I'u&asiicd weekly by alixako. Hail, at TaftEK Dollars a YtAn.l TUESDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1803. 2C AN ACCOUNT OF ' LOU I SI AN A, Being an abstract of Documents in the r Offices of the Departments of State and of the Treasury. ? . , Continued from our fast. ' Indians sn the M:3iri. ON the Missouri and hi waters are many and numerous nations, the best known of which arc : The Osi'jes, si tuated on the river of the same name ; on the right bara of the Missouri at about eighty leagues from itv eon fin erice with it : they consist of one thou sand warriors, who live in two settle-, tnents at no crcat distance from each . other They are of a frantic stature J and well proportioned, are enemies of i the w.iites an l of all other Indian na tions, and commit depredations from the Illinois to the Arkanzas. ... The trade of this 'ution is said to be under an exclusive 'rvU ; They are a cruel and ferocious race, and. are hated and feared by all'the other Indians. The confluence of the Osage river with the Missouri is about eighty leagues from 4he Mississippi.-. Sixty leagues higher up the Missou ri, and on the santa bank, is the river Kanzis, and on it the nation of the aama name, but at about seventy or ;i Missouri, about 75 leagues above the mouth of the latter, the Uiver Moingo na or Riviere de Moine enters the ' Mississippi on the west side, and on it are situated the Avoas, a nation ori- i rjmally from the Missouri," speaking the language of the Otatachas : it con sisted of 200 warriors, before the small pox lately raged among them. ' The Sacs anA Kenards dwell on the Mississippi, about 300 leagues above St. Louis, and frequently trade with it they live together,' and consisted of 500 warriors their chief trade is with the Michilimakina'c, and they, have al wav bcw poacenble and friendly The other nations on the Mississip pi higher up, are but little known to us. The nations of the Missouri, tho' cruel, treacRcrous, and insolent, may doubtless be kept in order by the Unit, ed 'States, if proper regulations are adopted Sjvith respect to them. -:." IC is said tha no. treaties have been entered into by Spain with the Indian nations westward of the Mississippi, and that its treaties with the Creeks, Choctaws, Sec. are in effect superseded by our treaty with that power of the 27th October, 1795. " t Of lands and Titles. I The lauds are. held in some mstan ces by grants from the Crown, bxit mostly from the Colonial government. Perhaps not one quarter part, 01 the icity, however, tne lanasaecune so ra- a: so a species 01 puuaa power, iiiey nidly lhat beyond- fifteen miles the. hear and determine all pecuniary cau4 I soil is not well adapted to it. Above ses not exceeding, the," value of one, I the IbcrVille the cane Would be affect-': hundred dollars..' When the suit is ed by the cold, and its produce would for a larger su.m, they commence the therefore be Uncertain. ' Within theac process, collect, the proofs and remit j limits the best planters admit that ou'; tuft whole to tne governor, to re ctc 1 quarter of the cultivated land of any cuIed by the proper tribunal. vThey J considerable plantation may be planted can inflict no ;. corporeal punishment in cans, one ciuarter loft, in mature, excent unon slaves : .but tl-.cy have the and the remaining half employed for. power of arresting'- and. imprisoning provisions, sec. ana a reserve ior a, wnen iney wins, it necessary ; auvice change of crops, One Parisian Ar-5f which 'and their, reasons must "be pent of one hundred and eighty feet transmitted to the governor. ' "'". square may be expected to produce' jv Small auitsaronctcrmined in a sum On an average twelve hundred