. . . .tvnvUy, oa 28.' A Mr. tlotlney ftibmitted a Tefaln- uoaior inc appointment ot a com rnittce to er.rp.iire into the expeJi c"cy of euironflnm! the claim rf the Unite) Stats? againft feveral' li-t.n for balance' of debt. Mr Thomas "moved the taking "tin reli'u;;iun into immediate con- Tidcratipn.' J - Carried Ayss-at rvoes 41. ". M r. G ; j f woM rnrivcd its " refe r rence to a committee of the wh'.dc. Agreed to'AycS '53 Noes 3 -and made th';,'- order for' .Monday next, .'-,,' ' . An cngroffeJ' refojution' for the amendment of ihecuriiKtutioii, V4? ea 1 3 tftird time. , 'Dhhe,:nneftion 'vhcther '"ths fame- Hi rm M nife 1 ." v Mr;' G. Grifwold rbfc and ad- i1r(r,-l ft the palragc oi the amen Jinent'. rh principal argu merit tir.'d was iha the amendment would dcllfoy "th balance of power, adjurtcd in :the conflitution, between the targe att l . power, of. the former, -and dero-' "giting froni the latter. . r 'I Mr. Giifwold was followed by' Mc(Tr flugjr, IlaUins, - John C. Smith', Livingflon, I.) ma, Thatch-' 1' An. -f f.(l.l'4fil '.lh"M tVt i. .la I V 1V ijlUVJ J U , W llV 7 U'-JV.. " The friends ;of the amendment VK.IIUIC) Clll CI 111 1 1IW HCltt IU U I V'i ' ( rrcnt coiifirins' ihcmfelvcs to a fow inciucnui remarus on, m tncoti'ii , 1 tenev of thc onnofition now male n iiic . aoKMKimrnr. 1 licit: rr - naiks were. nud.T by Mr. Thomas - Mr, Lyon arid Mr.; hulh, 1 ' i .... After , debate of, lictwrra 'two , an J thres haitrs, the; qucftion; w.n - ' ihen rakcnr on tic Railage., of . the aniendfncnt.sbv the vcai and navs. ' -and carried z follows, YeaS3, .'Nays 31. "' V , . ; - " ,YIAS'-Mc'iTrj Alttor jnn liard, TJcdinpef, 'Biflnop, Illack-j 'ledL'. D,)vlc. Browf:: Diitlrr. ' O.l . "AVi Campbell,' Cafey, ClaiborneJ: J, Clay, Mi Clay, Clopton, Con,' , rad, CrowntnlhielJ, Cutis, Uaw. fon, Dickfortr lurlcr Early, EUU . ot, Ernc, Ettrtif.-Fimllay, 'Fow , ler,' Gi)oJwiru,'tCrccB, Hampton,. Ujp?a. HaPjnt.k. IVTc'rteK'J. - iieillcr. ltollanS, Holmes, lack- ' for',' Jonc,'; KcnieJy,J Knight, ; Leib, TLtirs, Lyon, '.M'Gard,l . M'Grcery, Merrewcihef, lS.;L I ... . . ' . . . . . . - . n , row, New, Newton, jun. Nich . irn, Oiiltii, l'a'mer, I'stterfon,1 J. Ra. Ten J. Rhei, Tfir,1 Rich. i rJs, UoJnr y, Went, Sammonl, i Sindrord, Scavcr, Smilie, , J, C. S,nhh' J. Smith, (N. Y.) J.Smih, (Vir.)btanford,'Stanton, StVwttrf, I Iioma?, . Ihomprnn, A. 1 ru:g, J- Tri?. Van ,Cortlandt;,Van . Juror, Varnum, Verplai k, Val--, ton, ' Whitthill, ' M. VV4lliatns, , Wi..i,,AViniK."Vrnn(i--S. . . NAYS Mellri; j. Campbell, Cbimberhin, CJtitcnden, C't-t,) Culler, Dma4 Davcnnort J)wht, , K. GrifsoU,' ibain, illfte, lloub, Hit r, IfnnT, . Lfwis T. Lrwii, Liinftnr, N, Mitch t',, P.ater, P.irv'.-jKerSant'j,? J. , C; Smitbi'" Stcdman; Jvtfpheafun, ' TirNrti 4 eoncy, Tli4fclirr L ; Vill:a:ne $1t , '- ' i' Tlw bill !ri:n ihcScna'f?, to cn- !e ih J'rcfiJcpl off the Unitet'l " Staici 10 take pnSlclTio'i of tha et- rjtotf Ceded by r ranee in the Uni ted S'atci) ai tmonjed, was read li e third I im. ' . 0 the ru flirt tU rat" ti c Yc an I Nw vem rt red. a J . wcit .YcjiS,' N;, a- tw!I H , . , , ' Yl;. MeTf AMrn, j tn. . .. Andeif m;. Afd'cr, IJ.iH,. JJ.