JFILMINGTQNKC. " TUESDAY, JANUARY 3, 180iJ ' ' , The bill for hying off ."the- State into'dis tricts for the election of a President and Vice President, proposes the following' arrange ment ; ' : - '-.-. ' ' 1 Rutherford, Burke and Buncombe -' 2 'Mecklenburg, iredeHandrincoln 3 Suriy, Stokes, Wilkes endjishzU . , J 4 Rowan, Randolph and Cabarrus ' - A , 5 Rockingham,' Guilford, Caswsll and Person 6 Wake,.Uranvule ana Johnson T Chatham, Orange and Moore ; ?:! ; S Richmond, CumherlandMontgomery, Ansin .,.-...( ani Robeson :i':' ';'..,' .."';'i: 9 Pjrquimjns, Pasquotank, Camden, Curri tuck, Lhnvan and Gates ' . 10 Her tie Hertford, Northampton and Martin ; 11 Beaufort, Ijrrcl, IVashingtoiii Hyde, -Pitt ' ; and Edgcomb . . . 12 Lenoir y Carteret, Craven, Jones, Wayne and Greene '" 13 Neiv-Uahover, Onslow, Duplin; Brunswick, Bladen and Sampson ' ' ' -y N:sh, Halifax, Franklin U Warren. The friends of onr University had great hopes that the .bill for restoring the eschea ted property to that institution, , having pass- ' ed three readings in the House of Com mons, and two in the Seiutc, would have become a law ; but on Saturday those hopes 'were -blasted by the decision of the Senate on the last reading of the bill Yeas'25 Nays 29. . ' Oh the sunestion- of the Treasurer, that there were bills in the Treasury to the a mount of ivSOO.'. so raj:c! and-"defaced as to be unfit for circulation, the committee of Finance recommended," and the two Houses -resolvtcl.tiiut th' should be burnt, ani they Wire destroyed accordingly. Rul. Reg, V,' i are alvised of an error in our paper .. f the Tin rnst. (says the National Intelligen cer) rcbp;:ctin the. mention therein made of papers presented to the House of Represen tatives. on ths election of Mr. Purviahce. No -petition was read against Mr. Purvinnce's. elation ; the pi;ers consisted of a copy of a notice and tw depositions ; in consequence of .their beinsj no petition, itvas represented g noti:i or ler to v.:l on the pupers, but at the p irticviur request of Mr. P. the necessity of a petition v,-:h dispensed with by the House and the papers rtferred to the committee of. . elections -' ,. " ; , ' Raleigh, December 26. Letters from Cabarrus county inform us that tho proprietors of the Gold Creek (for ,we understand Reed has t!ispst.dof a part of hisri-lit in IhU'valdabJo properly) continuo to collect -this ' precious metal. Sin', e the lump WPtRhinj 23 pounds was found, eijht oi ten p.ornds more have lieen gathered. So that we luvc every reason to expect that this discovery w'll become an. incx'nuitible source of wealth to this part of the Union. Extract of a letter from a gentleman !ri Bal-. timure to his friend in this city: " A few days ae;o we htd letters from Ire land by tli? way of New-Vork. Accounts f.ura that unfortunate country, represent it in a very deplorable sta'c indeed ; every at tempt ni tde by its people towards emancipa tion, but rivets their chains tlie f.istcr, adds to their cal unities a id lessms their character. The i'.l-contrivtd and ill executed business in Diiblh lias ha:l the worst effects, and all con fidence and half hopes are vanished, unless It be by Uu'Kiaparte, which