weight n;ary wav by hearing both parties vi- of sugar, and fifty gallons ojruro. ? .v;; but in suits of greater mag- 'exacts large -auras. She attorney geti- From the above data, admittin'' that muule tho proceedines are carried o erally receives tromtne party Vno-cm- both tides of the river are planted for by petition and reply, replication and 'ploys him more than ia allowed by law ' ninety miles in extent and about three rejoinder, reiterated until the auditor ! Crintes,lriminai Jurfrtruden;e and ikc of two and a hajf hours. The no-' tavy has titty cents for each deciec or order of the judge, .twenty-five Cents for a notification in his office, and fifty cents fur one out.of it, but fithin the . cily j cr.e dolUlf and seven eighths for every tiendcnce of two and ft half hours $n " business, ana twenty.fiv " cents additional f-r every leaf of paper written .by. him. ..-,. 1 . A counsellor or two have sometimes resided ' a,t New-Odcansj but, bcin ' generally found obnoxious to the oft iiccrS'Of the covernnuntr they have not continued there. ' The counsellor , values his own services andin general linety miles fourths of a, mile iii depth, it will result that the annual product may amount ! in round numbers to twenty-five thou- ! sand, hogsheads of sugar,' with, tvfelvo !! puncheons of rum. Enterprjzing y young planttfra' say that one-third, or even one-halt of the arraale land might be planted m Cane. It may also be remarked ."that a regular supply of j provisions front, -above at a, moderate' price, wo , ill enable the planter to gi v e his attention to a greater body of land cultivated with cane. The whole of ih inks .they have. nothing hew to sa'y, jThen all the proofs either party chop, st i to adduce are Jakenbefore the keep- iCr oLthe-records of the court, who is alwaysia notary nubltc, '. , v ,lt, t T In cases of petty crimes the cogoi. zancc of the proper ocun maybe said to be final and without appeal ; and most cpmtnotilyxsuch catisca are tlecl- !:fTb parties have now an opportune ded in, a summary way With respect ty of maldr.g their remarks uptm the itocrimcs pi deeper die more solemnitr 1 t ,1 1. .. ...... r .V.,!..: ....rif i.tii.l. i A .L;)'u.t in tU. t....a ibringing fr forward f opposing proofs.-U always nominated by the court to' When the auditor considers the cause as mature, he issues his decree, which 'receives its binding force from the go jWrnor's sie-nature. where the caase eighty -leagues" from its mouth. It H lands granted n LnuiBiann are held by consists of about two hundred and fifty warriors, who are as fierce and cruel as the Osagcs, and often molest and ill-treat those wno go to trade among them. "" Sixty leagues above the river Kan zis, and at about twn hundred trom complete titles ; and of the remainder a considerable part . depends, upon -a written permission?. a,Commandant, Not a small proportion i is held by oc- ! cupancy with a siraplt crbal perrois- sioti of.the ofhctr last mentioned., '.This practice has always, been, foUnlenan- the mouth of the Missouri, still on the !' ced by the Spanisfv government, ih ot right bank, is the Riviere Platte or j'der that poof men, , when they found Miallow Kiver, remarkable lor its . tnemsrives a a-., ease migui ai iick-sands and bad navigation ; and i heir own convenief.cy apply for- and near its confluence with the Missouri dwells the nation of Octolactos, com-; monly called Ot'os. consisting of about these lands, us mat be supposed, arc! depends before lm. ' :. . '. - i - . ". . '- - .l.. a . ' . -( 1 ri"i ' - granted J but in the Ytacapas -coun try, there is undoabtf dly a portion, pv r.alel tft the .sea-coast, fit for: the cul ture of the sugarcane., . There vacant lands, are to be lund, but. the propor tion is at reuscr.t untnown, ' ; ; ! In t,he above remarks the land? st !