I J jjuti m ' ii m is... ' "'" "''' 1""' ri"-j-L k "T., j''nrr- . s ft yi . V , n t L 1 1 1 1 If i I; 1 1 TA fo'bJjrr aUrg ?t ,-yr j D:m''tuc issiJa ion. of Ptu'linrton Cjuntv to of P.wl thr r.'ec ' ir of said county', is taken) from lh:"l'rcntdiT. True A nerican, ani .... -c . ' . . will be fjtini, on perusal to- Contain, Itiibdrtjnt facts: veil warth the alien-) I'prtof cvirj virtuous A Kir ic an . .''"Actuated bvths to ast sificere de sire for "this peace aV prosperity "of O'ar'ountry, we beg; ltfave to offer the ' following fats . anfi observations to bor serions considerations. Our in ducements are' 'frinct;nlly that troth should be, known ana fmullv. prevail ; Sc if in .this prosecution of this design we should offer any 'thing' as fact that --cannot.' be Drooerlv supported, tr c : t .. , . ...... "drawn any conclusions hot fairly war 1 ranfed'by, reason, we will thankfully receite correction, U. cah'tidly confess " ouf errors when they. shall be made ' to appear. ' All governments claim support an allegiance from the people as dueto them for the protection an .. security they profess to afford ; and if auvgo Vornmerit can with justice insist on this claim, it must be wRen, like oilrs '.fearing, tjiCy exercised-lhe privileges oflreemen, by declaring their appre- hensions and expressing a desire that '.he administration of our lavs might oe put into other hands: public fletaul- ,ters called to accounr laws inimical ,to free discission repealed, and the blessings of peace permanently secur ed. Jf the federalists would not allow these requests to be- re a sonable. they could not deny their1 lawfulness. John Adams had nd exclusive patent for the presidency ; no right wes violated by hit removal : no law broken bv cruis ing another. The very name of elec- tion sonifies a power to excerfcise the! judgment; and even, admitting the accusations against the federal admi nistration to be" false, those who believ ed them to be true, had an undoubted right to act in conformity to their be lief. To bo mistaken is the common youto tompare the present happy and( .pleasing state of our affairs with what Ithe federalists predicted would imm'e- idiatcly follow the election of Thomas r v 1. T. C . ,. . ' jenerson. u is oi frreai imparlance w 'ourselves Sc your posterity, It is impor tantasitresuects your democratic iei low'-cituens, who have suffered under such vile calumnies, and who have a right now to e xpeet from vour iu?-tice,a candid examination of their conduct, to le restored to the confidence of their Act theAdama administr?ition; tri' are blest with a decrease of taxes and expences, an honesj expenditure of our public treasure in the faithful dis- chaige of our immense national debt, A V. t -J W.I I O I H AI . . . - AN AWAYf'O the fufcUriLf y er, negro fclliw named 10LD R late be-property Thomas hvt "'. chai &e ot our immense national wept, ce4fed he ubout eigh.ee. y tt'ot jr,. eight m:!lw?sfivelmdrcd ,fl ,ff , rjn lbt)lH fh V I - ' P L 'l t k 1 1"' t 1 i tars oi wmcn naye aciuaiiy oeen paia ,dbtl :uin 0Win2 lo , D,f4U,hJ 0 jktin K If ft tnw let vlC nir ff rn tfte lust year. Arid altho' we cannot ' A. 1 Jt ... t . sary laxes . ycarr exiravagance &waiflcpa(Vf hfc fme. Ary perfon h ! ihas placed upon us, we may fairly-cal- j,, ,ake fltd-fcllcW fo that I zio, that! receive the above, lewaid, Capismi f vetfeU are hereby - ''duroy overa'lj, aiid'riite woollen crat ' fellow-citizens, reinstated ia those!! ri ijhts of which falsehood has depri ved, them, and again to enjoy the blessings of society, to be found only in a reel-; procal exchange of friendship tc good offices. 