according to lbs present ompl'-xiorl of nflaii s, would be de'v.; evil, tb.it Rood may come of it Otic of the aublitnekt genius, that ever arose in the ; country. K-mntl has suffered an ignominious death, he was to have been married to Mr. Cnrran's daughter. Mr. C. lias become a impeded man, his house has been searched f r treasonable papers, mid his daughter con ivied. Mr. Emmet's mother died. oh,the tl.iy before or aflcr his execution. Trade of all kind is nt a stand, and a guinea brings a pnraiumof 2s. and 6d. in change fur bank notes ' 'M Wh it a contrast is this to the present state of America ? In its politic! condition liow proudly pre-eminent does it now stand ' alwc any country in the world 1 There is nothinjlike it in hutnry. (lod grant that it la iy continue so, an I become the refuge of arl l lie oppressed nations in the world' Th Ship Holland, from Liverpool, arri , vedat New-York, brings InJon p.-.pers ,to the 5-h of October. The pasieni;;rs in form tS.it ths much talked of invasion, ai, in the o;hif.n of ell diawiti;j tiifr'h. Nothing d.-ii-ive h id yet taken place. Upwards tf tn llifiof vol mtccrs arc pamincfor the ar rival of the ri enth. Morcoucrtd their ser siccsthat wrra wanted. An embargo" bad teen iiii en all Trench privateer in the ports of Tranff. In l'nJtid, an embargo was laid o all vessels bound to Spain or Por tny;al; and a p,encrkl embniyo was expccu J to be laid then ths Holland sailtd. Nobu s'nus wslulnfj r.isnufatiurrs were at a au-wl , nd every a; p:arancc li.dicatcJ a pr ftcrl fpjvt'unMOf. hat the siiimt'um cf this country was draain to an imjiortant trisis. All ahtns, Americans cxtcpttd, wcrtprc t,,l fron leasing the kingdom. It was diri .nll io ;etnws from I mocri as the In rrrcwirse was Completely at Ln end. A tie cSritbn of war was hour! ctpiCtcdBgiinst t;io, the only articles tadem tftd at Ufcf pJ wcr cuf.ee, staves aad i!r.nood." , .The London papers mention iVe desl'ruc. tion ot nine gun-boats by Sir.Sidney Smith's squadt-on, 6n tnc coast of Holland. "They wtre steering to the southward when disco vered, and were driyen on shore by, Sir, Sid ney. The French gun boats are said to:be more numerous on the Dutch than on the French coast,' y' '-' .: The communication was so completely, 'stopped between Trance and England, that they frequently remAVfrom ten . to fifteen days," without receiving advices from the continent;. . . ' . ' " .," ...... -- . -. ; Departed this life6n Sunday the 1 1th ult. . .... - jt . . jew otoi 'Ci at his seat in Dorchester county, (Maryland) alter a short illness, William y a$$- Mv k at, Esq. late Minister from, the .United States at. the Hague, and minister plenlpov tefiliary to the French republic. ' - PCfRT OF' WILMINGTON. INTERED SlNCS OUR LAST. ! . J Sch'r Lucy, Springer,, ' Providence V fWashington, Laralaar't, . " Boston Charlotte, Littell, .. 