three 4ti.l s 1csum the hrst.f TjKti once'a year tr each aiftrllV, anivcrnrnenV: a tfaleof things winch c-j .-.7 uiims vu iicHKjm siaei5upenor t-o-irts 10 as oera ia eacB coun- ventnallv ;. leads to the nccc?-UT ot of :he Misisiippi ha' lately induced. numrot Cherokee s, ChoctawsXhic- c to Ireque nt- thentlghbor-1 i . . .... r v. ' twice a ytfif.1 The (late -to be diviJ I'd into fi Circuju, in"! Ti additional j InA-rei Jpooiniea. J The ; Conference Inad of AjWuiza, 'vUreame'itUljCourt 10 be abollfnrd, and all fuitt, pen in aovv.ance: theyhave contracted iHir- angmentiriir tht" taxeV or-cf devl sing oihevs in aid of "the m. Presu ming therefore jon J.he ; correctness ol this positionr a 3 'con'sicervng it my marnagis with the Arkan.'.a-.nil seem incline t to maker-!-, penn-ajent scttle- nest c inwrporate themselves with' ta.ii rmwu . t i) a numDei u un'-enowm, but in considerable and is every ctaj OA 'tTt I'ivf PSf.Ti'jtirV in r p'trr!,. borhind of New Madrid, Cape Girar deau, Reviere; a laPommct,. and'tlie environs,' are settled a" number of gabonds,, emigrants, from the Bela wares, Shawnc3c,MwWis.Chicka&aws.. Uherowe'js, i'ionas,f ana supposed to consist ia alt of fife hundred families ; , they are at times troublesome to the boats clesc'endinar'tbe river, and haw even plundered some of Uierft ano committed a fcv murders. They arc ;- in any place many ot them speaK English, all Understand It, and there are some who even read and write It. At St. Genieve in the settlement-a-j ' mohg the whites, are abov.t thirty Pi-j ' orias, Kaskssklafc, and Illinois, who: , seldom limit for fear of the other Jn- ."'dians ; they are the remain of a na-1 tion which ' fifty years &o cotild brii into the field" one thousaud two hun- ' drcd warriors.- ,. - . - . . '- Ta bi continued. v . ' ' Lcgid iture of N. Carolina. Court CSIB?- ihcrtilt; to be f.r.t ro ihs Suprefnjvaracuhifutv, J would here ask'leave hi ihc diitnet hotn wheftce they . to submit t ubmit to tli TeKislatMre the pro-. pnely and the ennily of makingsucl amendment to the. existing. Revenue Laws,ash,all compel the payment of a I ax from every Store or bhop mj which Merchandize is vtftded 'itv the p.avir. been sojrcv.stered in: compa nies by suitable, persous appointed by vour Excellency, the men- may return ito their komes, but must hold them-' selves in readiness to torn their com panies sad maTch at the ; shortest. nQ- WILMING70N, Tuesday, December 13, I8O3. . ' From. n-r. .. Since Thurfday,, the i EN-ATE ( TreafurerV Letter. - . The Sfieiker 1M hpforft tk' ITrinfr- thff following Ccramunication'froai ih:? btale' In 7 xnUances lt so hap-. Ptiblic Tfeafufef. 