ir, - V ; ' 7 .7c r. J - i CO! the 1 P It G hi ai r 10 -PL tl 'v: . ii ' t X: sd -edX (; jrf.;??me:i WIm .thea ealleij for pspm was u go into ine rneriti of .he Britifh tri 7. I; vrj-j'J not be denied, thai 1 he ground ihia ukn by g;n!em;n o -the AoitfiaiwMihif ih;h3.fe had aright ;t3itHuti8: ihs.jrfcmj of ths treaty and foliae acriion of thai right, it was tint che Prefident iiifw- -, . . " "r. V "V" IIJ - r-as ' ( t . ! - - ' '.,! 1 1 1 : 1 i . - m ...... --n . m. . w . 1 - w- . . . u ins prcu-nt aiminiltratio; has not appeared to m that boll commao-Knir am ere and rsfolQtf form which tone alumed bythe cxe 1. It ancient thron., nTA, Wi, .... U-Ww ..J... Jrc'cc.1' career."XacaA. , to ooTTefs .r-. , v A .1- . .J'a,w;..;J ,.-.. I- mar " 1 ' -r t- ca. .w i-aVa w : iic ajtc'-! - boston, Uovr , uiiiwiiiwtrrn.-f. ;. wnii u li:S lastdTUe I th-nb T . I. L vi V: ought" ai, ttJL3 '.hc bn? N W 3?. - " . v- vi , r ...v v i,h f uruiIcU wu r i HC .-east 11 is not ncrctUrw f ... ... .a ircc o;nn a. wrten r nmm.f . i-r -- ar'i 'AnJ Si tjiAm H, th. ....- rit -vo:iC funameJ ; ; l"S ofthcL. , vtercesioha she was now cbmpefa to: S "P 1:4 rrCe(rary' not "h?S th" "3 -m&lu, f- A" "gle.toveer nS in.Ms prttle of grant from merenecesshr- wVSo5' whho!4 acog Mr. T.' therefore aHf ticpshp-rMhhh U calculated to ' flg 'T 7 . pl:icc I elieve about' the las oniarh 1, rncvl'rd!! in i,&h1at0 :arOIion. or which " WaS by amoufing owl hawkeda, the treaty was siii S Tk iJH I'tSSr f onflrafS!,hat . - coaaeHation of, bean- " Cj- U-gf of nndetZdJ ' nnfl;An.ii- .4--f. u . l 'T. - 1 1 " f m d'gnihe.1, martly fone 0f v;rtlll. , which We rnuft not nafs -over rnS J"ch God has riven me. ivw! ;n,w. changed, from Jlavrcde.nrai: " ceived Flench rancrs totfc V,. September They " Hate. i R..( ....... J :r. . of lrgifl'Mn, It haj ixrsn faid that th r4;Ajlit J?'f!f..w!)ic!vre(tin on.tha l.?iil'.,WP.haTe really 'i'cot a tree people, and cnfcious UtT arnniing an.a draining bull. fi-utF-Ji01 : ltrcnsth caa ait f(1F,,f nPls It charroindv. Mr. P.,r. ..inform a of the order of fain to '(ic.-S!.ro.:I,Pt- dire and unequivocal fa-iVL,ncc' ,ooJ gates, fluicss, dikes, liver Louifianito Frnce. But thry jj115.1911 to-which it is entitled and ic,,tchef "n( all the means of dam ' V?m not to 1,5 guir'ed by newfpaper ac-J,being ded can take it' ; it lus wot '"'" and dri'air'?' r"l upon the 'esantn; We i-At .to know from aJ,appe3rcd to mi like 'the yeran :raincJ wn irrefrdable force. Wei 'V7V ,c rnciner,t,e "i"H.non .cnicr, wuiuiS to rird his loins in nave lcen xh: of fucceffion fth, - it i . . i onrbons) dam immeuiatcly liit-c. cr ti,e 'dratied dry hi f .1 t ..... .... , . . . , ' condition ,A n;..u.:.., l . v,vlieenemy, sc;t tn encrav miirh. fi r,. 