'k St. Croix Sloop Nancy, H.uddy, .. Ncw-Porr , Superb, Cooper," . . .. . St. Vincents Chatham, Barnstable Orban Dominico ,. Trinidad Ncw.Yoik UO. ; S.ch'r Victory, Rider, Ship Ulyssqs, Gilhs, Sch'r Hazard, Stllia, Brig Camtlion, Murickman, Ship Fair American, Flowers, President, Wheldon, CLEARED. Brig Moses, Austin, Sch'r Columbia, Dickcndorff, Mary, Meagher, Ship , General Wnlterstorff. Jones ci.t r, n ...J uvu j viiauce, waxier, Hapuah, Skerry, . Jamaica Barbadoes, i St. Thomas do. do. ;-Salem i ' 1.1 ' V-" T ' : CHRISTOPHER DUDLEY - Hat jnreei'nei frttn . -JVr ir-roie r, and cfit " ' Jbr 'sl finir doors south of . the Courirllotkit . f rantirtety a-11$. most r.eaucM prists. I , 'jor Cash or Countrf Produce, . ..' ; A GENERAL ASSflBJME.NT Of DRY GOODS NO MINAL PRICES. CURRENT, . At h "iLMisQVoH, January 3, 180. from To Bacon per cwt.. " Butter per lb. Cotton per 11). Cofiee per lb. Corn per bnshcl, -Meal, dp. Flour per barrel, Luuiberper M. W.'b. hhd. staves drest R. o. do. do. do. XV. o. bl. do. rough, Shingles per I OOo,- Molasses per gallon, Povjt per barrel, Rice per cwt. . , RonV, W. I. pr. g. .3d p"" Jamaica do. 4thdo.- N. F.. do. - - Tobacco per ewt Tar per barrel, Turpentine, Dls. Cis. D!s. Cts. 9 . 10 IS - ' 16 28 "87 1- . 7 y -vo " 80 S3 12 10; i;o a 2 50 . 70 . '- 13 14 5 1 1 6 1 20 70- ... 5 - ' 1 75. 5 v PRICES CUUKENT at LIVERPOOL, November 3. , Cotton, GeorK'ia Sea Island, raiddlin per ' lb. Is 6d j ?s 6d do do fine 2s2 a '2i ilo UpUnd Isl a Is2. ' Flour, s'-peiUne per bbl. 3ls6 a 35. , Staves, White Oak, pipe per 1200 25 2R .-rllbd. 17 a 2 if Bbl. 11 a 15 Ucd Oal;, hhd. 17 a 19 Bid. none iinprovinr;. Rice, per cwt. 32s a 36s". . Itosin, ilo. 10s 12. Tiirpciillne, do 20s. Pitch, do. 10s oils. . ' Tar, per bbl. 20s. , - ' . . Tohacco James Uiver per lb. 3d a 7d lt-ppahannock 3d a 5dJarolina k Geor ffm 3.11-2 a 7dl-2 Mary land brown 3'1M a f io coloured 3d a 8d Kite-foot Bd a lOd. Wcft-JndU Produce Ciulcry Sc" . Stationary t . r , - ALSO. Ladies'. Gentlemen's. Girls. . Boys' & ilcgroes' SHdES ; Gent lemen's long & ftort BOOTS ; 4f; 6J, 8J, od and 2od NAILS, and many other aiti cles uo tedious to enumerate. lVtmlngtint Dcczq... :' v Kodce the Laft. . .: i :' . ill ' - t .; A LI p?rfo? indebted to the late firm ii of DUDLEY & DORSEY. are informed, 'that unit-Is payment is made to ,the fubfertber before the day of Feb rpaVy ,nekt, fuits will b,e commenced a gain.it them. The articles f diifolution of copartnerlhip with Mr. Dorfey, pre. eludes him from giving any longer indul-" gence. , .. , t'.-v.r -,-, r i CHRISTOPHER DUDLEY. Dec. 27, 1803. " : t'ORSALE, . A PLANTATION on the S. Wcrt fi.le bf.N. Well River, 36 miles Irora Wilmington, called . . Spring Hill, ; t ; containing 1253 acres of Land,, well tim bered wita PINE on. the upland and OAK on the low-lands, training the liver one mile On h ch is a good two JloryDell- ' 1.1. ... 11 r ..1. .1 !, L o 1 ing-nousc,wen nniuicu jiucnen, omoicc Houfe, Stable?, and a convenient Store IJoufe, in which a Stoic waf formeily kept. . . . . There are ifto acres of the lard cleared, about otic third low; the remainder upland with a gnod Apple and Peach Orchard, and a'Nurfery or Fruit Trees of different kinrfs. " - ' . ; For terms', apply o , ; , . ; -koBK.rr scott. . .' Wilmington, Dec. 2t, 1S03 . f 0-3" The above l'iantatinn is Htuated q ah agreeable re'hbpihooJ, and adjoins While Hall Lama tig.' ;:C' V FOR "SALE'",- ; ; "V; On rtastnable term,pr Prompt payment. 