'fT? j pens that the owners of stores inCaro-; , 17 C. A-.'p. jihia,-area'highl respectable ko-seful Tcfrie mnourhiieWGmihi of Citizens, although their wealth : cf the State of North-Carolina.' ' i .and profits are great, and ' al'.hoxigh GtiiTLEMifw, such ve'alth ..and profit-are" fcaarded j . Jii discharging thaKart of my duJ!and protected equally with any . Other 1 jr : which requires 01 mc an ariiiuai1 r'-r-v.- ,"- vf .......-0, He'nort of the states of t'..e Treasnrv.hatever towards the support of Co- it becomes proper I should inform you ivernment,.,, sate only a single Poll- that the receipts Of the public Trea-1 wmic uie punier wnusc ju3 tice. Tat h olficer and soldier will be' have not been occupied with the dif eniHieci ip jiay "c y i"C7 tiiau .inun or me amenuruer.t fQ j. wrfivp fii-ilep I rid marr.h to- rin thf-ir t frinftlfiittftM" rolt .(,... v-vv. - ; j ' J-"" "viiuimu,, llldlll, 1 l'V ClCCIlOn pp?nective reatiments. until dischar r( PrfJroni wl ' VU. x.:,, ired. They will be entitlecf tothe The further cdnfi-ieration thcrerf same pay as regular troops in theser- has hrtnuftfltn .!t. A... 1 vice of tWUnited States. 1 " r-r . I have the honour to be, Respectfully, , , your humble servant, .' The Se n ATS was on Tuefdavpn gaged jn difcuffing the frendentialV ouithuuitiii iu uic wr.iiiuiuoti' IV .. .. TO his Exccllcmcy rEdward"! xing me numoer ot p.Cr:ons. having , Tiffin, : Governor ? of the-V - "leuiginu numncr or, votes, fro, ' State of Ohio.- : ' . J . - , whom an election (hall be made by .WE untle.-stand that the provision- the Houfe of Reprefen'ativcs in cafe al army is to. be , composed of S0& no one have a majority. The quef. moantcd volunteer;, from the Missis- uon to make filch number w was "rr- -j 4iu y.' l ury of North-Carolina from the first .sessions jnay be of small value, androops in that territory and to proceed ihpn agreed to nuke the number Iday tof November; 1802, to the Wt da(wll05 annual income, perhaps, is not' immediately to New-Orleans, .to fake 'ir.-Ycas 21 Navs 10 ' ;of-Novcmber, 1803, including the e(pai wine one nunartamparc oi .possession ,oi w)uisiana j .-in-ine.-xncwi ,H The ultimate decifion '.- of tr , public Taies of every description-and store-keeper's of merchant',and who,, time the State of Unnessee is to hold mcndmcnt thus modified i ,1" lihe Cofton Gin '-Ta-, amount to hasf-vrless 'Use for the expensive es-; in readiness to march' at:amofneats :oufnei u ;tiI th;s ' M3S l'23,9D3.S 5Cvh?chtirrt whndeflto tabhshi , 3' , the balance remamint! in thc'Tre'asu- on trtr7 acre of land he possesses asij ; ; ry on' thir first day of November.'- as ,on uie 1 a vcrr moaeraw -.en 1803, say 52,41 2 13 2 'at' reported anmia 0: the kind above-mention tothe last,GenerarAsembly, -mafces ed would dd considerably to the Re. ah aggregate amount of8l,403 3 t.' ceipts at the Treasury ; -ami while it Out of these monies, f. 980.1 1 7 of,- scarcely, ue ien oy.uie payers, the-nrinciaal and interest, of the CerJ its en uitablfitiess c .