0KKKJ wvai U " fj;. a V ; " "!l: awoiDIS country's rights, b,,u'r roJlai . .i apovr that His Cnho ic m .L: :. (.., . . ir"-l.:t. r .1 r - ' r, W enff,.. i.:. ;:jv7!.:'?.4',l.Ud "y more re- ' iCC "'C-vio , - r, . r..ti .j r ' . , " ;dire4led his - f.iW.rtrs nn Wo lvlr. Purvtanre as;ain. The (Iror? enemy might fire.w -.?1 tive to his rovnl liivtincfj ihm rl,ili r ' Prmi, ths colbny 'or province of Lou-1 lliana. with th flm. .L. ' ! ; , - i , "'"w. i now;i " iiAaiiui, is a new .mi in me nana ot ap,n, and that it n 1 ,uPpy thought, Mr. Purvian-p ha I when Krnr r,rrJrr..i :. . . . anil f.... , it .1 . , . , . Uvt ' ..... rwu ,,cl1 i ana lucti r vm.u unciif mecRKtneaiit r ' i.f 'aft Ja'nmed up before, or iu4jcui an aa nntltrat 00 ic JP-ccb. Under fuch an adminiffr,.;..- has anoeared m mi ht,. it ii ill v h mouia De after the -reatiej fubfe. ' iem!y entered into between Spain and other Hates." This article. g:j to f,y that Spam may have altered ih bo tn. l!iri. J.f 1 ..:r. 1 rr . hat they were wheb Francev n itT ff i It terntory on ar terms i'. And for what.Wekn"vT hn!thafnn0 ' "at all if wedo donef,. IIce ".tie iiportsnie of f- ! ,P"'rcfs ,fH,r,t Cr ns rg.hep9Prr,afkc-dfor. If wc cb-am-r Tg 0,V fclv2s j'e, it u'er . tnc bare. poOeffior, it i, one thing ; ,t,a lhen. bcuc we bribe thofc who poSon. ii' anotb'jr" thing It are !n a !atio.n to inolcftviisVand io.wiih an iSin Vn '.... 1 -nrivpnt tliiir . , ....... ..... lu! colony .' w" us an ininrv C'lit claim of. France to the nm. 0,,nCC: 0vf-Oy,te ,c ProPer 'hai we ' inwW-tl with -our eyes open ; "and therefore the irsporrance of having a co 5yof the treaty entered inm between the govrrnm-mi ot bpaitT and Fi 'ranee, or If) cviaencr mat apain hai arc 1 efcsj -' ( To he continued.) "to. PUR V UN C FTTpEEcil. I he federal' party in conef", although very ftn;d!t citee.,1 ,hcm. Id ves extremely formidable en count of their Laming and talent- they have b-come dou'v fn,m,M.' tl! in tbcfetcfpedls, (ince Mr. Plir. fity of p'irc.ufi.1 vmncc take , them. Tb :oof( cr ns n itres w ..r 1 a...- or by :dravninR dry, do you fce3n .the. fame thing ai dammii up far cvqr r I You have conferrfd trroit u. , . fe. vh k HUIIUI upon bhahefpears borrowin two! lines from his Macbeth, ft is true you have mjlqnotcdhis words but in dang this vou have done him a tavor ; for the alteration- you hivemade greatly improve the poti. rj. The who'c Itntcr.ic as Shaief pearehas it (Ian is' thus. --'O.i'ruefdaylaft,- wwn tort'nnin vr "pride , of place, .. Was by a iitqufing owl hawk'dat and killed- fomcthinr' vcrv nrint.' towering rf-a" faulco'n i turkcv bn .... ... ' , - -Witt; I....- ..1 1 . ' ---"uuiu ijiitB wc ui i not utcthc hil. -wercu oetter. it. oi,,; mud '-h'-iw m.'ni.rt", -1.. -1 n- undotib:pd!v tn'h-.