-Terre atux IVtuf, on the Foftrche, Ba-J I'y.mi St. .Jtaii and o'htr iukts ol the .Mississippi, south uf the latitude sup-j losed to divide thors winch. arc fu,, rom thosc which fire unlit, for the1 cultivation of thi ca;ic, have been c-ti-. -There is an appeal t6' Havanna,' uciena tne sccusea. vi ne trial is noc public i but'4 exaftunations and depo sitions in writing are token privately by the nditort any time most con venientto himself, at .whkh, ntverthe less lhe 'intmMl rf thm nrhnm-rl in ad. f "sTplied for withirt" five days after itnitted o be trciirnti ilt has also ev. - jibe date of the decree, in causes above, jery kuid of privng9 granted to him a certain value. i An ttlterior pppeal( jin mskingf, hjs defunce.- Such suit ,lies io th(f Audience which formerly ' re generally Tery tedlons and expen-" nat at St. Dojningo, but which is noysiytv when he" is wealthy. .The con jremoved to some part of Cuba, nnd dcrnned is entitled to' et ippl as in from thence to the ' council of tire In- cjvil esses, provided lie gives security dius in Spain. . ' j for the payment of the future costs. I Suits are of various durationsr- In iThera apicars, however, to be a sir- pccmiiary matters the law cncournp;e ,tual spptal in'evcry capital condemna summary proceedings. An execution tion, becnuse a stavof execution takes maybe had cn a bond in four days, place until the confirmation of the sen and in' the same space on a 'note of ttmce reCuj-ns from St. Jago de Cubs, two huivdred warriors, anions whom are twenty-five or thirty cf . the nation of Missouri, who took refuge among them about twenty-five years Rincc. f Forty league up the 'River Platte jou come t the nation of the Paais, composed oi atiout sc-vcu tmtidrrd war obtain complete titles. In the' mean I .tirtly.kcpt out of ' view." C:. Including1 time such imperfect rights tire re suf- J-theseand taking oivct'air.l instead of haifd aHeralw party acknowledges it,' svhefe ihete is a grand tribunal estab- fered by the government to . descend ' i ! .one-fourth of. the Un-' lit fcr 'Bttgar,' w aftr Uisi.lgnaiurl4 proved; Move- iinhei tonslsi'mg of rvc judges, before tne proauce. of the wnole v.ould. be .able pvopnty is sold alter giving nn.3 vhom cotmsellars plead as in ' our it be three CuurU. - v . by inheritance,, and even to be trans- fcrrred by private contract.- W Jien requisite they hive le n. seized by ju dicial authority and scld for the pay ment of debts. - . - T . ' , ' ' . Until within a few years, the gover nor of Upper Lnuisi ma was authorised riors in four nciiiuoriii rvillaircsi thev il to make surveys of any extent. Inthe hunt but little, and are ill provided with . exercise of this discretionary power, fire-arms s they often make war on the,! some abuses were coin mitted : a few Spaniard ia the neighborhood of Sn- small moncpolies v. ere created. A ta Fe, from which they arc not far dis- , buut three yearn ego. he was restrict- ' fifty . thousand 'instead 'of .twi-iity-five thousand hogsheads cl sugar. . i wThe ' folio w'uig Mfinti'jes ;f sv.g trowu, claved and r.fnH-d.ltn-e been. '..importct htq UoTtc l Sutes from IjOutman-i am, lite i i.s'sa.,s, vr. hi 1735 - - . 1800 - l,it:),86l H', - ST,6'. , U02 - 1,576,933 Of the Uv:. tant. . , At three hupdro'l l;agnes from the lIUoissir-:i ii ' liu'iin-'d fm,n the Hivcr Pi '! : i '"..e s ni.t- bank are si tuated t!r; n!.', f Miluis. They crt'ti I iii 1 7 V C of five hun dred wi; ".!.. b'it ac "aid to, have been almost iuIo'J lal year by the S-ili-r -:'.. "At i'.i'.