-tainlf out to . T ,iv 1 ir tihcate debt Of North-Carolina. ,havs prcuuuc every murmur, anci uissaus- open purchased by me xor the .nse. ci ' , - the State, under the directions cf the!!. ' . Af Psent the 1 averh keeper is an Kentuck?y, Ohio, ' Mississippi, 2000t volunteers."" 560 do. : 500 do. NORFOLK, Nov. Act of the last Assembly, and at thej r'Vy taxcd t0'ar"s the support rate of. 15 smllinirs cash for, 20 shU-l ?f Government,: because ot the ac- jj We underlland that Governor . ; Clinton, during the reccf,- of th- ' .j Lcgillamre, has appointed GeneI : ,'R'al Armstronc to fill tl,e feat in " the Senate of the Unitrd Stat. The United States frigate New- become vacant by the refiffnaiirn ,;f : : York, from the Mediterranean, vent De Witt Clinton. Kfn. :Up the bay last Saturday. . j . . , j Capt. Bowcn, from Gibraltar, (arri-. 0n Tl,cr,!ay Mr MRR y . ved m Hampton Roads bound to Al- ri 1 ,!,,. p.r..i'. . r.. exandria) informs that on the 12th of 'r, Ul 7 ' 7 Uni October he saw the Ui.Ued States fri- ii2l" f "ct!encc ' 1Iot!sk or COMMON1!. .; Monday, Nov. ia.-: 'f'" A message 'wi3 received f rent' the Minute, nro'polrft to b.!lot irninediate'- - ly for a Governor; which, being agreed to, the ballot was proceeded; -with, and Jariics Turner" was re-elected, he h i vinn; all the votes except two or three A committee was appointed to wait "Tipon the inform him of ' tiii re-election, and to lcanv when it ',v ill be convenient to attend the two i;onsef,'5tt order io take the 'oaths cf. 1 qualification. , ,' , Tuesday, Nov. "27. ' A message. was sent to the Senate, "proposin-; to ballot on Thursday morn irrr for a Jtide, to fdl the vacancy' oc- " taiioned hr the reslcroation cf Judseiifor further '.iohnston, nominating Edward Itan-is,' Joseph kpencer John Hay, William IMair, Joseph 1 aylor, hrancis Locke and William Sladc . .. letter" wauccclvet from ihn Cv. 'Tenor thanking the .cneral Assembly fnr the honor conferred on him by a ' v,..rVrtS.-tii. and nrxiintin, tO-morrow at 12 o'clock, for o,Uiification. . )J, I 4 ' I v - ,. . . - - - - - propovin to bi!lot fir a Council of State on l naay mormn j, nominating; f ;t this apnoiutrr.cnt, Leonird Ifen- "d.-rsoti, Jumes Kenan, John'.i., Bvan Whitt'thU Laurence Sin'.tbV - Nathaniel Jj:ui, r P.) John Ea'on, G. It, Macn, Heuhcn NV,d an I George Tuiisti J. The Senate agreed to the balloting, and adicd the name cf Robert H"iton. Th irsdiy, Dec. I. - ! , fr., from the joint balloting for a Jude, rcpor'ed. the votes to be, ,fur I'.ncis I:ke IT, Edwur I Harris 112, William SlvJe Z S, Joseph Spencer 23, John Hay 13. Win. l'la'r T So- fpH Tijd'.r'fi. No person htv'mg a Majority' of rotes, another balloting i? nertnSry. . , . A tncstare rcci'cd from the Senate, f)rojx)sini to ballot for an At-torncv-Gcncral cn Saturday, which vs diit;reel toi and Monday ap- ling Certificates ; afraotttiting at that' 1uuw,'jukcu vuz ui uui jv-uv. ... mv. .uu. n tanr;c Ma:cfw p.At r" ra e uL.