-- One compelled Drevcnt t hem 1 nm wnn corps vt civilians, in A rt,i,.., wnun wc cannot or ik;,.N a dittcrent ihmff to govern it' wiii.ilnot .avcnce'-r-TWe-' hr an army. The pre (id -n-, miy pPrhapt, ;V mnntainhtg cur independence rt'. rhcrc is fl ft4 ""WcreiR good .Wg,in. to. a natl9H-men mJ momrih-S lCil in 1 hs " am, for the payment of fifleen million,' ufiys arr wft.-w, Mr PurvL; 1 ' A fa-"n'! a' the mere q..i, claim of. France ,n,k, .... ..: . .Mr'..r UIVI3nl w...... part v.ithany of it Mr. Purvianca ! I Shall nfviM mTlnvi If . " . wi-nv v il u jh iiwinrr art toe smallest 'degree to the efficacy of icpresentauon. Sti.-k i. r"1 .yirvianccj : The mind of ! "Jl ?rrai ,man Lwhat sreat-man M r. jPurviance? is not made of such soft jmateruU as to receive an impression (from the collision of every Rfeat hand: ;stvrn, collected and indexible. h IaSfcs- to sevn the toying a'rts 0f persuasion. Ms soul is a-stupert;ous rock which thi'rushhtt cfmfrhto 'cannot shAe from its tlace. "?'. (had it not been owing 10 this happy Co- ..n.,viv ...I.C "i.i-ircnmsiances, theper sonal solicitations of our ministers would have been regarded with pS listless an ear as if they had been wdtsperett across the ocean. ' " But whatever may have been the i.auS, wnicn produced -the treaty, I w 11 vote for it, not on account of the advantages which we may promise ourselves from a sale of the unlocnted land within U,e territory. I believe that from that source we cannot hope ror a reimbursement, as there is no doubt but the most valuable parts have .already been ' granted away by the Spaniards and by the French, to their own citizens: nor do I se P nV, " I VI Kltl III I .A buftnefs. of pret ra'ioo flirit'h if ? vafion of tpglar J. was ,ftT1 r(14 J ... . c r n wit ft vigor ; that trcop we continually marching towards !t icarrps, whicfi-are. to be termed j at. umars, Uru pes, Ghent, &c. t .Sn... t .v. ' ' -fi . . - T w. .1.111, 11 ivjij juppoiru V01.IJ 1 e head-quarters cf the ihad are r rr .v J England. The Danifli ;.roors v h'A peen itlemb td i:t H0 fit return home. The fraf, in trance i (ltcd . to have b uncommonly irv t in R bid not raintd for 94 days ; and ti! ruer ietne bad rot been fo fi i . V, .. r .'" nc year I7IO.. Wtcat CfOr 1 ijrain had been cut in all parts cf en 1 ope, except Spain. : .. Frtm the MeHilerr-aman Cn ....v.i. diiivcti 1 rrc in ? . . - ... v. .1 n have rscourtV to ths'laa "n"o:cd!y to have been an ea-le-of-tbefe;t:AoWe;fto,,itubc:h2? iltcd .ro rerort ro. if P,.-havi: P"t li'RV riht.Mr. Prvi,. gained poil.fTton of Louifiana. and br .Hh - yoit have borrowed r,... :. ' r'trom N iakrn.r- .... 1 ... , 1 c put mm right, Mr. PurvianccJ 711 iic is iar I. ' I . ii'J UC'ltr riiort tO It nfiw deny that they hae as yet gsiljed f1 'nd?'eii to xh )y "c! .io.iTeffion-.ihey have not received t0.