'It is .also greatty-jmportant a it serves to develope the designs of the leading federalists omong'st us. If they knew tne foregoing scandals ous talcs against their political oppo- 1 1 . i .. . i . ; i i r . .cuisie on mcir ueiiig iignienen as iasi him fl.iM national f ngagemenis -will jkw- as our mit of. ii lot of hum inily, and the democrats ncnts to be' false, they deserve the should ml be accused ofafM'wf, forjldetestation of all good men, for so in believing what to ihem bore tlie stamp, jdustriously spreading them. If they of truth, and which was not denied by'. really believed them true, they shewed the parties implicated. In tlicir op- ereat weakness and inexcusable igno- ; position to the re-election of John A- ranee. And being weak qr wicked lidams, and 'in the support given to, they plainly discover themselves uhe 'l'L i , . ' isn ii". ! i.'c uim ai:u : uc wiMivui hiiu economy OI iiie;' ,, i ' r r,m measures pursued by the present ad- . r .. . 7 . .i . , bourins; him on pain ot nrofecuii0". I r - ' If h rom.i in nl hi riwi. srrnrn hn teen out ofifccnftrn states, bv large de- , n- Ul.ll I V .W V . -- - - V ' bar- JESSK SMITH. Wblie IVjjrfh. Bladenconiy, T ' September I a.h, 1803. , ' it has been established by the general;! Thomas Jefferson, the laws and consti-qual to the ivSk they, have assumed consent 01 the people lor their general, jtution ot their, country were their; ol being your political guides. tor xperience ; &cising the most important of the.ir, who have shown sitch deprarity-of nerica, profit-, iprivileges, they have been arraigned by principle, or defect of understanding ? i'Az by this expciience, after the most solemn and mature deliberation, rejects, ed the extravagant monarchi;al and aristocratic systems of the old worW and framed our present Democratic -Republican, form of government as com-' 'bining principles best calculated to ensure our political happiness. This has been adopted by the people, and under it we have en Creased in numbers and wealth bcyrtd all former cxampfe. Unhappily, 111 this" full-tide of site mocralic minorities, have unequivo cally shewn their approbation ; and in the three remaining slates, republican ruiciuica are rmnaiv increasing, a may justly claim the support ofevery :T AN AWAY front vhe fubUn good citizenthe interests of all such ;XV bcr's pl'auon on the Sound-" are, so closcly'connected with its con- on ihe 8th jrllaiu, a Negro Wo, tinuance, that they caanot be separat- man named FANNY, between 2- edi the destruction of the one, inevi- and jo rears of ape. about c teet twC tably destroys the other. The iespec- or three inches hih, of a yellowifh tableb dy of friends are particularly, completion iShe was farm crW the i'.iitiicuiuns auijuii. aiu iiviicB j property ot uoclor rcrguj, neccai no church rates no exaction, impri- Pfi an(, ,a,eIv nf Mr. 1.. A Dor- sonments, or persecutions, as in other w" ftnm wv i nlirruafea her -j' r the federalists at the bar of the public, as the vilest of culprits, and the igno rant tauirht to believe them monsters in society. 'TFor this, the freedom of our elections has been violated, and many of the people deterred from fully exercising a right so sacred and im portant. Thetfteraj.r, li is true, did not openly deny the right of the people to elect ; they worked by more runn ing means ; thev boidlv declared the Will vou not discard them -from your confidence,' as. utterly unworthy, the United States, distinguished' by the names of Federalists and Democrats, whose animosity interrupted the' har- m my of society, and even threatened; the exjstence of the government itself.: lioth of these profess the mosf uii- . hounded attachment ta the constrtu-, tion, arid accuse each oth-. 'Siffninij to destroy it'. "It ' liiK"become then, a question of the very portancc, to decide which has best . mad,: good their claim to exclusive pa triotism. Let the ints.ition of either party be what it might, a prof-xsion of attachment to a government so deser vedly dear to the great body of the , people,:, was undoubtedly the most - - .i i , countries : r.ere, ana nereoniy, can .c t i n j t .am. v.j V 1 She has a hulband beloneinK to Mr. tlifv iinni&Kimed' anil in rcnr -ninv w " . h o wi,iri, wfatWlr Peter Maxwell named Ben. A re- belief? Dut if this should not be suf-. laid down their lives rather than give ward of 1 en Dollars willbe given 1 ficicnt t6 convuice your minds that the up or