(s .,n non Ana , . . . . . . ... A,t--i. -iv.,.:.. n traordmarv and mini er olen nt,-J i;i in 1 infill u..,uii- . 1 p" other disbursements have been made,,.lorc"keeVinS I'uvriesj, Ws profits jl Adams; at anchor all within the r,r'i in(t f.nv.t.t. m t'li!iwoW appaar as nothing1; the owner amount o( $3,2 17 17 7 ; which two1 ofaStuf Hq"6 likcwi8C PaJS Rn ycar" der the forts.-The Adams rame out Uil3 10 Vie Uia natts. & put dispatches on bor.vd the 1'i icnd- Lorvette .Varbtf.a; an- owican.n rnu;y the 18th I an'.;icr llo?d atongside tiie M- determined, 'by a mrity unu-' frigate3. Notbincj particn-" '":ii; great, to coutinutthc salaries the na- established by thu apt of Congress cf items, the Vouchers of wlvch are de- tas gwsnimeut ; not becau5e)hip bound to Nctt-Yoi-!;. The NIo-. ti;C tiouse . Kcirentatiyes oft Jirered over to the Comntrollcrrwheh ,ll01,W51 that ncnption are nofne-t rocco prize added' together and deducted from the ?ssary, but becau'ethey arc known t! chored in '. iiir"rtffafe amount nlvjvpmpntimird J c Profitable ,to the ownefa : .If this1 Aniei ican IcaVe, the sum of 57,152 17 rc- P1'"1'' 'P'0 f taxa:ior.-, .'.which I .do not, lar had transpired respecting ' " 1 I, ...... . A. 1 . . I . I ' mainui!; lay of ? day of Novernbc accounted for, From rr.ainder oft counted f. 3,500 jbeburnet' i ' 1....' .r it. ..;.. 1 1 1 . -. -i'vir 1 'iw - - in the Treasury "ofrta"efu,sf" ' -au-vocaiu nut.wnicn is in 01 vne-ispaicnes, inr. 11 was nip---' -" s'ovembjjr lust, say on the 5m k,10wa to !uvc bcen or'g yearly sane--. posed that the i.mpercr ot Morocco -inc,4j- mc zatu. ult. the bill r 1303 and vet to be U,J ,'f'-"s,',u11'c'' 13 crrcrt naa niacie peace wan tne u. states, "-"""b tMaonsning an um- - r , , ,(au'.i jua , iv i;cii,;iiHiy niu .I'.jjpiy wuii . uwier piiigs nan ucen niauc, put a J " uniy ir.roujriw the mcjnici furriin this re- 111,10 !1 Iorcc Rn r' Propriety t t'.ic kind small vessel which had been tamed ""y vimcu oiaies, was read the mlancc I havis selected ? Prol?cri poiiuca out. in su?;cst- mip Aiogguoor aim liauicd up in tin; ,lV umt i'uicu, without a. divi- ' and laid apart the sum of i"u w''J taxation to the Gc-'havr. ; . v. - , '- . - ... . -which "miii otiii,inM sho.-lrt .ntra' 'Vsemb'y,. hiclrhas been ven-V - . y ... ' .' I, a being too much vcrn 1 ' ' 1 ' i-tMiLii3iui;.M. ..i-rium icrtr rcre; m isewjc,. circulation. wouia ssk. 10 uc vin n-moofi as suu-. tinrcit, oj tie sctuoner t"cvy r r'" oy me r en-.e, trom a rel. The I and Office 6y rh'ch istd be'1'1 s lDC ProPri -ty ' Iyr's a nio- yf.v.-crritfrf htrt ynterdayy in 43, peuaoie commercial ho He in Liver' understood the receipts' at the T,ea. de? Vc annufllax 0, tlie Stores only,;, Jjwii XaJeir, gte us the foU PJ;' "5 OtUb-f f . sury for. lands entered and paid for r . 