-din. . vjt, IJifl.'jpi IJ'aeklrdve,, IJ.'e. lio.-p,D-tlfff (j, W, Cjm hell, 1 J. CmpbrU, Carev. ' Claiborne, j . Clay t C'tad, Cri vtiln.bield, "M. Ciay. Cbp'or, Ci.ti. )w. fn, Duikf"", Fi'le, F.irly, K;'pf, I nflU, Im t!y, rtrr, u.hMttln.i , (irrg;', llji'p n, lltnfta, 'HaHi. r- nit, l. Hcitler, J. Heiilcr,!n-e, L .Switlt, (N." Y.j SItb, (V.) StaLts. .The ccromittee reported the the West, is leaves less to Lceared.j - ,: r iSfor fiial's fules. ... -. , Stanford, Stanton, i:cwart, T.crJ, bilUithovtendment.' Tbehousa for ouv commerce from the sudden- y v;rUlc of rnas, - Ttompfon, A,-TiigS. J-i postponed' the" further consideration new i of the JEBrcsaion u ) irom the Circuit Court of the Tn Van CcrtlanJr, Van Horne1 of f bill till to-nvrrow. , , jU .United State,, at the fuit of Pierc, iWiyj ?nr "8A V i ,SriZS iSaryin the t pre-' Phiinhia. would, be arnved be foW at nnbhc - h rxnlanutions er me v.ourt nouie in ,vv iiroir?.'- hiltenden, Ciaffpet, Uana, , Ua--r.i . tlvA. Bnd 'iudicial nro-Nvould-probably be -instituted as the, ton-on .venpnn; D.viit, KUiott, Goddar.' ceedingS'orprie ttate shall be autben-1 state of thing -way require, and as T Gr.llin. G. GrifwoldR" Grifwotd f.J-ML ho ai to take effect in every o-'-misrht perhaps' arrest the p'roetessof 'H IT. ft:-., i r ....... i." l"1 T ... 1 - . ' . .. -i...: . :::.:. ' ' v , - - - . tiauiiTfs, i. ijcwis, im i . jLivv-. ther state. Airreea lO'Rrm a coin- iiusuiiiica,, , r- . - . . - uiinnii it!, Livingtton, N, Mitchell,' PIaterj,"rnitleCiippointed.,"A ' ' f . . ' j; .Jn the metin while,- it isfor Con- bands. J . C. Sc.h, Stedman, ,btc-1 4 Rlr.Dawsort said he. had las aes- gvess lo consiaer,ine provisional. ..4 -.1 ...... ...... .Kitinti I f hnl-'TtO. 1 LI 11 T TTl'JV Mff l--iH IV III r 'Thehoufe refolved itfclf into a pectin post' roads, 'which5 had 'not strain tliedepreclanons ot-that power, Ico-nmi nee of the whole, Mr. Daw- been tacted upon.; He 'ih'creforc re-; should Jhey be ontimicd. ' Ion in thechair; on' the bill 1 for i"ewcd them, . in substance, as.fol- --iv.... TH: JLtlLUMXV carrying iutoeffeft the convention f ;'-' VI" - - ' " . Rfto Me'VSIfiU,,C.1 4tJeet , he United SutesVnd; VcA .CP". ' ''. '''-. ' ."' ofposttcada tbrouslwufthe United tion tor repealing the Bankrupt law! i After. lo:n5M,mc i.fperjt -therein SlJlei. j ;Mr. Early laid be Fore Ae house the uC' J?"111 !"C- TG f a"d P0" 'I -Itesolved. that whatever money' original report'of the commissioners the bill' Tih amcndmeMj, wic,n;aeB,from the post office shall re-t who had settled We "account! between - ' Ti-ia'm. aCtppdcfravinp- tl-ift ftYrwnrtfn 'of:-the. United States 8? the' several states. honfi','- and the bill .'the'same, and be appropriated to the' and 'niove'd that the, same be printed. a divifion- to be , fixing -ami improvement of the post- Agreed1. '- " ; ' - - , 10 wads. - UomnuttecW - - f, . , xM". Lllior otierea.a-vesciuuon ror Wednesday, Nov. 2.. " ' , the appointment of a'committee to en- quire whether any, ana u any,- wnat I The Ivousc took up tine repot t of the quire v & 'committee of the whole cn the ib'dlpvovisi provision 4,wa$-necessary . to 4be, made, onycnuoti or the 3 th 01 April mauing an appropriation lorxarrymg; 10 pmuuee a mure e"ei aiAui-uwuuii ..betweeVllie-United plates & nt effect the 7th article of .ilielof copper''ioin through the U. States. and the '.FrepchRe public, ; "iiwi iaiy; . an "nitnunicni nui rtBreeu. . - .j,-",,, , , . iiieiiilRier.ts were aitcrards greed to by the ordered without cnsroije tor 'a - tmrct reacinc morrow,. - - . 