forsake. Religions men of eve-to ny pcrfonwho will bring herto ,ieieraiists were plotting against your 1 7 ucM"ninHuiuii arc uvuuu m guc u :u vn.i mi. liberties ; if the declarations of theiivlan honest, support ; for it admits of Dorfey in Wilmingion. jarch leader John Adams ; their anxie-jjno exclusive religious establishment,1 j J will give , a further rev a r si of jtyto support ell his extravagant war,(but secures to all the inestimable right Fifty Dollars for information, which incasures their unrestrained abusc'r.of worshipping the Deity agreeably to jmav jcac t0 Convition. of her being - harboured. by a whi'e perfon ; and . twenty-five dollars if by a negro. WILLIAM G. Bh-KRY. -Septemlier 2oh tf. 'of all those who wished him removed ; the dictates of their own consciences .their artful endeavors to. arouse the!! Farmers, traders, and mechanics are assertions of the democrV false audi Tears of the peop'e, that reason might .bound to support it ; for it gives them cessful experiment"' two parti es-uose in' groundlesi, fabricated by base anc' de-1 be .swallowed up in apprehension.'-jcyuui protection and equal encourage-; signing meiv to ruin anu destroy tne; anci oy me unpareueieo Doiuness uiii.u t nu jauoruijj cia,is government, and craUily endeavored j their assertioiiM tostiHe all invekttga. Oi mannraarc aoubiy bouna to give t-o persuade them that, -.not -only thej-tion, St ruin the characters of aH who jit their snpport ; for it secures thern nTtioinl advantages we enjoyed from! opposed them., do not cany full con-1 rights that no other nation will at- a conibinalion of events in foreign yiction to your minus ; the expressions iKnowicuge, nut incm irom me tie counti-ies, which caused a great de-j that have, from time to tinie iinguar-(graded slate to which the ambition of.; mand-and conSw-Quentlv a trreat pricev dedlv escaped some of the most lend-1 unjust men had reduced them in less r witlhs feu" our produce but, IthaUthe pros--nig federalists in this as well us in our enlightcned countries, and places them ts(l)e'coihe,p;rity arising from individual indus- neighboringcounties, put the matter ; that equal political -ground which y'n:-st im-l;try, was altogether owing to the bevond doubt, and ii.iqi,stipnab'ly tlie Creator of all designed them to FOR SALK, A PARCEL of Land containing aliout feventeen hundred acres. iu : Bladen . cuurty, known by the " preat wisdom end virtue of a few ft- prove'them enetnifcs 1o our present e- idci alists," and that a clnmre of these oual eovernmc t.t, and hostile to every . . . 1 1 f 11' T 1 I.. I e- . M r. - ...t. ; . . 4 : V . : "wise ami virtuous measures, ' would principle ot republicanism 1 ney iu oupp-i i bulu mcsiiiiiauie pu-, 1 In .k. . uireats , " r, ' . , . nameof t he In oi a n. ,W e"li s , f y ing o.n 5?tb fides of the Nor'hv.iU River! & adjoining the land cf Mr. (nhn Waddle. It abounds wiili occupy. i.et them not tamely t-ufler ;C re anj Oak timber, and ih thcirisekcstobedeUTredfromaman-i lhiec hunJred acrcs 0, L re hnmr-unon'us inevitable destruction, have said "Thev did not nrmrove of vileges : let hot the frowns or " - r - - - - . ' ..A". . - Vc. ...r, .. . . . Rut conscious of thcV inability to sup- "popular govtrnmcntf Miat there 01 tne ncn teoeraiists mauee tnem to port such wild and ridiculous asser- " was not energy enough in republics, (sive p Aa right, on the exercise of tions, and well know'iMir that fear stU' -u and none. put, fools, would jiHpphrtlwhithdcpentis, .wUtlier they tdiall of Corn For terms aiply to GEOKGJl LUC 1S. October 18. probable nieans of success. For thc'lrTes investigation, disregards truth, k. them Rat the late standing r.rmy !ijoy the heart-cheering name oCfree reoplr, happy, thriving, and secure, would inoi. assuredly oppose those; who dare openly a"ov a design of des troy hit; it, to introduce w.ut is erro neouly called a more euergetic go( vernment, on the one hand', or anarchy, en the o'.her'. Both parlies then, pro fessing attachment to our present han-'T py