4 w,tn0llt any rctcr-nce or eu-; iovinrmg mflv.kor aecanL ll vveluvt pot much a!terat;oi to 11. ... . . . .. ... ' 'nniri' u-iiMf.-cr r,st, ihihi . 11., v.,,,,.,. ).. a.i. .r nit in raiiifi. inr Ihas yielded .from the tirst day ol No-r- ' V , , , v w,.u,iW.T .vijn-x. - , - .- .... w,,.. . 1 . . . . -io 1 le eanuai orrnrK ;u tririf thp,p 1, n. r. .h. i ii t. iuium vwi'mcwnrut o im i ihn,,r ivcni')fr, isq, .o j'ir t.rstcuv of o-t '.v '7. , "M""l,i u;"f'' ' , ,t ,;,,, , ivemner. lfJJ,taesum of. .853 0 7; i , ."V . , uein, a ui.n. uxreomc oa a . . r . , . , . ? 1 , ' this s,m or product will fcw,ver, trrncnduou florm of in.l, t ! 'I! . . ni u illl ii 1: itiiifl i c rr i i urrr , . . . . t nan nuu iniii ivi nrviivy ui in'- n . i . . ....... i. . . . :n vitab y tend to confusion and c ssat s-L i ,t .. ..' , ... i mou; me mirkeu eet eieated ot the !1 wlc arcasuryasaoove siated. ;m, , .. , oui Fcum-inc wina mtw rrom b,ftfr fflrl. .u.a. ,v mi V.r. ... ... , 4LV convenience and not unfrequcntly i - 3' w",cn w"? ir.e I,e,r:"-.cn1 . .le Ne.-Or'e.n, of h er by Cert.flcutc ar.d other ou- ib,c in; thc. pnJ;on ftorc, fwept. away.rcarly or.e t,rt ,e,r'. in,pru ioa are fret.i!y ccvJ, i " V r'V '.-' .therefore is aWly thiiv to imnose a ot ,,;e lown i Fund a!, anil all tlw and force cf .he Lett cf hem have been a ursuanttnhed,rect1onsorthi3,t e c villages .received cor.J-rUe d"-- Wd ." t a ,7J. per 1!,. Sea ICpJ, for K,3-it WaA Pa'-y "POItca have been! .HaleaUe, few bp vLihV"' 7ib"fc j;Noh,aro- iGoodl Ware., or Merchardize shall When Capt. P. U(t thttc, U-at -ere I. ft week . , 4d. to r. 5S. n u fht. f.r be vetidea lobe annually ejected number of fuuh Soft, mu.l exceed ? 1 7 ai .fuN a. one Pt t sa'neiSnn,r ancJu'mW the coo that theluilon the rroun.ab 'J ' r?f ,b' ;cd ,.tati.5, uh tl.c in cscst and re- rp ,i.., Ta. ....... , m,-i, ihry weie ahrofl a, gi as irv at .iiiiui iviiivnv oa ui iiivi w.ii Vt it II. If ur; ramc due lo tlis tt.nte on her ttork vcrnnUnov ailfectferf? without refer ence to thf if iJuc c worth .and in I fi t ii! f tinM in tli rf.iife sf t,1 nptothTendo ftc I ,te v7 r a, is l!,rr.has mad-b Philadelphia,' at "8rf fa- JfTf .'l Vf tr1"' .trt 3tC; ".'haveac henorto be', . -ofl0J-prc ntunVndwill . . y f privo .i.f.dor to yon:Smcc r!-...i. a iiiikiiii.iii s mm AMI imiflM rl t.i marker. iiavi it, iuu i vin iiiUi iia'i i ,UU I Wheafkcf?! that pn'o'l, I have earned to be pur-1 chRicd I, Jo' her doll art or the like dLt pcr'rcr.tuni stock, for the state, with the interest, which became due to North-Carolina her stock in the said fundi, al th; end of the March n I Jaine'quartf rs of the present rear; ' Tv,inte !. V.van Alexander, Henry Sa-Jthesc purthaic? rert made wrl', R'trt Williams and Leonard VhiUdclphia nftd thio'.ih the arret Hcnderso'i wire nominated. I of the same person, .but at ah l.i;1 , Your iAedicrt servant, JOHN HAYWOOD, I'uhlic Trasuscr. i;aIeigli,Dec. 1, The above wa Vcferrcd to the ccm- mittee cf fiiunu-, aai ordered, fj !mj;er at .he fame point, every vef. V V3' 'rt ol)' arJ ie:i fet in tVc road m have beer. Vrove " i "T.?'