 11a tre el V trmois' tihy t'f i!.r the m-tivcb of this interference, they 'r-" : 'he FngliOi fete cor.;muti j ate not to be tKcounttd for from their ! th f P tk,pt fl" csterior feature!, they are of that tuvs. tap'wrir g ihrli mertlannien, t'04 k 11 T.:ribers, rrquirrnl ny o- jol'.tic sitjdrr eiittii.g tin uniMaritc e,nn",tMia,f 'iu .firrug h fcf tepublmi. Ibct ty'.deriit5 of this ftct i'mh th! ex-it Uft them, will hcwtier re- J.MPtqlri n tb council, t it.al fla;r, tract frD trct.tr . vM-h had just' bcltto'ly, p. 1 l!:J Jaa fur earning as.2il.c 4ic jiude felt on t ( I j'tl, whiilij keen tfad.'r.? Mub'i-1 .rvaMy toftt ur.it t;!t t licet. Vhe ptevnt case, it.l.iir.g cn, fcitw!, nay aga'n jci itli the gen:; 2 men Cor.nccifnl he ut.iUrbtod any tl tug ttvf vrner', J !' MirllT4h9 union. inekin;of tlf. r.xccut'.ttj vhcthcr:''Usi.itiut.t,yuskapp.!yofl1tii'i,-rt,til t tnei g'eat duTtn im ie ifir we h tl a new r.ii,-.i-.i of. njturr," The Ursiy thi.litli:y wefc 'J . alcn, , in j teta'cl.lf vit,, .y tcrnvrY ait.i of ci'iitn or, ai t:t t lhrn a:!t1 upr-n toi ci i r.,l.i ktu naii rt um, inmi mi ftruist sn4i.'i cvorrtb it wouia tee in tUai tbe '-! $Kr. Ardrvrrteda Rice 1 1 ns ti the n- s c ug i rrfiaru trj v icr-litl;- urr v the. letter cid tKt uppilte Mr. ' , . k LtartJ Ciisaollof his hesmg lent the amc Slonp Trial, Ntt-iimb, , wnumcMe . LiS ptiblicalion in that pjM. Fair-Amrr Day, ling Chat !"Of( I (n,is tf, ft. ii.vfti . vii,v4i n ...f ( inthcti'.j ofWai.hirgtotT,nndw!,-l. 'h tarr I di patches to g'.sfnfwi tutted ta ixcire distc:i!rnt it is ve- '"f J fail i ht t l y tcpibt k-llc that Mr. Crhwold rtAj ed the luine aer.titiUnti at were con-J lait.cd in the Irt'er, on ti c noor'cf; ...., i.Vj'.p.i l. i-yui t .s l.tnlci vr the an U: i. i ...' , - . tr. ., nt ir, FMvriit. lli'l.(. d.ttou. It ssatt sh'w ut to lorcce.' '" LltRtal SIVI. ' 1 - . . , Pen of UiliiiirVftton.- Lnlertd since WT bit t,fi3,.!'iii fiom l i wi pkr.iyk.Rf,' qburtrr, thM H twdJ if ceivc the Cot.' S a e -'t Mt f ogiefi t.f she- Uen4 lincoltu'.w'ith'italiJiCTthTltrcd.lTtiiii ImI ap,'i -h"ii.i f a tit ;nq.hnnt r.i.i-S't i . luQtuihi, rd ihf Prfffdi-' Vnl, Hum-g-ivrrui'i.'! I v-mc j wit ..f i!,m Hour; It nch be the' ::r-i te ferCti), tf ihrtr rn.fl' f jntlr'nlrti nioiful f., t!. f-in-.s,'' K.nr-1 5-t.rH--if we . t6t lanly 't'1 "tio ffwiup tn Vtiw.dmsrsi to vr- r ,..l..t fr l.i- is-'.f thz o(' of aatisfinl w.th the ttrtoof tJ.i tnaty, C. fti'iiiiim tl ibe t'iitd It-ret .....r,, ".iii'.lixr t . Am-, but l Mn .tr.i.uhiv.ent a", tl.r a'.l im- h :B l-eM. for Firbdet.t ard r'r.Mt Ian ti'... tlupc, t' the Pliladelphia Cjcltc, ihuh t-'u medium tfjfncrJ . ; Aurora. and AmsiV.Hs tftttst'.tu. jpnrttstit btny'ti wl Uh v.e kate so .rrttJtul U!j br difuoti! 'dchg f Al eirf'fs we umtiOhiJ m Wrn Ift'tWd l ptfftmrr.t w't h 'wdert' itf rrfire,rs tl tk Ut 'tied Siaib on Kw.Yi. UlirtJj" FOR SALK, t ' A PAHCi-Lofl.atiJtonu'r'rf tX a'.oni ((.tti.'rrn luftdlid 8CH', Kc Mifl.l.t ti 'o itlr it Ittdioa rf Lt.l ii. Itlji'tn couriv. tirownl,T,' . . . . .. .. I ' 7 . :. . ... . i. iitrt, &r. rtnoifi i,r Mr, l't I njme oiili iNUiAX wrtii, '7 rfott an ii.Htr.in.fii. bicH If rU cf tkt rrr' .. r, IU a t.' e' Vti Yittisc .SM114. Urttjed ike erti1aira.Mh;,,V, fi. Ktwf, ft .dififclittf the li.J 1 f -' , 1 .. t ;'"., .! r....p.i,. 'nrsr Trnliiifi to l.ir 1 ilutnt '.Mt'iti if ! 1ft Crt td S"if'H"M. ' lint t iff '. With I tf'ctal m acts t.f , i 1. F. .1 t. iftii h,.,!j, vat i Srr-t,!ry Ino-u the cendm t ofthr mu.t.Ui who t.,to f ..TVe kg Caie rf NflMfr, hat ,!,e .-nft Kn, de k.fwa,xr, . J0 t ,o!.fr. tnddt' 1. f f,M .",,", l- tmfm llif lUUcf ostlnti rt l'.u tur Ii.Uh!.!'sw ,i.Ut.ni.ft i cirg.ff-. It getieul ;ae...rg n n.Mct. 'Jlarttep , e , ,, , i i ... ,.. IVlrlh. trerUcdMV, t! c lefr.M tf tk'., trr..... f ; . U?... ,, is erefte V. ,! . t a Cn. iufrn; .-..le jr. ' m uTl'ih it Ht.-li.Mtb'Utt -.,.'.-t.fr.w. ntv'.vten' 0 -l.tf..! ffrrtlftrHfi J.l.,..Ua.:i lUe W tuV CtrCiU., iw Vt'l'i'- Vl ertiVe f.-ktl pf'ii'.'n f-r fW.kl c Ceb r.ttt:y vr.tl d.U , f 4 lie I'll rU i, it.i.Vt fttUn yvl.w tw..oui.ts C.irr 13-

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