1- v - "SaTurllayV Oft. 29. : i he btli tor trryn)l ut) ettc the c 1803 America -vas ADVIv lia 'ULtU 11 mil v 1 ui.iiv a 1 u .111 respecting v pursue in ,ouj,siana to " tdcmcntarV to the act nrL-scriljinp- the' the United States all however tend- n-l ! aurhori'lmg .'inq' erection ot a "mode; in' which the public "records in ed to create a belief that, the was un ioclc to the amount 6f eleven mil-"each state' so as to be civen i)t evi- friendly fo the.mcasttre : thourrh we tons two hundred and fitty,; thou dence in every other state, from the had formed an opinion, we hesitated to 1 ano pilars lor,; enaoitng tne 1 rcn- conimiuee appomica ior sam purpose express 11, uinu nt appearance oi.uic lest to carry' into effeit the icon- ' Mr. Mitchell calleft'tbe attention of, letter fro'Cad:?;,; The' part 'of that vent ion of the io;h' ApV'd, 1803, bc ! the house to a subject of considerable letter most interesting to the people of nvecofKc " U nited State's'' and the ,iniportance'grbwing: out of our pos-kthii ceuntry was .'the assertion 'that French Rc'ptiblic. ' ' -'- ' 8ess'l?.ns 011 the Missisibpt.'r He stat-jiSpcih .meant to.remonstrtvte again nt! rt.. V ri tytXi.1i cd that' 'the mail id the Natchez was1 !our taUins; tfVective'steps in the Loui-1 hoife went jnto a committee nf The? PJ VT! cir E'f 2 V , . 1 n.? X cas ami w avs oeinS r.u. . bm Kq & Vcading circulationfor a Week past .ttrwere Yeas SSNays 7) :k", ;to-morr6w. ,s . , the cmlddc Spain meant tc y amotion o! tvir. iuii""'pi"c. , Mr. Nicholson reported abilt'sup-. Iccard to the ctsbiori of I. lill vvas aurred, to as to tear,rn whole, M ..Varnum m iter chair, m kee .. r consli. ; and s?lljny whiJj1 thc )atfor te(!. nnjhc bill .makme. trovifion tor f Sf ,i,:.v.. r T t ' .:,ri -.u. t t.j the Payment vr Claims ot citwcr.s vatcr & articles of subsistence; as to I -been cc tuclly Kx&formalfy wVinV. Ot the United State . f n,. the ."-gO. tender it nerewmiVfor th rnnvi-ni. 2d.'.That 1he finnm.h 'kirys Onfr-'r l iii.wt hi vi me inuii i(j curry wnatcver nimseii orwnicn na? been aUiimen py tne 0r Ins horse required. IThe water ,e govcrnmcnt'bf the United States by 'ven l;sed was' carried in goat skins.1 virtue of the convention' with the A fjreat portion.-of the cpuntry iwas i rench government, of the 30th ot . fiKevrise mtcsted with robbers.. 1 he ApriirThe'bi'i appropriarc.l3,750; tneasnre he proposed was to enquire 000 dollari: incliiftve of two, mil-, "J" H means ,t'ie carnage or the illons apprbpriatcd lad feflionr and .maiUptfte iVatcheiand New-Oilenns autbonlei. the prritdmt tomorrow, v;1 - f",,"su .1 K,, for delivering that country to , the uuuiuuseti r renen, ncenr,' nau ocert " transmitted to the Spanish officer at Ncw-uric-ans..- . ; ; . . -'',Ve conceitc it ridiculous totyp pose.