?-' K : n . . a-c' rt .. . of but iitie Rice at on C:or;, but ,it Mting ftd.ler.Iy hmU Ufn Ml v ,jt , gc incm an opporiiimiT ox nip.. cw!. ja... p3:.i. Kie Pi ii tl r. f ff i .1 r ri i pi. s-nr'f.TTii. ir. i .1 .... ..... b ... ,v-t r, ,rc rr3Heu n-, ira wou a rre. tome n: ire lots of bust ai d ly teajily ai a pCr twt rrt fon.c viih lofs cf Icons, &e. mch doirjr in .WV,if ,r;n p4.!, Capt. Patron's ow n words' Ji' cf ei'her Hr.J. Ttei; 1 jVe la-e'v rrrn wn really ieodjt$ l.eforc I caric' f( ' cctridvb'e (f.-ptn-nM of Cifw-: i;i aain, but wliih! at fca, i I of the same person, .but at ah l.i (her Another mevsa nlded to the f-te, via. ltl.e ra'ecfan 110 3-4 pet it! n fur Councillors, Jehu If 'le ctnt Through Warrants frim th; Secretary of the Treasury tf the L'r.l- m ,tc pr.r.U-J. m r. .. . . I tfUti an I Nathaniel Jones, Crattrec. , It puri :fce of his notificat'.cn, the iven Houses bein convened in the Cf mtnoni Hall, for the purpose, 1,W Jct1ienc James lurner afendrd, i. l was fj-ulified av Governor of the irfj'.cf i th ensulnif rrr. Th bi'.l fr re paUfijp ih f..rmrliw r,:it0i iHa Tf fi Jent1 elcfl'om wa' ffjflleJ en itl frconi ffiJipf. . , A eemmiiif pp-in!e l lorenn V!l 1 afreriain i' e ti xlf cf appoint. ted States, th: whole cf these rur chases arc trans fined and jlujy ph iriii.iiinr iiwii oi me ix,.in.v;t;ce for Nonh Carulln?, tind there stand to the credit f thrs stale ; at the expL" rt.n c,f th p'eient yar, tie inttrta. and reimbursement of the September and December quarters ihsTl be vei- CIHLlCOTnr.,NoveTnterl The foIIo-Aiii Utter f-cm the Dc- va. - in if coniinen'. n'lich rfi'l bp f. ii. . . .. . 1... ficiucd tr.5 irolt trcn-!ft (ucu! nIit I'-en-a our maiKei. my eyes ever btlwU il-.e whyl-'j , " f ii face cf hc fea saj arparcnt!y'' AWi! rTGoM Ore his b-en Jr.'r!? coveied with !fec,rir:i f I liouRs,' sr0'redin(hbfrnistVm'y,;ntbi-. Pipes of wine, b', ati, oatj, rWr, acreck rmi.irg il.ioiTli thr ihrcp.Roats, cattle, n.J..i. and i,, f ' of Mr. Jf.p. Li,-,1, a r.nite IHU'i -JVI, ( - 1 llir.lf , , IHJVII Ihort, ev:ty htii that il.e idanJ af fords, Capt, Urardon, tfthefhip at iiiisTi t inn ri:i. w r.n u a . a t l r -a . . partmct of War at ihccitr of .i ' . (... i " ' .? T sv. o tr w.rec cmu... n lici:Htnf t!,r' V . JV . ' 1 v ' c " 6' Mr. Herd, who v . re fr. .ir.g- J li.i ..f rtoi.iv .;i i dead at l:3.V .n Rr.RhCt fa. thdr fall cr. nsa euritM'v.i -rrrantf ' . Imtly, If the name of Ttihtk, ail it value. On rxMiv.nifn. the Ore ptr.irici to he atrifre .f rct i"n l es prutor. lie retM wis i I y tv. r t! Mr. Herd, who v . re DirsaTt!T, October 31, I8DJ. ted in like manner, andajrceaM to'l TIIERF. bc!rg r:m'nt jnpc:t fhcd.rcctiotmofihe Ust AttcmMy, I'Uiu' il.e ofKcen of the fcpit.Hh ro-' i Vrf.m tlri'ift rrt of litis Krnort. 