government, wc can only by their particular, actions and '(he general, tsnjency of their measures decide ou1 ' their dsi;'ns. The oi l -proverb that ' actions speak' leuder tha i vtrds," lias' ncv-jr been better exemplified than' jirevious to and during on;- late elec tions. We may prolitJbv this 6ld a dago of our falliei'R; it atTtirJs us sure ground on which we may safely wulk, and will as fullv develope the designs -,f the ontfHling parlie ai if they ad openly dccLred them Our governmant, being completely dive, must depend for its preserv- 1 on the frte.hn of our elections : In virtinn as these are interrupted corrupt, wc becrune an enslaved n ; and it is of little rowequencc . pcopl destrovimr reason and that reason. " was raised to overawe the people or the debasing one of sIctcs. I J KUPUolLb truth, Sr.in vest igs lion were their most, " That democratic governments were .rtilowCitiztiis, should any of us set The piibl'ftiirg Vy fnbf riptior. dreaded enemies ; they.by arts which, " improper 1 hatpoormenshouldnot t nougnc ngnis so precious snouia for SHERIFF'S, MARSIIAIs and have loo often been wiccessful in for-! be icrimttert to vote 1 bnt the peo- rartiessiy suner privileges to jusi CONhTAIiLK's GUIDF.. eign countries, aroused the fears of u pie should br gorerncrl by the point equitable to Le stuien lrom us, owv Containing practical directions ta those the people by holding up the demo-' 44 of the bcyonet Thnt'it was high posterity my well cover us with re crats as "jticjltins c diwrganiters f likened them to "Atf cruellest of the French who have omragcd humanity " time an order of uobiiitv was estab- proaches; for never can they le re 44 lisbed in this country, " with a great gained, but through tomr.ts ofbkiod. number of other cTnrensions. etmallv Thus blessed with peace at home w . . 1 -'"I . . . . and disgraced their species." If Jef-' at war with the great and leading and abrrad, with an extended com ferson should be elected, they declared) principles -of-Hir government, and nurcc, religious tc political security; " public faith annihilated; a division of. which would cKectually destroy it national and indUidual prosperity ; These declarations, with many more nmvocvouuy ougni we 10 asK lor a I... r .ll.. a I !,.. Olll'inil:irn-f. fS mi Ii iri-.ul l,lauinva cuii -oe iiiiiv proved uiHi caitiir uiTiiiiriiv h.vr """-""d'i r ., , . , i ; n . . 0 .rf . .... 1 lurlt If iwtt mil ! fi.l-. MAm ll home to thcirulividuals who have used ana now carciuuy cugm we to guara -r"" ; " 'J ." . tllcm4 our conduct that we do not imlivi-,i,,?i ' trc ufe (.f tht Litir.ciik ot To bring about a change of conduct dunlly disturb the peace and security ;':'ns tta'' 1 ''as 'n the aim of and t tear the bandage ftoin eyes that we at present enjoy. These can only; ti c Compiler to fc'edl fn m the are wilfully blinded ; to inOuentethosc he niaii.uiiad by aunked and itedfast masj of matter witlfwliich it is who have intent ior.alty scattered Ere- supporlff those who so wisely eon- intermit the states would lake place : a civil war, . r . -1 ii , 1 .. , i loreign war aiso. uuiies were 10 oe destroyed, churches pulled down, guil lotines erected, on which the friends to order were to be sacrificed and a French army called in to assist in des troying men, women, and children, that the democrats might enjoy their property unmolested,. 1 hese are the very expressions that Officers on every tubjtit connected with the duties cf their office with un a pendix cf Precedents 13 y the lion. J. L. 1 atlor, Lsq. TM w oik is cartlully tt i pi- -led from the belt authorities aiid adaj ltd, by dlp-fl ilir A 'v- veral Atts of Allen bly and ol Con- rlrd. the n(ful lrrnlr. i. brands amongst . 