-him . for y' imrrortalifed' myiivcryof the imtrrcJjtibts which "t rhls Poc,rV a--icaft. jarnfon and command the cour.tryji - t,,cftf vcrfare ot no fervicc tor have they a fingle armed fohlicr 't0 W U ?s they hayc net the leaii V - . nil ..i:. rir r ... ULUnr ai ion .i . . wiw nj'jm ieiv n-h.-w . rr m itiiv nnrr .fit ..... - - ' Ml''. UII' ! . . . . " -..v. W.lll particularly a'tlacheJ to ih-M.,; w'-de 'pecch. You .mbht m..,-i, of ths co'onial prcfecL IfV lcttCT havc-c-.iote.l "A. jnnU . ... . - - 111. )C II. I". . . - -f-'-r.WL,V. . f. III? It . . . V 9 i ' i . ,.,1:. 1. , , . . "iy iiiui wimin prevent the court of paJ m mini ctiiiuniimrr to ismh? tv-..-! p to the date" vf the exchange ofnJ tifications: - " There may however be other nrlJ tantages or. there may be disadvapta. SfArcli shrouded, asT am in the ,l;iooin of uncertainty, for ihe want of "icrtiis 01 inieuigence, whicfi iiudjjs ouicrs may resort to, but which have been withheld fromu. 1 am tyiable to discern ; but which may be observable to those who being more eminently situated, command b iuigcr prospect. It the claim, we have purchased be invested with any latent embarrassment; if our posses, ston should be onnoied. m- if. ... . ' M Vlll lii.Ma .I 11 . ..s...avi 1Mujjcny snouui ncreaiter K"! arrived C : t 1 . ... V nm maiaga aaviics, that on U. iccona oav after pnttr 17 thst t.i j ...... ... he was Uurdcd by ihe U. S. inga;,? Adams ; and informed ihat cheiy orevioos, ths Adams hadfpokeais tngliUi vcllel ot war, ami. learn hat the fad the day before f(En: Moorifh frigate wi'tk three A:ne. rican veffeis in tow. - rchu.ent look to it;! Win V.nv.A,n . J oeann ne only wiUDecomc rcsnonw- !. if i, Lie for a.,:.. 'r ..i mail, arrived hevc yesterday from Ful. to re. fort to the necef-" W V' cut ,? D, divided W r3I ir, r, ituipht for t. r: . n-f j r. . 'v'."a,'i man, arrived here v ram : li nmrnt it ivnn , . m far vnur i.'-u, : f . 1 i . . WIM rm .i.v,.Vj i i w ivy r v i jul i jr. rnnhtiMi . . w j v iiiiaryin!!Tin qteconfoutKly l, ami tne fcdwalilts tf one inlbncc of h-imiiiatt'(,n ,t ,;u m'' have informed .,! cx.m i.i inctr fupcrioriry. , acknowledgment, on rur.part, ornraPr auditors, that . fto3( - . or. 01 tne vvjlftington "nc mirancconivot infnlt on theirs ' , , v ,u,JFanc 5 )'cu might have' 7 1 "7 Kuveiy allutes his 11 wpwrviu.i-d their trisin!liii,,nce .""