1 A Valuable Tract of Land in ihc Hate of TenneiTcc. containing one thou. i fa nd acres, on the Waters of Red River, ' and 'Spring CruL, adjoining ihc furveyt I of Joha EI!iorai.d ir. Shelly. The a ! bove trift of land lies ssithin 7 miles of V Claricsf illc, and it equal in fertility of lei! and range to any in its neighbourhood. I For tctml apply to . ALLMANU HALL. Wilmington, Dec. 20th, 1803. "FOR SALE , f -S;t.ViUtr Pirectiott .of, ! . ; J O SII tU P O tX?i. '.QjlARTEn CasX'he'rrf - Vfli' ' ' Hogsheads of araaica, Ru?.i . v-r ' Cases HolIanJ "Gin, - . , .Casks .Tallotft -' '' Casks Coshea Cheese -t , " 7 . Boxes men's Hats, rf , Casks do.-coarse Shoes, , ' 'W -One case of, men SeSromca'a SmIy Barrels Pork, ' " Ditto Beef, . , Do. ! Tar, , , ' ;,' , -Four pieces. Cannon 4 foucderi , .Grind-stones, ' JDarreh Flour, C Kegs New. Butter, j, . Sawed Lumber, Spars,' . ' Chests Younp Hyson Teaj Boxes CLinaAVare, - Ditto German Steel, . Ditto Cofton Cards, " Ditto Wcol Cards, . .Kegs Spanish Brown. Ditto six-penny Nails, Coils Cordage, i . .. 12l Engllfli Goods, at Wholclalc. 'I he SobCcribcr u this Dayrening at Mr. Howard's, in Front Street, AN ASSORTMENT OF . ENGLISH GOODS, . Which he oiTsrs at prices unrvunmnrly' Io for Cam, or'flinrt approved Credit, , . NICH. POWER, jun.. of the Iloiife of Blodgn & Power, Providence, R. I. . Wilmington,' Dec, ij, 1803. 36; 70 BE SOLD, - On the twentieth day of January enfuifig, A.Vaiunuie Negro Cooper, 'known by ths name rt WILL part of , i.c per tonal ell ate of Andrew Uic.dcc'dJ A creJ't ci ii tnonthi will be (tven, the p 1 r chafer entering into bonJ wnh arpro.' ; vsd fdcurlsy.' , . . J. 11 ART MAN, Ei'r. ... . MARY URL, EucuuU. Dccimbcr 30, 183. 35 - s ' AVill be Hired ' . To i!ie hlghcrt lidilcr, on WedneMay lh 4th of Jinuary neat, a the Dig ttUgc, Ihc Ncrocs belonging fo iha Ldale f TbnmaMo6rf, dccrafJ. Notes with approved fecwrity will be nqu'red. ... THOMAS HOWE,-)i U011ERT HOWE,)"'1 December 27, , For tit benefit of the concerned, and payment if duties, , . . , Will be Sold, at Public Auction, Jit the Court-Home in Wilmington,, on Tuesday tht id dyj of January next,' r OKE Hamperi nurked Mr. Andrew Eng lish, Wilmington iniported into this tiort in the ship lUppy, Thomaa LogUnd, t iioia Liverpool, in December Usu.4 K i ALSO, at the tomt flate, tn thurtday the 3i daj of Fclruarj ntxt,. One matted Trunhj marked S No. I. Containing Linen Sheet ing, Diaper, and Dimity ( imported into thi a port in the ship William fcc Henry.. I'auljap. Die master, fiom London via Norfolk, in !ay Ust, . r. - , Unless claimed before the above timet, ,. Rj order f the Collector of the DiurUt of JKiminftJii, Ltrolw . Noticr is hereby given, , THAT, the fublcriber hn cjulilieJ ai Extcutor to the laft Wilt and Tffti. men! of Elizabeth SimplW of the Count? of New-HanuVcr, Jeccafcd. Ilo tlicitfoie rcq iclts all perfons indtbtei to faid cflne lo make immediate payment j and n quires all perfoos 10 Whom it Is indebted 10 it. hibii their .demands properly attcded for Paymcnr, within the lime prefcrlbej by la, other wife they will be barred of rcco- ry; , J. li; WHITE.; Dec. 10th, i!o3 jw, . ' FRANCIS ,MAUIUCH, ( RESPECTfULLY iaftieMk L4n4 Geilcmrs ( ihs lo f WlH'n oii ' at4 tis