-' inniri nhovc the Mahas and oj tl.e left bt-ik of the Missouri dwell U'.t Ponf to the burnbi-r t,f two hundred tr.d fifty warriors, possessing in comm.i with the Mahas thc'.r ln quagc, ferocity, and vicfS.Th-ir trade has never b.?n tf much tMmc, and thflse engiged ii it arc exposed to pillage atid iU-trcatment. , At the distance of 450 leagues from the MUsinippi, and on the right bank of tie MV.ouri.dwell the Alicara, t? the mmb-r of 700 warriors, and 60 :,312 lb. ed in this branch of his duty ; since which he has been only- authorized to nmke surveys to emigrants in the fol- ! for each roan and wife, fifty acres for each child and twci.ty acrvs' for' each .slave, t- Hence the qu ilHity cflandal- ' lowed tosettlers'lcpeikle.1 fn the mini- ber in each fjiuU) ; aiid for this quim-, ' tiiy of k'ud they paid no more Ihan the . expence of urvey, Thcw- gurvfys .were ncceisif) to ensile the ttttli-rs A snnexed in the appwv'I-.N'o. I days waiiniig, prcvided times publicly cried in that inter val.'f ' CHalcs of great otmcity 'areery L Lnnded property tiiustle l.ke.sc cVl-' rr.re. Murder by statbfng seems to rd three tuftes, with an interval '.of .0 bci.oilined tothe bpshua itddicrsaml luy balwen , eaab. fld it tfiKV Ihetf aiiors.,The tcrrw of thf VOo,ristvtttf 'a be sold.; AH property taken in xe -power Testrains a3aults, batteries, li xution must be appraised and sold for ots, Sc. ,;' t . , -; ; . ' 11 at Iran half of thu nppi aisement. ' In ! ' PuulslmicMi rre . petiemlly wild. Ipecnniai y. matters the governors de- The y mot.tly consist orlnipriHonmtnt jcide verbally without appeal, when the 'd payment of; costs, smnttimcs the .sub'i lloes not excre im; hundred do!- stocks. White men, ri(t military, are When t'n uni'itry was firat ceded;, l.trs. The Alcaldes have the same rei i ly, perhaps-.. Iicver deirrndcd liv to Spain,. ,hc preserved nnny jf t!ic;'pvivilege when the amount is not above wl.ippinj; ;-aid in no case do any fines Fi ench lobulations, but bv almost ini-j twenty dollars. , I go into the public trtrasm y. Murder, p-rrt-nibltf drrr;cs they hare dU.-'p-;! In addition to thesq courts 4 yeaVs Arsotiiani apgravafid robbery of the pcarcd, and at present the pi-ovinge i'itgo there were established four Alcul Villi's iraasury ir effects, ait r-tinislr-governed intii tly by tlic laws of Spain, des de liartio, cr petty mai'iMratcs. d'Syith death, i HoljLerVi iif nnrate orti iiu';ccs tormcd enprcsily. ,one lor each 01 tlie tour quarters of ine Waons to any amount rs Dcvtr pun- to grants: and iht governor, and af ter him the lu'.eiulant ntScw-Oi leaiilj Was alfine ai! I -i4 d lo f xtcute pranti on the receipt of the ir.vefs from the .settlers. The admiu'.st ration of the l ind-offire i ; present under the care of the liueniint of the province. . Thute are no fcui J rights tier blssse. , ... - V- U is impossible (e ?Ttrtatn the leagues above the n. the Mindairns nuiii'itv of lands granted ihoutcll- tion co.uls,n2 ofaboat 760 warriors 1 1 on t'is clain irt'sito cxhi nt their ti- Lketrifci.. These two tut nations are lit: W,e rentiv InuK mcomril te and the fur the colony. Various ci'dinaices;!tlty, with avi"v to improve its police, isbed "aitli ihrath, lut hj testilution, promulgated by general O'Krilly, its Thrj hear and decide all demands ml 3mpi isit, jitTt, tid sointtimes' enor- fii-st same governs Tiindtr JJjjin, is'wtll aajjexcccdiivj; ten do!Urs,-. txenise the ino'Jcts. 'Crimes sgaiwt the kind's e othar l.is, arc .translated aVd .power of conunitiinf; topi Uon. and ia levei-.tic, sviwh 1 contraband lra!e arc C ui.rti of full;' Case of robbery, r oi, or astaiS'iiaticin, iiini-.lied villi l.artl lkbor for life, ir a thev ran, by'cftHing on a notary, take term of years, on board the trtlliea. y TLc governor's court has a cir it er.d. jcognizahce of Uie affair, but wjbtn this the dines, or in tlie pullic woils. r.'