-tlit Smin should; afterward! pretend lo dictate to France what bt snuuiu ;p wuu; territory, bcnvjiac, hei Villi j JJV " i, ' J ifiHMUiiaianol'iig1, iipw ever., 'the' evi "Thuriasy .the icth daytf". December next. 1 AVrlahration on I ' ,1 .- t l . "1 1 . . , I. -., . any -- oneiter. wntiv ue. janas aa j the fame,' . beinn abmit (e. - veri thoufapd three bundled ar.d 6f ty acres.' ' On fatd plantation .it a' ' jlare two Itory dwelling Houfc and- ', other convenient buildings. - I here, is alfo an excellent "ftream' thror-gh. 1 he' lards, & a convenient fituation for a Mill feat:Trms - of fa!c Cafli.V. VJ." S. WST, " MarhuI, -N. C. D r. 1 'UK fub$ribcrs havingq'.ialified j JL as f Executors '.to,' the tall will '' and it'eftaraent of John' Bnrgwin,;, t'eccafed,' give notice to all pcifons , having demands acal nit thectlateuf pid J ohn to prt lent them ior pay- . merit within ihc time required by aq t(of Airembly, eniiiltd, " An'x a( to auietid an At entitled an J Act concerning proving of Wills and granting letters, of Admiri'lra. I1U1I, llll IU I'll l.Hl 110111.13 HI ills. I management 01 irtcltates s ellateCj otherwife ihev vvi H be barred from recovering the fame by the open,' wnot laul ?tt.l h-rv alla give no-V tice that they ara'.exprcfslv enjo'n. cd by "their ' Tellator ir. his Lid will, to collect as early as poHibir,; r all. Inms- ot money which . may be; due InS JtUate :'AH peilons there-.v fore, who are indebted by Judg-.. ment, . Ton:, ;Notc,. 'cr Ac'coirt," arc requeued tn: come forward a;;d. make payment betorc. the full .dayv of April cnlcing", otherwife toy will bc'Vndc'r "t he" ",f)l"cc flffv " of re ., forting "to legal-.' iricafurts. fcr ti e jporpofe of fulfilling the sbovc in- j unction. ' . ... JOS. Cj. WKIUIiT, ? .. . ; , A. J. DE ROSSET. .5 r': Wilmington, Ott. '4th, 1803. was af'erWardi rod ihc third time creed to. ih-l piliwd v, 1 liiStt a ilivtii'iii, i ; Un'r"invv Mt..Lulltst':t lul-, 1 : .' f ! ..! . IT I . ! - Refvsd,'Tht ihii houlc, im- lioa for rr-riMilnj; Tor ?relTH with a Unfc of the Impor- l;kC a1 , W l70?: for 1 Thui"S'av XovD. Mr. Dawon laid on thc tabic a mo- years auirnenlini' hy EPMUND pEt 0 LI TON ,!' Mr. kso n ertef, tt hen fie : .. 4 non -i-ne-t went. ct.ipsrt ol the tett mi ",uf ."i UV ;,.profee,UoriandWtd in Ohio, he did jernb vt tj?cr enetat inn for hi Iso rx;,t xhit lheTC vuIlJ trlA (ial jillnlituut .rhiraUrr, atU of their d;rtr.uv of onbion. 1, .ngret. ttiit another.'- ftir is Mlert: Jinrc learned did esUt. in relation to rum the fj)lenli cmHeUation of the construct ion or the.hrd'.nnice fot iirtuc ant filenCwh'rh ,iiiifcl l!1,e. the jtovcrumrnt of the North Western jpcnplc cl iKc UnlitJ State in ihelf Tmiinry. In order to Rive time f4,r: 'drucK.c fjt im.'epe ii Jer.ce. -Auttcl.-a full invcvt'upt'ioii r-fthem iject. '.itei ii. - . mirl-.l in tH Imix, .r vMUlVfott- " -'Minfiy, 0.1, ' tothl-'statepf Ohio, he i.wc!apo,t " On motion t Mr. K-irly, 'he r,)nr'1''1t "C 'e ccmiJeratiwi nf the 'rr ftdniinn. Ui ton tlv: u'lc ly Mr. rrH'ii.,,i.,i.ii. the.M MnnJsy I ,R.Jnry f.fthi exting..i.'n r ,tol U,"J:r' -" bilinccj wi noil on,ic-l till tltc j - 1 ,rT - ,' A ;f.