-"n was meant by (he r L-rs, thit !ii frfjitj any l.V,ig. we flutild b compelled to make a -i. ap?5 c PJrc a,", vs'Ut B, C, D, E c- ddjy gratityinc them with chs' R,,al cwiihtitioni to their avar; c '-an ' F' wcrc V might tuve faid jpeico .t Air. furviancc. ar- annually fubjifljj t., ,hclr in- 7 'cre ncarI fc" 0 X . Y, . Judge i. (fays the editor) from this j'encc. Repeatedccceffions would ar Z- ,rcnmcn ot Mlcnti and eloq'ience P' prdt:cc a rr;et!iic.i.f i uUrv ! VVc ,,avc 'erwards fren thef- pi inis ceniirmm. anilw c. t an, at u.J.. u-a . . . P'inv ucitartt. v ' IUI. i nvii iiv llUU Ly Ii j .:.MJ 1 ' . rliamen-c,",lPromieJ our nuional cta reddened NEW.OKK, November 9. Ttlf Ik. el,.. T t, "j mis sum. ociiiue, rwnie. cta' , vea yesterday, we have' received htt niiiax and St. John's papers. 0: tlie 5th ult. at St. John S. Lk'Vrt. t;r vernor Carleton and fami'v on board the ship America r.nd -Sii'.edH ffif l" Mr. T-t. ... r . TTl ..suii. a hc L-oveir.meni oi ttidi ; provide, in Ids nbscticc, devolves tij joaurit-i v. JLudlow,esq. Fresitjsr.t of .WIC VUURC11. 1 ...... . - iviucn jyjavim: inrormaliott wPl be ! found, in'da,, nWtr th ; riai piiue-fitup- igiltsnt-frcnrtb' ..'.euticii anean.,- J iii . r hip on yA lioinuit. was boarded by a .pinateer, and the captain uiat rortugal had declared war again' Trance, and that he was cruizing fi i yi luiesc vessciS.' We also learn, the furiLrr ,mtu intentions cf the Emperor of Morocco towards tlie United -Mates, vhctel cruizers had captured sevcrtd of r,u? I merchahtmcn. . The-Prince Adolphvs packet, crp. rtaT.sTlitTrl,iH!,, .plrll of oP,risUb lo rte .JSrfc, !l -.''' lMr.llil,;,r,l;-,r3r.l tre r ri t d there, width had typify c v:-.-.- "got Ltru., l,r a Monrinh r.i..t rf'n i. I . - - -- .. U1J.., FI U ward with pleafure uhii pariiam-: I iaiy rarccr. ' This pro.ligv of elemti-n.- rn.amed in oblcurity till ,,e jay" I WI uctoDer in t:ie prefent year ot our i.otJ, hen, a:i of a ' . ' he biiiil like a meteor upon th- afJ toniflieJ' world, snJ in hi, terrible r.a.JtnJ pttcb, r.f icr 2i minntc nghf completely bumbled the pre , -w '""vn, ana pTOiiratcu Buonaparte with the dti.l. Ikfort ' x' P":c.i he hi J been abfoititelv . j , t..rowin- a-jy, h:s precious troprV -tJ . andfutt, in the county court. At. ' N"Jh.Csrc!injT betti eJ..rno;ra-' ic judges and jurors, wh were nd (dTrrcd un our iaft cn.t I'enj of Paris, ,. anon to Ciidtc ranariii, J ! an!J a toucan mould then be tarthcr fn-mconcilia- wJf mjjctljf the li-urbons. ti"n than ever'. The fiitlt tf .,nt !iWe h3VC one half of the wlud.- ... " f . . t-o.-i iiiitead of b-ipg!:T0f',,",&;cit hdmir.iont and ttcan7ichhi..b'es!v n fcthcr .h,,f a!afme'iat hispow, itrm:r.f. would r,. As l 15 it for America a'onrJ wnn reurubici lury.; dated with iJCfinces whi:!i had been in:n. to appeal it,, it wj;J grow e fierce It u;i!J Coon HriJe ft .ti. i:tr. -. . i" nnniiiii'ii. and every . 