'verament at pW.Orlr. h. . r a i . . . , . . . , . . . v - inf V.Uu ttr rrewjeni n,i v ice.' u nay lie irtt that the annual ne-clin Pfc'.teti ai I lirig f!-t1i.i!. ccp'. and 1 ' pendNrtt at the trea-' the. ptrilhrd. The o'.deti and ir,o!l ra as found not tn he Gd ). l t luablc church was wafbrd aay, as Gold t f a very n;t: rslity. ': well as a Lrc projoition cf cafli thiadisrorety, these V 'Sehcyi hair A w w. F-m .h- S ,!e st.v ..ry TftUJ:ai for tc present year, 'Cri'elhu'esly t! c r.tnch tUpi.b, .'onuhrrcnt of al', a y M41 m, fl - .'csti r ,pc stV..r i.T.-J.a. ha lt ,t I'fir rather f,ot.t Ncvtmbcr HCI, to('.r, I which Corf-rei have ty w au-' Clrf ''h Nr mfarl chill at J,; ! f. t,'," ,H U w ruH n sfe. T C:.V,f?r.!.,b.!'u,,( crl .illrg,rM'S.,i!.,t ,aat' .Stale, to ,lc ros.setW-n of. and ;n mc." , i Vf The e f ts mVnrM r.M,r.ll,i. .:;i .M f fVa;.tkasirgju'nt4 Uc,pC:,; - ' IwUcMcVi", . S. mcfJr L J',vis Wh.r.i.t, J... G. I., trtim arrr-ir or the collmmu oftt-a jmrsu such roeamrcs will h 1 v t it n'.rl (tm!i..m'!- fmf-'i M.". I'1 N. J 'l Oc.asonree which crmot he' M.:,he psscsikn. I hove thcrrfap- nr?' P,fiC! rf S'l' V, l ! Li olv tVT.L.-V.rcr ni.b, Ml Re. routed ,, . proi-aUy yirMi;,, ,fee ;hefndiri,Caby rrcldeht cf.h; u.eJ .ya.Mhs. icrc,,,. fo;n JVJ; ;V V..Vlee; sto funrth psrtcf that agmiri any in- jChitid State to rcqifsf sourr.acJ. " fprcirrcri, cf :, Al. 1 J-J VA. J-r h SlXVa. l'.e iinn tr ai i rrf i -t,-e yrsrs H irratintr I.Vrw in ,t.i t. ,i. . Makrn irrtn I crzteitUtt inot:r.litit . . .. i. f, r w-f im ii fl f I It mp . 'V '"iv of yijff rtojf'',:r!i- ne s.rd t ) sJ,!? r the j V f'.V -1 . . Vs. l;livviifota'id I'urntec oniy) ia bho' 'n.'i-"tfr'e .i irlii-n t fvfrrftJ1i,!.rlu'ci in lln,-sr rvrt'tnti. it wP.I I. i' ( f, itT.f i-Vn1 'f i.e (Mffp J i Jt -1 fcun! ilt ih.; p. !.' nc r,( ciery frf.c'.iM.'r.'l; i fwh-'l l..f ',.it4fi. vi the !U', lfl tt la?-' u.Mja "i el f.Uaf.en s-l tlitv M il w are known' lh-t.(:oU'jnG:.,tnkh ible delay l ite Ili;n:'rcd cf the nilitia' o MOanf, ard cf fhj?(r tf rtl-3 S?te ofOh, Snchdinr i-..itJ ' i.i..i ailkti ti rrtfate a. lc mn;Vr of ri'-rer, andca-n e !!.' ail lOCltJtJrral maHe la J.ovi. ismctj be fr.rr.icd into i rcirunt rf f.anj. i t w j p-p: i J ! AJf Port c! WiUhtnaton. iVrs ev,:ht f tnpani', lo le e nt'l tv MTte t ur riot th, i.n!r ntr di . charred, ta bt mu' ierrd i?i rrnir--.tea Kit, It rtfttf ii tur .,?. Wtr.tfd n ii f i t '.ft!. -p'-?, io!,e.can,M wfd .yor,'e. on a-, 'and rt !y lo march, if clLd, tv the iltr.Ir-tgn .. rt' F"isM cin-i:r.titi io( e ij.trt cf pV-Cihof LctemVer at fa-iltuj after p-c .uaa. f . H.'p., A-lr. i - a w -', LUf 'f, I , G ' i e .f T. a. 1' i.

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