-e rcrtirrj Iroin the ticnal fcfin -apprcpruting .40,000 the present distance to the Natchez, cation of the treaty ' With' France; 1 So do lirs, for coco pen fat ion to com. Mr. M. desired such an enquiry to be far, .li ere fore, we Were mibtaken in niiHoriers, iccrcta.-y ana agent ior mane mio me incans 01 accomplish- our ; notice ct the lcter trnu Cndiz. i n vclligahrtg chi my, . and Vor cod. . ins this impcrlant object, as should, That part of the letter w hkh strongly' 'ingencier: .This fiitnvii after- whilst they tended to promote the' insinuates n intention on the purlofj wjrljfednred,'tat ih'3 inllance of Rreat political ftid 'commercial inter- Great-Britain to iuterfen: ftyainstWic1 Mr. ilnllu. . cstR 0'" the country, convince the In- United States, ace ordint' lei the h-ttcr " The co.nmittec Pureed to the a. Jiin tribe ibatotir object Was not to from VashinSon, dtserus no credit fflcndoifnCand reputed the hill fo nvad thf''Rhls. I fC; further ob-wW ....-.,.;. a-.ncnduJ-The hi-ufc .immediately V: IZ ,-aT r ,WC !"' f T cl lt,v,l- r ' . nt '.L.'mmii ' . 0rIep ')S watabntfi thirty days Uthe, rccencd details of the prottci. ngs at 00k -p the .re orb of ih, crlmnju. ,ro,Uc hy land shou,d lhat . Wahii5ion. the JacU however, we , and agreed thereto ; wVm , lie pi,cfc mi9tit be probably reached in.'aie possessed of we believe to com- "'' r" VI ;' CJ"' l,u WlY'T len1!a', ' ,e ttierclorc oTcn-.l n re- prise the principal lxihn of interest t a;hlr;1'KaU';4h.Mdav. Ihe bi.J lulon to this ciTtct, which .wua a- the reader. -TUy-ares..' ; - I .." the ministir.bf thel.iriKfirspri; iclivcrca a rctno:.r;traiiiv lo the go vernment of the United States, vainn the ratification of C.w trrrty with France, br which we were to beccme posse sstd of fiuisinn . , ' The onl' reason tsRir.ed by th SpJn'tsh minister for this "step, id far as we are adtUcd wns-t!)tt, the prin-ci-lc condition of the trmty of Ht., 1 dclphonio, on which Sftia ceded tJuisiana; frc. 4to France, boH not tetn ccmpIic-3 with by the latter power. . . ' t . - I . 1;," That condi'ticin was that Frunrr should ph tire thc Vintr of llinn u t be rvrci;nirf d as such Ly til the pj- crsru r.urcpe. , We further informed that, the rtin.n--!fi.'nr.c fn)f, th Spanish ml rioter lud been trausmitttd by thi l'reidtt.t ( the a-nte omc timt prcvionv t.ithti rati'ictiionof the trea ty n'.th I'raiiro'i j- pers to h-v hs-t mwcight uith tTi8t , in vtc ventinj;the mtil'u ution tf the trtity I nor ran it be r-(iidrred bv any Vim ..Ten Dollars Reward; D AN "A WAY, from tie f.itfc'iifc . r er, a negro fellow ' rsmed GOLD ilaiehc properly of Tbtmaj ' f,us de lea, ni.ii auoui eigructn jean oitwe, U Jiiibird in hij 1Fi irm about ih r ,j flbow joint, owing t'o V rpri'm had oil wutn nc icit mjr. lcivice, pair 01 cor (Juroycvcrat' and white jvcobtn foat & waillteat of ib lime.-Any ftrfnn who ill lake u? the faid" fclicw fo that I get Vim g4in, f.ull irteie the aboc , reward, .t'ipifin of vtlfiUsi I trcby forwamtd firm earryirj bim )", ti ill other reifoc from t mj'loj irg or tar. butirirg liitn ; ain of f rofe ruuon, If he nmes in of hu own arctxil he (liall have no corref tft'o hairier, . . - ; . V JF.SF.-.MITH. WKite Mitflij EliiJencounj, X" , . , , Jep-ta-ber ta;b, iSc:j. $ , in . t tn(iAy nt ucccn'i,r ncx'," .