1 encroichment " uh-S rA..n .. L. . V. ... . . . ... "un. ii cunatiig could eacct be enpecled ; th; tomahaw leiui tiiimunt allayed by the mean ule I tor in abat hr, uuij an army f.aicclv fnincitu the fjcritices which bad been ln;-n.l.for th defence ct her irarrifom. .i i . - . .:.t. . - . . . e to appcaic it,, it wu;J erowtni,.J navy uarctir fu.'huent to more fierce it would Coon acroit ihe MilTi fivar,e and ihe knife of th HriJe v . 3 'i rx 'Vr;Vj. l it, I f,, for V rniflst''J?e,,c",onf RJer.ihcfe circum k of the ."''l 10 ' vjihaanJ this gigantir iia.juii v.nrn r?nt r." tin tt-r n t a would confederate in the Icjie.1 B;0". fl torn htt own f rana. be i.o i.Mcrva? of af,,,! f,lfrl"f J ffoni rr ff. ouIJ either be able ar,cni''. itne incc wat uhcr .IV lOO lTJl l! ml ir,,,,r,. ... Jcel the b..M.o cf hf, rmr.o, or cn-rjr,e.y:, ,hc lloirnt,v o h;i l.:ti. HiS'va.l CO,Cft.tir,ni ir.,! bri.i.tar.t ihoI'M, juy a- I alto-cfvr, flllfvIlalimc.Jnjvei In ight ua, t-ndcr a hnihr!. n.Tjrirr.'f. jn'd rnvr Iiif iK. .i.... ft, ... .1 .. . . ----- vui .r . .. w.,,,,-,,, if::rai::. )e """nry, io se Dictte.I out of ih-1: i Kancnroin say u upnnan ekTen.lTs theatre; a,.dl ra,'or.J f.,r.;ver. fllcre ih.a ! uYi, think and hr woit'd peace until wc fhou tri t'.t'wim i, n. i .L . . V t wrrm 5 nil i C, .1.1. ! i . rr . ; v in iie.n tneir icii,.n ' JfiKn" out or eUe ofil-r up our Cm.;.0' anJ hln opicrtunitv p a an homage of o, . 'fg " I M:t IMI crpariu'iitv an.! per ml t t hc name cf on wrrtTit jt" I nfc rivn- hsvi we need no 4 ncart o : n-juouji ncre thrown inM. "'cr ap nrernd ant Uaniftr from y"f W'S !ry inrouiouT ,!,! fcat.j that moiillr'itjj rower which alarm tr.e i:r.:ar, re ls 0verwH.T.CJ wilhJ I conlch there are rnanr Jcd ;wvrht.. Wchavenewatrca. nip:3.fe t, h. grafifii: party. t;nen cf the nairn tor whom I fig'ied by tlnmfelfci in hicl. ll'Y ta il cl-rt-thin-bnt the.mai-!,cna', ins ilncercf refjecl i h.-t .lht7 hs vcSt.Ktafdy rjsT.-J awai -i.w. woiiiii no cri,i ..-. r i n: 10 poo.l it m n ui, n.M ta grat'fy our rea lm pi" wheh I n-frrvc that a!thou t I pard i i t n ine mpani t ii. c ui riM... . r l lore if. Tin .i .. . , w.iwvs I.IUIIU, ... v, a, iricnri. i , ; Ilere Jt ,. . can-ct Kk . Allcf ihem ap f b! r a. '"i y" a.f,t,',ci.'edly in t'Jun-.l.U'i, I ivoe, and devatta. . .-.w. ... ,.r icioruiion cn your ve te r imie veit. encircle u:',r)f vtr! crnmci.cel then - . Frcrunng e appropriation ne,r, f.hU figure will cm,Id h? ropei of tti rrovin,.! ".nff rtt '" nai-Jm itttth '! l etwccn .re unn.I wy maiherr.aticijRi 'ecfiiiu:. All i-nJ uck. mtre t 1 ";ix?.urr.! a few " ' '' ., d I finceicl regret thai in d-dnj 'flacirclin,. prfsimitiff and :PJ Ii ff-bably l,r ths pur.! ,u' )t . , f '7' "rV lVl Y ,K " 4 h ,M ' Mi4l aJvetlelyto the n-: circamrtaMce i laity difadrm,,, H "ir! in ta w!u I .Vrn L r wjr.,iiM hj' f .1 i.. ,, r(lfl f J fcntUncnt of ihe rifleman nd equally imp.obade they xi , fuf be hii tavuini'e vW UvV, -a. , 1 t'rT'l ?'Y , .i" ;cn,,fct. .5,5 pVaf-re Wy .4Mci. ,. i n -rfaf Domination. I l ,f e.Ti JOT "l'1?' ' " y uiji, ?r,'e, I haie hitLcro .f.j f ;vhic,lCe of thMtru-h f W fh the "roarer ,f i,:; , f f whi.t, they polT.