t.rlairy, ibn Lu Anitwtj 1$ optnt i ai Mm. MV'i AiTmUr Rft, airbi ibs lot m f J cti iiij).CinirtM of Otociff , Ma tc "or iHs ris fe,' U Violin, rnti L10. , lt, A.C. &t., .Tb Ladifl ini (Ifpilcmea , 'l U fvrniQifd wiib itflrunccu Id Sena M4. Lc.it MmnftS Aciirtc. KlttVr f,' . TO BE SOLD,. ;a .... On Tuesday the 3idxy of. January 1 804, under ' : the Court-house in Wilmington,. , ' , . SOME Cattle, a pair ot Cart VVheelft' a bcil and furtdry ,.,othet articles; thi property of Evans ' and Gaufs ' . ' BENJAMIN EVANS.;. - 1 , . Surviving 'Copartner . Vilmington, Dec! 20th, i8o'3.t .,.., . . ; f - T " 11 " i ' '' ' ' 1 . . , . -, .. . f- , ' . To.be, Rented or. Leafed ' , ; V And possession given ihimediately. v rl, THAT well knun and vaiuab e Pjjnu ation, calhd CASTLL-HAYNE fituate between Prince George's Creek VS the Nortb-Ealt liiyer.with a Rice Swam and'a plantation c t leJ Lcgerts afjoii)ii)g? all inclofcd by the creek and n.er, and js well ditched fence from the. bridge ktye'r the creek to the river along lie iruin rdaiV containing .wUhin lence upwatdt of ,tvri thoufand acre?, .being an excellent 'ran; torvattie. 1 adoiu 4-10 bci,bi um .v is e'eared and laid off la convenient hekis which are in gooj order for f lan.irg. y; l ," v A,L 4,-.-- .;,. To he hired withjhe said Plantation on rrf. cole terms, from the Jtrsi acy cj January. -A'Gjin or NBGUORSV For tcims'auply to-the f.il. ftiirer. " iti lift l ft W ti 1 f? i IT ' A. J. DE ROSbET, .JOHN.E. DUKGWIM. .Wilminft nt.Deo. iot', i8njv , . NOTICE. WHEREAS a c.umjdio of Qantruptcy hn h.a. rT, rt h ltofi If.n.H O.ui.r. 1'iJie ,0 the Diflntt'CoiiM of in Unuei 6uici fir the Nor.hvf'ioa U lliid. aiaiell 1SMC til SHOT, uifrth.o. (he .uw.i of Vi mii f foil, ,nd beLavirv trco deemed anl adjjdg. J liti.krupl, it hereby - required 0 ft'v I -. L" r if .L. m. . ' r .1. i.... mdliontri io tbe laid CoaiQilhon, natrtrd k . TbuilJiy b S b davof December reai, at us o'clwrk 10 tlt Iokowi oa Ihurfjay ht hi leenioday uf- D'tcniber, at teo oMw k io frcnoo 1 qJ 00 TutiJiy lbs ttmb day of Jna utry if i, at teat .c iik. ia iha f. r-n i t l voaipiinf hui.lt of J Uiui 'Mt ,nti iqwa ,4(. Wilminfioii, and makt fad i. U covcry t, in tllaie and rJTe th,whfn jihc the wedt'Of re Ma irQtdia tomt urrpard t ' , piott lUir debit, and at ihrir (ctond tu eu'g utlitt an Aliigir o AHij-.ft ,4 m 1 4 ilankfupi'i c(1- and tSti. At '"la't fi - luigjha fail Bankrupt it rfquifcd to 6 tOi i.'t innnaion, a,''J itie C'tdi'ii ae to a(Tn.t o, or difleni I urn d.e al'uwiqce f bit tut a e AH peifopi indci-'cd I t' fad Vankrsp:, if thai L aiy ul hi t'J ci, are io- 10 jar or deliver, the iai lui to huiB the Cjo.ia.UjC. en tbll aprfo. ... . iosjiu rorT", JAMtb, U ALKK?., . - Majr part of the I c-a.ar(C"rrrj, in 7 . f'd Cnmrn ITion ptfrd. J VVilmiftjton, Np.jo, 18a t TO BE RhNTED, FOR ONE YEAH, , At Public Auftion, on NV tdntUay lie dir of lanum near. j ttr.ttct. ft, 1 i.ct aesr tbf Chie h in Wilmington, be!org ing to the Ilrlri of Fryer. ' HMOIHY WIL50N, Guardian, December ay, 1803. ... A FEW St iii Fed n : v. v e s' Jurt fteeiicd for Market anJ fur 5' TIIO. FITZGERALD. January i, i8?f. 3'J

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