-' lime lor the icprifcnuiion i.rclHclllai.fjhlrJ "f Ncv.Jeifcy fn ihr h-vife. Mule imfiiuf. d impurtance vrai , ,f "n 'At cn l r"', ' W'""B-- htm. ny one t or tiur.iit. intie than ordinary no- I utc. - . ' 11 . ; k-nurly, KnVh.. I,.cJS L,b, . b , . , , l.won. M'C.r J. Mt'y j j mprianc .x;. .r. - ,. . . ' . ... P.t 1'. .'.. ..1.,..,,. lucvUv, Nor.tr - ' ( jllIrrfr0n c-piUinltiinbri'-e.r.f ,,:,tr,rUf M'crfimMr; Ca.hraVl Mr. Jack Mil n-.riveil ireu.ln iwif.ir". . . . . J. ' -!". 1 iAil-v .r. . . . . . nilmi? inOTiMnn by low for the ..,1 , j . .. ' .i .,-;mBfmi.i. Kl: ii. k . . ' "k ir. jo'i wm icorn ma; pn 11 .euoitol one tweniicln part of net ,fk..n-.. l 1 . a . .fi.j. A tl WhoMthtf hlbetnr..r.ii.itte(lon l'r"t"u,B' wxnwHnin me -aic 01 tn,.rrhi,..ur.i..t..!..jc... . to the Srtrttrtry of Suit, 'dated 8ih I tt.i ettremejy hippy to irfurm t TftU that llo fenor iT r to W ohl by CnnRresi, hf f af1 a y , . Fmf , Mr. Hnwh b proved to 1m fUe. I lc em anj m4kmR pub be ,!nroo. This ctiic en tbe-rart in,fe l !'. fid the thin - " 111 1 1 1 'i 1 im i" u it 1 n 1 1 m 1 1 k a - , v 1 hhiii t k. iiui! i(ir(i ta J Ksn l.lr. j.n. I. M. aii.mfirtv.il i.:n.M fr,ut e Ith rforr.t you, that alniiit lhcUt?tifthl r- i Rn. tV Rhea. fT. atiiib-.f llu-It i-..Mee a!p. V'rMll i'..... .... r. . t. .. 11, I XVt t S lOtirilUla. R' AN AWAY from thc nibLri Jer's nlat taiion on t!te'J?"itnd - me D'p uuiant, a rsigm o man r,a med FANNY, l: e t w c tn 3 and soyeais cf ape, about 5 fett or ibree iiithc I igh', uf a vU'ow'fh . cumpicuion-Mie W3totrr,criy iir .property ol Dicker Fefni, decraf--.d, ami Utelv of Mr. ti A. l)')r- fey, fi oar whom I pufcliafid Icr Sf c l as a hnfba'nd btlrpf ing lb t Peter Maxwell, rimed Btn. A re ward i f Ten DoMa'n wU I &ucn. to' any per fun w ho 4 HI bring l-tr ft me or dOcr her to Mt. L. A. - Uorfiy in Wilmington. - ! 1 wiu ptvc a inriher reara 01 . 'Fifty Dollatifoiinformation vNliih . .. I . I . ' . ' n ' . I I I -..'' , "jy icaoioronviuion, ri ycr icn-j; , , batbi urril by a white ptifon j atiA twenty. five t oiiata if bv 1 re-.ro. ! .WILLIAM G. ULURY. j Sepiciul.cr jotli if. . I Twenty Dollars Reward. RAti A W AY on tbc itKof An- ' Ruft Utl, thelubfenbfi'a Mn jJAClw. a (quarc.well fet'itl'u uboul 5 feet a o' 3 inche high, has t very large Icard, ard limps at timea trotn a butt mora of bn flea. I undcrfland be is gnre 10 Nofth CaroHna. The aVove-te-wanl will be rail fir i?eiietincbi fiid tuna iy 1 tne, or ten doiiari tot Ming him In jail Pvihal 1 get Vims or ilillveifr-e himio Mr. Pf- tf Pelham in .Wllmtnbfi, or 10 Str. Jnhn Gifcn 1! ile OaHci, fe ch milti below Wllmingtrn. . Ma.lcr'i i.f vtffels arwl oihert ff forwatncJ from lutbonth , e'"' Ki'-iirt', R'vlnty, Rtot, Sim- n'piopti -tea tuMU iV.in f-r ihe rii litii . bJ to'.: fler, Miiii.r, '"j'-'v"ie.t;jiiHii.ic.r.;;ru via . . ..... 11 mi 11 i'iih nBui'iueir. nt i?m- in the nrl-Mt,.hf,t fcf j;j IMankl' t) Various . kinds ;ral!a:, Uth fturn U-e Fast ttl f,t,m m.iv lSe- Itnrt ar il.l.nfl'.A ploy in or c a r r t e him f. ' r -.JAMKvCKfKN.,. DltiK'Uivtr, S..u'h.C in 'irt, ; OiluVer tub. mi viiuai

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