'to square their duct our affairs, and whose unvar cd' relative iu Slieriffi andConlUMts: conduct by jo.t.ce and truth, is not aacninciK 10 republican principles ,nd by diOinl arrancement of tht the federalists by newspapers, hand- expected This address is to the mo- Jnest suprt cf Uus Uinsutu- f '1 ,, , J, pfort(Ton. hills, and rider. smed thronivhont derate : this anncul. to the cood sense o "r country, nave received the r, , . the covmtty, a monstrously wicked ai.d ahhurJ as thev now appear. Hoary and honorabl- oldoxe was not exempt' andaoUmly to reflect on these things whether Ihey ire pre- Ifrom their attacks a life spent in the; and to consult their own hearts, and 1 iiftMA m,-im 'ip iifhrv r&n Iu ltcii mm. tt hntc of the rrulovei s of law, order, V seen- ciCcd tlunks ot millions ol true A- rity ; and they are now called seriously niencuus. . , d irom ireeiy exercitiuriUMi im- exerci: So, ,ctcr-. iecra natch rresc hi V of cttcw i b en ft we hoi me.rV A-A t,,ouiy inC. U right by a file of soldiers and mil or a bayonet, or are fright, out of it by threats of proHecu- of losing employment and cha 'T Mt I'.blcn'jcji tut ing qualifivJ X ai ExevUtors io the talt wil no security Irom their censure; all words and actions arc so atwaruith at.d ullamcnt or Jolin Burgwin, wno m pen them, were and iiHiscri initiate abuse. or being held up V public wc "most ion as diorgnizers, inutit on many assertions of men falling them. ucci rptnion oinercu 11 om, nc pence imtrcvi 01 meir vuuiiuy,' i'cccaufO, Live novice to an I'Clinr.S involved n one general ues?rvmg tne connuencc ci nccmvn. : having dwn.anc aiiiJ ilieciul , And never, rellow-Citizens, possessing wit.i r,:a j.ni 14) ,,lt.,rnt lhcm fof , sincerely believe have to you the samc 'equal u.d unalienable in,. iu,iLi .1- lim,',,.,,;,.,! h. v. plunder, Uc, Ice 1 this right being nn evil oft r.lits The rio-j selvts rtputa!ilc, so ipiickly, so fully interests, as ciuzc vil of the! and r.ompk-tcly received the stamp of, as husbands ; we united by the sam common' ciuziiis, a ? J. , Klol Alleinbly,tnti.led,' An HIIU la. ( ' 1 a ' 1 , I I n.M tit . in nrl ai A . .mill..! aw. i. m i i,m (IIHIKU ail 1' A . . !.. :ivea inesiampoi as nusoanoi j we wwhu wciw u . . ..,:.., , . 1 r :i , ' t mtgtihudc, it becomes neces- Talschood not a mre prediction so the conduct pursued by the Adams "".'t l""11" . it n the nuh ,. ai mnislrnlion.nttlMf.a ru;n wil 1 a- a-""0 w .iu... 1 ;- . . ' ., .: ... . r 1. 1- ; ;u iu ikiiin irauut in ua, almcn with an tafy retcrcrce 10. more copious lour its of inlorma- non, and thcpfrlons lor whofc tic (he work is immediately defined, with plain and intelligible inllruc Umlct the Important title cf AR-. REST, tht duty o Shcriffi, Con- laoici, cc puvate perfons in thcap prchei fior, of oireneri, will bede fnibcd, and the degree of prot eft ion affotdtd tl cmby the Law accurate. tu r.. tr ' Mn I .l .. 7 uitcii. v,orncocd witn mis is lie Law of HomiciJe. ihdi committed by an oCU.ci ol examine I he lMilitirr.1 nul.tet nntnUliouMr thru1 ,11 it. 1,1 ins. iiivuiti w iiicii nsi' 1111 rnmii in inn fit, sATir.t-tf i... iir fciruu-i nnnruir ntp.M ,irn prnfti, nw.. t n .. a.r.v ... I'W - 't 'I.' J .. - . f. - . .... 1.- .. 1. . . i' . . - .. . . . . .. .. - .. .i. . ...... i ..... 11 . . 1. . n ... 11 ii.n;.. i r .L: iij:. my 01 violating xueiener ana, '.urs'ion proved that it had truth lor'rich, on me fcjxu ci mcir courtry, iiuiitnuin uiiiiuiiio j iujicf i."'ic, or wucn mrpcuun uma 11 ihc ('.rtat Charter, by which' its basis. v ombitioitsly. striving to rob usof pri- tl-ci a ifc llicy w ill be baricd ltC)nkljan t filter of jullire, icfpeiHing his incs'imutile privilege. Notwithstandinf; the arts, industry,' silcges which cannot be too highly es- movent g the f-mc bj the or.ci.t. ;whith an attempt will be made 10 srsey, it hat very often brcn falsvhood andmisrenrcsentationofthc.timated. and iniroducinT laws and lion of lid al. The v aifu tt'xvt. tu, lahridce and methodize IcadinP ca- :cnUe ratrohage', which ijcc ,hai they at t einrcfsly enjoin. bly reduced ether nations Cl, ny ,,cir Tcllatr ir. lt (td Worn we were . L . r? " a ft . H.h mV U -Sen . ...tivii'n - V ... ... Setf generally s itixficd with the' federalists, truth prevailed, and Tbo' plans of executive patrofia pursued by the ine I'rcst. mas Jefferson wis elected by Urst, have