.ilitary jurisdietioi throughout thejiis done they are bound to remit the j ". i , ' Lejrrig. i. province. That of the lieutenant r- 'proceedings omc,of tbt other jud,j There are iio collcgvs, ard but rja vernar has the ssma eiteul tit civil ca-ct and in all ca'es vhattver,-to t'h public schtwl, whkh Is at hew0r sesonly. - , ' , (them information whentbty hate com- ivar.i. ..The niattcrs of this irejuid Thsrc ire two Alcal hi, whose jv.-'innited any la prison. , , , : by the king., Tlf y teach the ShauWli I f.s liction, ci'. il and rnminai. extenr' j-Most of the suits are on personal language only j 1 here are a fey pri- ; 1'irouxb the city of Kew-Orlcsns and .contractw Yight lo dowrr, tnheritan whewda Lt rhildien. tint tnota ; five leagues. around it, where par-j'tes, and titles ti);tiJ. TTiose arising than half the inhabitants are ivppostd ties.hwe no fitrmditnr or laUstay'jf.wv pcrcnal feuarriis are c;en-iaHv to bcsble to read and tite, if whom privilege , those wJju have can tracs-I'decidcd "m a sumtr.ary ny The in- iiot more, than two hui.dnd j rrl.aps Kr th'.ir eausta to the eovemnr. i I habitants are S lid not to be Diie'ioui. arc able to t'o it Wt!l. In ni,m i) . svfUdiip'K'd t the whites, b-it hire anith-j mi; m i le by lue difl-rent The tribunal of the Intca Unt huiLavwi &d Cmis rf ike CVati eni ltarninj; A the inltsbitanv dots been the yittlms of the Sioux, or Nan-. uivcvor encnl lnvin been byrtft i. torniiatweofadrrtritty andfcalesu-' iUir OJatt . ,t ixivnd beyond hout two sttt( tl ukh dawcsiies, woo being tl4cmsclvcsvr.il' Mine fi'cs at New-tirusns ol 1TKJ s?i, and auch sum fts are brought for. Tl.e number of lawyers it imatl,r.ot thev seem to be tndott!.-Aiil, a go d N'o estimate has been ob- ani If M. taincd. Ail lc Lmdson both sl5 of tha provided with fire arms, have taken ad- s-antsjre of the defenceless situ itinn of the others, and have on all ncaions murdered them without mercy. I MUslsnip ii, from the dU'aiHe of klx- j Kodiscm-riee on the' Missouri bf-1 tren Wzvcs Ulow New-Dilcani to, yond the Mandant nation, have bren- U.ttmi Houc, arc crantrd totht depth accurately detailed, though the traders J i f forty acres, or near half a league, have been informed, that many large ;'wV-h is the ual depth ofall Rraots. tisyieabk risers discharge thtir wa-i Somelwve double an.'. Itip'errairta-. ters into It, farabove it, and that there VllnithioMy, they have Iwiee or tin 1 ; are maty nutncroui nations settled on ,1 forty acre in depth 1 -and titer have j them., . J;i;iants tii'fn ttR fitrt theMisitippi ! Thifnoux, or MandowessJca, vloi to the s a or the lake bt-l.ind them. ; t the recovery if money ic ihd I'm Js exceeding three or four utlornica. natural Rriiiua, and an fcixfcn mon fa., . m AH a'i!r at in mv . 1 111 m tm mt b 1 t it 1 , tl dk 4 mmt !.,MniiiMni t- a . , ft . . frequent the country beta ceu tl.e north Dar.KOl tne aunsoun an ; are a great Impediment ta trade and invitation. They endeavor to prevent ill tcmnuulcstir.n with tha nstion dwelling hish ttf tl.e Misiot.ii, lo de prire them vf amtf i.niticn and arms and thus ktep IHew so'ivcri'uut to Ih'irtult. In the winter thy art cl i !) an 'he bank if the ,Mi'.ion atid tnait.iie all who fail bio theii Iwii's. fvic'f P t.un.bcr of ns'ums at a titvire Horn the banks rf tie Mia- to tbr t.rn'i and vmth, roncf r mhoU butl,M.l j Infirmation ha. v..nrfelv?d. ncturnii..; lithe M In nthrr twi of the country the pt& pie, brin iiiefally acttlcd . in the banks of creeks or rivcrt, have a front , f from aitty to frty arna, and the i'rai.t almt fnsarial.ly expreuvs a '.rnihidrty acres. AU the lands in;r;r.ted in the island of Ner-Or-'; 'fim or on the uppoMte bta rf the j MiMWs'rpi, 6c stoArii, inundated. ! usd at pTfset t ViiiCt 1 r ruhivat.on j Mtt m) , "i t pan, be rrrlilinrd at fu sure i'ay by tUt1ii.S t: e neb ana en terfriimr . - The uar-at? riay be Ciddatfd Ktetn the rit r l itfv.l'.e and the ci v, on lo'h lid-s ei tii r in4 at wauic or HK4IHS iimu , , , The tribunal of the Akable Pfovin. cist 1.M ecnijnee of criminal can. tes, where ofleticts are ton. mitted io th! country, of vulrn the triia'.aal takes refuge there, aci in other spec)- bed cases t fhrir fees are svni.ll. , Kui's are oar- tiKty e leun.irc: t hatevcr the tn- rkd cn in wrilirifpcalUdfjjfi.whitli deilabc. may be drawn tip ly the parties them. : Tht Chunkl selves, U they please, but tl.ty must Tht tlrTKj coiuim of a lubrp, fc0. be ptcicnted by thcVir rirjn orrwftary 'does not reside in, Uit pnvlme, snd wto Is the keeper of the VccorJs i the wh salary wf four thousand dollars coort. . f is chanred 4in. the revtnuc of rH.rt Theerclels'ieatr',iHt'sa JitrU.Jt The fcrs of the ju'lj-ea are twenty, bishoprics in Mciico snd 1 iba ; tain diction ia all uuttcts reajiwetiii the .fire err.n f.r every half signatnre or cstiens having cat ha salary of six buti- tl.nrrti , j.ftaimlt (which is vii ally alPsed on tJrfJ dollars and twenty f.ve turattSj The ctvrrs:-, lin.tensnt JtorcTnr.'joir.mon oci ssivns.) filtjr eenttfurrtc- Cve for the city of Ntw-Oi leans, an I Alc:.IJr.'lotti,diit, provincial Alrab ry wlmlo ab;nattire, and u'o dollirs twenty fwr as many country psrishesi de, and the Prtmsor in ecclesiastical sud thrcf'.fourth for every aucejan.f, who rertite each from thric l.tnlnd muse, ate rrpectielf sole ju as at a ssl or the taking i f evidence. r,d sixty to f4ir bundrtd and eighty All aentei.res s fleeting the life ol the 1 he feel of tht Abofcado, rctsin dollars a year. ' .i,te ssUrics,csrri t tulprit except those af the AlcaHe consulted by tht judrxa on law points, thattltha lUl.ep, lof.rtbcr ib tu Pniviniial.raust be rt'.f.ed by tht siiv'ane .twelve and a Mf cents f?r every a'loUee fuf sscrliveLs ti.d thavl pel ior iriounaj,ir cajiuiin general, ac iei 01 wmcn inc protets sortvuti,;ta expirees are paid ly tht trrtury at cording to the nature of taa tauae.hf four dollars for every pvint of Uw cU NewOrlr.ns, aod smour.t kt.aui.lSr j fort tht f ara tsxriei Into et-cutin trd. Those of the attorney, when em. iWrttth thouaarid dollars. "t lher,ovcnier has nst the power of ployed, are usty tyro aul 1 half cents .'I here is s1m at that nlace a emu nt I-it a si pvr Jot.in etimina'.t. An auditor and lhfl5 TVetaii-! 01 tsciito. but If tf L'ftur.nt ta wL'.ri. U kfirf.. . an aivfssir, wbi art sutton of Uwt it aboul 1 be n c 1 mry to read a pro.rf ii bout a tht urat.d strts of lat.d, rtnted, are appoint.! to Rive tonnstl tj thma Jfv enlef to fopt. Us prii'.iwn, and it out its Ihrtt plkt.tatWni. Tb t.uos i iUsbt f a so we titot put thtra ahfyld Te,uitf tivorli tln, ato Uir, ait lov ti,itt4tr t ottntretl.anUn has bteit n assesstir. ?If the iod-rs ii is cotmvema'-d iu v in, be. ortwiWt, and art all Krtn b. Tbite OH cans-dl tVt ( m or o not i.HfStwtlfr and a l.s'Jctr.tv fer leaf tt fcimsrlf abeut the aafut nv.tr.bf t Methtlrcp'r.ior.vli.ry n.ake them- for pervji.t : iw .w ,... J'ora"f,:. if Sf ardsbUitietUM gbt to ih cr i !. ft4ivivi i! nr ri-i-o-n.onv, ante en ai u m j,e I ajywr i Ci i , U.t they rernd ti Havatna do- .v n k.-.J sv:ri;d.tir U Com the t isr. sfo, tit ,,,ff i1fU t ftri-4 vhi; U tit tici'.tf ri ,ir uats ts i;r n i i LAitz vwe i 1 I it DuuivUi j. 4 .,., luie tnedul'irs oaQiilu.i i ,t,,,

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