-lled. flm f da not thai' ihe h.inourabl g,n uho i at the head of eir etftfutie. At he-time the litgorasiMt fr n re,ectin, the iS hith captTCraf;, spirit ,f hoMHity on the nart of t r received a tl ; court cf Madrid to (hi treJfy" I vdV ? ffJ8PM w suppose that none m;c!i doe sexi t. ' ' l'f m!l,mn U,?t l e fd . J would even vote for a lamer m 1 "V T"fiv ana Had tent them ation than is now dennnded for its ex-' ecuuon, ena i would c'O it for lie lame reason that a man would give an exor b.tant price for a piece of land adjoin IngHsown, m order to prevent the settlement of a di ioulerU iir.U.n,,. l who he feared mht Sunder J.i ' . , UI uum r:' mcleiirc ; end i im,3te :.-c the :t ,'it C(t fV'.V.7ij'?,j r'.tn . f Piy " i ' M tSf"l- If.wl ....I. "... . . ' I I v.wi .i,y tt.yi- letnorc p.-thctic ;M:"f f"niuicnt thi epcccl m -.inkin?; jn-.o t.-.c j,:avc,Uforr r""!!":1 M"-"r.d plunge nuv i .1 eoainos. llow. vuiy . do . ..Miiniani: i'v '! I.urc ma" the imnorijffn r.f l . . . t ' . ..I. ,Uic : nr. on ro maae a riilifrence ni.'y A IT.. r . either to the present ceneution. , J tin.f.;. :rt . t -.' . ." I ' ' into Morojcc'-Mcoribh crt'inrs ore &ent out in every direction, tr.d rap. tore all American that ccrr.e in heir way. I Tte B it ft f,:(,c p; rtnB C ,g 0,, j, -Med at No?c;k,i4i di.(.m P'smMti, irrf hinai,o,4 at 4f.jtt M '.. Koy "ttnoiii.ti io.U Uhu lflft'cr. Rrtaa. (i!id Item Il.mptoo ic.di ,Slwri. r4 Kit I lit i T- Brji.", t f ar it -r h h t J , ihr.r,,.t or v, tvtfj t&. t-t tm!.!,..,) ( LtBrj.,,, ,, .. s'ltriT ry ror.'P irn. . lat.-li r!ttH,-ul wit iifi,rk'4 fcvtinnifrit m tlirjiB a?u wnhfJrt 'f0'Cl cftVif V i ,4 (utnKlhf AM h I m i K i fi I K. m - u Mr f -iW-.k. r-.c .K rf iffMri, Km orwyri! id ivtk. n m ; rt.rt.irirti, i k ire i Aful r. f tr f .f 0. k-r t.ritt lit n f.. ., . . ,,,v unit,.-. . .IL 1 r in. lliMII,, (I d I i'. nl lha m ..I... I . . I .. , . . " . '"' . . .... j .s,..., nc npoKr...tiii Mp rwti.M nr .h. P.p. j p.utlini HainU thts measure bef utf-i andyct 'lytlw.a.M.pj,.,, u w. (liJJ if em. tUt le wis tV,.t to ,,Cfidc Ihe Tate fr.aiioii.. Morris dvimt postrophcef "pMtsc.j.a.,;tjorl,e. ten p,e jt Jrtvr, . trt-rt. Hi!. It ii rrpcrted It t'oc s;.o r;c Mr. i umanrf tt I- r s'arrt ihi"tr.i . n. e a-"! in iel ;i'M I i ,. A. . . ,i . ...r... ... t- ') 'JllllMf 1 lli..l...f. - ' . "" i" 'inn, wi i tl. n.tS. in .1, o,n.t ..( fKr prcpt cf V ...:h f.,w i 'fiRi in n I.. ( m.t : K I m ...I. ..... . . ' D.1 ti 'MitAi c an. ' "S " Ai ,,it tl yir. r" (i n i i.dtl Irt tn if,