mvanal e Umic.l Sutcs, the con- majorities, w-hn imenni vocally declare to slavery These the interests of our c onTi,:ers ppYinled by him., their Inlkf in the desizns of the A- countrv and our own r nf l sn rrr ttut .Iik' i .. .. I a,l.t., . n .. ,1 n m alfxsMination of the books mctu, and their, decided approbation' aiikioii-.lv desirous to thrk the pi at Juc n11 u,ie A" fei.or.s thrie 'iry, large balances were .of tbe measures nam m wisely pursued evils we apprehended in the bud, ,0,r "J c indebted by Jdg. i iii in . luiiuim uioe oi 'Outitcd for ; when it was 'ocuments uncontradicted, .dams endeavoured to pro ilh a nation with whom r'ea'-e, ami that b; indus . - tic ted. opinions InTavor fa Kovcrnuit nt, indirect to alia solemn oaths he opium ttV.iaA one tri majority of Congress Wt, one t.k.t,'; away the ie otiirr tyrantnoay r the present admiimivation. No 'whilst let thev tnicht be peaceably went, lKpdf Note, or Actount, war at home, or abroad a lanrc de- opposed, without mi-appeal to the re testified to rone forward and diiction of our array, and other ex- svi-onl to thsnge by ctmititutioiml n.ake pajir.ent before O e firll Hayji luflicif nl ntimhe Ipencca, the dismisal of a host of tin-! tote these ambitious and intriguing of Afhl'rr.fuing, oilurwifc it.aj:t biair.ctl to def necessary omcers the npcslnf op- Individuals at the Iiead ol our ITair, vviH beoodtr ilie j.eceffiiy of le.' nressive Uses, the eEpendiuires the! f.r others more rrjprdfol cf jheir f0uiitf io Uem mcaTine for ifc iiK u'l""" In our 4'Tn ry uc in- uuif,ui uh tuimnuimii ui mm i.uuii ' uii)le of fulhllil the abate In crease of Ttalional credit the cxtcn-i Irv, and of its iidrrest-u -In Ibis, . . i... . ..... i.i, ,, ii sion oi our cooimcrre the unexam-' jomen uy a urre majoriiy oi ine Ai , . . . pled revival of rthnion amongst ouf( merkah people, we have happily been j JOS. Ci WRIGHT, 7- , western brethren the security of per-' Successful, and our inosl sao-yuine A. f. DE ROSStT. 5" son, of property, and religion wc In-' espcctatk-ni execedtd. Instead of, , .. .dividually enjoy all too plainly point each year bringing n incrclie of Wilmington, 03. 41b, 180 ., i opiniotH a number ol.W the Ignomy cf federal fcbilcatiofis, tanea and eight per cent, loam, to in oe ftunnrti, in 1 eJ and const-rn the autlmn to dturted nurrhase Ene csrnarci and hjrscs. a iJDriiice and methodize icadinc les. borne other hit lefts treated of will be SaU, Executim, CuhtanJ Prlintn, Fcatttt,jfyrittt Sher ij'taitJ MatfhaVi ecnti, tv. . J he work will be court pnfed in ( 400 pages otlavo, piintcdon a peat ' tyre and pood paper 1 1 win oc pin to pre 1 a as 1001 a fuHicicnt number of fubferibe,. V! btair.ct to defray li e cpcncc, IUJ ! . V..t nuiiiucuin 4 r ornoj incrcaiico tT Siibfcrlpiiona are received in Wi'mington, by AHman-1 Hall, the puhlifhe r ; rf the fever.! rolT.Maf- rn anj Slwriffs in the Sc, andl f oilier centWmen. In whoferandt r'pen for that purpofe mty bo p'.areJ, AufuRt I. ' It. to a" side done ken i that .edge ires Repj righi tO U! treat now 1 or th able. pers provs trine adhef It ge selve sons ratine i Housj no ritf delib , into vote wheth the irf not. ' ever, form ahall tire i prese to vot effect an 1 tl make gentld ped ll itherf He not nc of hi mean! their treas with the I the quircj and h dissat hiinst vote I fined) satisfj My l ,tlemc ple.tf about .found. et 4 propel ' atanri into sf the tf Mr. 1 Hess quiesc titcnt. Spain f.-om 1 that ? France vd.-d it An M 'dcpc'M fo ma asklni as wt isnoif -Are w tcr tti rheth ff Ac 1 1 1 j rn 'iv . 1 - iusWM (vi m!n-Mrvtontnrt. . and build optnsne barracks, kc. .Imington CeUe, .otoriwdAp- I I'll. am .1.1 .ltr m n I. ..M lll. .. . . . - , .. . . . " I ICT Wanted at tbe OSice of the, If.ANHS OF AI.LK1KHS l'r sale at this Off is. S tes I .3d .1 I ra d h tw-l trotn i For t! fifteen iroftft ally ( J rsnH pSf i bound 1 lirl tt.:r cu, b- i uow-v,tu2cns we soiemr.uciu on contrary 19 law, s w.s iui case vn prsnucci. btsus

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